TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

omg Padbrat - I can't believe it, I missed you out up there , so so sorry. that's what happens when I don' make notes as I go along (which I usually do) mind like a sieve!! anyway's not long now till october. just sending you some more :dust: and :hugs: for you. Im hoping with all my heart you getyour sticky bean/s this time. you really deserve it!

strangely ladies, I feel so happy when someone here announces a BFP, I could jump around and cheer for you all.... but meeting strangers or friends who are expecting is so hard!
omg Padbrat - I can't believe it, I missed you out up there , so so sorry. that's what happens when I don' make notes as I go along (which I usually do) mind like a sieve!! anyway's not long now till october. just sending you some more :dust: and :hugs: for you. Im hoping with all my heart you getyour sticky bean/s this time. you really deserve it!

strangely ladies, I feel so happy when someone here announces a BFP, I could jump around and cheer for you all.... but meeting strangers or friends who are expecting is so hard!

Funny isn't it? - I think lots of us feel the same though! :hugs:
LLbean & 4ever -how are you dealing with the 2ww post transfer?

AFM- I had the embryo transfer 2 days ago. Out of 16 fertilized eggs only one was a good blastocyte and another one was 'nearly there'. Was really disappointed that we didn't have any blastocytes for freezing and that so many embryos didn't survive at all for day 5. I thought that all the pain after the ER would have been worth it if we had some embryos for freezing. BUt hey ho, it wasn't meant to be.
OHSS symptoms are luckily gone, so physically I feel better.
Now I'm in the middle of the dreaded 2 ww. It's a bit of an emotional rollercoaster - one day I'm feeling really hopeful and then crash down to a complete hopelesness.

One day at time I suppose...

Hey--I am feeling good. Don't forget, you only need 1!!!!

I was bummed out that I didn't have any extra embryos to freeze, but I'm taking that as a sign from the Universe that I won't be needing them!

Hold on...the roller coaster ride will slow in a bit xx
OMM - Fabulous news about your new clinic & doctor! I don't actually know how the ivf works with a donor egg -do you need to take anything else apart from progesterone? Sorry if this is a dumb question...

AFM- I had the embryo transfer 2 days ago. Out of 16 fertilized eggs only one was a good blastocyte and another one was 'nearly there'. Was really disappointed that we didn't have any blastocytes for freezing and that so many embryos didn't survive at all for day 5. I thought that all the pain after the ER would have been worth it if we had some embryos for freezing. BUt hey ho, it wasn't meant to be.
OHSS symptoms are luckily gone, so physically I feel better.
Now I'm in the middle of the dreaded 2 ww. It's a bit of an emotional rollercoaster - one day I'm feeling really hopeful and then crash down to a complete hopelesness.

One day at time I suppose...

LOL, no its not a dumb question, i am not sure of the meds yet, i know i have to take something to sync up my cycle with the donor's, i have to have my lining ready for implantation when they collect the eggs, and then also the progesterone, other than that i have no idea lol.

Oh i am sorry you did not get more eggs, just try and stay positive, all you need is one, i will send you tons of :dust: and lots of sticky things!!!! Do you really have to wait two weeks? I thought with IVF after they put them in there it was only a week?
omg Padbrat - I can't believe it, I missed you out up there , so so sorry. that's what happens when I don' make notes as I go along (which I usually do) mind like a sieve!! anyway's not long now till october. just sending you some more :dust: and :hugs: for you. Im hoping with all my heart you getyour sticky bean/s this time. you really deserve it!

strangely ladies, I feel so happy when someone here announces a BFP, I could jump around and cheer for you all.... but meeting strangers or friends who are expecting is so hard!

Its not strange you feel that way, i feel the same way, but i think its because we all know how hard each of us is struggling, and when one of us makes it, not only are we happy for one of our own, but it makes us feel like we can actually do this.
LLbean & 4ever -how are you dealing with the 2ww post transfer?

AFM- I had the embryo transfer 2 days ago. Out of 16 fertilized eggs only one was a good blastocyte and another one was 'nearly there'. Was really disappointed that we didn't have any blastocytes for freezing and that so many embryos didn't survive at all for day 5. I thought that all the pain after the ER would have been worth it if we had some embryos for freezing. BUt hey ho, it wasn't meant to be.
OHSS symptoms are luckily gone, so physically I feel better.
Now I'm in the middle of the dreaded 2 ww. It's a bit of an emotional rollercoaster - one day I'm feeling really hopeful and then crash down to a complete hopelesness.

One day at time I suppose...

Hey--I am feeling good. Don't forget, you only need 1!!!!

I was bummed out that I didn't have any extra embryos to freeze, but I'm taking that as a sign from the Universe that I won't be needing them!

Hold on...the roller coaster ride will slow in a bit xx

Ugh i want to be on the rollercoaster that is slowing down, right now i think mine is doing loop de loops lol. I love your PMA!!!! and your right, you wont be needing any more this one or ones are going to stick and grow!!!!
LLbean & 4ever -how are you dealing with the 2ww post transfer?

AFM- I had the embryo transfer 2 days ago. Out of 16 fertilized eggs only one was a good blastocyte and another one was 'nearly there'. Was really disappointed that we didn't have any blastocytes for freezing and that so many embryos didn't survive at all for day 5. I thought that all the pain after the ER would have been worth it if we had some embryos for freezing. BUt hey ho, it wasn't meant to be.
OHSS symptoms are luckily gone, so physically I feel better.
Now I'm in the middle of the dreaded 2 ww. It's a bit of an emotional rollercoaster - one day I'm feeling really hopeful and then crash down to a complete hopelesness.

One day at time I suppose...

Hey--I am feeling good. Don't forget, you only need 1!!!!

I was bummed out that I didn't have any extra embryos to freeze, but I'm taking that as a sign from the Universe that I won't be needing them!

Hold on...the roller coaster ride will slow in a bit xx

Ugh i want to be on the rollercoaster that is slowing down, right now i think mine is doing loop de loops lol. I love your PMA!!!! and your right, you wont be needing any more this one or ones are going to stick and grow!!!!

Thanks OMM! I don't know what PMA is, but I'm sure it's nothing like PMS :0) I'm visualizing sticky multiplying masses of baby love in my womb all of the time!
strangely ladies, I feel so happy when someone here announces a BFP, I could jump around and cheer for you all.... but meeting strangers or friends who are expecting is so hard!

Purplelou you are definitely not alone in the last 14 months I have had to watch 17 close friends/family give birth and most of them had stories of how if just happened so quickly. I was finding it hard to go to all the baby gatherings before my MC but after I did find it impossible to be honest. I went to one and just burst into tears and couldn't stop and then just felt so embarassed by it all. People there just stared at me and then said the dreaded "just relax". But like you I was always so happy when someone on here got a BFP, I think it is because we feel close on here as we know we share something that others don't with us, all the ladies on here understand and know our pain when others no matter how lovely they are just couldn't come close to understanding what we are going through.

I hope and pray that your sticky BFP comes your way real soon, you managed a BFP before and you will again but next time it will be for keeps.

hi ladies, im sure a few of you have seen me knocking about on this forum but it's the first post on this thread for me. funny, because it is the perfect place for me to hang out i think :flower: ttc 1 and hoping for a sticky bean real soon. had a chemical this last cycle - an exciting week of BFP's glaring at me on for it all to be taken away at the end of the week. it's not going to get me down though, and dh is REALLY determined now :haha:

caroleb congratulations - wish you a happy n healthy 9 months - enjoy! x
Just a quick tap in. Back in UK finally and will hang out more this week.

CaroleB that is wonderful news :happydance::happydance::happydance:Those numbers are looking great. I hope this baby will stick with you until it's fully grown. That is such an inspirational outcome. Congratulations sweetie.

Dwrgi I know its frustrating but long waiting list means that they are busy and they are popular. Maybe they are a v good clinic. I wouldn't rule them out if I were you. Better wait and get the best tx if you can than rush into it. You have to wait another month and a half anyway for your next IVF. Padbrat's recomendation is also good. Checking outside clinics or perhaps even London clinics might be an idea (might need to face waiting times but at least you would get good clinics) if this is viable. There was a lot of girls coming from Wales when I did my IVF in my clinic.

Purple you do sound a bit better. So many hugs and smiles for you hon.

Chris didn't have a chance to read your full post but I glimpsed that you are thinking of IVF with donor eggs. One of the girls I cycled with talked about her friend who did both. She got eggs collected and donated. Than she got one with her egg and one with a donor egg put back in and the donor egg gave her a beautiful BB. She was super happy completely bonded and loved the little pretty girl. I think she did it in Cyprus or Greece which was much cheaper. Hugs hugs

Padbrat where are u at with tx my lovely? Sorry couldn't back read yet. Hope all is going well. I'm so looking fwd to the day you announce the birth of your little healthy girl xxxx

Lava xxx I'll catch up with u on the other thread xx

HA good luck with the PGD decision. Did you have chromosomal issue related mc before? It actually is common and random as I understand but it might be a good idea to screen and rule it out to start with. xxx

FM how u doing hon?

Twinks good luck with HSG. Don't wanna scare you but mine hurt like crazy. So better be prepared and take some painkillers beforehand if the dr doesn't think otherwise. Also a hand from DH rather than the nurse might be a good idea. My DH was absent and I think I got so nervous before the procedure that my muscles contracted during. That's why I had the pain perhaps.

Butterfly hope all is good xx
Bearlake and 4ever good luck girls. keep it positive. Imagining sticky healthy loving baby in your womb is a great trick 4ever.

AFM I wanna go back this week to look after mum a bit but I had an issue with the placenta in yesterdays scan. I'll go see a midwife today to discuss if it's ok to fly. The bb looking very active and quite cute. Only half a kilo LOL :)) I'm suspecting she will look like me so I'm chuffed. xxxxx
OMG Skye what a great idea to do both sets of eggs - I would never have thought of that :thumbup:
Hi guys

How are you all today??? Hope you are all okay??? Big love to you all!

The clinic where I was treated has just posted these success rates on their website. Pretty impressive. Interestingly, no results for those with low amh at my age-have they encouraged them to have egg donation, perhaps this is not their speciality! Perhaps I just need to pester them abouit my treatment??

God, do the questions ever stop???!

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: to you all!

Success Rates
CRGW are delighted to announce our pregnancy rates for our first year.
The work of the team has led to an outstanding pregnancy rate of 67% in patients less than 35.

Success rates per IVF/ICSI Sep 2010 - Sep 2011 by pregnancy.
Age Success rate
Under 35 67%
35-37 44%
38-39 29%*
Over 40 33%*

Success rates per IVF/ICSI Sep 2010 - Sep 2011 by pregnancy.
Age Success rate
Under 35 43%
35-37 25%
38-39 31%*
Over 40 **

*: Number of patients too small for statistical significance
**: Patient number too small for data
For details about your own specific chances please call the clinic
Hi Dwrgi - I do stats for a living, I would say that they don't have a big enough sample to make a significant comparison. I know that's not particularly helpful BUT it's not good or bad, simply means not enough data.

I think that you are entitled to a full debrief appointment (when you are ready) where the doctor sits down with you and talks you through in detail what happened and answers all your questions, hell you paid for the whole thing the least they owe you is a full explanantion so you can learn a bit more for your next cycle.
Hi Dwrgi - I do stats for a living, I would say that they don't have a big enough sample to make a significant comparison. I know that's not particularly helpful BUT it's not good or bad, simply means not enough data.

I think that you are entitled to a full debrief appointment (when you are ready) where the doctor sits down with you and talks you through in detail what happened and answers all your questions, hell you paid for the whole thing the least they owe you is a full explanantion so you can learn a bit more for your next cycle.

Thank you North Star-this is very helpful! God, I'm aware that I'm hogging with my issues now, I am so needy. So sorry guys!

We did have a consult, and the FS was very kind and tried to answer my questions, but she simply said that the eggs weren't there, hence only harvesting two; there were cells in some follicles but no eggs. She seemed certain it was down to my low amh. She did advocate DHEA and DID offer to use another trigger shot (pregnyl nor Ovitrel), but I didn't find it saitisfying, possibly because the outcome just wasn't satisfying to me. Maybe I just need to accept what happened, accept what the 'expert' said, and move on....

Hope you're having a good day hun,
Well that's better than nothing but it sounds like you still need a bit more info, I don't know anything about treatment (but I know my stats!) so don't be afraid to ask for another meeting, and ask how they would change the tx next time etc, get all the info you can from them.

I'm not having the best day, first email I opened was my prego friend that I'd confided my TTC worries to (before she got pg) has sent me a second scan, and I've told her that I can't be the person she talks to about this stuff, she's pretty pissed off and has sent me back an email that she thinks I am being too sensitive.
Oh God, what is wrong with people?? You have been upfront and honest with her, and she just can't take you not being there for her. It's exactly the same as me and my now ex. BF. There seems to be a limit to how much patience people have for our woes-I'm sure they secretly think that we're over-dramatising the situation, or that we are not "relaxed" enough (arrrrrggghhhhhhhh-'Forget about it and it will happen'-that makes my blood boil), or that simply we are not getting our dates right. I honestly believe this. You are not being over sensitive-I would say that she is being highly insensitive in reacting to you like she has done. Why send the scan photos to you when she knows your predicament? People just don't think.

And it's exactly as Carole said-we ALL understand what it's like so can identify and empathise with each other, and that's why we can always turn to each other.

Try not to get upset, hun. If you send another email back now it may escalate further, and you may get more upset. Perhaps best to leave it for a few days, and then try and explain to her how the photos and her PG makes you feel? No reflection on her and your friendship, but you have to put yourself first?, etc. etc. I did this with my BF, and didn't hear anything back, and then I thought, 'You find out who your friends are', and alas, not everybody turns out to be the people we thought or wanted them to be.

Hope you feel okay-it all sucks, but we will get there... and we will be better mothers for it, I promise you!

Dwrgi I totally agree with Northstar that these results doesn't indicate much. 66% is a unrealistically high number if they were actually treating many patients cause the best in the country that has been running fro many years doesn't achieve that. Also be aware you must see live birth rates not BFP rates since mcs can happen. What is the other clinics results that had a long waiting list?

Northstar I'm sorry you had a very insensitive remark from your girl friend. I have found that people who hasn't experienced infertility problems simply can not relate to it. My best mate used to say things that upset me all the time even though she was trying to be sensitive about it. So after a while I stopped discussing things with her. But luckily I didn't feel too bad about her popping healthy babies one after the other while I desperately kept on trying. I always kept the faith in me that it will happen one day for me too.
That remark is indeed very insensitive and puts you on the plot. I don't know what to say about how to deal with it. You can let go and give a little distance so she gets the idea that she hurt you. Or you can have a heart to heart with her if that works better for your relationship. But you will carry on having insensitive remarks from people around you cause unfortunately this issue is such a taboo and peope don't talk about it. Unfortunately people don't show even the same sympathy to us that they show to a person who has a tummy bug. Hugs hugs :hugs::hugs: Luckily at least our thread has a high sympathy and understanding for each other. xxxxx
Thanks ladies, yeah you said it, one of the things she said in the email was I had to relax a bit and helpfully suggested that we take a holiday :growlmad: so as you say she has no idea, she is also younger than us so doesn't have the time pressure of the ticking clock. No one outside this forum seems to get it at all!
Does anybody know about autoimmune testing? Skye, I vaguely remember you said that you'd had it done?? Where and how???

Thanks guys!

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