TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Thanks ladies, yeah you said it, one of the things she said in the email was I had to relax a bit and helpfully suggested that we take a holiday :growlmad: so as you say she has no idea, she is also younger than us so doesn't have the time pressure of the ticking clock. No one outside this forum seems to get it at all!
:growlmad::growlmad: What? That is such a patronising comment that deserves a kick up her but. Northstar I think that girl doesn't really want friends but an audience to coo her achievements I'm afraid.

Sansham this thread actually exists to shield ourselves from ignorant and irrelevant comments like yours. We have much more understanding, consideration and love that we share with everyone here who has the same attitude. You would have received a totally different response from us if you had displayed the same level of respect and understanding. I can assure you that being an angry and an aggressive person will not achieve the respect you seek ever in life. You need to give first to receive respect. I don't know if any of this would be helpful to put things in perspective for you. I'm suspecting you probably think "OOh they can't understand me" But we do and this is the bottom line of your comment. We like to spend our energy here on being more positive and constructive.
That comment was made in a completely different context than you think. We do use this thread also to vent and let out steam. No one really judges anyone here. Perhaps you would find more support starting a thread that has a title similar to your situation attended by women who go through similar experiences to yours. This thread exists for exactly that reason.

OOH Debs, I hope they can lower your levels fast and efficiently. My close friend in Turkey has the same thyroid issue. (Recently sky rocket TSH) She is still not married at 38 and desperately dreaming of a family. I'm really worried about her but can't comment not to scare her. What sort of tx are they offering to lower it?

Chris you will have a beautiful bb and you will be a great mum :)) I actually wrote that to draw attention to this woman who was so happy with the donor egg baby. She kept her for 9 months in her womb bare her and bf her. The bonding she had with her was no different than if it was her own eggs. She was the bundle of love and joy :))) I love that story cause it has a happy ending :)) And just to answer Purple's question the woman knew it cause the donor had dark hair and olive skin (Typical Greek features) unlike her who was fair. So did the baby. But it was not even an issue. She didn't get a DNA testing or even be curious about it. She only cared about her beautiful babies well being.

LLbean that does look like good signs to me. :) All fingers and toes crossed for you.

Dwrgi autoimmune testing isn't a routine check on fertility. It is an area where there isn't enough blind trials done yet except the use of steroids and asprin. That's been tried and proved beneficial. However because there isn't enough trials and research done on it only handful of clinics do it. Chicago Uni carry on most of the testing. NHS does some only on women who are young and have had multiple mc's. My clinic ARGC and a few independent drs in London do it (Dr. Gorgy). I think Nottingham Uni does it if I'm not wrong. You can google their names and see what comes up. But I feel your worry is getting a solid and decent clinic that can make you produce a maximum no of eggs and give you a successfull IVF. This is the success rates on top London clinics. (I trust these results even though it is the clinic's website cause this clinic is the most searched and attacked clinic by HFEA so they wouldn't dare publishing anything not real)

The difference between UCH which doesn't carry out autoimmune tx (by the way it's an NHS clinic) and ARGC which does is only 12%. ARGC carries out a very obsessive tx period where all women have a blood tests everyday on beginning of stimms and almost twice a day blood screening and scanning on second half. + PGD on some (including all holidays, Xmass, easter etc) While UCH does shut down on Sundays I believe. So the %12 difference include all the extra care+ autoimmune txs+ some PGD. However some women in ARGC refuse the autoimmune tx and just do the normal IVF route.

From my limited experience women who have multiple mcs or multiple IVF with no BFP success I think the autoimmune tx makes a difference. But also their exceptional care does make a difference in overall success.

You haven't had a successful stimms, egg collection and embryo growth just yet. I'm suspecting with a different drug protocol and more close watch you might be able to produce better embies. But IVF is an expensive tx and difficult to keep trying unless you have big bank balance. So it is a tough call. I personally couldn't take the pressure of all the IUI's and after trying one cheapy IVF (which produced 19 bad quality eggs) in Turkey I realised how difficult the whole process was so went for ARGC. But it was very expensive. I'm sooo lucky and grateful that it was possible for me and that it worked. But for some unlucky girls it didn't work and it was devastating.

So I don't want to suggest anything to you except do a good research on the clinic and fix an appointment with the best. Keep an open mind while you the resarch and on the appt. They would suggest you the best options for your situation (egg donation, ICSI, IVF etc) I know I talked about a few things that contradicts each other but I try to write down all what I have experienced without directing you in one direction.
Sweetie you will get there in the end and you are doing a great job at trying to figure out what's best for u, DH and your little future baby. HUGS and KISSES

Lava sweetie I'm well annoyed on your behalf. Hugs and hugs. I love your post. If young people had the same level of wisdom I wonder if their choices might have been different in life. I'm sure their choices of words would have been.

Purple :))) it wasn't silly at all. LOL!!!! I asked exactly the same thing when I heard this and said I would have gone for the DNA test. But the girl who told me this said the woman didn't care. That was the beauty of the story :)) LOL!!!!!

Hi Sumat, welcome to this thread :)))

AFM I went to the midwife yesterday and I had a big NOOO! to flying both from her and the dr she consulted. Looks like my placenta is right above the cervix very bottom of my uterus. I was told to take it very easy and not to exhaust myself. This condition makes me susceptible to heavy bleeding which could be life threatening for both me and the bb. I am also told I might end up having to have a c section (which I didn't really want) The nurse said the placenta might move later on but a close dr friend in Turkey said it is not very likely so i should get myself ready for cx. I was quite upset and shocked initially but i feel better now. Perhaps it's for the best for Shirin cause I would have really exhausted myself and my nerves if I went back to Turkey. I can not risk her life after all that I have gone through to have her. I guess not even if she was conceived easily cause now I can feel her moving and it's an odd/wonderful feeling. Dunno how to take it easy though. I'm not used to putting up my feet and relaxing even though I don't work.

Girls I love u all here and I'm hoping that all of you would have your sticky beans very very soon. Many many hugs and sunny baby dust. xxxx

Hello Skye, and so glad that you popped in to say hello to us all. I am so glad that you have been told to take it easy because I feared that unless a doc told you to do this, you'd be jetting all over the world! You have got to put yourself and Shirin first, and I am certain that your mother in Turkey will appreciate this. Sometimes, we have to make difficult decisions, and you have to accept that you need to rest and take it easy (that's an order!). I'm sorry that it sounds like you may need a C section-but I am sure you will get al the care in the world, and I'm sure it won't matter how Shirin comes into this world. Huge hugs to you hun-I hope that you can find ways of distracting yourself as I'd already got the impression that you were a busy little bee!!! Perhaps you could write a book about your experiences???? You know sooooooo much, and have a lovely direct way of writing!

I am going round and round in circles to be honest-it occured to me that it would be interesting to have immune testing, to address the essential problem of why after almost four years, I have been unable to get pregnant (bar one very fleeting PG/mc). I was reading a book about this, and the case study sounded exactly like my own life, and her problems were solved almost overnight once the autoimmune issues were addressed. I have also read through internet research that where there is low ovarian reserve, to avoid really aggressive drugs like Menopur (which I had) and also to slowly harvest eggs until they have a good number. Also, I have read to avoid ovitrel, and that pregnyl is far better in cases like mine. I'm obviously going to bring this up with my FS as she has said to keep in touch. Essentially, what I have learnt is that every follicle will have an egg, but some eggs refuse to release once the ovulation shot has been made as they are chromosomally abnormal-and this is normally found in older women and those with low ovarian reserve (a double whammy for me). Chromosomally abnormal means they are no good, obviously, so are we saying that ten of my eggs were chromosomally abnormal? It doesn't provide much scope for optimism for natual conception (nor IVF for that matter).

So, I am taking DHEA to improve egg quality, also Paradox tablets for essential omega oils, and am thinking of also taking Royal Jelly. Does anybody know anything about this? All these are supposed to be good at improving egg quality. I've also read that the best results from DHEA are found after 6 months of taking. My problem also is that I don't seem to have any EWCM-honestly, it has always been sparse, and some recommend Evening Primrose Oil for this-but only in first two weeks. I'm back on the aspirin too.

But, girls, I am really slowly losing my grip. I have got to act quickly as I just haven't the time to waste any longer. I honestly feel that I am now obsessing about all of this, and it occupies my every waking thought-and there is the stark fear that it will never happen. I need to get a grip, because if I am not careful, then I don't know what's going to happen to me. Sorry sorry sorry, I really don't know what else to say. The last few days have not been good days, I wonder whether this is an effect of the DHEA-I'd read that this can be a side effect of this on or around ovulation, and I'm on Day 12.

Anyway, sorry to hog, once again, and am sending you all big hugs and love.

Incidentally, Lava, how lovely to learn your name, and Laura suits you so well! I am so glad that your mother persevered in having you, because you are always a calm caring presence, who clearly brings a lot of love into the world. And who gives a stuff what other people think about twins at 39-they are just jealous of your good luck, plain and simple. Banish these thoughts from your mind, they are not worthy of attention nor of your energy.

Lots and lots of love to you,
I just want to say to someone who resorts to name calling (so mature) and obviously judges older mothers as she thinks we judge teenagers that if I get ot have a baby at my age (an old bag of 43 OMG!) then I will consider it an advantage - for starters I have a whole wealth of worldly experiences that I can share with a child, from living in different countries and cultures, to having experienced a whole lot of things that I would never have done if I had had a child at a younger age and things that I can encourage then to do too. Not only that but I consider that if I do die when they are in their 20's (still unlikely at my age - much more likely to be their 30's or 40's with the age that people live to these days) then that would be at a time when they would actually need any money that I can leave them and do something useful or exciting with it rather than when they are in their 60's and getting a bit too old to enjoy it (controversial thought maybe). I have my own 3 bedroom home that I would not have had in my 20's with a garden for them to play in and room for them to grow :thumbup:

Anyway, just needed to have a say about that.

Dwrgi, sorry you are still feeling all this stress hon - can't help on much but I am taking RJ and Bee Pollen as it is supposed to help egg quality and there is a thread about it in this section that was started in the alst few days so you may be able to get info from there.

Skye - REST please!!! :sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep:

Lava :hug:

Everyone else :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi Ladies,

Skye good to hear from you and I love the name Shirin, my best friend here in Bahrain has the same name. Please rest and take care, I too am like you always rushing around and busy with work and outside of work I just don't slow down but I am trying this time. Every day I have left my laptop at work purposely so I cannot do any more at home in the evening. It's hard I know.

Butterfly I am in agreement on being an older Mum, I really don't think that I would have been as well rounded (and I don't mean chubby:wacko:) I have now achieved a great deal in my career and personal life so I am ready to devote my time to a baby and won't ever feel like I have missed out on anything. I am also so much more stable in my life both emotionally and financially and to me that does make a huge difference. I came from an unstable home where things were really tough for me growing up and I wouldn't wish that on any child. I also feel that by going through the batttle of TTC, which for many of us is a long and painful journey, means we really will appreciate our babies that little bit more. We will be thanking god every single day when we look at our babies each day.

Dwrgi please do not apologise for your posts on here, we are here to support you. My heart goes out to you and I really do understand your pain and frustration. I have been to the depths of dispair at times and there were moments even recently where I felt like it just wasn't ever going to happen for us. Do not give up hope and do not be too scared by the low AMH result, mine too was lousy and DH had problems with his swimmers when we did the last IVF in June and look at us now with a natural pregnancy. There is no reason that this could not happen to you as well.

FM so glad you popped in as I was wondering how you were. The IVF plan sounds good. My first attempt was on the short protocol like you with the BCP and I must say that cycle was a good experience for me as I felt very healthy and stress free the whole time with a good response to the stimms. I produced more eggs that way with less meds so hopefully you will glide through with no issues and get your much deserved BFP. I will be thinking of you and keep you in my prayers:hugs:

There is one thing I wanted to share with you all that I am not sure if it is the reason I concieved naturally or not but it could well be. When I was admitted to hospital with severe OHSS the doctor who treated me was an internal medicine specialist as at first they were not sure what it was as the OHSS triggered badly around O in my cycle after IVF. She diagnosed the OHSS but also mentioned that she believed I was suffering from Insulin Resistance Syndrome otherwise called Metabolic Syndrome, she told me that so many women have this without knowing and that this has a direct link to the way our ovaries perform etc and put me on a strict diet cutting out all sugars including honey, no carbs and virtually no dairy except 1 oz of hard cheese a day. She told me that she had treated many women over the past few years who were also having problems TTC and that a high number of them had concieved naturally after following this diet. I followed this diet for 6 weeks before I fell pregnant and I did feel so much better for it. I lost the few kgs that IVF had given me and as I say I will never know if it was the reason for me getting my BFP but hey I never achieved it in the 2.5 years before. Not saying this is the miracle cure but there is plenty of information resource on Insulin Resistance Syndrome on the web that support what the doctor told me so maybe worth a try for some.

Take care all and catch up soon :hugs:
Thanks ladies, yeah you said it, one of the things she said in the email was I had to relax a bit and helpfully suggested that we take a holiday :growlmad: so as you say she has no idea, she is also younger than us so doesn't have the time pressure of the ticking clock. No one outside this forum seems to get it at all!
:growlmad::growlmad: What? That is such a patronising comment that deserves a kick up her but. Northstar I think that girl doesn't really want friends but an audience to coo her achievements I'm afraid.

Sansham this thread actually exists to shield ourselves from ignorant and irrelevant comments like yours. We have much more understanding, consideration and love that we share with everyone here who has the same attitude. You would have received a totally different response from us if you had displayed the same level of respect and understanding. I can assure you that being an angry and an aggressive person will not achieve the respect you seek ever in life. You need to give first to receive respect. I don't know if any of this would be helpful to put things in perspective for you. I'm suspecting you probably think "OOh they can't understand me" But we do and this is the bottom line of your comment. We like to spend our energy here on being more positive and constructive.
That comment was made in a completely different context than you think. We do use this thread also to vent and let out steam. No one really judges anyone here. Perhaps you would find more support starting a thread that has a title similar to your situation attended by women who go through similar experiences to yours. This thread exists for exactly that reason.

OOH Debs, I hope they can lower your levels fast and efficiently. My close friend in Turkey has the same thyroid issue. (Recently sky rocket TSH) She is still not married at 38 and desperately dreaming of a family. I'm really worried about her but can't comment not to scare her. What sort of tx are they offering to lower it?

Chris you will have a beautiful bb and you will be a great mum :)) I actually wrote that to draw attention to this woman who was so happy with the donor egg baby. She kept her for 9 months in her womb bare her and bf her. The bonding she had with her was no different than if it was her own eggs. She was the bundle of love and joy :))) I love that story cause it has a happy ending :)) And just to answer Purple's question the woman knew it cause the donor had dark hair and olive skin (Typical Greek features) unlike her who was fair. So did the baby. But it was not even an issue. She didn't get a DNA testing or even be curious about it. She only cared about her beautiful babies well being.

LLbean that does look like good signs to me. :) All fingers and toes crossed for you.

Dwrgi autoimmune testing isn't a routine check on fertility. It is an area where there isn't enough blind trials done yet except the use of steroids and asprin. That's been tried and proved beneficial. However because there isn't enough trials and research done on it only handful of clinics do it. Chicago Uni carry on most of the testing. NHS does some only on women who are young and have had multiple mc's. My clinic ARGC and a few independent drs in London do it (Dr. Gorgy). I think Nottingham Uni does it if I'm not wrong. You can google their names and see what comes up. But I feel your worry is getting a solid and decent clinic that can make you produce a maximum no of eggs and give you a successfull IVF. This is the success rates on top London clinics. (I trust these results even though it is the clinic's website cause this clinic is the most searched and attacked clinic by HFEA so they wouldn't dare publishing anything not real)

The difference between UCH which doesn't carry out autoimmune tx (by the way it's an NHS clinic) and ARGC which does is only 12%. ARGC carries out a very obsessive tx period where all women have a blood tests everyday on beginning of stimms and almost twice a day blood screening and scanning on second half. + PGD on some (including all holidays, Xmass, easter etc) While UCH does shut down on Sundays I believe. So the %12 difference include all the extra care+ autoimmune txs+ some PGD. However some women in ARGC refuse the autoimmune tx and just do the normal IVF route.

From my limited experience women who have multiple mcs or multiple IVF with no BFP success I think the autoimmune tx makes a difference. But also their exceptional care does make a difference in overall success.

You haven't had a successful stimms, egg collection and embryo growth just yet. I'm suspecting with a different drug protocol and more close watch you might be able to produce better embies. But IVF is an expensive tx and difficult to keep trying unless you have big bank balance. So it is a tough call. I personally couldn't take the pressure of all the IUI's and after trying one cheapy IVF (which produced 19 bad quality eggs) in Turkey I realised how difficult the whole process was so went for ARGC. But it was very expensive. I'm sooo lucky and grateful that it was possible for me and that it worked. But for some unlucky girls it didn't work and it was devastating.

So I don't want to suggest anything to you except do a good research on the clinic and fix an appointment with the best. Keep an open mind while you the resarch and on the appt. They would suggest you the best options for your situation (egg donation, ICSI, IVF etc) I know I talked about a few things that contradicts each other but I try to write down all what I have experienced without directing you in one direction.
Sweetie you will get there in the end and you are doing a great job at trying to figure out what's best for u, DH and your little future baby. HUGS and KISSES

Lava sweetie I'm well annoyed on your behalf. Hugs and hugs. I love your post. If young people had the same level of wisdom I wonder if their choices might have been different in life. I'm sure their choices of words would have been.

Purple :))) it wasn't silly at all. LOL!!!! I asked exactly the same thing when I heard this and said I would have gone for the DNA test. But the girl who told me this said the woman didn't care. That was the beauty of the story :)) LOL!!!!!

Hi Sumat, welcome to this thread :)))

AFM I went to the midwife yesterday and I had a big NOOO! to flying both from her and the dr she consulted. Looks like my placenta is right above the cervix very bottom of my uterus. I was told to take it very easy and not to exhaust myself. This condition makes me susceptible to heavy bleeding which could be life threatening for both me and the bb. I am also told I might end up having to have a c section (which I didn't really want) The nurse said the placenta might move later on but a close dr friend in Turkey said it is not very likely so i should get myself ready for cx. I was quite upset and shocked initially but i feel better now. Perhaps it's for the best for Shirin cause I would have really exhausted myself and my nerves if I went back to Turkey. I can not risk her life after all that I have gone through to have her. I guess not even if she was conceived easily cause now I can feel her moving and it's an odd/wonderful feeling. Dunno how to take it easy though. I'm not used to putting up my feet and relaxing even though I don't work.

Girls I love u all here and I'm hoping that all of you would have your sticky beans very very soon. Many many hugs and sunny baby dust. xxxx

Hello Skye, and so glad that you popped in to say hello to us all. I am so glad that you have been told to take it easy because I feared that unless a doc told you to do this, you'd be jetting all over the world! You have got to put yourself and Shirin first, and I am certain that your mother in Turkey will appreciate this. Sometimes, we have to make difficult decisions, and you have to accept that you need to rest and take it easy (that's an order!). I'm sorry that it sounds like you may need a C section-but I am sure you will get al the care in the world, and I'm sure it won't matter how Shirin comes into this world. Huge hugs to you hun-I hope that you can find ways of distracting yourself as I'd already got the impression that you were a busy little bee!!! Perhaps you could write a book about your experiences???? You know sooooooo much, and have a lovely direct way of writing!

I am going round and round in circles to be honest-it occured to me that it would be interesting to have immune testing, to address the essential problem of why after almost four years, I have been unable to get pregnant (bar one very fleeting PG/mc). I was reading a book about this, and the case study sounded exactly like my own life, and her problems were solved almost overnight once the autoimmune issues were addressed. I have also read through internet research that where there is low ovarian reserve, to avoid really aggressive drugs like Menopur (which I had) and also to slowly harvest eggs until they have a good number. Also, I have read to avoid ovitrel, and that pregnyl is far better in cases like mine. I'm obviously going to bring this up with my FS as she has said to keep in touch. Essentially, what I have learnt is that every follicle will have an egg, but some eggs refuse to release once the ovulation shot has been made as they are chromosomally abnormal-and this is normally found in older women and those with low ovarian reserve (a double whammy for me). Chromosomally abnormal means they are no good, obviously, so are we saying that ten of my eggs were chromosomally abnormal? It doesn't provide much scope for optimism for natual conception (nor IVF for that matter).

So, I am taking DHEA to improve egg quality, also Paradox tablets for essential omega oils, and am thinking of also taking Royal Jelly. Does anybody know anything about this? All these are supposed to be good at improving egg quality. I've also read that the best results from DHEA are found after 6 months of taking. My problem also is that I don't seem to have any EWCM-honestly, it has always been sparse, and some recommend Evening Primrose Oil for this-but only in first two weeks. I'm back on the aspirin too.

But, girls, I am really slowly losing my grip. I have got to act quickly as I just haven't the time to waste any longer. I honestly feel that I am now obsessing about all of this, and it occupies my every waking thought-and there is the stark fear that it will never happen. I need to get a grip, because if I am not careful, then I don't know what's going to happen to me. Sorry sorry sorry, I really don't know what else to say. The last few days have not been good days, I wonder whether this is an effect of the DHEA-I'd read that this can be a side effect of this on or around ovulation, and I'm on Day 12.

Anyway, sorry to hog, once again, and am sending you all big hugs and love.

Incidentally, Lava, how lovely to learn your name, and Laura suits you so well! I am so glad that your mother persevered in having you, because you are always a calm caring presence, who clearly brings a lot of love into the world. And who gives a stuff what other people think about twins at 39-they are just jealous of your good luck, plain and simple. Banish these thoughts from your mind, they are not worthy of attention nor of your energy.

Lots and lots of love to you,

Amanda, (I love that name by the way) I am going to tell you what a good friend of mind just said to me when i told her about all the tests i have to do and all my worries that any one of those tests could stop us from doing the IVF. She said "Breathe, just take a deep breath and breathe, take it one test, one day at a time, and remember to breathe, after all you will need to practice for breathing for labor" That made me laugh, and hopefully you will too. I am sending you tons of hugs, i know EXACTLY what your feeling right now as i am in the same boat. I am so worried and wound up about everything, but my friend is right, we need to try and take a step back and just concentrate on today, if we get too far ahead in our thinking then it gets huge and overwhelming. Please never think that your bothering us or boring us, we are here to help and support you any way we can, even if it is just to remind you to breathe lol. I cant say that everything will work out for us, but i do know from my experiance that you can read anything and have it apply to you, so you reading about the immune issues, might match you and yet not be what is happening at all. From what my doctor told me when we get older our eggs just dont divide right, now i thought they meant after they were fertilized, but no, she said that the eggs have 46 chromosomes, and when we ovulate they divide and you have 23 chromosomes, which combine with the sperm's 23 chromosomes to make 46 again, she said the problem is when we ovulate with being older, the spindel as she called it does not seperate even, so instead of having 23 chromosomes, you end up with 26 or maybe 19, and that egg is doomed before the sperm even got there. This was something i never knew. All you can do is take the DHEA, and give it one more shot, if it does not work, then maybe you need to join PadBrat and I on the ED wagon. Sending you lots of love honey, i know how hard this is!! :hugs:
I actually feel bad for my i have editied it and i am sorry :flow:
But you older women need to understand that its not fair to judge teenage parents and think we are all the same and its not true.
It seems as if you are bitter because you are older than normal aged mums and take it out on us.
Have some respect for teenage parents too, because not all of us are iddiots


Wow! I think all of your comments were totally uncalled for. To edit your coment after you call us old hags? Really? Trust we don't have to judge you, if you are pg and a teen there are already enough people doing that.

Totally hoping that you have a happy and healthy pg, I don't think any of us are jealous of YOU. I am 38, totally happy with that, not at all bitter. Some of us have had a harder time than others and yes we get frusturated and until you have walked a mile in our shoes and lets hope you never have to you will never understand.
I actually feel bad for my i have editied it and i am sorry :flow:
But you older women need to understand that its not fair to judge teenage parents and think we are all the same and its not true.
It seems as if you are bitter because you are older than normal aged mums and take it out on us.
Have some respect for teenage parents too, because not all of us are iddiots


Wow! I think all of your comments were totally uncalled for. To edit your coment after you call us old hags? Really? Trust we don't have to judge you, if you are pg and a teen there are already enough people doing that.

Totally hoping that you have a happy and healthy pg, I don't think any of us are jealous of YOU. I am 38, totally happy with that, not at all bitter. Some of us have had a harder time than others and yes we get frusturated and until you have walked a mile in our shoes and lets hope you never have to you will never understand.

And Shansam, if you're going to make a point of letting all of us "oldies" know you're not an idiot, you might want to try spelling it right. Just a suggestion. ;)
Hi everyone, thanks for all your kind words :flower:

Dwrgi I would advise a bit of caution on Evening Primrose Oil, it's great but not necessarily for TTC, I was taking it for hormonal break outs and found that whilst it helped with that and AF cramps, it did delay O by about 6 days and shortened my LP also by about 6 days.

Here is the link to the EPO thread I started a while back so other ladies in the forum could share their experiences, the delayed O was fairly common as were headaches.
Hi Lovely ladies, I just wanted to send a huge to all of you, there are some huge decisions being made on this thread at the moment, and I wish I had more knowledge to be able to help and advise. (luckily most of you are more knowledgable that most doctors) anyhoo - all I can offer is :hugs: and to let you know I am listening if anyone needs to rant or talk.

lots of loves
old bag Louise xxx
Hi Lovely ladies, I just wanted to send a huge to all of you, there are some huge decisions being made on this thread at the moment, and I wish I had more knowledge to be able to help and advise. (luckily most of you are more knowledgable that most doctors) anyhoo - all I can offer is :hugs: and to let you know I am listening if anyone needs to rant or talk.

lots of loves
old bag Louise xxx

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Hi Lovely ladies, I just wanted to send a huge to all of you, there are some huge decisions being made on this thread at the moment, and I wish I had more knowledge to be able to help and advise. (luckily most of you are more knowledgable that most doctors) anyhoo - all I can offer is :hugs: and to let you know I am listening if anyone needs to rant or talk.

lots of loves
old bag Louise xxx


Babe I live in GLASGOW, seriously last weekend went out partying with a 37 year old GRANDMOTHER :dohh: there is no topping that! And she is thinking about having another baby with husband no 2!
my cousin is a grand mother also aged 37! She's younger than me!! I do think that I have far more patience and experiences to offer a child now than I ever would have had when I was a teenager.
Hi Lovely ladies, I just wanted to send a huge to all of you, there are some huge decisions being made on this thread at the moment, and I wish I had more knowledge to be able to help and advise. (luckily most of you are more knowledgable that most doctors) anyhoo - all I can offer is :hugs: and to let you know I am listening if anyone needs to rant or talk.

lots of loves
old bag Louise xxx

Awwww honey your hugs are better than anything, and exactly what we all need, thanks so much you old bag :haha:
my cousin is a grand mother also aged 37! She's younger than me!! I do think that I have far more patience and experiences to offer a child now than I ever would have had when I was a teenager.

Yep thats what we have on our side, patience and lots of experiance in life, and for us, we will love our babies so very much. I just love you ladies, thanks for being here for me!!

Geezer Chris
So, my breasts are bigger. It's never happened to me before...I'm not prone to tenderness and swelling in that area (sadly, my sister has teased me because I wear the "nearly a B" bra size LOL). It's funny and strange. I am used to my thighs and butt growing :p But not my breasts! At any rate...I'm hoping this is a good sign. 6 more wake-ups before my 2ww is up!!!!!!!
So, my breasts are bigger. It's never happened to me before...I'm not prone to tenderness and swelling in that area (sadly, my sister has teased me because I wear the "nearly a B" bra size LOL). It's funny and strange. I am used to my thighs and butt growing :p But not my breasts! At any rate...I'm hoping this is a good sign. 6 more wake-ups before my 2ww is up!!!!!!!

please oh please get a BFP!!!!
So, my breasts are bigger. It's never happened to me before...I'm not prone to tenderness and swelling in that area (sadly, my sister has teased me because I wear the "nearly a B" bra size LOL). It's funny and strange. I am used to my thighs and butt growing :p But not my breasts! At any rate...I'm hoping this is a good sign. 6 more wake-ups before my 2ww is up!!!!!!!

please oh please get a BFP!!!!

Right back atcha sister!!!!! Are you going to POAS before your big test??? I want to but my husband said not to last night! :p
So, my breasts are bigger. It's never happened to me before...I'm not prone to tenderness and swelling in that area (sadly, my sister has teased me because I wear the "nearly a B" bra size LOL). It's funny and strange. I am used to my thighs and butt growing :p But not my breasts! At any rate...I'm hoping this is a good sign. 6 more wake-ups before my 2ww is up!!!!!!!

please oh please get a BFP!!!!

Right back atcha sister!!!!! Are you going to POAS before your big test??? I want to but my husband said not to last night! :p

I take it you have not been looking at my journal LOL
good luck ladies - LL I had a sneaky peek through your journal... :happydance: Ill keep my fingers crossed for you xx

Hope everyone has a nice Thursday :hugs:

AFM, so I just want some opinions on this (if that's ok) - yesterday I had to do a urine PT to see if the HCG had gone (it's been two weeks since my scan and that's what they advised me to do) so it's still positive, and quite a definite line (No holding it up to the light and squinting at it etc) so I phoned the clinic to let them know. we discussed it a bit and I had the feeling they were going to ask me to come in for another scan, which I don't really want to do. at present I feel well, no pain or fever and the bleeding has stopped so I asked If I could retest in another week and they agreed but said I was to call immediately if I got pain etc. looking around on this forum it seems like it's not too unusual for HCG to be detectable for several weeks.. AF is due in about 10 days or so, so I think I'd rather not go back to the clinic unless Im poorly or have to. does that sound reasonable to you ladies?

O/T - it's getting really chilly out - Ill have to start wearing 27 jumpers and two coats plus a vest, scarf and hat with gloves - like the old bag that I am :D

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