TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Purplelou I think your plan is a sensible one, your body will tell you if you need to go back to the Docs or not. I understand what you are going through and right now getting through is probably hard enough without having to go back to the docs and be prodded and poked again and maybe sitting in a waiting room with pregnant women. Thats what I just couldn't deal with and it made me so much more miserable. You stick to your plan and see how things go as I am sure the hormone levels will drop soon.

Take care :hugs:
Hello everybody! How are you all today?? I hope that you are good?? I'm thinking of you all and sending huge :dust: vibes to each and every one of you!

Louise-if you feel okay in yourself, then I guess go with your instincts and sit it out. But if you do feel unwell at any stage, then get straight in touch with your clinic. This is just prolonging the agony for you, isn't it? You need closure to move on and start again! Hope it resolves itself, and that AF arrives without any trouble. Big :hugs: to you hun! xx

4EverYoung-I hope these are positive signs! They certainly sound good! Fingers crossed for you hun. x

NorthStar-37 year old grandmother!!! Partying too?? Phew-where do people get the energy from!! How are you doing after the spat with your pal? Hope you're okay, big :hugs:.x

OMM, Lava, Carole, Skye, Manuiti, Macwooly, FM, HA, Butterfly, and all you other old bags-hello you VERY lovely old bags!!!! Hope you are all doing well today!

I'm feeling a bit more calm today and have realised that I need to chill. There are certain things beyond my control. So, I'll pass on the EPO (thanks for the info, North Star), and get some Royal Jelly and bee pollen, some Robitussin for CM (ewwww) and try to relax. I was negative again on the ov predictor this morning, but me and him have DTD every other day since Sunday. I HAVE to relax otherwise I'll just lose my mind! He and Me had a BIG chat last night and we both feel that we weren't given much hope by the clinic, but we both agree that we LIKE the clinic-I think they were at a loss, but it's this lack of hope that has led me to feel like this. I need to research as much as I can so I can present suggestions to them, but also look at clinics that specialise in low amh clients (Lister?). But, I'm not doing anything until I've had three months of DHEA (no beard as yet, North Star) so I have to be kind to myself. I'm so sorry for freaking out on all you guys, and I am so grateful for you all in your kindness and patience (and also thanks Chris for the info on old eggs-I didn't know that!).

God, I'm hogging again, but I'm a bit more sane today so thanks guys! And I love you all too!!
Hi Purple, Wendkyk07 went through what you did recently and it did take a while for the hcg to get out of her system but now whe is back ttcing again. As long as the levels go down and you feel OK then FX the witch will arrive in due course :hugs::hugs::hugs:

:hi: to everyone dwrgi, skye, 4ever, bear, NS, lava, HA, FM, Twinkle, OMM, Carole, Manuiti, padbrat..... am sure I have missed someone out :hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM am considering myself out for this month as BFNs. I truly believe that a line would show however faint by 10dpo, so I need to move on to next month and make arrangements for some flights but can only do that when the :witch: has arrived which should be Monday :nope:
Hi Purple, Wendkyk07 went through what you did recently and it did take a while for the hcg to get out of her system but now whe is back ttcing again. As long as the levels go down and you feel OK then FX the witch will arrive in due course :hugs::hugs::hugs:

:hi: to everyone dwrgi, skye, 4ever, bear, NS, lava, HA, FM, Twinkle, OMM, Carole, Manuiti, padbrat..... am sure I have missed someone out :hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM am considering myself out for this month as BFNs. I truly believe that a line would show however faint by 10dpo, so I need to move on to next month and make arrangements for some flights but can only do that when the :witch: has arrived which should be Monday :nope:

That is such a bugger-am so sorry hun! Keep on trying! :hugs::hugs:
good luck ladies - LL I had a sneaky peek through your journal... :happydance: Ill keep my fingers crossed for you xx

Hope everyone has a nice Thursday :hugs:

AFM, so I just want some opinions on this (if that's ok) - yesterday I had to do a urine PT to see if the HCG had gone (it's been two weeks since my scan and that's what they advised me to do) so it's still positive, and quite a definite line (No holding it up to the light and squinting at it etc) so I phoned the clinic to let them know. we discussed it a bit and I had the feeling they were going to ask me to come in for another scan, which I don't really want to do. at present I feel well, no pain or fever and the bleeding has stopped so I asked If I could retest in another week and they agreed but said I was to call immediately if I got pain etc. looking around on this forum it seems like it's not too unusual for HCG to be detectable for several weeks.. AF is due in about 10 days or so, so I think I'd rather not go back to the clinic unless Im poorly or have to. does that sound reasonable to you ladies?

O/T - it's getting really chilly out - Ill have to start wearing 27 jumpers and two coats plus a vest, scarf and hat with gloves - like the old bag that I am :D

Honey my honest opinion is to go get it checked out, you may feel fine but if something is still left in there you dont want to risk an infection and making things really bad. I know you dont want to go, but preventative measures are the safest, besides you being soooooooo old you have to watch it lol.
Hello everybody! How are you all today?? I hope that you are good?? I'm thinking of you all and sending huge :dust: vibes to each and every one of you!

Louise-if you feel okay in yourself, then I guess go with your instincts and sit it out. But if you do feel unwell at any stage, then get straight in touch with your clinic. This is just prolonging the agony for you, isn't it? You need closure to move on and start again! Hope it resolves itself, and that AF arrives without any trouble. Big :hugs: to you hun! xx

4EverYoung-I hope these are positive signs! They certainly sound good! Fingers crossed for you hun. x

NorthStar-37 year old grandmother!!! Partying too?? Phew-where do people get the energy from!! How are you doing after the spat with your pal? Hope you're okay, big :hugs:.x

OMM, Lava, Carole, Skye, Manuiti, Macwooly, FM, HA, Butterfly, and all you other old bags-hello you VERY lovely old bags!!!! Hope you are all doing well today!

I'm feeling a bit more calm today and have realised that I need to chill. There are certain things beyond my control. So, I'll pass on the EPO (thanks for the info, North Star), and get some Royal Jelly and bee pollen, some Robitussin for CM (ewwww) and try to relax. I was negative again on the ov predictor this morning, but me and him have DTD every other day since Sunday. I HAVE to relax otherwise I'll just lose my mind! He and Me had a BIG chat last night and we both feel that we weren't given much hope by the clinic, but we both agree that we LIKE the clinic-I think they were at a loss, but it's this lack of hope that has led me to feel like this. I need to research as much as I can so I can present suggestions to them, but also look at clinics that specialise in low amh clients (Lister?). But, I'm not doing anything until I've had three months of DHEA (no beard as yet, North Star) so I have to be kind to myself. I'm so sorry for freaking out on all you guys, and I am so grateful for you all in your kindness and patience (and also thanks Chris for the info on old eggs-I didn't know that!).

God, I'm hogging again, but I'm a bit more sane today so thanks guys! And I love you all too!!

LOL honey you are not hogging, geeze now will you stop worrying about that, if i get past these tests and actually get to do the IVF, OMG you just watch how much i am going to freak out on you ladies, but that is why we are all here, for the love and support we get, i could not imagine going through any of this without ladies like you to keep my spirits up. I am still taking the DHEA myself, although i dont know why i am compelled to take it since we are using donor eggs lol, but no beard for me either lol. I am glad your a bit more sane, the multitude of questions we have in our heads would drive anybody crazy lol, and yours is even worse. I say follow your heart, and think positive, i bet this clinic will do lots of things different this time!!
Hi Ladies - remember me? Been a looong time since I posted here as I honestly feel bad about talking about being pregnant (17 weeks!!!!) when you are all having such difficult times. However, I always quietly lurk and read ALL your posts and cry for you when AF comes and pray very hard all the time for you all in what you are going through.

I think you are all rock stars (Mick Jagger is a rock star and he's ANCIENT so yes, it's possible to be a mature rock star!) and how you handled the wicked negative post speaks volumes for all the posters here and is the reason I joined here when I was first here. Right after I read it, I called charlie (DH) and ranted and cried on the phone to him....he came home for lunch and hugged me and told me some people are selfish and we need things like that post to determine who they are so we can keep the GOOD people in our lives and let go of the rest. He told me not to respond (or go on the teen forums and tell them how I REALLY felt :haha:)!!!

AFM - things are going well! 17 weeks and over morning sickness (except for the daily gag battle with the toothbrush) and feel pretty good! I lost my job but it's a blessing in disguise as I can de-stress and am very fortunate to be able to do so now. I have to have ultrasounds every month due to my health issues but I look at it as more chances to see poppy! Also need a fetal heart echo soon to make sure all 4 chambers are forming properly but I'm positive all will be fine, I'm thankful for the increased appointments, better to be safe!

I will go back to lurk mode as I feel like I'm shoving my ever-growing belly in your face (but I've only gained 2 pounds!) and just continue to root, pray and love you all.

Hi Purple, Wendkyk07 went through what you did recently and it did take a while for the hcg to get out of her system but now whe is back ttcing again. As long as the levels go down and you feel OK then FX the witch will arrive in due course :hugs::hugs::hugs:

:hi: to everyone dwrgi, skye, 4ever, bear, NS, lava, HA, FM, Twinkle, OMM, Carole, Manuiti, padbrat..... am sure I have missed someone out :hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM am considering myself out for this month as BFNs. I truly believe that a line would show however faint by 10dpo, so I need to move on to next month and make arrangements for some flights but can only do that when the :witch: has arrived which should be Monday :nope:

I am the same as you, if no faint line at 10 dpo then i know AF will show, i am just waiting for her now, she is due saturday, and then i go for my cycle day 3 tests probably on monday if she shows on saturday, and hopefully get to the start of my IVF cycle. Sorry about the bfn, i know they say its not over until she shows, but.......

Oh and i just love your avatar, Halloween is one of my favorite holidays!!!!!

Dang its cold here in Chicago, Dwrgi, we just lost all our heat, its about 35 degrees this morning brrrrrrrrrrr.
Hi Ladies - remember me? Been a looong time since I posted here as I honestly feel bad about talking about being pregnant (17 weeks!!!!) when you are all having such difficult times. However, I always quietly lurk and read ALL your posts and cry for you when AF comes and pray very hard all the time for you all in what you are going through.

I think you are all rock stars (Mick Jagger is a rock star and he's ANCIENT so yes, it's possible to be a mature rock star!) and how you handled the wicked negative post speaks volumes for all the posters here and is the reason I joined here when I was first here. Right after I read it, I called charlie (DH) and ranted and cried on the phone to him....he came home for lunch and hugged me and told me some people are selfish and we need things like that post to determine who they are so we can keep the GOOD people in our lives and let go of the rest. He told me not to respond (or go on the teen forums and tell them how I REALLY felt :haha:)!!!

AFM - things are going well! 17 weeks and over morning sickness (except for the daily gag battle with the toothbrush) and feel pretty good! I lost my job but it's a blessing in disguise as I can de-stress and am very fortunate to be able to do so now. I have to have ultrasounds every month due to my health issues but I look at it as more chances to see poppy! Also need a fetal heart echo soon to make sure all 4 chambers are forming properly but I'm positive all will be fine, I'm thankful for the increased appointments, better to be safe!

I will go back to lurk mode as I feel like I'm shoving my ever-growing belly in your face (but I've only gained 2 pounds!) and just continue to root, pray and love you all.


Hi honey!!!! Its great to hear from you, please dont go back into lurkdome, we miss you, and we love all the baby vibes that are one here!!!! I am glad that all is well, and I know for me i would love to hear updates!!!!! Yea for poppy growing nicely, and nice job on the 2lbs!!
thanks ladies so much, I appreciate your help and advice, It makes me feel much better and hopefully things will be back to normal soon. I actually feel pretty good the last 2 days, emotionally more stable and not able to dry at the drop of a hat.

Dwrgi - I am soo glad you are feeling better, it seems like you have a semi plan and I think the fact that you like the clinic is very important, because you have enough stress and worry without hating the place or people caring for you :hugs: and NO you are not hogging!! you are allowed to discuss as much as you want to

Butterfly - oh pooh!! I was so hopeful for you this month, I wish that :witch: would just bugger off!!

OMM - thank you hun, I am keeping in mind what you said, I appreciate you for taking the time to answer :hugs:

NMG - :hi: lovely to see you! glad you are doing ok, it's nice of you to update us, hoping that some of your baby vibes may rub off on us all xxx I would go over to teen pregnancy myself - however with the new fangled computer lark and such - I don't think I could find my way....and if I did, I'd probaby pee myself on the way back being an advanced age and all :haha:
AFM, so I just want some opinions on this (if that's ok) - yesterday I had to do a urine PT to see if the HCG had gone (it's been two weeks since my scan and that's what they advised me to do) so it's still positive, and quite a definite line (No holding it up to the light and squinting at it etc) so I phoned the clinic to let them know. we discussed it a bit and I had the feeling they were going to ask me to come in for another scan, which I don't really want to do. at present I feel well, no pain or fever and the bleeding has stopped so I asked If I could retest in another week and they agreed but said I was to call immediately if I got pain etc. looking around on this forum it seems like it's not too unusual for HCG to be detectable for several weeks.. AF is due in about 10 days or so, so I think I'd rather not go back to the clinic unless Im poorly or have to. does that sound reasonable to you ladies?

If it were me, I'd go in. AF is not going to arrive in 10 days - she won't arrive until a full cycle's length after all the hcg is gone from your system, because your body isn't going to ovulate while it thinks it's still pregnant. (It could, but that's definitely the exception, not the rule.) If you want to avoid a scan, ask if they will run serial beta HCGs - checking the quantitative amount of HCG in your blood every few days - to make sure it's dropping. If it is dropping, you'll probably be fine just waiting as long as it takes to get to zero. But if it's holding steady, there is definitely retained tissue in there and it's important to get that out. I understand why you don't want to go back, though, so please be very very vigilant about watching for signs of infection or any tiny twinge or pain that is out of the ordinary.
:hi: NMG, good to hear from you and glad all is going well with you. Can't believe you are 17 weeks already. For sure do not stay in lurkdom! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Oh you ladies make me smile so much!!!

I'm sorry I don't contribute too much - I'm still feeling like I'm wandering in the dark myself atm but I keep you all in my prayers and thoughts and thank my lucky stars every day that I found you all. :hugs:
NMG so good to see you again!!!

Congrats on the 17 weeks! I bet it feels great!...hope to join you soon :D
Hi all lovely "New Bag" Ladies :rofl:

Carole it's sooo nice to hear from uuuu with the wonderful news :))) Your info about Insulin Resistance Syndrome and the diet is really interesting. Isn't it a wonder how this miracle happened after all this time. I bet all these ilnesses are going to be researched in the future and the causes of infertility will be more clear. We are still somewhat in middle ages of infertility I think. I am soooo sooo happy for you. God bless u and the baby and that it would be born very healthy. Your pregnanacy is such an inspiration and gives me hope that maybe after this one I can get a natural BFP one day. :kiss::kiss:


Mbabay:thumbup::thumbup: hahahahaha!!!!

4ever :flower::flower: :dust:All the symptomps sounds very promising. I can't wait to hear some more good news

Lois :hugs::hugs: I have no experience in this at all so I don't have any suggestions. Hope there isn't anything left in you and it would settle in a few days.

Amanda I'm glad to hear you are feeling a bit better and also that u r not using any EPO. Side effects are not known on fertility. Grapefruit juice before ovulation really helps CM on some. It worked for me. I used to drink 1-2 glasses a day until ovulation. Natural option. Lister????? Are you considering London??? I don't know what hogging means but carry on doing it cause it's good to exchange opinions :hugs::kiss::kiss:

Butterfly I love your Halloween mask :) Perhaps we should all get a wizard avatar this Halloween and chase away the damn :witch:

Chris pls hog along :)))) :kiss: OMG I didn't realise u are starting your IVF cycle. But hang on a min I thought you were going for the donor eggs? Did you already find the donor?

Hey Beth great to hear that everything is going great. Good luck with the scan, I'm sure it will be all fine.
Hi all lovely "New Bag" Ladies :rofl:

Carole it's sooo nice to hear from uuuu with the wonderful news :))) Your info about Insulin Resistance Syndrome and the diet is really interesting. Isn't it a wonder how this miracle happened after all this time. I bet all these ilnesses are going to be researched in the future and the causes of infertility will be more clear. We are still somewhat in middle ages of infertility I think. I am soooo sooo happy for you. God bless u and the baby and that it would be born very healthy. Your pregnanacy is such an inspiration and gives me hope that maybe after this one I can get a natural BFP one day. :kiss::kiss:


Mbabay:thumbup::thumbup: hahahahaha!!!!

4ever :flower::flower: :dust:All the symptomps sounds very promising. I can't wait to hear some more good news

Lois :hugs::hugs: I have no experience in this at all so I don't have any suggestions. Hope there isn't anything left in you and it would settle in a few days.

Amanda I'm glad to hear you are feeling a bit better and also that u r not using any EPO. Side effects are not known on fertility. Grapefruit juice before ovulation really helps CM on some. It worked for me. I used to drink 1-2 glasses a day until ovulation. Natural option. Lister????? Are you considering London??? I don't know what hogging means but carry on doing it cause it's good to exchange opinions :hugs::kiss::kiss:

Butterfly I love your Halloween mask :) Perhaps we should all get a wizard avatar this Halloween and chase away the damn :witch:

Chris pls hog along :)))) :kiss: OMG I didn't realise u are starting your IVF cycle. But hang on a min I thought you were going for the donor eggs? Did you already find the donor?

Hey Beth great to hear that everything is going great. Good luck with the scan, I'm sure it will be all fine.

LOL, sorry honey, not starting it just yet, and they have a donor program with the clinic i am using. I need to get past a few tests first, the big one is on tuesday, i am so worried, its with the Materneal Fetal Doctor, or a High risk doctor, because of my age and because i am Type II diabetic, he has to give me clerance to be able to do the ivf, and to be honest i am so stressed that he will say no. After we get through these tests to make sure i am "Healthy" enough to get pg, then we will do the IVF stuff and pick the actuall donor. I am figuring hopefully we will be able to start in november, but OMG i swear i am going to make myself nuts by tuesday. And as for starting the IVF cycle, the donor will have to start taking the meds, and i will have to take meds to sync up my cycle with hers. Ugh so much stress, i wish i had a crystal ball that would tell me now if this is really going to work.
Hey Chris, just wanted to say hi and also you hang on in there! Try not to worry yourself unduly about Tuesday's tests, you'll only feel worse. One day at a time, and try to be positive-it will happen hun!

Lots of love,

P.S. Skye, always so good to read your posts!
Twinkle, nice to see you too!
BUtterfly, where is the Sandpit??
Purple, so glad that you're feeling a little bit better. It does take time. You're doing brilliantly.

To anybody old time I may have forgotten, lots and lots of love,
4ever- hope that's a good sign, FX

Purple- I don't have experience in this area but I agree that you should probably go in for a scan, although I know it must be hard, getting poked and prodded all the time sucks, and especially after you have been thru so much.

Dwrgi-:hugs: I've got finger and toes crossed for you and any other body part that can be crossed that you get some answers and that this next try is a super successful one.

Butterfly-:hugs: sweets, don't give up yet

new married- thanks for popping in

twinkle :hugs:

HA- *waving really hard*

AFM- not much to report, as I get closer to my appt I begin to feel a little more anxious even though it is still over a week away. I have tons of cm right now and I"m on bc so can't take advantage of it uggggh :growlmad:

Anyways thats about it hope all of you are doing great

Kim A/K/A Old Bag Hag
Chris don't worry hon, it will be all fine. Since you don't need to take the stimms the cycle will be a lot more gentle with your body. They would probobly only work on your womb lining. It will be great and you will have your sticky bean very very soon. :hugs::hugs: You will have your bump before I pop out LOL!!! Hahahhahaha!!!!

Hey Kim AKA OLD BAG HAG :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: U gave me a good chuckle this morning hahhahhahhahahahaaa!!!!! Don't worry hon it will be a good appt. Let us know the outcome since I am all eyes and ears for u. Dunno what u r going for but I'm hoping a bump from u soon tooo. xxx:hugs::hugs:

Hope you all having a lovely Friday so far!
I've been lurking a bit because I'm trying very hard not get completely obsessed about my symptoms after my transfer. It's not easy. :wacko:

My test day is on Wednesday and I really don't want to get the dreaded :bfn: before I go to work, so can I do the test in the evening? Do the tests only work on EMU?
Sorry these are really basic questions but over the years I have always just waited for my periods to start rather than get :bfn:, it's just too depressing.
I'm thinking of using the clearblue digi test.

Any ideas?

Sorry I'm on l'm on my lunch break and gotta go back.

loads of sticky gorgeous :dust: for you all !!!!

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