TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).


Hope you all having a lovely Friday so far!
I've been lurking a bit because I'm trying very hard not get completely obsessed about my symptoms after my transfer. It's not easy. :wacko:

My test day is on Wednesday and I really don't want to get the dreaded :bfn: before I go to work, so can I do the test in the evening? Do the tests only work on EMU?
Sorry these are really basic questions but over the years I have always just waited for my periods to start rather than get :bfn:, it's just too depressing.
I'm thinking of using the clearblue digi test.

Any ideas?

Sorry I'm on l'm on my lunch break and gotta go back.

loads of sticky gorgeous :dust: for you all !!!!

Hey Bearlake I know exactly how you feel and it is completely normal to get a little obsessed after everythng you have gone through. Hang in there as you are in the home straight now.

Regarding the HPT, they say that you should use EMU as that will have the highest concentration of the hormones but what you could do is save your urine sample in a specimen pot until you come home from work and then test. To be honest that would drive me crazy as I would want to know the result in the morning.

I will keep everything crossed for you and hope and pray for a BFP:hugs:
Hey Chris, just wanted to say hi and also you hang on in there! Try not to worry yourself unduly about Tuesday's tests, you'll only feel worse. One day at a time, and try to be positive-it will happen hun!

Lots of love,

P.S. Skye, always so good to read your posts!
Twinkle, nice to see you too!
BUtterfly, where is the Sandpit??
Purple, so glad that you're feeling a little bit better. It does take time. You're doing brilliantly.

To anybody old time I may have forgotten, lots and lots of love,
Thanks honey, im trying to relax lol. One good thing one hurdle is over, i got my results from my annual pap, and HPV test and everything is NORMAL!!! So one hurdle down, and 3 to go, tues is the big one, but i will try to relax and think positive, its hard though for me, so many times i have been so close to getting something i really want only to have it yanked away. Ugh tuesday cannot come fast enough, ok, taking a deep breath here, and attempting to re engage my PMA.
Chris don't worry hon, it will be all fine. Since you don't need to take the stimms the cycle will be a lot more gentle with your body. They would probobly only work on your womb lining. It will be great and you will have your sticky bean very very soon. :hugs::hugs: You will have your bump before I pop out LOL!!! Hahahhahaha!!!!

Hey Kim AKA OLD BAG HAG :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: U gave me a good chuckle this morning hahhahhahhahahahaaa!!!!! Don't worry hon it will be a good appt. Let us know the outcome since I am all eyes and ears for u. Dunno what u r going for but I'm hoping a bump from u soon tooo. xxx:hugs::hugs:

Yeah that is one big benefit to using donor eggs, i dont have to jack my body all up with meds, thats why i have a real good feeling that this will really work, now all i have to do is make it through tuesday, thats when i have my meeting with the high risk ob and he gives me clearance saying i am healthy enough to have a baby, if he denies me then we cant do the IVF, omg praying so hard that this works!!

Geezer Chris

Hope you all having a lovely Friday so far!
I've been lurking a bit because I'm trying very hard not get completely obsessed about my symptoms after my transfer. It's not easy. :wacko:

My test day is on Wednesday and I really don't want to get the dreaded :bfn: before I go to work, so can I do the test in the evening? Do the tests only work on EMU?
Sorry these are really basic questions but over the years I have always just waited for my periods to start rather than get :bfn:, it's just too depressing.
I'm thinking of using the clearblue digi test.

Any ideas?

Sorry I'm on l'm on my lunch break and gotta go back.

loads of sticky gorgeous :dust: for you all !!!!

First morning urine is best because that's when your urine is most concentrated, so the amount of hcg in your urine is most concentrated and easier to detect. You can test in the evening, but at 14dpo/dpt it poses a definite risk of a false negative... evening testing is much more accurate if you're willing to wait a few days longer....

Is there any way you could just take the morning off on Wednesday so that you have time to collect yourself before going in to work if it's negative? Or how about skipping POAS and just going by the betas?

:hugs::hugs::hugs: Do you have any fun distractions planned for this weekend? We've got a seat on the whatever wagon for you if you want it. :winkwink:
Hey Chris, just wanted to say hi and also you hang on in there! Try not to worry yourself unduly about Tuesday's tests, you'll only feel worse. One day at a time, and try to be positive-it will happen hun!

Lots of love,

P.S. Skye, always so good to read your posts!
Twinkle, nice to see you too!
BUtterfly, where is the Sandpit??
Purple, so glad that you're feeling a little bit better. It does take time. You're doing brilliantly.

To anybody old time I may have forgotten, lots and lots of love,
Thanks honey, im trying to relax lol. One good thing one hurdle is over, i got my results from my annual pap, and HPV test and everything is NORMAL!!! So one hurdle down, and 3 to go, tues is the big one, but i will try to relax and think positive, its hard though for me, so many times i have been so close to getting something i really want only to have it yanked away. Ugh tuesday cannot come fast enough, ok, taking a deep breath here, and attempting to re engage my PMA.

Oh you ladies make me smile so much!!!

I'm sorry I don't contribute too much - I'm still feeling like I'm wandering in the dark myself atm but I keep you all in my prayers and thoughts and thank my lucky stars every day that I found you all. :hugs:

Oh honey you contribute alot, your here and supporting us all, and that means so much to all of us!!! Please dont wander in the dark, take my hand and i will lead you to the sunshine, you can climb up with me on the whatever wagon!!!! Sending you tons of cyber :hugs:

Hope you all having a lovely Friday so far!
I've been lurking a bit because I'm trying very hard not get completely obsessed about my symptoms after my transfer. It's not easy. :wacko:

My test day is on Wednesday and I really don't want to get the dreaded :bfn: before I go to work, so can I do the test in the evening? Do the tests only work on EMU?
Sorry these are really basic questions but over the years I have always just waited for my periods to start rather than get :bfn:, it's just too depressing.
I'm thinking of using the clearblue digi test.

Any ideas?

Sorry I'm on l'm on my lunch break and gotta go back.

loads of sticky gorgeous :dust: for you all !!!!

Ohhhh yep trying not to stress about symptoms is so hard lol, and yes if you take the test the night before your blood test it should show a bfp no matter when you take the test, whenever i did my IUI's i always tested the night before, i just could not handle being at work and waiting for the message. Just remember though if the digi does not show positive, try a first response, the digi's are not as sensitive. Sending you tons and tons of :dust: Good luck and keep us udated!!!!!
Hi Ladies :hugs:

ok, Im going to hog a bit (sorry) but I have a mystery for you.... first a timeline:

positive hpt - about the 15th august (probable O date 5th august)
started bleeding -28th august
went to early pregnancy unit on 31st august - scanned and told everything clear, nothing to see. MC.
:sex: 4th august (I think that was the only time)
bleeding again (spotting/light) 7th - 10th september
then last night - woke with some slight twinges around the abdomen....

so, I phoned the Early preg unit this morning and went in this afternoon. PT still positive. so they said they would repeat the scan - external scan - nothing seen (probably all my tummy blubber) but to be sure I had the internal scan again - this is the report: (they gave me a copy)

anteverted uterus with 4mm sac seen towards the lower uterus, 25mm from internal os equivalent to 4 week size, probably yolk sac within, adnexae - nad, no free fluid. the sac appears to be early pregnancy, but I am concerned at position of sac in uterus, please arrange rescan in two weeks to assess viabilty

I am trying not to be excited. the nurse said it's quite strange as how could I have ovulated in that time?? the scan tech said 4mm is the smallest size they can physically see so 4 weeks is an average - might be a bit less.

anyone heard of this happening?? I feel so confused. I asked could this be a new pregnancy?? or is it remenants of the MC?? the only she could tell me was there was nothing on the previous scan, she even showed me the report of the first scan and all the measurements of the endometrium etc are on there and everything was clear, nothing seen.

I am interested in opinions

sorry to hog
Louise (aka old git) xxxx
Hi Ladies :hugs:

ok, Im going to hog a bit (sorry) but I have a mystery for you.... first a timeline:

positive hpt - about the 15th august (probable O date 5th august)
started bleeding -28th august
went to early pregnancy unit on 31st august - scanned and told everything clear, nothing to see. MC.
:sex: 4th august (I think that was the only time)
bleeding again (spotting/light) 7th - 10th september
then last night - woke with some slight twinges around the abdomen....

so, I phoned the Early preg unit this morning and went in this afternoon. PT still positive. so they said they would repeat the scan - external scan - nothing seen (probably all my tummy blubber) but to be sure I had the internal scan again - this is the report: (they gave me a copy)

anteverted uterus with 4mm sac seen towards the lower uterus, 25mm from internal os equivalent to 4 week size, probably yolk sac within, adnexae - nad, no free fluid. the sac appears to be early pregnancy, but I am concerned at position of sac in uterus, please arrange rescan in two weeks to assess viabilty

I am trying not to be excited. the nurse said it's quite strange as how could I have ovulated in that time?? the scan tech said 4mm is the smallest size they can physically see so 4 weeks is an average - might be a bit less.

anyone heard of this happening?? I feel so confused. I asked could this be a new pregnancy?? or is it remenants of the MC?? the only she could tell me was there was nothing on the previous scan, she even showed me the report of the first scan and all the measurements of the endometrium etc are on there and everything was clear, nothing seen.

I am interested in opinions

sorry to hog
Louise (aka old git) xxxx

Honey i have heard many many stories about how someone had a m/c and never got af and got pg again right away. My OB even told me of a woman that got pg and had a m/c and they did a D&C and two weeks after the D&C she was complaing to him of pain and cramps in her belly, sure enough she was pg again and went on to have a full term baby. If they are seeing a sac then it is a new pregnancy!!!!! Oh honey i will say a prayer that all is well, and this little one grows!!!! And geeze your just like Laura, you are NOT hogging lol.

Chris AKA Geezer
Hi Ladies :hugs:

ok, Im going to hog a bit (sorry) but I have a mystery for you.... first a timeline:

positive hpt - about the 15th august (probable O date 5th august)
started bleeding -28th august
went to early pregnancy unit on 31st august - scanned and told everything clear, nothing to see. MC.
:sex: 4th august (I think that was the only time)
bleeding again (spotting/light) 7th - 10th september
then last night - woke with some slight twinges around the abdomen....

so, I phoned the Early preg unit this morning and went in this afternoon. PT still positive. so they said they would repeat the scan - external scan - nothing seen (probably all my tummy blubber) but to be sure I had the internal scan again - this is the report: (they gave me a copy)

anteverted uterus with 4mm sac seen towards the lower uterus, 25mm from internal os equivalent to 4 week size, probably yolk sac within, adnexae - nad, no free fluid. the sac appears to be early pregnancy, but I am concerned at position of sac in uterus, please arrange rescan in two weeks to assess viabilty

I am trying not to be excited. the nurse said it's quite strange as how could I have ovulated in that time?? the scan tech said 4mm is the smallest size they can physically see so 4 weeks is an average - might be a bit less.

anyone heard of this happening?? I feel so confused. I asked could this be a new pregnancy?? or is it remenants of the MC?? the only she could tell me was there was nothing on the previous scan, she even showed me the report of the first scan and all the measurements of the endometrium etc are on there and everything was clear, nothing seen.

I am interested in opinions

sorry to hog
Louise (aka old git) xxxx

Hi Louise (I'm also an 'old git' :winkwink:)
Hope you don't mind me jumping in but I'm a sonographer and do a lot of obs work, including EPAU. I don't want to get your hopes up but from your report this does sound like an early gestation sac and the fact that there's a yolk sac present is good. There's no mention of the sac being irregular (which it often is after MC) and at 4 weeks there wouldn't be a fetal pole as it's simply too early. 5-6 weeks with a TV scan you would expect to see a tiny fetal pole and FH. I guess the sac postition, near to the internal os is a concern but a viability scan in 2 weeks will give a lot more information. What was the previous us report? Was there no intrauterine sac seen at all? If there was no sac on your previous report that would also seem to be a good sign, but again, don't want to get your hopes up as I'm only going off your report here.

Do you have a date for a further viability scan? Really hope it's good new for you, FX'd! Do let us know how you get on.

Lots of love and luck
ETA: Sorry, just reread your post and can see that there was no sac on your previous scan and that they measured your endometrium.
Oh my! Really hope this is a viable one for you!

Hi all--

I'm a bit down today because I think I'm in the process of starting my period, not having implantation bleeding. I have had spotting when I wipe, sometimes brown, sometimes red...not flowing but there. I am also PMS-like emotional...very familiar, but magnified with the prospect of this not working.

At any rate, I am totally disappointed right now. I know that my blood work is Tuesday, and I need to hold out hope, but I'm feeling like I know my body and it's not what I'd been hoping for.

Anyway, thanks for letting me say my part. Some BFPs from all of you would cheer me up though :0) It'd give me hope for my own possibilities!
forever, I finally got my grading report but no clue what it means lol (in my journal)
Purple!!!!!!! Gosh, I wish I knew more on what these things mean (like keekeesaurus!) but I'm getting my hopes up a tiny tiny (well, ok kinda big) bit for you and will pray this is what you've been wishing, hoping and praying for!!! I am on pins and needles for your next scan.

4everyoung - :hugs::hugs::hugs: I was sky-high with purple's post, then crying with yours. Darn hormones! But aren't you glad you have a place like this to post to where you are completely understood.... I send you massive hugs and pray that this works out and either comes fully so you can look to the next month or the spotting just plains stops and you can get that bloodwork!

Hi to everyone else "old" friends.... maybe I should change my login name to OLDmarriedgal.

Massive :dust: to all who need it, FX'd for the 2weekwaiters and :hugs: to those waiting for next month. I am hoping and praying I see some of you on the "35+ TTC 1st Graduates" side. Otherwise I decided not to go into lurkdom and haunt you all until you get over there!!!! :haha::haha:
hi folks. I don't know if any of you girls remember me from last Winter? I am 42 and have been TTC no. 1 for four years. Two miscarriages at 11 and 8 weeks. Then my relationship fell apart at the seams. I took a break from BabyandBump while I was getting myself together. Just wanted you all to know I'm thinking of you. I believe in fate, although my head tells me now it will never happen my heart tells me not to give up hope. If I learned anything at all about the tricky subject of fertility it's to make love right through the cycle. Predicting ovulation is like predicting the next bus. I conceived twice within 2 cycles each time (age 39 and 40) because I believed I could. I remember this one day when I suddenly panicked that I'd never have children and I couldn't conceive after that.
bearlake and forever - I am so hoping for good news for you, massive :hugs: coming your way ladies xxxx

OMM and FM - thank you so much lovely ladies, I am sending you :dust:in prepartion for when you need it most. and OMM - your doctor had better be nice to you - or he'll have all of us to deal with!!

Keekee - thank you so much, I am very glad you stopped by the thread and took time to give meyour wisdom xx I don't have the first scan report but I read it today and I think it said my endometrium was 3.5mm (does that sound right??) anyway the sonographer said it was normal for a non-pregnant endometrium (if that makes sense) I have another scan 2 weeks from today.

NMG - thank you hun, and I would be glad if you continue to haunt us, Im loving seeing how you are getting along!

:hi: BBgirl, welcome back :flower:

how is everyone else doing?

Big :hugs: to Dwrgi, twinkle, HA, wooly, padbrat, northstar, lava and carole and everyone xxx
Hi all--

I'm a bit down today because I think I'm in the process of starting my period, not having implantation bleeding. I have had spotting when I wipe, sometimes brown, sometimes red...not flowing but there. I am also PMS-like emotional...very familiar, but magnified with the prospect of this not working.

At any rate, I am totally disappointed right now. I know that my blood work is Tuesday, and I need to hold out hope, but I'm feeling like I know my body and it's not what I'd been hoping for.

Anyway, thanks for letting me say my part. Some BFPs from all of you would cheer me up though :0) It'd give me hope for my own possibilities!

Hang in there honey, with your test not being due until tues, it is a very real possibility that its implantation bleeding, and the emotional aspect is also part of pg just like PMS. Chin up darling, its not over until its over, and i think your little bean or beans are snuggling in for the long ride!!
Hi Ladies :hugs:

ok, Im going to hog a bit (sorry) but I have a mystery for you.... first a timeline:

positive hpt - about the 15th august (probable O date 5th august)
started bleeding -28th august
went to early pregnancy unit on 31st august - scanned and told everything clear, nothing to see. MC.
:sex: 4th august (I think that was the only time)
bleeding again (spotting/light) 7th - 10th september
then last night - woke with some slight twinges around the abdomen....

so, I phoned the Early preg unit this morning and went in this afternoon. PT still positive. so they said they would repeat the scan - external scan - nothing seen (probably all my tummy blubber) but to be sure I had the internal scan again - this is the report: (they gave me a copy)

anteverted uterus with 4mm sac seen towards the lower uterus, 25mm from internal os equivalent to 4 week size, probably yolk sac within, adnexae - nad, no free fluid. the sac appears to be early pregnancy, but I am concerned at position of sac in uterus, please arrange rescan in two weeks to assess viabilty

I am trying not to be excited. the nurse said it's quite strange as how could I have ovulated in that time?? the scan tech said 4mm is the smallest size they can physically see so 4 weeks is an average - might be a bit less.

anyone heard of this happening?? I feel so confused. I asked could this be a new pregnancy?? or is it remenants of the MC?? the only she could tell me was there was nothing on the previous scan, she even showed me the report of the first scan and all the measurements of the endometrium etc are on there and everything was clear, nothing seen.

I am interested in opinions

sorry to hog
Louise (aka old git) xxxx

It all sounds pretty promising to me. :happydance: Medically there is nothing wrong with getting pg right away after a mc without waiting for a period first. The only problem it presents is this exact situation - it makes it very difficult to date the new pregnancy. What I can't believe is they're just going to wait two weeks to do another scan and not run some betas in between. Two or three blood tests over the course of a week would CLEARLY indicate whether your hcg is going up or down - why put you through the torture of waiting two weeks when you could be put at ease in a few days?! Push them for betas. Making you wait two weeks is just cruel, especially when two weeks may still be too early to see a hb and make keep you in limbo even longer.

FX'd for you!!!

Hi all--

I'm a bit down today because I think I'm in the process of starting my period, not having implantation bleeding. I have had spotting when I wipe, sometimes brown, sometimes red...not flowing but there. I am also PMS-like emotional...very familiar, but magnified with the prospect of this not working.

At any rate, I am totally disappointed right now. I know that my blood work is Tuesday, and I need to hold out hope, but I'm feeling like I know my body and it's not what I'd been hoping for.

Anyway, thanks for letting me say my part. Some BFPs from all of you would cheer me up though :0) It'd give me hope for my own possibilities!

Big big :hugs: to you. You have lots of possibilities - Tuesday is still ages away, and the fact that you had two embies transferred means that even if this cycle doesn't end well, there is still lots of hope for future cycles. Be kind to yourself this weekend, and though I know it's easier said than done, try not to focus on this - the wait can really make you :wacko:.

Purple lou, FX for you, that you have your answer sooner, as HA says 2 weeks is way too long to wait, can you use any of your work connections to get the bloodwork done maybe? I just know if it was me I'd need to know, you must be so confused with it all :hugs:

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