TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hey Ladies sorry but just a quick post as I am back in the office and off to a meeting. So scan went well and there is just 1 little bubba in there, they put it at 6 weeks 2days and we saw the heartbeat YAY so happy and DH burst into tears right there in the doctors office.

Next scan booked for 2 weeks time and can't wait to see the difference in bubba next time. Off to the supermarket tonight to stock up on veggies, fruits and healthy food to grow him or her:cloud9:

Brilliant news huni .bless your dh ,:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hey, just wanted to draw a bit of PMA from this thread before I head off for my HSG - spent the morning running a toddler group which seemed to be full of women talking about how they accidentally got pregnant with their 3rd - sigh! Love to all - hopefully talk to you all later xx
Hey Ladies sorry but just a quick post as I am back in the office and off to a meeting. So scan went well and there is just 1 little bubba in there, they put it at 6 weeks 2days and we saw the heartbeat YAY so happy and DH burst into tears right there in the doctors office.

Next scan booked for 2 weeks time and can't wait to see the difference in bubba next time. Off to the supermarket tonight to stock up on veggies, fruits and healthy food to grow him or her:cloud9:

Brilliant, brilliant news! I am so truly thrilled for you. Oh, and bless your DH bursting into tears. They want this as much as we do too, except they are very good at hiding it!!

So pleased for you hun!

Such good news. Your DH is a keeper!!

Twinkle,The HSG hurt a little & I was a bit crampy after, but it's not too bad. Is someone going with you. I has my husband there but the nurse offered her hand and I squeezed all the blood out of it. ;) Take some Advil ahead of time. Good luck!
Good morning ladies!!

Carole, fantastic news, i am so excited for you, can i ask how old you are?

Bearlake, i am sorry for the bfn :hugs: and praying that maybe the digi was just not sensitive enough.

All my other ladies, i love you all, sorry for the quick post, i am headed off to work in a bit.

AFM, i am sorry i disappeared yesterday, i had a really rough morning, i found out that while the MFM doctor gave me the ok to do the IVF, he sent a letter to my doctor that said i had to have my A1C below 6 before i get pg, they at the fertility place told me with that we could not do the IVF, i was so upset, i was really really angry and fighting tears. I got to work and called the MFM and spoke to a different doctor that said my A1C was fine and that it was almost impossible to get below 6, he is going to write a new letter telling them that while below 6 is ideal, where i am at is fine to do the IVF, so that is back on again. I also did my cycle day 3 bloodwork so i should have those results in a few days. Also, DH and i talked and we have decided that we cannot do the donor eggs. We have both said that we would rather not have a child if it means using donor eggs. I guess if we had something wrong, like you PadBrat, it would be way easier, but with not giving my eggs a chance, we are having a super hard time with this. So while i know we may only have a 2% chance with IVF with out own eggs, if the numbers come back ok, we are going to do the IVF with my eggs, and then just pray a whole lot. I guess deep in my heart, i just know this will work with my eggs, and DH just does not want to do all this work if its not truly ours. I am sorry i hope i dont upset anybody that is using donor eggs, its just how we feel. So next week i have the HSG and he had blood work and SA, and by then we will know what my numbers are at. Please pray that we get at least one chance to do this IVF, and that my numbers are not totaly bad. I love you ladies, and i thank you all for your support, i have been so stressed about all this and i am trying to relax and breathe lol.
:hugs::hugs::hugs: Chris - I think the decision as to whether you can use donor eggs or not can only come from you and your DH so I'm wishing you all the luck in the world that you get the IVF with your own eggs and you get your :baby: What a stress it all sounds and I have no idea what A1C is but glad they are writing a new letter for you :hugs::hugs:
Good morning ladies!!

Carole, fantastic news, i am so excited for you, can i ask how old you are?

Bearlake, i am sorry for the bfn :hugs: and praying that maybe the digi was just not sensitive enough.

All my other ladies, i love you all, sorry for the quick post, i am headed off to work in a bit.

AFM, i am sorry i disappeared yesterday, i had a really rough morning, i found out that while the MFM doctor gave me the ok to do the IVF, he sent a letter to my doctor that said i had to have my A1C below 6 before i get pg, they at the fertility place told me with that we could not do the IVF, i was so upset, i was really really angry and fighting tears. I got to work and called the MFM and spoke to a different doctor that said my A1C was fine and that it was almost impossible to get below 6, he is going to write a new letter telling them that while below 6 is ideal, where i am at is fine to do the IVF, so that is back on again. I also did my cycle day 3 bloodwork so i should have those results in a few days. Also, DH and i talked and we have decided that we cannot do the donor eggs. We have both said that we would rather not have a child if it means using donor eggs. I guess if we had something wrong, like you PadBrat, it would be way easier, but with not giving my eggs a chance, we are having a super hard time with this. So while i know we may only have a 2% chance with IVF with out own eggs, if the numbers come back ok, we are going to do the IVF with my eggs, and then just pray a whole lot. I guess deep in my heart, i just know this will work with my eggs, and DH just does not want to do all this work if its not truly ours. I am sorry i hope i dont upset anybody that is using donor eggs, its just how we feel. So next week i have the HSG and he had blood work and SA, and by then we will know what my numbers are at. Please pray that we get at least one chance to do this IVF, and that my numbers are not totaly bad. I love you ladies, and i thank you all for your support, i have been so stressed about all this and i am trying to relax and breathe lol.

Hey you, don't feel bad at all, it is what you want that counts. IT is really frustrating that you were told a different thing to what your doctor then went and wrote. Don't they see that this adds to the anxiety???

Also, I guess you have to have one go with your own eggs, just to see how you fare. You'd always wonder 'what if' if you didn't. It's a very tough call, but at least then you know that you will have tried everything.

Bug hugs to you hun, this is such a difficult time.

:hugs::hugs:Hello ladies!

pad, FM, HA, Twinkle - It's been a while girls. Just wanted to say hello. I know I have been MIA since May - I must say I've missed you all but just needed some time to get my mind right so to speak.

pad - I am rooting for you honey. I really am. Glad to see you are putting one foot in front of the other. I realize now that that is all it takes to continue on this TTC journey. That and a lot of quiet time, praying and sometimes just a moment to breathe. At least that is how it's been for me. Sending you good vibes and lots of :hugs:

HA - So sorry to hear about August. Glad you are still here though and moving forward too. I think it says alot that we can get through the tough times and still move forward. It takes strength, courage and sheer will. I know you have that in spades honey. :hugs:

FM -How the heck are you doing honey? Haven't been able to read back too far yet but I see you are still sending out those positive vibes. I love it!

Twinkle - :flower:

To all the new ladies I haven't met yet - a better late than never welcome from an old friend around here.

bearlake - I am so so sorry about the BFN. Keep the faith honey. As the graduates thread demonstrates beautifully - it can happen.

AFM - I am recovering from gall bladder surgery last week and doing well. DH and I went back to the FS yesterday for the first time since we lost our little man. It was very nerve wracking but I made it through with DH's help. FS was great and says IVF with PGD (genetic) testing of the embryos makes sense - especiallly with our last pregnancy with the neural tube defect. It would give me some comfort to at least know that genetically the embryos are fine - but nothing is perfect and we'd still have to just wait it out and see. I think I'd be more nervous though to do a Clomid cycle with timed intercourse again b/c there is no way to know if the embryo is ok to start with. I just can't wrap my head around IVF yet though with all the meds, visits, etc. It seems like sooo much. Not that it's not worth it. Guess I'll need some time to just process it all. I know DH is ready to go. Now I just need to jump on board, take a deep breathe and away we go...

Anyway, great to "see" you all again-:hugs::hugs:

Hey Titi.. welcome back sweety... I completely know where you are coming from with the lurking thing... you have it right... time, a little prayer/hope... and absorbing the terrible thing that has happened.... and being sad, but not consumed with grief and anger is what brought me back and made me think... Ok, time to start walking the TTC road again... but this time I will try another path and hope it leads to the same destination. When and if you feel ready we are here for you:hugs:

Bear.. so sorry chick... I wish to hell that CB had said something else.:cry:

Dwrgi, Lava and Skye - thank you for being one of the ones I know I can depend on for advice...:hugs:

Carole.... Wow a HB... amazing. Congrats chick:kiss:

Purps, HA, FM, Butterfly, 4Ever hey ya!:thumbup:

OMM... please don't feel bad for posting what you are thinking of doing... hey hun you are allowed to change your mind about the procedures you chose to do and tell us all what is going on for you. You make your choices as you see fit chick. I know there was no offence meant and definately none taken from me:hugs:

Well.... I have had my donors characteristics through...:happydance:

Height: 1.68cm
Skin Tone: fair skin
Hair colour: brown
Eye colour: green

and I start injections tonight.... urghhhh:wacko: hate them!
BTW that post was not meant to infer that I don't draw enormous amounts of advice and support from everyone of you.... xxxx.... cos I do!
Hi All--

Busy thread! I love reading how everyone is on a different part of her journey. It makes me feel more hopeful :)

I spoke with my RE today, and she told me a few interesting things. She said my body produces higher than normal (for my age) levels of lut. hormone, so the Menopur may have contributed to the small number of eggs maturing (4 of 7, only 2 were strong enough for transfer). She also mentioned that my follicles were of good size but needed more time to mature. So changes for me are:
No Menopur, Lupron instead
Transfer 38 hours after trigger, instead of 36 hours

I was also happily surprised when she told me I was in a position to start back on bcp tonight for 3 weeks, along with Lupron in a week or so, followed by my period, Gonal F, trigger, etc...

What this means is I DO NOT have to wait 1-2-3 months before starting IVF again. I'm in a good place. Fortunately I am in a good place emotionally. It's early in this process and I'm blessed with good insurance, so I am staying optimistic and putting all things in perspective.

Thanks for listening. It's a great comfort to have this group.
Hi ladies, there is a lot to catch up on, so here goes....

OMM - I am so sorry that your doctor wrote something different to what he told you, but yay for the new doc sorting that all out with a new letter! I think Hba1c is a variable number for all and if you are healthy and your Hba1c isn't off the scale, the why shouldn't you go ahead. also, IVF is obviously a HUGE descision, and one that you both have to feel completely happy with, so if you feel you need to use your own eggs - then go for it and we will be sending all the babydust you need and loves your way

Pad - good luck with the meds today. I hope you have no side effects and feel well with them!

HA - did you decide to wait or go ahead with this cycle? Im rooting for you either way.

Twinkle, How was the hsg? I hope it was painfree and the results are good.

titi - welcome back, I am so sorry for your loss, but I like your way of looking at things - taking one day at a time

carole - brilliant news from your scan, Im so happy for you! now happy and healthy 9 months to you

hi to lava, skye and NMG - hope you ladies are all doing well and those babies are behaving themselves!

Butterfly, Ipswich is lovely, my parents are currently living in Norfolk, so not too far away (although they are moving to the west mids soon.) great for you to have family and friends close by!

wooly, never, FM, northstar - hi lurking ladies - hope you are well.

forever - it sounds like you have a great FS, Im so glad you have a plan! wishing you all the best for this next cycle!!

bearlake - how are you feeling today? I hope you are doing ok

ok, Im going to need to go back and check to see who Im missing.....

Dwrgi and Keekee - hi lovely ladies , how are you doing?

afm, well 1 week till scan time and Ive not gone any more bonkers than I usually am. I have managed to use the stress levels and make myself work on my last essay - which I posted today (phew!) and work is keeping me very busy and my lovely DH is being calm along with me. he will come to the scan with me next week. so that's all about me.

sending you all huge :hugs: and loves, you ladies are just fab!!
:hugs::hugs:Hello ladies!

pad, FM, HA, Twinkle - It's been a while girls. Just wanted to say hello. I know I have been MIA since May - I must say I've missed you all but just needed some time to get my mind right so to speak.

pad - I am rooting for you honey. I really am. Glad to see you are putting one foot in front of the other. I realize now that that is all it takes to continue on this TTC journey. That and a lot of quiet time, praying and sometimes just a moment to breathe. At least that is how it's been for me. Sending you good vibes and lots of :hugs:

HA - So sorry to hear about August. Glad you are still here though and moving forward too. I think it says alot that we can get through the tough times and still move forward. It takes strength, courage and sheer will. I know you have that in spades honey. :hugs:

FM -How the heck are you doing honey? Haven't been able to read back too far yet but I see you are still sending out those positive vibes. I love it!

Twinkle - :flower:

To all the new ladies I haven't met yet - a better late than never welcome from an old friend around here.

bearlake - I am so so sorry about the BFN. Keep the faith honey. As the graduates thread demonstrates beautifully - it can happen.

AFM - I am recovering from gall bladder surgery last week and doing well. DH and I went back to the FS yesterday for the first time since we lost our little man. It was very nerve wracking but I made it through with DH's help. FS was great and says IVF with PGD (genetic) testing of the embryos makes sense - especiallly with our last pregnancy with the neural tube defect. It would give me some comfort to at least know that genetically the embryos are fine - but nothing is perfect and we'd still have to just wait it out and see. I think I'd be more nervous though to do a Clomid cycle with timed intercourse again b/c there is no way to know if the embryo is ok to start with. I just can't wrap my head around IVF yet though with all the meds, visits, etc. It seems like sooo much. Not that it's not worth it. Guess I'll need some time to just process it all. I know DH is ready to go. Now I just need to jump on board, take a deep breathe and away we go...

Anyway, great to "see" you all again-:hugs::hugs:

Hey Titi.. welcome back sweety... I completely know where you are coming from with the lurking thing... you have it right... time, a little prayer/hope... and absorbing the terrible thing that has happened.... and being sad, but not consumed with grief and anger is what brought me back and made me think... Ok, time to start walking the TTC road again... but this time I will try another path and hope it leads to the same destination. When and if you feel ready we are here for you:hugs:

Bear.. so sorry chick... I wish to hell that CB had said something else.:cry:

Dwrgi, Lava and Skye - thank you for being one of the ones I know I can depend on for advice...:hugs:

Carole.... Wow a HB... amazing. Congrats chick:kiss:

Purps, HA, FM, Butterfly, 4Ever hey ya!:thumbup:

OMM... please don't feel bad for posting what you are thinking of doing... hey hun you are allowed to change your mind about the procedures you chose to do and tell us all what is going on for you. You make your choices as you see fit chick. I know there was no offence meant and definately none taken from me:hugs:

Well.... I have had my donors characteristics through...:happydance:

Height: 1.68cm
Skin Tone: fair skin
Hair colour: brown
Eye colour: green

and I start injections tonight.... urghhhh:wacko: hate them!

Oh my gosh, how fabulous to hear of the donor's description! It makes it seem so much more real now, doesn't it???!

Injections are a pain in the whatyoumacallit but a necessary evil. Grin and bear them hun!!

Huge good luck to you on this and fingers and everything else crossed!

Hi ladies, there is a lot to catch up on, so here goes....

OMM - I am so sorry that your doctor wrote something different to what he told you, but yay for the new doc sorting that all out with a new letter! I think Hba1c is a variable number for all and if you are healthy and your Hba1c isn't off the scale, the why shouldn't you go ahead. also, IVF is obviously a HUGE descision, and one that you both have to feel completely happy with, so if you feel you need to use your own eggs - then go for it and we will be sending all the babydust you need and loves your way

Pad - good luck with the meds today. I hope you have no side effects and feel well with them!

HA - did you decide to wait or go ahead with this cycle? Im rooting for you either way.

Twinkle, How was the hsg? I hope it was painfree and the results are good.

titi - welcome back, I am so sorry for your loss, but I like your way of looking at things - taking one day at a time

carole - brilliant news from your scan, Im so happy for you! now happy and healthy 9 months to you

hi to lava, skye and NMG - hope you ladies are all doing well and those babies are behaving themselves!

Butterfly, Ipswich is lovely, my parents are currently living in Norfolk, so not too far away (although they are moving to the west mids soon.) great for you to have family and friends close by!

wooly, never, FM, northstar - hi lurking ladies - hope you are well.

forever - it sounds like you have a great FS, Im so glad you have a plan! wishing you all the best for this next cycle!!

bearlake - how are you feeling today? I hope you are doing ok

ok, Im going to need to go back and check to see who Im missing.....

Dwrgi and Keekee - hi lovely ladies , how are you doing?

afm, well 1 week till scan time and Ive not gone any more bonkers than I usually am. I have managed to use the stress levels and make myself work on my last essay - which I posted today (phew!) and work is keeping me very busy and my lovely DH is being calm along with me. he will come to the scan with me next week. so that's all about me.

sending you all huge :hugs: and loves, you ladies are just fab!!

Hey-well done you on getting that last essay in. Brilliant. When do you get the result?? It is good to keep your mind active at this time. And what a sweetie your DH sounds!

Lots of love to you too hun,
Ok I'm back!

To start from the end - everything seems to be ok - womb & tubes look ok!! :happydance:

DH came in with me - wore a very fetching lead apron & let me squeeze his hand while I went ow ow ow!! (Big brownie points for him - he also took me out for a meal tonight) It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be - uncomfy but not intolerable & over with really quickly!

Looking at my insides on the screen totally blew my mind though - aren't your bits tiny???? How on earth do you fit a baby in there???? :huh:
Ok I'm back!

To start from the end - everything seems to be ok - womb & tubes look ok!! :happydance:

DH came in with me - wore a very fetching lead apron & let me squeeze his hand while I went ow ow ow!! (Big brownie points for him - he also took me out for a meal tonight) It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be - uncomfy but not intolerable & over with really quickly!

Looking at my insides on the screen totally blew my mind though - aren't your bits tiny???? How on earth do you fit a baby in there???? :huh:

Yay for supportive DH! :) I agree..the insides are tiny. I don't like to think about what happens after all of the biology creates a baby 8-[

Good luck to you :)
:hugs::hugs::hugs: Chris - I think the decision as to whether you can use donor eggs or not can only come from you and your DH so I'm wishing you all the luck in the world that you get the IVF with your own eggs and you get your :baby: What a stress it all sounds and I have no idea what A1C is but glad they are writing a new letter for you :hugs::hugs:

Hey you, don't feel bad at all, it is what you want that counts. IT is really frustrating that you were told a different thing to what your doctor then went and wrote. Don't they see that this adds to the anxiety???

Also, I guess you have to have one go with your own eggs, just to see how you fare. You'd always wonder 'what if' if you didn't. It's a very tough call, but at least then you know that you will have tried everything.

Bug hugs to you hun, this is such a difficult time.


:hugs::hugs:Hello ladies!

OMM... please don't feel bad for posting what you are thinking of doing... hey hun you are allowed to change your mind about the procedures you chose to do and tell us all what is going on for you. You make your choices as you see fit chick. I know there was no offence meant and definately none taken from me:hugs:

Well.... I have had my donors characteristics through...:happydance:

Height: 1.68cm
Skin Tone: fair skin
Hair colour: brown
Eye colour: green

and I start injections tonight.... urghhhh:wacko: hate them!

Ladies thank you all so much for your support, you really have no idea how much it means to me. So i did a lot of thinking today, and i mean a lot, and i figured out that i am not having an issue with the donor eggs, its just an excuse because i am scared to death that i wont be a good mommy, and that things will change in my life, but i also realized that i want a baby more than anything, so DH and i have talked about it again, and he said that he did not want to use donor eggs because he is afraid i will have a problem, he really wants a baby, so we are both back on track for donor eggs, Padbrat you have given me so much inspiration and excitement, just seeing you going through this also makes me feel not so alone. That was the other thing sometimes i feel really alone in this, and i tend to forget that my dh is there to support me, its hard sometimes, because most of the tests and what not i am by myself, but together my dh and I can do this, now all i have to do is pray that everything works out. Thanks again ladies for your support, and i am so sorry if i post that we are using donor eggs, and then we are not using them, and then we are, please just be patient with me, i am swinging all over the place with emotions right now, i love all you ladies :hugs:
Ok I'm back!

To start from the end - everything seems to be ok - womb & tubes look ok!! :happydance:

DH came in with me - wore a very fetching lead apron & let me squeeze his hand while I went ow ow ow!! (Big brownie points for him - he also took me out for a meal tonight) It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be - uncomfy but not intolerable & over with really quickly!

Looking at my insides on the screen totally blew my mind though - aren't your bits tiny???? How on earth do you fit a baby in there???? :huh:

Oh that was so nice that your DH was there to support you!! The last one i had i was by myself, and i will be for this one comming up on wed too. I am so glad that all went well, and that everything looks good!!

Did you know that when you get towards the end of your pg, your heart actually tips to the side to make room, i thought that was fascinating!!
Ladies thank you all so much for your support, you really have no idea how much it means to me. So i did a lot of thinking today, and i mean a lot, and i figured out that i am not having an issue with the donor eggs, its just an excuse because i am scared to death that i wont be a good mommy, and that things will change in my life, but i also realized that i want a baby more than anything, so DH and i have talked about it again, and he said that he did not want to use donor eggs because he is afraid i will have a problem, he really wants a baby, so we are both back on track for donor eggs, Padbrat you have given me so much inspiration and excitement, just seeing you going through this also makes me feel not so alone. That was the other thing sometimes i feel really alone in this, and i tend to forget that my dh is there to support me, its hard sometimes, because most of the tests and what not i am by myself, but together my dh and I can do this, now all i have to do is pray that everything works out. Thanks again ladies for your support, and i am so sorry if i post that we are using donor eggs, and then we are not using them, and then we are, please just be patient with me, i am swinging all over the place with emotions right now, i love all you ladies :hugs:

It sounds like a great breakthrough day for you! Wonderful things are just around the corner for you. Stay positive! :0) xx
Good morning ladies!!

Carole, fantastic news, i am so excited for you, can i ask how old you are?

Bearlake, i am sorry for the bfn :hugs: and praying that maybe the digi was just not sensitive enough.

All my other ladies, i love you all, sorry for the quick post, i am headed off to work in a bit.

AFM, i am sorry i disappeared yesterday, i had a really rough morning, i found out that while the MFM doctor gave me the ok to do the IVF, he sent a letter to my doctor that said i had to have my A1C below 6 before i get pg, they at the fertility place told me with that we could not do the IVF, i was so upset, i was really really angry and fighting tears. I got to work and called the MFM and spoke to a different doctor that said my A1C was fine and that it was almost impossible to get below 6, he is going to write a new letter telling them that while below 6 is ideal, where i am at is fine to do the IVF, so that is back on again. I also did my cycle day 3 bloodwork so i should have those results in a few days. Also, DH and i talked and we have decided that we cannot do the donor eggs. We have both said that we would rather not have a child if it means using donor eggs. I guess if we had something wrong, like you PadBrat, it would be way easier, but with not giving my eggs a chance, we are having a super hard time with this. So while i know we may only have a 2% chance with IVF with out own eggs, if the numbers come back ok, we are going to do the IVF with my eggs, and then just pray a whole lot. I guess deep in my heart, i just know this will work with my eggs, and DH just does not want to do all this work if its not truly ours. I am sorry i hope i dont upset anybody that is using donor eggs, its just how we feel. So next week i have the HSG and he had blood work and SA, and by then we will know what my numbers are at. Please pray that we get at least one chance to do this IVF, and that my numbers are not totaly bad. I love you ladies, and i thank you all for your support, i have been so stressed about all this and i am trying to relax and breathe lol.

Hey oMM I am 38 but have a super low AMH that alarmed the docs they say that your AMH levels says alot about the quality of your eggs but then if that was totally true then I shouldn't be pregnant now. Do not give up hope of your eggs working and getting your BFP, IVF will take out a great many of the hurdles that are normally in its way so this could be your time honey. My Mum had my litle sister at 44 a complete surprise but everything went smoothly so there is no reason why the same can't happen to you:hugs:

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