TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Wowwwy woowy, Sooo much going on here dunno where to start.

Titi welcome back sweetie. I'm glad that you are finally with us again. You are a very very brave woman. I can understand your reluctancy to start TTC, all the deceisions etc. You are blessed with a wonderful and loving husband and you will one day be blessed with a healthy happy baby. I hope your journey would be a smooth one from now on. . On the IVF front, it really isn't so bad as it looks from the outside. The only drawback to PGD is the expense, other than that I wish it was offered to all IVF women.
I hope you recover from your surgery very soon. Lot's of love, kisses and sticky baby dust for youxxxx

Bearlake I'm so sorry sweetie. Hugs hugs. I think you also deserve some chocolate dust xx

Debs, can't believe you are ready to go :)) Wowwwy!!!! Your donor's description sounds great. You will have a cutieee baby. GGOOOOOD LUUUUUUUCK! May all the baby dust and good luck come to you and stick for the next 10 months.
Injections are really not that bad so don't worry. The worst part of IVF for me was actually the bloomin "GAS". U know what I'm talking about girlXXXX

Laura congratulations! :happydance::happydance: One each!! You'll have a great time picking baby clothes :) When u can't decide which one is cuter "Get them both" :))) Also I knew that you had a wish for a baby girl so I'm really glad you are getting one. xxx

FM goood luck and baby dust for you as well. Not long to go. Is everything ready? Are you just waiting for the AF or still have some testing to do?

Twinks, I'm sorry for your little fur baby. Fur babies are all loved no matter how small. You have a great DH by the way. Tell him he deserves a medal from the thread for being so sweet to you :)))

Lois all my fingers and toes crossed. Somehow I feel that you will be ok this time though cause this baby was a bit of a miracle. How was your blood work by the way. Any results yet?

Butterfly I'm so glad that you are opening up to all sorts of options. Good luck with all the reasearch, I'm sure you will get there in the end. BTW ARGC is great any questions I'm still in touch with them so I can find out what I can. Keep in mind that UCL is also looking quite bright with the results too.

Dwrgi I know it is a tough call. Convenience+cost is very impt indeed. You are working so I have no idea if you can work out the London option. But let me know if you consider. You are welcome to come stay here too :). Non Londoner girls in ARGC either stayed with friends, family or bedsits. There are places specifically for IVF girls in the centre of town. GCRM by the way is Glasgow Centre for Reproductive Medicine. I thought you mentioned it no?

Carole Pheeew! What a relief. The heartbeat is a very emotional moment. I'm so glad that you are in a good place right now. It actually is a good milestone as well. Once you get the 12 week scan out of the way you can relax even more hon. It looks far but you will get there before you know it. :))) So exciting. Please look after yourself well, pregnancy vits, healthy food, sleep etc cause you will get tired and your body will need a lot of energy these coming months. BTW I was exactly the same about scans but the tx takes away all your shame :)) Everytime I see different drs and they all want me to drop my pants Hahahahaha xxx

Keeky wow I didn't know you were a breast cancer veteran. Did you have a go ahead with your dr about the pregnancy? One of my good friends in Turkey had 2 ops, 1 breast and lymphs under the arm removed. Battled with it for over 3 years. Than she got better, married and got pregnant completely by accident when she was over 36. Her hormone levels were stable by pure luck all through pregnancy. Had a beautiful little girl. She is a little monkey, an absolute charmer. And my friend is still free of cancer. :)) Hope this would give u a smile.

HA you are ready to go physically so that is a huge step. How are you feeling now?

Never :hi::hi

Chris I believe in your eggs too. They got you pregnant in the past a few times. How is your AMH levels? That is a good indication. Would you consider PGD? That eliminates the chromosome risk. And the immune issue as well. Maybe all you need is some steroids and blood thinners. But I don't want to interfere with your decisions when you are having a hard time which way to go. You need to decide soon as well. I know the cost is an issue as well. You know what? Any decision , IVF or donor egg, is better than not deciding at this stage. Cause once you know which way you are going you will click and be happy with it. You will be a great loving mum cause you are a loving girl so don't you ever doubt that. Hugs hugs many hugs.

4ever I can't believe you can start so quickly. Don't you need to give your ovaries a rest? Well your FS seems to have a plan so good luck hon. Keep us posted.

AFM I'm having one of those interrupted nights. I wake up early hrs of the morning and find it hard to go back to sleep. I'm worried about getting the house and preparations ready asap in case of an early birth. I have major stuff to do. Need to get rid of my huge desk and sewing machine in my small room. (So not want to part with my lovely sewing machine :cry: But I need the space for the bb furniture) Also my main bathroom is as cold as a deep freezer. I need to find a solution for the heating and get its windows double glazed. Meaning a plumber needs to get out some stones, change the pipes and replace the crap radiator, than put back the new stones. Just writing all this down makes my sleep run away. The work in this house never ended since we moved in. :shrug:
padbrat, good luck on the injections and the donor sounds great (in fact similar to me, keep hold of her details will you!!) :winkwink:

4ever - so glad that you can get right back onto ivf and they will make some changes so that you have a much better chance of success - I guess you can at least take that as a positive from the last cycle that they can learn things that will get you to that baby quicker :thumbup:

purple - well done on the essay and not going any more bonkers! :haha:

twinkle - gald the hsg wasn't too bad and hubby was there to hold your hand :hugs:

OMM - it is a lot to think about and whether you decide to use donor eggs or not is a tough call and I know what you mean about changing your mind - I am doing it constantly too - one minute I think i will do ivf then i read the stats and I just think that it is too low a chance of it working for the money I will ahve to borrow and then i look at donor eggs and see the chances of that are much higher and then i think that is more money and then I think I will just try naturally for another 6 months and then and then....! It's really such a tough call but whatever you decide you know we will all be here to support you :hugs:

HA - hope you are ok :hugs:

Skye - don't stress too much and don't start moving furniture around!! It will all come together somehow and if the bb comes early then I'm sure you will have lots of people offering their help :thumbup:

Hi Bear, FM, Lava, dwrgi, titi, Carole, keekee and hope i didn't forget anyone :hugs:

Found out yesterday that my bff who got her BFP with IVF went for her scan yesterday and nothing there - they think ectopic due to hcg levels. Am devastated for her, didn't even think you could get ectopic with ivf but after googling it seems you can :cry:

Started packing all my stuff up yesterday - good thing that I am going to see the BF next week in London for this month's O as that means I can take a load of stuff over and leave it with him so I should be able to get everything over in 2 plane loads :thumbup:
Butterfly - I am so sorry abut your friend! nature is cruel but so powerful she wants to be.

twinkle - well done for getting through the hsg - big :hugs: to you!

OMM - you go back and forth as much as you want to, the descision has to be perfect for you! also - omg - you will be a fantastic mommy!! you are so kind and caring and lovely. never doubt yourself :hugs:
Ok I'm back!

To start from the end - everything seems to be ok - womb & tubes look ok!! :happydance:

Brilliant that everything looks okay! Way to go girl and let's get that BFP young lady!!

I'm definitely doing something wrong-because I highlight what I want and delete the rest but I don't get that posh little purple box like evrybody else does.... Grr.... special needs I clearly am!
Ladies thank you all so much for your support, you really have no idea how much it means to me. So i did a lot of thinking today, and i mean a lot, and i figured out that i am not having an issue with the donor eggs, its just an excuse because i am scared to death that i wont be a good mommy, and that things will change in my life, but i also realized that i want a baby more than anything, so DH and i have talked about it again, and he said that he did not want to use donor eggs because he is afraid i will have a problem, he really wants a baby, so we are both back on track for donor eggs, Padbrat you have given me so much inspiration and excitement, just seeing you going through this also makes me feel not so alone. That was the other thing sometimes i feel really alone in this, and i tend to forget that my dh is there to support me, its hard sometimes, because most of the tests and what not i am by myself, but together my dh and I can do this, now all i have to do is pray that everything works out. Thanks again ladies for your support, and i am so sorry if i post that we are using donor eggs, and then we are not using them, and then we are, please just be patient with me, i am swinging all over the place with emotions right now, i love all you ladies :hugs:[/QUOTE]

I'm doing this in purple now so that it stands out!

Hey hunny, don't feel bad at all. This is a huge decision and you need to consider every ramification. Better now than later! You have to believe in the process or it just isn't going to work. We are here for you whatever you decide and understand completely your hesitation and doubts-we don't think badly of you for this. Now, let's bring on YOUR little bb!

Good morning ladies!!

Carole, fantastic news, i am so excited for you, can i ask how old you are?

Bearlake, i am sorry for the bfn :hugs: and praying that maybe the digi was just not sensitive enough.

All my other ladies, i love you all, sorry for the quick post, i am headed off to work in a bit.

AFM, i am sorry i disappeared yesterday, i had a really rough morning, i found out that while the MFM doctor gave me the ok to do the IVF, he sent a letter to my doctor that said i had to have my A1C below 6 before i get pg, they at the fertility place told me with that we could not do the IVF, i was so upset, i was really really angry and fighting tears. I got to work and called the MFM and spoke to a different doctor that said my A1C was fine and that it was almost impossible to get below 6, he is going to write a new letter telling them that while below 6 is ideal, where i am at is fine to do the IVF, so that is back on again. I also did my cycle day 3 bloodwork so i should have those results in a few days. Also, DH and i talked and we have decided that we cannot do the donor eggs. We have both said that we would rather not have a child if it means using donor eggs. I guess if we had something wrong, like you PadBrat, it would be way easier, but with not giving my eggs a chance, we are having a super hard time with this. So while i know we may only have a 2% chance with IVF with out own eggs, if the numbers come back ok, we are going to do the IVF with my eggs, and then just pray a whole lot. I guess deep in my heart, i just know this will work with my eggs, and DH just does not want to do all this work if its not truly ours. I am sorry i hope i dont upset anybody that is using donor eggs, its just how we feel. So next week i have the HSG and he had blood work and SA, and by then we will know what my numbers are at. Please pray that we get at least one chance to do this IVF, and that my numbers are not totaly bad. I love you ladies, and i thank you all for your support, i have been so stressed about all this and i am trying to relax and breathe lol.

Hey oMM I am 38 but have a super low AMH that alarmed the docs they say that your AMH levels says alot about the quality of your eggs but then if that was totally true then I shouldn't be pregnant now. Do not give up hope of your eggs working and getting your BFP, IVF will take out a great many of the hurdles that are normally in its way so this could be your time honey. My Mum had my litle sister at 44 a complete surprise but everything went smoothly so there is no reason why the same can't happen to you:hugs:

Carole, can I be really nosy and ask what your amh was/is? Mine is 2.9 p/mol. I also read a fertility specialist say somewhere that millions of owmen get pregnant without realising they have a low amh. It is mainly used as an indicator by IVF doctors as to what protocol to use and the dosage to give. I also read that there is a correlation between amh and eggs retrieved but I don't know if this is true as the US uses a different scale (so, 2.9 amh for me, I should yield three eggs. I yielded two. Somebody else wrote on another thread that they had an amh of 12 and they produced twelve eggs at IVF). The thing is I suppose it gives an OVERALL picture of egg quality-low reserves, old eggs, hard skin, chromosomally abnormal, etc. but it doesn't mean that ALL the eggs left in there are poor, hence why people still get preggers with a low amh.

Hugs to you! :hugs:
Found out yesterday that my bff who got her BFP with IVF went for her scan yesterday and nothing there - they think ectopic due to hcg levels. Am devastated for her, didn't even think you could get ectopic with ivf but after googling it seems you can :cry:

Started packing all my stuff up yesterday - good thing that I am going to see the BF next week in London for this month's O as that means I can take a load of stuff over and leave it with him so I should be able to get everything over in 2 plane loads :thumbup:[/QUOTE]

Butterfly, oh gosh, so sorry to hear about your poor friend. Is there no end to the torment of this journey? I sometimes feel that there is no crueller thing than TTC. I am sure you are being a complete comfort to her, my heart goes out to her.

I am soooo pleased that you are resolute in coming back to the UK. I like your dynamism!! Good luck with your packing hun!.

Have a look at this girls-I think this is why this is such a successful and supportive thread! I hope I've done it right-Power of the Team!
Wowwwy woowy, Sooo much going on here dunno where to start.

Titi welcome back sweetie. I'm glad that you are finally with us again. You are a very very brave woman. I can understand your reluctancy to start TTC, all the deceisions etc. You are blessed with a wonderful and loving husband and you will one day be blessed with a healthy happy baby. I hope your journey would be a smooth one from now on. . On the IVF front, it really isn't so bad as it looks from the outside. The only drawback to PGD is the expense, other than that I wish it was offered to all IVF women.
I hope you recover from your surgery very soon. Lot's of love, kisses and sticky baby dust for youxxxx

Bearlake I'm so sorry sweetie. Hugs hugs. I think you also deserve some chocolate dust xx

Debs, can't believe you are ready to go :)) Wowwwy!!!! Your donor's description sounds great. You will have a cutieee baby. GGOOOOOD LUUUUUUUCK! May all the baby dust and good luck come to you and stick for the next 10 months.
Injections are really not that bad so don't worry. The worst part of IVF for me was actually the bloomin "GAS". U know what I'm talking about girlXXXX

Laura congratulations! :happydance::happydance: One each!! You'll have a great time picking baby clothes :) When u can't decide which one is cuter "Get them both" :))) Also I knew that you had a wish for a baby girl so I'm really glad you are getting one. xxx

FM goood luck and baby dust for you as well. Not long to go. Is everything ready? Are you just waiting for the AF or still have some testing to do?

Twinks, I'm sorry for your little fur baby. Fur babies are all loved no matter how small. You have a great DH by the way. Tell him he deserves a medal from the thread for being so sweet to you :)))

Lois all my fingers and toes crossed. Somehow I feel that you will be ok this time though cause this baby was a bit of a miracle. How was your blood work by the way. Any results yet?

Butterfly I'm so glad that you are opening up to all sorts of options. Good luck with all the reasearch, I'm sure you will get there in the end. BTW ARGC is great any questions I'm still in touch with them so I can find out what I can. Keep in mind that UCL is also looking quite bright with the results too.

Dwrgi I know it is a tough call. Convenience+cost is very impt indeed. You are working so I have no idea if you can work out the London option. But let me know if you consider. You are welcome to come stay here too :). Non Londoner girls in ARGC either stayed with friends, family or bedsits. There are places specifically for IVF girls in the centre of town. GCRM by the way is Glasgow Centre for Reproductive Medicine. I thought you mentioned it no?

Carole Pheeew! What a relief. The heartbeat is a very emotional moment. I'm so glad that you are in a good place right now. It actually is a good milestone as well. Once you get the 12 week scan out of the way you can relax even more hon. It looks far but you will get there before you know it. :))) So exciting. Please look after yourself well, pregnancy vits, healthy food, sleep etc cause you will get tired and your body will need a lot of energy these coming months. BTW I was exactly the same about scans but the tx takes away all your shame :)) Everytime I see different drs and they all want me to drop my pants Hahahahaha xxx

Keeky wow I didn't know you were a breast cancer veteran. Did you have a go ahead with your dr about the pregnancy? One of my good friends in Turkey had 2 ops, 1 breast and lymphs under the arm removed. Battled with it for over 3 years. Than she got better, married and got pregnant completely by accident when she was over 36. Her hormone levels were stable by pure luck all through pregnancy. Had a beautiful little girl. She is a little monkey, an absolute charmer. And my friend is still free of cancer. :)) Hope this would give u a smile.

HA you are ready to go physically so that is a huge step. How are you feeling now?

Never :hi::hi

Chris I believe in your eggs too. They got you pregnant in the past a few times. How is your AMH levels? That is a good indication. Would you consider PGD? That eliminates the chromosome risk. And the immune issue as well. Maybe all you need is some steroids and blood thinners. But I don't want to interfere with your decisions when you are having a hard time which way to go. You need to decide soon as well. I know the cost is an issue as well. You know what? Any decision , IVF or donor egg, is better than not deciding at this stage. Cause once you know which way you are going you will click and be happy with it. You will be a great loving mum cause you are a loving girl so don't you ever doubt that. Hugs hugs many hugs.

4ever I can't believe you can start so quickly. Don't you need to give your ovaries a rest? Well your FS seems to have a plan so good luck hon. Keep us posted.

AFM I'm having one of those interrupted nights. I wake up early hrs of the morning and find it hard to go back to sleep. I'm worried about getting the house and preparations ready asap in case of an early birth. I have major stuff to do. Need to get rid of my huge desk and sewing machine in my small room. (So not want to part with my lovely sewing machine :cry: But I need the space for the bb furniture) Also my main bathroom is as cold as a deep freezer. I need to find a solution for the heating and get its windows double glazed. Meaning a plumber needs to get out some stones, change the pipes and replace the crap radiator, than put back the new stones. Just writing all this down makes my sleep run away. The work in this house never ended since we moved in. :shrug:

Skye, you are truly wonderful, thank you for all your help! I think I mentioned the Glasgow centre as it had good results. I think the logistics would be a nightmare so it's a no no for me. But thanks for looking at it. Also, a HUMONGOUS thank you for offering to have me to stay, you are a true friend. I had no idea that there are places in London for IVF women to stay. I had been thinking about the logistics of that. I need to find out from my union what my entitlement is regards time off for treatment. I am sure there is a provision somewhere. What has got me down most about CRGW is that they didn't offer any hope like 4EverYoung's doc and simply said that eggs were old, come back after DHEA or come for ED and then we might try Pregnyl instead of Ovitrel. It just wasn't good enough. I know from my own research that there are some drugs better for low amh and low responders and also I still have a HUGE question about the trigger shot as I am positive I had eggs collected too late. They didn't even look into this. I must admit, after your stats and what you and many others say, my preference would be the ARGC, but it's the logistics. I also DO want to give DHEA a good shot (Twinkle, still no beard, but greasier hair and little pimples on my T-zone. I'll start getting drunk on Coke and aspirin next, then I will truly feel like a teenager!!! :rofl:) too so don't want to do anything until the New Year.

By the way, I think it is completely normal to worry about the house, as you are NESTING!!! You are a little mother hen and you want your little chick to have a nice home. The worst thing is waking up in the middle of the night as problems seem much bigger at that time. It might be worth making a list of what needs to be done, and work your way through them, so that you are not overwhelmed by it all. House renovations are never ending, but it's one thing at a time I suppose.

I hope that you are catching up on your sleep and resting as much as you can! Lots of love and hugs to you, hunni!
Keeky wow I didn't know you were a breast cancer veteran. Did you have a go ahead with your dr about the pregnancy? One of my good friends in Turkey had 2 ops, 1 breast and lymphs under the arm removed. Battled with it for over 3 years. Than she got better, married and got pregnant completely by accident when she was over 36. Her hormone levels were stable by pure luck all through pregnancy. Had a beautiful little girl. She is a little monkey, an absolute charmer. And my friend is still free of cancer. :)) Hope this would give u a smile.

Thank you for this skye, it put a BIG smile on my face :happydance:! I am due to see the oncologist in December, which is ages away, but last time they gave me all the info on how I wouldn't know if I was infertile/menopausal till I came off the meds and how pg wasn't a problem as the oestrogen would be low (my tumour was oestrogen receptor +ve) but that giving birth releases a massive amount of oestrogen so that could mean much to take on board. So I took the decision to come off the meds in April and AF arrived in May and all the signs are good so far :thumbup:. So if I was lucky enough to get pg I'd be monitored closely. I'm kind of hoping like your friend that it will happen naturally - FXed! And massive :hugs: to you, such an exciting time, but look after yourself and no heavy lifting! :nope:

Carole - oh my, that's just magical! :hugs:

OMM, padbrat and 4ever - so much good luck and positive wishes for y'all, I'll be following your respective journeys on here and thinking of you girls :hugs:.

Twink - that's brilliant! And the HSG (and similarly HyCoSy's) can give your down there's a good clear out. Lots of ladies I know got pg after one of these procedures so GL and FXed!

Butterfly, dwrgi, bearlake, purple and all the other lovelies I may have been remiss in mentioning :hi: and :hug: and I hope y'all are doing OK.

AFM - I went to my BFF's for tea last night and she's 2 days late. I wanted to be really excited for her 'cos I love her to death but I just felt like I wanted to put my head on the table and cry. She's so excited so I made all the right noises and she said wouldn't it be great if we were pg at the same time? So I said oh yeah, but I think I will be getting a :bfn: this time around - I just have a feeling iykwim. Ah well, onwards and upwards!

Love to y'all!
Nice video Dwrgi, and yes so right for this thread :hugs::hugs:

If you want to have the quote bit work properly then you just need to make sure that you have the begin quote and end quote tags in place so it would look like this (but without the x after the [ - I put that in so you could see it! )


blah blah blah


So just make sure that you don't delete either the start one or the end one :hugs::hugs:
Wowwwy woowy, Sooo much going on here dunno where to start.

4ever I can't believe you can start so quickly. Don't you need to give your ovaries a rest? Well your FS seems to have a plan so good luck hon. Keep us posted.


I know, fast, right!? She said given our situation it was fine to start immediately. I've heard from people who have done IVF that they have had to just have 3 weeks on the pill from whatever day they were on, and others have shared that they had to get through this period, had a full normal cycle (starting the pill after the 2nd bleed), making it around 4 months between cycles. If the timing is similar this time (I started BCP Aug 1 and had ER 9/5 xfer 9/8), I'll be in ER/Transferland the last week of October...pretty darn quick.

I don't know...she's the authority, so I'll go with what she says! :)
Have a look at this girls-I think this is why this is such a successful and supportive thread! I hope I've done it right-Power of the Team!

Oh wow, honey this was just beautiful, and exactly what i needed!!! Thank you so much for this, its perfect.
Ladies thank you all so much for your support, i really appreciate it, and thanks for saying that i will be a good mom. I think what is so hard, is that i only have one shot at the IVF, so do i use my eggs and take a chance or do i use donor eggs and have a much better chance at having a baby, i guess all i can do is leave it in God's hands and let whatever happens happen. I should find out either today or next week what my AMH and other levels are at, i guess that will be the deciding factor, if the levels come out great then we might just try my eggs, if they come our really low then donor. Thanks again ladies, i love you all!!.
Ladies thank you all so much for your support, i really appreciate it, and thanks for saying that i will be a good mom. I think what is so hard, is that i only have one shot at the IVF, so do i use my eggs and take a chance or do i use donor eggs and have a much better chance at having a baby, i guess all i can do is leave it in God's hands and let whatever happens happen. I should find out either today or next week what my AMH and other levels are at, i guess that will be the deciding factor, if the levels come out great then we might just try my eggs, if they come our really low then donor. Thanks again ladies, i love you all!!.

That sounds really sensible! Wait and then decide. My instincts always kick in eventually, although they can sometimes take weeks to get in gear!

Big :hugs: to you hun!
keekee - speacial :hugs: for you today. we all have moments when we feel like that. however I really hope you get to be pregnant with your friend - that would be lovley. Im sending :dust: your way xx
Dwrgi - I loved that video, it brought a tear to my eye, a happy tear thou!
and you are so not special needs lol! you managed to embed a video!!
Hello lovelies! Hope everyone is doing ok this afternoon.

keekee- hang in there hon. I know how hard it is to see friends have success when you do want your own. We lost our little one 5/11 - my BFF was there at the hospital with us @ 38 weeks. I was there with her when she gave birth on 5/24 and she was delivered by my OB. People asked how I did it. For me, I couldn't not be there- she's the sister of my heart. And it was tough but as I told everyone, I can be happy for her and sad for me. And everone. including my doctor was kind and sympathetic making sure I was ok. But you do what feels right for you at the moment and she will understand.

never- thanks so much hon. Yeah it sucks to be back in TTC mode but I still believe it is worth it. Isn't that why we all keep trying?

FM- good to hear from you!

skye- thanks for your sweet words and the IVF support. IVF is a whiole new world for me and seems like so much to get your arms around! But I'm researching and trying to figure it all out.

carole- congrats on a great scan.

twinkle- so glad the HSG went well. I remember that one - not one of my favorite tests but worth the peace of mind.

OMM- I think everyone makes a good point. This such a PERSONAL journey. What feels right for you is what matters. I know one of the reasons I love it here is that there (remarkably!) are no judgments. It's a truly safe place on a rough road.

padbrat- you are the best a d your support means alot. Good luck with the injections. That is one of my newbie IVF fears!!!

4ever- glad to hear you didn't have to wait months and are in a good place.

Ladies thank you all so much for your support, i really appreciate it, and thanks for saying that i will be a good mom. I think what is so hard, is that i only have one shot at the IVF, so do i use my eggs and take a chance or do i use donor eggs and have a much better chance at having a baby, i guess all i can do is leave it in God's hands and let whatever happens happen. I should find out either today or next week what my AMH and other levels are at, i guess that will be the deciding factor, if the levels come out great then we might just try my eggs, if they come our really low then donor. Thanks again ladies, i love you all!!.

I hope your levels come back good, FXd for you. But if you only have one shot I would definitely consider the donor eggs if the pregnancy rate is so much higher. its only an egg, you are doing the rest of the world creating the baby :hugs:

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