TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

I still need to catch up on reading whats been going on.:blush::blush:

Twinkle- I luv your avatar. I feel the same way.

Dwrgi- How are you lovely? I have thought about you too!!!

Skye,HA,Pad,Missy, Despi, purple,omm,futuremommie...all of you!:hugs::hugs:

Lava (congrats on boy& girl twins):happydance::happydance:

We are not starting IVF quite yet, we are trying to get the money together first. As soon as we have it, we will go back to our RE and just go for it. Whatever he suggests. I'm estimating a few months till we can afford it.

luv to you all.:kiss::kiss::kiss::hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss::hugs::hugs:
Its good to see you back honey!! And i am so happy that you are going to do the IVF, yeah for joining the IVF team lol. Hopefully you will be able to save the money quickly, and that everything will go smoothly!!
And to wade into the ongoing PGD discussion...

If DH and I go to IVF, we will not be doing PGD. If it cost a couple hundred bucks or if it were more successful, we'd do it. But we're not willing to pay several thousand extra dollars for a procedure that has a lower success rate and gets the answers wrong a significant portion of the time. That's just my two cents'.

HA- happy to see you again! I know for me, I won't do IVF without out it right now. After my recurrent m/c history and the anencephaly dx the last pregnancy (found out my little guy also had trisomy), DH and I need a comfort level that we are starting from a comfortable place. There are no guarantees, but I actually know a few women who have had success (over 40 like me) with an IVF antagonist protocol with PGD. So, for us it makes sense right now.

But again, everybody has to make their own decisions on the TTC journey. And there is no magic recipe. If there is...............some please let me know!!!!!:haha:
Why oh why! I have been subjected to a gigantic, swinging baby shower outside my house for the last 6 hours. I went to take the trash out and there are pink and frilly baby stuff all around. Music and joyfulness everywhere :cry:

It is really just so hard sometimes...
Thanks, OMM
I'm scared to do IVF but will never forgive myself if I don't try. I want to be a mommy so much. I'm also so happy that I have a place to come and talk...and know that I have all of you who understand what I'm going through.

I tried to talk to my newly pregnant cousin about it but she just doesn't get it. She has gotten pregnant very easily with all three pregnancies. This time, when we were talking, I was talking about IVF and she said....ohhhh I have something to tell you....I'm pregnant! I'm so happy for her. But I'm also sad. I know she is very excited and I am too. I'm close to her two little boys, they call me auntie and I send them stuff all the time. I guess, I'm envious because she has this growing family and I have not even been able to start mine. I know, I being a downer but......
Dwrgi well done for figuring out how to do posh quoting. Hahahhahahahahhaahaha!!!! :rofl::rofl:
I'm glad your DH is getting to be more interested in the whole IVf procedure. Mine was exactly the same. He was very uninterested in the beginning but as time went by and we couldn't conceive he got desperate himself and started searching for the best solution we could get our hands on. In fact it was him who found the HFEA website and ARGC results. But he still skipped the vits. I just kept nagging. Bit deterrent No? :winkwink: So he sort of gave in just not to be subject to my nags. Hahahhahaha.Especially the drinking and smoking. I would have an absolute fit if he smoked or passed the 2-3 drinks a day or more than twice a week. He realised it was so expensive and difficult the whole thing was in the end.

ARGC's head dr is a very sharp guy, completely obsessed with hormone levels. He sees very few of the patients himself but checks all the notes and blood results of every woman daily. He starts with the highest dose of meds and gradually decreases it. Also he uses 2 types of meds Fostimon and Merional. One of them raises the eastrogen where as the other raises the Lh I think. So he switches between them depending on your levels. After reading the blood results he gives instructions for the day. How much dose and the exact time. Sometimes you get an instruction to shoot it now, sometimes at 8pm or sometimes even later. I think he instructs the minumum meds as possible to make a slow change than keep adjusting as he goes along. Bit like mixing paint. Second week of the stimms you get one blood scan in the morning and one in the afternoon. Quite different, but apparently women secrete hormones both early morning and after lunch. I guess he compares the change in the result to decide what to do next. Even the trigger was given different doses to each of us. I had to shoot 1 and a half dose. So I had to squirt half of the vial out. He does some of the collections and transfers himself. I never got to meet him though :))
That's all I can think of now. :flower: xx
I missed Missy too actually :)

Keeky I remember someone mention that a clinic do a tx without the hormone supplements. I don't know if it is possible though. Your oncologist would know best about all this. Hugs!!!

That is soooooo thorough Skye, and no wonder results are so high with this level of care. A question though, if you are living outside London, do people just hang around the hospital if they have to do two blood scans a day??? The best idea would be to book a room in the hospital, clearly! :rofl:

Do you know what levels they are looking for? Also, what is an E level-is that oestrodol?? Sorry for all the questions....

Incidentally, and this is for anybody with a low amh, I came across a thread by a woman over the weekend-she was 47 with an amh of 0.7 p/mol. She managed to conceive with a natural IVF cycle-where they develop the eggs really slowly, and she only started stimming with a really low dose on CD9/10. Her second attempt she had three eggs (incredible with this amh!), which all fertilised, and one went on to become her second child! She was endorsing this method as the only way to go for women with low amh, which is what Skye was saying about taking time with the stimms. She was called Gosling and was on fertilityfriends. Really interesting story.

Anyway, hello to you all and I hope that you are all well!

Lots of love to all you lovely lovely women!
Thanks, OMM
I'm scared to do IVF but will never forgive myself if I don't try. I want to be a mommy so much. I'm also so happy that I have a place to come and talk...and know that I have all of you who understand what I'm going through.

I tried to talk to my newly pregnant cousin about it but she just doesn't get it. She has gotten pregnant very easily with all three pregnancies. This time, when we were talking, I was talking about IVF and she said....ohhhh I have something to tell you....I'm pregnant! I'm so happy for her. But I'm also sad. I know she is very excited and I am too. I'm close to her two little boys, they call me auntie and I send them stuff all the time. I guess, I'm envious because she has this growing family and I have not even been able to start mine. I know, I being a downer but......

Honey dont be scared of IVF, just think of each shot and each step as a small piece of building your baby. I guess for me i have been through so much, i am looking forward to the IVF for the simple reason that i will get my baby, finally lol.

Ugh i am sorry about your cousin, while i know she is excited you dont tell someone right after they told you they are doing IVF, that they are pg. I am sending you super big warm hugs, and no your not being a downer, thats what we are all here for is support, dont you worry, you post whatever you need to and we will all be here to give you a hug!!:hugs:
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Titi - It is very hard when you are feeling low, to have reminders like this hanging around, it's like salt rubbed into a wound!

Luv - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Im sorry aboud your conversation with your cousin - obviously she is excited but it was bit insensitive to do that especially when you were telling her about your IVF.
luvmydoggies - I know just what you mean about being envious when you see growing families - it's horrible to feel that way but I'm sure we all do. I'm trying to hard not to be down about not getting pregnant each month, I don't want to become obsessed about it but all that happens is I act bright and breezy but inside I feel like I'm permanently stressed out - no good I know! My meltdown moment came on Saturday, when I was at a party and someone was talking to me about how a mutual friend was pregnant at 40, and she was saying 'why on earth would anyone want a toddler running around them at 40..etc etc'. I just smiled and nodded but these people who are lucky enough to have children at a younger age just don't seem to understand the longing. I find other women who have had children in their twenties the most judgemental. It's probably me imagining it, but I just feel so impatient - I've been trying for two years now but with every passing month I just feel worse and worse. you can tell I just started my P today.... xx
hey OMM... I know how you feel ... all the blood tests and scans seem like they are never gonna end! But... like you say, one test... one scan at a time and they will all be done... Plus I would rather they were careful and checked everything out then pay for all the meds etc and then get to the tx and they say "opps we can't carry on because of X,Y, Z"....

Titi and Fiona... we all know that horrible feeling of salt being forceably shoved into those raw wounds... just know you can come and rant to us and we will understand.

PGD... well, I take your points HA. I had picked up on the success rate thing you mentioned... and also when we looked at it as an option because my translocation is so rare they would have had to have construced a probe specially for me, which would have added thousands to the cost... that plus the risks of my ever aging eggs tipped the balance for me... but as has been pointed out, it is such an individual journey we are all on and we all must chose for ourselves. But I do love all of the info you dig up for us hun x

Purps, HA and Skye, I have been prescribed 25mg of steriods, as Skye says to supress the immune system and counter act the very disputed condition of NK cells. So I know all about that... I was wondering about the Progynova and the other injection stuff... but like HA says, it all has different names, so no worries.

Hey everyone else... mucho luvs!
Well ladies i am one step closer, they know i dont have the Rubella vaccine, but we can still procede with the IVF, whoo hoo. She said we would have to wait for a month to TTC but my other RE's office said 3 months, and i just dont want to risk it that i get the vaccine and then something happens because of the vaccine. So provided my mammogram results are clear, and i have the saline test on wed and if all is clear with that, we should be good to go. Oh and she did tell me my AMH is at 0.57, so we will defiantly be using donor eggs. OMG, this could really happen lol.!!
hey OMM... I know how you feel ... all the blood tests and scans seem like they are never gonna end! But... like you say, one test... one scan at a time and they will all be done... Plus I would rather they were careful and checked everything out then pay for all the meds etc and then get to the tx and they say "opps we can't carry on because of X,Y, Z"....

Titi and Fiona... we all know that horrible feeling of salt being forceably shoved into those raw wounds... just know you can come and rant to us and we will understand.

PGD... well, I take your points HA. I had picked up on the success rate thing you mentioned... and also when we looked at it as an option because my translocation is so rare they would have had to have construced a probe specially for me, which would have added thousands to the cost... that plus the risks of my ever aging eggs tipped the balance for me... but as has been pointed out, it is such an individual journey we are all on and we all must chose for ourselves. But I do love all of the info you dig up for us hun x

Purps, HA and Skye, I have been prescribed 25mg of steriods, as Skye says to supress the immune system and counter act the very disputed condition of NK cells. So I know all about that... I was wondering about the Progynova and the other injection stuff... but like HA says, it all has different names, so no worries.

Hey everyone else... mucho luvs!

Mucho hugs hun-great to see you so buoyant!
Well ladies i am one step closer, they know i dont have the Rubella vaccine, but we can still procede with the IVF, whoo hoo. She said we would have to wait for a month to TTC but my other RE's office said 3 months, and i just dont want to risk it that i get the vaccine and then something happens because of the vaccine. So provided my mammogram results are clear, and i have the saline test on wed and if all is clear with that, we should be good to go. Oh and she did tell me my AMH is at 0.57, so we will defiantly be using donor eggs. OMG, this could really happen lol.!!

Brilliant news Chris-all sounds good to me. Yes, how brilliant, it is really happening! Fantastic girl! We shall whoop whoop you all the way there-and HA, and Luv, and Pad!! AND FM-do you have your first scan tomorrow???? Or an appointment with your consultant?? AND Purple-four days to go, and you are an inspiration in calm!! I am positive you will get good results, and also a good idea to ask about the blood tests. I am rooting for you hun!

Thinking of you all, and sending HUGE hugs!!

OMM - Ohhhh O
I am getting so excited for you!!!!!! you are nearly there hun!

HA - how's everything with you this time? Im thinking about you xx

dwrgi - lol! bless you, I think I am too busy at work and too tired at home to think about the what-ifs, although it creeps into my head when I have a minute and then there is a LOT of stomach churning and pulse racing going on.... DH has found a distracting technique - and that is, he records episodes of Bridezilla, they are so crazy on that show, he is a love!

to all my other lovely friends - hope you are all ok, sending you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I should also point out that we need some BFPs on this thread, it is just time! it has to be time, don't you all think.

Lou xx
OMM - Ohhhh O
I am getting so excited for you!!!!!! you are nearly there hun!

HA - how's everything with you this time? Im thinking about you xx

dwrgi - lol! bless you, I think I am too busy at work and too tired at home to think about the what-ifs, although it creeps into my head when I have a minute and then there is a LOT of stomach churning and pulse racing going on.... DH has found a distracting technique - and that is, he records episodes of Bridezilla, they are so crazy on that show, he is a love!

to all my other lovely friends - hope you are all ok, sending you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I should also point out that we need some BFPs on this thread, it is just time! it has to be time, don't you all think.

Lou xx

Completely agree! Come on girls! Let's think positive for our BFPs!! :happydance::happydance: (Purple-Your hubby sounds absolutely ACE!!).
HA woow thank you for the detailed explanation. Where are you at with the tx. Hope is going all great. xx

Lois I hope that everything is good on your scan. Lot's and lot's of love and fairy dust. I am rooting for you. I felt better after a sleep that night thank you. xxxx

Luvy it really isn't nice to have someone so close being pregnant in your face. HUGS!! But at least you have a good plan and a goal :) Don't be too scared with IVF. It is intense but it gives you a sense of purpose and you don't feel the strain at all during the tx. We will all support you when you get there xxxx

Chris I'm so glad that you are out of the deep end of not knowing what to chose. Woohoooo. It will all be very easy after this. Waiting a few more months is really nothing when you think you have waited for such a long time. You are one step closer to your baby every day hon xxx

Titi there is absolutely not a magic recipe at all :)) The magic is in the hands of God, if you believe. If not you can say it's just a coincidence. No tx is guarantee for a baby. But there are variables that you can try to twist towards what works :) For you, I think PGD does make sense and I really hope it works. xxx

Butterfly did you get any answers from ARGC at all? How are you hon?

Debs Progynova seems to be raising oestogen levels. That thickens your womb lining. . Progestrone suppositories stops the lining from shedding. So they are trying to get your body ready for the transfer. Good luck hon xxxx

Amanda e is oestrodial :) I don't know how to spell it that's all LOL!!! I don't know what levels they were after but they did take in women with lower AMH as well I think. I can find out if u want. Woow for that woman who had the baby with low AMH. Where did she do the tx? Maybe worth talking to her dr????

Hi Fiona, we had a young girl giving us a piece of her mind a few weeks ago. She called us old hags. Hahahhahahahahahaaa!!!! Also BFP at a younger age isn't always a luck. I had quite a few friends and acquintances who went through an abortion. I know it is not a nice thing to go through. But all these women were desperately in need of their circumstances to stay stable at the time. Bearing a baby that you can't provide and care for is even worst than having a baby running around at 40. I was quite shocked when I sew a 66 year old woman giving birth to triplets in India.

and a 70 year old

Don't think that's appropriate but it has happened. So really pay no attention to people who put you down like that xx

Twinks how u doing hon xxx
Wahooooo OMM! Yes, another step down for you!:happydance:

Dwrgi... yea I am in quite a bouyant mood... had so much bad luck lately.. and last Friday my luck changed in a very minor way for the better... since then little good things have been happening... I am hoping my streak lasts for the tx and then a healthy baby:baby:... who knows if it will:happydance:, but we can hope can't we?

Purps... awesome distraction techniques... I love Bridezilla.. it is mental!! Absolutely cracks me up!!:haha:

Skye... as ever the oracle!:hugs: How are you and your lovely baby girl?:kiss:

OOO nearly forgot... OMM... my Consultant has told me to stay on aspirin and 5mg folic acid with my treatment, but to quit all of the Pregnacare, Vit D and Omega 3,6 and 9 I was taking. Don't know if that helps?

HA - how is it all ticking along with you?

Everyone else... I am still feeling strangely jubilant for no reason... may be cos Hubby is away and I have FULL control of the TV remote?..:haha: But Mucho Luvs x
Wahooooo OMM! Yes, another step down for you!:happydance:

OOO nearly forgot... OMM... my Consultant has told me to stay on aspirin and 5mg folic acid with my treatment, but to quit all of the Pregnacare, Vit D and Omega 3,6 and 9 I was taking. Don't know if that helps?

Everyone else... I am still feeling strangely jubilant for no reason... may be cos Hubby is away and I have FULL control of the TV remote?..:haha: But Mucho Luvs x

Hmmmm very interesting, the high risk doc said that he will have me on baby asprin when i get pg, i asked if i should start it before and he said no, he said it helps the placenta grow, but if thats the case than why not get on it now right, they also told me about the folic acid, but i will wait a bit before taking that, if i take too much i get a rash in the crook of my arm, i will deal with it for the baby though, as for the Omega's she wanted me on them with the pre natal, i told her i could not because i get a nasty headache from it, so she relented on that one. Thanks for the information honey, i am going to stock up on folic acid lol.
Getting very excited for you ladies, particularly Chris and Debs :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Yes for sure we need some good news and BFPs!

Purple, have everything crossed for you for Thursday (or was it Friday?!), sounds like you have done a good job of keeping yourself busy :hugs::hugs:

Skye, no I have heard nothing from ARGC, not very impressed! Must have been over a week ago that I contacted them, if not longer!

So I am heading to the UK in a couple of days for a weekend of :sex: lol. Hoping I O at the normal time so that I am covered for this month!
Well ladies i am one step closer, they know i dont have the Rubella vaccine, but we can still procede with the IVF, whoo hoo. She said we would have to wait for a month to TTC but my other RE's office said 3 months, and i just dont want to risk it that i get the vaccine and then something happens because of the vaccine.

OMM- so happy for you moving closer to your goal! I also had a surprise with the Rubella vaccine thing. Although I had it as child it had effectively "worn off." We talked about it at length and my FS really said it was our decision so we talked about it and I talked to my mom (love her advice!) and we ended up getting the vaccine. But at that point, we were ok with waiting and it was only a month (not 3!) so it wasn't too bad. But the risk of actually getting Rubella while pregnant is soooooo small.

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