TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hate to read and run but off to work I go. Will catch up later.

Have a wonderful, fan-tabu-lous day ladies!!!! :hugs::hugs:
Lots of exciting things going on here. Keep up the PMA! Ok, I'll go back to lurking. Just wanted to pop in and say "hi". Love y'all.
Getting very excited for you ladies, particularly Chris and Debs :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Yes for sure we need some good news and BFPs!

Purple, have everything crossed for you for Thursday (or was it Friday?!), sounds like you have done a good job of keeping yourself busy :hugs::hugs:

Skye, no I have heard nothing from ARGC, not very impressed! Must have been over a week ago that I contacted them, if not longer!

So I am heading to the UK in a couple of days for a weekend of :sex: lol. Hoping I O at the normal time so that I am covered for this month!

LOL, thanks honey, i am too scared to get real excited yet, but its starting to creep up on me that this migh actually happen!!! OMG, now i am worrying about the money and can we get enough for it lol. I am trying to think positive and yet remain cautious all at the same time lol. One good thing when i talked to the nurse yesterday she had asked if i made the appt for the psych consult yet and i said no, and she said why not, and i said i am too afraid something will go wrong and we wont be able to do it, and she said, i dont see that happening, im pretty sure you will be able to do it, so that was a good sign lol.
Well ladies i am one step closer, they know i dont have the Rubella vaccine, but we can still procede with the IVF, whoo hoo. She said we would have to wait for a month to TTC but my other RE's office said 3 months, and i just dont want to risk it that i get the vaccine and then something happens because of the vaccine.

OMM- so happy for you moving closer to your goal! I also had a surprise with the Rubella vaccine thing. Although I had it as child it had effectively "worn off." We talked about it at length and my FS really said it was our decision so we talked about it and I talked to my mom (love her advice!) and we ended up getting the vaccine. But at that point, we were ok with waiting and it was only a month (not 3!) so it wasn't too bad. But the risk of actually getting Rubella while pregnant is soooooo small.

See i am just so worried that if i get it now, that in a month it wont be totaly gone, and something will happen, and like you said the risk is so small, i am hoping to be able to start the IVF right away, and knowing my luck they would do it real quick and i would be stuck. I figure i will get the vaccine after i have the baby.
Good morning ladies!!!! How are all my lovely ladies today? I agree with Purple we need some bfp's in here, come on ladies, we can do this!!!!! :happydance: OK off to work for me, tomorrow is my saline test, and if i make it through that we should be good!!!! I love you all!!
I checked "the green book" which is the bible as far as vaccinations go and I think this link should take you there (this is the rubella chapter) if anyone wants more information:

(Green Book, Department of Health Uk 2010 updated)

Im currently waiting for clients to arrive so I thought I'd add that whilst I am waiting
I had the Rubella (German measles we called it) as a child but 30 years later I'm still immune, so didn't need a shot. I should add that I was tested overseas, useless Doc I've seen here in the UK didn't even ask me about rubella.

I know with regular measles that they are making a comeback in Europe due to less people vaccinating their kids, but IDK about Rubella, haven't heard of anyone catching it in years.
Northstar - Rubella is very rare (because it is included in the MMR vaccine)
Purple thanks for the info on the Rubella, i will check that out, i am not too worried about it though, i knew when my sister had my niece that i probably did not have the vaccine any more since she did not have it, and that was 12 years ago lol.

Soooooooooooooooo ladies i was right not to get too excited, i just hit a MAJOR freaking roadblock, i found out that to do the donor egg cycle, its going to cost me 25 thousand dollars out of pocket, that is not even including the fact that they would use all my insurance money for the medical side of it. They are charging 13 thousand dollars just for the donor and agency fee!! So, i am thinking i am going to just do the IVF with my own eggs. Oh and i got my results from my day 3 tests, and i have to say i am amazed, i knew my AMH was 0.57, but now i found out my FSH is 7.61, My E2 or estrogen is 45, and my LH is at 3.88, all of these are within normal levels, so maybe, just maybe i have a shot at this with my own eggs. What do you ladies think?
OMM - wow. I don't really understand the american system but that sounds wildly expensive!! is "out of pocket" the amount you actually have to pay??
Hi ladies,

wanted to come in and update everyone on us.

If your interested, You can click to unhide. Miss and love you all, Praying for more bfp's and lots of babydust for you ladies. Your always in my heart and prayers. :hug:

We've hit 38wks by the grace of God.

Bp was high again so they did the amnio. I actually got the Dr. I LIKE and he was hillarious. Didn't hurt, was quick but messy. :rofl: He's a great Dr. though and made it light-hearted. :winkwink:

We thought we wouldn't hear back until 4pm but they called at 115pm to tell us Amelia's lungs are mature and they scheduled our c-section for 730am on Thursday the 29th. I tried to con them into waiting until Sat. October the first but nobody wanted to come in on a Saturday. :shrug: Don't know why! :shrug: :rofl:

I had some pretty intense contractions so they kept me in the office for awhile to be sure I wasn't going into labor. They check my cervix....FULLY CLOSED. What a testimony to how great the cerclage and 17P injections work. I'll be REALLY confident next pregnancy...though not too cocky. Nothing is ever guaranteed. Maybe just a bit more joyful of a new pregnancy and not so neurotic! :thumbup:

At any rate, baby Amelia will be here thursday.:happydance: Can't believe it. We've waited 10 years for this little girl and all of a sudden we're two days away from holding her. :cry: My cup runneth over! I'll keep you posted once she arrives.
MA- I am so excited for you!!!! :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:

Can't wait to see pics of that little girl! Just remember we are all here hoping, wishing and praying for a easy and blessed delivery.

Hi ladies,

wanted to come in and update everyone on us.

If your interested, You can click to unhide. Miss and love you all, Praying for more bfp's and lots of babydust for you ladies. Your always in my heart and prayers. :hug:

We've hit 38wks by the grace of God.

Bp was high again so they did the amnio. I actually got the Dr. I LIKE and he was hillarious. Didn't hurt, was quick but messy. :rofl: He's a great Dr. though and made it light-hearted. :winkwink:

We thought we wouldn't hear back until 4pm but they called at 115pm to tell us Amelia's lungs are mature and they scheduled our c-section for 730am on Thursday the 29th. I tried to con them into waiting until Sat. October the first but nobody wanted to come in on a Saturday. :shrug: Don't know why! :shrug: :rofl:

I had some pretty intense contractions so they kept me in the office for awhile to be sure I wasn't going into labor. They check my cervix....FULLY CLOSED. What a testimony to how great the cerclage and 17P injections work. I'll be REALLY confident next pregnancy...though not too cocky. Nothing is ever guaranteed. Maybe just a bit more joyful of a new pregnancy and not so neurotic! :thumbup:

At any rate, baby Amelia will be here thursday.:happydance: Can't believe it. We've waited 10 years for this little girl and all of a sudden we're two days away from holding her. :cry: My cup runneth over! I'll keep you posted once she arrives.

Oh, MA, this made me cry... I am so very happy for you. I can't wait to hear that she has arrived! Good luck to the three of you-I bet you can't sleep for excitement!

The very best of love to you!
Hi Mommy's angel, thank you for the update, Im so happy that you are both doing well, and not long until you get to meet Amelia - best wishes for Thursday. Ill be thinking about you and hoping everything goes beautifully for you both xxxxxx
Hey Chris-how are you hun? It sounds like it's one step forward two backwards, and I soooooooo know how that feels. Hang on in there hun.:thumbup:

What does the insurance cover and how much would you have to fork out yourself? I am not sure what these levels mean, but if they are within normal level, then that is good. What your amh level means is that you probably won't produce many eggs, although you do read about people with this level getting three, although this is more the exception to the rule. The success rate of IVF is always better the more eggs you have. It's simply down to maths. If you produce one egg, then it COULD be the one, you just never know. It is a complete gamble, but it's a real gamble with real money and real consequences.

I think if I could scrape together the money I would go for DE, myself, although I am not saying that this is what you should do. You know in your heart what is right for you. You don't want to have any regrets about doing DE other your own eggs. The critical fact is whether you can have one or more cycles, just in case the first one doesn't work, and only you can decide how many you can go for....

Good luck hun, and whatever you decide, we shall be here for you!

Lots of love, A
MA - Yay! I can't believe Amelia will be here on Thursday! I am hoping that everything goes so smoothly and as painlessly as possible!

OMM - I know when I looked at DE in the UK it was double in cost what I am now paying abroad. I am very happy with my choice. Why not explore other options outside of the US?

Hey all!! Luvs and hugs all round!
OMM - wow. I don't really understand the american system but that sounds wildly expensive!! is "out of pocket" the amount you actually have to pay??

Yes the out of pocket is what we would have to pay, they said my insurance will cover the donor, but all it covers is the medical end of it, so her b/w, and u/s and the actuall retrevial, i dont have any insurance for meds so i would have to pay for her's and mine for the cycle, then there is the 13K that is the donor/agency fee, plus i would have to pay $288 for a blood test for her to make sure she did not have HIV, or Hep, or any of those things, they wont put that through insurance so we have to pay that out of pocket too, plus i have to pay 20% of the procedure that goes through the insurance which is about $1600, its just nuts, and i am so bummed out that nobody can help people that really need it, they all have to get their money, its like they dont care about the women, just how much they can make. Its ok though, we are going to give my eggs a shot, and pray, and if it does not work, then i am done!!
Hi ladies,

wanted to come in and update everyone on us.

If your interested, You can click to unhide. Miss and love you all, Praying for more bfp's and lots of babydust for you ladies. Your always in my heart and prayers. :hug:

We've hit 38wks by the grace of God.

Bp was high again so they did the amnio. I actually got the Dr. I LIKE and he was hillarious. Didn't hurt, was quick but messy. :rofl: He's a great Dr. though and made it light-hearted. :winkwink:

We thought we wouldn't hear back until 4pm but they called at 115pm to tell us Amelia's lungs are mature and they scheduled our c-section for 730am on Thursday the 29th. I tried to con them into waiting until Sat. October the first but nobody wanted to come in on a Saturday. :shrug: Don't know why! :shrug: :rofl:

I had some pretty intense contractions so they kept me in the office for awhile to be sure I wasn't going into labor. They check my cervix....FULLY CLOSED. What a testimony to how great the cerclage and 17P injections work. I'll be REALLY confident next pregnancy...though not too cocky. Nothing is ever guaranteed. Maybe just a bit more joyful of a new pregnancy and not so neurotic! :thumbup:

At any rate, baby Amelia will be here thursday.:happydance: Can't believe it. We've waited 10 years for this little girl and all of a sudden we're two days away from holding her. :cry: My cup runneth over! I'll keep you posted once she arrives.

Oh honey fantastic news, i am so happy for you, OMG, you will get to hold Amelia in two days!!!!! How freaking exciting!!! Congrats honey, and well done for making it this far!!
Hey Chris-how are you hun? It sounds like it's one step forward two backwards, and I soooooooo know how that feels. Hang on in there hun.:thumbup:

What does the insurance cover and how much would you have to fork out yourself? I am not sure what these levels mean, but if they are within normal level, then that is good. What your amh level means is that you probably won't produce many eggs, although you do read about people with this level getting three, although this is more the exception to the rule. The success rate of IVF is always better the more eggs you have. It's simply down to maths. If you produce one egg, then it COULD be the one, you just never know. It is a complete gamble, but it's a real gamble with real money and real consequences.

I think if I could scrape together the money I would go for DE, myself, although I am not saying that this is what you should do. You know in your heart what is right for you. You don't want to have any regrets about doing DE other your own eggs. The critical fact is whether you can have one or more cycles, just in case the first one doesn't work, and only you can decide how many you can go for....

Good luck hun, and whatever you decide, we shall be here for you!

Lots of love, A

Thanks honey, i am hanging lol, as for your question my insurance will only cover her medical so her u/s and b/w and the actual retreval, what we would have to pay is a total of 25 thousand dollars, thats 13K for the donor/agency fee, and between 4 and 8K for meds for her and I, and $1600 which would be the 20% i have to pay for the IVF procedure, and $288 for a blood test for her, so yeah there is no way we could come up with 25 thousand dollars, especially since there is no guarantee that we would have a baby even with donor eggs, As for responding to the meds, i do quite well for someone my age lol, the last IUI we did we used Clomid followed up with 75ml of gonal F for 4 days, and i had 3 mature eggs, and that was just on clomid. Every time we did the IUI's i always had 5 or more eggs, now granted that last IUI was almost a year ago, but i believe that i will produce quite a few eggs. And your right, its a matter of numbers, at this point all we can do is try, my eggs and see what happens. Also if we do a cycle with my eggs, we might have enough insurance money to do two cycles, i guess all i can do is wait and see, but i know we cannot afford what would be the amount of a new car to do this.
MA - Yay! I can't believe Amelia will be here on Thursday! I am hoping that everything goes so smoothly and as painlessly as possible!

OMM - I know when I looked at DE in the UK it was double in cost what I am now paying abroad. I am very happy with my choice. Why not explore other options outside of the US?

Hey all!! Luvs and hugs all round!

I have thought about that, and can do some checking, maybe in Canada or something, not sure just yet, but for some stupid reason, i am ok with using my eggs, i know i would have a better chance at donor eggs, but with this, i now feel in my heart that we are supposed to do this one with my eggs, and that it will work, maybe i am stupid, but i have to give it a try you know what i mean.

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