TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

OMM - wow. I don't really understand the american system but that sounds wildly expensive!! is "out of pocket" the amount you actually have to pay??

Yes the out of pocket is what we would have to pay, they said my insurance will cover the donor, but all it covers is the medical end of it, so her b/w, and u/s and the actuall retrevial, i dont have any insurance for meds so i would have to pay for her's and mine for the cycle, then there is the 13K that is the donor/agency fee, plus i would have to pay $288 for a blood test for her to make sure she did not have HIV, or Hep, or any of those things, they wont put that through insurance so we have to pay that out of pocket too, plus i have to pay 20% of the procedure that goes through the insurance which is about $1600, its just nuts, and i am so bummed out that nobody can help people that really need it, they all have to get their money, its like they dont care about the women, just how much they can make. Its ok though, we are going to give my eggs a shot, and pray, and if it does not work, then i am done!!

Chris, I'm so sorry! What a blow to the gut!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

What is the donor/agency fee for? What does it actually go to? Is the donor recruited by your clinic or an outside agency? Would you have to pay the same fee if you had a known donor (if you recruited a friend/relative willing to donate)?

Your FSH looks very promising in terms of IVF response. :thumbup: The way my dr explained it is that AMH gives a long-term outlook in terms of ovarian reserve, while FSH is a predictor of short-term (near future) ovarian response. So I have to think you have a great shot at a good response.

AFM, just sort of cruising along.... Everything looked good on Monday - one at 16 and two at 14, and my E2 was up to 398. :thumbup: My next check is in the morning. I suspect they'll probably trigger me tomorrow or Thurs, so the IUI would be on Fri or Sat. I should know tomorrow.

I'm remarkably laid back about this cycle so far. I kind of don't care at this point, which I know sounds odd but there it is. (I'm sure I'll feel differently in the tww.) It's either going to happen or it isn't, but no amount of obsessing or worrying on my part is going to influence that, and I don't have the energy to obsess or worry about it right now, so screw it. I take my shots when my reminder alarm goes off, and I kind of forget about it the rest of the day.

Maybe this is just all my subconscious making a futile effort to protect me from grief or disappointment by not letting me get my hopes up, but whatever - it's working for me right now, so I'll go with it. :coolio:
Hey Chris-how are you hun? It sounds like it's one step forward two backwards, and I soooooooo know how that feels. Hang on in there hun.:thumbup:

What does the insurance cover and how much would you have to fork out yourself? I am not sure what these levels mean, but if they are within normal level, then that is good. What your amh level means is that you probably won't produce many eggs, although you do read about people with this level getting three, although this is more the exception to the rule. The success rate of IVF is always better the more eggs you have. It's simply down to maths. If you produce one egg, then it COULD be the one, you just never know. It is a complete gamble, but it's a real gamble with real money and real consequences.

I think if I could scrape together the money I would go for DE, myself, although I am not saying that this is what you should do. You know in your heart what is right for you. You don't want to have any regrets about doing DE other your own eggs. The critical fact is whether you can have one or more cycles, just in case the first one doesn't work, and only you can decide how many you can go for....

Good luck hun, and whatever you decide, we shall be here for you!

Lots of love, A

Thanks honey, i am hanging lol, as for your question my insurance will only cover her medical so her u/s and b/w and the actual retreval, what we would have to pay is a total of 25 thousand dollars, thats 13K for the donor/agency fee, and between 4 and 8K for meds for her and I, and $1600 which would be the 20% i have to pay for the IVF procedure, and $288 for a blood test for her, so yeah there is no way we could come up with 25 thousand dollars, especially since there is no guarantee that we would have a baby even with donor eggs, As for responding to the meds, i do quite well for someone my age lol, the last IUI we did we used Clomid followed up with 75ml of gonal F for 4 days, and i had 3 mature eggs, and that was just on clomid. Every time we did the IUI's i always had 5 or more eggs, now granted that last IUI was almost a year ago, but i believe that i will produce quite a few eggs. And your right, its a matter of numbers, at this point all we can do is try, my eggs and see what happens. Also if we do a cycle with my eggs, we might have enough insurance money to do two cycles, i guess all i can do is wait and see, but i know we cannot afford what would be the amount of a new car to do this.

Oh hun, it is a complete nightmare, isn't it?? Well, whatever you decide to do, I'm with you on it, and will be keeping all my fingers crossed that you have success. You SO deserve it!!

MA - Yay! I can't believe Amelia will be here on Thursday! I am hoping that everything goes so smoothly and as painlessly as possible!

OMM - I know when I looked at DE in the UK it was double in cost what I am now paying abroad. I am very happy with my choice. Why not explore other options outside of the US?

Hey all!! Luvs and hugs all round!

I have thought about that, and can do some checking, maybe in Canada or something, not sure just yet, but for some stupid reason, i am ok with using my eggs, i know i would have a better chance at donor eggs, but with this, i now feel in my heart that we are supposed to do this one with my eggs, and that it will work, maybe i am stupid, but i have to give it a try you know what i mean.

I know what you mean-you'd always wonder 'what if' if you didn't give your own eggs a try, and it does look as if you produce a good supply each time. So, now, for omega oils for quality and Royal Jelly too, and maybe a bit of DHEA just for luck so they can be the best eggs ever!!!

AFM, just sort of cruising along.... Everything looked good on Monday - one at 16 and two at 14, and my E2 was up to 398. :thumbup: My next check is in the morning. I suspect they'll probably trigger me tomorrow or Thurs, so the IUI would be on Fri or Sat. I should know tomorrow.

I'm remarkably laid back about this cycle so far. I kind of don't care at this point, which I know sounds odd but there it is. (I'm sure I'll feel differently in the tww.) It's either going to happen or it isn't, but no amount of obsessing or worrying on my part is going to influence that, and I don't have the energy to obsess or worry about it right now, so screw it. I take my shots when my reminder alarm goes off, and I kind of forget about it the rest of the day.

Maybe this is just all my subconscious making a futile effort to protect me from grief or disappointment by not letting me get my hopes up, but whatever - it's working for me right now, so I'll go with it. :coolio:

That sounds marvellous HA, and I am so excited for you. I can understand how you feel about being blase (with a whatyoumacallit above the e) about it, and I seriously don't think that this attitude will do you any harn either! I am rooting for you hun and keeping everything crossed!

Good luck hun!
Hi everybody! How are you all??? Just wondered whether all the ones who have been trying to get pregnant since FOREVER ever have moments when they feel that they just want to give up??? Everything is a battle, doors are closed in your face more often than opened, and the stress of the research and the unknown aspect of it all, is just so overwhelming...

I am seriously getting my head more and more around the idea that it is just not meant to be for me. I just think that I'm one of the statistics that just couldn't get preggers, and everybody knows one of those, 'bless her heart.'

It is so hard. I found out by following another girl's cycle at ARGC that the cycle cost £12000 FOR ONE round of IVF. OMG! Who on earth can afford that?? I can't afford to sell my house to pay for that for a BFN! To be left with nothing. IVF Wales-'Get in touch in January'. Grr. My clinic-'bless you, it's your eggs dear. Get used to it.' IUI-blinking disaster. IVF-even more of a blinking disaster and £5000 down the pan.

Sorry to be so doom and gloom, but I'm watching my life slip by because I'm so focused on this one little thing, which is so fundamentally huge, and getting nowhere fast, it is just nuts, when you think about it.

It's basically all about the haves and have nots, and if, like my brother who HAS and has more than enough money to fund his fiancee's treatment, then you're laughing. If you are a have not, then it's 'Tough, you just haven't got the money love, this means no kids.' How is that fair?????

Oh dear, I'm going to go and sort myself out before my next class arrives-I'm just overwhelmed and exhausted by it all.

Sorry sorry sorry guys! :nope::nope::nope:

Oh, and FM if you're reading, GOOD LUCK!! I am sooooooo rooting for you, hun!
Hi everybody! How are you all??? Just wondered whether all the ones who have been trying to get pregnant since FOREVER ever have moments when they feel that they just want to give up??? Everything is a battle, doors are closed in your face more often than opened, and the stress of the research and the unknown aspect of it all, is just so overwhelming...

I am seriously getting my head more and more around the idea that it is just not meant to be for me. I just think that I'm one of the statistics that just couldn't get preggers, and everybody knows one of those, 'bless her heart.'

It is so hard. I found out by following another girl's cycle at ARGC that the cycle cost £12000 FOR ONE cycle of IVF. OMG! Who on earth can aford that?? I can't afford to sell my house to pay for that for a BFN! To be left with nothing. IVF Wales-get in touch in January. Grr. My clinic-bless you, it's your eggs dear. Get used to it. IUI-blinking disaster. IVF-even more of a blinking disaster and £5000 down the pan.

Sorry to be so doom and gloom, but I'm watching my life slip by so focused on this one little thing, which is so fundamentally huge, and getting nowhere fast, it is just nuts, when you think about it.

It's basically all about the haves and have nots, and if, like my brother who HAS and has more than enough money to fund his fiancee's treatment, then you're laughing. If you are a have not, then it's 'tough, you just haven't got the money love, this means no kids.' How is that fair?????

Oh dear, I'm going to go and sort myself out before my next class arrives-I'm just overwhelmed and exhausted by it all.

Sorry sorry sorry guys! :nope::nope::nope:

Oh, and FM if you're reading, GOOD LUCK!! I am sooooooo rooting for you, hun!

Yep, I do! Stay with us though honey - it's not over til the fat lady sings, and I'm keeping quiet for a long time to come!!! :hugs::hugs:
Wow, lots of news. MA brilliant that Amelia will be here Thursday, can't beleive 38 weeks has come around :happydance::happydance:

OMM, I would do like Padbrat suggested and seriously think about going abroad. it may seem a really big step to go to somewhere in Europe but they have agents that look after everything for you and clinics that are specially set up for people from the US so everything would be sorted and you could have a bit of a holiday too. It is so much cheaper over there :hugs::hugs:

HA, good that you are taking this as it comes, really hope this one goes well and if you are relaxed about it then maybe that is a good thing :hugs::hugs:

Dwrgi, you are having a tough old time of it, I just really hope that something happens for you soon to make it all work out :hugs::hugs:
A friend of a friend went somewhere in Spain for donor eggs, I can ask the name of the clinic if anyone is interested, she ended up getting twins :thumbup:

Good luck HA, PMA is over rated, do what you need to do to protect yourself and if you can't fake a smile so be it, at the end of the day AC is all about science IMO.

Dwrgi, sorry you're feeling low about this whole thing, as Skye has said shop around for clinics, there are other options out there, take your time and do the research and in the meantime concentrate on your health, building those eggs.

MA congrats on reaching the end of a healthy pregnancy and good luck with the delivery :thumbup: great news.
OMM - wow. I don't really understand the american system but that sounds wildly expensive!! is "out of pocket" the amount you actually have to pay??

Yes the out of pocket is what we would have to pay, they said my insurance will cover the donor, but all it covers is the medical end of it, so her b/w, and u/s and the actuall retrevial, i dont have any insurance for meds so i would have to pay for her's and mine for the cycle, then there is the 13K that is the donor/agency fee, plus i would have to pay $288 for a blood test for her to make sure she did not have HIV, or Hep, or any of those things, they wont put that through insurance so we have to pay that out of pocket too, plus i have to pay 20% of the procedure that goes through the insurance which is about $1600, its just nuts, and i am so bummed out that nobody can help people that really need it, they all have to get their money, its like they dont care about the women, just how much they can make. Its ok though, we are going to give my eggs a shot, and pray, and if it does not work, then i am done!!

Chris, I'm so sorry! What a blow to the gut!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

What is the donor/agency fee for? What does it actually go to? Is the donor recruited by your clinic or an outside agency? Would you have to pay the same fee if you had a known donor (if you recruited a friend/relative willing to donate)?

Your FSH looks very promising in terms of IVF response. :thumbup: The way my dr explained it is that AMH gives a long-term outlook in terms of ovarian reserve, while FSH is a predictor of short-term (near future) ovarian response. So I have to think you have a great shot at a good response.


Thanks honey, i guess some of the donor/agency fee goes to the donor, i think they get like 7K the rest goes to the agency for "Keeping track of the donors" the donor area i guess is a thrid party so seperate from my doctors office but they are connected to each other. I checked around online and all the other places around my area are the same price, so we decided to go with my eggs. I was very happy with my levles, and i think i will do well, now all i have to do is pray that we get a good egg. The nurse said today that if everything checks out this week, she will talk to the doctor and we can proably start the cycle when AF shows next, so whoo hoo for jumping right in lol.
Hey Chris-how are you hun? It sounds like it's one step forward two backwards, and I soooooooo know how that feels. Hang on in there hun.:thumbup:

What does the insurance cover and how much would you have to fork out yourself? I am not sure what these levels mean, but if they are within normal level, then that is good. What your amh level means is that you probably won't produce many eggs, although you do read about people with this level getting three, although this is more the exception to the rule. The success rate of IVF is always better the more eggs you have. It's simply down to maths. If you produce one egg, then it COULD be the one, you just never know. It is a complete gamble, but it's a real gamble with real money and real consequences.

I think if I could scrape together the money I would go for DE, myself, although I am not saying that this is what you should do. You know in your heart what is right for you. You don't want to have any regrets about doing DE other your own eggs. The critical fact is whether you can have one or more cycles, just in case the first one doesn't work, and only you can decide how many you can go for....

Good luck hun, and whatever you decide, we shall be here for you!

Lots of love, A

Thanks honey, i am hanging lol, as for your question my insurance will only cover her medical so her u/s and b/w and the actual retreval, what we would have to pay is a total of 25 thousand dollars, thats 13K for the donor/agency fee, and between 4 and 8K for meds for her and I, and $1600 which would be the 20% i have to pay for the IVF procedure, and $288 for a blood test for her, so yeah there is no way we could come up with 25 thousand dollars, especially since there is no guarantee that we would have a baby even with donor eggs, As for responding to the meds, i do quite well for someone my age lol, the last IUI we did we used Clomid followed up with 75ml of gonal F for 4 days, and i had 3 mature eggs, and that was just on clomid. Every time we did the IUI's i always had 5 or more eggs, now granted that last IUI was almost a year ago, but i believe that i will produce quite a few eggs. And your right, its a matter of numbers, at this point all we can do is try, my eggs and see what happens. Also if we do a cycle with my eggs, we might have enough insurance money to do two cycles, i guess all i can do is wait and see, but i know we cannot afford what would be the amount of a new car to do this.

Oh hun, it is a complete nightmare, isn't it?? Well, whatever you decide to do, I'm with you on it, and will be keeping all my fingers crossed that you have success. You SO deserve it!!


Thanks honey, i appreciate the crossed fingers, stupid as it sounds for some reason i have a very good feeling about this, i am probably setting myself up for a big disappointment, but i am going with it for now, and am very excited to get this IVF going.
MA - Yay! I can't believe Amelia will be here on Thursday! I am hoping that everything goes so smoothly and as painlessly as possible!

OMM - I know when I looked at DE in the UK it was double in cost what I am now paying abroad. I am very happy with my choice. Why not explore other options outside of the US?

Hey all!! Luvs and hugs all round!

I have thought about that, and can do some checking, maybe in Canada or something, not sure just yet, but for some stupid reason, i am ok with using my eggs, i know i would have a better chance at donor eggs, but with this, i now feel in my heart that we are supposed to do this one with my eggs, and that it will work, maybe i am stupid, but i have to give it a try you know what i mean.

I know what you mean-you'd always wonder 'what if' if you didn't give your own eggs a try, and it does look as if you produce a good supply each time. So, now, for omega oils for quality and Royal Jelly too, and maybe a bit of DHEA just for luck so they can be the best eggs ever!!!


LOL, i have been on the DHEA for about a month now, i will get some royal jelly and the Omega oils, although those are what give me the headaches, i dont care i am going to get the best possible chance i have here, i just know i can do this!!
Hi everybody! How are you all??? Just wondered whether all the ones who have been trying to get pregnant since FOREVER ever have moments when they feel that they just want to give up??? Everything is a battle, doors are closed in your face more often than opened, and the stress of the research and the unknown aspect of it all, is just so overwhelming...

I am seriously getting my head more and more around the idea that it is just not meant to be for me. I just think that I'm one of the statistics that just couldn't get preggers, and everybody knows one of those, 'bless her heart.'

It is so hard. I found out by following another girl's cycle at ARGC that the cycle cost £12000 FOR ONE cycle of IVF. OMG! Who on earth can aford that?? I can't afford to sell my house to pay for that for a BFN! To be left with nothing. IVF Wales-get in touch in January. Grr. My clinic-bless you, it's your eggs dear. Get used to it. IUI-blinking disaster. IVF-even more of a blinking disaster and £5000 down the pan.

Sorry to be so doom and gloom, but I'm watching my life slip by so focused on this one little thing, which is so fundamentally huge, and getting nowhere fast, it is just nuts, when you think about it.

It's basically all about the haves and have nots, and if, like my brother who HAS and has more than enough money to fund his fiancee's treatment, then you're laughing. If you are a have not, then it's 'tough, you just haven't got the money love, this means no kids.' How is that fair?????

Oh dear, I'm going to go and sort myself out before my next class arrives-I'm just overwhelmed and exhausted by it all.

Sorry sorry sorry guys! :nope::nope::nope:

Oh, and FM if you're reading, GOOD LUCK!! I am sooooooo rooting for you, hun!

ALL THE TIME. You are SO not alone on this. My pendulum swings so widely it'll knock you out if you get too close to it - from I'm so done with all this (angry) to this is never going to work (despondent) to omg I think I'm pregnant (delusional), moving through each at least once a week.... It's a nightmare. It's cruel and unfair and there is no rhyme or reason to it whatsoever.

This is the #1 reason I would happily pay my counselor 1000x more than I already do - infertility counseling is absolutely worth every penny. She is my sounding board. She understands all this and can help me gauge what's real and what's coming from a place of fear or sadness. One of the suggestions she's given me that's been really helpful is to color-code my journal. (I was NEVER a journaler before infertility - I started after my first mc as a way to help get all the upsetting feelings out of me - by writing them down, I felt like I didn't need to carry them around anymore.) She suggested I write in green on "good" days and in red on "bad" days, black for neutral days (or off-topic stuff). The color even changes from one paragraph to the next on the same day. That way, when I am feeling doubtful, I can look back and tell at a glance what my overarching feeling has been on the subject for a while, whether I see more red or more green. Similarly, if you're not a journaler, she suggested taking a calendar and marking it with a red X or a green X at the end of the day, depending on how you've felt that day. It's really hard to determine how you really feel about the subject while you're still in the thick of things, and the whole red/green thing just helps me examine my feelings from a slightly more objective standpoint.

If you're a reader, a good book that actually really explores the decision to stop trying after infertility is Sweet Grapes. It's written by a couple who made the choice to live child-free after years of infertility. Most infertility books only give lip service to the option of getting off the merry-go-round and don't really explore it with honesty and truth, but this one focuses mostly on the choice to stop. It may help you decide if stopping is what you really want.

All that said, though, I think it's really important that you really take the time to fully grieve this failed IVF cycle before making a decision about what to do next. It's been a terrible blow, and it's not something that anyone can just snap back from. You put a tremendous amount of your heart and soul and hope into that one cycle, not to mention a tremendous amount of money, and it did not end the way you wanted it to (the way we ALL wanted it to). You were not even given the opportunity to complete the whole process. And that's a terrible loss that needs to be respected. Any decision you make about future treatment (or not) while you're still grieving this cycle is going to be clouded by your grief.

As for watching your life slip by while working toward this one goal, I know exactly what you mean. It's something we've been working really hard on together (with the help of my trusty counselor!). Infertility takes over your whole life before you even realize it, and it's hard to reclaim your life. On that front, another helpful tool my counselor has given us is the nightly "baby talk." Choose a spot in your house that never gets used for anything else. For us it's the formal dining room - why do houses even have them?! A guest room would work as well. You want it to be in a rarely-used spot each time so that you don't have to associate your den or bed or somewhere comfortable and happy with the baby talks, and you want the baby talks to be in the same place and at the same time each night so that you and your DH don't have to worry about the topic springing up at some unexpected moment and catching you off guard. So, now that you have chosen your spot and your appointed time, set a kitchen timer for 5 or 10 minutes. You get that amount of time to say anything baby-related that you want to say - how you're feeling that day. And when the timer goes off, you're done and it's your DH's turn - he gets that same amount of time to talk about how he's feeling that day. (We actually take turns starting, so it's not always me going first.) Some days it will be over very quickly because you will sit down and say, "I have nothing to say today!" Some days you might need longer than 10 minutes. The point is just to give yourselves an appointed time to talk about it each day - knowing that baby talk time is coming frees my mind from thinking about it ALL the time - I know we'll have an opportunity to talk about it later, so I don't have to be anxious wondering how I'll bring up the topic tonight. You don't have to have a baby talk every night - it gets tedious if you try - but aim for 4-5 nights each week. The talks have had a pretty dramatic impact on our relationship. DH has a much better understanding of how all-encompassing this is for me. I have a reassurance that I'm not the only one obsessing over this. When one of us opens up about a totally irrational crazy thought we've had about a cycle or something, we are ALWAYS amazed that the other one has had the same thought before! It's always nice to know you're not crazy, and to realize your partner is just as worried as you are. It has really helped both of us to feel less isolated. And DH no longer has to worry that I'm going to ambush him over breakfast about something I'm freaking out over.

And as for the cost of someone else's treatment cycle - ignore it. Every cycle is individually tailored to each patient/couple. No two treatment cycles are the same. Between different diagnoses, different drugs, different responses, different drs, different training, different philosophies, different labs, etc, there are millions of possible permutations. The fact that one woman's cycle cost GBP 12k doesn't mean squat with regards to YOU. You are not her. Your cycle is not her cycle. Don't let her cost frighten you away from getting more information about YOU. And don't think of your GBP 5000 spent as waste - it was spent on diagnostics. You and your drs learned lots of things in that cycle - how your ovaries responded to that particular drug at that particular dose, how your DH's sperm acted in the lab, etc - and that knowledge can be applied to another cycle, improving your chances on the next cycle because you're not starting at square one.

Choosing to stop treatment is a valid choice. Just be sure it's one made out of clear, level-headed thinking and not one made out of fear or sadness. Make sure it's an informed "no", and save yourself from future doubt and regret.

Big, big, huge squeezy hugs to you. The kind that make you grunt because you can't breathe. You are a wonderful woman and a dedicated teacher and a dear friend, and you are special to all of us here, so take care of yourself - be kind to yourself - you deserve it. :hugs:
WOW! HA..... always knew you were a wise lady.... but OMG you have excelled yourself with your lovely post above...

Dwrgi.. HA said everything I was thinking... do think and have ever thought... even for myself when we have thought you know what... this is loss no 6. When do we decide enough is enough?..... In my grief over my last 2 losses I decided never again... no more, I can't deal with the pain anymore. Then after a few months we gradually settled into the idea of ED. For my whole treatment, drugs, flights, hotels etc I would think we have probably spent 5.5K... and had a week away....

We have since decided that we would go for the freezing option if we have any decent embies left over... just in case.

The point I am getting to... so slowly and labouriously is that it took me a few months to decide that it wasn't over, we just needed to change tactics and open our minds to other ideas.

That was our decision.... that isn't to say it should or would be yours...

Whichever way we are here to listen... hug and advise if you need it. x
Hi Ladies, hope everyone is well, Bearlake, forever, titi, fm, wooly, never, butterfly - big :hugs; to you all (and any other lurkers and non lurkers I have missed)

Twinkle - you are no longer the fat lady!! and I don't plan on singing (since I am still the fat lady!) :hugs:

HA - I don't think it's odd to be ladi back about this cycle, I think it's probably accepting that what will be will be, iykwim. there is nothing now you can do to influence the results of this treatment, nothing you say or think that will change things, so you are accepting that whatever happens will happen. I don't think it's a bad way to be, I am feeling a bit like that myself at the moment, I get twinges of "hopeful" that there will be good news on the friday scan, but I know that worrying isn't going to make it good news. I am still very hopeful for you though (cos it's easier to do that!)

Dwrgi - I don't know what to say, I wish I did, and that I could say a helpful thing and make it all better. I can understand though that you are feeling so low at the moment and so I send you a ginormous bunch of :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: and tell you that from my little corner of the UK I am silently cheering each one of you ladies on and hoping with all my heart that you all get that BFP and sticky bean soon (actually now - because I am impatient about this)

OMM - I never realised the costs were so high. I am so sorry that you've had to go through that awful panic that must have happened when you found this out, but yy!! for good blood results and for producing a few eggs in past treatment cycles. and so even bigger Yay!! for going ahead with your own eggs and being happy with the choice. I wish you so much luck and hope everything does exactly what it is supposed to so you get that BFP!

Northstar - your avatar of the dog dressed as a pumpkin is so funny! I almost choked on my tea when I first saw it - it's his little face - bless him!

Pad - how are you doing hun? I hope you are feeling calm and relaxed - not long to go now! and Im so excited for you.
Hi Ladies, hope everyone is well, Bearlake, forever, titi, fm, wooly, never, butterfly - big :hugs; to you all (and any other lurkers and non lurkers I have missed)

Twinkle - you are no longer the fat lady!! and I don't plan on singing (since I am still the fat lady!) :hugs:

HA - I don't think it's odd to be ladi back about this cycle, I think it's probably accepting that what will be will be, iykwim. there is nothing now you can do to influence the results of this treatment, nothing you say or think that will change things, so you are accepting that whatever happens will happen. I don't think it's a bad way to be, I am feeling a bit like that myself at the moment, I get twinges of "hopeful" that there will be good news on the friday scan, but I know that worrying isn't going to make it good news. I am still very hopeful for you though (cos it's easier to do that!)

Dwrgi - I don't know what to say, I wish I did, and that I could say a helpful thing and make it all better. I can understand though that you are feeling so low at the moment and so I send you a ginormous bunch of :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: and tell you that from my little corner of the UK I am silently cheering each one of you ladies on and hoping with all my heart that you all get that BFP and sticky bean soon (actually now - because I am impatient about this)

OMM - I never realised the costs were so high. I am so sorry that you've had to go through that awful panic that must have happened when you found this out, but yy!! for good blood results and for producing a few eggs in past treatment cycles. and so even bigger Yay!! for going ahead with your own eggs and being happy with the choice. I wish you so much luck and hope everything does exactly what it is supposed to so you get that BFP!

Northstar - your avatar of the dog dressed as a pumpkin is so funny! I almost choked on my tea when I first saw it - it's his little face - bless him!

Pad - how are you doing hun? I hope you are feeling calm and relaxed - not long to go now! and Im so excited for you.

hey Purps... not long to go for you chick... am cheering you on for Friday... even of you are staying calm and chilled about it all!:hugs:

I am actually crapping it... am off the pill as of today... and steriods and other pills start next week... however, have just been told that I am at risk of redundancy so come Dec I could be unemployed... great timing eh!:nope: Ahh well, no point worrying about it cos our donor is all systems go and all is booked so I will just have to dust off my CV.

Stressing isn't going to change the outcome of my job or my treatment... only difference is I am excited and crapping it about my treatment!!.... just pissed off about my job lol..:dohh:
Dwrgi- Hun I totally know how you feel sometimes it feel like for every step forward it's 2 steps back. Yesterday at my appt I found out that my uterus is a mess with scar tissue which I guess is a result of surgery, even after my local RE said everything looks good less than a year ago. So no IVF until my uterus can be repaired! When I left yesterday I felt like " ok her is another hurdle to jump over and I"m never going to have my baby" but then after all the tears were shed I realized that the diagnosis of the scar tissue was helpful in that hopefully it can be removed and give me a better chance of getting pg. I just keep telling myself that "NOT NOW doesn't mean NOT EVER" Its perfectly ok to be frusturated and said because I'm feeling all of that today but I along with DH have decided as long as I am physically and mentally able to keep pushing forward and trying, that what we are going to do. It's going to happen; the waiting is the super hard frusturating part.
Hi everybody! How are you all??? Just wondered whether all the ones who have been trying to get pregnant since FOREVER ever have moments when they feel that they just want to give up??? Everything is a battle, doors are closed in your face more often than opened, and the stress of the research and the unknown aspect of it all, is just so overwhelming...

I am seriously getting my head more and more around the idea that it is just not meant to be for me. I just think that I'm one of the statistics that just couldn't get preggers, and everybody knows one of those, 'bless her heart.'

It is so hard. I found out by following another girl's cycle at ARGC that the cycle cost £12000 FOR ONE cycle of IVF. OMG! Who on earth can aford that?? I can't afford to sell my house to pay for that for a BFN! To be left with nothing. IVF Wales-get in touch in January. Grr. My clinic-bless you, it's your eggs dear. Get used to it. IUI-blinking disaster. IVF-even more of a blinking disaster and £5000 down the pan.

Sorry to be so doom and gloom, but I'm watching my life slip by so focused on this one little thing, which is so fundamentally huge, and getting nowhere fast, it is just nuts, when you think about it.

It's basically all about the haves and have nots, and if, like my brother who HAS and has more than enough money to fund his fiancee's treatment, then you're laughing. If you are a have not, then it's 'tough, you just haven't got the money love, this means no kids.' How is that fair?????

Oh dear, I'm going to go and sort myself out before my next class arrives-I'm just overwhelmed and exhausted by it all.

Sorry sorry sorry guys! :nope::nope::nope:

Oh, and FM if you're reading, GOOD LUCK!! I am sooooooo rooting for you, hun!

Honey i am sending you big hugs, and yes, there have been many of times when i went IM DONE!!!! I just cant do this anymore, and then something happens and i have hope again. There have been times when i though ok i am just not supposed to be a mom, but i refuse to believe that, and i dont think your one of those ladies either, sometimes i wonder why we have to fight and struggle when others just have it happen, i dont know why that is, i used to think that God hated me, that i was like a fly that he was pulling the wings off of, but i do truly believe that it will happen when its supposed to happen. I know how tired and overwhelmed your feeling, i am feeling the same way, but we always have to have hope, you just have to think positive that this time the IVF WILL work. I know so many women that went the first time and it failed and then did it a second time and it worked. Hang in there honey, if i could i would give you a hug in person, since i cant i am sending you a big warm one through here!! :hugs:
Hey hey, ladies.
Am back at work so don't have much time now for forum tomfoolery, which is pants. Thoroughly sick of the 2WW and having to do the happy face for all the pg ladies. Can't get away from them at work unfortunately :wacko:.

Gosh, lots of news to get up to date with on this thread! Just wanted to say a massive GL to everyone - I really take my hat off to you all. It never ceases to amaze me how y'all talk about your situations with such positivity and humour; as someone who's only just setting off on the TTC road I am truly humbled and am following each and every trial and tribulation even though sometimes I can't post a response. Y'all are in my prayers and thoughts and just wanted to send lots of love and a big bag of baby dust to each and every one of you lovely and very deserving girlies.


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