TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

HA - Boo to the BFN - Yay to Florida!! xxx

I concur, HA, most definitely boo to AF, roll on Florida. How wonderful to have a holiday booked straight away-something to look forward to.

Lots of TLC now and time to get back to kilter.

I'm sending big hugs your way,

Lots of love,
Good morning ladies - can't chat long because I have to be somewhere this morning, but I am definitely 100% not pregnant - AF started in earnest overnight, and I got another BFN this morning. (I debated not testing because I knew I'd just be wasting a test since I knew what the result would be, but I'm always scared to stop the progesterone without an "official" BFN.) When I told DH, he immediately logged on and bought our plane tickets to Florida. :cool:

I'll be back later today to catch up for real. :flower:

Boo for the bfn, but i know you were ok with this cycle not working, and omg i am so jealous i love Florida!!!! I hope you have a fantastic time, ugh i so need a vacation!!
OK so i did it, omg i called and left a message for the nurse to call me, we are ordering the meds!!!! OMG ladies i am so scared, i am trying to think positive, and like Amanda said just go with it and what happens later happens, and for now concentrate on making this cycle work, but OMG I AM SO SCARED!!!!!!!! Oh God i wish i had a crystal ball and could tell if i am wasting this money lol. OK ok this is going to work right, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :happydance:
HA - boo for BFN but cool that tickets for Florida are booked x

OMM - so excited for you and praying that you won't have to feel like you've wasted money :dust:
OK so i did it, omg i called and left a message for the nurse to call me, we are ordering the meds!!!! OMG ladies i am so scared, i am trying to think positive, and like Amanda said just go with it and what happens later happens, and for now concentrate on making this cycle work, but OMG I AM SO SCARED!!!!!!!! Oh God i wish i had a crystal ball and could tell if i am wasting this money lol. OK ok this is going to work right, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :happydance:
Ohh - I took a day or two off, and when I come back EVERYTHING has changed!!! it looks so different around here, but I am so happy to see you ladies are here still xxx

HA - crappy that AF arrived, I am sorry, but I am happy that you have your trip to look forwards to, and maybe this was one of those times when timeing was just not right :hugs:

OMM - i am so very happy that your clinic is able to help you and woohoo - you are really going to do it!! I will be keeping everything crossed for you!!

Butterfly - I read your journal and then on here re: your OH, I was almost in tears, then I read you will be having another cycle with him, I am so happy, please please let this one be the charm!!

skye - you are so good to have helped that lady, my grandad went the same way towards the end of his life, Im sure her family are so grateful that someone kind helped her.

Dwrgi - how are you doing hun? have you decided what you might do next or are you waiting for the new clinic?

hi to silverbirch and constance - I hope your stay here is short , and that you get your BFP soon xx

missy - so sorry about your friend, I think people cannot understand what you are going through, unless they have gone through it themselves, however, being your friend she should have had the sensitvity to tell your her news in a kinder way. Im sorry if i am blunt, but she is not nice!! you need all the support and kindness you can get at the moment. never feel bad about this, :hugs:

carole - OMG my mouth was just gaping open at the nerve of your MIL, words fail me, well done to you for putting her straight!

big :hugs: to wooly, twinkle, never, northstar, keekee, bear, forever, lava (Im sure I have forgotton someone - my memory is scrambled today - sorry)

afm, Ive had a busy few days, "flu day" was yesterday, which means we basically hold an open day for anyone who wants to have a flu jab - we saw about 800 people!!! I was so tired last night, then today, Ive just got back from my final exam of my degree, fingers crossed that's it now, no more to do for it. I made some muffins for my lovely DH (because he has just been a complete gem lately) and in the mddle of that, I managed to switch the mixer thing on when I was putting it down so muffin batter splattered all over the place (I am NOT a domestic goddess!) at the weekend we were supposed to be going out to celebrate my BIL's birthday - he was 25, he is so different from my DH, and in the last few years has become so selfish. he is breaking my In-laws hearts. he drinks to excess and has this "poor me" attitude all the time, with everything. they treat him as though he is some kind of saint to be honest, in an effort to try and cheer him up, but since the MC I have lost patience to be honest and my DH has too, but a huge argument has happened over the weekend with him and my In-laws and we have just decided to stay out of it, we have our own problems right now, but the atmosphere is horrible.
so all of this is going on and I should be about to ovulate in the next 1-2 days,

wow that was long - I can really go on, sorry about that
Hai Twinkle! How is the hamster?
:wave: Hi everyone.

This is indeed a great thread :) but I don't join much 'cos I don't get access to a computer during the day, so have to catch up when I can.

I don't have a lot to add to the stories either as I haven't been tested or treated yet. We've just been trying for a while now and I'm putting off the inevitable. I think I might be nervous a bit like OMM - things could be wrong, and have had few good experiences with doctors! Our close friends also tried for 3 years before their DD came along and so 13 months perhaps isn't so much. Should really get us an appointment. When AF arrives and the optimism wears off again I will.

OMM that sounds like a good offer to me.

Hi Ladies. For those who remember me, I just wanted to pop in quickly and say hi. I've been lurking via daily email summaries that I read every so often, so I sort of know what's been happening. Hugs to the new mommies and hugs to those mommies-to-be who are still struggling. I haven't been able to post or really visit the site because it's simply too emotionally draining--I got too optimistic, and then too bitterly disappointed. Now I still get disappointed when AF arrives, but I'm more diplomatic/less emotional about it, if that makes any sense. :)

Anyhoo, I'm still TTC. Did unmonitored Clomid for three cycles with my (old) ob/gyn, and now on a three-month TCM/fertility program with an acupuncturist, massage therapist and nautropath specializing in fertility/women's issues. Temping now (acupuncturist's request), so I did post my chart.

Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you all and to let you know that I'm gone but haven't forgotten you all or this wonderful thread! :hugs:
silverbirch, I love your picture, that's so cute! I am not being tested or treated either, except for a possible blood clotting issue which I may have had for some time now, so you are not alone there, you are welcome to post for a chat and support :flower:

hi Nikki , Iwe haven't 'met' but I have read your old posts, good luck with all the new treatments you are having xx
Well ladies, now we are done, I just found out that they were talking about doing an IUI not an IVF, :growlmad:and I will not spend $1400 for an IUI when none of the other ones worked, why go that way, for all that money. So we are done, if the Compassionate Care thing comes through which I doubt we will do the IVF the next cycle, but if not, its over. I guess God has spoken, its funny I said to myself, to not let us spend a whole lot of money if the IVF was not going to work, and what do you know, now we are not spending anything. We have tried everything, and a small part of me says to try for the IUI, but I just cant waste any more money or time on this. Who knows maybe if I just relax and forget about it something will happen on its own. Thank you ladies for all your help and support, i will still stalk all of you, and cheer you on, but we are done, the fight is over for us. :cry:
OMM -I don't know what to say, except to send you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

is there still hopefor the compassionate care programme?
OMM - will keep praying that the compassionate care thing comes through for you xxx

Nikki - nice to hear from you & glad you're still around, pop in & see us when you feel able!!

Silver - I'm assuming the hamster is ok - I've hardly seen her, but the amount of food is going down and the amount of poop is going up so she's still alive!!

Purple - the mixer thing is SO something I would do!
OMM -I don't know what to say, except to send you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

is there still hopefor the compassionate care programme?

I guess there is a very very small hope that the Compassionate Care thing will work, but honestly i am not counting on it, thanks for all the hugs, i really appreciate them. :hugs:
HA, I hope you have a great time in FL. Just live it up and think about yourself. You deserve it. :thumbup:

Purple, you are doing the right thing about staying out of the family drama. No sense in stressing yourself out. You've been through enough. :flower:

OMM, big hugs, girl. I know you'll find a way. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Oooo OMM... so sorry you have been so disapointed... it is like some sick rollorcoaster isn't it?

Hey Nikki! Nice to see you again!

HA have a lovely time in FL... we have a place over there and love to visit.... if you are going anywhere in the world to cheer up.. it has to be there!

Twinks... so happy hamster is still here! Food then poop is generally a good sign! LOL

Hey all! I am so sorry that I forget people... got so much on my mind lately.... scan day today.... am hoping for a nice thick juicy endometruim!
afm, Ive had a busy few days, "flu day" was yesterday, which means we basically hold an open day for anyone who wants to have a flu jab - we saw about 800 people!!! I was so tired last night, then today, Ive just got back from my final exam of my degree, fingers crossed that's it now, no more to do for it. I made some muffins for my lovely DH (because he has just been a complete gem lately) and in the mddle of that, I managed to switch the mixer thing on when I was putting it down so muffin batter splattered all over the place (I am NOT a domestic goddess!) at the weekend we were supposed to be going out to celebrate my BIL's birthday - he was 25, he is so different from my DH, and in the last few years has become so selfish. he is breaking my In-laws hearts. he drinks to excess and has this "poor me" attitude all the time, with everything. they treat him as though he is some kind of saint to be honest, in an effort to try and cheer him up, but since the MC I have lost patience to be honest and my DH has too, but a huge argument has happened over the weekend with him and my In-laws and we have just decided to stay out of it, we have our own problems right now, but the atmosphere is horrible.
so all of this is going on and I should be about to ovulate in the next 1-2 days,

wow that was long - I can really go on, sorry about that

Oh Purple, it sounds as if you have been in the wars! Doing all those flu jobs sounds completely exhausting, well done you! And fingers crossed with your degree-I am certain you will get a good grade, you are hard-working and conscientious and will have put everything you needed to into your work.

I think that your BIL sounds like hard work-it's often the case with younger siblings that mum and dad dote on the youngest and they then get away with murder. But, to use another cliche, the s&it will invariably hit the fan, and he will then become unmanageable. It sounds as if that's where he's at now. Hmm, I think it's very wise to stay out of it, as, like you say, you have enough on your plate right now and need to put yourselves first.

I bet the muffins tasted fab; it made me laugh thinking of all that mix spraying everywhere!

Good luck with THE BIG O-fingers crossed for you!!

Lots of love, Axxxxx
Well ladies, now we are done, I just found out that they were talking about doing an IUI not an IVF, :growlmad:and I will not spend $1400 for an IUI when none of the other ones worked, why go that way, for all that money. So we are done, if the Compassionate Care thing comes through which I doubt we will do the IVF the next cycle, but if not, its over. I guess God has spoken, its funny I said to myself, to not let us spend a whole lot of money if the IVF was not going to work, and what do you know, now we are not spending anything. We have tried everything, and a small part of me says to try for the IUI, but I just cant waste any more money or time on this. Who knows maybe if I just relax and forget about it something will happen on its own. Thank you ladies for all your help and support, i will still stalk all of you, and cheer you on, but we are done, the fight is over for us. :cry:

Oh that's a blow! Would it be worth considering one more IUI, as you've got pregnant doing this before???

It's a dreadful position to be in, and only you know how you feel about it all-whether to continue or not. I am thinking of you and hope that you can come to some definite conclusions about all of this, that will give you some peace.

Big :hugs:! And you know we are here if you need to work all your emotions through!
Oooo OMM... so sorry you have been so disapointed... it is like some sick rollorcoaster isn't it?

Hey Nikki! Nice to see you again!

HA have a lovely time in FL... we have a place over there and love to visit.... if you are going anywhere in the world to cheer up.. it has to be there!

Twinks... so happy hamster is still here! Food then poop is generally a good sign! LOL

Hey all! I am so sorry that I forget people... got so much on my mind lately.... scan day today.... am hoping for a nice thick juicy endometruim!

Fingers crossed for a good endometrium Pad!!!! Let us know how you get on!
OMM :hugs::hugs: I keep you in my prayers daily and hope the compassionate care comes through ok or that God is working in his mysterious ways and you will still be blessed with a LO one day :hugs::hugs:

Padbrat - FXed for a juicy lining for you when you have your scan x

Silverbirch - I've had limited testing done so far and not having any treatment and probably won't be as we don't qualify on the NHS and we don't have the funds. So I'm losing weight and praying we're blessed. But if you have been trying for more than 6 months you are entitled to start getting testing done to see if all is ok. FXed it is and your body is just taking a bit of time to bless you :hugs::dust:

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