TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Never, the rest of the girls have very good advice. Like OMM said, if you thought about walking in front of a car, you are depressed. I admit that I have been depressed as well and this is TTC ride is a crazy rollercoaster. Don't be afraid to get help. There is nothing wrong with that. The wanting to be a mom and having a family is something we all deserve and when we put so much into it and have no results its not just frustrating, it is depressing. You need to take care of yourself, put yourself first and do what you need to do to get mentally healthy. When we are TTC we don't only need to take care of our bodies, we need to take care of our minds. We need to settle our thoughts and be in a good place so that all around we have a good environment for our babies. Big hugs, girl.:hugs::hugs::hugs:

HA, thanks for sharing your feelings. We are all very lucky to have you here. You always make me feel like I am not alone. We are all in this together and that is why we are all here. You are going to be a great mom. I know it will happen for you.:dust:

FM, yes it is possible. And I hope you get your BFP before January. :dust:
Girls I miss you all, didn't have time to read or post on the , promise I will do my HW tomorrow and catch up xxxx Luv uuu alll xxxx
Hi ladies,

Turns out I'm a bit of an absentee. Wow, there is a lot going on, though.

Pad, I have my fingers and toes crossed for you. I hope you can have a good relax in the sun as well as a successful cycle.
Never, your doc sounds nice and helpful and on your side, that's a definite plus. And OMM :hugs: - I am rooting for both you guys.
HA, everyone, you're such a lovely bunch. :dust: to you all.

Even though we've only been at it a year and a bit I've felt quite distraught at times too, especially with all the babies arriving around us in our friend group - so many this year. I've wanted a family for as long as I can remember, but I suddenly realised I had to think of a Plan B. Y'know - any other big exciting things I've wanted to do that could make my life feel special as well, but for a different reason. Top of the list would be quitting the job and doing something completely different - perhaps some long term volunteering overseas to try and make a difference to some other people's lives. It gave me a slightly different perspective to have a backup dream. I'm sure it would be hard too taking a big step away from all my friends with their families and there would be lots of uncertainty, but as we came up to a year, I couldn't keep every one of my hopes pinned on the whim of AF - it was getting harder. Perhaps I'm too much of a control freak! But I did find things have been a bit better since then. I've been planning travel now while I can, and having those nice things to look forward to has taken the pressure off a tiny bit. It kind of snuck up on me that life can go on hold TTC and I was wishing the weeks away. Even months ago, I was invited to go on a boat for a week this summer and I remember naiively thinking 'oh, no, I might be pregnant then - I couldn't do that' - but that's all out the window now! I'm going skiing this winter even if it breaks the bank! And if I get pregnant before then and couldn't go, I'd happily lose the deposit under those circumstances...

We went for our first appointment with the GP today. I was so surprised about how kind, helpful and sensitive he was. I don't think I've ever seen a really caring doctor before - I usually avoid going if at all possible, as expectations are so low. In fact, he was so kind I thought I was going to cry - I always want to cry when someone is nice to me! So I win some blood tests (better try and get used to needles I suppose) and DH wins a plastic pot for his sperms. There was a funny bit where the Doc was telling DH where and how to drop off his sample for SA and he said they used to have a car parking space for the guys to use to drop it off at the clinic but now they have a room inside to make sure the samples were fresh. And I suddenly thought 'hang on... you used to just make them use _a car parking space_'? Raised a giggle at least. Anyway I feel a bit better now we are inching forwards and we can find out whether there's a reason we've been unsuccessful so far.
Silver, I've definately put a lot of things on hold and turned down good opportunities to have fun because I was TTC and/or thought I was pg. Its like a catch 22. "They" say not to stress out but how can you not stress out if you aren't doing the things you love and make you happy. I used to live in Hawaii and I keep telling DH I really want to go there with him but because I'm doing IVF now and also the expenses involved, Hawaii will have to wait. Who knows, maybe we'll be taking baby to Hawaii!

AFM, today is day 6 of stimming and I had my scan. I'm very confused because when I went on Sunday for my scan, day 4, I was told I had 9, possibly 10 follicles with 4 on my left and 5 or 6 on my right. Well today she tells me I have 8 and 2 on my left and 6 on my right. Is that even possible? I questioned her on it and she said it can change from day to day. Well I don't understand how I lost 2 follicles in 2 days. I have never been to this technician and I don't know if there was some mistake or what. I guess I'll wait until my nurse calls with my bw results. The good news is that the follies are growing.
Skye- we've missed you too!

Missy- I have never heard of such but I'm no expert!!!! grow follies!!!!! Grow!!!!!!

You ladies are so loving, and supportive!
SilverB, if I were you, I'd erase the "only" from your statement that you've only been at this a year... a year is a long time in this business! :hugs: I'm so glad your GP was supportive and caring - a kind bedside manner goes SO far toward making this journey easier to bear. FX'd the tests show something useful.

I completely agree with your having a Plan B. When I think about what I would do if we decide to stop ttc, it definitely helps me to focus on all the things we love to do that would be much harder and WAY more expensive with kids - we do a lot of spontaneous traveling, we love going to the theatre and opera, eating at restaurants that have absolutely no appeal to a kid's palate, etc. I think about how I could turn the room that we hope will be a nursery into an office and craft room for ME (since our home office is definitely DH's domain - I couldn't find anything in there if I had a map leading right to it!).

I also gave up the "I can't do this because I might be pregnant" thinking AGES ago... I had cut so much out of my life and it wasn't getting me anywhere, and most women do all sorts of things before they find out they're pregnant, so to hell with it. I eat my sushi, I enjoy a glass of wine, I will be riding roller coasters next week (woo hoo!), and everything will be fine. My RE is all in favor of me eating sushi, and my counselor likes to remind DH that the baby doesn't get any blood from the mother for several weeks so he should not worry about me having the occasional drink. :thumbup:

Missy - I've also had follies "disappear", and it's almost always just that they were being measured by two different people with different sets of eyes. So one that the first tech found big enough to measure, the second tech might have judged it wasn't quite big enough. Also, sometimes the follies are on the back side of the ovary and harder to see, so they aren't always visible at every scan. You're right, the bloods will give a lot more info as to how they're doing - they really have to look at both the u/s and blood together to get the complete picture. Ask your nurse about the disappearing follies when she calls and see what she as to say. But even so, your follies are still doing great!! :happydance: Any idea when retrieval will be?

Never, I hope you're having a better day. :hugs: I agree with what the other ladies said - if the thought of stepping in front of a car even entered your thoughts at all, you are depressed, and you owe it to yourself and to your future baby to get some help. On my darkest day, it's not like I laid there in bed planning out exactly how I would do it... it was no more than a thought that literally crossed my mind in an instant. I was frightened that it had even occurred to me. It was like I was observing my own thoughts, saying "Whoa, where the hell did that come from?" to myself. Admitting that I needed help was really, really hard - I felt like an absolute failure that I couldn't make myself well. In retrospect, I think the biggest mistake I made was in waiting so long to ask for help, that I let it get as bad as I did before accepting that I wasn't able to handle what we're going through. My RE said he wished more of his patients would seek help for their mental health, that he sees so many who need the help and aren't getting it. Miscarriage and infertility are incredibly difficult to bear. A recent study determined that the stress caused by infertility is comparable (in both the emotions felt and in their intensity) to the stress caused by receiving a diagnosis of cancer or by the death of a parent or sibling. If you knew someone struggling with a cancer diagnosis or the death of a parent, you would be completely understanding and supportive of her need for emotional support - you deserve the same compassionate, loving care. Take good care of yourself - your baby needs you.

FM, I am so thrilled with how well your nephew is doing! I know what you mean about him giving you the strength and inspiration to keep going.... In recent weeks I'd been giving a lot of thought to stopping ttc and really wondering if I should have gone ahead with this cycle or started our pre-vacation break now so we could really use it as a period of discernment. I kind of only went ahead with this cycle because DH wanted to, not because I wanted to. But then on Sunday evening we went to a fall festival at a local outdoor living history museum... the place was swarming with families with young kids, all in their Halloween costumes, doing fun (and hokey!) fall festival things - hayrides, making s'mores, pumpkin chucking, etc - I burst into tears about 15 minutes after we got there because I was overwhelmed with thoughts of how much DH and I would love to bring our kid(s) to an event like this, and how much we would love to introduce them to new experiences, and how much fun we would all have together.... In moments like that I know we're not done, I know I have to keep trying....

Pad, we're all itching to hear your story and hear how everything went yesterday!! I hope you and your DH have some time to enjoy your exotic surroundings. :hugs:

AFM, had my IUI this morning. Based on my estrogen level, he thinks I have three mature eggs. And DH hit it out of the park - count was 200 million! And 95% motility! Nothing to do now but wait.... (And enjoy the aforementioned roller coasters next week!) If this one doesn't work, we're taking a break until February. We'll use the break to decide if we want to come back and do one more IUI or just start IVF then. I got word from my insurance company this week that they're dropping Follistim from their list of "preferred" medications in 2012, so if this cycle doesn't work we'll go ahead and pre-order a bunch of Follistim now so we can get it at a cheaper price than what we'd have to pay in February. Lousy number crunchers. :growlmad:

Sorry I've written another epic novel today. Hope you all have a good day. :flower:
HA- I sometimes think that we are put in those situations to give us the little push we need to keep going. We are going to have our turn! I'm really glad your IUI went well and you know that I am so seriously rooting for you, I just know this is going to happen for you soon!!!! I hope this 2ww brings lots of things to keep you too busy to think about the 2ww.
HA I looove that article. Thank you for sharing. Hope your follies keep growing to a nice juicy size. :)) And don't worry cause the chances that all attaching isn't very high anyway. Goood luuck lot's of hugs and baby dust xxxx

Twinks I am with HA on the OPK's 1ce a day should be enough as the packets say so. Did you manage any trials?

Constance you are so lucky to finally get that infection out of your system. Apart from infertility tooth infection could actually cause serious heart problems and other illnesses. Scary stuff for such a simple problem!!!! Hope you shake off those pesky bacteria soon.

Nevernever I'm so sorry that you are feeling down this month again. HA and Chris's post said a lot and hit me in the heart. All I can offer you girls is more HUGS :hugs::hugs: BTW I can't stop raging and ranting about NHS every time I hear how they fail fertility couples. What do they mean 3 losses? 1 loss is more than enough to make anyone's days go dark. How awful is that we are just a statistical number for dear "BIG BROTHER" GRRRRR!!!!!! You are lucky to have a good GP at least he fights for you. I was going to ask if they are offering you any investigation into what may have caused your mc's but I suppose they are gonna turn around and say must do 3 first. Which is sooo sooo cruel.

Lois thank you for the support link. At least there is some help offered. I know you are a nurse so pls don't get offended by my ranting. I just get upset that infertility, mcs and still births in the UK is almost taken very lightly for some reason :( Many other things about NHS is wonderful but somehow fertility is sthg that the government assumes that best left to nature almost.
Anyways never mind my ranting. Hurrah for the bleeding to have stopped finally. What day are you on now?

Amanda sweetie, how are you? Are you in a good place? Please update xxxx

Silverbirch it's good to hear that you had a good consultant. Fresh samples are definitely better. My Dh's first was done at home and even though it was delivered in 30 min all the swimmies had slowed down. And it gave us a bit of a shock. Luckily all the rest were fresh and ok. Good idea to carry on with your life as usual cause holding back only akes you miserable especially if TTC prolongs. How long have you been trying?

Missy your follies are quite small just yet and as HA said the technicians might have misjudged it. You would know more on your following scans. Hope they all grow to be nice similar juicy size.

HA I experienced death of a parent just before TTC hit home. I knew I was grieveing and everybody else around me knew so it was hard but I lived through it. The infertility I felt was a lot worst than anything I experienced before. There were many days when I didn't wanna get out of bed like you did thinking I didn't deserve a place since I can't produce like all the other girls in the streets. Sounds stupid but that was the feeling. Thank god you girls kept me sane and focused. When you lose a parent everyone knows about it and they feel sorry for you but when you are experiencing infertility people are very insensitive and ignorant. They assume that you shouldn't have left it so late or that you probably don't know how to cope etc etc. (Relax it will happen or just get on with it nonsense) So a supportive environment where you can just purge all your upset is really good for the sanity.

I'm glad your IUI went well and DH's numbers are actually brilliant. All toes fingers crossed for you. I really want you to come join the graduates thread v soon.

FM what's happening with your womb? I thought you got treatment for it and waiting for it to heal? So is it not too soon for you to get pregnant. Sweetie I'm sure it will happen finally. I'm hoping that you have not long to wait once you are healed. Congratulations for your nephew xxxx

Debs I am on pins and needles. What's happening girl? U got the embies? PLs update.

AFM finally my radiators are ordered and plumber scheduled I thought I could sleep better. But I realised I am having a weird insomnia around 4 am everyday. I just get up like a zombie and walk around for 1-2 hrs. Than fall asleep again after DH leaves around 7. I started sleeping in the afternoons as well. The weather in LONdon is luckily and surprisingly still bright and sunny but I don't feel like getting out of the sofa. I think I'm turning into a fat cat. Tomorrow, will force myself out and get some exercise walking downtown. xxxx
HA, great news on your IUI! Everything sound so positive! With your 3 mature follies and DH's stellar swimmies you are going to end up with triplets! :baby::baby::baby: Fx'd for you. And you were right about my follies. The nurse called back and she said they usually measure the bigger ones and the smaller ones could be hiding behind them. My estrogen level looks good so I'm back for another scan tomorrow. I'm grateful for the positive news.
HA, great news on your IUI! Everything sound so positive! With your 3 mature follies and DH's stellar swimmies you are going to end up with triplets! :baby::baby::baby: Fx'd for you. And you were right about my follies. The nurse called back and she said they usually measure the bigger ones and the smaller ones could be hiding behind them. My estrogen level looks good so I'm back for another scan tomorrow. I'm grateful for the positive news.

I appreciate it, but nothing gets me excited anymore... with past IUIs, I've had 4 eggs and a BFN, he's had 95% motility and 180 million and a BFN, we've had two eggs with 85% motility and 130 million and a BFP.... With his crap morphology, my old eggs and our combined bad luck (of three lost pregnancies), I just go with the flow and don't bother getting excited that good numbers = better odds. It's all just a crap shoot. :shrug:

I am excited that your follies are still there and still going strong, though! :thumbup:
Missy...follicles sound brilliannt...I really hope this is it for you :hugs:

OMM..thank you...I am actually offloading daily to a friend, I write in my journal on here and at home. I just prefer not to bring everyone down on this thread...everyone is having it tough enough in here without adding my woes to it :hugs: will be taking your children to a festival like that before you know it...I truly believe it. I am having everything crossed and I am wishing that this will be the last TWW you have to endure for a long time...enjoy those roller coasters :winkwink:

Thank you to everyone for your supportive messages :hugs:

I feel ok, Ihave now recognised where I struggle the most and that is the glimmer of hope that comes every month and it is snuffed out along with the knowledge that I shouldn't even be in this TTC journey...20 weeks pregnant is what I should be :grr:

I am not going to be worrying about timing this fact I would much rather we avoided the right time so I have a non hopeful month but I know OH doesn't want to waste any months :saywhat: yes we having a role reversal :dohh:

Anyway...I'm going back in to lurkdom but you are all in my thoughts and thank you again :hugs:

Nevernever this thread is here to support you and all of us. it gets it's strength from helping each and every member so please don't think that you would be putting anyone down by sharing your sadness or low points. We are all happy to give you a listening ear and a cyber hug. Are you getting any help from the fs at all? Did they not offer you any follow up consultation or a tx from NHS? You have lost 2 babies almost at a similar stage around 10 weeks. There must be a reason for that. Did the dr give you any explanation at all?
Dear Ladies, I hope you are all having a good wednesday xxx

HA - So pleased your IUI went well and that your numbers were all good. I will be hoping and keeping everything crossed for you. xxxxx

Never - Im glad you have an outlet for your feelings, Skye is so right, with any other terrible loss in life, everyone knows and can caring and supportive, for some reason infetility and loss is just not discussed - it makes me want to scream sometimes, because we should all be talking about it and supporting each other - it would make thing so much easier on us all. anyway, I don't think you should be one bit concerned about "bring us down" - we are all here for each other, I will always listen if you need to talk, although I don't promise I can make better, but I am here for you xxx

Missy - Ohh sounds like everything is going really well for you, come on follies - grow!! xxx

skye - I am not offended at all hun - I agree with you. the NHS is amazing if you have cancer, break your leg or have a heart attack, but where fertility issues are concerned - it's a lottery! anyway it sounds like your body is telling you that you need rest, so that's what you need to do xxx

to everyone else, butterfly, OMM, Dwrgi, northstar, keekee, wooly, twinkle - and anyone I have not mentioned here - Big :hugs: coming you way.

Pad - Im guessing you are not accessing the thread whilst you are away - but if you are - I really really hope you are doing great! I am thinking of you xx

Silverbirch - I think you are right to make plans and not think about the what -ifs, I say yes to things I want to do but If I am lucky enough to catch the eggy and get a sticky bean, then I will evulate each thing and if I can't do it, then Ill be happy anyway xx

Afm - well Ive just got back the hospital and I don't have antiphospholid syndrome - which is a huge weight off my mind, so it's likely the mc was just something that happened, which in some way is a bit comforting because it means I hadn't caused it by waiting to see the right doctor or anything.
unfortunately I think we missed the O this month, I usually ovulate around CD10-11 and we did the :sex: around then, but I keep temping and it now looks like it was actually around CD 20 - never mind, next month I am definetlely giving the CBFM a go, we need to try and get our timings right to give ourselves the bet chance

big love to all
Nevernever this thread is here to support you and all of us. it gets it's strength from helping each and every member so please don't think that you would be putting anyone down by sharing your sadness or low points. We are all happy to give you a listening ear and a cyber hug. Are you getting any help from the fs at all? Did they not offer you any follow up consultation or a tx from NHS? You have lost 2 babies almost at a similar stage around 10 weeks. There must be a reason for that. Did the dr give you any explanation at all?

Thanks Skye...I am trying to focus on other things for now such as weight loss (6lbs in two weeks), OH has his knee op for beginning of December and getting through each day :flower:

I'm not with a FS, they won't do any testing until three losses and I am classed as unlucky. I don't know if I ever confessed on here but when pregnant with Ginge, I had all those nasty symptoms of being pregnant and famore symptoms than I ever had with Furry...yet Ginge was never even a baby :cry: there was just a 9 week sac and a very large yolk fetal pole was ever there so I have always felt a bit of a fraud grieving for Ginge which I know is compltely irrational but it is there :shrug:

Anyway...throwing :dust: everywhere and hoping we get some sticky BFP's in here...:hugs:

Never- regardless that was YOUR baby and you are not a fraud for greiving. To me it is totally crap that they won't test you now. I'm sending:hugs: your way.

HA- I know you don't feel verying hopeful right now but I've got everything crossed for you!

Missy- I just know those follies are growing growing.

Purple- I hope you caught that eggie.

Skye- I haven't had the scar tissue removed from my uterus yet, I have it done in January and then IVF.
HA, I'm still rooting for you! :dust:

Never, there is nothing wrong with having hope. Hope is what keeps us going. And you have every right to grieve. Just be good to yourself. :hugs:

Purple, you shouldn't even think to blame yourself for thinking you may not have gone to the right doctor. You are doing the best you can do. We just don't have it as easy as some people.
never - you are not a fraud!!!, you are grieving for a life that sadly, didn't happen. big :hugs: to you xxxx

my own mother said something along the lines of "at least it happened early" about the MC - I wanted to say actually, that's not helpful and it doesn't make it any better. we didn't even tell anyone about the second little sac because it was easier on us to not have the "helpful" comments from out parents
Missy, thank you, you are lovely! I think it's easy to look for reasons to blame yourself (at least for me) so to know that seeing that doctor sooner wouldn't have changed anything - it's a relief. I now know I am doing all I can to get a healthy pregnancy, thank you again. how are you doing over there?? I am so excited for you, are you managing the nerves/anxiousness/excitement and emotions ok??
Missy...follicles sound brilliannt...I really hope this is it for you :hugs:

OMM..thank you...I am actually offloading daily to a friend, I write in my journal on here and at home. I just prefer not to bring everyone down on this thread...everyone is having it tough enough in here without adding my woes to it :hugs:

Thank you to everyone for your supportive messages :hugs:

I feel ok, Ihave now recognised where I struggle the most and that is the glimmer of hope that comes every month and it is snuffed out along with the knowledge that I shouldn't even be in this TTC journey...20 weeks pregnant is what I should be :grr:

I am not going to be worrying about timing this fact I would much rather we avoided the right time so I have a non hopeful month but I know OH doesn't want to waste any months :saywhat: yes we having a role reversal :dohh:

Anyway...I'm going back in to lurkdom but you are all in my thoughts and thank you again :hugs:


Honey, dont ever worry about bringing us down, i dont know about the other ladies on here, but for me, it helps me to focus on other people right now so please dont feel like you are making it worse for me, or for any of these ladies. I am glad that you have a friend to talk to, and journals are great, i really need to get back into that. As for that little glimmer of hope, i know exactly how you feel, sometimes i wish it would just go away and leave me alone. I find myself doing it again this cycle, we DTD on friday, saturday, monday, and this morning, i got the egg symbol on my monitor yesterday morning, so we have fantastic timing, is it going to work, probably not, but stupid me still thinks it just might lol. I am glad that your going to take a cycle and not worry about it, although i have to say i have never been able to do that lol, for me its really hard, since i can feel ovulation so much, and this cycle was a doozie, i thought my right ovary was going to blow up yesterday, by the evening i was in so much pain, trying to sit down, or even walking hurt, its better today so my guess is i finally ovulated. All i can do is offer you hugs galore, and never feel like you cant talk to us. If you want you can PM me, i dont post a whole lot, but i check on you ladies all the time. :hugs:
Thank you OMM I pretend it's whatever but it's a lie :wacko: wish I could be that way though.

Totally understand with you still having that hope...heck you've been pregnant before, had the taster which intensifies each time and you so want it, more than anyone could ever know. I'll be having crossed fingers for you to get a beauty of a surprise this month :hugs: and :dust:


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