TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

OMM I'm still keeping hope for you and praying you will get a surprise blessing of a forever LO which you get to carry to full term and hold in your arms :hugs::dust:

Never :hugs::hugs: Pandora's box :hugs::hugs: Only you know when you're ready to try again but I pray that when you get your BFP it is a super sticky and goes to full term for you & P :hugs:
Missy, thank you, you are lovely! I think it's easy to look for reasons to blame yourself (at least for me) so to know that seeing that doctor sooner wouldn't have changed anything - it's a relief. I now know I am doing all I can to get a healthy pregnancy, thank you again. how are you doing over there?? I am so excited for you, are you managing the nerves/anxiousness/excitement and emotions ok??

Purple, you are right. Knowing that you are consciously doing what you can to keep yourself and baby healthy is very important. You will be an awsome mom. I'm doing well and handling the nerves/anxiousness/excitement and emotions quite well. I'm doing a lot of yoga, acupuncture and have treated myself to a couple of massages. I'm also doing a lot of praying and reading positive thinking books. When a negative thought comes to my mind, I shut it out immediately. It does seem to help and I think I'm rubbing off on people at work because they are looking at like I'm Ms. Sunshine or something lately. Right before I started IVF I read about how emotional and stressful it can be and how it is considered a life crisis. I'm trying to attack that line of thinking by taking good care of myself. My DH even helps out around the house more.
Well, you don't find that many crazy folks trying this, but I'm healthy enough, so why not!

Im 41 and always had 28 day clockwork cycles. FSH test was 9.5 and with no history of period issues at all, doc decided 50 mg of clomid to not waste precious time monitoring ovulation, etc. since I looked good to go! U/S revealed on CD 13 three big, impressive follicles measuring 23,25 and 32 so we triggered and did IUI 24 hours later with frozen/thawed donor sperm from Xytex. ( $900 date, including shipping)

First week afterwards was usual. Second week - tired, hormonal and glad to see trigger leave my system. Then the odd events started, closer to the end of ttw. Ordinairly, when approaching AF, my boobs would get bigger, a tad sore and I was a bitch, but I never would cramp until day of, and only for 1 day. This cycle, I started cramping three days before AF due date, to the point I decided the meds were making me start early. Today is 14 days past iui and AF was due and is absent, although I still feel a little AF-ish. I'm not pondering if I'm late yet, or preggers, because today was just AF day, but how significant is the three days of cramping before AF cramps were due, if that's not my usual "period" experience? Cramps were day 11( slightly) ,12 (bad, sick headache) ,13 (regular cramps),and today 14 days (regular cramps) past IUI. I was still negative yesterday, 13dpiui.

Just wanted to share my experience. My mate doesnt like me bugging our friends/family, so I decided this forum was a way to talk about things and not get in trouble!
Wow! is is wayyyyy to quiet in here!!!! Where is everyone?

Skye, Lava, purple, Dwgi, Omm, Twinks, HA.....Hellllllllllllo!!!!!!!!!

Pad- are you lurking????????
Hi FM! It really is quiet here today! how are you doing??

Hope everyone's had a lovely day. It's been so wet here today. Ive spent the day at a training session on safeguarding children. It has made me so sad that people can do such horrible things to their children, especially when I think about all you wonderful ladies here (and me) who can and want to give a happy stable family to a child who is sooo wanted. It just doesn't seem fair!

I came home and had an extra special hug with my dh, and now I am sending you all :hugs:
FM I was with a friend gossiping and winging about DHs :))) She got drunk on 2 glasses of wine and moaned I had apple juice and moaned. Now I feel better. :)))

Yeah where is everyone today???

Missy I love your attitutude, go for it sweetie. Positive brings bf POSITIVE :))) xxxx :dust::dust::dust:

Purple I want to beleive everyone here will have their beatiful bb :))) :dust::dust::dust::dust:
Hello ladies, just wanted to say hi and send :hug: - just read through a few days of posts to catch up with all the news

Back in the uk now but buzzing around at my sisters and stuff for a few days before settling back in at home. Just got back in time to cover this month :thumbup:
Here I am! :wave: It's just been a busy day - meeting in the morning, errands all day, you know the drill. I did make it to the library today, though. :thumbup: I'm going to be doing some canning this weekend, and I needed to pick up a cookbook there. I usually just make (and can) apple butter, but my neighbor's garden went gangbusters this year - they have had so much basil and mint that the whole neighborhood has been snipping their herbs all summer! Well, we're going to get our first frost this weekend, which means the end of the basil and mint, and those neighbors are out of town right now, so I'm going to go harvest everything that's left and make a bunch of pesto (for the freezer) and mint jelly (as long as I'm going to be canning this weekend anyway!). That way I can keep some for myself and give the rest to the neighbors when they get back home. I've never made mint jelly before, though, so that's why I had to go to the library. :book: I know you all can hardly contain yourselves you're so jealous of my exciting life. :pop:

I got home and had a message from my nurse - DH's morphology results are in, and this really was his best sample ever in all categories - 200 million, 95% motility and 8% morphology! His morphology averages around 2-3%, though he has had one sample as high as 6% before, but 8% is a new record. So now I've started to panic a little, along the lines of oh sh*t, this one might really work and then I'll be scared of another mc, and we won't be able to travel for Thanksgiving, and on and on and on.... It's sad that that's how I react to good ttc news anymore. Stupid miscarriages. :growlmad:

Have a lovely evening, ladies. (Or a lovely morning, as the case may be!)
Oh HA ... think positive. As FM always says, the let down would be the same whether you have hope or try to manage expectations not so why not have hope ... you had 3 eggs b/4 the insemination, DH's sperm was off the charts, we need another set of twins on this board. As my DH says, two for one. LOL But seriously, I've got my fingers crossed for your sticky bean/s!

Hello, when is your surgery procedure? How is your nephew, Jeremiah Christian? I'm hoping he is getting all the help he needs medically. I know he's getting the spiritual fortitude to grow and grow.

Glad you are safely in London and spending time with your sis!

How are you doing? How is your mom doing?

Love that PMA! It's going to happen for you and your DH, I know it! Come on Thanksgiving BFP!

Purple, Pad, OMM, Never, McWooly, Silverbirch, Twinkle, Dwrgi .... HI!!!

Went to a memorial service today for my friend ... she was German and part of the service was conducted by our pastors in German including some beautiful choral anthems (she sang in the choir) and touching memories from friends. It was a lovely tribute to her life and we had some amazing German food at the reception (potato salad, cabbage, bratwursts, knockwurst, cheeses including a brie with pecan glaze, fabulous fresh brown bread, pork schnitzle with apple sauce, fruit tarts, apple streudel, beer, wine and apple cider). It was lovely and she would have enjoyed the party. I hope that when I go, my friends have a real celebration and sing some upbeat hymns like "I'll Fly Away".

Anyway, ladies. Lots of love to y'all. Laura
Hey all, sorry I've had the last couple of days off & I've been enjoying a 'staycation!' Yesterday I went to our local stately home with a friend, had a walk in the garden's, looked round the house and had a scone the size of side plate!!
Today DH was off work too, we went to the local mall (Trafford Centre for anyone in this neck of the woods) watched Tin-tin at the cinema, did some shopping (i bought a feather boa for my burlesque thing!) had thai for dinner, saw Steps switch on the Christmas lights and then saw Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy at the cinema - 2 films in one day! (i didn't understand most of the second one though!) It was lovely to spend the day together and not be thinking about ttc.

HA - I'm so sorry that even being hopeful is stressful, it sucks doesn't it?! I think it's great news about your DH's SA - I keeping everything crossed for a sticky bean for you.

Butterfly - welcome home!!

Purple - I've had to do the safeguarding course too - it's awful to hear about the dreadful things people do to children.

Hey Skye, FM, OMM, missy, Dwrgi, Lava, Constance and anyone else I've missed xxx
butterfly - welcome back to the UK - hope you are not too chilly! but Yay!! for arriving in time for this cycle - fingers crossed for you xx

HA - those numbers sounds great! it's so difficult to balance hope and try to protect yourself and cope with the fear, however at this point there is nothing you can do to affect the outcome, so I would recommend - just breath, enjoy each nice thing that happens (you domestic goddess you!) and take each day as it comes :hugs:

missy - sounds like you are managing all the stress & emotions really well with a good selection of "tools" and a wonderful DH xxx

FM - how's your baby nephew doing? is he still in the hospital? Im sending growing healthy thoughts his way xx

twinkle - your staycation sounds lovely! especially the scone :haha: yummy!! and you are adding to the burlesqu kit - yay!!

dwrgi - are you there?? haven't "seen" you in a while, hope you are ok and just off enjoying half term maybe :hugs:

wooly - is your back all better now? I really hope so, these cold days do now help with aches and pains (ok now I sound like Im 80!)

Skye - how is the bathroom coming along now that you have sourced all the bits - must be a nice feeling to have it part underway especially since you were stressing about it? and how are the driving lessons?? is it difficult to drive with a bump?

Lava - the memorial for your friend sounds so moving, a real celebration of life! what a wonderful tribute to a friend and loved one xx

pad - are you home this weekend - Im excited to hear how everything went!

Never and OMM - Im thinking of you ladies and hoping you are doing ok, you are both in my thoughts xxxx

now :hugs: to the lurkers - constance,north, keekee, forever, bear, manuiti, titi, and everyone else I have forgotten

afm - nothing new to report really, this has felt like a long week, since I know we missed Ovulation this month, DH and I enjoyed a large white wine last night and I may have one tonight also, we have a relaxing weekend planned, I am on a half day today so will try and get all the chores, laundry and housework done this afternoon and then we will do lots of nothing over the weekend - walk the dogs, visit our favourite coffee shop for frothy lattes and a slice of cake and hopefully have a lie in. big loves to you all xxxx
Hey lovely ladies!!

How are we all?

HA those figures sound great for Hubby!! Good on him!! I know what you mean about worrying it will all work... sounds odd I know... but that is exactly how I feel too... Still I feel that negative and worrying thoughts cannot possibly help so lets just chill.... bask in our 2ww and hope for that lovely line when we test... though as you all know I am such a dufus that I need CB to spell it out for me! Hahaha

Missy - those follies sound good to me... when is your trigger?

Butterfly - welcome back to Blighty!!

Skye and Lava - how are you lovely babies treating you? A whinge and a moan over juice sounds like me.... so depressing to not be able to drink for the last 4 days of your hol when the package includes free booze... there was Hubby drinking lovely Cypriot wine and me with a lemonade...
So sorry about your friend Lava xx

FM so sorry your nephew is not too well... if it helps my nephew was born very ill when bilateral hydronephrosis... basically his kidneys didn't work and if had his first 5 hour op at 2 days old... a further 12 ops in his first year of really was touch and go... but he is now an active normal 10 year old and no one would ever know he was so ill .... stay strong hun... as I know you can x

Twinks - your stay cation sounds fab!

Hey Dwrgi - how are ya? Having a good half term?

OMM, Never, Purps, Woolster.... how are ya?

So... we are back... was a lovely stay in Cyprus - great weather and hotel. The proceedure was fine, quick and painless. We had 7 eggs, 6 fertilized and we had 2 good quality embryos implanted on Monday. I am so many drugs I bloody rattle... Dr showed us the little 8 cells before he put them in and even showed me where he was putting them.... my endometrium was a very good 9.2mm so all is in place for this to work. Hubby is very hopeful... the most hopeful he has ever been and I think is acyually hoping this could be twins... I feel bad for being the voice of doom and reminding him that this may not work...

Test day is next Friday.......
Ooh, that lie in sounds lovely. Now you just need to get someone to bring you breakfast in bed.

Pad, I see you are able to.access the thread but maybe can't post. We are all rooting for you! Can't wait for an update when you have the chance. I hope everything is going super smoothly. Lots of love and baby dust to you!

Everyone have a nice weekend.
Pad we cross-posted!! Glad you had a lovely time in Cyprus and the procedure went well. Your doctor sounds wonderful and very caring. You have done all you can do so now sit back and relax during your TWW. We are all excited about Friday! Only one more week to go.
FM - :hugs: Hope your nephew gets well :hugs:

HA - I can not imagine the rollercoaster of emotions you are experiencing :hugs: But excellent news on your hubby's SA results :thumbup:

Pad - excellent news on the embryos and sending lots of :dust: your way :dust:

Purple - hope you have a lovely weekend and jealous of the cake :)

Skye - a good moan is needed sometimes :thumbup:

Lava - so sorry about your friend but sounds like she was very much loved and remember is such a lovely way :hugs:

Never - sending some :hugs: your way

OMM - please know I keep you in my prayers and think of you daily :hugs:

Butterfly - welcome home :hi: Hope you can talk you man into trying for a few more cycles but hoping you won't need to and this is the one :dust:

AFM - not much to report. DH has been working away during the week but he's home tonight :) Which means I will no longer be sharing the house with 4 sad dogs who miss their daddy :) I'm in my TWW but firmly on the whatever wagon. I have been putting the idea to DH of me doing acupuncture and I think he is almost about to agree :) I have found a good person locally who does acupuncture and reflexology in the same session. DH has some questions but my dog is in for her acupuncture tomorrow so he's going to ask the vet the questions bless him. So hopefully tomorrow he'll say yes and I can look to get started with my next cycle if it turns up :)

Much love; :hugs: and :dust: to all x

Twinkle - your staycation sounds lovely :thumbup:
Thanks Lava and Woolster....

Am just praying those embies are growing and settling in well for what I hope will be 9 months....
HA those figures sound great for Hubby!! Good on him!! I know what you mean about worrying it will all work... sounds odd I know... but that is exactly how I feel too... Still I feel that negative and worrying thoughts cannot possibly help so lets just chill.... bask in our 2ww and hope for that lovely line when we test... though as you all know I am such a dufus that I need CB to spell it out for me! Hahaha

I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets this way - I swear this feeling of wanting it to work and simultaneously not wanting it to work makes me feel crazier than everything else I've been through all combined. :wacko: And all I ever use are the digis - you are not alone!! With everything I go through every month, I do not need the added stress of "is this a line?" on top of everything else!! :haha:

So... we are back... was a lovely stay in Cyprus - great weather and hotel. The proceedure was fine, quick and painless. We had 7 eggs, 6 fertilized and we had 2 good quality embryos implanted on Monday. I am so many drugs I bloody rattle... Dr showed us the little 8 cells before he put them in and even showed me where he was putting them.... my endometrium was a very good 9.2mm so all is in place for this to work. Hubby is very hopeful... the most hopeful he has ever been and I think is acyually hoping this could be twins... I feel bad for being the voice of doom and reminding him that this may not work...

Test day is next Friday.......

:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Sounds outstanding!! I'm so happy for you! I know what you mean about a hopeful DH and feeling like the voice of doom - I think we go through that every month. But this time I think yours is right to be hopeful - the one problem you were having was your translocation, and now that has been overcome - I'm hopeful for you, too! :hugs: Welcome home!

AFM - not much to report. DH has been working away during the week but he's home tonight :) Which means I will no longer be sharing the house with 4 sad dogs who miss their daddy :) I'm in my TWW but firmly on the whatever wagon. I have been putting the idea to DH of me doing acupuncture and I think he is almost about to agree :) I have found a good person locally who does acupuncture and reflexology in the same session. DH has some questions but my dog is in for her acupuncture tomorrow so he's going to ask the vet the questions bless him. So hopefully tomorrow he'll say yes and I can look to get started with my next cycle if it turns up :)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I bet the vet gets asked questions like that all the time! It sounds like something out of James Herriot, expecting the vet to know everything! (Not that there's any acupuncture in the books, but if they'd been written today I bet there would have been!)

Thanks to everyone for putting up with me and my neuroses... I sometimes feel like a broken record, going through the same set of fears and emotions every month - you're all saints to continue listening to me (or at least pretending to! :haha:) and encouraging me to be hopeful and keep my spirits up. I couldn't do this without you all. :hugs:
AFM - not much to report. DH has been working away during the week but he's home tonight :) Which means I will no longer be sharing the house with 4 sad dogs who miss their daddy :) I'm in my TWW but firmly on the whatever wagon. I have been putting the idea to DH of me doing acupuncture and I think he is almost about to agree :) I have found a good person locally who does acupuncture and reflexology in the same session. DH has some questions but my dog is in for her acupuncture tomorrow so he's going to ask the vet the questions bless him. So hopefully tomorrow he'll say yes and I can look to get started with my next cycle if it turns up :)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I bet the vet gets asked questions like that all the time! It sounds like something out of James Herriot, expecting the vet to know everything! (Not that there's any acupuncture in the books, but if they'd been written today I bet there would have been!)

I must admit when he said he wanted to ask the vet I was a bit :saywhat: but he doesn't understand acupuncture so I suppose discussing it with her as she is trained in it might help. He wants to come with me on the first visit for acupuncture as well if I go which makes me go :dohh: as sometimes he is like the spanish inquisition with his questions :blush:

And we don't put up with you we support you :hugs:
HA - as wooly says we don't "put up" with you - we want to support you xxx I am hopeful and excited for you , big :hugs:

Pad - It sounds like everything went to plan and that your medical team looked after you beautifully! so now we just have to cross everything for you and send :dust: :dust: :dust: your way xxxxx

oh and ladies - you can do whatever you need to do to keep your sanity - vent, worry and have a good old moan - we are all here to listen!

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