TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hi girls - sorry for the absence - DH and I were off at Harry Potter world this weekend!! It was AMAZING! And the frozen butterbeer is to die for!!! We had a great time and beautiful weather... and I started spotting on Saturday evening, right on schedule. BFN with FMU yesterday morning, and AF started last night. I'm now officially on a break until February. I will enjoy my holidays - I will be able to travel for both Thanksgiving and Christmas without having to worry about miscarrying 18 hours away from home. I will be able to attend the family reunion at Disney World in january and not have to miss out on my favorite rides. And we get the next three months to decide what, if anything, to do next.
Sorry guys for being MIA.... have found it hard to write here for once as despite all of your mighty good wishes and hope we got a BFN.

I have been so low and confused all weekend I didn't want to come on and infect you all with my misery... so have stayed off. Me and Hubby have decided that this is it for us. It is time we took the hint that we are destined to not have children. However, we have tried all we could.... unfortunatley it all failed.

I don't know how much I will... or should come back here.... as I would feel a bit of a fraud as we have decided to get off this rollarcoaster of TTC. It has made us sick and sad for far too long.

I wish you all much more luck and happiness than I ever had xxx

I am sorry to hear you also got a BFN HA. It is great you have a plan though!
I know I don't post here anymore and most of you don't know me, but I lurk.

Just a shout out to two of my girls, Pad and HA.

Pad, I'm so, so, so sorry this is the place you find yourself right now. You've been through too much heartache. I hope you are able to find some peace down the road. You deserve it. I'm thinking of you and if you ever come back, please say hello. Love you honey!

HA, I think you have a good plan in place. It's good to take some time off from this crazy making journey. It's good that you can travel with some peace of mind. Please keep us posted on what you decide to do next. Love you too. xoxo

Hello to all you other ladies that I know. Sorry I've not been around. Life keeps handing me lemons and I'm trying to make lemonade. xoxo Amanda
I'm an old poster and lurker like Heart....just had to come and give my Pad some :hugs: and love. I'm so sorry you have had to come to this decision. I will never understand the heartbreak that we women have had to face in this life. I, too, hope you can find some solace and peace at some point in your journey. Love you girl.......
HA honey i am sorry for the BFN, but i think you have a great plan, i so love Disney World!!! Sending you big hugs.

Pad honey, i am so sorry, if you need someone to talk to, you can PM me, i know exactly what your going through right now. I dont post much on here, but i lurk and check in every once in a while, i totaly understand you wanting to take a break from posting here, but please dont feel like a fraud if your no longer TTC, everybody here loves you and will miss your kind words. Oh and for me, it took a while, but it did really help for me to get rid of all my baby things i had around, like prayers on my cube walls at work, and little baby things we had at home, all of it went, i did feel a bit better after not seeing the reminders all the time, of course i still have to deal with the weird things, like go to Target and buy food, and cleaning stuff and get a coupon for 50% of newborn to kids apparel, really what part of food and cleaning stuff meant give me a coupon like that!!


To all my lovely ladies, i am ok, trying to deal with knowing we wont have a child, but concentrating on vacation, whenever i get down, i just picture myself on a beach basking in the sunshine, my reality though is cleaning up leaves, so far 14 bags of mulched leaves, and only half of them are down so far, i have muscles that hurt that i forgot were even there lol. I love you all and i am still lurking and checking on you every once in a while.
Aww Debs :cry So many hugs and kisses. I'm so sorry:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Sweetie I hope you and Dh find peace soon. Don't forget you belong to our hearts so u r always welcome back for a chat or a hello whenever you feel like it.

Amanda and Amos so good to see you girls. :) Lot's of love, good luck and sticky bb dust for your journey xxxxx
Lava-I am positive that you will get to week 37. Your pregnancy sounds textbook, so far! How truly ironic that you are in the mood for DTD but not the wherewithal. I have read of women feeling very sexy during pregnancy. I guess it's the time when you feel more like a 'woman'! Big hugs to you! :flower:

Missy-so sorry about your cold. Your body has been through a lot in the last two-three weeks so I would guess your immunity was low. Take it easy now that you are back in work, and fingers crossed there are exciting things going on inside your womb right now! :flower:

HA-so sorry that AF showed but so pleased that you have resolved to have three months of rest from TTC. We all deserve it from time to time, as it is so all encompassing. I am sure you will come back stronger and ready for your BFP!

Pad, OMG, I feared the worst when you didn't post and I just cannot imagine your pain. Nobody should have to go through what you have, it is just so desperately unfair. At least you can say that you tried everything that you could, and you gave it your best shot. But what consolation is that when you want your own baby? I am so very very sorry, and know that you will get through this, with time. You are so strong and such an inspiration to us all. Be kind to yourself-you can't help what has happened, nor can your DH, it is just one of those vile, nasty, cruel life experiences. You have been constantly in my thoughts, and I so wish I could give you a big hug in person. You sooooooooo deserve your own baby and you so deserve to find some peace. Please PM me at any time, and please, if it doesn't hurt too much, stay with us. Lots and lots of love hun, Axxxxx :hugs::flower::flower:

Everybody, I found myself looking at adoption information last night.... Interesting, and something to think about. Always good to have Plan B, C and D, in my experience.. :shrug:

Lots of love to you all!
pad - crying for you and all of this horrible nightmare we all go through. maybe it can happen naturally, right? that's what they keep saying anyway. please join the posting whenever you feel like it and if you decide to try again, we will all support you!
HA, I'm so sorry this time didn't work out. It sounds like a break is what you need. You have some very good points. Take care of yourself, honey. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Pad, I really can't understand why things work out the way they do. Like dwrgi, I was so worried that we hadn't heard from you. My SIL and brother have struggled with fertility. She is 5 years older than me. I started talking and opening up to her when I started doing IUI's. One bit of advice she told me that makes so much sense is that you have to know your limits. Only you will know how much you and DH can take. Just take care of yourself. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

DWRGI, my brother and SIL adopted a beautiful baby girl this past year. She struggled with PCOS and painful AF and he was too proud to be tested. She is glad they didn't go through the fertility treatments because then she wouldn't have ended up as Carolyn's mother. Carolyn makes her life complete and I am over joyed for both of them. After seeing what a wonderful experience they had, adoption would be an option for us too. I also work with a woman, about my age, who adopted a baby boy about 8 months ago. He is as cute as a button and you can tell she is a proud mama. As my SIL and brother told me, there are a lot of beautiful babies out there that need good, stable, loving parents. And I know all of us are that.
I think if I type the swears I just let out BnB will censor them or the air will turn blue. Life is SO sodding sodding unfair.

I'm sorry - I know me getting angry isn't going to help any of us but I can't help it. It's a good job we've got people here with great PMA cause I'm just pissed off about it all!!

Pad - I'm SO SO sorry. You should do what feels right for you but we'd never think you were a fraud and you'll always be loved and cherished here. I'm expecting to be here for some time and will always be happy to see you. xx

HA - HP world sounds amazing! I'm sorry it was a BFN but I'm glad you can do all the things you've got planned without worrying too much over the next couple of months. xx

Hearty - I think about you everytime I log on, love to you xx

OMM - love to you too - it's always nice to see you xx

Dwrgi - I've been thinking a lot about adoption and fostering lately too.

I'm going to find something to punch now or DH will get a mouthful of abuse when he gets home!
Pad - I am so so sorry that it has come to this, as Twinkle said - life is so sodding unfair! If wishes made babies, then we would all have our LOs, because the love and prayers and hopes around this thread would have meant such a different result for you. If I were to be selfish, I would beg you to stay, beacuse none of us want to "loose" you. but of course I understand why you need time and space. so all I can do is send you all my love and say that we are here when/if you want to be here, even for a tiny chat. xxxxxxx
Debs, I have been thinking about you all weekend and like Dwrgi feared the worst when you hadn't checked in. Like the other girls say life is so bloody unfair. I am so desperately sad for you but understand that you have to make that decision when you have done all that you can and you have definitely done that. I hope you and Dh don't punish yourselves and you are kind to yourself - there is no rhyme or reason to this and it's just like a bad taste lottery. I send you lots of love and hugs and really hope that you find some strength to get through this.

HA, I am so sorry you got a BFN too - I've been thinking about you as well but glad that you have lots of things in place that are good to keep you going for a while before you decide what is next :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Dear HA, again, Im so sorry that this was not the BFP we were all hoping for, however... I am so happy that you have a plan for a break and nice things to come and that maybe the pressure is off of you and your DH. may this time be wonderful for you both and allow you to recover your energy and have time to make firm plans and decisions xxxxx

I am not great with words, I admit. I am struggling here because I am trying to send comfort to two ladies who have been able to send comfort and wisdom with much better effect than I am managing here... sorry, just know I am thinking about you both xxxx
HA I'm sorry you had a BFN :( We were all hoping that the result was otherwise. It's so unfair that all of the lovely ladies deserve to have babies yet we all struggle so much for it.

You have the christmass and all the wonderful travelling and having fun to look fwd to. :hugs::hugs::hugs: 3 months a good time to decide where to go next so I hope you enjoy the festive break. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Deb, I am so sorry... I love you and you deserve some peace. Whatever you need to do to achieve that peace is what you need to do. I would just encourage you not to make any permanent decisions right now. You need to grieve the fact that this cycle didn't work, and that will take just as long as it takes. I don't know if you got any frozen embies from this round, but the fact of the matter is that most IVF patients (over 60%) do not achieve pregnancy on the first round - on average it takes 2-3 cycles for most couples to achieve pregnancy.

This journey will have some sort of resolution for every single one of us - either a child through birth or adoption, or choosing to stop trying - but resolution just the same. And what that resolution is for one person may look very different to another. We all love you and of course will understand if you need to stay away from here for your own peace, but you are not a fraud and we will always welcome you. xoxoxoxo

Hearty and Amos, I've been stalking you two over on the RMC thread, and I'm glad you've popped in over here. Hearty, when is your IUI? You're on Femara, right? I wonder if that had anything to do with your thin lining... I know Clomid can create lining problems and I know Clomid and Femara act on your body in the same way, but I don't know if they cause similar side effects... but glad to read today that it's still getting thicker. :thumbup: I always figure the first round is one big learning curve, anyway - they don't have any idea how your body is going to react to the stims until you start them, but they can use that info to make important changes for the next round. On my first IUI I was on 75iu follistim daily (a fairly low, starter dose) and only produced one follie, so for my next it was doubled to 150iu daily and my follies went into overdrive. So from the third cycle on I start at 100iu and then they bump it up about halfway through the stims. Like I said, it's a learning curve....

Chris, I think about you all the time. :hugs:

My feelings are all over the place on this. I may have sounded resolute in my post but I'm really not. Even though the plan for months has been to take this break now, within hours of the BFN I caught myself thinking about not taking the break... but those moments are when I have to stop myself and look back and remind myself why we made that decision in the first place... how many times in the last month did I moan about how badly I needed a break?!

I am sad, I am angry, I am disappointed, I am relieved, I am cynical, I am scared, I am all over the place. I am glad we will get to spend the holidays and the Disney trip without worrying about miscarriages and timing of treatments, and I'm glad we'll get to spend the holidays with family instead of alone with our cat because we're afraid to travel too far from our dr, but all that said, I'd still rather be pregnant. It f-ing sucks. But like I said, we really need these three months to decide what what, if anything, to do next. One more IUI, then IVF? Straight to IVF? Stop trying? All three seem pretty equally unappealing right now - and pretty equally appealing. I've had a good cry, and the fact that I got the BFN on vacation meant I allowed myself to get good and snockered on the last night in Florida - another margarita, please! :drunk: For now, that is enough. To paraphrase Scarlett O'Hara, I'll think on the rest tomorrow - after all, tomorrow is another day!

Thanks to all of you. I know what Pad meant - we feel like we're disappointing a whole room full of women, not just ourselves and our partners, when we get a BFN. I know you all were hoping for the best for me on this one, and I appreciate that I have friends like you who can have hope when I don't. I love you, ladies. xoxoxo
Big hugs to both of you Pad and HA. I'm so sorry how things are going for you.
HA and Pad, I'm so sorry for you both. This journey is unconscionably hard. We're spending so much time, energy, and money for month after month of BFN. Or even worse, a BFP and then an angel baby (or babies). As with both of you, I took my test (first time I've tested in a year) and got a BFN yesterday. I stopped the progesterone and the Ovex-P as a result, and I am just waiting for AF. I am not yet devastated because A. it's not here yet, and B., I'm really trying to rely on my faith. I've paid lip service in the past, but I really have to feel that I don't have much control over this, and everything I do, and everything that happens is because my steps are ordered.

When I got my BFN, I decided to be grateful that my temps are much better than they've ever been, and that my LP is now at least 12 days (instead of the 10 from last month). So my body is beginning to respond well to the supplements and treatments. But I would be lying if I said I have not gotten weary. That I have not gotten despondent. I pray that my faith gets me through this month. And the next. And the next. I am still growing, and learning to be more faithful, and to put all my trust in my Lord, though sometimes my faith may falter.

I don't share this "testimony" because I think think my problems as similar to yours. Or because this will even help you, as you may or may not be of a spiritual bent. I share it because it's my public acknowledgement that I need to continue to believe this is bigger than me and that I have to trust my God. Or else I cannot keep going.

Hugs to all my sisters in this struggle, regardless of where you are in your journey. My heart and my prayers, are with each of you (us).

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