TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

good luck dodger if you test today :thumbup:

how is everyone doing today??
good luck dodger if you test today :thumbup:

how is everyone doing today??

I did test today and it was a no-go:

Still early though, so I'll wait a few days or so and then test again. I had a huge temp drop this morning though, so who knows, that could mean I'm out. I'm still well over the coverline, but it was a HUGE drop.
Hello girls!

Hi Purple-how are you? Are you still with your parents? I hope that you are enjoying spending time with them, and it sounds as if you are being a huge help and support. I think you are a complete angel. Take care of yourself too! Lots of love to you, Axxx

Missy-how you doing hunni? Hope those supplements help those eggs along! Thinking of you hun, Axx

Dodger, I hope that you just tested early, but I have had so many false hopes with TTC, that I don't bother to get excited any more! I think it's better to go with the flow, and not symptom spot, because you then start to think it could be PG, and come crushing down when it's a BFN. Fingers crossed for you though, :thumbup:

FM, Butterfly, Lava, Skyyyyyyyyyyyye, OMM, North Star, Twinkle, and everybody else! Hello-have a great weekend!

AFM, have had a really bad week with my OH; so bad that I went back to my own house (which luckily didn't have any tenants in at the moment). He just cannot deal with stress and takes it all out on me, and has been nothing short of a bully, at times. So, I have enough stress in my life with teaching, and bloody infertilty without him behaving like a 4 year old. So, it has made him sit up and take notice, and I am going back there tonight, and fingers crossed he has learnt a very valuable lesson. I was so glad to have the time to myself-I'd forgotten what I was about, and needed time to reflect. Unfortunately, a new tenant has been found and they want to move in tomorrow, so I can't have the house as a bolt hole, but I am giving him 6 months to show me why I fell in love with him in the first place, and if that doesn't do the trick, then in 6 months, I am out of there. Life's just too short. And with all that aggro, it has taken my mind off TTC, which was also a godsend. Incidentally, this morning, I had PMT cramps, so I reckon AF will arrive on Tuesday ish. Great.

Love to you all, and enjoy your weekend!
A, big :hug: but good that you are very definite about what you want and how OH needs to behave. (From past experience) I do think sometimes they end up taking us for granted and need a bit of a reality check. :thumbup:
Yeah Dwrgi, I do know better then to symptom spot, but then again when some of these things are happening for the first time it's hard not to sit up and take notice. Besides, while I'll be sorely disappointed if I'm not pregnant this cycle, I'll also still be thrilled because this is the first cycle that I actually had a chance ya know? At the very least my body has started doing what it's supposed to and that's a hugely good feeling.

I'm so sorry that you've had a rough week with your OH, but I am glad it gave you time to reflect. I hope your OH never acts like this again. :hugs:

@ Purple - Thank you!
Yeah Dwrgi, I do know better then to symptom spot, but then again when some of these things are happening for the first time it's hard not to sit up and take notice. Besides, while I'll be sorely disappointed if I'm not pregnant this cycle, I'll also still be thrilled because this is the first cycle that I actually had a chance ya know? At the very least my body has started doing what it's supposed to and that's a hugely good feeling.

I'm so sorry that you've had a rough week with your OH, but I am glad it gave you time to reflect. I hope your OH never acts like this again. :hugs:

@ Purple - Thank you!

Well, good luck to you Dodger-it IS good that your body is getting back to normal. Just word from the wise to protect yourself, 'sall I'm saying! Am sure you will get there! :hugs:
hi everyone, just thought I would say hi and I hope everyone is feeling fertile:) I have never thought so much about fertility in my life as I have over the last 6 weeks. We have held off the last month from trying because I jumped on the scales and realised I had achieved green peace status and became worried about wat the additional baby weight would do to the babies and my heath presuming I can conceive.

However time is running out so I am trying to decide whether to try this month which is in a few days or wait till Christmas eve which will be my next ideal time. Just putting it out there but would love some advice. I have lost by tomoro hopefully just under 4 kilos so if I wait then that would be about 9 kilos I would have lost before trying or maybe I should try this time anyway.....

is anyone else trying to lose weight before or while TTC?
hi everyone, just thought I would say hi and I hope everyone is feeling fertile:) I have never thought so much about fertility in my life as I have over the last 6 weeks. We have held off the last month from trying because I jumped on the scales and realised I had achieved green peace status and became worried about wat the additional baby weight would do to the babies and my heath presuming I can conceive.

However time is running out so I am trying to decide whether to try this month which is in a few days or wait till Christmas eve which will be my next ideal time. Just putting it out there but would love some advice. I have lost by tomoro hopefully just under 4 kilos so if I wait then that would be about 9 kilos I would have lost before trying or maybe I should try this time anyway.....

is anyone else trying to lose weight before or while TTC?

My hubby and I have been ttc since June of 2010. Since July/August of this year I've been working on losing weight while continuing to be ttc. I'm not starving myself or trying to lose all the weight at once, but I've changed my diet and am working to lose weight in a healthy way that is still conducive to having a baby. Since August, I've lost 48 pounds now!

I'd say as long as you aren't trying to lose weight in a quick unhealthy way, you should be just fine continuing ttc while losing weight.

Dwrgi - I know. :) I didn't take it as anything else. I do recognize that I'm slightly *cough* :blush: obsessing with this cycle, probably mostly because I know I actually have a chance. lol But I promise to still be happy with what I've succeeded in regardless of the outcome of this cycle. :hugs:
Just go for ity, I'd say, but I'm not an expert omn this particular issue. All I know is that you need to take your chances while you can!

Good luck!
"My hubby and I have been ttc since June of 2010. Since July/August of this year I've been working on losing weight while continuing to be ttc. I'm not starving myself or trying to lose all the weight at once, but I've changed my diet and am working to lose weight in a healthy way that is still conducive to having a baby. Since August, I've lost 48 pounds now!

I'd say as long as you aren't trying to lose weight in a quick unhealthy way, you should be just fine continuing ttc while losing weight."

OMG I think u r my hero 48 pounds is a fantastic achievement:) I am following a sensible diet and exercise with advice from a personal trainer etc I am just a little impatient I guess.

Deep down I also suspect that if we try and i don't get pregnant first time i will worry about whether I will get pregnant at all etc etc its irrational I know but I have found the whole monitoring myself and my cycles surprisingly stressful for some reason..... D u think its unrealistic to continue losing weight when u fall pregnant?
OMG I think u r my hero 48 pounds is a fantastic achievement:) I am following a sensible diet and exercise with advice from a personal trainer etc I am just a little impatient I guess.

Deep down I also suspect that if we try and i don't get pregnant first time i will worry about whether I will get pregnant at all etc etc its irrational I know but I have found the whole monitoring myself and my cycles surprisingly stressful for some reason..... D u think its unrealistic to continue losing weight when u fall pregnant?

Thank you!!!

I'm trying to remember what my endo said about losing weight while pregnant and while I'm not entirely sure I'm remembering right, I think it followed something like realizing that you were now eating for 2 and that even though it might look on paper like you are eating so much more at times, you want to eat healthy for the baby as well. I believe she said that once you get pregnant it's really not so much about losing the weight, it's just about maintaining a proper healthy environment for the baby and odds are really good that you will gain SOME weight.

That said, I think I've read that some ladies who get pregnant while overweight have actually found that they've lost some weight in the 1st and 2nd trimester, so it's not wholly unrealistic, but at that point I personally wouldn't make losing weight a focus.
Hi ladies,

Dwrgi am sorry that your OH is being an arse, but I'm glad that you are feeling strong and giving him the wakeup call.

I've been thinking about the weight issue a bit myself recently.

I have noticed a lot of the ladies who have reported BFPs on 35+ are bigger, so I do wonder (as a stats person this is my professional interest) if being a little bit bigger is not a problem at all for TTC. I would love to gather some data around this issue, but I don't to be insensitive. I suspect that being above a 25 BMI is not as major a fertility problem that some medical professionals would have us believe.
[/QUOTE]Thank you!!!

I'm trying to remember what my endo said about losing weight while pregnant and while I'm not entirely sure I'm remembering right, I think it followed something like realizing that you were now eating for 2 and that even though it might look on paper like you are eating so much more at times, you want to eat healthy for the baby as well. I believe she said that once you get pregnant it's really not so much about losing the weight, it's just about maintaining a proper healthy environment for the baby and odds are really good that you will gain SOME weight.

That said, I think I've read that some ladies who get pregnant while overweight have actually found that they've lost some weight in the 1st and 2nd trimester, so it's not wholly unrealistic, but at that point I personally wouldn't make losing weight a focus.[/QUOTE]

You are welcome 48 pounds is a serious achievement that is life changing and it takes discipline so respect:)

That sounds about right I guess re the weight loss while pregnant. It would b great to lose weight in the beginning of course:)

D u know much about test results by any chance? I have hormone test results which I think mean I did actually ovulate but I am not sure if the results are good or marginal or what.
I have noticed a lot of the ladies who have reported BFPs on 35+ are bigger, so I do wonder (as a stats person this is my professional interest) if being a little bit bigger is not a problem at all for TTC. I would love to gather some data around this issue, but I don't to be insensitive. I suspect that being above a 25 BMI is not as major a fertility problem that some medical professionals would have us believe.

I do think you are right on that. My OB basically told me that she wanted me to lose weight so that I would have a healthy and less stressful time of both ttc and pregnancy. She did say that it can happen and that it can be a perfectly healthy 9 months for overweight people, but that there is more of a probability of problems the more overweight you are.

You are welcome 48 pounds is a serious achievement that is life changing and it takes discipline so respect:)

That sounds about right I guess re the weight loss while pregnant. It would b great to lose weight in the beginning of course:)

D u know much about test results by any chance? I have hormone test results which I think mean I did actually ovulate but I am not sure if the results are good or marginal or what.

Yeah you are right. I've pretty much changed my lifestyle diet-wise to do all of this. I'm thrilled with my progress and more thrilled with the fact that I'm actually getting to the point where I'm happy with what I'm eating and not craving the stuff that isn't that great for me anymore!

As for test results, I am definitely no expert, but if you have your numbers, I can compare it with my results and see how they differ? I know my last blood work showed that I did NOT ovulate, but that was back in July. I'll be finding out my follow-up blood work results on Tuesday, but I think those will still show I didn't ovulate since those were taken prior to this cycle.
thats so fabulous I am headed in that direction but as the months go by I am going to feel better and better and hopefully b where u r now:)

Thks for this I have held onto these wondering whether to feel good or bad about them...Would really appreciate any info you could give me:)

First blood test day 11 of cycle -
LH 24 IU/L
Progesterone 2.8 nmol/L
Oestradiol 477 pmol/L

Second blood test results approx three days later
LH 7
Progesterone 27 nmol/L
Oestradiol 274 pmol/L
Dodger, I'm sorry you didn't get your BFP this time. We'll all here for support.

Dwrgi, I can understand you having a fight with DH. TTC is so hard and stressful. And I know that at different times during our cycle, things are harder and emotions fly around. I also think its harder on us than it is on them. That is why the term is coined "maternal instinct" and you rarely here "paternal instinct". I hope you when you go back home he apologizes and realizes what a wonderful, caring and determined woman he has. DH and I had a fight too. We are better now. Men really just don't get it sometimes.
Dodger, I'm sorry you didn't get your BFP this time. We'll all here for support.

Dwrgi, I can understand you having a fight with DH. TTC is so hard and stressful. And I know that at different times during our cycle, things are harder and emotions fly around. I also think its harder on us than it is on them. That is why the term is coined "maternal instinct" and you rarely here "paternal instinct". I hope you when you go back home he apologizes and realizes what a wonderful, caring and determined woman he has. DH and I had a fight too. We are better now. Men really just don't get it sometimes.

Thanks for your kind words. They really don't get it, they are definitely from Mars!!

Have a lovely weekend!
oh Dwrgi...I wondered where you were, I am so sorry your dh is being a pain, I hope you having some space for yourself, will give him the kick up the butt he sounds like he needs! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Hi Madeline - welcome to the thread :) I am a "larger" lady (or fluffy as Wooly like to call it :) ) I did loose about 4 stones last year and then put a little back on this year, but I did manage to get a BFP although sadly it wasn't meant to be, so still trying, however it does give me hope that I will manage again, I just try and eat healthily during the week (with a few treats at weekends admittedly)
I can't really help with your results but someone here is bound to know how your numbers look!

Hi missy, how are you doing? did you have a nice thanksgiving?

:hugs: for you dodger, how are you today??

Northstar - that's an interesting point (about weight) it does seem there re plenty of larger ladies getting their BFP's!

How is everyone else doing?? big :hugs: to you all - wooly, Twinkle, HA, FM, keekee, butterfly, never lava, carol and skye, and anyone I missed :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I am home, collected the dogs from kennels (they were quite happy to see us, but I think they have been spoiled) and now home and have done some washing etc. I am so glad I have seen mum and dad and I think it helped them too. I told my parents to accept any offers of coffee, help etc they get because it's good to get out and my mum does agree. they are seeing the oncologist on Tuesday, so will see if there is any treatment that can be done. afm, I am 8 DPO today and started feeling quite hopeful, but now I just feel this is unlikely to be "the one" - which is probably a good thing so I won't be too dissappointed when AF arrives. On a good note I am happy with the CBFM, and because my cycles seem to be a bit irregular , it will be helpful!

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