TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Just wanted to say hi madeline and sorry I only had tests on day 3 and 21 so not sure about those numbers. :shrug:
Madeline - My blood tests don't show me that much information since we didn't do two like you did, however I went searching, and I found this info for you:

Blood test - to check for the presence of progesterone. A level greater than 20nmol/L indicates that ovulation took place. This test must be taken about three to 10 days before the first day of the next expected period.

From everything else I know and have read, the LH levels would follow correctly (surge before) as well. I hope that helps!

@Purple - I'm doing well! *hugs* You have such a positive attitude this month, I love it! Definitely keep us posted on your parents. I'm keeping you all in my prayers!
Madeline - My blood tests don't show me that much information since we didn't do two like you did, however I went searching, and I found this info for you:

Blood test - to check for the presence of progesterone. A level greater than 20nmol/L indicates that ovulation took place. This test must be taken about three to 10 days before the first day of the next expected period.

From everything else I know and have read, the LH levels would follow correctly (surge before) as well. I hope that helps!

Hi dodgercpkl,

thks for going to that trouble its really kind of you. Its difficult to know what is encouraging and what isn't re progesterone and oestrogen levels. The ranges are so wide on the test results. When I had these tests done I also had an internal ultrasound which showed I was about to ovulate, it was seriously weird to c it myself in real time. Anyway, I think the point of the tests is to help the gyno to collect additional info on my cycle. I have to repeat this testing again starting Monday and then apparently the results are rushed to her and then she calls me to to tell me when we are meant to do it to have the best chance of success.

So the fact the progesterone level went up from really low on the first test to 27 on the second test would suggest I did ovulate so I guess that is a good start:)

I am not sure if we will try this time or wait till next time I am still debating the pros and cons re the weight situation.

Hi purplelou thks for sharing your experience w weight loss. That is a fantastic achievement and very inspirational.I am so glad I found you guys:) I was measured today and I have lost another 1cm from my waist so I am just going to keep going:) After all the weight loss you achieved you can do anything so I have no doubts that you will continue your health program:)

Hi butterfly, thks for checking, I think my gyno does the tests close together so she can determine when I am ovulating and get us to stop wat we are doing and do IT lol

Fingers crossed for everyone:)

Madeline xx
Wow Madeline! That sounds really intricate and very intriguing! Keep us informed of your next steps will you? I find it fascinating to realize that things are done so differently (and yet at times so much the same) in different places in the world.
Wow Madeline! That sounds really intricate and very intriguing! Keep us informed of your next steps will you? I find it fascinating to realize that things are done so differently (and yet at times so much the same) in different places in the world.

No worries:) I thought everyone was going through this process. My gyno explained that this way the sperm is fresh lol and the timing is right. That was a bit too much information for me at the time lol However technically it makes complete sense to me. Its interesting that I haven't had a day 3 FSH test or a day 21 test. I was wondering about that. I will c if I can find the success stats and post them.

When I went to get a referral the gp laughed and said I should try first before spending money on a gyno but I really wanted to go straight to the source of information and get the best advice on risks etc and the risks as she has described them are comparatively small compared to alot of the doom and gloom material online. I am neutral about it until I see results of course lol

however I can't complain because she is super keen for me to start straight away and I have put it off one month and possibly I may put it off this month as well. I want an extra month to go by on my health insurance so I have 2 mths up my sleeve but now I am actually a bit sick of waiting and curious to c if I can actually do it:)

The receptionist was telling me that when she was trying before she had twins that my Gyno called her and said quick where is your husband u have to do it now as the results had come through and she was about to ovulate. Her husband was going away for work apparently so the gyno told them to do it in the car before he left so they did and she wound up with twins lol

Madeline xx
Hey all - just had a moan in my journal but wanted to say I think we need some sort of award for those of us who go beyond the call of duty in the face of other people's babies!! My cheeks hurt from forced smiling!

Love to you all xx
Dear Twinkle, I read your journal and yes there should be an award......

so, for Twinkle, I award "The forced smile award" for those days that make your cheeks hurt!
I seriously just FELL OFF THE SOFA laughing at that picture!!!

Thanks Purple that was exactly what I needed!! xxx
How is everyone doing?

Dwrgi - are you home now? I have been thinking about you and hoping you are ok! xx

wooly - are you are around?? wondering where you are at! and how is your FIL doing??

Hi Dodger - how are you? hope you are doing ok.

Missy - did you have a nice thanksgiving?

HA - hopefully you have been enjoying your holidays with family, how is your dad?

FM - hope you are lurking - did you have a nice holidays??

Butterfly - are you enjoying being back in blighty? we were down near you this week, it's so pretty in that part of the world.

big hugs to lava and carole and skye - how are you ladies? haven't seen Skye for a while - hope you are ok??

and big loves to Pad, in case you are lurking? xxx

:hugs: to everyone, sorry if i haven't mentioned you all, but I am thinking of you xxx

afm, nothing much to report, 10 DPO today (according to FF) no signs or symptoms (to be fair Im not really looking for them) and the "m" is flashing on the cbfm, so AF could be anytime now, since my cycles really are quite irregular. it's getting really cold and windy here and Im back to work tomorrow, not really looking forwards to it.
Hello Purple, I loved that piccie you posted! It is brilliant!! :haha: Animals are just the best! I'm glad you went to see your parents, and I'm sure that being with them helped you, and it certainly sounds as if you were a great support to them. You are such a caring person, and your DH sounds lovely too! I hope that you are okay-you know that we are all here for you, be it for TTC issues, or any other. I am completely unfamiliar with the CBFM so have no idea what that blinking letter means-menstruation? Anyway, let's hope that the dratted AF doesn't arrive and that you will have good news shortly! Fingers crossed hun! :thumbup:

Twinkle-bless you. There are pregnant women and babies EVERYWHERE! They have taken over the world. Hope you're okay hun! You'll get there, don't worry! :hugs: xx

Hi Butterfly-how are you hun? Did you have a good weekend? What did you get up to?? Hope you're okay and that you're getting closer to your BFP too! Bring it on, girl!

Hey Skye-I agree with Purple-where are you young lady??? I miss you on here. Big loves to you and Shirin! :kiss::kiss:

Missy!! How are you hun? Hope that you and DH sorted out your domestic too. Men!! S'all I'll say :dohh:. Thanks for your support earlier. Lots of love to you! :hugs:

Hi FM-where ARE you too?? Please come out of lurk mode pronto!! :flower:

OMM-how are you hun? I think of you often. Big hugs to you! :hugs:xx

Pad-sweetie, how are you? Sending the most enormously massive hugs in the world to you, my sweet! Lots of love, Axx :hugs::hugs:

Carole-:hugs: :hugs:

HA-where are you hun? Hope you're okay? Lots of love coming to you! :flower:

Hi North Star-how are you? Did you have a good weekend? Hope you're okay hun? xx :flower:

Hi Lava, how are you? Hope you've been taking it easy. Big hugs to you, Lily and Liam! :thumbup:x

Hey Dodger, Madeline, Manuiti, Keekee, Titi, and anybody else I amy have forgotten to mention. Hope you're all okay? :flower:

AFM-I am at home and my OH is on very best behaviour and has, I believe, well and truly learnt his lesson. Good! I went to the staff Xmas party last night (I know-it's only November) and had such a great time. So much fun, and just what the doctor ordered! Although could have done with a doctor this morning to sort my weary head out!!! Think that AF (boo hag hiss) is due on Tuesday, I think. I have no idea what day I'm on, but vaguely aware. Just soooooo disillusioned with it all.... Anyway, am on strike on Wednesday-are you out as well, Purple?? So, am planning a very good day out with no thought of work AT ALL, as I shall not be paid! Acupuncture on Tuesday too, so looking forward to that.

Anyway, enough from me, but lots of love to you all,
Axxx :flower:
I am so glad Dwrgi that all is well for you! hopefully it has given your DH a kick up the back-side!

the M button -Hmm you could be right, I wondered what it stood for! I am not on strike, our union (rcn) didn't ballot us on it, but have recommended we support our colleagues that are on strike - but attending rally's etc in our lunchtimes and signing petitions etc LOL! so Ill be thinking about you and supporting you from 1-2 pm :)
Hi all, well having spent what felt like an eternity last night with my friends and their baby I must admit I'm not really pining for a LO tonight, home in my clean, tidy peaceful house :wacko:

AFM not much to report, I think we're on a break this month due to OH's shift pattern, but maybe not.
What a lovely thread :flower:

So good to not feel alone in our dream.

:hugs::hugs: 's to all xxxx
Purple, I hope all is going well with your parents and your dad is doing better. BTW, I loved that smile pic of the doggy. Is that yours? I thank God every day for my dogs. I mean I really do each night before I go to bed. They do make me smile. :laugh2:

Dwrgi, I'm glad that DH realizes that he was wrong and is on his best behavior. I'm also glad you had a good time at your Christmas party. We all need a good time to forget about our troubles every once in a while. :drunk:

Hello to the rest of you ladies!:hi:

AFM, I didn't do anything for Thanksgiving because we had planned to go to my in-laws. I told DH I wanted to stay home, besides AF came in full force. I had horrible cramps on Wednesday and Thursday was full flow (sorry TMI). We had a little spat but he understood and ended up staying home with me. I really was hoping to have good news for the holidays to tell both our families and I told him not to dare tell his family that I went through IVF. They've been known to make insensitive comments without thinking first. I finally decided to see a therapist. I told myself that if this IVF didn't work that I'd get help. DH thought it was a good idea too. I'm also reading a book on fertility and the mind-body connection and I really believe my unexplained infertility has to do with emotional blocks within myself. Interesting enough, all the examples of women in this book are between mid 30's and mid 40's. Some even conceived naturally after failed IVF's and devasting news from their RE's about their test results and egg quality. The book really delves into hynotherapy and acupuncture as treatment. So I'm seeing a hypnotherapist. If you google "unexplained infertility and hypnotherapy" you'll see a lot of information on it. For anyone who is interested the book is called The Mind-Body Fertility Connection: The True Pathway to Conception by James Schwartz. Its a quick read too. I finished it in 2 days because it sounded so much like what I and many of us are going through. It honestly has answered a lot of my "why?" questions.
Hey girls xxx
I just wanna drop in quickly to let you know I'm all right, everything is good with me and Shirin. Except I am freaking out a little from all what's gonna come up soon. I'm really sorry for disappearing on you like that. I just felt quite overwhelmed the last few weeks by how time started creeping up to my due date. I'm all of a sudden scared of cx and that none of my friends or family will be around. Unfortunately my closest friend in the UK is moving back to Turkey mid December. Mum's feeling a lot better but not good enough to travel and all my friends in Turkey is working. I try not to get too worried however I get woken up almost every night and find myself not being able to go back sleep for a couple of hours thinking if I'll be able to manage. So I'm sorry, I guess I felt like putting my head in the sand and avoiding all baby talk for a while.
I put on a lot of weight since my bleeding scare too. I started eating a lot to help the baby plump up and now I look like the marshmallow men. Maybe not that bad but I already have 16-17 kg's I think. :( My nose put on weight too believe it or not.
Don't wanna sound negative or bother you girls with all this talk. On the contrary I'm really looking fwd to the arrival of the baby and hopefully sharing it with you all.
I hope all of you are well.
PS: Missy sweetie I'm sorry that your IVF didn't work and I wasn't there to support you. You still have more tx's lined up so wishing the next one would work your much deserved miracle.
Purple I'm hoping your dad's results are better than expected. I will read the previous pages promise
All lovely ladies here I'm sending you loads of love, kisses and baby dust xxx
Hi dwrgi, butterfly,purplelou and everyone

wishing you all a good week. Today is the first day after BF and I tried for the first time. Nature took over yesterday so we threw caution to the wind re timing lol So today is the day after :) I know the chances of conceiving on the first try are probably negligible but it feels good to not worry about it and just do it:)

On a separate topic I found out I am Vit D deficient my numbers are quite low - 48. I am really pale so I tend not to go out in the sun as I burn easily but now I am taking supplements and sun baking lol

Have a lovely week ladies:)

ps hang in there MissyT:) the book sounds really interesting and I think its great that you are pursuing other avenues. I for one think that fertility has been over medicalised and while the science is useful it is just a tool and doesn't represent the whole picture when it comes to fertility.

madeline xx
:hugs::hugs::hugs: Skye, I can imagine it can be stressful and worrying without friends and family around but I'm sure you will cope - are there other mums to be in any groups nearby that you can join up with?
Hello everyone.

So good to hear from you, Skye. Glad you and Shirin are doing well. I like the idea of finding a moms-to- be group nearby for support. Are you worried about going into labor without your DH or what to do with baby once she arrives? I am so petrified that I will go into labor before January that for me the time is creeping along. Every day feels like eternity right now. ;) And the insomnia, exhaustion & frequent Braxton Hicks contractions are frustrating & the latter scary. Fortunately, I only have another 5 weeks of work left to go before I can take my medical/maternity leave. I see you have only about a month & a half left to go! Wish I could be there to help.

Twinkle ... hugs to you. There should be an award & you deserve one. There were many days I smiled my head off at friend's engagement parties, weddings, bridal showers, baby showers & christenings. No matter how happy I was for my friend's good fortune, sometimes it was just torture to put on a cheerful face. But your time will come. Keep the faith.

Glad you were able to be with family these last few days. How is your dad feeling? When is his next set of tests or treatment? Loved the smiling doggie pic. Gave me a good laugh.

Hey Dwrgi,
Glad DH is behaving ... did he enjoy the holiday party with you? Hope he eased your discomfort the morning after.

That book sounds very interesting. Certainly there is more to the mind-body connection than we imagine. I would love to learn more.

I am very fair skinned too. Never had my Vitamin D levels tested. How does a deficiency affect someone? Yay for throwing caution to the wind!

A neighbor was over last night with her very active & overtired 3 year old. He is adorable but I relished the peace & quiet when he left. Then this morning we had to clean up the cyclone of messiness he left in his wake. ;) Not sure how well I am going to handle parenthood. By the way, still want to eat those cupcake in your avatar pic!

Hi to Butterfly, HA, FM, Never, Pad, Carole, Dodger, Titi, Keekee, OMM & any other lurkers. Hope.everyone has a good week!
Hi lavalux;

definitely yay for throwing caution to the wind lol

Vitamin D was ignored for a long time but increasingly it is being recognised as having potentially far reaching effects on health and on the health of a pregnancy.

I have extracted and referenced a recent news article below. If you are interested there are some links regarding more broad ranging effects connected to Vit D deficiency here -

from news article in UK Telegraph
"In the study presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting in Vancouver, in British Columbia, Canada, pregnant women were randomly assigned to take one of three doses of vitamin D daily.
The women took either ten microgram doses, 50 microgram doses, or 100 microgram doses.
They were monitored throughout, including calcium levels in their blood, and there were no ill effects at any of the prescribed doses. Their vitamin D levels before the study were the same.
The team from University of South Carolina found the women taking the highest dose were 50 per cent less likely to suffer from problems including premature labour, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes and infections, than those on the lowest dose.
Dr Carol Wagner, lead author of the study, said: "The spectacular part of the study was it showed women replete in vitamin D had lower rates of preterm labor and preterm birth, and lower rates of infection." (By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor8:00AM BST 01 May 2010

The article above also contains cautions from other gyneo's and obstetricians regarding these findings.

My gyneo alerted me immediately and said I needed to supplement and get sunshine straight away to get my numbers over 100 from their current 48 so I am taking it seriously.

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