TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Missy, thank you :hugs: don't forget though - it was that useless Docotr who gave you incorrect information and basically lied to you. and none of that was your fault! he was just a bad doctor. you should take some time but if you go for more treatment, find someone you trust and who will work with you (as it should be in all aspects of healthcare really)
I wanted to add though, I think IVF, IUI, donor eggs/sperm and treatment generally is so amazing, by making this choice ourselves I didn't want to imply that I don't "believe" in it, just that it's not for us. (hope I didn't give that impression) so although I might not be very knowledgeable about these things, and I haven't been through it, I am interested if anyone wanted to discuss it or vent or whatever, I am really happy to listen :)
Dwrgi, I completely understand how you feel, and the concerns you had about bringing it up. :hugs:

It is kind of a dicey subject. I am definitely in the camp of those who've been ttc forever, who have real reasons to believe it may never happen for us, and who have seen more people come and go on this thread than come and stay a while....

That said, though, I think it's important to remember that this is not a LTTTC thread, an AC thread, or even a TTCAL thread - it's open to anyone 35+ ttc #1, regardless of how long they've been at it (note: it is NOT open to people like that pregnant 19yo b*tch who popped in a few months back!! :growlmad:). Personally, I accept that that means there will be people who are here for a very short time. I accept that because I've made such strong friendships here with so many of you that I don't want to go over to LTTTC threads and try to make new friends. But I think that's a decision we each have to make individually.

I also love it when our graduates come back here to check on us and how we're doing. I have no problem with them posting and asking about us. What is difficult for me is when there is pregnancy talk and pregnancy updates on this thread. When it's posted here I can't avoid it, so as a result, if I'm not feeling strong enough on any given day, I avoid this thread because I never know when something might be here. However, when pregnancy talk is confined to the graduates thread (which, for those who don't know, can be found here: 35+ TTC 1st Graduates), I am able to read it when I choose. I know what I'm getting in to when I go over there, so I only read it on days when I'm feeling strong and good to start with. I want to keep in touch with our graduates and I want to know how they're getting along, but as long as I'm still in ttc purgatory, I have to do that on MY schedule, for the sake of my own sanity.

I understand how scary it can be for a lot of us long-time ttc'ers or those who've had a loss(es) to move to the graduates thread right away after a BFP... but I think there is a difference between posting here in the first days/weeks after a BFP and posting pregnancy updates here after the pregnancy is established and confirmed. I don't need to hear about ultrasounds here (beyond the news that a HB was seen), or complications, or how wonderful things are going, or how happy you are, or even how scared you are. There are days when hearing that kind of news is just as hard as the comments from the aforementioned 19yo who posted in here, even when it comes from someone I know and love - that's why I save stalking the graduates thread for days when I'm feeling strong to start with.

One thing I love the most about this thread is how respectful everyone always is in here, and like Dwrgi, I am always hesitant to bring any of this up for fear of ruffling feathers or someone taking it personally. I've been on this thread from its inception, and that 19yo is the only troll we've ever had in here - that's pretty unheard of on any website. There is a genuine spirit of caring support on this thread that I've never experienced anywhere else... and for that, I thank each and every one of you. :hugs::hugs: I think as long as we maintain that respect for one another and that respect for the TTC foundations of this thread, we will continue to get along just fine. :hugs::hugs:
Now, all that having been said...

Lou, have no fear - AC is a very personal choice and it's not right for everyone. Each person/couple has to decide for themselves what they're willing to do, and there is a different answer for everyone. There can even be a difference between what you're able to do and what you're willing to do. We each have to know our limits, and we are each unique. I'm glad you and your DH have made a decision - I always feel better once a decision has been made than I feel when we're in limbo over something - I hope you feel better about it too.

As for making decisions, I ordered my IVF drugs two days ago. :shock: We're still on hold until late January, but my insurance costs are going up at the start of the year so we went ahead and placed the order now. (Basically, there's still time for me to chicken out and sell my drugs to one of you if I want to! :haha:)

Gotta run - i have counseling in 45 minutes and I'm still in my PJs!
OMG-am now teaching sex education to Year 9s!!! I have just gone through all the contraceptives and their uses and limitations.

Oh, the irony!


P.S. Kids look too stunned to move!
OMG-am now teaching sex education to Year 9s!!! I have just gone through all the contraceptives and their uses and limitations.

Oh, the irony!


P.S. Kids look too stunned to move!

OMG I can't think of anything worse :haha::haha::haha: (and yes, ironic! :hugs:)
Thank you Auntie, that was well said. I must admit it's been a struggle to find friends here. I didn't meet my DH until I was 36. I was alone for thirteen years. I never thought it would take that long and the loneliness was sometimes so unbearable. When I finally met him I was so excited that I could even talk about getting pregnant, having a family that I hopped on B&B and couldn't wait to chat. I wanted to shout, "I'm like you". But I have never felt like I fit in here. I'm too old for the TTC forum. I received a warm welcome from everyone on the TTC +35 but then they went back to each other. I kept on trying to enter the conversation but I definitely felt like an interloper. I understood that people had formed really tight friendships but I just don't have anyone else to talk to about TTC. I'm in med school so my 24 y/o classmates can't really relate to baby talk.

Then I read the thread LTTTC thread and everyone on there were the women I had been trying to chat with. I read how they will only REALLY be happy for the women that are in the same boat. It means that if I were to get a BFP, they aren't really happy for me. It's just a slap in the face of reality.

So I thought I'd try this thread, TTC #1 +35 b/c that's who I am. It breaks my heart to hear the same theme. I'm still alone in this. I give up. I understand you're just sharing your feelings but everyone agreeing with you tells me this is just another clique. I'm an outsider and won't really be one of you unless we struggle to conceive even more than we already are. I don't want that, I don't hope for that. I've paid my dues just as much as anyone, just in different ways.

So here I am, not trying in December and starting IUI in Jan. I'm in this whole new world that is so emotionally exhausting & I still feel alone. I'm out.
happy Auntie - you said it all so well. MTBIM - you are not alone :hugs: you are a part of this thread. I am so sorry if I made you feel bad, I apologise.

I don't like when people come on this thread (and on the main forum) and it's their first post, to "give me hope" by telling us that they got pregnant at 57 by "just relaxing" or by prayer or eating a macrobiotic diet. I find it hard in real life when people tel me that their daughter is pregnant and here's the scan picture etc etc (it's recently happened in work) of course I am happy for them, but I still feel sad for me. however when Dwrgi pops on to tell me she is pregnant or HA or when FM comes by to tell us about her brand new child (or any of the ladies - or future ladies here) I will be so happy for you!!!

I hope I didn't offend anyone with the prayer reference (or the macrobiotic diet btw)

MTBIM - please stay here - you are "like us" and again I am sorry that I have made you sad xxx
and Dwrgi - I remember sex education at school at about that age, and I remember being in the car with my parents and my mum asking me about it. I said mummy, you won't believe that they told us that a man puts his thingy into a woman!!!!! and my mum said yes that's true. I was absolutely horrified!!! :haha:
Ladies, I'm glad it's not just me that feels that way about people coming on and getting a BFP really quickly, or worst still those who "stop by to give hope".

It is always lovely to hear from Skye and Lava, and they are very generous with sharing their time and experiences and knowledge. But, that is different from randoms giving "hope" couldn't agree more with Dwrgi, HA, PL.

I had an encounter with, not exactly a friend, let's say "friend light" this morning, first time I've seen her since she announced her pregnancy on FB.

So I duly congratulated her and she said something on the lines of "Yeah I'm just about getting used to it, you know it was such a surprise blah blah, was only off the pill a few weeks blah blah doctor said it would take at least a year cos I'm 37 blah blah"

Now as someone who has been trying for over a year I was crushed, if that makes me a bad person so be it, but that is why there are only a few threads I visit on the forum, because sometimes on the forum I get ambushed by someone's record quick BFP, and it does hurt.
Thank you Auntie, that was well said. I must admit it's been a struggle to find friends here. I didn't meet my DH until I was 36. I was alone for thirteen years. I never thought it would take that long and the loneliness was sometimes so unbearable. When I finally met him I was so excited that I could even talk about getting pregnant, having a family that I hopped on B&B and couldn't wait to chat. I wanted to shout, "I'm like you". But I have never felt like I fit in here. I'm too old for the TTC forum. I received a warm welcome from everyone on the TTC +35 but then they went back to each other. I kept on trying to enter the conversation but I definitely felt like an interloper. I understood that people had formed really tight friendships but I just don't have anyone else to talk to about TTC. I'm in med school so my 24 y/o classmates can't really relate to baby talk.

Then I read the thread LTTTC thread and everyone on there were the women I had been trying to chat with. I read how they will only REALLY be happy for the women that are in the same boat. It means that if I were to get a BFP, they aren't really happy for me. It's just a slap in the face of reality.

So I thought I'd try this thread, TTC #1 +35 b/c that's who I am. It breaks my heart to hear the same theme. I'm still alone in this. I give up. I understand you're just sharing your feelings but everyone agreeing with you tells me this is just another clique. I'm an outsider and won't really be one of you unless we struggle to conceive even more than we already are. I don't want that, I don't hope for that. I've paid my dues just as much as anyone, just in different ways.

So here I am, not trying in December and starting IUI in Jan. I'm in this whole new world that is so emotionally exhausting & I still feel alone. I'm out.

NO NO NO!!!! You're not alone!!!

I started posting in here when I'd only been trying a matter a weeks and at first it seemed like everyone was really good friends and I wouldn't fit in - I only know everyone by merit of having been here for ever!!

We're all at different points in our journey and we're here to support each other whether we've been trying a month or 10 years!!

If you get your BFP soon then that's FAB, we'll congratulate you and mean it and wave you happily on your way to the Graduates thread where they will welcome you with open arms - there are ladies there who got theirs after lots of different amounts of times.

If it takes you longer to get your BFP then we'll be here to hold you up, send you group hugs and back you up in your moans about the crapiness of everything!!

So don't go - hang around for a while - you only make friends on here by settling in somewhere and spouting until you're part of the furniture!! (like I did!!) :hugs:
MTBIM, please don't go, Twinkle put it perfectly and I also feel that you are already part of this group - it is like she said, if you get your BFP soon then yes, we will be very pleased for you and wish you on your way to graduates (in the best meant manner) - but I think it is just to say that it is hard to see someone just pop on and in their first couple of posts they get a BFP. I do feel that everyone who joins this thread is made welcome (and should be of course) and it is great to have more people who are in the same boat.

None of us know when we start how long it will take us to conceive (or not) so we need people around to support each other and it is only as we get to know each other more that we make these friendships. I don't think that any of this is directed at any individuals but more just a point that it is really hard for some people who don't know when or if this might happen for them. It is a place for all of us to vent our fear and frustrations and speak honestly.

Again, I really hope you don't go MTBIM :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thank you Auntie, that was well said. I must admit it's been a struggle to find friends here. I didn't meet my DH until I was 36. I was alone for thirteen years. I never thought it would take that long and the loneliness was sometimes so unbearable. When I finally met him I was so excited that I could even talk about getting pregnant, having a family that I hopped on B&B and couldn't wait to chat. I wanted to shout, "I'm like you". But I have never felt like I fit in here. I'm too old for the TTC forum. I received a warm welcome from everyone on the TTC +35 but then they went back to each other. I kept on trying to enter the conversation but I definitely felt like an interloper. I understood that people had formed really tight friendships but I just don't have anyone else to talk to about TTC. I'm in med school so my 24 y/o classmates can't really relate to baby talk.

Then I read the thread LTTTC thread and everyone on there were the women I had been trying to chat with. I read how they will only REALLY be happy for the women that are in the same boat. It means that if I were to get a BFP, they aren't really happy for me. It's just a slap in the face of reality.

So I thought I'd try this thread, TTC #1 +35 b/c that's who I am. It breaks my heart to hear the same theme. I'm still alone in this. I give up. I understand you're just sharing your feelings but everyone agreeing with you tells me this is just another clique. I'm an outsider and won't really be one of you unless we struggle to conceive even more than we already are. I don't want that, I don't hope for that. I've paid my dues just as much as anyone, just in different ways.
So here I am, not trying in December and starting IUI in Jan. I'm in this whole new world that is so emotionally exhausting & I still feel alone. I'm out.

MTBIM, I'm sorry that that's the impression we've given you. I don't think that's what anyone on this thread was trying to say. That is precisely why we're a TTC thread and not a LTTTC thread. Those of us on here who've been TTC for a long time wouldn't wish our struggle on anyone, whether we know them well or not. I understand you're feeling like an outsider right now, but that's just because as Twinkle said, you haven't been here for long - we haven't gotten to know each other yet, that's all. The fact that you're new to the thread does NOT mean we'll be upset when you get your BFP, whether it comes next week or next December. I think all Dwrgi was trying to say when she started this conversation was that sometimes it's hard for us who've been at it for 3-4-5 years when someone who's been trying for 3-4-5 months gets a BFP, not that we begrudge them their good fortune - and it is entirely possible to be happy for someone else while simultaneously feeling bad for ourselves. The fact that others agree with the sentiment only means that we know how that feels (and believe me, it feels shitty to feel so conflicted - that's precisely why we come together to share this kind of stuff - otherwise we hide ourselves in a corner convinced we're awful people for feeling so conflicted when it turns out we're completely human). That doesn't mean we don't want new people here or that we want everyone to turn into LTTTCers like us. If us LTTTCers can't handle it anymore, it is incumbent on us to move ourselves to the LTTTC area of BnB, not to turn this thread into a place where newcomers aren't welcome. Personally, I thrive on new ladies joining this thread - if it weren't for new ladies continually finding us, this thread would have withered and died a year ago and Twinkle and FM and Nikki and I would be out in the cold alone! :wacko:

And in terms of waiting to TTC because you didn't find Mr Right until later in life, you are TOTALLY not alone there - one of our beloved lurkers, OnMyMind (OMM for short - hi Chris!!) didn't meet Mr Right until she was 40. There are all sorts of reasons for TTC #1 after age 35, and no one wins any medals because the path that led her here was different from someone else's - there is no hierarchy of suffering. We all have 35+ years experience at life, and a thousand different reasons have led us all here to this one thread.

One thing I've been wanting to ask you (but haven't just because I've been in lurking mode for a while) is what is the story of how you wound up in med school at our age? Is this a second career for you? And though it's totally not with the same intensity, I can kind of relate to you being in school with a bunch of youngsters... I grew up in Europe so I couldn't get my driver's license until I moved back to the States for college, so that put me in driver's ed at age 18 with a bunch of 15yo's in a little hick town in Texas - talk about culture shock!! :rofl:
Thank you Auntie, that was well said. I must admit it's been a struggle to find friends here. I didn't meet my DH until I was 36. I was alone for thirteen years. I never thought it would take that long and the loneliness was sometimes so unbearable. When I finally met him I was so excited that I could even talk about getting pregnant, having a family that I hopped on B&B and couldn't wait to chat. I wanted to shout, "I'm like you". But I have never felt like I fit in here. I'm too old for the TTC forum. I received a warm welcome from everyone on the TTC +35 but then they went back to each other. I kept on trying to enter the conversation but I definitely felt like an interloper. I understood that people had formed really tight friendships but I just don't have anyone else to talk to about TTC. I'm in med school so my 24 y/o classmates can't really relate to baby talk.

Then I read the thread LTTTC thread and everyone on there were the women I had been trying to chat with. I read how they will only REALLY be happy for the women that are in the same boat. It means that if I were to get a BFP, they aren't really happy for me. It's just a slap in the face of reality.

So I thought I'd try this thread, TTC #1 +35 b/c that's who I am. It breaks my heart to hear the same theme. I'm still alone in this. I give up. I understand you're just sharing your feelings but everyone agreeing with you tells me this is just another clique. I'm an outsider and won't really be one of you unless we struggle to conceive even more than we already are. I don't want that, I don't hope for that. I've paid my dues just as much as anyone, just in different ways.
So here I am, not trying in December and starting IUI in Jan. I'm in this whole new world that is so emotionally exhausting & I still feel alone. I'm out.

MTBIM, I'm sorry that that's the impression we've given you. I don't think that's what anyone on this thread was trying to say. That is precisely why we're a TTC thread and not a LTTTC thread. Those of us on here who've been TTC for a long time wouldn't wish our struggle on anyone, whether we know them well or not. I understand you're feeling like an outsider right now, but that's just because as Twinkle said, you haven't been here for long - we haven't gotten to know each other yet, that's all. The fact that you're new to the thread does NOT mean we'll be upset when you get your BFP, whether it comes next week or next December. I think all Dwrgi was trying to say when she started this conversation was that sometimes it's hard for us who've been at it for 3-4-5 years when someone who's been trying for 3-4-5 months gets a BFP, not that we begrudge them their good fortune - and it is entirely possible to be happy for someone else while simultaneously feeling bad for ourselves. The fact that others agree with the sentiment only means that we know how that feels (and believe me, it feels shitty to feel so conflicted - that's precisely why we come together to share this kind of stuff - otherwise we hide ourselves in a corner convinced we're awful people for feeling so conflicted when it turns out we're completely human). That doesn't mean we don't want new people here or that we want everyone to turn into LTTTCers like us. If us LTTTCers can't handle it anymore, it is incumbent on us to move ourselves to the LTTTC area of BnB, not to turn this thread into a place where newcomers aren't welcome. Personally, I thrive on new ladies joining this thread - if it weren't for new ladies continually finding us, this thread would have withered and died a year ago and Twinkle and FM and Nikki and I would be out in the cold alone! :wacko:

And in terms of waiting to TTC because you didn't find Mr Right until later in life, you are TOTALLY not alone there - one of our beloved lurkers, OnMyMind (OMM for short - hi Chris!!) didn't meet Mr Right until she was 40. There are all sorts of reasons for TTC #1 after age 35, and no one wins any medals because the path that led her here was different from someone else's - there is no hierarchy of suffering. We all have 35+ years experience at life, and a thousand different reasons have led us all here to this one thread.

One thing I've been wanting to ask you (but haven't just because I've been in lurking mode for a while) is what is the story of how you wound up in med school at our age? Is this a second career for you? And though it's totally not with the same intensity, I can kind of relate to you being in school with a bunch of youngsters... I grew up in Europe so I couldn't get my driver's license until I moved back to the States for college, so that put me in driver's ed at age 18 with a bunch of 15yo's in a little hick town in Texas - talk about culture shock!! :rofl:

Awwww HA your so sweet, and your right, i did not meet my DH until way later in life, i was actually 39 when i met him, the day i turned 40 was the day we went to get the marriage license, and i dont regret waiting for him on min. Mommy to be is me, you are more than welcome here on this thread, you just have to jump on in, it takes a while for us to remember the new ladies, and its much easier to remember if your popping on and posting. I have been lurking on her for a while now, i used to activly post, but have taken a step back since we have decided to quit TTC. It is much better for me now, although i still have my moments, like last night, i was hanging our stockings up on the wall, and i saw the one we bought last year for a baby, we had such high hopes that we would get pg, and seeing that last night was a little stab to my heart. I am so very happy and excited whenever i see someone on here get their bfp, the only ones i have a problem with are the ones that cry that it did not happen the first month of trying, eesh. Never feel like you cant post or talk about anything with these ladies, they are the most wonderful loving women, i have ever had the honor to talk to. My prayers for you are that you get your bfp very soon, i will be so happy for you knowing that you wont have to suffer the way some of us on here have to. Please give these ladies another chance, i know you will just love them, the same way i do!!
MTBIM, I'm sorry if I offended you. That wasn't the intention. I just have been going through a tough time recently with the failed IVF and all and this is kind of my escape to be with women who understand what is going on with me. I hope you do stay and post a lot. That is how we've all gotten to know each other, the people who have been here for a while. Like Butterfly said, it isn't directed at any one person its just a general comment and we were able to relate in some way. I didn't meet DH until I was 34 and got married at 35. I was stuck in a verbally abusive relationship for several years to a man who'd be a horrible father so I understand and I can relate to you meeting DH later in life. I think one thing that helps us to get know each other is by our signatures. Its an easy way to make a connection and communicate with someone who may be in the exact (or close to) same boat you are in. I know I felt relieved when I saw other women on here had younger men, like me. If anything has made me feel old, its this TTC and the stats on women over 35. I think you do fit in here and should stay here. I think that most of us would agree that we want to know MORE about you and your situation.
I just want to join y'all in telling MTBIM to stay and not to go. It takes some time to develop relationships on this thread, but it is so incredibly worth it. Everything has been expressed so well on all sides of this sensitive subject and I just wanted to say (on behalf of someone who came on here after only trying for a few months and going through a few treatment cycles before conceiving), that I really don't know if I would be where I am today if I hadn't had the huge emotional support and help/advice from the girls on this thread. Also, I met my husband when I was almost 37 and got married at 38 so I was a "late bloomer" too.

I still feel that support on here even though I know my posts may sometimes cause conflicting feelings .... and I totally know what those feel like because I've had them myself! I try to be sensitive in what I write but am not perfect and probably mess up despite the best of intentions sometimes, but the friends here are genuine and forgiving. This place (and the TTC1st 35+ graduates thread) is where I feel most at home and I've lurked on many a site/thread feeling like an outsider, but I just haven't felt inclined to get personally involved anywhere else so it's partially on me (and because there are some truly mean and superficial people out there!).

I really feel as close to the girls here as I do many of my close friends off the board (sometimes closer). I feel everyone's joy, pain, struggle, excitement, fears and appreciate the courage and wit that I find on here daily. Anyway, all this to say, please stick it out MTMIM, roll up your sleeves and join in, and know that we all need community. Lots of love to everyone!
Hey ladies:

I'm just loving the honesty of people's postings today. This is "real talk." As HA mentioned, this is the only thread around for TTC #1. While us long termers have developed knowledge of each other's situations over the time, it's not a LTTTC thread. I remember last August posting here after I'd read the thread from post #1 to current. :haha: By the time I'd posted, I felt like I knew everyone already!

Sure, it's true that I'm going to be more excited over Skye or Lava, or Titi or Pablo to get a BFP than someone who's just started to post a month ago, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to be happy for them.

Also, it's true that there is this delicate balance between announcing your BFP to people who've shared your struggle, and sort of making it uncomfortable for the non BFP posters to stay engaged in the thread. It's a tough one to figure out. I usually take the break because I get so excited about the possibilities during the TWW that I'm just dashed when AF is here. It usually takes me a couple of days to get excited again about the possibility that "this might be the month." :flower: And yes, some months/days are worse than others. Some days I get angry at my BFF going on about her boys. Some days it's a sliver in my heart to read about growing baby bumps on BnB. Some days I am angry at God, and I wail at the unfairness of it all. It's a crapshoot, how I'm going to feel at any given time.

As an aside--any of the year+ posters here also on LTTTC?

AFM: Temp drop (again) today, so it's all over but the crying. ](*,) Stopped the progesterone in an effort to hurry AF along.
I come on this thread almost daily and secretly root for all of you. One of the reasons I almost never post is because I don't know how to hide my tickers, and I don't want to upset anyone.

The recent "super honest" posts have really struck a cord with me, though. I'm all about honesty (and if you knew me in real life, you'd know that), but I'm a bit taken back by some of the honest posts written here. HA is right...this is not a LTTTC thread...and so it makes perfect sense that *some* extremely lucky people over 35 may come in here and get their BFP quicker than others. I won't even pretend to know what some of you have gone through, but I think it's sad that happiness can only be felt for those you "know". Aren't/weren't we all women who are over 35 and TTC #1? Isn't that the title of this thread?

I guess rooting on even in private isn't welcome here from some of us :nope:

I do wish you the best of luck, ladies. I sincerely hope that you are all successful in your TTC journey :hugs:
I come on this thread almost daily and secretly root for all of you. One of the reasons I almost never post is because I don't know how to hide my tickers, and I don't want to upset anyone.

The recent "super honest" posts have really struck a cord with me, though. I'm all about honesty (and if you knew me in real life, you'd know that), but I'm a bit taken back by some of the honest posts written here. HA is right...this is not a LTTTC thread...and so it makes perfect sense that *some* extremely lucky people over 35 may come in here and get their BFP quicker than others. I won't even pretend to know what some of you have gone through, but I think it's sad that happiness can only be felt for those you "know". Aren't/weren't we all women who are over 35 and TTC #1? Isn't that the title of this thread?

I guess rooting on even in private isn't welcome here from some of us :nope:

I do wish you the best of luck, ladies. I sincerely hope that you are all successful in your TTC journey :hugs:

I don't think that's what anyone meant. It's more like the difference between an acquaintance at work with whom you talk on occasion getting pg and your very best friend since childhood getting pg - you are happy for the acquaintance in a "that's nice - how exciting for her" kind of way, and you're super excited over the moon for your best friend... that's just human nature, to be more excited for the person you know well than for the acquaintance.

Now some of us have said that another woman's BFP (any other woman's BFP, whether close friend or casual acquaintance) can sometimes sting on a personal level. To clarify, that does NOT mean we're not happy for that other woman. It just means that we are happy for her AND we wonder when will it be our turn - not because we are under any illusion that life is fair and I have been waiting longer therefore it's my turn, not hers; but because her relatively fast (compared to some) BFP underscores just how long some of us have been trying, and that realization is painful and frightening. That is all. It in no way diminishes our feelings toward or happiness for the other woman. Think of it this way - if we were all here because it was a cancer support thread, and I had breast cancer and had a lumpectomy and 6 weeks of radiation and then was done, and you had pancreatic cancer and had already two surgeries and 6 months of chemo and had lost all your hair and was vomiting all the time and yet still had no end of treatment in sight, when I got my "all clear" you'd be happy for me that I was done, and you'd simultaneoulsy be terrified for yourself that you will never be cured - does that make sense? No matter how long anyone on this thread has been trying, we are all here to support each other and we all want each of us to have a baby. I think we're all mature enough to recognize that every person is not going to have the same emotional reaction to an event. That doesn't mean one person is "wrong" and the other is "right", it just means we're each individual and complex humans.

If you want to post in here more often (and I hope you do - I can't believe you're halfway to your due date already!) and want to hide your siggy, first of all, thank you for being so sensitive toward others. Hiding your siggy is pretty easy - if you're typing your reply in the "Go Advanced" option, just under the typing window (surely there's a better word for it than that? :shrug:) are the "submit" and "preview" buttons... just below those are the Additional Options, and the first option is "Show your signature" - if you uncheck that box, your siggy won't appear on that post. I hope that helps. :flower:
As an aside--any of the year+ posters here also on LTTTC?

AFM: Temp drop (again) today, so it's all over but the crying. ](*,) Stopped the progesterone in an effort to hurry AF along.

Nope. I poke around in there every once in a while, but I always come back here because of the age thing. Not that infertility is easy when you're younger, but being 37 (edit: I'm 38! I must be in denial! Either that or it's Alzheimers, just underlining how old I am! :jo: )certainly adds extra urgency to my situation - a 25yo doesn't have that same fear. Plus, they wouldn't understand our references to Duran Duran and Wham and other old-school hotties! :haha: I lurk in the recurrent miscarriage thread, too, but again, I always feel like this is home to me because deep down I think there's no medical reason for my miscarriages other than random shitty luck striking us with unusual frequency - I truly believe that one of these days I'm going to pop out a decent egg with 23 chromosomes - no more, no less! :growlmad: So yeah, I guess I keep myself mostly here because I feel like my biggest hurdle to ttc is my age. :shrug:

I'm sorry AF is on her way. :hugs: Lurk if you need to, but don't stay away too long. :flower:

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