TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

I'm on the Bellys to Bumps thread over in LTTTC as my weight is as big an issue for me as my age.

You see we're learning stuff about each other all the time - HA where in Europe did you grow up??

Maybe I should have more helpful stuff in my signature - rather than just my love of Christmas??!!
I come on this thread almost daily and secretly root for all of you. One of the reasons I almost never post is because I don't know how to hide my tickers, and I don't want to upset anyone.

The recent "super honest" posts have really struck a cord with me, though. I'm all about honesty (and if you knew me in real life, you'd know that), but I'm a bit taken back by some of the honest posts written here. HA is right...this is not a LTTTC thread...and so it makes perfect sense that *some* extremely lucky people over 35 may come in here and get their BFP quicker than others. I won't even pretend to know what some of you have gone through, but I think it's sad that happiness can only be felt for those you "know". Aren't/weren't we all women who are over 35 and TTC #1? Isn't that the title of this thread?

I guess rooting on even in private isn't welcome here from some of us :nope:

I do wish you the best of luck, ladies. I sincerely hope that you are all successful in your TTC journey :hugs:

Mbababy - I just want to say that I have been on this thread now for over a year. Some know my story. Some maybe not as much. You are absolutely right that we are all of us in the unique world of over 35 TTC #1. As I said to Dwgi earlier in a private PM, it is such a unique experience being over 35, knowing the odds, and wondering if we'll ever get to hold our first child. So, yes, that is the reason we are all here.

And I do think many of us are truly happy and appreciative of anyone who takes the time to come here and share her experience and support everyone else. For me, it doesn't matter whether it takes a month or more - I understand why this thread was created and I respect that. And I appreciate you rooting any one of us on in this journey.

The only other thing I want to say is this. HA is right that this is a very, very individual journey for each of us. And we will all experience things here on this thread and things that happen to us in every day life differently - whether its a ticker or hearing about someone's BFP, seeing a pregnant woman walking down the street or a mother and child. It is our own individual experience and it is part of this TTC journey. But we are also grown women. And I think we have to me mindful of what we can and cannot take and do what we need to to take care of ourselves emotionally while still respecting the reasons for this thread. For me, after my loss in May, it meant lurking, or staying away for a bit or skipping over a message I was not quite ready to read. It is a decision that we, as grown women, have to make for ourselves.

No one here can be sensitive to everyone's individual needs at every given moment because we don't know what someone is or is not ready to read or see on any given day. But we can try to be sensitive in general. I do think that extended discussions about ongoing pregnancies should be avoided because it can be very difficult to hear when you are in the TTC phase - and that is the reason for this thread (support for the TTC phase). I do not mind, however, having one of our Graduates popping in to say hi and see how everyone is doing or seeing their pregnancy tickers. I also strongly believe that anyone that has been here sharing and supporting with the rest of us - no matter how long, should, without fear of offending anyone, feel comfortable announcing a BFP. And I hope that those BFPs will continue to be celebrated (as my recent one was so lovingly) by us all. It is, after all, the reason we are all here in the first place.

And, well, that's my two cents.
I must admit that I have shared Dwgi's same thoughts via PM. It's not that we don't appreciate and love the fact that that graduates check in on us because let's face it we need all the support we can get but sometimes it gets hard. I've been ttc for 4 years now and have never even had a false bfp and some days I stay away because like HA said I don't know what I might see. That's how I handle it. Tickers dont bother me in fact it helps me to stay on top of people like Lava who have been so kind and supportive of me. I think the thing that is hardest for us is hearing about the pg symptoms. I vist the Graduate thread when like HA I'm having a good day there are so many friends that have gotten their bfps and I was with them every step.

Ladies this is a great thread and as long as we are thoughtful and considerate of each other it will remain that way!

Mbaby- we still want you to visit and root for us, we really do appreciate it and we appreciate the fact that you cared enough to want to hide your ticker.
MTBIM- please don't leave us! There is so much support I just think you have given us time! So think about given us another try, we really do ROCK,
I like it when Skye and Lava stop by because they give me good advice and keep me sane.

Mbaby, I wish you would give your 2 cents. I see you are from VA. I'm in the DC metro area. I'm very curious what clinic you went to. I may be shopping around for a new one come the New Year. Especially since I had a horrible experience with the RE I had.

My dog's vet called today to check on his allergies. It made me realize that the vet cares more about my dogs than my RE cared about me. He never called me to check on me and the 2 times he did call, the first he gave me someone else's test results and the 2nd time was when he told me I had excellent quality eggs but then denied ever having that conversation with me when I saw him in person.
You see we're learning stuff about each other all the time - HA where in Europe did you grow up??

In the Netherlands! :happydance: My dad got transferred there for his job when I was little, and I came back to the States when I was 18. Dad got transferred back over here shortly thereafter. We lived right on the Schelde river in Zeeland, in the southwestern bit of NL, about 20 min from the Belgian border. In fact, my sisters and I went to school in Antwerp because it was the nearest English-language school. I loved it there and would move back in a heartbeat - I keep hoping that one day DH will get transferred there for his job! :haha: Having spent my formative years there, my world-view on many topics tends to be more European than American.... My Dutch is still pretty good after all these years because I have a couple of Dutch friends over here who are patient enough to let me torture them/use it with them. :haha:

My dog's vet called today to check on his allergies. It made me realize that the vet cares more about my dogs than my RE cared about me. He never called me to check on me and the 2 times he did call, the first he gave me someone else's test results and the 2nd time was when he told me I had excellent quality eggs but then denied ever having that conversation with me when I saw him in person.

That dr is officially a turd sandwich. Really. There's no excuse for his actions. You're better off without him. :hugs:
hi MTBIM, I just wanted to say how sorry I am that you are feeling alone, its an awful feeling.

I am very new to this thread as well and I didn't realise it was focused on people who had been trying for a long time, I can imagine that this brings its own stresses and I hope I have not been insensitive to anyone here and if I have I certainly apologise.

I really enjoyed our chat the other night and I would love to get to know you better so I hope you will feel free to msg me if you feel like a chat:)

all the best to everyone:)

Madeline xx
Morning Ladies,

I have been stalking a little lately to see how everyone is doing and there seems to be so much going on. FM I completely understand your decision to move onto adoption this is something that I had started to discuss with DH in the summer and I was totally for but he wasn't so keen. I do not think that being a parent is all about your eggs and his sperm it is so much more than that. So many people out there have babies yet are shocking parents. Being a parent is all about being unselfish and giving unconditional love and I know that you have that in endless bounds. It seems like things are moving forwards already and look forward to hearing how things develop for you.

Missy, HA I want you to know that you are always in my heart and I am supporting you every step on the way on your journey and praying that your sticky BFP is just around the corner. Missy I do empathise with you regarding bad doctors as I have had a couple on my journey and it really does drag you down and get you angry as we put so much in their hands and not all really get just how important this is to us. Good for you to go find the right doctor for you and DH, they are out there just make sure you are completely comfortable with them before you agree to next steps. Remember to push them and ask the right questions for you, it is like an interview to see if they get the job of looking after you.

AFM I was wanting to post yesterday and then I must admit that I stopped after seeing Drgwi's post. Whilst on one side I can understand your feelings of upset about hearing about BFP's as I used to think at times why can't that be me, why do I never get a BFP. The other side of me was genuinely upset as I have been a member here for quite some time and have seen many ladies come and go and the ones who got their BFP's were in general the ones who joined after me but when it came down to it I didn't mind hearing the pregnancy updates. In fact i looked forward to hearing about Rebekah especially as she really inspired me and kept me going in times of deep sadness, this was a lady who had been TTC for such a long time through so much treatment and a loss of a dear son yet kept going and then succeeded. She never gave up and that helped me. It took me nearly 3 years after coming off the BCP to get my sticky BFP in that time I did many medicated cycles, 2 IVF's and suffered 1 loss and I too never got a natural BFP until this summer. There have been many ladies who joined us on this journey on this thread that shared their pregnancy experiences and I loved that we were such a great group of ladies that we embraced that and supported each other, after all some of us may get pregnant but to be honest pregnancy can be just as scary as TTC expecially for those of us who have suffered a loss as you never quite relax and are always worried that it might go wrong and in these times you need the friendships you have made. I know that there is the graduates thread but I myself have not felt completely comfortable on there as do not feel that I have so much in common with them yet, this may change when I am at a later stage in my pregnancy but for now I feel like I have a closer affinity to you ladies. I have been through your pain and know what it is like to feel like it will never happen and feel lost but I genuinely loved to pop in and see how you were doing and also share my news.

We never wish to hurt anyones feelings we are all here to support each other through everything that we go through. I now feel kinda lost as not comfortable in the graduates and now feel like I don't belong here.
hi MTBIM, I just wanted to say how sorry I am that you are feeling alone, its an awful feeling.

I am very new to this thread as well and I didn't realise it was focused on people who had been trying for a long time, I can imagine that this brings its own stresses and I hope I have not been insensitive to anyone here and if I have I certainly apologise.

I really enjoyed our chat the other night and I would love to get to know you better so I hope you will feel free to msg me if you feel like a chat:)

all the best to everyone:)

Madeline xx

Hi Madeline - I am a newer person to the thread too. the ladies here have been wonderful with with advice and support for me although we have only been trying for less than one year, but I am 39 (40 in a few short months) and feel like time is ticking away from me. I didn't meet my DH till later in life also, although Im so glad I DID meet him :) I just hope we didn't leave it to late to try. now Ive babbled a bit there but the point of my post was to say that this isn't a thread for ladies who are LTTTC only, but all of us who are over 35 and ttc our first child. :hugs:
carol - I think the other ladies have said it better than me, but everyone has said that "the graduates" are welcome here, it's nice to see how you ladies are doing and obviously you were friends with some here for such a long time, it would be horrid if you were not able to be in touch and chat. obviously we cannot help with pregnancy related issues, because none of us are.... big :hugs: to you xx
Mbaby - I feel like it's the "people I know" part of my post you have picked up on, and I apolgise if I offended you with that, it was not meant that way at all. I did try to clarify before. Obviously I don't really "know" any of you, and even since I joined there have been people come and go. I read every page of the thread (like a mad stalker) so I did feel like I "knew" all of you (which is probably a bit creepy when you think about it) I got quite obsessed, for example I cried when I read about Mommy's angel's BFP (and I hadn't even spoken with her) anyway the point of all this waffle is that appreciate any cheering on or rooting anyone wants to do for me/us, but it's those people who pop in, and it's their first post and they tell us not to give up hope becuase it happened for them. I can appreciate they are overwhelmed with joy (as we all would be) and want to share their news but it isn't helpful to me personally. (and I have a feeling that it's mentioned somewhere in the guidelines on the forum about announcing BFPs) - If anything it makes me feel more of a failure that I haven't managed a pregnancy yet that was sticky (since it's what our bodies are designed to do)

I am grateful you are rooting for us - thank you xxx you should feel welcome and free to visit anytime xxx

afm - I feel like I'll not go on about this anymore, sorry ladies - I just realised I made a whole lot of posts on the subject (Note to self - shush!)

I spoke to my mum last night, the contracts are being exchange on the house tomorrow with a completion/moving date of the 19th December. they had a letter from the consultant at the hospital as they were due to go on holiday next week and obviously can't go, so the Doctor sent them a letter they could send to their insurance company - she read it out to me on the phone and it says something a little different to what they had been told before, in that she thinks it may be a renal (kidney) cancer that has spread - bit shitty really (sorry for the language) because my dad only has one kidney (from birth) :(
Dear everybody, I knew I would be throwing a grenade but like I said I didn't wish to offend anybody by what I wrote. I know that a number of members had expressed over the last months their upset over certain posts and it didn't seem right to me that people who genuinely need this thread for advice and support should go into lurk mode to avoid being confronted by what they avoid in real life.

My main grievance was that, in the time that I have been on here, there have been a few occasions when new members have posted, with obvious symptoms of pregnancy and then, days later, announce that they ARE indeed pregnant and then move on to graduates, and we never hear of them again. It's almost as if this is considered a thread to post on for support in finding out they are actually pregnant and then go-we help them with lots of love and support to tackle the days before testing and then they disappear. What comes across is a lack of regard for those of us who have been on here for a long time, and are still desperately waiting for our BFPs. It is soooo hard, and insensitive (although I do appreciate that these members don't MEAN to be this). I know they need help too, but perhaps don't realise the upset they cause.

I know that every single person on here is happy for everybody's BFP, but I just wish that if posters genuinely suspect that they are pregnant (have got possible symptoms, etc. etc.), then, please, could they go straight to graduates, who will obviously be able to support them better-they are, after all, pregnant, and will have had these symptoms and experiences themselves. Some of us on here have never had a BFP, and have never experienced any symptom. How can we know, apart from our, by now, extensive text book knowledge, what the symptoms are actually like? Surely this can't compare with those who have actually experienced them personally?

So, all I am saying is that there does need to be a regard for others and an awareness of how others may be left feeling after posts such as these.

I don't mind at all our pregnant friends posting and checking in on us-I love hearing Skye, Lava, Carole's stories, to name but three. I know that these three lovely people have been nothing other than sensitive to the rest of us on here, and have offered their time, their love and their fantastic support without question. I would hate for you girls to feel your posts aren't welcome. I am sure that Titi will keep up with us too. These are all reciprocal friendships, I hope that I can say.

MTBiM-your post was very emotional, and I would hate you to feel that you are alone. I don't think that anything you wrote upset me or anybody else, or caused me to write what I did. We are here for you and wish to help you through this stressful journey. I'm glad that Madeline wrote to you, but I would hate you to leave this lovely thread, as I feel you will get a lot out of being on here. I am sorry if what I wrote made you feel alone.

As to the question of whether any of us are on the LTTC thread; I really think that is missing the point. I am over 35 and I am trying to conceive my first child, so I am happy here-I have made close friends on here and everybody on here knows things about me that even my best friend and parents don't know. Why should I, or anybody else, go elsewhere when we have made such strong friendships?

And, as they say, in for a penny in for a pound. An appeal-if you lurk and may be able to support people, please DO contribute-what you may have to say may be useful to somebody and help them. You are more than welcome.

I think I have rushed this post as I have got a class and I have to concentrate on them too-it's difficult to do that and write this at the same time, so I may come across as more strident than I mean to be. I don't intend to hurt anybody's feelings. By the same token, I don't wish to see my good friends on here hurt, or for my feelings to be hurt either.

Lots of love to you all,
And lots of :dust::dust::dust: too!
This is also my last post on this subject. I read back on the initial posts as i thought I must have missed something but no, nothing in there was intended to say that no-one was welcome and we were not pleased for them. If anyone can say that they EVER felt that their bfp or other pregnancy news was not received happily and joyfully then I will take that back. There has never been an occasion when new members were not welcomed with open arms (as far as I have seen) and so the fact that some of you ladies now think you are not welcome and may not come back is just plain wrong. And there definitely must be some sort of misunderstanding if Carole, you now think you are not welcome and this is not your place, nothing can be farther from the truth and I still remember the moment you posted with your surprise bfp and how amazed and happy I felt for you :hugs::hugs: so please don't go anywhere :flower:

I'm sorry ladies but I am angry at how this has gone down. We all have our stresses and we should have the right to talk about them. I once asked someone very dear and who is an amazing lovely person to step away from this thread because she already has children. I feel bad about that but I had to do it because I felt this was the only place that I could feel the same as the other people who were ttcing #1. She is the most amazing person in the world and she did it, but the point is we need to take things in the manner in which they are said - i.e. with no maliciousness or bad intent. We all have feelings and if we express them then it is not us trying to attack other people, more often than not we are trying to protect ourselves form any more pain than we need to.

I'm done. If this is the way that people feel now I am deeply saddened.
Purple - sorry that the letter from the hospital was not what you expected :hugs::hugs: - good that your parents are exchanging contracts though and will be in before Christmas :thumbup::hugs::hugs:

Dwrgi :hi: we crossed posts as it took me a bit to write mine as I kept changing it :haha: :hugs::hugs:
Ladies....:hugs: all round

I have read back and just wanted to say Amanda, that was very brave of you and it alway takes someone to actually voice things as many of us all feelthe same way so thank you.

I know we all have different journeys and experiences and I am sure that I have tried to be sensitive with all my posts and apologise now if I ever did offend, was never my intention :blush:

This is a difficult journey at the best of times and I am eternally grateful for every ounce of support that is given.

Lot of love :hugs: and :dust: to you all :flower:

see, now I said I was done, but I can't leave alone :haha: because Ive got to come back and :hugs: you Never - because I can say with certainty that you have never offended!

and now I'm done :)
HA - I am so curious - what sort of accent do you have?? is it an American accent or dutch, or maybe a mixture?? How interesting that you grew up relatively close by!!
Ladies....:hugs: all round

I have read back and just wanted to say Amanda, that was very brave of you and it alway takes someone to actually voice things as many of us all feelthe same way so thank you.

I know we all have different journeys and experiences and I am sure that I have tried to be sensitive with all my posts and apologise now if I ever did offend, was never my intention :blush:

This is a difficult journey at the best of times and I am eternally grateful for every ounce of support that is given.

Lot of love :hugs: and :dust: to you all :flower:


Never, true to your name, you have NEVER offended me-I have been delighted to hear of your posts and felt your pain at your losses. I should have included your name in the list of three!! I'm sorry for that. I am extremely fond of you, and feel that you are a true friend, so am rooting for you, like everybody else is doing!

Hope you are doing well, hun,

I think of you every day,
Purple, I really hope you get some better news on your dad. :hugs: I know this is hard.
Carol, thanks for letting me know you had awful doctors too. You are an inspiration that I can do this myself. Especially in the state I'm in now. I don't even want to go near a doctor.

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