TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

missy - really glad you get to spend Christmas with your folks, hope it makes Christmas a litle easier this year xxx
Missy that sounds lovely, that you'll get to spend some time with your folks over Christmas x
Twinkle ... no wonder you love Christmas so much. That sounds like a fab holiday. ;)
Indeed it is Lava. It's a manic time of year for me work wise but I don't mind because it's all cool stuff like nativity plays, Christmas parties, candle lit services etc. My favourite one is a daytime carol service we have with the adult special needs group who meet at one of the churches - this year one of the guys is doing a reading & another is singing 'When a Child is born' - it'll be fab!!
Debs :hugs::hugs: I miss u here so pls keep on poking in. :kiss:

Dodger I'm so sorry to hear about your news.:cry: :hugs:

Lee welcome to the thread, hopefully you will find it as addictive us :)

Welcome back oldbees :))

HA, I felt sad reading about your DH. Man do take a long time to reflect emotions, and they don't build a support system like girls do. Poor guy :hugs: Do you think the Disney trip would lift him up a bit. You are also going to start the IVF soon No? You have all the meds. Hope the dark clouds lift off soon and you get a nice Xmass.

Butterfly sweetie don't get depressed :hugs: I'm sure you can still enjoy some of Xmass. Is your mum upset about staying at home alone? Maybe you can do half with her and half with your brother. Family liaisons is probably the most complicated affair. :shrug:

Twinks your Xmass sound a lot of fun:winkwink:

Laura, Chris, Northstar, Purple, Fm, Never, Amanda (u need a big JT poster on your bedroom wall :haha:) and Missy :kiss:
Pad..:hi: and :hugs: honey heart breaks for you and hubby. Don't know if you read the 'Thoughts from a mother' on the RMC thread but that was what finally got my OH to understand what I was going through and it made him realise too...just a bit further on from me. Hoping you get yourselves ready for the IVF journey both physically and mentally :hugs:

Twinkle...sounds like a fab time :hugs; must be really happy this Christmas :hugs:

Butterfly...families eh? Gathered you've read all the shambolic goings on in my journal :dohh: :hugs: hun

Purple...lovely to be having your parens with you over Christmas :hugs:

Skye...only 5 weeks to go :shock: :hugs:

Tiger, OMM and lurkers :hi: and :hugs:

AFM...wish I had the willpower to not test at 9/10 DPO. I'm back on that crazy roller coaster and what ever happens I'll deal with it again :dohh: couldn't make it up :dohh:

Hi girls, how are you all??

Purple-that break sounded absolutely lovely. Glad you enjoyed it and good job that you have your CBFM! Let's keep all fingers crossed for a XMA BFP!!! Interestingly, I didn't POAS for ovulation this time, I just couldn't be bothered. I went by my rare appearance of EWCM (see, I'm so excited I'm still going on about it! Thank you John, I love you!!!) and my ovulation twinges. Your Christmas also sounds lovely-so great that you all get along!

Missy-how are you doing hun? Hope you're feeling a little bit better. Spending Xmas with your parents sounds really great-and exactly what you need. Keep smiling, my sweet! (Think of the monkey!). xx

Twinkle-wow! Your Christmas sounds really beautiful. I love the X Factor influence! It sounds like great fun. Hmm, you've got me thinking-I might do a quiz too! It is sad being surrounded by babies, but you will have your own before you know it, so hang on in there. xx

Butterfly-Christmas can be the worst time of year if you are single, and I sooooo know that one. Everybody is in couples, and seemingly happy. But, we don't knwo what goes on behind closed doors, and think about how many of those will be filing for divorce in the New Year, according to statistics. Hmm, sounds a bit cynical, but what I'm trying to say is that it's better to be single than in a crap relationship just for the sake of it, and I think that a lot of people do just this. I don't know if that's any comfort to you. I'm sending you big hugs! :hugs::hugs:

HA-oh, I so feel for your DH. The poor man, he does sound as if he has the classic symptoms of depression. Isn't it vitamin D that people are offered if they suffer in the winter? It is completely rubbish that he can't see anybody until February. I am sure that you are being a huge source of support for him, and doing everything that you can to help him. Hope he feels a little better soon. The Disney reunion sounds wonderful-perhaps looking forward to this can help distract him and give him something to look forward to? Lots of love to you, xxx

Skyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye! Only five weeks!!!! OMG and OMG!!!! I can't believe that. Well, young lady, I hope that you are resting up and resting up and perhaps resting up some more. Lifting hand to mouth to shove another mince pie in is the ONLY exercise that I allow you to do!!!! I hope that you are okay, and feeling a little better about You Know What-you seemed quite stressed last week. Thinking of you hun, and lots of love, Axxx

Manuiti-I think it is a VERY good idea to consider other options especially as your DH is away so much. And, as we keep getting told, time is not on our sides. You will also feel better as you are doing something PROACTIVE about it. Fingers crossed that you get the ball moving soon. x

Love to everybody! Not much going on today, except the weather is shocking and my OH had to take the two huskeys out running in a hale storm this morning. He wasn't very happy; thing the fluffies had a whale of a time. Acupuncture for me this evening-and three sleeps to go before HOLIDAYS!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Have a great day everybody,
So much to reply to this morning... hope I don't forget something!

Let's see, Christmas plans - We will be driving 1200 miles (each way :wacko: ) to visit my family in Texas, about 15 minutes from the Gulf coast, about an hour south of Houston - don't be jealous because the beach there sounds much lovlier than it actually is. :haha: It's where we lived before moving here to Indiana two years ago. We split the drive into two days (10 hrs driving one day, 9 hrs the second) and stop for the night at DH's dad's house, as it's roughly half way between here and there (Little Rock, Arkansas, for those who have a map or are interested). I am concerned that the stop in Little Rock is a bad move for DH's mental health right now, as his dad is an absolute jerk on a good day, but DH feels obligated. ](*,) Not to sound unChristianly, but I'd rather gouge my brain out thru my navel with a spoon than spend another minute with my FIL, but what can you do? :shrug: DH feels obligated, no matter how verbally abusive the man gets, to spend a token amount of time with him. I have learned over the years that I can bite my tongue for 24 hours and keep myself busy while we're there to keep my interaction with him to a bare minimum. But I will say that when we do have kids, I will NOT allow him to treat them the way he has treated DH and my SILs. :growlmad:

We won't arrive in TX until the 23rd, and we'll be there for a week. We'll get to see our niece play in the kids' handbell choir at the Christmas Eve service, and I of course will cry watching her - I love that girl so much! We'll have our family's traditional Christmas Eve dinner of pizza, a tradition my Granna started at least 30 years ago when she got tired of trying to cook something her picky granddaughters would eat! :haha: We'll have Christmas morning with my parents and my sister and her family - the aforementioned niece, who's 10, and nephew, 5. Niece learned the truth about Santa this year (which breaks my heart) so it will be interesting to see how she feels on Christmas morning. (Hopefully not too bad - she said she suspected the truth last year, so maybe she will be ok.) We usually spend Christmas day eating a huge meal, watching Christmas movies (It's a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, and A Christmas Story are musts!) and playing games/doing crafts/working a puzzle/napping etc. It's lovely. Boxing day is usually more of the same, since it's not officially celebrated over here. Sometimes on Boxing Day we try to do some sort of family-togetherness activity, like go to the zoo or something, but no plans this year as of yet. Since we lived there in Texas so long, we also have plans to get together with a few "old" friends while in town.

We're driving back to Indiana over the 30th/31st, so we're doing nothing for New Years this year. When we do "celebrate" it, we usually have friends over (or go to their house, depending on whose turn it is to host) and play board games while drinking ourselves silly! :drunk: We may still have them over for a slightly belated New Years celebration, on the 2nd or so, or maybe for DH's birthday on the 4th. We are coming back to Indiana before NYE because we leave for Disney on the 5th (!) and we need some time to unpack, do laundry, and repack and catch our breath before leaving again!

Purple, glad you had a lovely mini-break, that always reminds me of Bridget Jones :haha::haha:

Me too!!!!! I LOVE those books and movies. I love the ridiculous fight scenes in the movies. And I loooooooovvvveeee Colin Firth!!!

HA, it does for sure sound like your DH is suffering from depression and what a nightmare that he cannot get any medication until next year. Do you think that St John's wort will help at all? I think it may only really scratch the surface and 'real' drugs are a better bet but maybe it will just help a little bit.

Thank you for reminding me about SJW - I had completely forgotten about that - we may give that a try. And I'm sorry you're feeling blue about Christmas this year. It's just not always a nice time, really, single or not. :hugs:

HA, I felt sad reading about your DH. Man do take a long time to reflect emotions, and they don't build a support system like girls do. Poor guy :hugs: Do you think the Disney trip would lift him up a bit. You are also going to start the IVF soon No? You have all the meds. Hope the dark clouds lift off soon and you get a nice Xmass.

He absolutely is holding on to the Disney trip. That and seeing our family (well, mine technically, but he likes my family better than his own) at Christmas is what's holding him together atm. He says he can hold out until Feb to get the meds he needs because until then he has those two trips to look forward to/distract him.

As for timing of the IVF, AF should arrive while we're at Disney so we can't do it in January - we have to wait for my late January/early February cycle to start the process. I just went ahead and ordered the drugs now because I know my insurance costs are going up at the start of the year, so I saved a little $$ by buying them now instead of waiting until closer to our start time. heart breaks for you and hubby. Don't know if you read the 'Thoughts from a mother' on the RMC thread but that was what finally got my OH to understand what I was going through and it made him realise too...just a bit further on from me. Hoping you get yourselves ready for the IVF journey both physically and mentally :hugs:

I did read that, and thank you. I've read lots of things like that but never thought of passing them on to DH - I might give that a try this evening. I sometimes forget that he hasn't done all the reading and research on all this that I have done, so he doesn't know as much as I do and doesn't know that everything he's feeling is completely normal.

AFM...wish I had the willpower to not test at 9/10 DPO. I'm back on that crazy roller coaster and what ever happens I'll deal with it again :dohh: couldn't make it up :dohh:

I also read this on the RCM thread! FX'd!!! :hugs:

I had more I wanted to say this morning but I've rambled on so long that I've forgotten it now. :dohh: Maybe it will come back to me later. Until then, I have to work on getting our Christmas cards done today so I can mail them asap - bring on the coffee!!

Hope you all have a lovely day. I am so grateful for you all!! xoxo :hugs:
I haven't had a chance to read back, so I'll just say hi again to everyone as I slide myself back into the thread. Hubby and I are hoping to start ttc again here in the next week...

dodger-I cannot say how sorry I am that you are going through this. My heart goes out to you honey and I am praying you get that forever baby really soon. Glad you are moving forward and crossing everything for you as you continue on. :hugs:
HA - your plans sound lovely , except the FIL of course. if it were me, Id book a hotel somewhere along the route near to FIL so you can visit and then leave - but that's just me :winkwink:
HA - your plans sound lovely , except the FIL of course. if it were me, Id book a hotel somewhere along the route near to FIL so you can visit and then leave - but that's just me :winkwink:

I asked DH if we could do that, but he's afraid that won't be "enough" for his dad and we'd get sh*t from him over it. At which point my thought was then why even bother with any of it? What, if you're not physically close enough for him to tell you what a screw up you and your sisters are then he doesn't want to see you at all? No question in my book which one I'd take! But I've known DH long enough to know not to start that battle again... he's going to have to reach the point where he comes to that conclusion on his own - I can't speed that process up any. :nope:
:hi: titi - how are you doing hun??

Hey purple - just hanging in. So far so good- scan was good yesterday. Thanks for asking.

How are you doing. Seems everyone is crazy getting ready for the holidays. Isn't it always that way?
HA - your plans sound lovely , except the FIL of course. if it were me, Id book a hotel somewhere along the route near to FIL so you can visit and then leave - but that's just me :winkwink:

I asked DH if we could do that, but he's afraid that won't be "enough" for his dad and we'd get sh*t from him over it. (At which point my thought was then why even bother with any of it? What, if you're not physically close enough for him to tell you what a screw up you and your sisters are then he doesn't want to see you at all? No question in my book which one I'd take! But I've known DH long enough to know not to start that battle again... he's going to have to reach the point where he comes to that conclusion on his own - I can't speed that process up any. :nope:

I totally sympathise in the FIL area - mine is a total knob - he screams down the phone at DH, if we bump into him when we're out he tries to start a fight (he got thrown out of the pub on DH's birthday) and he refers to me as Her or that bitch (Because I once told him I was scared of him!) it really upsets me that DH just takes it. I think his attitude to his Dad has changed a bit since he finally asked why were going to the hospital & when DH told him he said "Oh I thought it was something serious!" Hopefully your DH will be able to see the light one day too! xxx
Wow! I so can't keep up with this thread! lol Everytime I turn around there are another couple of pages of posts.

HA and Twink - ugh. So sorry you have to deal with horrible FILs.

HA I hope your DH comes to that realization soon! Your trip sounds like it will be a busy but (mostly) fun time!!

Titi - thank you. *hugs* I'm praying that you have a happy and healthy 9 months!

Purple - Your cruise sounds amazing! I'm glad you had a great time. :)

Thank you to all the well wishes and support from all of you ladies. My DH and I are doing ok. I'm hoping that today is the end of the bleeding, but I think I might jump my husband after work regardless. I was talking to my mom about her miscarriage, and while she doesn't remember a whole lot of details, she DOES remember that she was pregnant with me within 2 weeks after (she knows because she got ms immediately) and that she and my dad didn't wait or worry about the bleeding to stop before they started bding again. I'm not sure I really wanted to know about my parents sexual practices, but it does make me feel better that Anton and I have already jumped each other once since the mc.

I know I missed a ton of people and posts on here so I'm sending a big :hugs: and hi to everyone and wishing everyone :dust:.
Dhime- congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dwrgi- Yay for the Ov and CM, I have lots of CM now around O time and I realized that I had been on fertility meds for so long that it had dried up but now that I've been off of them for several months it is back!!!! Now if I could only get my uterus to cooperate. Good luck, hope you caught that eggie!

Never- I hope you get some answers at your appt but an oopsie would be even better, you know I'm rooting for you hun!

Manuiti- sorry AF got you but welcome back to our wonderful thread

Purple- Your Christmas plans simply sound lovely!!!! SEnding O dust your way!

Twinkle- *waving*

HA- I'm really glad that your dh has agreed that it is best that he get a little help to get him over the hump. I think sometimes we forget that our hubbys are going thru this too and they too want this as bad as we do.

Your FIL sounds absolutely dreadful but just approach it from the standpoint of 24hr and then you will be on your way to see your family. It all sounds so lovely.....I'm not sure I could drive that far with my dh I would probably strangle him before we got there. I love all of the Christmas movies, I've been watching them since before Thanksgiving and my dh has been gracious enough to watch them with me. He only refuses to watch " White Christmas" Which is my absolute favorite, I've already watched it twice!!!!

Butterfly- *waving*

Missy- so happy that you will be spending the holidays with your mom and dad every moment with family is precious

Dodger- sending ((((hugs)))) you way

AFM- Not much going on here, I O'd this weekend and still not giving up on my natural bfp, anything is possible. My dh and I decided to talk with my RE about getting the scar tissue removed so I have an appt scheduled for 12/29, also my RE has adopted for the adoption agency that I had a meeting with last week so I intend to take full advantage of the opportunity to talk to him about his experience. I'm super excited about that. We don't have much planned for Christmas, just spending time together and with family.
Just popped my nose in to say Dodger, with my last one I fell pregnant after the M/C before with no AF in between... that BFP came as a real shock I can tell you, so believe me hun, it is absolutely possible to get pregnant straight after a M/C. I wish you all the best of luck x

awww thank you guys for welcoming me back... even though I really am a fraud.... spoke to Hubby again about TTC and he is still adamant that we are not going through another pregnancy.

Lava.. believe me you would not want to read any journal of mine, it would have you suicidal in seconds. This year has been s**t.

Twinks... I need a forced smile piccy too... I put my fake smile on every day...

HA your poor Hubby, at least you recognise the signs having gone through it yourself. I can also identify with some of his feelings. I really hope he gets the help he needs soon hun x

Butterfly, Dwrgi, Purps love love loves for you x

Skye not long now til she is here xx

Congrats to Titi and Never... super sticky thoughts and prayers to you both xxxxx

Xmas is at my Sis and Bro in Laws with my Niece and Nephew... closest we will ever get to having kids of our own.
hey FM... hoping for a natural BFP for you

Congratulations DHime.

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