TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

AFM, (TMI alert), we had sex last night and I had post-coital bleeding again. It totally freaks me out because it's not ordinary for me. When it happened a couple of times in March, they did a pap (which was normal) and a saline sonogram and checked for all sorts of things and nothing showed up, so they basically found no reason for it and said not to worry. And then it didn't happen again until now. It happened once before, but that was about 15 years ago... when I went to the dr about it then I had an abnormal pap, so we followed it closely for a while until my paps went normal again. And then never again until March. WTH?! Does anyone else ever have post-coital bleeding?

This happens rarely to me as well. I've not had an abnormal pap though, and usually there is something that could explain it, like it's the first time after AF sex or it's been 3 months since we've seen each other or something. It is a little worrisome I agree.
Never post coital, but when I started using softcups (horrid things) I did discover that I get a little bit of Ov spotting - had never noticed it before then.

Hope your DH gets a quicker appointment HA, but I'm sure the vacation will perk him up no end, it sounds awesome.
Oh my word this thread moves fast! :flower:

DHime & Never - huge congrats to you both & I hope these are both super sticky beans for both of you.

Dwrgi - I hope you've popped out a good egg. :thumbup: And thanks, yes, I'm looking forward to getting proactive about this, if nothing else to be in with a shot to at least be trying every cycle. That will be a novelty in itself!

missyt - Good to hear you're taking good care of yourself. All the things you are doing sound wonderful.

twinkle - I'm off to my 3 year old nephew's nativity play tomorrow morning, so I'm going to be pulling that forced smile face all morning. lol Ugh.

purple - Your mini cruise sounded lovely. And yay for the cbfm! I've sadly run out of sticks for mine and I can't seem to find them here in South America. :dohh:

HA - I'm so sorry to hear about your DH & even more so that you guys are having to wait for so long to be able to help him. Disney sounds like it's going to be great though - definitely something to look forward to! Oh and I had post-coital bleeding (only pink & very light) the cycle before last (DH was home for 5 weeks this time so we actually got to try 2 times in a row for the first time ever!) and that was around CD 9 or 10 (before I ovulated). I just jotted it down to us having been a tad *ahem* vigourous shall we say so didn't think more about it.

Dodger - Glad to hear that you and DH are doing ok. I hope tomorrow goes ok for you.

FutureMommie - I hope that your appointment goes well and I love your positive attitude and not giving up hope on that natural bfp. I really hope you can get it!

Padbrat - My heart goes out to you with your hubby's mind set. I suppose sometimes we forget how hard it can be on them too. But I really hope that he changes his mind sometime soon. :hugs::hugs:

Lavalux - I hope little Liam starts piling on the weight soon. If any time, Christmas time is the time to do it! :winkwink:

Praying - If you're not in the spirit, you're not in the spirit. It's your life and you can do what you want. Well, roll on January/ February for you and getting back to ttc.

Skye - Hope you get over your cold & feel better soon.

I've really enjoyed reading everyone's Christmas plans. Well... apart from Butterfly's, I hope it's all as painless as possible for you hun. Afm, it's all very simple really as we all live in the same city. I'm staying at my parent's since DH won't be here and my sister's got her boys this year so will be joining us on Christmas morning, along with my grandma. And we'll just open pressies, play with the kids and eat and drink too much! :xmas12:
HA, I had post-coital bleeding the first time we DTD after my IVF. Just something to be forewarned about when you do yours.

Skye, OMG, I can't believe you are so close.

Northstar, I've been taking DHEA. I have similar symptoms as dwrgi. I'll break out but its getting better. Maybe my body is getting used to it. Thats really my only symptom. I guess it might be making my skin a little bit oilier but its oily already. What is the C0Q10 supposed to do?
HA, I had post-coital bleeding the first time we DTD after my IVF. Just something to be forewarned about when you do yours.

Thanks for the heads-up. With the two incidents we had in March, I chalked it up to the meds because I'd just come off two back-to-back IUI cycles about 2 weeks prior... it was the only explanation anyone could come up with. But again, I've had back-to-back medicated cycles since then and haven't had the bleeding. So who knows? :shrug: I think it's just the not knowing that makes me anxious about it - a lack of information just gives me room to worry, and I'm a really good worrier. :wacko:

Northstar, I've been taking DHEA. I have similar symptoms as dwrgi. I'll break out but its getting better. Maybe my body is getting used to it. Thats really my only symptom. I guess it might be making my skin a little bit oilier but its oily already. What is the C0Q10 supposed to do?

It's been known (as in, scientifically proven) for years that CoQ10 has really beneficial effects on the heart and blood pressure. Some years ago a university in Canada did some animal studies on CoQ10 and fertility, specifically on its effects on aneuploidy (wrong number of chromosomes, and the #1 by far cause of miscarriages). Aneuploidy almost always originates in the egg and not the sperm, because the egg goes through a really complicated process to split its 46 chromosomes into 23 (so it can combine with the sperm's 23 to create an embryo with a perfect set of 46); the process the sperm goes through is not as complicated, therefore fewer errors occur. Soooo, back to the research - what they found was that in mice, CoQ10 significantly reduced the rate of aneuploidy. They set out to do a human study of 600mg CoQ10 per day in women over 35 to see if it had the same results in people as it did in mice... but they had to cancel the study because they couldn't recruit enough participants - after learning of the initial findings in mice, none of the volunteers for the study were willing to take the chance that they'd be randomly assigned to the control group, the ones that didn't get the CoQ10 - they all wanted to be in the treatment group. But without a control group, a study can't be done because there is no basis for comparison between the treatment group and the control group. So the researchers couldn't complete the study and see if CoQ10 had the same effect reducing aneuploidy in people as it did in mice. But the animal study was compelling enough to lead a lot of REs to recommend CoQ10 to their patients anyway - your body manufactures it on its own, but it reaches a peak in your early 20s and then begins to decline - and it has no dangerous side effects.

There's a thread about it here in the 35+ section. The first post has some basic info as well as links to several newspaper articles on the research - the first newspaper article linked to is particularly helpful. (But after that first post, the thread soon devolves into jokes about how much cock we all take - don't continue reading the thread if you're easily offended by filthy minds like mine! :haha: ) And here's a blurb I found when researching it on my own:
CoQ10 is a naturally occurring fat-soluble nutrient that is essential for energy production. CoQ10 has potent antioxidant properties and cell membrane stabilizing effects that make it beneficial for egg and sperm quality, specifically sperm motility. CoQ10 works within the mitochondria (the cellular power stations) in the cells and is essential for energy production. Until recently, CoQ10 was not thought to be a nutrient that required supplementation, as all normal tissue manufactures its own CoQ10; however, this production decreases naturally with age and is also lowered by certain drugs, including statins. When CoQ10 levels in the cells are low, energy production may be reduced and oxidative stress increased as a result.

CoQ10 has been shown to improve sperm quality and is now under investigation for potential use with women of advanced reproductive age undergoing ART to improve egg/embryo quality. The oocyte has among the highest concentrations of mitochondria of all body cells and uses immense amounts of energy in the process of maturation and ovulation. Researchers hypothesize that supporting the oocyte with CoQ10 may improve egg quality (Bentov et al. 2010).

The recommended dosage for overall health is 100-300 mg/day, or as directed by a nutritionist. The dosage under investigation in studies looking at egg quality is higher: 600 mg/day. CoQ10 appears to be a safe supplement: Studies have used supplementation of CoQ10 up to levels of 3,000 mg per day without adverse side effects. At present, the only risk to taking CoQ is the cost, as this supplement can be pricy, and no data currently exists on its usage in high doses during pregnancy.

I asked my RE about it and he gave me the green light, so I'm taking 200mg/day, split into two doses. No side effects so far, so after a bit at 200 mg I'll up my dose some more. I think most of the ladies on the CoQ10 thread are taking anywhere from 100-600mg/day.
Today threw a loop at me. Oi did it ever. I got my blood test numbers back and they more then tripled from the last blood test. The hCG numbers went in order: 10, 20, 19, 72. Ugh. Can my body BE more confusing? It's great that it tripled... maybe.... but that depends on whether there is a viable baby still growing in me or if my body is confused by a partial miscarriage and producing hCG even though the baby is dead....

I go in again tomorrow to talk with my OB about what's going on and get more blood drawn.

I was AT PEACE with all of this and now I'm back on a roller coaster riding blind. >.<
Oh honey, I really hope it is good news but I imagine your head must be in a complete spin atm - big hugs xxx
Missyt HA gave a really good in depth explanation of COQ10, there's quite a few of us been on it now for a couple of months, no bad SE (I've had no SE at all).

And yeah the CoQ thread has some serious info + a lot of laughter and rude jokes on there, it's supposed to be great for egg health but beneficial for health in general also.

Right now I'm on 200mg but when my new delivery arrives I'll be going up to 400mg. The idea is to be on it for at least 3 months before IVF/TTC.
Oh honey, I really hope it is good news but I imagine your head must be in a complete spin atm - big hugs xxx

I'm hoping too, but I'm also just so scared to hope. My mind is going over all of the possible things that my OB could want to chat about tomorrow and ofc the d and c looms big in that list. I'm not ready for that! I've never seen an ultrasound to see whether there is or isn't anything there. I'd spend the rest of my life wondering if I'd killed a baby that had been trying to grow in me.

Ugh.. You can see just how much of a mess I am right now.
I'm hoping too, but I'm also just so scared to hope. My mind is going over all of the possible things that my OB could want to chat about tomorrow and ofc the d and c looms big in that list. I'm not ready for that! I've never seen an ultrasound to see whether there is or isn't anything there. I'd spend the rest of my life wondering if I'd killed a baby that had been trying to grow in me.

Ugh.. You can see just how much of a mess I am right now.

I'm sorry you're having to go through this. One thing I can absolutely guarantee you is that no ethical OB on earth would recommend a D&C without absolute confirmation that the baby had already died. If the OB suspects the pregnancy may still be viable, he/she will recommend continuing to check your bloods and then successive scans - he/she would want to see two scans at least a week apart that show no growth and/or no fetal cardiac activity past a certain gestational age before recommending a D&C. But an hcg of 72 is too low to expect to see anything on a scan, so it will probably start with continuing to monitor your bloods. If they keep going up, then the successive scans to see what's going on in there.

And if worse comes to worst and you have to have a D&C, I can promise you they are absolutely nothing to fear. I'd be happy to share more about the procedure if you want - I had to have one for my 2nd mc.
hi dodgercpkl

I am so sorry this situation developed at all and that now you are going through all this confusion and heartache. I am thinking happy thoughts at this end for you and sending you big hugs:)

Big hugs to everyone else and Merry Christmas to you all. I have started my next cycle no joy last cycle perhaps not so surprising as BF went away for work so we only did it once. Plus my BBT tracking leaves alot to be desired lol I have been on the CoQ10 thread it is pretty funny I had a good laugh when I read some of the posts.

I have dropped down to 83.5 kilos now I am so proud:) I am hoping to have reached 83 kilos by the end of the week. My next weightloss goal is the next 4 kilos which will get me into the overweight range.

I am not sure if this is right or not but I wonder if weight loss affects hormones in terms of length of cycle. Since mid this year I think my periods have been getting shorter certainly the first two since I saw the gyno were 26 days when normally I have always been 28 or 29 days. I don't know if this is the reason but this time the weightloss of 5.5kilos seems to have coincided with a return to a 28 day cycle for this month anyway. I am certainly feeling better, hopefully this is a good sign.

Wishing everyone a very fertile christmas... hugs and kisses from me:)

Madeline xx
good morning ladies :hugs: I wrote an enormous post yesterdayand then accidently closed the window without posting it Grrrrrr!! and then I got busy so couldn't retype it - sorry, so here goes again....

Dodger - I am so sorry that you are in this position :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: it is so hard to begin to accept things, then tests give a different answer. I had the same thing before after my MC when I went for a scan an a little sac was seen, the sonographer and nurses were surprised and I allowed myself to hope, only for it to be all gone when I went back 2 weeks later :( Big loves to you xx

HA - I think post coital bleeding is fairly common, it's possible you have a cervical erosion - a little patch of weakened cells on the cervix which can bleed when touched or something. If you have any more episodes Id let your doctor take a peek to put your mind at rest, but it occasionally happens to me too :hugs:

Missy - how are you doing hun?? Ive been thinking about you xx are the meds helping at all. I hope you are feeling better :hugs:
OMM & Pad - hi ladies, just wanted to give you both a special hugs in case you are lurking :hugs: :hugs:

never - how are you hun?? Im keeping everything crossed for you still! Im wondering if you went to the clinic appointment and how did you get on??

praying - big huge :hugs: for you, just because you need them xxx

and some baby bump :hugs: for Skye, Lava, titi and carol xxx

Dwrgi - I was thinking about you this morning, because we were predicted snow and I was imagining your beautiful huskies running through it all. (no snow so far though) are you breaking up from school today? time to relax!!! :hugs:

Twinkle - are you making some time to rest a bit before the Christmas festivities really start? I hope so, because it sounds like you will be busy busy busy xxx :hugs:

Madeline - wow! way to go with the weight loss!! congratulations on all your hard work :) it would be interesting to find out if weight loss affects cycles - I would imagine it could do, and good luck with this next cycle :hugs:
northstar - Ive just spotted your new picture and almost spat my tea out over my keyboard!! lol I too am wondering about the Coq10 - can you buy it at chemists?? or online?? Im quite intersted!

Manuiti - your Holiday plans sounds lovely too! the cbfm is a mixed blessing I think, because although FF thinks I have ovulated, cbfm has been low for all 14/15 sticks so far, so I think im having an non ovulatory cycle this month - which of course I wouldn't have known about :wacko: it could be happening all the time, who knows (this is only my second cycle using it) oh well....

afm - well as Ive just said up there with manuiti, I think I haven't ovulated this month. Bah!! I just feel sad. I had a good feeling about this cycle, and know I don't. this whole business in hard!!

huge :hugs: to you all (and sorry if Ive missed you) you ladies keep me sane xxx
Purple-thanks for your post! I've deleted really big posts too-it is a complete pain!!! I wondered where you were yesterday! Our bodies trick us all the time, so who knows what has happened with your ovulation, but don't allow that to get you down. What does FF mean? Let's hope that is correct. I'm sorry, I have no idea at all about the CBFM. But, stay positive hun-you're not out until the fat lady flows.....

Alas, no snow here, and I'm in work (do you have any snow?)! Dogs got me up at 4.20am needing the toilet-OH hadn't taken them for their second trip yesterday afternoon, and as he'd had a drink last night, he didn't hear them. Grrr. I'm quite irritable now! Am finishing today at 12.15 as I have an appointment with my GP to discuss what is what re. treatment. Since moving to my OH's house, I have not found my new doctor's practice at all helpful, and I ended up writing a letter of complaint last month. They have responded and suggested I see a specific doctor, so I'm seeing him today. Just want to check that we haven't missed anything. I've also got a cold coming (scratchy throat, dry cough-could it be the end of term? You betcha!), so hopefully he'll give me something for that too. Thanks for thinking about the dogs! :hugs::hugs:


HA-really useful information about the CoQ10-I buy mine from Holland & Barrett, for UK ladies. I think it was BOGOFF last time I went. Hope you're looking forward to a good weekend? :hugs:

Madeline-way to go on the weight loss! That is no mean feat! Well done you! :hugs:

Does anybody know what's happened to Macwooly-she hasn't been on in ages? Hope she's okay..

Hi to everybody-huge hugs to you all!

Like I said, I'm really irritable this morning as not only did OH not take the dogs last night and then they needed to "evacuate" in the middle of the night and he didn't hear them because of his belly full of ale, I have now discovered that he has unilaterally decided to abandon the vitamins E, C and zinc he is supposed to be taking, and is sticking to Wellman Conception only. NO negotiation-he clearly thinks that it's my eggs that are the problem. So, let's see-he drinks around about 13 pints between Thurs-Sat every week, he has the diet of a 6 year old (no fruit, no veg, white breads only, loads of salt), survives on cola and energy drinks, takes steroids for his asthma, and always keeps himself at 150 degrees celsius as he claims he is always cold, so his swimmers are boiled alive.

I am overdosing with vits and supplements every day (the list is too long to mention), eat a really healthy diet, drink loads of water, have acupuncture twice a month. Now, here's the question-whose lifestyle is the least healthy/who can least afford to take their vits???????

FF = fertility friend (sorry - didin't explain that very well)

and MEN - gah! my dh has a similar diet, he just doesn't like to eat fruit and veggies (although I often hide stuff in dinners lol)

thanks for that about the Coq10 - i am finishing early today so Ill nip to H&B and see what they have :)

good luck with your GP today, I hope he is more helpful and you get a good consultation xx
Hi Lou

H&B have got it, I think Tesco is a bit cheaper because they have a buy 2 get 1 free on vits right now, make sure you get the 100mg capsules (or more) :thumbup: you can also get it on Amazon.

It is worth a try, though it is expensive, because I have only read good things about it, as far as general health is concerned, there is less info about the fertility side but what is available seems very positive.
Thanks for the Tesco tip Northstar - I'd had a look at Holland & Barrett & my heart sank - we're already spending an arm & a leg on DH's vits each month. Think I'm going to try & lose some more weight before I try taking anything other than conception vits but will keep Tesco in mind!
thks Purpleou I am curious if weightloss affects cycles. I am a bit obsessed w the weightloss atm it keeps my mind of whether this is actually going to ever happen or not. I am gym obsessed as well lol I wonder if CoQ10 helps guys as well as women maybe I should get my bf onto it.

Dwrgi, just wanted to say sounds like your man needs to get w the program lol on the positive side though you must b feeling good w the healthy diet etc Wat kind of dogs d u have?

Twinkle congrats on the weightloss people here are such an inspiration:)

madeline xx

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