TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hi all

Purplelou, I don't use a CBFM so can't help with that but your temp chart would indicate you did ovulate, did you have any other symptoms like EWCM or Ov pains? Or did you use OPKs at any point?

I think the crosshairs are dotted due to the high temp from CD16, and if you took that out you would get solid cross-hairs.
I'm sorry you're having to go through this. One thing I can absolutely guarantee you is that no ethical OB on earth would recommend a D&C without absolute confirmation that the baby had already died. If the OB suspects the pregnancy may still be viable, he/she will recommend continuing to check your bloods and then successive scans - he/she would want to see two scans at least a week apart that show no growth and/or no fetal cardiac activity past a certain gestational age before recommending a D&C. But an hcg of 72 is too low to expect to see anything on a scan, so it will probably start with continuing to monitor your bloods. If they keep going up, then the successive scans to see what's going on in there.

And if worse comes to worst and you have to have a D&C, I can promise you they are absolutely nothing to fear. I'd be happy to share more about the procedure if you want - I had to have one for my 2nd mc.

*hugs* Thank you so much! I read this a couple days ago but didn't have time to respond but I do very much appreciate your offer!

hi dodgercpkl

I am so sorry this situation developed at all and that now you are going through all this confusion and heartache. I am thinking happy thoughts at this end for you and sending you big hugs:)

I have dropped down to 83.5 kilos now I am so proud:) I am hoping to have reached 83 kilos by the end of the week. My next weightloss goal is the next 4 kilos which will get me into the overweight range.

I am not sure if this is right or not but I wonder if weight loss affects hormones in terms of length of cycle. Since mid this year I think my periods have been getting shorter certainly the first two since I saw the gyno were 26 days when normally I have always been 28 or 29 days. I don't know if this is the reason but this time the weightloss of 5.5kilos seems to have coincided with a return to a 28 day cycle for this month anyway. I am certainly feeling better, hopefully this is a good sign.

Thank you so much for the warm thoughts!! *hugs*

Congrats on the weight loss! Based on my personal experience, I don't think it affects cycle length, but I definitely think it can and does affect ovulation and whether it happens or not. I've been anywhere from a size 8 to a size 24 and had skipped periods when I was a size 8 and not sexually active and a consistent but irregular in length period when I was size 24. The biggest thing for me was ovulation. I never charted my cycles before going on the pill so I have no idea how often I ovulated or IF I ovulated in my life until recently, but I do know that once I lost weight and started managing my blood sugar levels, my ovulation came back after 15 months of no ovulation!

Whatever is the cause for your cycle's change, I hope it continues and results in a bfp! I think feeling good about yourself, is an important factor too. *hugs*

good morning ladies :hugs: I wrote an enormous post yesterdayand then accidently closed the window without posting it Grrrrrr!! and then I got busy so couldn't retype it - sorry, so here goes again....

Dodger - I am so sorry that you are in this position :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: it is so hard to begin to accept things, then tests give a different answer. I had the same thing before after my MC when I went for a scan an a little sac was seen, the sonographer and nurses were surprised and I allowed myself to hope, only for it to be all gone when I went back 2 weeks later :( Big loves to you xx

I've done that so many times. I'm glad I'm not the only one!

*hugs* Thank you so much!

I missed hitting the button to allow me to quote your question about the CBFM, but I think that it can play tricks. You may have used it more then I did, but I clearly ovulated this cycle and it never gave me more then 18 days of highs. lol Since I've only used it the one cycle, I don't have any other experiences with it. It's certainly possible that it didn't have a chance to get used to me, but I figured I would share my experience anyway. :)

Alas, no snow here, and I'm in work (do you have any snow?)! Dogs got me up at 4.20am needing the toilet-OH hadn't taken them for their second trip yesterday afternoon, and as he'd had a drink last night, he didn't hear them. Grrr. I'm quite irritable now! Am finishing today at 12.15 as I have an appointment with my GP to discuss what is what re. treatment. Since moving to my OH's house, I have not found my new doctor's practice at all helpful, and I ended up writing a letter of complaint last month. They have responded and suggested I see a specific doctor, so I'm seeing him today. Just want to check that we haven't missed anything. I've also got a cold coming (scratchy throat, dry cough-could it be the end of term? You betcha!), so hopefully he'll give me something for that too. Thanks for thinking about the dogs! :hugs::hugs:


Like I said, I'm really irritable this morning as not only did OH not take the dogs last night and then they needed to "evacuate" in the middle of the night and he didn't hear them because of his belly full of ale, I have now discovered that he has unilaterally decided to abandon the vitamins E, C and zinc he is supposed to be taking, and is sticking to Wellman Conception only. NO negotiation-he clearly thinks that it's my eggs that are the problem. So, let's see-he drinks around about 13 pints between Thurs-Sat every week, he has the diet of a 6 year old (no fruit, no veg, white breads only, loads of salt), survives on cola and energy drinks, takes steroids for his asthma, and always keeps himself at 150 degrees celsius as he claims he is always cold, so his swimmers are boiled alive.

I am overdosing with vits and supplements every day (the list is too long to mention), eat a really healthy diet, drink loads of water, have acupuncture twice a month. Now, here's the question-whose lifestyle is the least healthy/who can least afford to take their vits???????


Ugh. I definitely agree with the other ladies that you and OH are in this together and he needs to understand that. It's got to be so incredibly frustrating for you! *hugs*

Purple, I'm doing better. Its been a week since I started taking the meds so I think they are starting to kick in. Other than a super stressful week at work, I've been fine. Did you take OPKs? Is that why you think you didn't O? I can never get those things right. I know of girl that is in her late 30's and got a BFP the month she never saw a positive on her OPKs.

AFM, I'm so glad this work week is over. I work in a aircraft test lab and I do all the scheduling. Apparently the test teams are slacking and not being informative about what they are acutally doing in there. My boss told me that I need to adjust my schedule to be in when the test teams start and when they leave each day to interview them! I work M-F, 7 am to 4 pm most days and I hit the roof! Many times these test teams come in on the weekends and/or come in at 6 am and most of the time leave at 6 pm. II let it sink in overnight then told him that there was no way I was changing my schedule and that its just unrealistic. Then he tried to backpeddle and say he didn't mean that. Whatever. I know what I heard. I felt like he was trying to tell me I have to revolve my life around what these test teams do considering they have multiple people and each of these teams schedules is different every week. They are mostly military and they are on call 24/7. As you all know, when you are TTC and doing fertility treatments your schedule has to revolve around that. It just pisses me off because I confided in him about the IVF and he was cool with me adjusting my schedule for that. He knows it didn't work and I'm going to be doing it again. Ugh. Anyway, if even suggest that again, I'm looking for another job. The last thing I need is to be stressed out over work.

I'm so glad to hear you are feeling/doing better! *hugs* I am praying and hoping for you to get your bfp with this next IVF!

I don't blame you at all about being upset with your boss's 'request'! Ugh, that's definitely unreasonable. I hope he realizes that now and doesn't mention it again.

Dodger- I'm so sorry that you are going through this I can not even begin to image. Sending hugs you way!

AFM- I think I"m 6dpo so nothing much to report, I think I need to head out for some cq10 as well.

Hope you ladies have a great weekend. I have tons of christmas shopping to do.

Thank you!! *hugs*

Hopefully 6dpo is just too early for you to be feeling any positive symptoms. :)

As for DH, he's hanging on... he's coming to counseling with me every week now instead of once in a while, and he seems to be feeling a little bit better just knowing that he has an appt and help (drugs) is on the way. I remember having a similar sense of relief when I decided to start drugs as well.

I'm having a rough day, though... I'm running out of time to get things done before leaving town for Christmas, so I'm feeling that stress, and the sadness of our losses and still being childless is weighing on me more and more the closer Christmas gets. I lost it today and boo-hooed on more than one occasion and for no apparent reason - in yoga, in the store, during a massage (which I scheduled to help me relax - maybe a good cry is just what I needed to do!) - clearly I need some peace to magically descend upon me soon.... I know it will get better, it's just a bad day, and I kind of just want to go back to bed and start over tomorrow.

I'm glad he's going to counseling and feeling a smidge better about things. I felt the same way when I found out about my pcos and started taking metformin. It made me feel like in this crazy thing that's pretty much out of my control, I had SOME control over something. That's a pretty heady feeling.

*hugs* I'm wishing peace your way. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

afm - well, parents are arriving Monday, I think Ive now done all the Christmas shopping and wrapping, (but not done cards yet - eek!!) and Ive just sorted out a shopping list for the week and done it online to be delivered. I feel like theres things Im missing - but oh well!

today weirdly, the cbfm tells me "high" which should indicate I will get a peak in the next day or too - which should mean I am about to ovulate. although my temps went up several days ago - this is very confusing!!! I may post on the CBFM thread in TTC forum to see if anyone had similar experiences and what it miht mean. Big loves to you all xxx

hmmm... maybe my earlier words won't help then. I'm not sure what to tell you about the CBFM. Like I said, I never got a peak on there during a cycle that I KNOW I ovulated on. Could it still be getting used to you? I'd maybe play it out a bit and take note of all things. Keep us posted!

AFM - Thank you so much for all of the well wishes and thoughts! I'm actually doing really well. I had a very nice chat with my OB on Friday and she said that right now a d&c or anything that could harm a baby was the last thing on her mind. She talked with me about what I experienced and have continued to experience, and did a physical exam and has ruled out a miscarriage. She said that my cervix is closed and everything looks and feels just like it should for a normal viable pregnancy. She checked my tubes to make sure that she couldn't feel anything that would suggest a tubal pregnancy and ruled that out as well.

Basically it comes down to this. I'm still pregnant. The big question is whether it will be a viable pregnancy or not. I get the impression that she's encouraged by what I described to her and her physical exam of me, but she's staying neutral in her opinion for now until we get my next set of numbers back and do a scan. The weirdness in the numbers could very much be explained by a blighted ovum or empty sac, but she says she's seen it go both ways so she doesn't want to encourage or discourage me.

Personally I'm feeling pretty optimistic. I have this gut feeling that's telling me that this time things are going to be ok. I had that same gut feeling with the rise in numbers, so hopefully it will be right this time too!

I figured that having to wait until Monday to see the results of the blood test from Friday would drive me nuts this weekend, but honestly? I've had to keep reminding myself that I'm still waiting for them! I just have this relaxed feeling about it all and I'm thinking about the future in terms of being pregnant.

The best part is that as long as my numbers go up even a little, we'll be doing a scan in the next week or so to see/hear whatever we can see/hear. My OB and I took a look at my chart together and decided that I ovulated later then I originally thought. That puts my ovulation at CD19 or Nov 20th. So based on that, she's figuring that I'm about 5 1/2 weeks along. My numbers are on the low side, but still within 'normal'.

Also some other great news is that she doesn't consider me to fall into the PCOS percentage for miscarriage threat! She feels that I've got my PCOS managed and that puts me back into the normal miscarriage threat for an over 35 year old. It feels good to see yet another benefit from the hard work I've been doing the last 4+ months!

So hopefully this next week will see my numbers continue to rise (I'm rooting for more then doubling) and a scheduled scan for me. :)

Baby dust and best wishes for everyone!!
Thinking about you & your DH.

I like your attitude & will pray for a viable pregnancy for you.

Way to go on the weight loss!

Love your avatar!!!

Enjoy your parents. Sounds like you pretty much have everything in order for Christmas. Wish we had that grocery delivery option near us.

Good luck this cycle. Hope your well-timed BDding brings you a 2011 conception.

Can't see that program you posted, but hope you are feeling well in the home stretch.

Hope your husband gets done with his mini-rebellion soon and gets with the program. He needs to be supporting you through his actions.

I hope your boss listens to you. You do not need additional work stress right now.

Never & FM,
I'm reading your journals to keep to with you. ;)

Hi to all those I missed.

Hope everyone is doing well & has a lovely holiday if I don't post again before Christmas (although I will be lurking). I'm just doing everything in my power to make it to the new year & grow those babies. My anxiousness is back in full force & I don't think I will be truly able to breathe until I make it to that milestone. This is usually my favorite time of year and now, I just want to speed right through it. ;) I hope the rest of you can slow down and really enjoy this special season. Love to you all. L
Northstar - thanks for the advice I never get Ov pains or ewcm :( it's telling me the crosshaors are dotted because some of of my signs (the monitor) do not confirm ovulation) and FF changed my ovulation from CD 14 to CD 17. onto next month methinks.

Lava - I am hoping and hoping those babies stay tucked in safe and sound until they are completely baked! Have a lovely peaceful Christmas

Skye - thank you for that link, it was a very interesting show, but so very sad xx

OMM and pad - gentle lurking hugs to you ladies xxxx

missy - big loves for you, just because xxx

HA - when are you making you trip to all the relatives? I hope you both have a safe drive and a lovely time whilst you are there xxx

FM - I am still hoping for a miracle blessing for you xxx what is the next step in the adoption process for you ?

Dodger - I am on the edge of my seat for you. I really hope that this is just a dates mix up and this is a viable pregnancy :dust: :dust: to you xxx

Butterfly - hoping you have caught that eggy!

Twinkle - I had a peek in Wilko today to see if there were any more bottles of C0Q10 - but they have not restocked yet, If I see some Ill get some and send them to you if you haven't managed to get any xxx (for anyone who'd like them)

Praying - Im hoping you are ok :hugs:

Never - big sticky loves for you xxx

:hugs: to manuiti, madeline, keekee (hi - I saw you on the other thread :) ) and any ladies I have missed xxx

afm - still "high" on cbfm :wacko: who knows! Christmas cards ar done and sent - I hope I did them in time! and house is nice and tidy and ready for the parenst to arrive :)

How is everyone's preparations for the holidays coming along ??

hi everyone hope you are having a good week so far leading up to Christmas:)

dodgercpkl, now that i have recovered from your latest news, thks for the encouragement on the weightless and the feedback on weight and cycles btw:) I am so happy that you are in such great frame of mind and I really hope that things move along well w the pregnancy. Above all I read into your last post a sense of calm and control that makes me think you are going to be fine either way, its going to b this pregnancy or the next one and you are going to be a great mum because you are in the here and now and you will deal with anything that comes along:) I am just a little bit inspired by you right now:) and that is an understatement:)

so I am sending you big hugs and big hugs for everyone else that this Christmas is going to be the beginning of something exciting and special for all of us:)

Madeline xx
Dwrgi - I woke up this morning at about 4am, thinking omg, I didn't write a message to you in my last post. does that qualify me as a loon????
so sorry! How are you doing?? and is your DH behaving himself?? :hugs:

how is everyone else doing today??

I have collected the keys to mum and dad's new home and am now just waiting for the call to tell me they are near, so I can go and meet them. they just have a quick poke around and then come back to mine for a rest and dinner and then we'll go back tomorrow and supervise the unpacking and organise a bit :) I definitely feel much calmer today now that I know it's all happening :) my lovely DH has just let me know that a new wheelchair has arrived at work, which we had ordered for my dad (as he can't really walk more than a few steps without pain) so we can take him out and about. so everything is falling into place :)
Dwrgi - I woke up this morning at about 4am, thinking omg, I didn't write a message to you in my last post. does that qualify me as a loon????
so sorry! How are you doing?? and is your DH behaving himself?? :hugs:

how is everyone else doing today??

I have collected the keys to mum and dad's new home and am now just waiting for the call to tell me they are near, so I can go and meet them. they just have a quick poke around and then come back to mine for a rest and dinner and then we'll go back tomorrow and supervise the unpacking and organise a bit :) I definitely feel much calmer today now that I know it's all happening :) my lovely DH has just let me know that a new wheelchair has arrived at work, which we had ordered for my dad (as he can't really walk more than a few steps without pain) so we can take him out and about. so everything is falling into place :)

Purple, you are a silly billy!!! I clearly was giving you nightmares!!!!! Thanks for thinking about me! DH is back to his vits after his little rebellion-get with the programme, dude, I told him. Humph. From now on, I'm keeping A VERY CLOSE EYE on what he's up to!!

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pleased that you have got the keys and it is actually happening!!!! OMG-things move fast in the Midlands!!! I bet your parents can't wait to be near you, as you sound like a really lovely daughter!! And great news that the wheelchair has arrived so that your dad can get about a bit. I am sure that you are all going to have a wonderful Christmas!

Lots of love to you, and let's hope that a sticky bean is in your very near future!!!

Missy-I just wanted to say that I can't believe how much of a dork your boss is, after you explained what you were going through too. Men-I just despair. You have to stick to your guns huni, and don't let anything stress you out at this time. Hope you get it sorted! Big :hugs::hugs::hugs: to you! xxx

Butterfly-how did IT go?????? Nudge nudge, wink wink!!! I hope you have caught your egg and that great things are going on as I write!!! Fingers crossed for you, and big :hugs: xxxx

Dodger-I really admire your calm and poise-it's the best way of dealing with all this TTC sh&t!!! Good luck to you, :thumbup:

Lava-try not to worry about Lilly and Liam. They have come this far without too many hitches, and they sound like complete battlers, so try and stay calm and to take each day as it comes. You are almost there-be kind to yourself. I'm sending you BIG :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:.

Skyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye!!! How many mince pies today???? Hope you're okay? I like the mince pies with the viennese pastry topping-they are severely lush! In fact, might go and get one now!! Thinking of you and sending big :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:!

FM-how are you hun? I hope that you are feeling a little bit more positive-the last time you posted, you mentioned something about having your scar tissue seen to. It sounds as if you're a girl with a plan, and there is no better place to be, so hang on in there! I am hoping that the New Year brings you and everybody else on here, a fabulous and natural BFP!!! :hugs::hugs:

Madeline-how are you? Good to hear from you. Are you in Oz? I am so jealous. My brother has gone there to live and I miss him dreadfully. I did want to go and see him this Xmas but I hummed and haaaed as I might have ICSI to pay for in Feb, and then thought I couldn't possibly go. I so wish I'[d gone with my instincts and booked to fly to see him, as I've put so many things off because of 'perhaps being pregnant' or 'maybe I'll be having treatment then'-it's just cak really, and I should have learnt by now, just to do what I want to do, instead of putting my life on hold. My dogs are huskeys, and soooooooo gorgeous. I think you were the one who asked... Gwydion is a boy and two years old-he is cream and black and sooooo sensitive and calm, whilst Ruby (who is a year and a half) and red and white, is a complete nutter, and as mad as a bag of snakes. So different to each other. But I love them both like mad-and my cat, Georgie, too! She is ten and sleeps every night on my pillow. Miraculously, she looks very refreshed every morning, whilst I look like a bag of sick having been pushed off my pillow at some point!! But I'm too soft to push her off!! Doh!!! Hope you're okay, xx

Never-how are you? Did AF arrive or are we 'good to go' with little Oopsie? I am sooooo hoping that's the case!! Thinking of you, and sending HUGE tonnes of good luck and as you put on your journal, 'Grow you little......!'

Manuiti-your Xmas sounds lovely! Are all your family in S America too????? xx

HA, NorthStar, Twinkle, Carole, Macwooly, and everybody else I might have missed-HELLO!!!!!!!! Hope you're all okay???

AFM-my GP listened and made all the right noises. I'm doing all the right things APPARENTLY, and he seems to think that my issue is old eggs. Great. Anyway, he didn't advise immunology tests for that reason (grr) and said that my FSH last year was 8 point something, which he said was good. Menopausal and peri meniopausal women would be recording values of 26, he said. Is this correct? Also, surely, FSH changes doesn't it, throughout the month? But, everything is clear with me, tubes, blood tests good, etc., so just hang on in there and pursue ICSI... But, at least, I have spoken to them about everything and I know that he will be the one to ask for, from now on, so I won't feel so alone, as far as the medical profession is concerned. Oh, he also didn't seem to think that Level 1 tests would be any good for me, as they normally do those for people who repeatedly miscarry. I can't even GET pregnant. Sigh.

Anyway, hope you are all well, and getting more and more prepared for Xmas-only six days to go!!!! Wahay-yes, I know how you all feel cos I feel it too-hollow, there is something missing,.... blah blah blah. But onwards and upwards and we have to remain positive and enjoy each single minute of our life, as best we can, however difficult that may be. And I'm telling myself that as much as anybody else!!!

Love to you all,

HA, I have those days too where I just cry out of the blue. A lot of the time I do it in the car while I'm driving. I really do hope this new year is much better for all of us. Something has got to give.

purple, how exciting that you got the keys to your parent's house. Both you and them must be so relieved!

Butterfly, way to go!

AFM, DH's grandmother passed away this weekend and he had to drive down to the funeral on his birthday which was yesterday. So we didn't have much celebrating. I realized that this once independent woman doesn't like to be alone anymore. He doesn't come back until tomorrow. I couldn't go because my company doesn't give bereavement leave for grandparents of the spouse and I'm already taking time off around Christmas to spend with my family. Other than that, I'm just waiting for AF to show up. I should be due on the 21st but really don't have any symptoms. I don't dare take a HPT. I might as well just wait for the :witch: to show up. I've been trying to find a counselor or therapist to talk to. I called 3 different ones and left messages and none have gotten back to me. WTF?
HA, I have those days too where I just cry out of the blue. A lot of the time I do it in the car while I'm driving. I really do hope this new year is much better for all of us. Something has got to give.

purple, how exciting that you got the keys to your parent's house. Both you and them must be so relieved!

Butterfly, way to go!

AFM, DH's grandmother passed away this weekend and he had to drive down to the funeral on his birthday which was yesterday. So we didn't have much celebrating. I realized that this once independent woman doesn't like to be alone anymore. He doesn't come back until tomorrow. I couldn't go because my company doesn't give bereavement leave for grandparents of the spouse and I'm already taking time off around Christmas to spend with my family. Other than that, I'm just waiting for AF to show up. I should be due on the 21st but really don't have any symptoms. I don't dare take a HPT. I might as well just wait for the :witch: to show up. I've been trying to find a counselor or therapist to talk to. I called 3 different ones and left messages and none have gotten back to me. WTF?

Missy-very sorry to hear of your DH's grandmother. Hope he is okay. I'm sure you will be a great support to him. Indeed, WTF is that about? You'd think they'd want the business. Let's hope somebody has got back to you. If not, we're always here for you hun, and understand what you're going through. PM me if you like. Sending you big hugs and let's hope the vile hag AF stays away for the next 9 months!!! Big hugs to you, Axxxx
:hi: ladies

Missy, I can't believe that they are so heartless as to not phone back - surely they must realise that people who are calling NEED them and not to be ignored :growlmad::growlmad::hugs::hugs: Am also having a few of those days of just bursting into tears - wish I could just dig myself out of it but I don't think that will happen until at least after Xmas.

Purple, great that your parents have got the keys and they will now be really close by :thumbup::hugs::hugs:

Dodger, hope all is OK and love your calm way of thinking :hugs::hugs:

Never, looking forward to hearing those beta numbers, have everything crossed here for you :hugs::hugs:

Dwrgi, :hugs::hugs: as ever. Not feeling at all optimistic, in fact am almost forgetting I am in the TWW now, hey ho! Got 2 BDs in day before and day of O I think but still don't expect it to happen.

Hi HA, FM, Lava, Carole, Madeline, NS, Skye, Manuiti, Twinkle, Tiger, Pad and any of the lurkers :hugs::hugs::hugs: and sorry to anyone I missed.
Hey ladies - can't chat long as I have Christmas candy on the stove, but I wanted to give my fellow long-timers an update... Hearty got a BFP on her 1st IUI and has made it to 7w4d, complete with strong heartbeat! She had a big bleed scare last night but the scan this morning showed all is still well. :happydance:
Missy - condolances for your DH's grandmother. I am so hoping that dratted :witch: stays away. I would chase her with a stick if I could, for you xxx

Dwrgi - hahaha - no nightmares about you!! I am just completely addicted obviously to BnB :) (and to everyone here!)

Dodger - how are you doing hun?? Im sending hope and positive thoughts your way xxxx

Never - and how are you?? I may have a tiny stalk on your journal xxx

Twinkle - only 5 more sleeps to go!!!! are you already for all all your festive activities?

Butterfly - are you home again?? I hope you caught that eggy!

HA - Mmmm - Christmas Candy - yummy! how are you doing and how's your DH doing? I hope you are both ok and looking forwards to spending some time with family (and that DHs dad behaves himself!!) when do you think you be starting all those meds for IVF? thank you for letting us know about Hearty - what good news :)

lava - make sure you get penty of rest now and enjoy the festive season as much as you can because you will need your energy once those babies arrive xxx

Skye - you obviously NEED some Christmas Treats! - Shirin is asking for them :winkwink: so you need to let her have them :)

Carole - I hope you are still feeling good and doing well??

Praying - thinking of you xxxxx

northstar - so far, so good on the CoQ10 - I feel completely normal, no side effects noticed! I offered DH one last pm but after he looked it and saw it was a great big black thing - and declined *sigh* he keeps asking though if Ive developed "monsterism" yet!

FM - big :hugs: to you, hope you are having a peaceful relaxing time xxxx

Pad and Omm - you ladies are always in my thoughts xxx

big :hugs: to Manuiti, madelaine, keekee and tigerlilly xx

ladies - I know Ive forgotten someone - so sorry, Ill probably remember later or otherwise it'll keep me awake tonight.
Big :hugs: to everyone xxx

afm - parents are here and settled in at mine. we have been to the new house today and me and mum have stripped all the bedroom wallpaper ready for redecoration (I know - crazy!) and we'll probabky have it all painted and nice for when they move in proper after Christmas. at least they'll have one room that's lovely and relaxing and then we can work on the others and get it how they want it.
no news on the TTC front, cbfm still says high (but now i think it's still "getting to know me" so it's a bit mad)
Dear Santa :xmas3:

Please can you bring all the lovely ladies on this thread, a big fat juicy completely sticky, BFP, for Christmas,

thank you

I promise to be a good girl all of next year in return

Purplelou :xmas16:
Dwrgi and Butterfly.. I am with you. I don't think I have ever felt so miserable in my life. It seems like everything I hope for turns to dust... everything is bleak and rubbish.

Hate 2011.

Bring me 2012 and it had better be better!!!!!!
Dwrgi and Butterfly.. I am with you. I don't think I have ever felt so miserable in my life. It seems like everything I hope for turns to dust... everything is bleak and rubbish.

Hate 2011.

Bring me 2012 and it had better be better!!!!!!

Hope some good things happen for you Deb in 2012 :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Purple, you are just THE sweetest person that I know and for that you are getting a monster :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: from me!! Let's hope we all catch our eggies and get the best 2012 going!

So glad that you have your parents settled, and it sounds as if you're making serious inroads into their bedroom. You are helping to make their Xmas so special. Bless you! Hmm, your CBFM seems to have a mind of its own! Let's hope that AF doesn't visit you soon! Enjoy your evening! :hugs:

Missy-let's make 2012 the best one ever!! Big :hugs: to you hun, Axxx

Butterfly-oooh, I am so keeping my fingers crossed that you caught that egg. Stay away Flo, I say. Hope you're okay, Butterfly? Sending you lots of love, Axxxx

Pad-you are never far from my thoughts. You've had such a rough ride of it, and you still find the energy to come and check on us. You are really amazing. You had such bad luck with the donor IVF, but that doesn't mean that, dare I say it, next time will be the same. How does your DH feel about things now? You haven't done anything wrong, you've just been dealt a really crap hand, but that doesn't mean that things can't be changed. I am sooooo hoping that you have your longed for little one in 2012-you deserve it so badly. Don't forget that there are people on here who love you very much and would do anything to help you, and be a support to you, so don't forget us and use us as much as you can-we all need friends at times like this. Lots and lots of love to you, Axxxx

Love to you all, guys, Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
dwrgi - you are lovely - Ill happily take all the hugs you have :D

In fact....... Big smooshy group hugs for all!!

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