TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Have a look at this girls! Particularly useful for those thinking of IVF, although it says that it may take 18 months-2 years before it will be used....
You did much better then I did Purple! I missed a ton of people and I feel bad about that.
Have a look at this girls! Particulalry useful for those thinking of IVF, although it says that it may take 18 months-2 years before it will be used....

Interesting stuff. It also had some good links to other helpful articles... I particularly liked this one with news that stress does not affect pregnancy rates in women using assisted conception:

One more bit of ammo in our arsenal for when a$$holes tell us to "just relax!" :gun:
Skye's had little Shirin this afternoon at 3 pm! Mum and babs are doing well, although mummy is very tired!

So, wait there everybody:


We all love you very much already!!


And this goes out to Skye-
YAY! So glad I was right and even more glad you got in touch with her! Congrats Skye and baby Shirin - WELCOME!
Butterfly, I think thats wonderful news your BFF will be a donor if you come to that decision. Its a good thing to have options.

Dwrgi, sounds like you had a wonderful NYE. Thanks for the update about skye.

HA, I can't believe those crappy credit reporting agencies. How the heck could they have got your information all mixed up like that? I swear, nothing is private anymore. I hope you can go to Disney and not think about any of this and just have fun.

Purple, I hope you are doing well.

Asyrella, the timing of ovulation and TTC is so frustrating. I was reading a book by Zita West and it says to DTD at least 3 times a week because men need to flush the old sperm out. Makes me wonder if the waiting 3 days before an SA really makes a difference.

Dodger, its good that you have something to take your mind off of TTC.

Skye, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So happy for you, mama!

AFM, not much going on. DH is on work travel until Thursday. I'm just relaxing at home with my furbabies. I did some yoga and qigong and probably going to curl up with a book soon. Its freezing out here!
First of all, congratulations to Skye and your family :wohoo: awesome news

Thanks to HA and Dwirgi for news flash! I hate people telling me about don't stress, it'll come when you stop fussing about it. Yeah right :finger:

Thank you all lovely and wise women for your advises :flower:.

I think this cycle is doomed, and I'm sooooo pissed :growlmad: well yesterday I asked if he's taking thursday off and doing SA. He said he'll go to work if supplyer brings some stuff to site. Ok, then I thought allright lets have sex later on. Well then suprise he got sick and got feverish in the evening. And we didn't have sex, ofcourse I suggested anyway. I'm so pissed :grr: I know when your sick last thing you wanna do is :sex: but I know I WOULD do the deed unless half dead, it's a baby we're trying here hello!!! AND I'm ovulating!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got + yesterday on opk and having pains now. But hey, nothing I can do but be totally pissed off. F*ck.
Sorry about this, needed to flood somewhere.

*edit* and he is staying home today for sick leave..wonder if he's on sick leave tomorrow if he'd take the SA to clininc. Probably NOT. MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Dwrgi - thank you for letting us know -

Congratulations Skye:baby::baby::baby::pink::pink:
and welcome baby Shirin :D
First of all, congratulations to Skye and your family :wohoo: awesome news

Thanks to HA and Dwirgi for news flash! I hate people telling me about don't stress, it'll come when you stop fussing about it. Yeah right :finger:

Thank you all lovely and wise women for your advises :flower:.

I think this cycle is doomed, and I'm sooooo pissed :growlmad: well yesterday I asked if he's taking thursday off and doing SA. He said he'll go to work if supplyer brings some stuff to site. Ok, then I thought allright lets have sex later on. Well then suprise he got sick and got feverish in the evening. And we didn't have sex, ofcourse I suggested anyway. I'm so pissed :grr: I know when your sick last thing you wanna do is :sex: but I know I WOULD do the deed unless half dead, it's a baby we're trying here hello!!! AND I'm ovulating!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got + yesterday on opk and having pains now. But hey, nothing I can do but be totally pissed off. F*ck.
Sorry about this, needed to flood somewhere.

*edit* and he is staying home today for sick leave..wonder if he's on sick leave tomorrow if he'd take the SA to clininc. Probably NOT. MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Asryellah, this is all too familiar, and a recurring theme on here from time to time. You have got to speak to him about it, tell him exactly what is going on with your ovulation, that there is a limited window of opportunity, yada yada. You may have to make him confront what he is afraid of doing-the possibility that there is an issue with his sperm, and perhaps this is what his main issue. But, time to be a man now, and he must face up to the situation. It's incredibly frustrating situation. Reassure him that it's just elimination tests at this stage, there is no finger being pointed at him, etc.

At least if you didn't DTD, let's hope that he can be persuaded to take his sample in tomorrow. I'm thinking of you and know your pain!

Take care and try not to stress about it-it just breeds resentment. I read once that there is no problem that can't be solved with a good conversation!

Good luck!
Asyrellah, it may be for the best if he doesn't take his SA to the clinic while he is sick. I've read in several places that when a man is sick, especially with a fever, his sperm can be off. I know you are frustrated and want to get this over with as soon as possible but maybe it should wait until he gets better.
Massive Congratulations to Skye! Well done hun!!! Welcome to the world Baby Girl!!!:kiss::hugs:
Dodger, its good that you have something to take your mind off of TTC.

AFM, not much going on. DH is on work travel until Thursday. I'm just relaxing at home with my furbabies. I did some yoga and qigong and probably going to curl up with a book soon. Its freezing out here!

Curling up with a book sounds so good... I hope you had a good night!

I'm not sure if the distraction is working very well right now. I've been pretty mopey both yesterday and today. I got my latest numbers back and it's only dropped to 149 and that just depressed me all over again as did the request for me to go have another blood test on friday. :(

I think this cycle is doomed, and I'm sooooo pissed :growlmad: well yesterday I asked if he's taking thursday off and doing SA. He said he'll go to work if supplyer brings some stuff to site. Ok, then I thought allright lets have sex later on. Well then suprise he got sick and got feverish in the evening. And we didn't have sex, ofcourse I suggested anyway. I'm so pissed :grr: I know when your sick last thing you wanna do is :sex: but I know I WOULD do the deed unless half dead, it's a baby we're trying here hello!!! AND I'm ovulating!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got + yesterday on opk and having pains now. But hey, nothing I can do but be totally pissed off. F*ck.
Sorry about this, needed to flood somewhere.

*edit* and he is staying home today for sick leave..wonder if he's on sick leave tomorrow if he'd take the SA to clininc. Probably NOT. MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*hugs* I'd do like some of the other ladies have suggested and have a serious heart to heart with him about the bare facts of women's limited days of fertility. As for the SA though, I think Missy is spot on with telling you to wait despite how frustrating it is to have to push off something that's planned.

Asyrellah, it may be for the best if he doesn't take his SA to the clinic while he is sick. I've read in several places that when a man is sick, especially with a fever, his sperm can be off. I know you are frustrated and want to get this over with as soon as possible but maybe it should wait until he gets better.

Totally agree. :thumbup:
Dwrgi, a few pages ago you asked how my DH is doing and I forgot to answer... the last few weeks he's been doing really well, actually - travel and Christmas fun and now the Disney trip have been really good distractions for him. Church on Christmas Eve was awful - I thought he was going to rip a hymnal apart he was gripping it so tightly, and he almost got up and left during the sermon - but the rest of Christmastime went better than either one of us had expected it to. We talked about his mood tonight, and he agreed he's felt pretty good the last two weeks with all the activity going on, but we both expect his mood to fall again after we get home from Disney. He's going to keep his appt with the dr, which isn't until Feb 6, fully anticipating that drop in mood. And he's still keeping a daily chart of how he feels, on a scale of 1 to 5... it's so funny - I journal, and make little notes on my calendar whether each day was a good day or a bad day (because when I see too many bad days in a row, I know something's up that I need to deal with... otherwise it's too easy to tell myself that I've been fine all along), but he's an engineer so he had to make a graph out of his! :haha: Anyway, he's hanging in there. Thanks for asking. :kiss:

Dodger, I am so sorry this is dragging on - it really makes it hard to start healing. :hugs::hugs::hugs: How often are they checking your blood? I hope now that it's in the 100s it won't be for too much longer. You have every right to feel mopey, don't try and fight it or distract yourself from it - you love your baby, you were filled with hope and excitement for it, and losing it is devastating... it takes a long time to start to feel better. :hugs::hugs::hugs: Just allow yourself to take as long as you need, to feel sad for as long as you feel sad - give yourself the permission to grieve. There are no "shoulds". :hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM, we're leaving for Disney tomorrow! :happydance: I'll lurk when I can, or at least catch up when I get home, but I doubt I'll post much at all for the next week - one thing that's not so "magical" about Disney is that they don't have free wifi! :growlmad: (And because I'm a luddite, I don't have a smart phone where I could post even without internet access. :haha:) I hope you all have a lovely week... I'll sprinkle :dust: like Tinkerbell when I get back!!

Love you ladies. :hugs:
HA I hope you have a great trip to Disney :happydance: travelling is such fun and great because it takes your mind off from all this everyday things we need to deal with :hugs:

Well, situation here is now that he is still sick, stayed home today and won't be doing SA. And as you said prob. better if fever kills his :spermy: he did promise on doing it when he's off work early feb. REALLY wish then he'll go through with it then. But I do feel better now, and we did end up having lovely evening yesterday :blush:

Sending some good thoughts and :dust: to you all lovely ladies :kiss:
Thanks for the post about your DH. I'm glad the holidays have cheered him a bit. Your comment that he's an engineer and needs to make a graph out of his "journaling" made me laugh out loud b/c as an accountant/finance guy, my husband is exactly the same way! Have a wonderful trip to Disney!
Hello all u lovely ladies. I know, I disappeared again, just needed a break. I was feeling so low. Dh and I are still waiting to start IVF. We are actually selling our condo and buying a house. We have equity, so that is how we are going to pay for our fertility pretty much feel in limbo....but I missed you all soooooo much. I know I promised last time I would catch up but I promise, I will.:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Wishing you all a Happy New Year.

Welcome back luv, I wondered where you'd got to! Hope you're okay? Great that you are in a financial situation to go ahead with IVF-the sooner you start, the better you will feel, I promise. The worst thing about IVF is thinking about it! Honestly! So, I hope you can start your treatment soon! Big :hugs: to you, hun! xx

HA-so glad that your DH is feeling better and I'm glad that the Xmas festivities has kept his mind off everything. February 6th will be here before you know it, and I'm sure he will get a lot from the meeting. Have a great trip to Disney, and I hope that you really enjoy catching up with all your family. Will be thinking of you, lots of love, Axxx

Asry, I'm glad that you and your OH had a great evening-it's not good to have tension, but TTC brings a lot of tension of its own, so what you're going through is completely normal. Hope your OH feels better soon and big :hugs: to you!

Hello to everybody!!! I heard from Skye last night-she is very sore, but the excitement of being with Shirin makes up for that. She sent me a pic, and little Shirin is GORGEOUS! So, big :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss: to Skye and Shirin! When I joined this thread, Skye was going through the IVF that brought Shirin, so it's a really weird feeling to know that she is finally here. Exciting to remember how Skye felt at the time. It will be the same when you, Laura, have Lily and Liam as I remember how doubtful you were that the IUI had been a success, and how you were filled with thoughts about ever being a mother!! And look what happened!! Amazing! Anyway, big :hugs::hugs: to you all, and let's make 2012 the year of BFPs and little :blue: and :pink:

AFM-I've got lots of spots so I think that's the DHEA telling me that I'm ovulating. I've run out of ov sticks, but as I have the facial breakouts and ov pains to indicate ovulation, I'm going to go without and try and save some money!!! Me and OH have DTD every two days since day 7 (am getting in early, as last month's cycle was only 26 days long) and fingers crossed that magical things are taking place!

Alas, I've run out of DHEA and ordered some more on NY Day-my last full day was yesterday, so I hope the new batch arrives soon. My fault for not being more pro-active. :dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh:

Anyway, love to you all,
HA - Im so glad you DH is feeling better, and your comment about his Graph made me laugh, my DH is involved in a lot of Graphics at work, so would exactly the same!

I hope you have a wonderful time in Disney, please give Mickey mouse a hug from me when you see him :hugs:
Dwrgi - I hope that dhea arrives soon, the post seems to be back on track here after Christmas so hopefully it won't be long. Im with you on the dtd every other day, that's our plan for the month, until the temp rises (or we both collapse lol!) and hope that January is a Great month for us all!!

Asry - It is very frustrating to have to wait for stuff in this journey, but 1 month in the scheme of things, especially when you have been trying a while, isn't a huge deal (althoughI understand that it feels like it) big :hugs:

Luv - welcome back :hugs: I wondered where you were, but can completely understand needing time away xx, good news about your equity and also IVF. when do you think you'll be planing for treatments?? I think it's going to be the IVF thread in the next few months, around here.

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