TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

MissyT- I ordered Inconceivable today! I cant WAIT for it to come so I can get my hands on it! :paper:

Thats great you ordered the book! You'll have to let me know if it touches you as much as it touched me!
Missy - I'll have to look that book up. Thanks for posting about it!
Hello to all the new ladies that have joined! May your stay be short and get your bfp's v. soon!:bfp:

Dwrgi- I'm so excited to hear about ICSI...I have done some research on it...well I googled it...and read lot's of positive stories about it. They inject the best spermies in the eggs.:hugs::hugs: :dust::dust: I am also going to be doing ICSI when I start my IVF. I believe that 2012 is our year!! We will be mommy's!! I know what you mean about the your oh's dh drinks beer all the time...I try to tell him to lay off the beer but he drinks it anyway.:wacko:

Missy- I'm so happy you found a therapist that you like and want to see! It's so important to feel comfortable. :hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss: I'm going to have to get that book you mentioned, Inconceivable.

Purple- Hoping and wishing you caught the eggie.:happydance::happydance::dust::dust:

Twink- A very Happy Birthday to you! :cake::cake: I agree with the other ladies, just enjoy yourself and def. Have a glass of wine..or two.:wine::wine:

Butterfly- Wow! Dubai sounds so exciting! I say go for it!:sex:

Lava- Sending big hugs your way! I can't believe your already at the home stretch- time sure does fly by fast!:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss::baby::baby:

Afm- this weekend was good but my dh has been a real crabby pants. My dh is a VW enthusiast. We have met the nicest people through being involved in it and have made very good friends. However, my dh gets v. carried away sometimes, like his car is the only thing that matters. Friday night, I get home and he is not here. I call him, so I can figure out what we are going to do for dinner. He answers his cell phone...I say where are you? Oh. I'm at my friends house putting on these parts for my car...I say..well you didn't tell me you were going there after work...he says yes, I did...noooo you didn't. Anyway, I figured out my own dinner and told him to do the same.

He finally gets home and says, well tomorrow (Saturday) I'm going back to my friends house to help another friend that is coming over and we are all going to work on his VW.... You can come if you want to and watch his kids. I say okay, because I really do love his friends kids. Ava, who is 4 and Nathaniel, who just turned one. We get there around 11:00 a.m. I babysat the kids from 11:00 a.m. To 5:00 p.m.....It made me want children even more, although I was utterly pooped, it was so much fun! We had plans to go house hunting on Sunday...then he tells me, I'm going back to my friends house since they didn't get to finish what they were doing. I say well, we have plans with the real estate agent...he says oh just pick me up on the when we did he was a complete ass. He had a short temper, didn't like any of the houses...etc....sorry to ramble on and on...but we are planning to do IVF, looking for a house and all he wants to do is work on cars with his friends...I was really frustrated.:wacko::wacko::wacko:
Hello Ladies!

Sarah I agree with the other posters. Some people are just rude but they are in the minority. Keep your chin up.

I am going the ivf route and ER was today with xfer on Fri. They retrieved 10 eggs so now's the waiting game to see their quality & which fertilized. :)

Fx'd for everyone.
Thx for your well-wishes.

We are going in for a c-section tomorrow at 35 1/2 weeks. Liam has barely grown at all in the last 2 weeks. He's only 3 lbs 11 oz. Lily is 5 lbs 2 oz. They think he will do better outside the womb then in so out they will come. 8:30 a.m. They will have time in the NICU, but hopefully be okay. For those so inclined, please say a prayer for us. I am very nervous.
Lavalux, I'm sure everything will go fine and you&babies are in good hands :hugs: praying for you guys and soon you'll have babies in your arms :hug:
Lava - I am thinking of you and DH and especially Liam & Lily. I hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow, and you will get to meet your babies finally!! I am very excited for you. Big :hugs:
Luv :hug:

Lava, even though Liam is smaller than lily he still sounds like a good weight so i. Have every confidence that they will be fine :hugs:

So tomorrow you will be a mommy, brilliant, I will be saying a prayer for you :hug:
constance - I thinking of you hun and hoping those eggies all become big juicy embies, so you are spoilt for choice! keep us updated!

Luv - sorry about your DH, my DH does the same where he becomes engrossed in something just when we have plans - it's very frustrating! (bless him though, he's absolutely smashing the rest of the time) :hugs:

Missy - I like the look of that book! I might see if I can download it on kindle :) thanks for the recommendation xx

Twinkle - do you have anything nice planned for your birthday?? you should definitely treat yourself in some way :hugs:

Dodger - how are things with you? I just had a peek at your chart, it looks like the bleeding is stopping?? I really hope so :hugs:

Dwrgi - do you have a date for icsi now?? when do you have to start meds - it seems like January is flying by already so you mustn't have too much longer to wait :hugs:

HA - are you having a fab time??

Big :hugs: for Skye, FM, Asry, Butterfly, sunny, Madelaine, Sarah, Carole, titi, never, northstar, anorak, Pad, Omm and anyone Im forgetting (sorry)
AFM - FF tells me Ov has happened - here's a question for you charters though, My temp was a bit higher than expected this morning, but I did feel a tiny bit feverish (and achey and sore throat etc etc) should I discard this mornings temp??

apart from that I am keeping my fingers crossed that we caught that eggy this month - i feel a bit like my time is running out now (not only my age, but my dad being poorly too) I am trying not to stress, but it's hard!

Dad's appointment went I guess as well as could be expected. the cancer (which is basically all over him) is undifferentiated (they don't know where the primary is, or where is came from) and is not curable. the oncologist has recommended some radiotherapy for his hip and ankle bones to help with the pain and then see how he tolerates some chemotherapy after, to see if his life can be extended. they have also said that quality of life is really important so they will try not to make him feel unwell - which is good, but does feel quite final :(

anyway - a sticky bean would be very welcome right about now! (and if it were all you lovely ladies that would make my whole year!)
Hello Ladies!

Sarah I agree with the other posters. Some people are just rude but they are in the minority. Keep your chin up.

I am going the ivf route and ER was today with xfer on Fri. They retrieved 10 eggs so now's the waiting game to see their quality & which fertilized. :)

Fx'd for everyone.

Good luck Constance! I wish you many fertilized eggs! Keep us posted!
Thx for your well-wishes.

We are going in for a c-section tomorrow at 35 1/2 weeks. Liam has barely grown at all in the last 2 weeks. He's only 3 lbs 11 oz. Lily is 5 lbs 2 oz. They think he will do better outside the womb then in so out they will come. 8:30 a.m. They will have time in the NICU, but hopefully be okay. For those so inclined, please say a prayer for us. I am very nervous.

Lava-this is amazing news and I am so excited for you. Please don't worry; I am absolutely positive that everything will be okay! I can't believe that they are almost here!!!

Wishing you lots and lots of luck (although I'm sure you won't need it) and sending lots of love and hugs to you!

I shall be thinking of you,
AFM - FF tells me Ov has happened - here's a question for you charters though, My temp was a bit higher than expected this morning, but I did feel a tiny bit feverish (and achey and sore throat etc etc) should I discard this mornings temp??

apart from that I am keeping my fingers crossed that we caught that eggy this month - i feel a bit like my time is running out now (not only my age, but my dad being poorly too) I am trying not to stress, but it's hard!

Dad's appointment went I guess as well as could be expected. the cancer (which is basically all over him) is undifferentiated (they don't know where the primary is, or where is came from) and is not curable. the oncologist has recommended some radiotherapy for his hip and ankle bones to help with the pain and then see how he tolerates some chemotherapy after, to see if his life can be extended. they have also said that quality of life is really important so they will try not to make him feel unwell - which is good, but does feel quite final :(

anyway - a sticky bean would be very welcome right about now! (and if it were all you lovely ladies that would make my whole year!)

Purple-I don't know anything about charting, but if you are feeling as though you may have a cold, this may well explain the increase in temp. But like I said, I gave up temping months ago. Hope you caught that eggy!!!

So sorry to hear about your father, it must be very hard for you. I guess it is even more of a blessing that they live so close to you now, and that you can take care of them and also spend as much time as you can with your father. I know there are not many silver linings to a situation like this, but that must be one, surely? I am sending huge :hugs: to you and know that you are being an absolutely brilliant daughter, and I am certain that your father loves you very much and is enjoying spending this time with you and your lovely DH too.

Big :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: to you hun, and COME ON EGGY!!!

Dear Sarah

I am so glad that you have come back to us, and I feel very angry that somebody could be so cruel as to tell you what they did. I guess they were only trying to help, but there are ways and means. So, :grr: to insensitivity, I say!

There is no doubt at all that the odds are stacked against us, the older we get. My partner and I are now into our 5th year of TTC, with one mc. We were advised by my FS to go for IVF/ICSI as we are running out of time-although all tests could find nothing dramatically wrong with us (save a consistently 'borderline' motility with SA).

You can see my history from my ticker-we are now headed into our 2nd ICSI.

It might be interesting to find out your amh-an indicator of ovarian reserve, how many eggs are left, basically (FS at IVF clinics want to know it, so that they can decide on the amount of drugs to give you to stimulate eggs. In the UK, the p/mol measurement is used-you can find the table on the web). However, saying that, women with very low amh (less than 0.5, and even 0.1) DO get pregnant naturally, but this seems to be an exception rather than the rule. The validity of amh results can be questioned, with some FS not putting any store into it.

The greatest challenge for us is egg quality-older eggs develop a thicker lining and are more difficult for sperm to break through (hence assisted hatching in ICSI procedures). Also, they are more prone to chromosomal abnormalities, leading to early miscarriages. We may also not ovulate each month, as our store of eggs becomes depleted.

This is all doom and gloom, but there are supplements that can be taken to help. The main supplement is a naturally occuring steroid which depletes naturally when we are in our 20s-DHEA. It's basically an anti-ageing steroid. You have to buy this over the net, and the micronised version is preferable. This can be bought through Amazon. You need to take 75 mg per day, and possible side effects are acne (which I have), greasier hair (which I have!) and some have recorded they feel more aggressive around and about ovulation. Attractive! It takes at least 3 months to work, with optimal results being seen from 6 months onwards.

Another supplement that FS recommend is Omega 3, and I was told about Paradox, a combination of omega oils, which can also be bought on Amazon. I take 3 a day. In addition, COQ10 is meant to be good (although recent research suggests that this is controversial). You also need A LOT (up to 600mg) and it is very expensive. I've been taking Royal Jelly too (3 x 500mg) and Bee Propolis (500mg). These can be bought at Holland & Barrett, if you're in the UK. Get their loyalty card!

If you google egg quality then you will find lots of websites with advice. Common themes are healthy and high protein diets, lots of water, to cut down on alcohol and drugs, and caffeine too.

There is a belief that more blood to the uterus can improve egg quality, and this is what acupuncture can do for you; it also helps you relax, although, again, it is expensive. Also, reflexology can be helpful in encouraging a sluggish ovulation.

Timing of intercourse is obviously crucial. Some specialists suggest charting your cycles and noting the differences in cycle length. If you have a cycle of 26 days, deduct 20, and you will get 6. The belief is that you may need to start :sex: on CD 6 until ovulation and immediately afterwards. If your cycle can be as long as 35 days, deduct 20 and you will get 15-this is the time that you need to start. I know of somebody who popped back on here months ago, and said that she and her husband had given up, and had happened to have sex only on CD7 in this particular month (and she'd always thought that she ovulated on CD13-15), and they got pregnant!

I guess what I would say to you overall is that, if you had all the time in the world, you could experiment with all of these things. I was told by my NHS FS that it would take about 2 years for somebody of my age to conceive (on average)-I was 39 then. Alas, we don't have time on our hands, and this is why I would say that if you have the means, go for ICSI or IVF.

I hope this helps. Whatever you decide to do, good luck and we will be here to support you!

purplelou, I'm so sorry to hear about your fathers cancer. Didn't know that. :hugs: There isn't really words to make you feel better..:hug: as I know that when my mom was diagnosed with lymphoma. I remember all the feelings I went through and how I did a "re-run" of my life and how my mom has affected on how I turned out to be etc. And allthough she recovered, there is always that little fear it'll come back. I feel truly blessed though to still have them around.
So glad you live close to your parents and can spend time with them. And sure it makes them so happy to have you and dh around, making their day special. Hopefully meds can help him with the pains and make days more enjoyable.

REALLY do hope those :spermy: catched the egg!!!!!!
Lava, I'm sure all will go well. This is so exciting that you will finally meet your babies!

Constance, definately keep up posted! FX'd for you!

Luvvie, I completely understand when you say DH is obsessed with cars. My DH is obsessed with his motorcycle. It gets on my nerves. I feel for you, honey. I'm wondering if his way of dealing with the stress of house hunting and IVF is by working on cars. It doesn't make it right though.

Purple, I hope you catch the eggie this month!
Afm- this weekend was good but my dh has been a real crabby pants. My dh is a VW enthusiast. We have met the nicest people through being involved in it and have made very good friends. However, my dh gets v. carried away sometimes, like his car is the only thing that matters. Friday night, I get home and he is not here. I call him, so I can figure out what we are going to do for dinner. He answers his cell phone...I say where are you? Oh. I'm at my friends house putting on these parts for my car...I say..well you didn't tell me you were going there after work...he says yes, I did...noooo you didn't. Anyway, I figured out my own dinner and told him to do the same.

He finally gets home and says, well tomorrow (Saturday) I'm going back to my friends house to help another friend that is coming over and we are all going to work on his VW.... You can come if you want to and watch his kids. I say okay, because I really do love his friends kids. Ava, who is 4 and Nathaniel, who just turned one. We get there around 11:00 a.m. I babysat the kids from 11:00 a.m. To 5:00 p.m.....It made me want children even more, although I was utterly pooped, it was so much fun! We had plans to go house hunting on Sunday...then he tells me, I'm going back to my friends house since they didn't get to finish what they were doing. I say well, we have plans with the real estate agent...he says oh just pick me up on the when we did he was a complete ass. He had a short temper, didn't like any of the houses...etc....sorry to ramble on and on...but we are planning to do IVF, looking for a house and all he wants to do is work on cars with his friends...I was really frustrated.:wacko::wacko::wacko:

Ugh! That's very frustrating indeed. Have you had a talk with him about it recently? :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thx for your well-wishes.

We are going in for a c-section tomorrow at 35 1/2 weeks. Liam has barely grown at all in the last 2 weeks. He's only 3 lbs 11 oz. Lily is 5 lbs 2 oz. They think he will do better outside the womb then in so out they will come. 8:30 a.m. They will have time in the NICU, but hopefully be okay. For those so inclined, please say a prayer for us. I am very nervous.

I am so so thrilled for you! Definitely praying, but I don't think your LO's need it. I think they will be just fine and I'm so glad you'll finally get to meet them! Give them extra hugs from me when you do! :)

Dodger - how are things with you? I just had a peek at your chart, it looks like the bleeding is stopping?? I really hope so :hugs:

Yesterday was not a good day for me. But today I'm feeling better. :) My bleeding seems to be pretty close to gone. The spotting is was down to light enough yesterday that I left off my pad last night and this morning it seems to be the same. Mostly I'm noticing it when I'm wiping and that's about it. I'm still pregnant by hcg levels, but my hpt's are getting lighter each day, so that's a good thing. Hopefully my bloods from yesterday will show a nice drastic drop for me. I did have a weird thing yesterday in that I noticed EWCM for the first time since ovulation during my bfp cycle! So maybe that's yet another sign that the mc is nearly done.

AFM - FF tells me Ov has happened - here's a question for you charters though, My temp was a bit higher than expected this morning, but I did feel a tiny bit feverish (and achey and sore throat etc etc) should I discard this mornings temp??

apart from that I am keeping my fingers crossed that we caught that eggy this month - i feel a bit like my time is running out now (not only my age, but my dad being poorly too) I am trying not to stress, but it's hard!

Dad's appointment went I guess as well as could be expected. the cancer (which is basically all over him) is undifferentiated (they don't know where the primary is, or where is came from) and is not curable. the oncologist has recommended some radiotherapy for his hip and ankle bones to help with the pain and then see how he tolerates some chemotherapy after, to see if his life can be extended. they have also said that quality of life is really important so they will try not to make him feel unwell - which is good, but does feel quite final :(

anyway - a sticky bean would be very welcome right about now! (and if it were all you lovely ladies that would make my whole year!)

Did you feel physically warm to the touch like on cheeks/forehead whatever? I'd maybe wait and see how the achy-ness turns out before you discard it. Maybe just put a note for now? I hope you caught that egg!

I'm so so sorry to hear about your dad... I was hoping for a miracle that would turn up and allow them to make it recede. I know there really aren't any words, but do try to enjoy the time you have with him. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Ladies - you are THE best, thank you so much xxx I was feeling a bit low this morning but I do feel a little better now, and Dodger - you are right I can spend plenty of time with them and enjoy the time we have :hugs:
and Dwrgi - you made me cry! :hugs:

anyway - I have pulled myself together a bit now - I don't think being low helps anyone in these circumstances. Big loves to you all.

what I need now is some BFPs from us all - that WILL make me happy!
Morning girls! Quick update from Laura (Lavalux) - babies are here!!!!!!! :happydance:

Mama and babies all doing well and babies breathing on their own! Lily weighs 4lbs 11oz and Liam 3lbs 8oz and both in NICU for now. They were slightly smaller than their ultrasound weights, but everyone is doing well.

More updates to come as I get them or as Laura is able!

Love and hugs! :hugs:
Morning girls! Quick update from Laura (Lavalux) - babies are here!!!!!!! :happydance:

Mama and babies all doing well and babies breathing on their own! Lily weighs 4lbs 11oz and Liam 3lbs 8oz and both in NICU for now. They were slightly smaller than their ultrasound weights, but everyone is doing well.

More updates to come as I get them or as Laura is able!

Love and hugs! :hugs:

YAY!! So glad to have an update. :) Thank you for posting and letting us know! Lava - Hug those little ones every chance you get! I'm so glad you finally met them and I'm praying that things continue to go smoothly and you can take them home soon. *hugs*

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