TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

*hugs* My hubby is also younger then me. He's 30 and I'm 36, so it's been up to me to get him understanding that we don't have all the time in the world for some things. I've been fortunate though because my DH is pretty good about getting those things fairly quickly. We haven't had any arguments about it and once he decided he was ready for ttc, he's gone whole hog on it.

I'm so glad that you and your DH have talked it out and that he's getting it more now!

I would definitely just put your cousin on block or something. There was no need for her to rub salt in your wounds like that and I can't stand people who do that! What a witch!

AFM, in addition to what I mentioned above in this post, my OB called with my new numbers and I'm now down to 67 (from 125) so YAY!!! I have a feeling that with the cramping and bleeding that I'm having today, that's more of the stuff leaving my system. My next blood test will be next week and I'm really hoping that it will show me at non-pregnancy levels!

Thank u dodger! You, me and missy like the younger ones!:winkwink::winkwink: We did have a really great talk last night after I told him what my cousin posted on FB...he had a few choice words he would love to tell her. We were about to dtd, when he will get pregnant and you will be a mommy! My heart melted. I :cry::cry: a little today thinking about how hard this is...why some people get pg at a drop of a hat....and we have to go through so much pain, sadness and heartbreak. When all we want is to be mommy's!
Hey Giirls,
I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to drop by or catch up for a while. Hope you lovely girls are all good. I wanted to announce that Shirin has arrived finally after another bleeding episode at 38 weeks on 3rd of Jan by cx. She is a cute and funny baby keeping us entertained at all times. :)) Her nickname is "Pixie" since she looks like one :)

We have been in and out of hospital last week with jaundice and weight loss issues but finally home and enjoying having her around. I added her photos in the graduates thread anyone interested to see.

Nevernever I am holding breath and awaiting further good news. :hugs::hugs:

Laura BIIIIIIIG congratulations again. Can't wait to see photos. Shirin and your little ones must have been born more or less within the same week :)
CONGRATS SKYE & LAVALUX :happydance::happydance::happydance::yipee:
babies are here!!
Neversaynever - you must be so exited to get to see a picture of your baby..aaaw..can't even imagine the feeling :cloud9:
butterfly - all I have to say to you is: :sex::spermy: =:bfp::crib: yes that's how its gonna be.
ipen44 - welcome :hugs:
luvmydoggies - I also have oh 6 yrs younger than I am :winkwink: never had any troubles with it - meaning noticing the difference, or even when started ttc. But now when it comes to nothing happening I really have had to talk to him about me not having as much time to do this as he does.

afm, some ppl seem to rub their pregnancy in your face, but here's what happened to me. I told my friend last feb that we are ttcing, she had just broken up with his fiance and jumped into a new relationship. Shes got 2 kids with his ex. Anyhow, I havent heard from her since june, and I have tried couple of times to contact her then gave up as she never bothered. Now just today I found out from her ex that she is expecting TWINS. Well there you go then, I see why no contact :growlmad:
*need to edit this, as I'm feeling so pissed off! Does she think I'm so brainless that I couldn't live with her news or what?!! (+ I'm having pms, and my temps went bit down today AND so scared tomorrow it'll be even more lower and dpo10 spotting again...I NEED TO think positive think positive!!)
Asry :hugs: - you are allowed to vent - it's healthy and does a person good!

Luv - I also have a "younger man" Im 39 and dh is 34 although I don't feel old, I am aware he has more "time" than me!

Skye - welcome back Mommy - I had a sneak over and Shirin is beautiful!!!!! congratulations! (she looks like she is smiling in pic no. 3 - I have melted!)

Ipenn - welcome to the thread :) I hope your stay here is short and sweet and your BFP comes soon, Meantime this group of ladies is just fab!

how is everyone doing today??
Skye-glad to hear that all is okay! Shirin is lovely; I love the third picture, she looks very very content!!! Yuu must be delighted. Thinking of you and sending lots of love, Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Purple-how are you hun? You are always so considerate of other people! How's the cold? Or did it go away?? Sending big :hugs: to you! xx

Luv-I meant to comment on your DH's behaviour but lost track of time. That sounds soooooo like a bloke-basically, he had a tantrum as he couldn't carry on playing with oil and the car. Grrrr. Wait, there's an icon for it-:grr::grr:. But, I'm glad that you've talked about it, and are friends again. Yay! As fo ryour cousin-it astonished me how completely insensitive people are. There is just this assumption that EVERYBODY in the whole wide world wants to know every single detail about their pregnancy and bump. Well, hello! We don't! I can't tell you how many people I have deleted from FB because they insisted on posting scan pics , and I haven't seen my best friend since last January because of this either. I'm glad your DH was supportive-he sounds fab!!

Hello to everybody! Have to rush as bell is about to go-no time to sneeze this week! :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:

Love to you all,

Skye, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome, iPenn44, this is a great group. You'll get a lot of support here. There are a few ladies on here whose DHs' have challenged swimmers. My DH's numbers were borderline and I put him on a lot of vitamins, made him quit smoking and cut down on caffeine and alcohol. Its a lot of work but I do all the grocery shopping and banish us from going out to lunch. I prepare all our lunches and dinners and make sure the both of us are putting good things in our bodies.

Asry, vent away! We all have those days. As my SIL said who was struggling with infertility, every day you wake up its a 50/50 shot if it'll be a good day or bad day. I think a lot depends on where we are in our cycle and outside influences.
Just wanted to say thank you to those who have welcomed me - it's really lovely to be back here and I'm pleased I came back.

I am on CD10 of a 29/30 cycle today so will be starting the :sex: (if OH is not too tired...........)

I just wondered if you ladies tend to BD every other day or every day (bit tiring for an old lady like me!). I've read all sorts of different advice but does it really make a difference?

Thanks for the welcomes. I had a doctor's appt today and my ultrasound showed a very nice 24 mm follicle pushing his was out the door. Plus, i finally got my LH surge this am. Combine that with awesome CM.

We do IUI tomorrow with DH's sperm. DH and I are considering using donor sperm. Neither of us is particularly concerned with the exact biology of the child. We just want to be parents. With the cost of IUI being $400 and IVF begin $8800, it just seems to make really good sense for us. The doctor kind of gave me a weird look when I brought it up--like I was saying something ridiculous he had never heard before. Anyone else trying this route???
afm, some ppl seem to rub their pregnancy in your face, but here's what happened to me. I told my friend last feb that we are ttcing, she had just broken up with his fiance and jumped into a new relationship. Shes got 2 kids with his ex. Anyhow, I havent heard from her since june, and I have tried couple of times to contact her then gave up as she never bothered. Now just today I found out from her ex that she is expecting TWINS. Well there you go then, I see why no contact :growlmad:
*need to edit this, as I'm feeling so pissed off! Does she think I'm so brainless that I couldn't live with her news or what?!! (+ I'm having pms, and my temps went bit down today AND so scared tomorrow it'll be even more lower and dpo10 spotting again...I NEED TO think positive think positive!!)

:hugs::hugs::hugs: That sucks...

Hey Giirls,
I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to drop by or catch up for a while. Hope you lovely girls are all good. I wanted to announce that Shirin has arrived finally after another bleeding episode at 38 weeks on 3rd of Jan by cx. She is a cute and funny baby keeping us entertained at all times. :)) Her nickname is "Pixie" since she looks like one :)

We have been in and out of hospital last week with jaundice and weight loss issues but finally home and enjoying having her around. I added her photos in the graduates thread anyone interested to see.

I'm so thrilled that everything went well and you have your little missy there to keep you company now! :hugs::hugs:

how is everyone doing today??

Doing good... not looking forward to going back to work today as the last 3 days have been off for school. lol Other then that... not much to report, except did I post that my numbers are now down to 67? Anyway, they are and my bleeding is... well... still here and at this point I'm not making any guesses as to what it's going to do.

I am on CD10 of a 29/30 cycle today so will be starting the :sex: (if OH is not too tired...........)

I just wondered if you ladies tend to BD every other day or every day (bit tiring for an old lady like me!). I've read all sorts of different advice but does it really make a difference?


My DH and I tend to bd every other day. SOMETIMES we'll catch two days in a row but that's fairly rare. From what I understand it all depends on his sperm. If he has low sperm count then it's probably better to bd less often so he can save up for each time, but if he has a high sperm count then more often is fine.

Thank u dodger! You, me and missy like the younger ones!:winkwink::winkwink: We did have a really great talk last night after I told him what my cousin posted on FB...he had a few choice words he would love to tell her. We were about to dtd, when he will get pregnant and you will be a mommy! My heart melted. I :cry::cry: a little today thinking about how hard this is...why some people get pg at a drop of a hat....and we have to go through so much pain, sadness and heartbreak. When all we want is to be mommy's!

Awww! That's so sweet! And yeah, it sucks that some people get pregnant just by wanting to and we have to work and work and work and still have problems. :(
Thanks for the welcomes. I had a doctor's appt today and my ultrasound showed a very nice 24 mm follicle pushing his was out the door. Plus, i finally got my LH surge this am. Combine that with awesome CM.

We do IUI tomorrow with DH's sperm. DH and I are considering using donor sperm. Neither of us is particularly concerned with the exact biology of the child. We just want to be parents. With the cost of IUI being $400 and IVF begin $8800, it just seems to make really good sense for us. The doctor kind of gave me a weird look when I brought it up--like I was saying something ridiculous he had never heard before. Anyone else trying this route???

That makes absolutely perfect sense to me :) It's exactly what we plan to do if we're not knocked up by somewhere in mid-2012 (I'm 36, he's 37). IVF is so expensive I just can't bring myself to do it without a couple tries at IUI.
Just popping in quick to say Skye your little girl is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!
Purplelou, I’m sorry to read of your father health. I hope they can ease the pain to make him as comfortable as possible under the circumstances.

Missyt & Luvvie, dh has no hobbies besides work so the juiciest thing I can think to say is “how’s work on page 2 of the proposal?” excitement abounds:winkwink:

Lavalux, congratulations on two healthy little ones! Rottpaw, thanks for the update.

Butterfly, I hope all went well with BF yesterday. Fx’d

Luvmydoggies, people can be so obtuse sometimes.

Dodger, good luck on your blood test next week.

Welcome, ipen!
Laura - congratulations on the birth of Liam & Lily, Skye I think I've already said congratulations on Shirin's arrival but if not Yay!!!

I'm another cradle snatcher - DH is 31 and I'm (nearly!) 37

Welcome ipen

Big love and hugs to everyone
Hello my lovely's!:flower:

Constancev18, Never, Lady H, Sarah69, Tinatin, Purple, FM!!!:hugs::hugs:

Missy- I understand why you deactivated your fb acct. :hugs:

HappyAuntie- Are you still at Disney? Miss u :hugs:

Dwrgi- The way you described what happened with my dh was right on the money! :thumbup: Thank u for your post- it made me smile and I really need that right now!:hugs::hugs:
My cousin thinks the world revolves around her. She does that with scans, details etc. Not only does she post everything on FB but she has to email everyone as well, just in case you didn't see all the scans and details on FB. :growlmad: I have to say that it is just like that side of the family (my Dads) to do that. They love to brag and show off.:wacko:

My family that is in Czech R. and Slovakia...totally oposite My uncle is always calling and sending well wishes. He also sends cards and the first thing written is always something very sweet and thougtful about Chris and I getting pregnant. I'm so sad they are so far away. My Mom even has a friend that she met here that is from Austria..who just got back from visiting her fam in Austria and brought my Mom and I gifts. She gave me a little chocolate teddy bear for good luck for me to have a baby this year!

Butterfly- How did your night go? FX'd:happydance:

Asryellah- I know what you mean about people rubbing their pregnancies in your face or not telling you they are pregnant. :hugs::hugs: It has happened to me so many times. One of my friends, I had to completely cut out of my life because she was blessed with two little boys, she got pg v. easily both times, no issuses what so ever. Everytime, I would talk to her on the phone she would complain about her boys, her life, her dh....she even once told me I should never become a mother because I will not like it. Then, said..if u want kids you can have my boys...after that convo. I stopped talking to her.
I honestly think my cousin enjoys every minute of knowing that she is pg. with number 3 and that Chris and I have not been able to start our family yet.

Skye- I saw the photos of Shirin- She is absoltely gorgeous. :baby: Glad you are home from the hospital.:hugs:

Ipen44- Good luck with your IUI.

Dodger- Good luck with your blood test!

Twink- Yay for robbing the cradle.:winkwink::winkwink: Seems that there is quite a few of us that have younger men! I like it. I met mine when he was 21:blush: and I was 27 just about to turn 28.

:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss: to you all.
Hi Ladies, I thought I might join you. I sometimes lurk in the over 35 to get advice about supplements etc, and as I am 38 in 2 days time and it has been freaking me out I thought I'd say hello.

Hi Dodger, nice to see you over here!
Just wanted to say thank you to those who have welcomed me - it's really lovely to be back here and I'm pleased I came back.

I am on CD10 of a 29/30 cycle today so will be starting the :sex: (if OH is not too tired...........)

I just wondered if you ladies tend to BD every other day or every day (bit tiring for an old lady like me!). I've read all sorts of different advice but does it really make a difference?


Every other day when I'm coming up to ovulation, although if my OH and I feel like it we do consecutive days too. Every other day is better for boys with sluggish swimmers, as they have a chance to regroup and multiply on the 'day off'!

Good luck, I'm rooting for you!
Thanks for the welcomes. I had a doctor's appt today and my ultrasound showed a very nice 24 mm follicle pushing his was out the door. Plus, i finally got my LH surge this am. Combine that with awesome CM.

We do IUI tomorrow with DH's sperm. DH and I are considering using donor sperm. Neither of us is particularly concerned with the exact biology of the child. We just want to be parents. With the cost of IUI being $400 and IVF begin $8800, it just seems to make really good sense for us. The doctor kind of gave me a weird look when I brought it up--like I was saying something ridiculous he had never heard before. Anyone else trying this route???

Good luck ipen!
Pinksmarties :hi: and welcome :)

Constance - best wishes for tomorrow, I hope everything goes well, Ill be keeping everything crossed for you hun xxx

and Ipen - good luck to you too, I hope your IUI is successful xxx

Dwrgi - I just feel a bit achey but the cold doesn't seem to have materialised :thumbup: how long till you start the ivf meds??

sarah - we normally dtd every other day but if the mood takes us then whenever! :winkwink:

Missy and Asry - that's plain mean about FB, Im sorry that people felt it was ok to do that to you both :hugs:

Butterfly - Im keeping all my fingers crossed for you this month!! I hope this is THE one :hugs:

Dodger - 67 is a definite big drop from your previous numbers, That's great!! :hugs:

Twinkle - we've all got those younger men :winkwink: it's because we are all still young and beautiful!! (because I say so!)

HA - hope your still having a fab time! can't wait to hear all about your trip xx

big :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: to FM, Tinatin (your avatar just made me almost choke on my tea lol) never (how are you doing hun...stalk) northstar, LadyH, skye, lava (although you two ladies are wayyyy too busy to see this) and lovely Luv

afm - thank you for all you kind words about my dad, I really appreciate it, thank you for thinking of me, especially as you all have plenty on your own plates :hugs: and Im in the TWW and remaining hopeful [-o<

I have a good feeling about January for this thread!:flower:

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