TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Welcome Tinatin and Lady H :flower: LadyH, I've been struggeling with my oh also. Now he has finally promised to go to SA....we'll see. But good luck with that :thumbup: some men seem to need (too much) time to think and get their minds set on it.

Praying, I really wish that the next step whatever it'll be will be the one to bring you :yellow: or hopefully you won't even need to go that far and plus will arrive on its own..I do pray for that also, a miracle plus. But also I'm SO ready to start really working on this, insemination is what my gyn has suggested next to try..

Now another cup of :coffee: and then doggy out for a long walk :happydance:
So good to.see you back! Hope you are well.

Welcome to the newbies. This is such a great thead.

You always compose the most.thoughtful, sweet posts.

Hi Dwrgi/Amanda! Wish I could have a good cuddle with your sweet pups!

Hope Disney is relaxing & fun. Hopefully just what you & your DH need until his appt in Feb. to lift your spirits.

No news to report right now on my end ... just in the homestretch, on bedrest, still worried about Liam's growth issues. We will get ultrasound measurements and possibly a delivery date on Tuesday. Sorry if I'm not posting much. I'm still lurking so I can keep up with everyone.
No news to report right now on my end ... just in the homestretch, on bedrest, still worried about Liam's growth issues. We will get ultrasound measurements and possibly a delivery date on Tuesday. Sorry if I'm not posting much. I'm still lurking so I can keep up with everyone.

Hi Laura

Lovely to see you back! Glad that you're on the home stretch, but try not to worry about Liam. It is great that the medical professionals are keeping a close eye on the situation-let them worry about it! Try to stay strong for your little bbs when they arrive! I am thinking of you and sending you big :hugs:!

Asry-hope that you get the SA soon, so you know what you're playing with, so to speak! Enjoy your walk! x

Welcome Constance, Anorak, Lady H, Tinatin, Kiska, ! Let's hope your stay is short and sweet!

Hey Dodger, glad the results are falling. Am I right in saying that there is a popular belief that in the month after a mc, the woman is highly fertile??? My friend told me this, don't know if I believe it, but she got PG in the month after MC, and is now at 14 weeks-she'd been told this too, and had tried for 2 years before she got pregnant with the baby she went on to miscarry. Good luck with the DTD, if that's the case! Hope you're okay though? Sending :hugs: to you!

Purple, good luck with catching that egg! Am sending lots of positive thoughts your way!! Hope your father's appointment goes well and they give you some good news! Has your DH seen any properties that you like??? The web is lethal for that!! Good luck with the DTD, my friend! :hugs::hugs:

Missy-how are you feeling now hun? Have you managed to have a session with the hypnotherapist? Jo-CR (you may remember her from the summer, before she left B&B) had a few sessions with a hypnotherapist, and she found them helpful in relaxing. Will ask her how she's getting on, and feed back to you. Thinking of you sweetie, Axxxxxxxxxx

Luv-how's your weekend? Hope you're having a nice time. :hugs:

Butterfly, how are things with you? How are you getting on with the painting? Am thinking of you and sending lots of love, Axxxx

Twinkle, where are you at? Hope you're okay? Sending bug :hugs: to you!

North Star, did you say that you had to miss this month as hubby was away???? I can't remember where you're at. Hope you're okay? xxx

Skyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye!!! How are you my sweet? Thinking of you! Love to you and baby Shirin!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Manuiti, Pad, Nikki, Carole, Never, HA, FM, OMM, Madeline= :hi::hi::hi::hi::hi::hi:

AFM, well girls, I've got confirmation that ICSI 2 will be next month, with egg collection scheduled for week beginning Feb 20th, so probably start stimming around and about Feb 5th ish, less than a month away. Aaaaarggghhhh. I have asked to use Pregnyl this time, as my trigger shot, rather than Ovitrelle. I hope this yields more eggs for me.

Blooming new batch of DHEA still hasn't arrived, and I'm now on third full day without it. Beginning to panic but hoping that missing a few days won't make a huge difference, considering I've been taking it since beginning of Sept. Spent a small fortune yesterday on vits in Superdrug (thanks for the tip, Purple-I also got vit B6, omega 3, 6 & 9 and vit E on BOGOF which I was really pleased with. You saved me loads! :thumbup:) and Holland & Barrett.

Don't know how I feel about the new ICSI. I'm glad that I'm doing it as nothing else is working, but I have got to get my head around the potential failure of it and don't know how to do that, as I was completely bereft last time. It's a month of thinking conception non stop, completely intense, and then when it's over and you get a BFN, or non-fertilization like with me, you feel completely overwhelmed with failure and lost hope. It's a rollercoaster of emotions. But, you've got to be in it to win it, right???!!

Also, wanted to ask, I have THE worst rash/acne on my back. Doc reckons it's down to the DHEA but why my back??? Or, could it be any of the vitamins?? Or am I just allergic to the M&S vest I bought and haven't taken off, well, almost...... All I know is that it looks dreadful and feels really itchy. Any ideas?????? (Update-I think this may be due to the COQ10 that I'm taking... or C**K like some mischievous ones have called it(fnarr fnarr!!! Read on another thread that it caused acne, and it coincides wit when I quadrupled my dose. Grrr.).

Anyway, enough of my rantings!

Purple-the avatar is me and my OH feeding some starving abandoned ponies that live on the common land behind the village. It was taken last Christmas Eve (2010) when they were unable to access any grass as the snow had completely compacted. A local farmer donated some hay and me, OH and one other volunteer went and found some of the animals and gave them the hay. They were extremely tame and very happy to see some food!! Alas, I lost the car keys minutes later, OH went ballistic as we were due to head to Pembs to see my parents for Xmas, and there was no hope of finding them, or so we thought. After a frantic search we found them by pure chance by the back of the car. Big phew!!!!!!!!

Love to you all, and :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: to each and every one of us!!

Praying-it will be good to have a plan! Good luck with your next step. x
Welcome to the newbies, I hope you all get your BFPs as soon as possible :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Dwrgi - I am very excited that you have got the date for your ICSI. Hopefully this time you will get a bunch of fertilised eggs. This second one should be much better as they can learn from the last one. I get that you are afraid of the possibly failure but like you say you have to be in it and you have done all you can to get those eggs in tip top shape :thumbup: I think missing a few days of DHEA should not matter so hopefully it turns up in the post tomorrow.

I have booked to go to Dubai for almost the whole of February for a couple of things - marshalling at the golf and selling (hopefully) my paintings at a music festival that goes on for 10 days. I'll be away from 3rd to 29th so I will be on and rooting for you A.

I have to say that I am tempted to just go out and get laid when I am out there on my O date and see what happens :blush::haha::haha::haha:
Dwrgi - I can understand your worry about this icsi failing, BUT and it's a big one - if you do nothing you'd always be wondering "what if" so you have to give it a go :hugs: and you know you have a huge cheering squad (including me) that will be here sending all the :dust: and love we can, your way xxx of course it would be even better that you caught the eggy this time and don't even need that icsi (I really hope so) oh and the horse are lovely! bless them not being able to eat - the snow that year was awful!!

Butterfly - maybe Im naughty, but I don't think that's such a bad idea :hugs: have a lovely time anyway and I hope your painting sell like hot cakes (whatever hot cakes are!)

Missy - how are you doing?? did you manage to find a new therapist? I never imagined it would be so hard in the US to find one :hugs:

HA - Hope you are enjoying Disney and having a fab time with your family xxx

Twinkle - hope you are doing ok hun xxx

Lady H - welcome to the thread :) may your stay here be short, the ladies here are wonderful though.
Lava - it's almost good that you are bed-resting, so you can plenty of rest because it's not long till you are really going to have your hands full. take advantage of all the rest you can get xxx

Skye - how are you doing?? How is being a mommy?? I so looking forwards to seeing pictures of baby Shirin xxx

FM - :hi: hows everything with you ?? and how are the adoption plans coming??

big :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: to (here goes) Asry, Manuitit, Madelaine, Sunny (how are doing??) anorak, titi, Carole, Northstar, luv, Pad, OMM, Never (Im going to stalk you in a sec!) and Dodger (Ive heard that about people beig more fertile after MC - I did had a little experience with that but it wasn't meant to be, But it would be so lovely if it happened for you! :hugs:)

Ok .... there are so many of us, I am going to have check myself in case Ive forgotton someone
aha - and big :hugs: to Praying, constance and tinatin. I hope everyone's had a lovely weekend??

afm - cbfm says "high" today so I am thinking my temp will be up tomorrow, then we wait and see (fingers crossed) DH is still looking at houses (it is definitely a full time occupation) and Im finishing work early tomorrow (thank you, understanding bosses) to take mum and dad to the hospital, we've has a busyish weekend so far - out with mum doing some DIY shopping yesterday, and then took them to lunch today in the local pub (yummy) and we have been DTD every other day (and maybe later today - just to be sure!!)

Big loves xx
oh I forgot to say - got some petrol today and in the little shop - they are selling Easter eggs! In case you wanted to get ahead with your shopping :dohh:
Welcome to the newbies, I hope you all get your BFPs as soon as possible :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Dwrgi - I am very excited that you have got the date for your ICSI. Hopefully this time you will get a bunch of fertilised eggs. This second one should be much better as they can learn from the last one. I get that you are afraid of the possibly failure but like you say you have to be in it and you have done all you can to get those eggs in tip top shape :thumbup: I think missing a few days of DHEA should not matter so hopefully it turns up in the post tomorrow.

I have booked to go to Dubai for almost the whole of February for a couple of things - marshalling at the golf and selling (hopefully) my paintings at a music festival that goes on for 10 days. I'll be away from 3rd to 29th so I will be on and rooting for you A.

I have to say that I am tempted to just go out and get laid when I am out there on my O date and see what happens :blush::haha::haha::haha:

Flippin' just go for it girl! Make sure it's within a hotel compound though!!!! :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

Yup, got to be in it to win it! Strangely excited but VERY apprehensive! Just had a chat with OH about "cutting down" on weekend alcohol (we don't drink in the week at all).. Hmmm, interesting, but I asked him to support me and just cut back, like I'm going to. He didn't say 'no', but we'll see. Funny how five little bottles of Belgian beer don't count.... Grrrrr!

A whole month in Dubai sounds fantastic-and marshalling at the golf too! Wwww, you jammy thing!! I am soooooo envious. And I hope you sell loads of your paintings too! Thank you so much for your support, btw, it means a lot!

And, like I said, do WHATEVER you have to do, girl, to get that BFP!!!

Welcome Tina and Lady H! This is a great bunch of ladies.

Constance, best of luck on the ER. I hope you got loads of eggies.

dwrgi, so exciting that you ICSI is scheduled. Just do your best to try and relax. I know it sounds cliche. I'm sure acupuncture will help. Are you going to go to your acupuncturist right before and right after ET? I just finished the Zita West book and she recommends that to her clients.

Purple, I did find a new therapist. Its actually one I wanted in the first place but she had a waiting list. I think it all worked out for the best. He is a hypnotherapist and the one I went to before really helped me and that what I'd like. I think I know more now what I need and not what other people are telling me I need. I think this is a good thing as I'm getting to know myself better.

AFM, DH is back home. We DTD 3 times the night he got back but I think its too late as I think I O'd earlier that day or the day before. Oh well, at least we are getting practice and I know he missed me. I'm making much more healthier meals and he's on board. Luckily he loves veggies so that won't be a challenge. I just got to get him away from the caffeine and alcohol. At least in moderation.
Dwrgi, I bet the acne is from the DHEA. I stopped taking it. I had an oil slick on my face constantly. I also wonder if its too much hormones. Maybe you should stop taking it when you start stimming. You don't want to mess up your numbers.
Hello all, am reading & sending you all big love.

AF is here & I'm 37 on Friday - - generally feeling a bit shite, sorry
Hello all, am reading & sending you all big love.

AF is here & I'm 37 on Friday - - generally feeling a bit shite, sorry

Aw, big hugs. That's a bad birthday present to get, but try to smile and have fun. And on the bright side you can have a glass of birthday wine! :wine:
This is very true - good PMA Tinatin!! I als got to have a lovely hot bubbly bath tonight!
Hello all, am reading & sending you all big love.

AF is here & I'm 37 on Friday - - generally feeling a bit shite, sorry


I'm a few months behind you age-wise. I'll be 37 in August. :( Happy early birthday though!!!
oo, that is bad. :hugs: I'm coming up 37 in the Spring and not looking forward to it. When I get AF i sometimes find a bit of retail therapy helps!
I went for a run!! Now I feel 137!! Just got to keep it up for the next 3 months until my next FS appointment!!

Dodger - we'd have been in the same class at school!!

Feeling very jealous of HA & her Disney trip atm!
I went for a run!! Now I feel 137!! Just got to keep it up for the next 3 months until my next FS appointment!!

Dodger - we'd have been in the same class at school!!

Feeling very jealous of HA & her Disney trip atm!

I laughed so hard at this! Yes, running always makes me feel like I'm a dying wooly mammoth, so I'm right there with you. Happy happy birthday :)
Dear Twinkle, you are beautiful and kind and thoughtful - 37 is just one day older than 36, it means nothing in the scheme of things, so don't let it get you down :hugs: have a lovely glass of wine and as many hot bubble baths as you want too. as for the witch......:witch::gun:
Butterfly Dubai sounds wonderful!!!! :yipee: hope you have seriously good time there :thumbup:. That's been one place we've been thinking of going this winter, but then decided on canary islands. Oh and yes do whatever you gotta do on project Baby!!!! :winkwink::headspin:

Twinkle, I'm wishing you happy birthday now in advance and hopefully AF :grr:
disappointment has gone away by friday and you can totally enjoy and treat yourself on your B-day :beer: and 37 is new 27.. right???!!

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