TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hi lovely Ladies!

Wow in-law hassles, sounds like some nightmares there. Not sure if it is lucky or unlucky that my husbands parents both passed away within 6 months of each other 10 years ago. Once his Dad went Mum could not last without him. I feel sad that we did not get our acts together and produce a Grandchild whilst they were alive. DH is the youngest and only boy with 4 older sisters. Mum kept going until she got her boy as he is the last in the line to carry on the family name. If we are not lucky enough to produce a boy his family name is gone. No pressure!

Sometimes I feel sad they are not around, other times honestly it saves lot of hassles.

I'm due to test in a few days, will probably just wait for :witch:to show her ugly face, as I am pretty sure she has an invite this month :cry:

Love and :dust:to you all :hugs:
Hey guys, can I join in?

I am 46 tomorrow (eek!) :wacko: and OH is 35 (I'm a cougar!). :happydance:

We have been TTC for 4 years naturally. I am now seeing a FS, he has put me on Clomid for 4 cycles. This is my first cycle and I had a scan today and it is good news, I have an 18mm follicle, he is really pleased with the results.

If Clomid doesn't work, we will be looking at IVF.

Loads of :dust: to you all.
Just joined today. TTC #1 at age 36 and 17 days lol. I'm on CD#12 expecting to ovulate between tomorrow and Thursday. I charted since last March to see how regular I am and I'm regular, it's always 26-28 days. Hoping to defy the odds and conceive on the first try but ready for a wait.

I am new to the board and feel a bit all over the place, like I don't know which forum I belong in! This one since I'm over 35, or the regular forum since there's so much info, or the alternatives forum as I'm using sperm donors (I'm single and don't see that changing any time soon, but I AM getting older, or the TTC #1 forum... or all of them. Heck I don't know!

All I know is it's nice to be here and I feel very positive reading these threads and knowing people do succeed and also that there are people in the same boat in terms of really wanting a child & sharing info on how to make that happen :)
Hi heavenly - we've got a bit a cougars club going here - welcome!!

Welcome too dipsysp - I think it's a case of dipping your toes into lots of threads and seeing where you're most comfy! I have 2 homes apart from my journal - here & over on bellies to bumps in ltttc - works for me!
dipsysp- this is the first day im posting too. im finding it a bit hard to find the right spot too as i am also single and of untested fertility.. ie i havent tried and failed with a partner and have no idea how easy or hard this will be. im 38 (39 in march). the glb forum is helpful because it is the same issue in a lot of ways (ie donor sperm only). im 5dpiui on my first try. doc suggested clomid but i went one cycle natural.
Hi dipsy and drsquid - it does seem difficult to find the right place - I don't have a partner but up to now my ex has been a volunteer. We were supposed to finish at the end of the year (9 tries) but I got another shot this month - anyway, I also tried a few places but I didn't really get on with the under 35s as there was way too much symptom spotting and worrying about being past it at 30 :shrug:

I hope you find a good few threads with people who know what you are going through. Good on you for taking it on on your own :thumbup::flower:

For some it can happen really quickly and for others a bit longer, I hope for you it is the former :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I am sadly not a cougar (DF is 37 and I'm 36), but I feel now like maybe I should ditch him and get a younger model? What do you ladies think? :thumbup:

In all seriousness, I think we may be out this month. I got a :bfn: and within a couple days of AF, so I'm pretty sure I would have seen at least a faint line. I'm going to take this 100% philosophically since we just started trying in Dec. I'm dying to call my GYN and ask him to run some tests, though. At 36 after 2 months ttc, is that too early?
The general rule of thumb is if you're over 35 and not pregnant within 6 months of well-timed sex, that's when a dr will run some tests. If you're under 35, they won't run tests until you've been trying for a year. The fact of the matter is that a perfectly normal, healthy couple at the peak of their fertility can take up to a year to get pregnant. When the woman is over 35 it takes even longer, but they run tests sooner just because IF they find something wrong (and that's a BIG if, because the very vast majority of people have nothing wrong with them), you have less time to fix it before your biological clock runs out completely.

If you really think about it, when you only have 12 chances per year to get pregnant, it's no surprise it can take a long time. That under-35, perfectly healthy, crazy fertile couple only has like a 20% chance each month of getting pregnant. It's kind of a miracle anyone ever gets pregnant when you think about the million tiny little things that have to go perfectly right for a healthy baby to be born! :wacko:

I know it's really easy to panic when you hang around BnB for a while and see all sorts of women with losses and/or infertility, but you have to remember that we are not a random sample of women... we all came here seeking out support. We are not a random cross-section of the population.

Welcome to all you new ladies. I sincerely hope you like our little thread! :flow: It can take a while to find your BnB home, so feel free to poke around lots of places and lurk and read lots of threads until you find a place where you feel comfortable. AFM, I mostly hang around here, the recurrent mc thread, and the LTTTC journals because that's where I have things in common with people.
You're always welcome here Heavenly, dipsysp and drsquid :flower: and good for you D&D on being strong women and doing this on your own. If I'd be single or become one, I'd be going onto donor sperm also :thumbup:
Twinkle - cougar club :thumbup::haha:

Tinatin - I did go for my first bloodtests after 4 months of trying, and ended up done with all tests (for me) when 1 year of trying was full. Public healthcare here expects ppl to try 1 yr before seeking help, but private practises of course take you whenever you want to go.

So :af: is here. F*ck that. I'm waiting for our vacation next week - canary islands :happydance:
Hi DrSquid (love that name!!) Heavenly and Dipsy - and welcome :flower: I hope your stay here is short :)

there are quite a few of us with younger men :winkwink: here !

I think you will find the ladies here are just fab!! I mostly stay here on this thread, but I do have a poke about in the some of the ClearBlue Monitor threads too (because the ladies there have loads of knowlegde and experience on it)
so you ladies might find that you have a poke around for information on different issues :)
Thank you for the warm welcomes and hi to fellow newbies!!

Well, after the good news of an 18mm follicle yesterday on my first round of Clomid, I got a Peak today and it's my birthday! OH has surprised me, we have 2 days off work and we are going off somewhere soon, no idea where! My FS said to abstain from sex today, as the sperm quality will be better tomorrow, I find it difficult to not have sex when I see a Peak but I shall trust in my FS!!!

Hope you ladies have a lovely day today. xx
You're always welcome here Heavenly, dipsysp and drsquid :flower: and good for you D&D on being strong women and doing this on your own. If I'd be single or become one, I'd be going onto donor sperm also :thumbup:
Twinkle - cougar club :thumbup::haha:

Tinatin - I did go for my first bloodtests after 4 months of trying, and ended up done with all tests (for me) when 1 year of trying was full. Public healthcare here expects ppl to try 1 yr before seeking help, but private practises of course take you whenever you want to go.

So :af: is here. F*ck that. I'm waiting for our vacation next week - canary islands :happydance:

Welcome to Dr Squid, Dipsysp, heavenly and anybody else that's a newbie on here! I agree with everything that Purple, Butterfly and HA have said-have a poke around and see where you feel comfortable. I DID try a while in the Over 40s thread, but found it wasn't for me, and this has been my B&B home for a good ten months now! The women on here are fantastic. To help us all out, why not give a synopsis of your own story in your signature line, so we all know where you're at with treatment, etc.?

Hi girls! How are we all today? :flower::flower:

Asry-so sorry that dratted AF showed. Why does she torment us like this? Anyway, I am so glad that you have something to look forward to with your holidays to the Canaries! A bit of sunshine and sand, and sangria, ooo-la la la!! :hugs:

Carole-how are things ar home? Has your DH spoken to his parents yet??? Big :hugs: to you!

Missy-sorry that DSS cause some ructions for you. You are in a very difficult situation there, and I guess that DH's role is to smooth troubled waters. Of course you want to feed him good food, and look after him, and it shows what a caring person you are. I'm sure that if he doesn't appreciate this now, he will in the future! I can't remember what I've read in your journal and what I've read here, but I hope that you had a lovely weekend and that you're feeling positive about everything! I'm sending HUGE :hugs: to you! :hugs::hugs:

Purple-how are you today? Where are you at with your cycle?? Hope you're okay? Do you think we're going to get some snow???!! Big :hugs:!

HA-when do you start your treatment? Will we be cycle buddies? I hope so!!! :hugs:

Luv-how did the open house go? Did you get any interest?? I hope that things are progressing so that you can get your hands on some moolah for IVF!! :hugs::hugs:

Butterfly-big :hugs: to you in your 2WW! Are you still taking soya? What did think of it?? :hugs:

FM-hello hun! How are you? :hi:

North Star-where have you got to??? How did you get on with the Clomid??? :hugs:

Twinkle-where are you at? Hope you're okay?? :hugs:

Hello-Never, Skye, Lava-how are you all doing? :hugs:

Hello to everybody! Like Purple, I'm sure I'll miss somebody out, so I'm just going to say a general hello!!

AFM-due to stupid postman and stupid drugs company, I won't be starting my cycle when I thought. I was supposed to start taking norethisterone last Saturday to delay AF, but drugs company only rang on Friday to confirm delivery of all my drugs for this week, and my personal plan only arrived yesterday, due to mix up with the post. So, I'm going to have to put it back! However, as OH and I :sex: this month during OV, I couldn't bear the thought of what if, if I started the drugs this cycle, so IF (and I'm sure she will) AF arrives this weekend, then I'm ready to rock and roll. What a pain though.

My back is in a complete state-SO many spots, and painful ones too. Sorry, TMI. I've never had this before, and I'm sure it's either the DHEA or the extra CoQ10 I'm taking (I've just upped my dose from 30 mg to 120 mg per day, which coincides with onset of back acne). Gosh, don't I feel soooooo attractive!

Anyway, love to you all! :hugs:
Asry - sorry about the witch :hugs: Gosh I hate her!! but your holiday sounds lovely, it'll be nice to get some sunshine!!

Dwrgi - sorry to hear about the mix up with your drugs! what does this mean as far as this next cycle goes, will it delay things for you (although Im hoping AF doesn't arrive for you and that those meds can just go in the bin cos your gotten your BFP!) I keep wondering about snow - it's sooooo cold! It's just horrid scraping ice off the car in the morning :(

Luv - how's the house selling/hunting?? it's a big job isn't it. the thought of packing everything up is scary!! however when you find the right new place it'll be lovely!
Butterfly - I am crossing all limbs and digits for you in this TWW, I really hope this is the one for you!!

HA - have you recovered and settled back into "normal life" after your fab trip?? did you go to the Harry Potter bit?? I would absolutely love to go there, I loved the books (and the films!) when do you start meds etc??

Missy - hope your doing ok?? big :hugs:

Twinkle - what did you end up doing for your birthday?? and how's everything with you?? :hugs:
I know Im going to miss people (so sorry) so big loves to you all, including - FM, Pad, OMM, Lava, Skye, Carole, Titi, Nikki, anorak, pinksmarties, ladyH, never, northstar, and everyone xxxx

AFM - I am 9 days DPO and have convinced myself of all kinds of symptoms (not that I am symptoms spotting you understand :haha:) Im remaining hopeful and if AF shows - I WILL hunt her down! :brat:
purple - I'll hold on to AF tightly :bodyb: and won't let her come to your address!!! :grr: not that I like her...:haha:
Welcome Heavenly. I have a younger man too. You'll notice that a lot of ladies here have younger men.

Welcome, dipsy and drquid. We are happy to have your here. Us 35 plusers need to stick together.

Asry, so jealous of your vacation! I hope you have the best time!

dwrgi, that stupid drug company. I used to hate depending on them when I had my medicated cycles. I really hope you get your BFP naturally and don't even have to bother with the IVF. Thanks for the encouragement with SS. It is a hard situation. There are just so many thing I know I'd do differently and it makes me long even more for my own child.

AFM, I know AF is coming soon. I feel slight cramping and I was crabby this weekend. I'm not sure if the crabbiness was from PMS or SS getting on my nerves or maybe a combination of both.
Wow this thread has got busy again :haha::haha: and like someone (I think purple) said there are now too many names to think about naming them all as I will definitely forget someone, so :hugs: and a bit of :dust: too, to anyone who needs it!

Asry, holiday sounds fab :thumbup:

heavenly how lovely to be taken away and just at the right time :cake: :happydance: :sex: Happy Birthday!

constance - how did the ET go - how many did they put back? :hugs:

Thanks for the leg crossing purple :haha: and really hope you get the BFP this month :thumbup:

Tinatin, I think that a lot of us think like you when we start out in that it all seems so straightforward that we have sex at the right time and :spermy: meets egg then voila! :baby: - so like HA said there are a lot of other factors so maybe give it at least 4 or 5 months to see what happens before you get checked out - and even that would be lucky :flower:

Dwrgi, I tried soy for the Nov and Dec cycles - upped to the max dose on Dec but it obviously didn't do anything! In fact I think it may have messed up my hormones a bit as I now have quite low post O temps which is not a good thing I don't think. Again this month they are quite low so I don't know if there is still a fall out from it :nope:

Damn about the spots but hopefully it is all in a good cause. So does that mean you are delayed by a week or by a month for your treatment. You know I have everything crossed for you :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

And am going to send a special few :hugs::hugs::hugs: to OMM and Pad if you are lurking around
Asry - you are a sweetie!! :hugs:

Missy - I really hope af doesn't get you :( I think a few of us are expecting us soon, because she was such an unwelcome visitor around Christmas day :(

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