TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hi everyone :flower: sorry for being MIA, I was on BnB leave for a month over the holidays, was mostly at my parents as my Mum had an operation (which went well, she's good :thumbup)

There's too many pages for me to read, but huge congratulations to Lavalux and to Skye, was so rapt to hear that all the babies have arrive :hugs::happydance:

Dwrgi I have heard that "bacne" is a common SE of DHEA, but you never really know what SE you are going to get with supplements, it varies wildly from person to person :hugs:

AFM have been lucky with the Clomid, no SE and feeling really pretty well. Unfortunately not pregnant but :shrug: chart looks much improved.

First the good news...
Had my initial FS appointment yesterday which went well, they took some bloods and referred me on for further investigation, but advised that 8 month wait applies in my area for HSG etc right now on the NHS.

Now the not so good news...
My OH did the SA before Xmas but then got a phone call last Friday to say that something had went wrong at the lab, and he needed to repeat the sample. My FS looked up the lab report yesterday and it turned out that someone at the lab had put his sample in the fridge :dohh: could not believe it, it is extra difficult for us to get this done as he works away 2 weeks in 4. So he went to the doctors yesterday for a new sample cup and the receptionist in there claimed no knowledge of the call and no sample pot, made him explain in front of the entire waiting room what the sample was for :growlmad: then told him he needed to call his doctor today. So finally he got the doctor this afternoon, they will give him a new cup tomorrow, but it's too late to repeat the test this cycle, as we're now heading into fertile time :cry: And even though the FS ordered that D do 2 tests, the doctor will only give him 1 sample cup at a time :dohh: so he will have to go back yet again.

We will go on with the NHS for a little while longer but are looking at going private in a few months time.

OMG-that is completely appalling! Freezing the sperm-these are imbeciles! And your doctors! I would write a letter of complaint to them about the lack of privacy. And, sorry for Chave expression, WTF with just one cup at a time???? OMG< we never had this. Is it worth going to the local hospital and getting a cup/sample tube from there. What sort of service is this? I'm glad your chart looks better following the Clomid! It's good that things are moving, and hopefully you'll get some results soon! Thinking of you hun!

Ladies - Ive just collected the littliest furbaby (boy dog) from the vets where he's had to go for a few hours for ultrasound scan and xrays - poor baby has a whole bunch of kidney stones :( he's got to have surgery on thursday to remove them - ouchie!!

Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! Is he yours??? What breed is he? He sounds VERY cute!! Hope the little munchkin is better soon!
I'm 35 - I just got pregnant for the first time and miscarried at 7 weeks. I'm completely hopeless now. I feel like I'm so old, and worry that I'll never be able to carry a baby to term. I'm so depressed that I want to get on antidepressants, but my OB told me to stay off if I wanted to ttc again. It's a chore for me to get through each day. Everytime I sign on to facebook - every single person seems to be pregnant or have a brand new baby.

Hi Bruingirl :flower: and welcome, I am so sorry about your loss. It's a horrible thing to deal with :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: and it will take time to recover. BUT you are definitely not too old!! I know that feeling on facebook (and in general when walking down the street or shopping) when the whole world is pregnant or pushing a pram - it's like rubbing our noses in it eh?? Im not sure about antidepressants but I know some ladies are taking them whilst TTC, maybe someone more knowledgable will be able to advise xx
Girls-what do you think? My clinic emailed me-I can start the norethisterone now and hope that AF holds off and go with original date of week beginning Feb 20th or put it off and have EC somewhere around March 12th.....

I am CD25, have been having twinges last few days (left ovary particulalry-is this down to acupuncture, or womb lining, or WHAT?), period is due this Saturday (ish). I don't feel pregnant, but what if I am (miracles do happen)... Do I sit it out and wait another few weeks or start taking the norethisterone? I have three at home which will do me for today, I'm sure I could get more from clinic for tomorrow and delivery will bring me more for Friday. But for three weeks worth, is it worth just putting stimming off???? It's quite late in the cycle.....

Advice, thoughts????

NS-I love the term BACNE, and boy, do I have it? A regular occurence is for my OH to squeeze the most painful ones (TMI-I know, sorry), and the dog, Gwydion, goes mad at him, as he is protecting me. It is a complete drama (but I feel quite smug that Gwydion is MY baby and not his!!).

HA-I LOVE that song! They played it in the concert too! Oh, don't get me started on my JT fantasies! xxx

Hope you're all well! :flower::flower::flower::flower::flower::flower:
Luv - it sounds like it all went well with your house - I hope the right buyer is just making up his mind right now for you!!

Dwrgi - he's a jack russell cross, and he is such a big baby! I snuggled him to sleep last pm (which i know is bad - but he loves cuddles, especially if he's not feeling good) but this morning he only managed to pass a tiny dribble of a wee, so dh is taking him in for his op this am instead on tomorrow :(

Ill see if I can post a piccy
Dwrgi - Is it worth testing to put your mind at rest??

I know Norethisterone can need 3 days before your period to work.... Im not sure what to recommend :hugs:
Dwrgi, the Bacne sounds awful, still you are starting downregging soon so hopefully the hormones in the BCP will kill the Bacne, and then you are also off the supplements, FX it will be a thing of the past really soon. If it was me I would want to start asap, but patience is not one of my virtues...:haha:

ipenn - for your Clomid question I did my first (unmonitored) Clomid cycle last month.

I was lucky to have no SE, I'm only on a low dose (50mg) to accelerate ovulation due to timing issues around our work commitments, as I do ovulate on my own.

However the ovulation cramps I normally get were a lot worse on Clomid, usually I get ov cramps night before and day of Ov, which are uncomfortable but I can deal, on Clomid they were intense enough to wake me up and require some painkiller. So maybe the Clomid overstimulated me a bit, since I already ovulate simultaneously? I'm not sure, I'm trying it again this cycle, but next cycle myself and OH are both in town for 2 weeks together so I'm not doing any stimms.
Luv - it sounds like it all went well with your house - I hope the right buyer is just making up his mind right now for you!!

Dwrgi - he's a jack russell cross, and he is such a big baby! I snuggled him to sleep last pm (which i know is bad - but he loves cuddles, especially if he's not feeling good) but this morning he only managed to pass a tiny dribble of a wee, so dh is taking him in for his op this am instead on tomorrow :(

Ill see if I can post a piccy

Oh, he's a cutie!

I think I'll postpone the stimming... it's just too close a call. You wait now, my AF will arrive in a week's time, so I could have started the norethestirone, after all..... Thanks for your help!
Bruingirl, I had to cut off my FB account because I couldn't take all the stuff you mentioned. It actually has done me some good! You aren't too old. I know you are going through a rough time but don't give up on yourself. There are pleny of women in their late 30's and 40's that have healthy babies. It just takes some of us longer. There are other girls on here that are on antidepressents. I was on fluoxitine and my GP said it was safe for TTC. She's had patients that took it through pregnancy and had healthy babies.

Ipen, I had heavier periods when I was on clomid. I was also a total b*tch. It really messed with me emotionally.

Purple, your furbaby is so cute! I do hope he feels better and recovers quickly! Poor little guy!

Dwrgi, I think its good you made the decision not to stim. It will all fall into place. Just be good to yourself and stand by your decsions. Sometimes I think the worst thing we can do is second guess our decisions. AF if due for me around Saturday too.

AFM, not much going on. I'm just waiting for AF to show. DH might have to work this weekend out of state again. At least it isnt' doing my fertile window. I guess I can do the "me" weekend I didn't have last weekend because SS drove me nuts.
I'm 35 - I just got pregnant for the first time and miscarried at 7 weeks. I'm completely hopeless now. I feel like I'm so old, and worry that I'll never be able to carry a baby to term. I'm so depressed that I want to get on antidepressants, but my OB told me to stay off if I wanted to ttc again. It's a chore for me to get through each day. Everytime I sign on to facebook - every single person seems to be pregnant or have a brand new baby.

Bruingirl, I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my first at 12 weeks when I was 35, and there are lots of us on here who've suffered losses. I never felt old and I never heard my biological clock ticking until I lost that first baby. Everything you are feeling and experiencing is completely normal. If you go read the miscarriage support section of BnB ( you'll find that everything you are going through is completely normal.

It is only natural for you to grieve the loss of your baby, and it is natural for you to feel depressed and hopeless right now. I can tell you from experience that you will never forget the sadness of losing your baby, but I can also tell you that the pain of your loss will ease with time. How long ago was your miscarriage? Give yourself permission to grieve for as long as it takes - don't expect yourself to feel better right away, and don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. If you had lost a 7 year old child, everyone you know would come to your side to support you with help, hugs, tears, meals, and they would expect you to be sad for months, even years. For some reason our society does not view the loss of a 7-week pregnancy in the same way, but the fact of the matter is that you love your baby and your baby died, and you are going to be sad for a long time - and that is ok.

The first thing I would suggest is that you seek out counseling. If you can find a therapist who specializes in pregnancy loss or infertility counseling that would be best, but really all you need is someone experienced in grief counseling. A good therapist can help you through the grief, help you to understand what you're feeling and experiencing, and help you understand that the feelings you're having are completely normal for someone who's just lost a baby. If you don't "click" with the therapist after the first meeting or two, try a different therapist - there are jillions of them out there, and having the right relationship between you and your therapist is crucial - if you don't feel comfortable opening up and pouring your heart and tears out to your therapist, you aren't going to benefit from the counseling. After my 2nd mc I saw a therapist who was alright but I didn't really "click" with her... in about our 5th session she literally told me I should just get over it, and that's when I fired her and looked for a new therapist - obviously she was not the right therapist for me. (I absolutely adore my current therapist - I've seen her roughly once a week since last March, and I could not get through my infertility without her help.) A good therapist will also help you determine if you need or could benefit from anti-depressants. If you're concerned about the costs of counseling, look for a clinic that charges on a sliding scale, so they only charge you based on your income and how much you can afford to pay. If you're in the US, check with your employer, too - chances are they offer an EAP (Employee Assistance Program) where you can get counseling for free. (My DH and I are able to get 18 free counseling sessions for free each year thanks to our EAP.) And if you're a church-goer, you could seek counseling from your pastor. You could even look for a pregnancy loss support group instead of (or in addition to) individual counseling. You have lots of options.

As for anti-depressants, your dr is both wrong about them and insensitive to your needs and what you're going through, and if I were you I would find a new dr. Allow yourself the time to grieve, and if you are still feeling hopeless and depressed beyond what you (and your counselor/therapist, if you try counseling) might consider "normal" grief, talk to another dr about anti-depressants. There are lots of anti-d's that are safe during ttc and pregnancy. There are several known risks to the baby if the mother suffers from depression during pregnancy (lower birth weight, higher risk of premature delivery, higher risk of post-partum depression), and you and your dr have to weigh the risks of treating your depression (and the potential risk to your baby from the drugs) against the risk of not treating your depression (and the known risks to your baby of your depression). I think you'll find that most drs are in favor of treating the depression rather than leaving it to get worse. I started on anti-d's and an anti-anxiety medication after my 2nd mc, after consulting with three different drs about it, and every single one of them agreed it was the right thing to do and encouraged me to take the drugs. I am currently taking 450mg/day of bupropion (brand name Wellbutrin) and 15 mg three times/day of buspirone (brand name Buspar). As MissyT said, fluoxitine (brand name Prozac) is safe during pregnancy. And my sister was on citalopram (brand name Celexa) during her pregnancy with my nephew, and he is a 100% completely normal healthy 5 yr old. There are lots and lots of safe medication options, if medication is what you need. Some of these drugs have been around for more than one generation now, and hundreds of thousands of women have taken them while pregnant... if they were not safe, there would be hundreds of thousands of correlated children with birth defects or other problems and everyone would know about it. There are not.

I know how hard it is to grieve for your baby when everyone around you seems to be pregnant. I know it feels impossible right now, but I guarantee it won't always feel this bad. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Anyone else have a lot more cramps in 2ww with clomid. Should not be time for :witch:, but I sure have a lot of cramps. They are in one spot though and higher up than normal. Weirdly on the opposite side of where I felt the ovulation pain, but it feels like ovulation pain? I am on CD 22 and ovulated between CD17 and CD19 and had IUI on CD18. :witch: usually comes CD31 or 32, but not sure with clomid.

I haven't been on clomid, but I definitely have worse cramps/twitches when I'm on a medicated cycle (I did 6 cycles on follistim injections). I also ovulate regularly on my own, we added the drugs to get more than one egg per cycle to up our chances. Assuming you had more than one egg, that means you'll also have more than one corpus luteum, and that means more progesterone, and that means more twitches and cramps. Be prepared, because for some women it can also mean heavier-than-normal periods, too. It's kind of creepy to feel so much movement, but I guess I've gotten used to it because I don't seem to notice it much anymore! :wacko:

I think I'll postpone the stimming... it's just too close a call. You wait now, my AF will arrive in a week's time, so I could have started the norethestirone, after all..... Thanks for your help!

That's a tough one, but I probably would postpone, too... with everything you have invested (emotionally and financially) in an IVF cycle, I'd want to give it its best shot at pregnancy and I wouldn't want to leave myself open to doubting that decision later if I started the norethestirone now.... :hugs:

Luvvie, I'm glad the open house went so well! :thumbup: Were yesterday's lookers at your open house and back for a second look, or was their agent there and saw how awesome it was and knew she needed to bring her clients back? :winkwink: I hope something comes of it.

And yeah, if you see your OB every two months you'd think he'd remember at least the basics about you! :growlmad: What a turd.
And Lou, your doggie is so cute!! I hope he's ok - pls give us a post-op update. :hugs:
Ipen, when I was on clomid my periods were basically the same, till the last couple cycles basically just spotted :nope: but ovulation is something that I could really feel - soo painful!! Never felt it in my natural cycles (I do ovulate on my own also) but clomid also started to grow my follies too big..thats the reason prob. why ovulation did hurt. So I quit them.

Purple - your doggie is soooooooo cute! :awww: I hope he recovers quicly from operation poor thing, so its tomorrow already? Kisses for the cuteness :kiss: and sorry to hear your is still here so hopefully she has lost your address and wont show up.

To everyone else :hugs::friends::dust:
Purple-so sorry you got your BFN, but it's not too late for things to change, surely? Not over till the fat hag sings, I always say! Big :hugs: to you!

HA, thanks for the advice. I am going to wait-it's only an extra three weeks anyway. Won't be rushed then, and it allows us to get finances in order, so I guess it just wasn't meant to be! Hope you're okay? :hugs:

Missy-your relaxing weekend sounds cool, and it's good that you have a plan, if DH is away. Sometimes, it's nice just to be alone! Also, you're healthy eating regime is really inspiring me, and thank you so much for that! I made a quorn chilli tonight, and had loads of lettuce and chopped fresh tomatoes with it. I know it's not as healthy as what you're doing, but it's a start! So, thank you buddy! :hugs::hugs:

Thanks NS for the advice. What a blow that your DH works away so often, it just complicates things further. Hope you're okay? :hugs:

Lots of love to everybody!! Hope you're having a good night! :thumbup::thumbup:
HA - you always write the most amazing informative and comforting posts - thank you so much for "being you" :)

Dwrgi - I think you have made the right choice too - the "what if's" are awful! and at least this way you are not being rushed!

Asry - I really hope af has lost my address :haha: bless you xx

Ladies - thank you for all your wishes for my little boy, Brody. His operation went well but he has to stay at the vets to recover until the weekend. he is on a drip and has a little open wound apparently on his tummy but all the nasty stones are gone. we can visit him tomorrow :) our other dog pickle is missing him (missing bossing him about I think) but enjoying all the attention! I will keep you all updated

To all the other lovely ladies here - big :hugs: and loves to you all xx
dwrgi, I'm reading a book right now on the benefits of eating greens and lettuce is at the top of the list. Especially romaine and arugala. Apparently we as humans don't eat enough of greens even though it was a huge part of our diets many, many years ago. I think with all the processed foods, it takes too much of the nutrients out. And the best way to get vitamins and nutrients is through whole, fresh foods and not just rely on supplements. I do put a lot of effort into my eating and cooking and it does take time but I do think it'll pay off. And I feel good! I've actually noticed that my face looks younger and I don't notice wrinkles like I did before. Maybe the same principle is working on my eggs. I'm hoping so! You got my support if you want to continue on the super healthy track. And I can give you some ideas. Its not as hard as I thought it was and I'm actually enjoying it.

Purple, you must hate having your little Brody away. Last year around this time my little Smokey had to have emergency surgery. He swallowed something he shouldn't have and it got stuck in his intestines. It was expensive but I'd do anything for him. He is my baby. His brother, Bandit missed him too. But he did love the one on one attention for 2 days. I was so happy the day I picked him up. I took the whole day off so I could nurse him back to health and be with him. He was so happy to be home he didn't even act like he was recovering from surgery. I just love my little puggies to peices!
Hi lovely Ladies

Lurking a bit today and don't really feel like posting. This thread is my home though so I will say :hi:

Feel like I am getting a cold and reacting badly to the slightest thing - a cue of AF.

Purple - hope your furbaby is home soon for a Mummy cuddle! :hugs:

Going for a nice 4 hour walk with friends on Sunday, AF will be here by then so will need the exercise and fresh air. Any good weekend plans for you guys?

Dwrgi, the Bacne sounds awful, still you are starting downregging soon so hopefully the hormones in the BCP will kill the Bacne, and then you are also off the supplements, FX it will be a thing of the past really soon. If it was me I would want to start asap, but patience is not one of my virtues...:haha:

ipenn - for your Clomid question I did my first (unmonitored) Clomid cycle last month.

I was lucky to have no SE, I'm only on a low dose (50mg) to accelerate ovulation due to timing issues around our work commitments, as I do ovulate on my own.

However the ovulation cramps I normally get were a lot worse on Clomid, usually I get ov cramps night before and day of Ov, which are uncomfortable but I can deal, on Clomid they were intense enough to wake me up and require some painkiller. So maybe the Clomid overstimulated me a bit, since I already ovulate simultaneously? I'm not sure, I'm trying it again this cycle, but next cycle myself and OH are both in town for 2 weeks together so I'm not doing any stimms.

The cramps went away before going to bed. Then today at work, I was sitting there and got one sharp stabbing pain right in the spot that was cramping yesterday and then no more cramps. Very comfortable all day. It did feel like ovulation pain, but my left ovary ovulated on CD17 and now it is CD23. Wondering if the clomid caused my right ovary to fire off a little later??? My temp is still elevated (98.6 since ovulation) so I doubt it.
Ipen, when I was on clomid my periods were basically the same, till the last couple cycles basically just spotted :nope: but ovulation is something that I could really feel - soo painful!! Never felt it in my natural cycles (I do ovulate on my own also) but clomid also started to grow my follies too big..thats the reason prob. why ovulation did hurt. So I quit them.

Purple - your doggie is soooooooo cute! :awww: I hope he recovers quicly from operation poor thing, so its tomorrow already? Kisses for the cuteness :kiss: and sorry to hear your is still here so hopefully she has lost your address and wont show up.

To everyone else :hugs::friends::dust:

My follicle was 24 mm the day before ovulation. Is that big? I have gotten +LH surges and good CM before so I assume I was ovulating without clomid. I never did temping before. I hate the waiting game.

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