TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Missy - I am so impressed with you and DH even contemplating dtd before work !!! I am NOT a morning person and neither is DH - good start to our morning though :)

Dwrgi - I agree, the non stress attitude is very nice! :)
Hi All, is it only Tuesday still?! :dohh:

Heavenly - fx for you, I hate that BFN, guts you properly, but not over until...fat lady...etc :hugs:

I have Preseed and am on the Pink Grapefruit (yay Purple), can you be too wet...???!!! :blush:

Quick question - when should I start on the OPK's? How many days from AF day 1?? Finding it hard to temp as I'm not sleeping well, so struggling after about 3am to have a 3 hour run of sleep and to test around the same time. Didn't even try temping this am as saw every hour from 3.30! :sleep:

Sending :dust: to you all and glue to Butterfly! :hugs:
Heavenly, sorry, that's what I meant. BFN, AF, they both SUCK!!!

Lady H, I've heard to start OPK right after your period. I've also heard to start on CD9. I also heard to do 2 a day about 12 hours apart. If this is your first time with OPK, I'd probably start right after your period stops. I think the cheapies are the best if you want to do it twice a day. This time I'm doing it twice a day.
Quick question - when should I start on the OPK's? How many days from AF day 1?? Finding it hard to temp as I'm not sleeping well, so struggling after about 3am to have a 3 hour run of sleep and to test around the same time. Didn't even try temping this am as saw every hour from 3.30! :sleep:

Lady H - I don't sleep very well either - up all diff times. But, I would temp anyway. Alot of times it won't be that far off & it can be very valuable info. as you are suppd to see big swing down on O-Day & then shoot up day after (so swings are usually large enough even if off a little in temps).

As for OPKs, there is a lot of differing info. out there. Most important question would probably be: How long is your cycle typically? If cycle is erratic then I'd side on 2 OPK/day testing. If long cycles, you may want to stick w/ 1/day for now b/c you'll be testing a long time (I did on Day 28 cycle before last). If regular, you may want to just stick to Day 9 - Day20 (?) & go from there. I had probs w/certain internet cheapies but they work for others, so you can always start there & if nothing, switch to $$$ kind.

I've been through 9-10 months of hell w/OPKs & my cycle can vary (never a positive until last 2 mos & only "normal" O-Day was just this month - Day 18), so perhaps some of my suffering can help you! :wacko: :winkwink:
Hi All, is it only Tuesday still?! :dohh:

Heavenly - fx for you, I hate that BFN, guts you properly, but not over until...fat lady...etc :hugs:

I have Preseed and am on the Pink Grapefruit (yay Purple), can you be too wet...???!!! :blush:

Quick question - when should I start on the OPK's? How many days from AF day 1?? Finding it hard to temp as I'm not sleeping well, so struggling after about 3am to have a 3 hour run of sleep and to test around the same time. Didn't even try temping this am as saw every hour from 3.30! :sleep:

Sending :dust: to you all and glue to Butterfly! :hugs:

For me the LH surge is about 48 hours after lots of watery CM. This is true both on and off clomid. When I started my clomid, they wanted me to start testing at CD 7. That made me nuts as I do not ovulate until CD 17 and got a little panicked when it didn't work so early. I did find that it was necessary to test twice per day as my LH surge is only 12 hours and easily missed. I will start testing CD 12 this month.

Also, on the temping--I have been temping for only 1 month, but not adhere to all of the "rules". I just check it every am when I take my first pee : ). I have a noticeable pattern. I find as long as you do the same thing everyday if you can, you can still see a pattern.
Well, 14DPO and I got a BFN today, which wasn't a surprise.

Still no AF though, I am on CD27, perhaps the Clomid has mucked up my cycle. So, doesn't look hopeful but we shall see!!

Hope you lovely ladies are all well. xx

Hang in there. AF bites, but if she is going to show it is nicer if she has the decency to do so on time!
LadyH - I would say any fluid that helps the little spermies is good! :D
Still no AF and no AF pains either. I am on CD28 and 15DPO, all very peculiar. Must be the Clomid!!
very strange Heavenly, of course I know nothing about clomid etc :wacko: so maybe that;s normal?? do you know that's defintely when you Ov'd - do you get triggered or something with clomid (sorry Im so nosy!) I just wondered if maybe your dates could be out by a couple of days...would that make a difference??
very strange Heavenly, of course I know nothing about clomid etc :wacko: so maybe that;s normal?? do you know that's defintely when you Ov'd - do you get triggered or something with clomid (sorry Im so nosy!) I just wondered if maybe your dates could be out by a couple of days...would that make a difference??

I took the Clomid pills from CD2-CD6. I ov'd on CD13/14, and my cycle is usually around 24/25 days, but it does vary a little. I am on CD28 now. Just have to wait!!
OMG OMG OMG!!!!:happydance::happydance: Butterfly!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance:
What WONDERFUL news you got here!!!! :cloud9::hug: oh my oh my...
I was hoping so much (as of course I did think about you ladies during my vacation :boat:) that there would be a :bfp: when I get back, and yes there was!!!! So great news, I'm so happy for you Butterfly :cloud9:

So ladies, thats what we all need now - lets follow her with bfps of our own huh?!:thumbup:
Sorry for all of you who had the :witch: show up :hugs::hugs: There was so many pages that I cannot remember everyone and all news there was so I'm sending you all lots of love and :dust:
purple, Brody looks soooo precious :flower:

as for myself, we did have a great sunshiny, relaxing vacation in canary islands :cloud9: wish could've stayed there longer..:shipw: I totally ate too much:munch: and gained 3 kg's :blush: so i need to get back on track now!!!!! I thought I had o'ed mon-tue but it seems its happening now, and I'm sooooo tired from travelling that I dunno if we are up to it..:shrug: if not, I hope the ones from monday are still alive...
ps. OH finally did it :kiss:!!!!!!!!!!! I took his SA to the clinic the day we left for our trip. Prob get the results later this week :winkwink:
Thanks so much Asryellah! :hugs::hugs:

Glad you had a lovely holiday too and managed to get the SA sorted :thumbup::happydance:
welcome back Asry! glad you had a lovely holiday :thumbup: and yay for the SA being done! and thank you, I think Brody is very cute (and also super naughty again now! :winkwink: )

what a long day it's been today! and soooo cold!:cold:

anyway -

HA I am dying to know how the village people were! :happydance: and how are the meds treating you?

Dwrgi - its nearly Ov time again, do you start meds to stop your cycle or what happens next??

Butterfly are you now in sunny climes?? (or is next Friday you leave? I forget) :wacko:

heavenly, sorry for being nosy earlier, I am so interested in all this stuff!

northstar - was it you who tried soy before, I can't remember. Ive been doing some research into this. it sounds interesting.

Missy - how are things with you? and how is your little SS??

Twinkle - hope you are ok, haven't seen you for a bit :hugs:

LadyH - the pink grapefruit is yummy isn't it!

ipen - the temping thing is very interesting isn't it!? I was amazed when I started, to find it actually works!!

big :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: to all you ladies and OMM, Pad, Lava, Carole, Skye and Never, Nikki, Titi, and anyone else Ive forgotten (sorry!)

afm - nothing much new to report, awaiting ov at the moment and trying to dtd every other day and keeping fingers (and toes and eyes :wacko: crossed!)
Congratulations Butterfly! That's wonderful! H&H 9! :baby: :haha:

Good luck to all my girls this cycle. I'm praying for a BFP for as many of us as possible.

I know I haven't been around much...I've been limiting my time on websites right now to not stress myself out. I have been following via email notifications though for the most part, so I think I have been keeping up. :coffee:

Because you all are my girls, and you know that I'm a long-timer here on this TTC 1st 35+ forum, I want to post this to you all first, before I ventured anywhere else on BnB. I'm doing spoiler tags, so I hope you understand-I don't want to clutter up this board-they gave me this today at the doctors. Happy to answer any questions here, but again, I'll go into more detail on another forum.
6w3 on Flickr
Hi ladies - I am new to this thread... I have been on another thread for a while - but because of my age (39 and turning 40 in May) I think I need to join this one! We have been TTC for 10 years (off and on)... Have tried many different things (except for IVF), and have 1 adopted daughter (3 yrs old). I have unexplained infertility.... My naturopathic doctor thinks I may have the same problem that my sister had - an autoimmune problem where my body has elevated NK cells that destroy the embryo... I have never had a miscarriage either but have regular cycles and ovulate. Is anyone out there similar? Baby dust to all !!!
Nikki, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's amazing news, I'm so happy for you! :hug: I do remember stalking your temps few weeks back and noticing them being up :thumbup::winkwink:
This is so great news and brings us all hope!! I hope you have H&H 9 months :cloud9:
Hi Dashka :hi:
and welcome to the thread :) I hope your stay here is short and sweet. I have never had (or intend to at this point) had any testing done (only because we have decided it's not for us) so I can't say I have similar problems to you, but Im sure some of the ladies will be able to relate/advise. however - we are all aiming for the same thing, so good luck!

also I know on the LTTTC board I have read (because Im nosy) about NK cells and autoimmune problems, so you might find extra information there too x
Morning girls! :flower:

How are you all?

Nikki-I think this is a scan of an embryo, but I really am not sure as I have so little experience of this!!! But, if it is, then a HUGE congratulations to you! Don't feel that you have to be coy, as we all want to share each other's successes as much as we want to support the low points too. But, am sending you huge congratulations and well done you! Keep us informed of what's happening with you and how you are. Big :thumbup: :hugs:

Butterfly-have a great trip and make sure that you take very good care of yourself, and like I said, absolutely NO heavy lifting at all! Big :hugs: to you hun!

Hi Dashka, and welcome. There are lots that doctors can do to counteract elevated NK cells, so I am sure that you can find support for your problem. Have you had immunology tests done or are you speculating? My clinic in S Wales does immunology testing-in total they come to about £1800 :)wacko:) but tend to send people to see Dr Gorky in London for a detailed analysis of the results (this costs about £150-£200). But, like Purple says, root around and see if you can find some threads on this-I know that Agate on is good on immunology issues. Good luck to you! :hugs:

Purple-I really hope that this month is your month for catching that eggy!! So, good luck with the :sex:!! :thumbup::thumbup:

Asry-welcome back and good luck with your cycle this month! :hugs:

HA-how are you getting on with your injections? How did it go in the restrooms t'other night? I was thinking of you! Any side effects? Remember what Skye used to say about 60g of protein a day and at least two litres of water. Anyway, grow follies grow! I'm rooting for you! :hugs::hugs:

Hia Missy! How are you hun? Are you coming up to ov too? Good luck with it and I hope you catch your eggy too!! Lots of love, Ax

Hello everybody!! Too many to mention, but you all know who you are! :hugs::hugs:

AFM-huge dollop of EWCM this morning (and no JT!!), but cannot do anything about it as we have to use contraception! I am on CD13 and on CD21 I start the norethisterone (Feb 10th) (this is to prevent my period so that it starts when it suits the clinic-grr), finish this on Feb 23rd, report to the clinic when my period starts, and then we start stimming, with egg collection booked for week beginning March 12th. I have a sachet of testo gel this time, which I'm supposed to rub on my upper arm, and this is supposed to encourage follicle growth for 'low responders'! I can hardly wait!

Incidentally, I am sure she won't mind if I tell you, but some of you may remember JoCR. She just got a BFP on her first IUI! I am so delighted for her. :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Love to you all,
Axxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Dwrgi - that's lovely news about Jo, thank you!
and I supervised someone rubbing testosterone gel on their arms the other day - I know - weird!! (it was for a different reason than fertility) shame about the ewcm and it going to waste ! (JT must have had a lasting effect!!) I have a good feeling about this cycle for you!!

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