TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Af finally turned up this morning! So I will go with a 29 day cycle next month, will be much better for my blood pressure and save me a fortune on tests! Which means I could be OVing on Valentines Day...:cloud9:...and won't be testing til 2 March.

Love and :dust: to you all. xx
Nikki Leigh - OMG is that what I think it is as well as an actual :bfp:?? Is it :oneofeach: ???? :happydance::happydance: :yipee::yipee: That is brilliant news, i am so pleased for you :hugs::hugs::hugs: Please do tell a few details, I am sure you will give the girls encouragement :flower:

Great news about JoCR :happydance::happydance:

dashka welcome :flower:

heavenly sorry about AF but 29 days is a good cycle so fingers crossed for next time :hugs::hugs:

Dwrgi, bummer about the EWCM wastage :dohh::hugs:

:hi: hi to everyone, am in a rush to get my bags repacked as they are overweight and head to my sisters in an hour :dohh:
Heavenly - Bah!! to AF. :hugs: but yay!! for a new (lucky!) cycle :)

butterfly - have a fab trip, relax lots and enjoy yourself :hugs: and Ohhh I just looked at the Nikki's pic again - I wonder if you are right! (although I have no real clue how to read those things

Nikki - come and give us some details !!
Nikki - WOW - Congratulations!!! I was thinking the same thing - are those TWO in there?

Dashka - Welcome to 1st TTC >35 forum! If we don't quite understand your unique issues, we can still sympathize & offer support. A lot of us have been at it for a very long time, although you might have us on 10 years? :-(. I have O probs, but since I have started seeing naturopath (also) & doing acup. 1 month ago, I actually O'd on a "normal" CD18 (1/25) - Yay! (confirmed now). Don't know if acup regulated me/broiught it on, but... it's an awfully big coincidence...

Butterfly - go relax & take it easy, now. Hope you get some warm sunshine wherever you are going!

Heavenly, sorry :witch:, but the bright side is... Valentines day? Would make for a great story! ;-)

:dust: to all & BRING ON those :bfp:'s!!!!
Hi ladies! :flower: The last several days have been crazy busy, so I've been reading but haven't had a chance to post in a while....

Nikki, I am SOOOOO happy for you!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Thank you so much for letting us know. I was just thinking about you and a couple of the other thread founders the other day and wondering how you were getting on. Were you doing any treatments, or is this all your own work? I can't remember.... Please don't be a stranger - keep us posted! And if you feel up to it, don't forget there is a graduates thread:

Heavenly, I'm glad AF finally showed... well, not glad for the obvious reasons, but glad because I know it was making you crazy!

Welcome to Dashka - I'm glad you found us!

Asry, welcome back from your vacation - sounds like you had a fabulous time! (Here's where I need a tropical drink smiley again!)

I so love grapefruit... I used to have half a grapefruit for breakfast every few days (sprinkled with a packet of splenda, because it's too sour without it) but now I'm not supposed to have it anymore - it interacts with my anti-anxiety drug! :sad: Good news is that it actually increases the body's absorption of the drug, so if I'm having a particularly anxious day, I can eat some grapefruit (or drink some juice, but I go for the fruit instead) and it literally helps calm me down now! :haha: So I still have grapefruit every now and then, but just as a special treat now instead of a regular thing.

LadyH, about when to start OPKs - it really depends on if your cycles are regular or not. My cycles are almost always 28 days (sometimes 27 or 29, but that's close enough to be called regular) so I always know roughly what week I should be ovulating (since, in most women, AF starts roughly 14 days after your LH surge)... so when I was using OPKs I would just count backward from when AF was due and start using the OPKs a few days before the expected surge, around CD9 or 10. Generally, just follow the instructions on the box. Different brands are meant to be used at different times of the day, so just make sure you're doing what YOUR box says to do.

Butterfly, how did the call with your dr go? When does he want to see you?

AFM, things are going fine so far. :thumbup: Not too uncomfortable yet, though I can definitely feel lots of activity going on in my pelvis. Today is day 5 of stims, and I had my first follie check yesterday - I have one at 15, two at 10, two at 7, 3 at 6 and two at 5 - my nurse said I'm exactly where I need to be at this point. :thumbup: That made me feel good, but then when she called later in the day with my instructions for last night's stims, my doubt crept in because the dr increased my stims from 225iu twice/day to 300 twice/day, so of course my brain started crazy talking to me that the dr thinks my ovaries aren't responding well enough and sh*t like that. I tried to counter those thoughts by telling myself no, nurse said I'm exactly where I need to be, and maybe this means he sees he can push me a little harder. Idk. :shrug: That follie at 15 is a little worrisome just because there's a big gap in size between it and the 10s - dr had said in the past that my ovaries like to form lead follies early - but I know the ganirelix will prevent me from ovulating, so I'm guessing they're going to let that one get overripe and aim for the others instead. Still looking at trigger on Tuesday and retrieval on Thursday, but as you all know that could change in an instant. :wacko:

I also started acupuncture yesterday! There is a clinic right next to my fertility clinic that only does reproductive acupuncture, and they work hand-in-hand in terms of scheduling during IVF cycles - so the acupuncture clinic will make sure I get in for a session immediately prior to transfer, even if transfer winds up happening on a weekend. :thumbup: I hadn't had acupuncture before, but we figured if we're doing IVF, we want to throw everything we have into it so that we don't have to second-guess the decision later... if this cycle doesn't work, I don't want to leave myself open to thinking that if only I'd done acupuncture it might have worked, ykwim? The acupuncture dude (I don't even know what to call him - the practitioner, I guess? acupuncturist?) specializes in infertility because of his parents' struggle - they adopted him from Colombia, and his younger sister was the first IVF baby born in Missouri. I thought that was interesting.

Village People was awesome!!! :happydance: And OMG that VP smiley was the greatest!! The American Indian guy has been eating well all these years, but fortunately he keeps his shirt on these days. :haha: We had a blast. And the crowds weren't bad at all... but from watching on tv, they are now - I'm really glad we went downtown Monday and not now.... I had to do my shots that night in the dressing room of a downtown department store - I figured there wouldn't be a line there, like there would be at all of the restrooms. It went fine - I've had to do them in public restrooms before, but with the addition of Menopur for this cycle (which requires mixing right before you inject it) I need some place to set things down, which isn't always available in a public stall.

Dwrgi, thanks for the reminder about the protein and water. I have been trying to increase both, but I didn't remember what the goal amounts were. No way have I been eating THAT much protein, but I can definitely increase it from here on out (as I eat my cheese snack with 5g right now). I usually drink a lot throughout the day anyway (even though I haven't sung anywhere in two years, that's one habit from my opera days I've kept up), so 2L is no problem.

That's all for now - I have a lunch meeting in about 40 min so I need to get off BnB! Have a great day, ladies. xoxo
Village People was awesome!!! :happydance: And OMG that VP smiley was the greatest!! The American Indian guy has been eating well all these years, but fortunately he keeps his shirt on these days.

OMG - I just snorted tea out of my nose when I read that!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

and Just for you HA - here you go.....
In all seriousness it sounds like all the meds so far are having the exact effect they should... so Yay!! I am rooting for you HA!!
<begin selfish post>

I work in a doctors surgery, and Ive resigned myself to the fact that one of the admin girls is pregnant, but I really don't have much to do with her since her job is nothing to do with mine and she's soooo quiet and doesn't really mix with anyone much at work so I can cope with that.
today New trainee doctors arrived, and one of them is 22 weeks pregnant with her second child. her placement is for 6 months and they spend a lot of time with us... and this morning she decided to sit in with me to observe my job.... *sigh* I feel like I need chocolate now!

</selfish post>
Nikki, is congratulations in order? Is that 2? OMG. So happy for you! You have to give us the details!

Welcome, Dash! This is a great group of girls and very supportive!

Purple, it looks like we are in sync. I just to a positive OPK this morning. Oh, and I don't blame you for almost losing it. Its really hard being around young, preggos.

Asry, so glad you are back and DH went for his SA.

Butterfly, have a great trip!

Dwrgi, sounds like you are ready to start. I'm sending positive vibes your way. To heck with this low responder crap. Its just another label to stick on women to make them feel bad about themselves. Its not you, its the medication.

Heavenly, what a perfect time to ovulate, Valentine's Day!

HA, don't worry yourself on upping the meds. The same happened with me and its quite common. I know a girl that is 24 with PCOS that did IVF at the same clinic and they did the same with her. I think its pretty standard. I'm also so happy you are doing acupuncture.

Hello to anyone I missed. A lot of catching up to do.

AFM, got a positive OPK this morning. DH better be ready when I get home.
I also started acupuncture yesterday! There is a clinic right next to my fertility clinic that only does reproductive acupuncture, and they work hand-in-hand in terms of scheduling during IVF cycles - so the acupuncture clinic will make sure I get in for a session immediately prior to transfer, even if transfer winds up happening on a weekend. :thumbup: I hadn't had acupuncture before, but we figured if we're doing IVF, we want to throw everything we have into it so that we don't have to second-guess the decision later... if this cycle doesn't work, I don't want to leave myself open to thinking that if only I'd done acupuncture it might have worked, ykwim? The acupuncture dude (I don't even know what to call him - the practitioner, I guess? acupuncturist?) specializes in infertility because of his parents' struggle - they adopted him from Colombia, and his younger sister was the first IVF baby born in Missouri. I thought that was interesting.

Keep us posted re acupuncture, I have been thinking about it. I have enquired near me and there is a lady that does fertility acupuncture and its £35 per session which I think is really reasonable. I completely understand that you want to feel you have done all you can.
nikki's us- looks like a nice fetal pole and a yolk sac, not two.. sorry =)
Thanks for all the welcomes ladies!! I am so glad to join! :hugs:

We have tried IUI's and Clomid in the past (mind you that was 7 years ago) and I've done so many natural protocols too.. I am a registered holistic nutritionist (although currently not practicing)... so I don't think it's in me to go the IVF route... I am taking baby aspirin right now (just incase there is a chance I have the clotting factor thingy) and was on DHEA for 9 months last year and that was hard for me... It's just not right for me to take the meds..I know some people may think I'm crazy and stupid for time wasted ...but I just think that if it's going to happen it has to be outside of IVF.

I haven't been diagnosed with the immune NK cells problem - the test would cost me $3000 US to co-ordinate with Dr. Beer's centre in US.. I am in Canada.
We spent so much many on our international adoption and at least there was something wonderful at the end of it (our daughter!)... I saw what my sister went through and don't know if I have the guts to go through IVF ...

I've been seeing a Naturopathic Doctor again for the last year and have been doing acupuncture...although I can't say it's done anything to make my cycles longer.... I generally have a 24-25 day cycle and ovulate on Day 12 - with a 12 day luteal phase.

I really admire what all you ladies are doing - and the guts you have... I think after 10 years and all the failed IUIs in the past I just don't want to be dissapointed if I go to all the trouble of taking meds... etc. again.

So I'm thinking of changing careers and if it happens it happens!
Good luck to everyone!!
Hi All, Friday tomorrow :yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee:

Nikki Leigh - huge congratulations h&h 9 :happydance:

dashka - welcome to the best thread on bnb! I'm 40 in June so right with you

Asryellah - glad you had a great holiday. Glad you got SA sorted, my hubby has still not even registered with a GP... :hissy::hissy::hissy:

Dwrgi - everything crossed for you to have more great eggs than Easter! :winkwink:

heavenly - sorry you got :witch:, but onto the next cycle :hugs::hugs: Surely Valentines day has to be a good sign? :flower:

HA - thanks for the OPK advice. My cycles were a regular 26/27 days until this month when I went 33 :dohh: Will start testing end of the week.

Purple - there is no such thing as a selfish post on here, vent away sweetie! :hugs:

missyt - :dust::sex::dust:

Hello to Butterfly (have a good hol), neversaynever (fx), lilsluz, drsquid and all the other wonderful ladies on here who keep a crazy lady a little more sane!:wacko:

AFM just gearing up for OV next week. Trying to keep cool :coolio:

:dust: all over the place for you all.
Thank you Drsquid - I seem to remember this is your field of expertise (Ultrasounds etc) that's helpful because I wasn't really sure what I was looking at! :)
Big hugs, Lou. :hugs::hugs:

Thanks for the advice, Missy. This is why I love BnB - there's always someone who's been there before and can calm my fears! :hugs: Enjoy tonight. :winkwink:

Heavenly, my acupuncture is about twice that ($95/session), so that's a steal!

And Dash, there is no need to defend any decision on here - you are not crazy for not wanting to do IVF, you are smart for knowing what is right for you. The most important thing each one of us can do is decide for herself (with her OH) what is the right thing to do for her, and that's a different answer for each one of us... just because a technology exists doesn't mean one has to use it or should feel pressured to. There are lots of ways to build a family. :hugs: What are you considering switching careers to?
I also started acupuncture yesterday! There is a clinic right next to my fertility clinic that only does reproductive acupuncture, and they work hand-in-hand in terms of scheduling during IVF cycles - so the acupuncture clinic will make sure I get in for a session immediately prior to transfer, even if transfer winds up happening on a weekend. :thumbup: I hadn't had acupuncture before, but we figured if we're doing IVF, we want to throw everything we have into it so that we don't have to second-guess the decision later... if this cycle doesn't work, I don't want to leave myself open to thinking that if only I'd done acupuncture it might have worked, ykwim? The acupuncture dude (I don't even know what to call him - the practitioner, I guess? acupuncturist?) specializes in infertility because of his parents' struggle - they adopted him from Colombia, and his younger sister was the first IVF baby born in Missouri. I thought that was interesting.

Keep us posted re acupuncture, I have been thinking about it. I have enquired near me and there is a lady that does fertility acupuncture and its £35 per session which I think is really reasonable. I completely understand that you want to feel you have done all you can.

Just thought I'd share my recent research into acup to give you a little hope:

A team of doctors from the University of Maryland and the University of Amsterdam have published a report in the British Medical Journal, claiming that acupuncture could increase IVF success rates by as much as 65 per cent.

...Taking all the information from the studies, the team concluded that women who had acupuncture in conjunction with IVF were 65 per cent more likely to have a successful embryo transfer, compared to those that had no treatment or were given fake acupuncture.

Acupuncture is believed to increase blood flow to the uterus as well as stimulating the neurotransmitters that trigger production of gonadotrophin-releasing hormones, controlling women's ovulation, which is why it may be potentially helpful to women undergoing IVF treatment. It has been used in Chinese medicine to regulate fertility for hundreds of years. The cost of acupuncture treatments is around £50 per session, as compared to the £4,000 to £6,000 cost of one IVF cycle. This means that it is potentially cost effective to introduce acupuncture alongside IVF.

(I pay about $70-$80/session here in Florida)

To read more:
I also started acupuncture yesterday! There is a clinic right next to my fertility clinic that only does reproductive acupuncture, and they work hand-in-hand in terms of scheduling during IVF cycles - so the acupuncture clinic will make sure I get in for a session immediately prior to transfer, even if transfer winds up happening on a weekend. :thumbup: I hadn't had acupuncture before, but we figured if we're doing IVF, we want to throw everything we have into it so that we don't have to second-guess the decision later... if this cycle doesn't work, I don't want to leave myself open to thinking that if only I'd done acupuncture it might have worked, ykwim? The acupuncture dude (I don't even know what to call him - the practitioner, I guess? acupuncturist?) specializes in infertility because of his parents' struggle - they adopted him from Colombia, and his younger sister was the first IVF baby born in Missouri. I thought that was interesting.

Keep us posted re acupuncture, I have been thinking about it. I have enquired near me and there is a lady that does fertility acupuncture and its £35 per session which I think is really reasonable. I completely understand that you want to feel you have done all you can.

Just thought I'd share my recent research into acup to give you a little hope:

A team of doctors from the University of Maryland and the University of Amsterdam have published a report in the British Medical Journal, claiming that acupuncture could increase IVF success rates by as much as 65 per cent.

...Taking all the information from the studies, the team concluded that women who had acupuncture in conjunction with IVF were 65 per cent more likely to have a successful embryo transfer, compared to those that had no treatment or were given fake acupuncture.

Acupuncture is believed to increase blood flow to the uterus as well as stimulating the neurotransmitters that trigger production of gonadotrophin-releasing hormones, controlling women's ovulation, which is why it may be potentially helpful to women undergoing IVF treatment. It has been used in Chinese medicine to regulate fertility for hundreds of years. The cost of acupuncture treatments is around £50 per session, as compared to the £4,000 to £6,000 cost of one IVF cycle. This means that it is potentially cost effective to introduce acupuncture alongside IVF.

(I pay about $70-$80/session here in Florida)

To read more:

Thanks for the info! My RE and my acupuncturist actually did a study several years ago and presented it to ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine) that showed similar results. But when they broke it down by age group, in the 35+ group it showed no statistical difference in IVF outcome... still, I figure it couldn't hurt. :thumbup:
I think it might be worth mentioning that my insurance company actually covers 32 acupuncture sessions/year for specific issues like back pain, inflammation, etc. (but acupuncturist can give you an extra needle or 2 in addition). Other than the 6 back surgeries I had in 2010, I didn't use it again til this past month - my 1-year mark of "trying".

But, the take-away is that I don't think that a major company like BlueCross/BlueShield would cover something that was just a fad, right? I would think there would have to be some serious double-blind studies before they even considered covering it...?

It may not be for everyone, but just something to "chew on" in case you are at your wits end w/fertility &/or are going thru IVF... :shrug:

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