TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Yay for all the acup kudos! I have to say it helped with my cycles too. I no longer have sore boobs right before AF.
HA - the whole acupunture thing is very interesting. I guess it would be hard to do a randomised study though becuase who can say it's acupunture that made a group of women get pregnant, or weather it was just "their time" also in the over 35+ - we all know that pregnancies are harder to achieve. If it does no harm and it makes you feel better then it sounds great!

That is EXACTLY the problem. Same problem with people on BnB who swear that doing legs up the wall, or toejam root supplements, or wearing a pink tutu on their head during sex is what got them pregnant, just because the one month they did that was the month they got a BFP. Same reason why my RE can't tell us there's 100% no way DH's misshapen sperm caused our mcs - there is no way to design a study for that when there are sooo many variables to take into account. Human reproduction is just amazingly fickle and inefficient, and so much of it is still a mystery.... :shrug:
Sooo AFM, I had my second follie check this morning and things are going well. :thumbup: That 15 has slowed down and the others have caught up nicely. On the left I have follies at 16, 15, 2 at 13, and 9; on the right they're 16, 13, 2 at 9, and 8. E2 is 519 today, and my nurse says to expect that to rise quickly and significantly now. LH and P4 are both nicely supressed, as they should be. My next check is on Sunday morning. So far I'm still not very uncomfortable - little twinges here and there, but nothing unbearable. My nurse said that will change quickly, too! :haha: My anxiety level has also been nice and low (thanks in no small part to my buspar!), but I'm sure that will change in the tww....

Anyway, all is going well so far! :thumbup:
HA - sounds like everything is going to plan - yay!!
can I ask, are those measurements in Millimeters?? if so wow, I had no idea that folicle would be so large!
afm - well Ov is approaching any day now, cbfm is saying High for the second day, so DH better get his :sex: boots on :hehe:

Im off to stalk Never now :winkwink:

Kinky boots? Well I never!! :rofl:

Sooo AFM, I had my second follie check this morning and things are going well. :thumbup: That 15 has slowed down and the others have caught up nicely. On the left I have follies at 16, 15, 2 at 13, and 9; on the right they're 16, 13, 2 at 9, and 8. E2 is 519 today, and my nurse says to expect that to rise quickly and significantly now. LH and P4 are both nicely supressed, as they should be. My next check is on Sunday morning. So far I'm still not very uncomfortable - little twinges here and there, but nothing unbearable. My nurse said that will change quickly, too! :haha: My anxiety level has also been nice and low (thanks in no small part to my buspar!), but I'm sure that will change in the tww....

Anyway, all is going well so far! :thumbup:

Glad everything is going well! Good sized follys! x

AFM, still feel pretty rough with AF, very dizzy and tired, I hope it subsides soon. Taking round 2 of Clomid tonight.

Hope everyone has a lovely Friday night, and stay warm!! xx
Hey all,

Sorry I haven't been contributing very much over the last couple of weeks. I've really been struggling with things. I have been reading when I've felt able to & keeping you all in my thoughts & prayers.

Yay for our BFP ladies & thanks to those having acupuncture for the interesting information. Big hugs to all those having a tough time at the moment.

I went to see the GP about the mystery mid cycle bleeding - he said it was probably just one of those things & to come back if it happened. Very helpful!!

I've been running (I use the term very loosely!) to try & kick start my weight loss - I've been out for the last 3 days, it's not a pretty sight!

I've had 2 pregnancy announcements in the last 2 days - one of my best friends who I'm really happy for, an an ex's wife who I've always disliked cause he left me for her - I just want to poke her in the eye!
HA - sounds like everything is going to plan - yay!!
can I ask, are those measurements in Millimeters?? if so wow, I had no idea that folicle would be so large!

Yep, those are in mm. A mature follicle is anything over 17mm. They grow 1-2mm/day, so anything 15mm or bigger at the time of trigger is considered mature.

I read somewhere that a normal ovary is the size of an almond; during IVF stims they'll each get about as big as an orange. :shock: I have so much padding on my belly already that I don't expect to see much visible bloat, but I fully expect to start feeling it soon....
:hi: everyone...I am so behind on all the threads due to having my own head up my bum but I am trying to catch up now :wacko:

Congrats Nikki and Butterfly...hoping you've started another bunch of BFP's in here

Sorry about the hag arriving for some of you :grr: and I think it was ipen who has a new job...congrats :flower:

Purple...blah to the co worker but go get :sex: lady :hugs:

HA...I'll go to your journal but those follies are looking great hun and I am glad that you are holding it together...right now :winkwink: :hugs:

Dwrgi...TFIF and please tell Jo that I am so so pleased for her :cloud9:

I know I have missed so many of you...apologies :wacko:

AFM...yes...I had a positive scan this morning and I am still on :cloud9: and thinking that maybe...just maybe this is the one (thanks HA for passing on the news :hugs: )

happyaunties- i bite my tongue whenever i see that stuff (same with chiropractors etc). but hey, everyone is free to spend their money however they want (though i feel bad when people get taken advantage of, this whole game is expensive enough as it is). i had to stop reading a thread on psychic predictions because i saw far too much.. hey she was right because she was only off by two months and got the sex wrong but other than that it was exactly right.. she knew i had hair =)
Ipen - well done on the new job, that's fab news!!! :hugs:

Dwrgi - I like your thinking about Cadbury's world!! Im glad you didn't go to that meeting too - it's just awful having pregnant bellies shoved in your face all the time :hugs:

Lilsluz - I agree - i want morning sickness too! lol :sick: Im very glad I don't work for an OB, however I do have to deal with a lot of pregnant ladies and terribly cute babies and the worst part - women who want terminations :( I have to say Im pro choice and it's not my place to judge, but it's a toughie in this situation.

Oh gosh, I had no idea you have to witness that. That may actually be worse than OB... :(
HA - sounds like everything is going to plan - yay!!
can I ask, are those measurements in Millimeters?? if so wow, I had no idea that folicle would be so large!

Yep, those are in mm. A mature follicle is anything over 17mm. They grow 1-2mm/day, so anything 15mm or bigger at the time of trigger is considered mature.

I read somewhere that a normal ovary is the size of an almond; during IVF stims they'll each get about as big as an orange. :shock: I have so much padding on my belly already that I don't expect to see much visible bloat, but I fully expect to start feeling it soon....

An ORANGE? Yikes! I don't know much about follicles, but it sounds like you had really good results - yay! We're pulling for you HA :thumbup:
Happy Saturday ladies :)

CD6 for me today. CBFM asked me to do my first test today and it is a high so a positive start to the day.

To all you UK ladies hope the snow is not with you, we have been lucky it's very cold but no snow yay!
HA - sounds like everything is going to plan - yay!!
can I ask, are those measurements in Millimeters?? if so wow, I had no idea that folicle would be so large!

Yep, those are in mm. A mature follicle is anything over 17mm. They grow 1-2mm/day, so anything 15mm or bigger at the time of trigger is considered mature.

I read somewhere that a normal ovary is the size of an almond; during IVF stims they'll each get about as big as an orange. :shock: I have so much padding on my belly already that I don't expect to see much visible bloat, but I fully expect to start feeling it soon....

An ORANGE? Yikes! I don't know much about follicles, but it sounds like you had really good results - yay! We're pulling for you HA :thumbup:

Orange sized ovary..omg! I once had +30mm folly while I was on clomid (and really did feel ovulation!!!). That ones diametre is like this -> -------------- big.
Have no idea what my ovary was like then :blush:
Everyone have a great weekend!!!! :happydance::hugs:
saw enormous ovaries on us once.. i think they were each like 15cm.. she apparently was trying to get pregnant and got her hands on stim meds of some sort but was just taking them on her own. major ohss..
Wow sounds dodgy! Taking natural remedies is one thing, taking meds you know nothing about is risky!!
I read somewhere that a normal ovary is the size of an almond; during IVF stims they'll each get about as big as an orange. :shock: I have so much padding on my belly already that I don't expect to see much visible bloat, but I fully expect to start feeling it soon....

Holy moly!! Mine was 18mm and I could really feel ovulation!

AFM...yes...I had a positive scan this morning and I am still on :cloud9: and thinking that maybe...just maybe this is the one (thanks HA for passing on the news :hugs: )


Wishing you loads of love and support!! :hugs:

Happy Saturday ladies :)

CD6 for me today. CBFM asked me to do my first test today and it is a high so a positive start to the day.

To all you UK ladies hope the snow is not with you, we have been lucky it's very cold but no snow yay!

That is great news!! xx

AFM, no snow down here on the South Coast....yet.

AF not so bad this morning, still felt a bit dizzy though. Anyway, onwards and up with the second round of Clomid!

Have a good day everyone. :hugs:
Big hugs, Lou. :hugs::hugs:

Thanks for the advice, Missy. This is why I love BnB - there's always someone who's been there before and can calm my fears! :hugs: Enjoy tonight. :winkwink:

Heavenly, my acupuncture is about twice that ($95/session), so that's a steal!

And Dash, there is no need to defend any decision on here - you are not crazy for not wanting to do IVF, you are smart for knowing what is right for you. The most important thing each one of us can do is decide for herself (with her OH) what is the right thing to do for her, and that's a different answer for each one of us... just because a technology exists doesn't mean one has to use it or should feel pressured to. There are lots of ways to build a family. :hugs: What are you considering switching careers to?

thanks so much for that... yes there is a lot of pressure (that I put on myself) and guilt for not going the IVF route... who knows if career thing doesn't happen soon I may give in and try IUI again with different meds. My naturopathic doctor told me this week that Clomid hardly works for anyone and she doesn't know why they use it...
As for what career change... I am currently in admin sales in TV program distribution industry - but think I may want to move into nutritional supplement sales -(so I can use my nutrition knowledge/passion).

Good luck to you - it's so awesome to have found this group of wonderful ladies!!!:hugs::flower:
I think it might be worth mentioning that my insurance company actually covers 32 acupuncture sessions/year for specific issues like back pain, inflammation, etc. (but acupuncturist can give you an extra needle or 2 in addition). Other than the 6 back surgeries I had in 2010, I didn't use it again til this past month - my 1-year mark of "trying".

But, the take-away is that I don't think that a major company like BlueCross/BlueShield would cover something that was just a fad, right? I would think there would have to be some serious double-blind studies before they even considered covering it...?

It may not be for everyone, but just something to "chew on" in case you are at your wits end w/fertility &/or are going thru IVF... :shrug:

Yes! I use that logic all the time! When it comes to what they will and won't pay for, there really are reasons behind it. That said, though, my insurance covers acup for certain diagnoses but not for infertility.... I think there just hasn't been enough data on it yet to prove its infertility benefits beyond all doubt, and that a lot of the studies have been inconclusive. But I've never seen one study that found it has negative consequences. I think it qualifies as an FSA expense on our insurance, but even maxing out our FSA contributions (as we do almost every year and we certainly did this year), the entire balance gets used up on one round of IVF, so the acup is strictly out-of-pocket for us. :shrug: Whatev... in the grand scheme of IVF expenses it only adds a tiny percent to the grand total, so I'm good with it. :thumbup:

I live in Canada and my work insurance covers a certain amount per year for naturopathic doctor treatments - so she does the acupuncture for me and actually all the receipt says is "Naturopathic treatment- half hour session" -there is no mention of acupuncture (although it would still be covered)...
Don't know if that helps anyone - but it is none of their business what you are going to the Naturopathic doctor for...
My charges $80 CDN/ for half hour treatment - but because she talks to me (and listens more than any MD would) I'm usually there 90 min and she doesn't charge me more!:winkwink:
Hello lovely Ladies!

This thread really is my "home". I've been bored today so read loads and this is where I fit :happydance:

So I've not posted about this before, but whilst checking my CP a few weeks ago I noticed a large bump on it, about the size of my finger tip. I consulted Dr Google (I know) and it seems cysts are common. However as it does worry me on and off I made an appointment to see my GP next Friday. I'm worried though as probably most people would never know they have one. I hope it's fine but feels big to me so best to get checked. Bit worried though!

Feel better for sharing, thanks for listening! :blush:
dashka- sorry but id take your naturopathic docs opinion with an ENORMOUS grain of salt. she likely only sees the people it doesnt work for. i have no problem with alternative medicine (well actually i do, starting with their name even, rarely should it be used instead of traditional medicine, more as an adjunct) but when they start considering their treatments (which are rarely proven in any sort of true scientific way) more effective than evidence based tested treatments, well i have a problem with that. in this case.. so someone may not get pregnant, in the grand scheme of things, who cares. if someone dies of their cancer (ie steve jobs) when they could have been cured, well that sucks. as far as them spending extra time listening to you etc, of course they do, you pay out of pocket, they arent mandated by a government body to see x number of patients, for y amount of money in certain amounts of time etc. in addition particularly in fertility and gyn medicine the overhead is enormous, mostly related to malpractice insurance (something that a "holistic" practitioner likely doesnt carry). when i was an intern my patients LOVED me because i was willing to sit there and let them talk as long as they wanted. did that make me a good doctor, well maybe., but quite frankly the reason i could do it and my other interns couldnt was because i knew i was going into radiology and did not have to develop those sort of time management and quite frankly patient management skills.

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