TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

I am finally home. What a grilling week. Seven flights (8th one was cancelled due to weather and had to drive home). I logged 68 hours this week and am very glad it is over.

My line:
Me 37 DH 37, TTC 1.5 years, DH sperm issues, using IUI with donor sperm

My longer update. So I get up Thursday and test before getting on my flight to California. I got a smiley face. Totally unexpected. I ovulated on CD 18 with clomid so I was thinking I had at least that long. This month, I ovulated on CD 16 without clomid. I got DH out of school and raced to the clinic to have our donor sperm inseminated. They normally do it the day after the smiley, but as I was about to get on the plane, that was not going to work out.

Now I am 2DPIUI. I have to really manage my hopes this month. Since we know DH has significant issues, this will be the first real chance for us to test my fertility. All of my numbers are good and I appear to ovulate normally and produce good eggs and good endometrial lining. Keep my fingers crossed, but do not want to be crushed.

So to continue my profession inquiries, what do you do that has you flying so much? I'm guessing you're a flight attendant or pilot??

I'm so glad you got that smiley right before leaving and not right after! Just remember that if it doesn't happen this one month, it does not mean your fertility is in question - conception requires a million tiny different things all going exactly right, and if it doesn't happen this first month with donor sperm, that doesn't mean it won't ever happen.... A perfectly fertile couple (which, with donor sperm, you now are) has something like a 15-20% chance of conception each month, even with everything timed perfectly right. If you go back on clomid or femara (another oral drug that acts in the same way as clomid), it will increase your chances by producing more than one egg each month. In the meantime, just know that you're doing everything you can within your power to make it happen, and trust that it WILL happen at some point. :thumbup:

In the meantime, keeping my FX'd for you!!!!

I was wondering the same thing, but I'm going to guess Sales Rep? (it's like a gameshow):haha: Wow, girl, I used to work like that (75 - 115 hrs/week!) so I feel your pain! :wacko: But I just really hope its not stressing you out. Some people LOVE it while others become enslaved & stressed, so I just hope you are the 1st type when TTC! :thumbup: And sooooo glad you got the smiley BEFORE your flight! :happydance: Wow, and we thought we had it tough, can you imagine Ov & 1000 mi. away from DH &/or Dr.? :wacko:

I have to go back out ( so just doing a "drive-by" :gun: to catch up & say :howdy::hi: & GL to all of you in 2ww & post-IUI & post donor-IUI!!! :hugs:

Have a great weekend to everyone!!! (try to relax, mon) :hugs::kiss::hugs::kiss:
LilSluz, I live in St. Mary's county. I don't like it here though. I'm more of a city girl. I grew up in MA and have lived in Atlanta and Honolulu. I came here with my ex because he was in the Navy but then after we split up I met DH and we are here until SS gets older. I do like northern MD though. I love Annapolis (I'm about an hour away) and the Rockville area. Its just really rural down here and not much to do.

dwrgi, good for you for writing that letter!

dashka, I know exactly what you mean about saying the words and having the thoughts but now really feeling it. Not to mention our subconcious mind. My counselor brought up how I need to create a healthy environment so I can attract a baby. I think I blew it the other day when I had a tiff with DH when I thought he started smoking again. Turns out I over reacted. But I instandly got what my therapist was trying to say. By getting that upset, I wasn't creating a good environment. I wish it was easier said than done but I do understand the concept and think there is some truth to it.

Purple, I hope you have a nice birthday celebration with your dad!

iPenn, I can't believe that mad had the nerve! What an ass!

AFM, going up to city with DH tonight so I need to get off the computer. I just was watching the Dog Wisperer and they were doing doggie acupuncture. It really worked!
I just was watching the Dog Wisperer and they were doing doggie acupuncture. It really worked!

I saw something once about massage for dogs... my first thought was yeah, right, like my pet lives SUCH a stressful life with all its meals provided and a warm home and loving spoiled owners that it needs a daily massage for its stress level!! Whatever! But I TOTALLY do it. :haha: I give my kitty a massage every damn day! I am not content to just pet her or stroke her fur, I love rumpling deep in between her shoulder blades and rubbing. She loves it, which is probably why I do, too. :haha:

Have fun in the city tonight, Missy! Thanks for the drive-by, Lil, and for the movie recommendations, Dwrgi - I haven't seen either yet but both are on my list....

AFM, found out my transfer will be at 9:30a on Monday, so we're still on - that's good news! :thumbup: Now just trying to make the arrangements for my pre-transfer acupuncture session....

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend! :flower:
The old man says "you are old enough to quit that S*&t".

O.M.G.! I mean what to you say in response to that besides thumping him over the head with your handbag?!

afm - the house is clean and tidy except our smallest bedroom/office - it is a complete tip in there and my next project :wonky:

I think every house has to have a room like that. I know mine does! :thumbup:

Thanks! I should hear from the clinic any moment now about what time my transfer is on Monday. I hope they can tell me something, anything about my embies when they call......

I am feeling loads better today - hardly any pain anymore. What's driving me crazy now is knowing I can't have sex for at least the next two weeks - why is it that when you know you can't have it, that's all you can think about?!?! :wacko::wacko:

Oooooh, got everything crossed for you hun! And glad you're feel better today. :flower:

I just was watching the Dog Wisperer and they were doing doggie acupuncture. It really worked!

I saw something once about massage for dogs... my first thought was yeah, right, like my pet lives SUCH a stressful life with all its meals provided and a warm home and loving spoiled owners that it needs a daily massage for its stress level!! Whatever! But I TOTALLY do it. :haha: I give my kitty a massage every damn day! I am not content to just pet her or stroke her fur, I love rumpling deep in between her shoulder blades and rubbing. She loves it, which is probably why I do, too. :haha:

I give my dog the odd shoulder massage and he lurrrrves it. Tail relaxes and goes totally limp, head sinks down as low as it will go and he'll just stand there for as long as I'm willing to carry on for. Very cute! He loves being brushed too. Moves his head to one side when I'm brushing one ear, then the other side. Sits facing away so I do his back, then stands up (and moves around) so I can do his legs and then flops down onto his back so I can do his tummy. He generally falls asleep at this point. Then when I say I'm done, he leaps up and gallops off to the kitchen for his post brushing biscuit. Ahhhh, gotta love our fur babies!
Hi ladies.... wow it's cold here today :cold:...we got lots of snow (haven't had much all winter -so I think it finally arrived!):wacko:

HA - so happy for you - good luck on Monday!!!:happydance:

Ipen - FX for you this month!! glad you got the smiley in time!

Dwrgi / Purple / Missy - thanks so much for your notes... you're right I need to do what works for me and this is what feels right at the moment. I need to believe that I have the power to change things in my body (it's the only thing that is going to keep me inspired right now) and I do believe that this is possible...(not saying it will happen quickly) but I have seen the power of the mind dissolve cancers and other diseases so why not make someone fertile? I do believe we can change the physical...just as our minds can make us sick - they can make us better right?:thumbup::flower:

Purple - hope your doggie "Pickle" is better soon... poor thing.. My little westie is over 12 years now -can't believe she is sometimes...

To the rest of the ladies - hope you have a great weekend... Next week is Valentine's :hug::hug::yipee:
I am finally home. What a grilling week. Seven flights (8th one was cancelled due to weather and had to drive home). I logged 68 hours this week and am very glad it is over.

My line:
Me 37 DH 37, TTC 1.5 years, DH sperm issues, using IUI with donor sperm

My longer update. So I get up Thursday and test before getting on my flight to California. I got a smiley face. Totally unexpected. I ovulated on CD 18 with clomid so I was thinking I had at least that long. This month, I ovulated on CD 16 without clomid. I got DH out of school and raced to the clinic to have our donor sperm inseminated. They normally do it the day after the smiley, but as I was about to get on the plane, that was not going to work out.

Now I am 2DPIUI. I have to really manage my hopes this month. Since we know DH has significant issues, this will be the first real chance for us to test my fertility. All of my numbers are good and I appear to ovulate normally and produce good eggs and good endometrial lining. Keep my fingers crossed, but do not want to be crushed.

So to continue my profession inquiries, what do you do that has you flying so much? I'm guessing you're a flight attendant or pilot??

I'm so glad you got that smiley right before leaving and not right after! Just remember that if it doesn't happen this one month, it does not mean your fertility is in question - conception requires a million tiny different things all going exactly right, and if it doesn't happen this first month with donor sperm, that doesn't mean it won't ever happen.... A perfectly fertile couple (which, with donor sperm, you now are) has something like a 15-20% chance of conception each month, even with everything timed perfectly right. If you go back on clomid or femara (another oral drug that acts in the same way as clomid), it will increase your chances by producing more than one egg each month. In the meantime, just know that you're doing everything you can within your power to make it happen, and trust that it WILL happen at some point. :thumbup:

In the meantime, keeping my FX'd for you!!!!

So I am out with my sister having dinner in Wednesday and she has her kids which includes her 4 month old miracle baby :baby: (natural conception without even trying after 18 years of infertility). This old man sees my sister with the baby and says "is that your granddaughter or grandson?". My sister says "it is my daughter". The old man says "you are old enough to quit that S*&t".

Are you kidding me! Can you believe someone would say that? My sister is 38--not the crypt keeper. My 10 year old niece was appalled that the man didnt know that is was a girl because of all the pink. Kids :dohh:

Wow. Wow! What is it with old people that makes them think they are allowed to be rude?? But as your niece pointed out, if she was bathed in pink and he couldn't even tell it was a girl, clearly this was not the most intelligent creature on earth. Just your run-of-the-mill a$$hole.

That is a very good point about the pink! Out of the mouths of babes. I do clinical research for a living. I monitor hospital records and things and make sure that the data reported for clinical trials is true and accurate. I am terrified to fly. You do not want me running the plane or in the back keeping the calm. :blush:
Morning girls! How are you all?

Dashka-I'd love to visit Canada, I'm jealous of you! And lots of snow too-do you ski?? I've been thinking a lot about what we were posting yesterday and in the middle of the night, you know when you're sort of processing thoughts but not really concentrating, it occurred to me that the BEST solution for me, to help me to actually BELIEVE that I could get pregnant, was if I named my future child. Oh yes, the crazyville wagon has rolled into town! So, I was kicking around with some names and came up with Betsi Boo (Betsan in Welsh, really) and I liked it, although I don't like Betsan. I digress! Now, what I have to imagine is meeting Betsi Boo, and taking care of myself and making sure that OH does the same so that we both end up meeting Betsi. Is this mad? If I have created an identity, then there is more incentive to BELIEVE in the reality. Well, nothing else has worked with regards to positive thinking, so I'm going to give it a go! With regard to my forthcoming treatment, it will be about creating Betsi, and I MUST believe that it will work so that I can meet her. I shall let you know how I get on with it!! :hugs:

HA-you must be so excited but so anxious too for tomorrow's tranfser. Does this mean that all are doing well? I am so thrilled for you and am willing you to meet your BB's (see above) too!!! I hope that you can get an acupuncture treatment in before the ET. However, try and relax today (yeah right!) and fingers crossed that all goes well tomorrow (which I'm sure it will). Lots and lots of big loves to you hun! xxx

Purple-I am soooooooooooo weighed down by the pressure of the thread, I have just :munch::pizza::icecream::wine::paper: all weekend!! Thanks for asking! Sorry to hear that you have an incontinent dog!! Bless his cotton sox. Hope you had a good day yesterday with your parents. Hope your weekend is going well-have you been watching the rugby??? Lots of love to you! xxx

Missy-:flower::flower: xx

Ipen-phew, I wouldn't be able to handle your hours. I'd be constantly irritable! Hats off to you, and I hope you can get some relaxation in this weekend! xx

Lil-hi to you! I love your icons!! I really like this one, but I just think I'm very childish- :loo::loo: :)rofl:).

Butterfly-sounds exhausting on that 18th hole! Bet you wished you were in the 19th!!! Lots of love, Axx

Carole-can I add you to our list? How are you? Did you find your dog? I so hope you did-what a terrible thing to happen. Big :hugs: to you!

Love to you all, Twinks, manuiti (way to go that hubbys is home!), NS, Luv, Asry, Dr S, and anybody else I've missed!! Don't forget- 'Expect a Miracle'!!
Breaking news this am is of Whitney Houston's death. My gosh, there's a talent gone to waste.

Dashka, I so agree with your post! I visualise, but I don't actually BELIEVE that it will happen. I mentioned to me OH that we have been stressing about how to pay for another two cycles of IVF (this one being one of those two), and it occurred to me that it is a given in my mind that I will fail at this cycle. That it will never happen. I guess this is completely normal after so many disappointments, but it is hard to catch yourself and instantly correct your thoughts: I do deserve to be a mum, and I WILL be a mother. I suppose in my heart, I am protecting myself from failure, but I know that with IVF and any conception strategy, you have to be really 'on board' and committed to it 100%. My OH has that book, I might dig it out, but, I have to say, that I do find a lot of self help books quite frustrating-you have to have the time to sit and work at the exercises, and because I have been so dejected about this whole business for so long, I have the concentration span of a gnat and can't finish anything. Maybe I'll get OH to read it and tell me the parts that are salient to me.

Currently I'm reading 'The Baby Making Bible' by Emma Cannon and I am DETERMINED to finish it. She runs a fertility clinic in London and on her wall she has a huge sign saying, 'Expect a Miracle' i.e. don't give up on your dreams, and I really like that mantra. I can remember it easily and is open to any interpretation really!

Anyway, enough wittering. Hope you're having a good weekend and I hope you get your miracle soon!

Dwrgi I have the baby making bible and it is fantastic, when I did my first IVF in London I went to Emma for acupuncture but must admit that one day she couldn't fit me in and I had her colleague Kate who I found even better as she really seemed to get fab points every time and tuned into me. I am still in touch with her by text but basically all the ladies at Emma's clinic are amazing and the book really helped me alot in getting my body balanced and more in tune. Keep reading I am proof that miracles work, we spent an absolute fortune on conventional treatment and then after diet adjustments, acupuncture and maybe a few too many cocktails on holiday here I am with a natural and strong pregnancy.:hugs:
Woohoo HA I have a few days away and it is all going on with your embies YAY. I am so excited for your transfer tomorrow and whilst I completely understand how emotional and uncertain this is for you it is also one step closer to your sticky BFP that I am willing you to have. I will be praying for you and keeping everything crossed that I can possibly cross. sending you big hugs and loads of love your way:hugs:

Ipen hoping that this is your month but please do not take it to heart if it is not as it doesn't corrulate anything to your fertility, as HA said so many things need to happen in order to get a sticky BFP. I know it is crushing I saw so many negatives before I ever saw a postive on a test that in the end i didn't really believe it. Hang in there hon and hoping that you get to see that positive this month :hugs:

Dwrgi please add me to the list, mine would go like this

Me 38 DH 28 off BCP since Jan 2009 actively TTC since June 2009. 2 IVF's, 1 MC and severe OHSS. Natural pregnancy miracle Sep 2011.

AFM still no sign of our dog :nope: We are going to the market this week as aparently they sell the stolen dogs there so I am really hoping we get lucky but not counting on it as don't want to get my hopes up too much.

Went to Dubai this weekend to see a band in concert, the band were amazing but some of the people there not so great. Basically I was hit by a bottle full of water as people starting throwing their drinks including beer everywhere in the crowd. Then we tried to get out for a taxi and the line was unbelieveably long that it would have taken at least 3 hours to get a cab. Anyways the security saw that I was heavily pregnant and told me to go to the front of the line with my DH, this I thought was great but as we started making the walk to the front outside of the barriers keeping the line in check people started hurling abuse at DH and I for jumping the line. When we got to the front the security were keeping the crowd back by closing a huge metal gate and only releasing so many people at a time as and when cabs arrived. People who were obviously drunk were so abusive to the security that in the end they let a few through and then told me to go through. One of the horrible drunk guys with a crowd grabbed the gate and pushed it back so hard to try and hit the security guys but instead it hit me, luckily I turned away so it didn't get my bump but I screamed at the guy for being such a vile person to do this to a pregnant lady. He then came at me so DH pushed him and he fell to the ground at which point 3 more of his friends and one of the girlfriends just jumped him and started attacking him. I was hysterical at this point but luckily my DH is a huge rugby player and martial artist and I have never seen anyone his size or strength so they picked on the wrong guy, they tried their best to knock him down but to no effect and DH just held them off. In the meantime one of the guys had a filipino girlfriend who ran at me and started trying to hit me. Only then did security help us out and surrounded me and pulled the girl off. I must admit I have never been so terrified as was so scared for my baby. Luckily she seems fine as moving lots so all ok but it absolutely disgusted me that someone would attack a pregnant woman and made me feel very vunerable. The people ran off before the police arrived so we could not press charges but I would certainly not go back to this venue for a concert again.

Wishing you all a great remainder of your Sunday and willing you all to get your BFP's very soon.

HA I will be thinking of you tomorrow honey and keeping you and those embies in my thoughts praying that this is your time :hugs:
So how's everyone doing? Hopefully all of you have had a great weekend :flower:
It's been so lovely with sunshine and all the glimmer from snow :cloud9:

Bummed to hear about Whitney Houston, I once went to her concert and had tears in my eyes so many times during that. Her voice is just beautiful..:cry:

I started spotting, so she'll be here tomorrow. :brat::gun: why does it always have to be monday when she arrives?! Enough to deal with day just being monday..:ignore:

Well I guess I just need to keep my eye on next cycle which hopefully will be IUI cycle. I will be following Ipen and DrSquid. So very interested to see how your cycle goes :thumbup:
:dust: to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*edit. HA keeping my fingers crossed for you for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hugs::hugs:
Hello Lovely Ladies...

Manuiti - great news your hubby is coming home, good Valentines week after all :thumbup:

drsquid - fx for you :flower:

HA - :flower:all the luck in the world for tomorrow:flower: :hugs::hugs:

ipen - hope all good with you, fx for you :flower:

purple - hope Pickle is a bit better, typical you have a good clean up then that starts. Hope she'll be ok :kiss:

Dwrgi - I will be having a look at that Emma Canon book, sounds good. Also my friend who cam back to work last week after maternity leave recommended me her acupuncturist locally who sounds good - think I may explore that.

Lilsluz - hope you had a good weekend?

Missyt - did you have a good evening in the city?

dashka - I totally agree that thinking positive versus feeling it are hard to do together. I think positive and dream negative sometimes which kind of defeats the work! :dohh:

Carole - sorry to hear no news on your Dog hope you find him at the market. That gig sounds super scary, yay to your DH though dealing with all the hassle, what a man. Hope you are both OK. :hugs:

Asryellah - sorry to hear :witch:is imminent :hugs::hugs:

afm - horrible dream last night pregnancy related (see my journal if you want the story). Feel really emotional and down today as a result, still in my PJ's at 12.10!! :cry:

Have a great weekend what's left all and look forwards to lovely Valentines days :hugs::kiss::hugs:

##EDIT## sorry if I missed anyone, HUGS to you all.
Good morning ladies!
Asry - sorry to hear that AF arrived..... treat yourself to somthing nice today!!:flower:

Dwrgi - way to go girl!!! keep up those positive feelings..... Praying for your Betsi too!!:happydance:
Canada is great - we get all the seasons but by the time March comes you've had enough of winter - mind you we can't complain this winter... I only skiied once and had a major injury because a snowboarder knicked the back of my ski and I lost control as there were icy conditions....:wacko: Long story but I had a torn ACL in my knee and fracture and had surgery a year later - my knee is still not the same. So I will never want to ski again! :dohh:

Caroleb - OMG what an ordeal to go through??!!!!:nope: that is terrible I can't believe how they treated a pregnant woman! Thank goodness for your DH.... Oh and I hope you find your doggie ... you must be so worried..

AFM - I'm 3 DPO today ... off and on little cramping and tired -but that's normal last few months...

Hello to all the other ladies out there!!! have a wonderful Sunday!
Lots of stuff to do!!
so sad about Whitney Houston..... Another one of my childhood idols is gone.... First it was Michael Hutchence of INXS, then Michael Jackson.... now Whitney... The world has lost an amazing talent....:nope::cry:
Omg Carole I wish I had given you my number as I would have come to pick you up. Not once in the 7 years I have been here has there been enough taxis after a concert in Dubai :nope: :hugs:
HI ladies - hope you are all having a wonderful sunday,

we are being quite resty now after a busy day, so huge :hugs to you all and just a quick note to say ....

Ipen and Dr Squid - I am sending all positive thoughts you ways ladies, :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Carole - omg - what is wrong with some people, it sounds completely horrifying what you went through at the concert! I am so glad you are both ok. :hugs:

HA - I am not sure of the time difference between us, so I am going to wish you all the love and luck tomorrow and let you know Ill be thinking of you xxxxx

big loves to everyone xxxx
Woohoo HA I have a few days away and it is all going on with your embies YAY. I am so excited for your transfer tomorrow and whilst I completely understand how emotional and uncertain this is for you it is also one step closer to your sticky BFP that I am willing you to have. I will be praying for you and keeping everything crossed that I can possibly cross. sending you big hugs and loads of love your way:hugs:

Ipen hoping that this is your month but please do not take it to heart if it is not as it doesn't corrulate anything to your fertility, as HA said so many things need to happen in order to get a sticky BFP. I know it is crushing I saw so many negatives before I ever saw a postive on a test that in the end i didn't really believe it. Hang in there hon and hoping that you get to see that positive this month :hugs:

Dwrgi please add me to the list, mine would go like this

Me 38 DH 28 off BCP since Jan 2009 actively TTC since June 2009. 2 IVF's, 1 MC and severe OHSS. Natural pregnancy miracle Sep 2011.

AFM still no sign of our dog :nope: We are going to the market this week as aparently they sell the stolen dogs there so I am really hoping we get lucky but not counting on it as don't want to get my hopes up too much.

Went to Dubai this weekend to see a band in concert, the band were amazing but some of the people there not so great. Basically I was hit by a bottle full of water as people starting throwing their drinks including beer everywhere in the crowd. Then we tried to get out for a taxi and the line was unbelieveably long that it would have taken at least 3 hours to get a cab. Anyways the security saw that I was heavily pregnant and told me to go to the front of the line with my DH, this I thought was great but as we started making the walk to the front outside of the barriers keeping the line in check people started hurling abuse at DH and I for jumping the line. When we got to the front the security were keeping the crowd back by closing a huge metal gate and only releasing so many people at a time as and when cabs arrived. People who were obviously drunk were so abusive to the security that in the end they let a few through and then told me to go through. One of the horrible drunk guys with a crowd grabbed the gate and pushed it back so hard to try and hit the security guys but instead it hit me, luckily I turned away so it didn't get my bump but I screamed at the guy for being such a vile person to do this to a pregnant lady. He then came at me so DH pushed him and he fell to the ground at which point 3 more of his friends and one of the girlfriends just jumped him and started attacking him. I was hysterical at this point but luckily my DH is a huge rugby player and martial artist and I have never seen anyone his size or strength so they picked on the wrong guy, they tried their best to knock him down but to no effect and DH just held them off. In the meantime one of the guys had a filipino girlfriend who ran at me and started trying to hit me. Only then did security help us out and surrounded me and pulled the girl off. I must admit I have never been so terrified as was so scared for my baby. Luckily she seems fine as moving lots so all ok but it absolutely disgusted me that someone would attack a pregnant woman and made me feel very vunerable. The people ran off before the police arrived so we could not press charges but I would certainly not go back to this venue for a concert again.

Wishing you all a great remainder of your Sunday and willing you all to get your BFP's very soon.

HA I will be thinking of you tomorrow honey and keeping you and those embies in my thoughts praying that this is your time :hugs:

Wow. So glad you are all safe and sound. What an ordeal. I will never understand why people chose to act like that? There is simply no excuse.
Carole, that sounds absolutely dreadful, I am so relieved that you are okay. I would have been terrified too, and so much to lose too. OMG, other people will never cease to amaze me-to attack a pregnant woman? What on earth was wrong with that woman? I am so glad that your DH was there, and you got out alright. Fingers crossed now that you find your dog this week-is he microtagged? I do hope this story has a happy ending.

Thank you for the heads up on Emma Cannon-I like the book, and am finding it quite easy to work through. Very practical with a non-patronising tone. So glad that you can vouch for her, and I remember what you went through just before you got your BFP, and you said you cut out sugars. What she suggests for my type is certainly worth a try! Big hugs to you hun! :hugs:

Purple-have a lovely chilled evening! Big :hugs: to you!

Dashka, hope the cramping is a sign of interesting things going on! Fingers crossed for you hun! xx

Big hugs and good luck to ipen and Dr S!

LadyH-I shall read your journal tomorrow, but so sorry to hear about your dream. Hun, TTC is an ordeal, and we have all been in scenarios where we can barely get our ar%es into gear. Just go with it, and treat yourself to a little bit of self medicated TLC. Big :hugs: to you hun, xx

HA-I said it this morning, but I am so wishing you good luck for tomorrow! xxx:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hello Asry, Never, Luv, MissyT, and everybody on here! Twinks-what are you up to???

thanks guys.. it is funny i decided to be paranoid this cycle and not go to the gym then last night i went to a concert (social distortion) and spent an hour and half completely crushed against a barricade (to the extent i thought i might break a rib, pelvis was well away from the barricade ). not really a great plan, but.. it was a good concert. and hey, didnt get my heart rate up. backs of my arms are bruised but so far that is it. hope all of you are having a great weekend.. oh and totally recommend checking out Frank Turner, fabulous musician and showman.. especially his songs "i wont sit down" and "the road" totally stuck in my head

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