TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

LilSluz, I moved from HI because of my stupid ex! Oye! It went downhill from there! Yes, I do like the Annapolis, DC, Balt triangle. We try to go up to the city when we can; better movie theatre, shopping, restaurants, etc. I hope you guys get to warm up in your newly rennovated house. It must be exciting!

Purple, sleep temping! :haha: LOL. That is so funny. :haha: I've heard of sleep walking and talking in your sleep but not sleep temping!

Happy Valentine's Day all you lovely ladies!!!!! :kiss::kiss::serenade::serenade:
also poor DH was woken several times in the night by the bleep of my basal body thermometer - I keep it on the bedside table and as soon as the alarm goes off in the morning I stick it under my tongue, its very routine now - apparently in my sleep I was repeatedly checking my temp during the night though! :rofl: :rofl: I have only a vague recollection of beeping noises! DH said he spoke to me on a few occasions and I didn't answer so he left me to it, since I wasn't choking or anything. that's probably a sign that BBT checking has become "too routine"

:rofl: :rofl: I'm glad he wasn't too upset at the interrupted sleep. Very sweet of him to let you just sleep through it! :haha:

Dwrgi, I hope you have a lovely time - looks beautiful!

Thanks for all your support, ladies - unfortunately I have not so good news this morning - neither of our other two embies made it to the freezing stage. :nope: Embie #2, the other one we might have transferred yesterday, continued to grow slowly overnight but it degenerated - the growth was abnormal. And #3 arrested completely. So this just became an all-or-nothing cycle because we have no frozen embies to try next.... Definitely makes me more anxious about this one. But I am trying to stay focused on the fact that we have one great blastie in there and it stands a good chance of becoming a pregnancy... I'm just anxious.
Good morning ladies..

Lilsluz - you're too funny! yes The Secret is pretty cool.... I just ordered some audio CDs from Mike Dooley -He's a great one too... I ordered "Leveraging the Universe"...
He has a great book out called "Manifesting Change" and also one "Infinite Possibilities"...
It's really really hard to change your thoughts... I myself am getting back into the negative thoughts the last few days...(have been really moody) I always find I'm really positive at the start of my cycle and then after ov. I get negative thoughts again... Especially when I'm exhausted in the evenings or my 3 yr old daughter is non-co-operating ...I'll have the thoughts "If I'm this tired - I could never handle being pregnant ...... I don't have the energy as it is".... I know these thoughts are sending messages to my body... I need to stop this but it is a recurring thing for me and has been this way for years. I'm working on it but it is very very hard. The good thing is that we acknowledge when we have the negative thoughts and just don't dwell in them. Maybe I should just say to myself "oh that's a negative thought.... bye bye go away..." and move on.
Thanks for the positive thoughts - GOOD LUCK TO YOU TOO!!

HA - sorry to hear only one blastie made it.... BUT this single ONE is a MIRACLE in itself - Take it easy and try to relax as much as you can :)

Dwrgi - have a wonderful mini-vacay!

To everyone else - have a great day!!
and a Happy Valentine's Day
Purple -that is soooo funny that you are sleep-temping!!! Your DH sounds great...what a great guy.

I hated the frickin' beeping noise every morning... I would often do it 3 times in a row because I wanted to make sure it wasn't an error and I'd average the temps. I'm sure it drove my DH crazy -but he never said anything. :)
Dashka, you are right about trying to change your thoughts. My counselor has been giving me good advice on that and I just feel better when I'm not dwelling on the negative.

HA, I'm sorry the others didn't make it but you have a really good one in there. Just keep focused on that little guy. That's the one that counts!
HA - that's so disappointing about those two embies not making it, I am so sorry
:hugs: :hugs::hugs: :hugs::hugs: :hugs::hugs: :hugs:
but the one you have snuggling in was great quality right, so I am sending you a ton of sticky :dust:

Big loves xx
my DH is such a good 'un! he said he was so confused at the beeping because he kept thinking it was the alarm clock and was trying to turn it off...and then realised nothing was happening :haha:
Yay! We have wifi and I'm here with you girls! Just had the best dinner ever, and now relaxing in the room. And I have, sort of, kidnapped, the resort cat who is now lying next to me, purring away. She is soooo adorable-I miss the huskababies and georgie the cat so much, so to find a feline friend is a bonus!!! I actually played a few shots on the golf course today girls, and OH only swore once!! :rofl: Hmm, I need A LOT of lessons! But great to get away!

OMG, Purple, what are you like? Sleep temping? That is so funny!!! And so glad that your DH just left you to it in the end!! What a trooper he is!!! Right, Purps, step away from the gidget, wight away from it, let it go, turn away, go!!! And cramping at 8DPO could be anything and nothing and hopefully a sign of something miraculous getting snuggled in?? It's not over, young lady, till the fat lady (aka AF) sings! Hang on in there! xxxxxx

HA-am sorry to hear that the other two embies arrested, but that doesn't mean that transferred embie will do anything of the kind. A petri dish can not, in any way, replicate the conditions in the womb, and so I think you need to feel less anxious, and just wait it out. 4BB sounds pretty terrific to me, so hang on in there, and like I said before, I have a good feeling about this, so try to stay calm. Am thinking of you hun, and wishing you all the best vibes in the world. Lots and lots of love, A xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Love to everybody on here! Let's stay positive girls!

Twinks-where are you ?:kiss::kiss:???

Asry – awww – gee, thanks :hugs:. I didn’t know about always keeping the blood warm for fertility, but you can bet I can’t take the cold anyway, so I’ve been sleeping & working with my heating pad on full blast & a nice warm blankie! Temps back up today - whew! I know - we're a bunch of big :baby:'s here, huh?

Drsquid – I hear you. It’s so much harder when you do try to think positive & then get let down. I feel like maybe if I “play it cool” :coolio:& don’t even expect anything, maybe it will come. I hear success stories for those who have given up & then from those who are very positive. My problem is that I feel like I’m faking sometimes when positive, but I can’t just “give up” on TTC either. :brat::headspin: :hissy:– whats the right answer?!?!?!

Purple – you are so freaking funny! :haha: Sleep-temping? Not just once, either! Oh, if I was DH I so would have grabbed the camcorder in a heartbeat! I totally got a visual of that when you were describing it :rofl::rofl::rofl:! Thanks for giving me my laugh of the day! I needed one today… (oh, and kudos for not testing yet – wow! You are like super woman this cycle! And cramping can be a good sign - implant?! FX for you!)

Dwrgi – enjoy that vacation (sorry – holiday?) – looks like a nice, quaint golfing town by the sea – ahhhhh! AND you only swore once? Was it a really good one at least? :shock:=D>

Missy – gosh, the stupid stuff we did for our ex’s, huh? :dohh: Don’t worry, I’m a member of that club too! But, if you hadn’t moved to MD, you wouldn’t have met your current love of your life, right? It always ends good, at least!:winkwink:

Dashka – feel better! I was always told from alt therapist to “ allow the negative thoughts to come, acknowledge them & then let them pass on by”.:-= I know – easier said than done. It’s probably best to keep occupied during 2WW, but I’m no expert. Just treat yourself well, darlin’. You are past ov so now there’s nothing you can do but FX, give that positive thinking a "spin" & be healthy.

AFM: Doing OK, but a couple of blah days. However, I am excited that I got my pH test (thanks Dashka), I am acidic (6 - 6.5) & so I'm correcting it with ions & electrolytes that change my water to be more alkaline. It's so much fun - I'm going around testing DH, the neighbors, friends, family - they give you like 90 sticks! :haha: I'm like "hey, wanna test your pee? It's really fun...?" I need to get out more...

AND I started taking my Evening Primrose oil (thanks Missy) - its just like Omega-3 capsules. Tell you what, it "regulates" you if you know what I mean! :loo: (yay! finally got to use that one! thats for you dwrgi...). And I started gf juice - thanks to Purple! :thumbup: I do (generally) keep my spirits up each cycle just b/c I know I'll learn some new tidbits & get to try them & maybe have better luck next time...

To all the other ladies- have a wonderful V.D.! (oh my - what an abbrev, huh?! :haha:) :hugs::hugs::hugs: :dust:
HA - I'm so sorry your 2 eggies didn't make it :(. But, you do have one really wonderful, healthy, viable egg just waiting for you! :thumbup: This could be the one! FX, FX, FX - and relax, darlin...


Just creeping in....

Purple..sleep temping :haha: thank you for thinking of me :hugs:

Dwrgi....:howdy: new thread owner :haha: enjoy half term lovely. For the front page...I dunno what you want to put...erm 36 and three losses in 12 months??

Missy...good to see your all good :hugs: step at a time have a fab 4BB growing and implanting in you :hugs:

Carole...hope you get your dog back :cry: and how awful the way you and hubby were treated :hugs:

Sky...lava...hope you're doing ok new mommies :hugs:

Manuiti...NS....OMM...Twinks...luv and all the others I have missed and all the ladies that are newish in here...hope you're doing ok and :dust: to you all

AFM...13 weeks pregnant and I got engaged today....I am still in shock that all appears to be going ok and keep expecting to wake up as its a dream :wacko:

Happy valentines day :flower:

Happy Valentine's Day all. As you can see I am having a rip roaring party here on the couch. Hubby playing online cards and me surfing TTC forums. Oh--the shear romance.

I think the highlights for today or purple's sleep temping and that icon that has to poo and is knocking on that door. Can't remember who posted it, but I love it.

HA--happy baby thoughts coming your way. a hard week for you, but the party could be right behind the corner :happydance:.

Maybe we should all :sex: for the holiday and forget all about TTC for one day, but if you don't want to do that, have a peek at my chart and lmk why fertility friend will not give me my crosshairs :brat:
DH and I are just sitting here on the couch watching bad reality tv. Partly because i'm still on dr's orders to "take it easy" (and no sex allowed post-transfer, btw, so no action here tonight!), but it doesn't bother us because we really have never made a big deal over V-day... we'd much rather celebrate dates that are meaningful to us - our anniversary, our first-date-iversary, our engage-iversary - than an arbitrary day in February. :shrug: So I don't mind at all that it's a quiet night in tonight! We do exchange cards, but that's all.
Morning Ladies

HA me and DH are with you on the Valentines Day we don't do much apart from a card as I think it is all a bit too comercialized to be honest. I know that he loves me so I don't need a big gesture on a day that someone else chooses to be special. Like you say for us it is when we met, when we got married etc that we celebrate. Sorry about your other blasts not making it to freezing but I think that this is quite common as they need to be extra high quality to survive the process more so than a normal embie otherwise they just don't make it through the freeze thaw process. You have to concentrate on the 1 great blasty in you right now there are so many ladies that get a sticky BFP from a single transfer. Finger, toes and everything else crossed for you honey :hugs:

Never so good to hear from you, you are often in myn thoughts and HUGE congrats on the engagement and reaching 13 weeks WOOHOO :happydance::happydance: Enjoy this exciting time in your life :hugs:

Purple loving that bleeping thermometer poor DH what we put them through they really don't stand a chance hahahaha. Hoping this is your month honey :hugs:

Dwrgi the holiday looks fab I would love to get away to the countryside all nice and green right now but I guess I will have my fix in summer when I am back.

AFM nothing much to report apart from have another scan tomorrow which I always count down the days to as I get to see her on the screen. No sign of my little dog which has made me sad as I think our chances of getting her back now are fading:nope: Some people are so cruel it breaks my heart to think of her scared and frightened. I do believe in karma though you can't treat people badly like this and not expect it to come and kick you in the butt twice over at some point just hope they get theirs sooner rather than later.Take care and catch up soon :hugs:
never - oh my goodness - 13 weeks!!! yay!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
and congratulations on your engagement - that is so lovely and how romantic! :cloud9: I am beyond happy for you!! xxxx
Dwrgi - so glad you are having a lovely time! enjoy, I hope the weather stays dry for you , oh and how lovely to have made a new furry friend :hugs:

Ipen - looks to me like FF is showing O weird it's not drawing crosshairs Grrrr
Carole - good luck tomorrow, and I am so sorry about your dog :hugs:

HA - hope you are still relaxing!! Im with you on the nt making a big deal out of V'day because we celebrate our anniversaries etc, so we had a nice relax on the sofa and exchanged cards :)
HA's Blasty - Grow, grow, grow, stick, stick, stick xx

Missy - I can't remember if I mentioned it yesterday but that flying lesson for DH sounds fab!! when is he going?? my dh wouldn't thank me for it thou - he is scared of flying!
huge :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: to everyone....
NS, Lilsluz, LadyH, Heavenly, Twinks, Asry, luv, manuiti and everyone else
OMM & pad - if you happen to be lurking - hope you are ok xxx

afm - I managed not to sleep temp last night, at least not that dh heard anyway, however I got it into my head that was 10 dpo today and.....I tested :doh: bfn of course, and then realised only 9 dpo (Im not really sure how much difference that makes) Im weakkkkkk!! :haha: never mind, I think Ill just wait now and if AF hasn't shown up by the weekend, I test then :)

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