TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Gotta be quick.....Doctor scanned me and no beany in there and I am on to IUI #3 as soon as HCG levels go down to 0 and I start to ovulate again.

Missy - I like your protocol with trying the natural way etc. I hope you feel better soon.
Dear Frolicky, I am so sorry that the news at the scan wasn't good news for you, just wanted to send you a ton of :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Butterfly & Frolicky - I'm so sorry to hear your bad news - I'm sending you lots of virtual cuddles :hugs:
Gotta be quick.....Doctor scanned me and no beany in there and I am on to IUI #3 as soon as HCG levels go down to 0 and I start to ovulate again.

Well, I'm sorry to hear it, but I guess I'm also a little glad that the beany is gone - that means your hCG should drop pretty quickly now. :hugs::hugs:


AFM, nurse just called with good news - my hCG is at 41, and she was very pleased with that number - they consider anything over 50 a definitive bfp, and this 41 came at two days earlier than they would normally do a beta. :thumbup:

My progesterone is a little low, though, at 7.4. The only info I could find online says it should be at least 9, so nurse thinks dr will increase my progesterone dose. I can't say this doesn't have me a little worried... but nurse was so pleased with the hCG that I think I'll stick with that and remember that for right now, I am still pregnant. :thumbup:
Hi ladies,

HA - have to peek at your journal - but things sound good!? Congrats!!!!:happydance:

Butterfly and Frolicky - can't stop thinking about you guys.... We all have such mixed emotions on here today.... and are here for you.... I hope things happen soon so you can work through things and emotions.... Big GIANT hugs your way...:hugs::hugs:

Dwrgi - OMG girl... don't apologize for the ranting... I often feel like that about DH... infact our mini-fight the other day was just about that... how we go to all this trouble to change things, take things, go to appointments, and worry etc... and when I try to strike up a conversation about it he doesn't say much.... I was starting to think he didn't care as he wouldn't comment on anything... I talked to him about it (through tears ofcourse) and HA is right - they just don't know what to do/say and they get scared.... This infertility thing really has changed me and I have to remember that sometimes. Wish things didn't have to be so complicated with when to DTD and all that crap... So you rant girl..... rant away!!! But definitely tell him how you feel and how you are hurting.... xoxo:flower:

Missy - hi hun!! hope you are doing better... You are doing a great job with your SS ... Like I said before sometimes we think they aren't listening but they are.... :):dohh:

Lilsluz - so sorry for your losses too... I hope you are okay and feeling ok...

Purple - how are you feeling? I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you!!! Congrats and can't wait to hear more!!:flower::happydance:

Ipen - how are you doing? You'll find out soon right?

AFM - well today I'm 12 DPO - and took a FRER this morning.... and unfortunately BFN!:cry:
It's really got me bummed out... I guess I'm out then this month? No sign of AF yet and I usually spot the day before -but my guess is it will probably arrive tomorrow... I have been 'peeing' like mad so crazy emotional this month - I thought it was going to be different. Oh well - hopefully next month ....

Hello to all the other ladies I missed..... hope you are all doing well....:hug:
HA - brilliant news!!

Dashka - I hope that wicked witch stays away!!

afm - I am trying to stay calm and not to worry and just wait and see. Ive been to see dad today (and mum) he's recovering after his radiotherapy and a bit sore but doing ok. I am so proud of how he is coping with all this, it's made me forget my own worries for a bit
Hi girls!

Hey Butterfly, how are you doing hun? Thinking of you loads, always here for you, big :kiss: and :hugs: xxxx

Dashka, so sorry it's a BFN-so cruel when you have some of the symptoms too. It's the pits! Lots of maldod (as we say in Welsh) and pampering for you today. Thanks for the support on the OH issue-it's a recurring issue on here. They really don't get it, alas. Love to you, Axxxx

Frolicky-so sorry there wasn't a sticky bean on the scan, but hopefully you won't feel as much in limbo now that you know definitively. Really sorry hun. xxx

LilSluz-thanks for the support re. my old mc. Seems like another lifetime ago. Hope you are okay? xx

HA-great news on the beta results! So very pleased for you. I don't know if this is any help to you, but in my clinic, if anybody has any spotting in the 1st tri, or even during 2WW, my FS recommends extra progesterone. It often seems to do the trick. Fingers crossed that Marvin 4BB is getting well and truly snuggled in! xxx

Hey Purps-hope you're feeling okay? Do you have any of the symptoms? Oh, I am so excited for you! Glad you went to see your parents-nice that you can be so close to them at this time. Have a nice restful evening

Missy-it really sucks about SS and the poor influence his bio mother is on him. There is NO justice in the world. Glad you're enjoying Emma Cannon's book-I like her no nonsense approach, and I love the 'Expect a miracle' phrase. Why shouldn't we all expect our own?? Stick at your programme, hun, I have a good feeling about it. xxx

Asry-where are you in your cycle at the mo.? Hope you're okay hun. xx

Twinkle-your avatars always make me smile. You are an angel. xx

Love to you all, let's hope tomorrow brings a good day to us all. Night night!

Hi ladies,

HA - have to peek at your journal - but things sound good!? Congrats!!!!:happydance:

Butterfly and Frolicky - can't stop thinking about you guys.... We all have such mixed emotions on here today.... and are here for you.... I hope things happen soon so you can work through things and emotions.... Big GIANT hugs your way...:hugs::hugs:

Dwrgi - OMG girl... don't apologize for the ranting... I often feel like that about DH... infact our mini-fight the other day was just about that... how we go to all this trouble to change things, take things, go to appointments, and worry etc... and when I try to strike up a conversation about it he doesn't say much.... I was starting to think he didn't care as he wouldn't comment on anything... I talked to him about it (through tears ofcourse) and HA is right - they just don't know what to do/say and they get scared.... This infertility thing really has changed me and I have to remember that sometimes. Wish things didn't have to be so complicated with when to DTD and all that crap... So you rant girl..... rant away!!! But definitely tell him how you feel and how you are hurting.... xoxo:flower:

Missy - hi hun!! hope you are doing better... You are doing a great job with your SS ... Like I said before sometimes we think they aren't listening but they are.... :):dohh:

Lilsluz - so sorry for your losses too... I hope you are okay and feeling ok...

Purple - how are you feeling? I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you!!! Congrats and can't wait to hear more!!:flower::happydance:

Ipen - how are you doing? You'll find out soon right?

AFM - well today I'm 12 DPO - and took a FRER this morning.... and unfortunately BFN!:cry:
It's really got me bummed out... I guess I'm out then this month? No sign of AF yet and I usually spot the day before -but my guess is it will probably arrive tomorrow... I have been 'peeing' like mad so crazy emotional this month - I thought it was going to be different. Oh well - hopefully next month ....

Hello to all the other ladies I missed..... hope you are all doing well....:hug:

dashka - It ain't over til the wicked, ugly, wart-infested, leper, pimply, nasty, slimy, hog, son of a :witch: arrives! (& yes, that'/s how I REALLY feel about her...)

No, but really - it depends on the test & about 20% don't show up until after 14DPO (per FF). Some show up days or even a week+ after AF due. FX for you & lots of :dust: b/c I'm not giving up on you yet! :flower::hugs:
This thread is the BEST!! I love the mature women on this thread!! A breath of fresh air!! Whew!!!!!!!!! :) Sorry but the mc forums I just get ignored. Oh well. Strange.

This thread really is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I might as well use phrases like that since we're all OLD in here. :haha: There just really is something to the maturity and grace that comes with experience and years. In this group of women we've seen it all, and there is always someone ready with a :hugs: or a :gun: no matter what you need. I don't know if the distinct lack of cattiness in here is because of our age or situation (all trying for our first) or what, but I've said it before and I will believe it until I die - this is the most amazing bunch of women on the internet. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM--no new news here. cramps are either the progesterone, impending period, or pregnancy--that about sums it up :dohh: OH--got an email form the new job (that i am to start Monday). He said he needed my phone # so that we can "talk about the onboarding situation". UM--situation--what situation??? I have already quit my current job--hope this is a very resolvable situation.

It's amazing any of us get through the tww at all without losing our minds completely. Congratulations on the new job - I hope the "situation" gets sorted out easily. Is it same work, new employer? (Sorry if you've said before - my ability to focus and retain info is severely compromised lately. :wacko:)

AFM-had dreadful pains in my ovaries last night, which I assume is the norethisterone. Can't wait to finish taking them on Thurs. Will be glad to be off the testo gel too-I am just so irritable and feel no affection in my real life for anything, apart from my furbabies. I think this treatment will be IT for me. They said last summer that I responded badly and the option was donor eggs. I've used DHEA since Sept to improve the quality of my eggs, and a ton of other stuff. If this doesn't work, then I am getting more and more into the mind frame, that it just wasn't meant to be. I don't know what it will mean for me and my OH either-he has been so difficult for so much of this journey, not because he doesn't want to be a father, but because I believe he is emotionally quite immature (of course we all know who I blame). For example, I just know that the ph tests that I have oredered will prove he is highly acidic (and sperm need an alkaline environment to survive). Of course, I also know that it will be HUGE battle to get him to adjust his lifestyle and nutritional intake, as he "does not want to be controlled." I just don't have the fight in me to deal with him any longer. Last week, when we were away, he came down with a heavy cold and the world came out of his bottom. The first things he ditches are the Wellman Conception and his Vit C with zinc! He didn't take them for five whole days-I went ballistic. I just cannot deal with that level of complete ignorance. He exhausts me and I just don't think he is a strong person to deal with what needs to be done to achieve our success.

Sorry to rant, but feeling quite down and it's all crap, really, isn't it????!

Rant away, any time you need to. :hugs::hugs: How much longer before you start stims? I understand your desire to just be done with all of this business. We each reach a point where we just need resolution, in whatever form we can get it... the limbo of ttc for so long is really unbearable. As for your DH, first of all :grr: and secondly :hugs:. Thirdly, and most importantly, please consider getting some counseling... infertility takes an incredible toll on every relationship. MIL being such a royal pain is a compounding factor. But there are reasons you two fell in love and got married in the first place, and those reasons are still there even if they're hard to find at the moment. Our men see how hard all this infertility sh*t is on us, they see how it's changed us, and they don't know what to make of it or how to handle it. It frightens them, and their first instinct is usually to think that if we stop ttc then she'll get better.... They're simple creatures, really, and find complicated female emotions baffling. :winkwink: But in all seriousness, the foundation of your relationship is still there. And whether this cycle works and you have a baby, or it doesn't work and you decide to live child-free, or anything in between - the next few months will be one of enormous challenges and transitions for you two, and getting the help of an outside party, someone who is supportive of your relationship, impartial, objective, well-trained and wise, can be a big relief and an enormous help. Please think about it. :hugs::hugs:

Dwrgi, I'm sorry I missed this somehow - ? I so agree w/HA. Counseling isn't a quick fix, but man - just the fact that you want to do it (if you did decide to go that route) will show the seriousness of the situation & your feelings to OH. Also, if you ever experience that "thing" that if it comes from you, he just doesn't believe or respect it: "she's just being _____" (dramatic, crazy, PMSng, fill in the blank), counseling would be up your alley. Some of them just tend to listen to an outsider- any outsider even - & I'm not sure why. But anything you need to get across, it will definitely get across in those sessions. (Its the best thing we ever did & we both say we wish we did it YEARS earlier! - for something else, tho) But find a good one - that may be the hard part.

Mine smokes, eats like crap & takes no vitamins whatsoever. He takes lipitor for cholesterol so that he can "eat anything he wants & still pass the test". :growlmad::dohh: I'm there with you, girl & you rant whenever you want :grr::grr::grr::grr::grr:
LilSluz - I am in FL too. Where are you? Mmm? I wish I could plant some good seeds of wisdom about health in your DH's head. It's easy to take your health for granted when you are young until someting major happens. He can ask my DH who had Hodgkins Lymphoma at 19 (star athlete, straight A student, rocket scientist now). If you don't have your health....well....your perspective changes quite a bit.

Dwrgi - The other ladies are giving you great advice! :hugs: Oh, and yes, I am so happy to be out of 'limbo'. Ugh, that was beginning to make me a little wacky! ;)

Dashka - It's not over till the witch shows up! :hugs:

Purple - Your status/situation makes me smile. Good to hear pops' attitude is in positive spirits. Keep that beany happy. Take good care of you!!

Sorry if I missed someone!!!! I love you ladies!!!!

By the way, tonight I drove home from work with my sun roof open and sang to the songs on the radio. It was a gorgeous evening here. I am feeling quite good!!! :)
I love the shooting icon :gun:

Maybe we could all be the online version of steel magnolias? You ladies have been through so much and have come out on the other side. I was single for so long that I am just getting started. Knowing I will make it no matter what happens give me courage.

Seems like this cycle is winding down for everyone. I have been taking a different approach to testing this month. I got 50 individually wrapped Wondfo sticks on Amazon and I just use one every morning as if I am doing an OPK. That way there is no HUGE :test: day. Not even a hint at a second line for me thus far (11 DPO), but so far no emotion about it.

EVERYTHING IS OK WITH THE NEW JOB!! This is a huge relief to me as I was quite honest in my resignation letter--they would have let me retain the position, but not with a small amount of embarrassment. The new job just needed to change the training schedule a bit. WHEW!!!

Praying BFPs and peace for all.
Gotta be quick.....Doctor scanned me and no beany in there and I am on to IUI #3 as soon as HCG levels go down to 0 and I start to ovulate again.

Well, I'm sorry to hear it, but I guess I'm also a little glad that the beany is gone - that means your hCG should drop pretty quickly now. :hugs::hugs:


AFM, nurse just called with good news - my hCG is at 41, and she was very pleased with that number - they consider anything over 50 a definitive bfp, and this 41 came at two days earlier than they would normally do a beta. :thumbup:

My progesterone is a little low, though, at 7.4. The only info I could find online says it should be at least 9, so nurse thinks dr will increase my progesterone dose. I can't say this doesn't have me a little worried... but nurse was so pleased with the hCG that I think I'll stick with that and remember that for right now, I am still pregnant. :thumbup:

HA WOOOHOOO I am over the moon for you honey. I know you are scared witless right now due to your previous losses but please try your best to think that this will be different. It just has to be your time. 41 is a great number when testing 2 days early just think tomorrow it will be nearer 100. I am sure you are taking baby aspirin with your progesterone to help it stick so you really cannot do anymore than you are. You really have made my week, I haven't smiled this much in a long time :hugs::hugs::hugs::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Good morning ladies, How is everyone today? I hope you are all well,
big loves and :hugs: to you all!!
hope everyone has a fab day xx
HA - I am so exited and happy for you :cloud9: you really do deserve this and so glad you and DH made it :happydance: (with little help of M. Gaye:winkwink:) I pray for everything to work out well this time :hugs:

Purple - was there anything different you did that might have worked this + cycle? Take it easy now hun :hugs: :hugs:

Tigerlily - I am so sorry to hear about your dad, there is no words to make you feel better. But he will be in your heart forever, doesn't go anywhere. :hugs::hugs:

Froliky - Florida...oh my, been there once and loved Ft. Lauderdale&Miami :boat: and you driving with roof open. I can just imagine the feeling :headspin: you lucky girl!! We are actually also having a beautiful sunshiny day, and only -2c :yipee: would rather be skiing than at work..:comp:

Dwirgi - I hope things get better with OH, men can be such a-holes sometimes :nope: but hopefully you'll find a way to go through things that satisfies you both. Its hard on you both I know. :hugs:
And thanks for asking, I'm doing good. Actually tomorrow having my U/S to see if we could do IUI ON FRIDAY...guess who is so exited and nervous :help::wohoo:
asry - Hmm, well I was using a little bit of "concieve plus" gel squirted in before dtd, DH was taking zinc (but only for the last few weeks - so I don't know if that helped??) and I had been on the C0Q10 for 3 months, so maybe that helped. difficult to kow really, I think our timing was good this month also

IUI Friday?? OMG!! that's very exciting!! only two days!! Ill be keeping my fingers and all other limbs crossed for you!
HA - I am so exited and happy for you :cloud9: you really do deserve this and so glad you and DH made it :happydance: (with little help of M. Gaye:winkwink:) I pray for everything to work out well this time :hugs:

Purple - was there anything different you did that might have worked this + cycle? Take it easy now hun :hugs: :hugs:

Tigerlily - I am so sorry to hear about your dad, there is no words to make you feel better. But he will be in your heart forever, doesn't go anywhere. :hugs::hugs:

Froliky - Florida...oh my, been there once and loved Ft. Lauderdale&Miami :boat: and you driving with roof open. I can just imagine the feeling :headspin: you lucky girl!! We are actually also having a beautiful sunshiny day, and only -2c :yipee: would rather be skiing than at work..:comp:

Dwirgi - I hope things get better with OH, men can be such a-holes sometimes :nope: but hopefully you'll find a way to go through things that satisfies you both. Its hard on you both I know. :hugs:
And thanks for asking, I'm doing good. Actually tomorrow having my U/S to see if we could do IUI ON FRIDAY...guess who is so exited and nervous :help::wohoo:

I really hope that you can do it on Friday! Good luck to you hun!

Dwrgi - Im loving your new ticker!! - I had an excited shiver when I read about your egg collection - less than 3 weeks!! :happydance::happydance:
butterfly - - how are you doing today chick?? I hope your ok, big loves xxx :hugs:

Frolicky - I was so happy to read about you singing in the car on the way home, Im glad you are doing ok but here's a big :hugs: anyway xx

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