TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

tigerlilly - thank you for asking hun, dad's doing ok, feeling sore at times, he's starting some chemo next week, so I am hoping it doesn't make him feel too unwell. Good news about the lady on the azoo thread!! :hugs:

lilsluz - who knew that Robitussin was such a potent med!? :haha: your DH ready to dtd every night in order to avoid the man tests made me laugh. I honestly think my dh would be really reluctant to do those either!

Ipen - I LOVE LOVE LOVE BTSOOY :haha::haha::haha:
It just about sums everything up!! how are you doing anyway??

Dashka - Im still keeping fingers crossed for you!! any news ??

Twinks - are you ok?? you have been a little bit quiet and Im getting withdrawal symptoms!! :hugs:

LadyH - I think everyone has days where they need to stay away and take some time - but the forum draws you back (and then you see how many pages you need to read to catch up :haha: - Ive missed you xx

big loves to carole, heavenly, and any other lurking ladies xxxx :hugs:

nothing new here really, the weather has brightened a bit :D which is very welcome but other than that nothing much to report. I am calm and collected :winkwink:
ogh someone asked about blood tests - in the UK they are not usually done to confirm anything, doctors trust a postive hcg urine. so Ill make an appointment, but Im not in a rush as these's nothing they need to do just yet and Im still getting used to the idea.
drsquid - You are NOT a failure. My guess is that your BFNs have more to do with the sperm. Some sperm freeze well and others do not. In addition, I am using fresh sperm (washed etc. still) but it's fresh and never been frozen. I would say if you still get a BFN, you may want to try a different donor. Sorry hon!! :hugs: You will succeed. In addition, with relationships not working out. My guess is that you probably refuse to put up with an a__hole (sorry there are a lot out there). Big :hug:
lils- i even have a miata, except i work today at tomorrow til 7pm. working isnt taking my mind off it. i feel crappy (physically and emotionally). havent been to the gym in 2 weeks which i miss. and did the math and if i dont get af before monday then next cycle is screwed

:sad1: After reading all your posts, you may need to step out of work (lunch?) today, get in that miata, top down & full-blast some tunes in that 75 degree weather :hugs:

DrS & Dashka – Oh, I hope :af: stays away!:growlmad: FX...

Asry – WOW – that’s totally awesome if they can do it Friday?! :yipee: That’s really fast! Keep us posted…

Purple – when do you get your bloods done?

HA & Purple – stay chillaxed :smug::coffee: as you can ladies. I think stress :wacko: is probably worse than caffeine, alcohol & cigs, so you two just be cool cats :coolio:… (meow)

Ipen – so glad for the new job – less hours/stress/traveling I hope? :thumbup:

Dwrgi – if you are going nuts over a latino perfume ad, you would love Miami! :drool::bodyb: Love the icon!

Missy – hope you are doing well, now :flower:

Butterfly – I hope you are hanging in there. I know it hasn’t hit yet, but the anticipation & not knowing if/when/how is very tough.:nope:

Oh Frolicky – I think the :wine: & :finger: go quite well together! i give you a 10 out of 10 for that one...

Hi to Never, Carole, Twinkle, Pennyb & all of you wonderful, loving & caring ladies! :hugs:

AFM, getting ready to go to MIL's - lucky me.:nope: DH is ready to BD every day now that he may have to take a man-test. :haha: But my cycle is a little strange this month. Pulling out all the CM tricks, too - gf juice, pH balancing, EPO & even Robitussin, but nothing showing up yet. Well, I've been officially :ban: from Robitussin by DH, anyway. Apparently it made me :loopy::drunk: last night so it was like I was "on drugs". So? :rofl: (some people have to take all the fun out of everything!)

I agree w/Dashka – this is the bestestest thread! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I agree with all the above and second LilSluz's comments to everyone. (OK, I know it's totally a lazy thing to do...lay off...I just mc. ;)

LilSluz - I am in northern PBC. I need to try and be a little private though because I am a little paranoid someone might recognize my story and details found out which I guess I don't want to get around too much. The weather has been nice. I usually do yoga and exercise but the last three nights all I want to do is have a glass of wine and take a bath. Tonight I took a bath and was shaving my legs and looking at my body and thinking about Tella's quote "If you don't believe in miracles, perhaps you have forgotten that you are one." We are all miracles. Our bodies, the way they move and how complex they are. I was thinking about how lucky my mother was to carry me to full term and that I have lived this long and have a good life. What more can a parent ask for? Truly a blessing! I hope I get a blessing like that. :hugs: to everyone!!! I love you guys!! OK, group :hug: :hugs:

I'm totally on board w/the privacy thing. Just nice to know someone is in my general area going thru similar things. :thumbup: (not that I'm glad you're here, but you know what I mean...)

Girl, going thru mc is so physically & emotionally taxing - you have your :wine: & :shower: & whatever else makes you feel good right now.:hugs:

You are right - we are all living miracles & miracles happen every single day in lots of different ways! :flower:
Ipen, Dash & Drsquid - Hang in there!!!! I hope you get a :bfp: It will happen.

Purple - Glad to hear you are relaxed and pops is hanging in there. Hopefully your pregnancy will help him and he'll recover and see his grandchild.

HA - Still holding my breath and sending sticky vibes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(I so want this to stick for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Dwrigi - I hope you have great results & glad you are happy about moving forward. I know it's exciting but nerve wreaking too. Think positive. :hugs: p.s. I am sending you sunshine vibes~~~~~~~~~~~~

Carol - Thanks for your support. It's nice to have that from someone who has experienced the challenges of TTC (especially LTTC) and is now reaping the benefits of the hard work. Although I have not been TTC as long as some, the steps it took to get me to where I am took 3+ years.

Arsyellah - I hope you're cooking some quality eggs and have excellent results. I am hoping to do IUI the week after you (around March 6th or so). I have my scan on March 1st. Exciting! I also hope your DH has a great sample!! Two eggs is great too!

AFM - I got my first negative pregnancy test this morning so I am looking to the future and once again on the "counting" journey. :dust: to all of us!!
Last day of norethisterone!!!


Sorry, I could not help myself! Can't wait to get started, but dreading it too!

My, I'm jealous of you Flo Rida girls with your fab temperatures. Pea soup in Wales today-looks like a scene from a Victorian novel. Tres depressing!

It makes me SCREAM when I hear about people trying for their 3rd and 4th; or even those who complain about the strain and hard work of the 1st. Or clusters of girls who sit in staffrooms and let any old Tom, Dick or Harriet stroke their bulging belly, whilst pasting a smug and knocked up look on their face (do I sound bitter? This is what happened yesterday in work-I found it VERY difficult to keep my tongue in my mouth). Grr, the world is full of trials-or as Ipenn said BTSOOYs!

Love to you all-let AF stay away (unless you want her to arrive), and let's bring on more and more :bfp::bfp: girls! Expect a miracle!!


YAY! So happy for you!!!! Hopefully you will start feeling better soon w/o that nore-stuff in your system :thumbup::happydance:
frolicky, Im happy for you that you got that bfn! its such a relief isn't it! and yes, my not so secret hope is that my dad is around to meet his grandchild.
Purple, that is so heart-wrenching, it brings a tear to my eyes! :sad1:

Prayers, good vibes & FX's to you, your bean & your dad!!!! [-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<

afm--It seems my biological hormones are in a real tug of war with the progesterone I am prescribed. I take it about 12 hours apart, but I think my body knows that it is AF time. I feel the cramping getting stronger. All :bfn: so far at 12 DPO. I will have to take next month off because of the new job. Although I will be ensured from the first day of employment (Monday) it can take 2-3 weeks to get everything all squared away. I don't want to fight with it. Maybe next time clomid + donor sperm??? We shall see.

Anyone take progesterone in the 1ww? Just curious how long I should take it. Want to go long enough that if there is a bean there, it can stay, but don't want to needlessly hold AF off. AF is due Friday. I was thinking of stopping Sunday am if still BFN. Any advice?

When my RE prescribed progesterone, he said to count the day of the first positive OPK as 0 dpo, the next day is 1 dpo, etc. Start progesterone on 3dpo, test on 14dpo and stop then if it's a BFN. Taking it any longer will delay AF (although mine never held off until 14dpo - I usually started spotting around 12dpo and would test and stop on 13dpo). If you start the progesterone too early, before ovulation, it could prevent ovulation. Hope that helps.

DrS, I'm sorry you're feeling down. TTC presents a million opportunities a day to feel like a failure, but remember that you are not. :hugs: IUI without superovulation (using clomid/femara/injectables) provides roughly the same success rate as a fertile couple ttc naturally, so even with IUI you have to expect that it just might take several attempts. Even with superovulation, it's still only like a 20-25% chance each time. Cut yourself some slack! You are NOT a failure just because you are ttc as a single woman and feeling frustrated! :hugs: We all have different reasons for waiting until this point in our lives to ttc, and none of it matters in the long run - what matters is knowing what you want, and doing what you can to make it happen. You are doing that, and you are not a failure.

Dwrgi, hooray for no more man drugs!!!!

Asry, sorry it won't be Friday - the waiting is really frustrating.

Froliky, so glad it's officially physically over. :hugs:

I know there were some other things I wanted to say, but I'm too distracted atm... we got good news today! My beta MORE than doubled! It went from 41 to 113!! So now I get to be pregnant for two more days. :thumbup: My next beta is on Saturday, and really it's for my own reassurance now - dr is pleased and doesn't need any more until we do a scan at 6 weeks, but he is fully on board with doing as many betas as I need to feel comfortable. Have I told you lately how much I love my clinic staff?! :cloud9:
Hi ladies - hope you are all well!!! you are ALL SOOOOOOO AWESOME!!! This thread is the best thing since sliced bread.

So much to read and catch up on has been so busy and it's the only time I have to get on here ....hee hee...

I'm terrible with names/remembering where people are at but here goes:

Purple - I am praying every day that your bean continues to grow and grow and that you Dad gets stronger and stronger.... Hugs!!!

Dwrgi - you are wonderful.... thanks for being you! So glad you are done with the nore-stuff.... Hope you feel better quick!

Lilsluz - you make me laugh so hard girl! I love the Robitussin story and glad to hear DH is gung-ho for BD'ing more .... hee hee .... Hope this is your month!

Asry - I hope those eggs are getting plumped up for the big week next week! Good luck!

Frolickly - so glad you are feeling better and glad you can move ahead now... You have a amazing talent with that beautiful quilt! It brings me good hibbie-jibbies whenever I see it.

Missy - hope you're doing okay? Miss you on here! Big hugs!

Dr.S - I so sorry that you are feeling so down.... We all go through that 'failure' thinking once in a while... You are NOT one.... Just the fact that you want to bring a child into this world makes you are wonderful person. Hang in there... hopefully it's just too early for BFP to show...

Ipen - you are so funny girl!! Hang in there too....Keeping fingers crossed for you - hope it's too early to tell!

Butterfly, Carole, Never, Twinks and anyone else I missed (so sorry!).... Big hugs!!!

Hope you are all well!

AFM - I need advice!!! Today is 14DPO and still no red AF.... It's been 31 hrs since I noticed the brown/pink when I wipe and nothing still on pad.... More when I wipe before I pee (TMI)...and less afterward... but watery like -.... I did another cheapie strip test this morning and BFN.... but I don't know what is going on.... This has never happened before. Last month was the first time I spotted for over a day (but it looked different and there was something on the pad that time).... I am reading too much into this -the time is going slowly!!!
If it's AF I want to know cause I have to get a few ultrasounds done (just annual checkup that doctor wanted -routine) and they have to be done after period --- My appointment is Tuesday... Now I'm not sure I'll be done AF by then.

Still have on and off cramping -but nothing major... Don't know what's going on - this is not like me.

Any ideas????
HA - sorry I missed you - So glad about your news!!! awesome.... double on...double on.... AWESOME!!!

I also forgot to mention in my post that I'm using natural progesterone cream - but don't think that would be causing my AF to stay away - it never has before in the last year...
Guess I'll have to wait it out.....
HA- woohoo!!!!! Ive just got to do this ....

I would love to know why that bunny is shaking his stuff!:haha:
dashka - that sounds quite baffling! Hopefully someone will be able to help (someone clever that is!) :amartass:

although now Ive noticed you have a ticker marked CD1 - so maybe it's all sorted now??
HA - Great news!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bunny: :bunny: :dance: STAY STUCK BEANY!! WE ALL LOVE YOU!!!

Dashka - You CD1???? If so, :hugs: :cry:

AFM - Preparing for IUI #3. Acupuncture on Monday and scan on Thursday!! Lets cook a good EGG!!!

:sleep: nite nite :friends:
Hi ladies - hope you're having a good night.... Thanks for your notes - my ticker automatically went to CD1 today because I didn't reset it when I was late..... but it knew because.......

...... the dreaded AF arrived tonight!!!! In full force around 3:30pm today... I am actually not too down about it.... I was getting worried something weird was happening... My ND assures me that it's a good thing that my cycles are getting longer - My luteal phase went from 12 days to 13 days the past 2 cycles.... It was just the weird spotting for 1.5 days and it looked so different that caught me off guard. She sees it as all positive, and that my hormones are adjusting for the better.

This is another opportunity for my body to get even stronger to carry a baby.... I am trying to see the positive in this... I know it's going to happen when it's right. "Expect a miracle" right Dwrgi!
Looking forward to getting this one over with and have a good feeling about next month!!

Good luck to all of you and thanks for your wishes.....
Hope you are feeling ok and BIG HUGS to you all.....
Good night!
Frolicky - IUI #3 - 3rd times the charm!! :thumbup:

and Dashka - so soory about the witch but I like your style! and if you LT phase is better - that's great! :hugs:
Dashka - Just wanted to send a quick note to you. I've also heard that the longer LP is better as the 12day LP is the shortest/borderline that you want it to be. So, it sounds to me like that progesterone cream is working & you are getting a longer LP – yay!!!!! :happydance:

But, I know exactly how you feel about AF - I was at 17DPO when she came last month (?) so I was just glad she arrived. You hate her, but if there's not going to be a preg, you want her back again asap. So, I guess I wanted to say "sorry about AF" & "happy you got AF" all at the same time!? :wacko:

I'm glad that you are thinking like you do. I think the same way - bummed for a moment, but then excited that I am going to be SO MUCH STRONGER & HEALTHIER :thumbup: next month b/c I have more things to do & try! Each month, you get a little healthier, a little more balanced & add just a few more things on the “need-to-do/try” list & learn a little more than you learned last month. Worse comes to worst, you might get a BFN, but you have gained so much - you're healthier, more balanced, stronger & more educated. :winkwink::flower:

Sending :hugs::hugs::hugs: your way!

Happy Friday to all the beautiful, wonderful BNB ladies! :happydance::hugs::thumbup::flower:
LilSluz - Where are you at? What is your status?

Dashka - Sorry about :witch: but yes, it's better to be able to move forward a.s.a.p. :hugs: I am only a day ahead of you...CD1 and have scan on Thursday to see if I am cooking an egg. Keep us posted. Looks like we may be in the TWW together. :dust: :dust:

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