TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Butterfly - How are you feeling? Are you going to start TTC again soon?

LadyH - When do you O?
Hi Froliky :hi: Today I feel fine so that is good! I'm going to start ttcing as soon as poss but I am not sure when that will be - I don't feel like I have any time to waste :jo: :haha:

I'm waiting for the hcg to go down :coffee: and I see the doc tomorrow. I am temping again so i hope that will start telling me something soon! At the moment I am hovering on my normal coverline.

Hi Ladies,

I thought this article was interesting.

yes those pesky pesticides can do a real number on men/women in many ways! Try to buy the 'dirty dozen' in organic if possible - the top 12 veggie/fruits with pesticide residue...
just doing a drive by -sorry !

Frolicky - so glad to hear that the IUI happened and you're ok (and donor ofcourse)....

Butterfly - hope you get to try again soon!

Asry - I know you ovulate 12-48 hrs after the LH surge -but I guess it is hard to know exactly when the surge actually began (ie. when you got the smiley -you don't know how many hrs into it you were) I think the surge goes on for 12 hrs or something right?
Good luck and hope you can still do it???

Hello to everyone else and hope you are having a great weekend ladies!

AFM - today is CD11 and ready to ov. in the next couple of days... Went to the baby shower yesterday -all was fine - I tried not to get down about it....

Froliky - I wish I knew! Last month was CD13 and today I am on CD14 with still negative OPK's. I really hope I am will Ovulate soon! I hate my OPK's though and have been reading on here that others feel the same, so will but new ones for next month that's for sure! Did you have another IUI this am?

Purple - see above, as and when there is an egg let's hope so!

:hugs: to all you superb Ladies. Anyone heard from ipen or Missey lately?

Carole - hope you spoke to DH and that you are ok?
Thanks everybody for the get well wishes. I started feeling better yesterday & thank God - just in time for my "Girl's night" I had scheduled weeks ago. Horror movies, wine & good Japanese-Thai food is like chicken soup for the soul...

Dwrgi – Thanks for the pics/info – the scenery & castle/gardens look so nice! That’s one thing I love about the UK – you guys have some great history & those castles have to be really awesome to visit (& of course, the kings & queens & renaissance, etc). I think our history only goes back to what – 235 yrs? That’s a drop in the bucket. Maybe I'll get to go there 1 day? (my dad's side is Welsh) :thumbup:

Frolicky – OOOOOHHH FX for you w/your IUI past & present if you went again today!!!! :flower::hugs: Thanks for pesticide article – gosh, and we wonder why we are so unhealthy?!

Dashka- glad you made it thru the dreaded B.S. (good abbrev for it rt?) And thank you for the top 12 & least 12 – See, I knew that veggies were bad for you! Na, j/k – but you know its bad if a veggie ends up being worse for you than a doughnut! And here I thought I was being so good…:haha:

Asry – the smileys are suppd to detect the LH surge, but you could be at your beginning or end of it & wouldn’t know. if you are like me, you only get a quick window (12 hrs) & 1 smiley vs. 2-3 days of smileys like some other people seem to get. Let us know if you do get it on Monday (FX)! :flower: If it’s a no go, then it’s OK - more time to get prepared :hugs:

Purple – so sorry your dad couldn’t make the show. That had to be tough for you guys to go, but I’m so glad you, DH & your mom did go bc it sounds like it was a fun show 9& you guys need it) - So, rude muppets, who thinks of this stuff?! :haha: I'll probably love it...

Butterfly – sounds like you are starting to see that light at the end of the tunnel. Hope that light gets brighter & brighter each day.:thumbup::flower: (PS – I was soooo waiting for someone to use that icon :jo:) :haha:

LadyH – Yeah, those line OPKs are hard to tell sometimes. I never got a +OPK until I just spent the $ on the CBED/smileys back in Nov & I just started testing 2x/day this past month too – just to be safe. I ov so late that I just find myself wanting to know when I can stop :sex: - it gets tiring after a 10-day stint! (even if its every other...). :sleep:

:hi:to ipen, Missy, Twinks, DrS, HA & any other fine lady I missed (sorry)! I hope you all have a great Sunday! :coffee::munch:
Frolicky-good luck with the IUI! I think the donor sperm man crash is a good omen!! He got there in time!! Fingers crossed hun! xxx

Asry-I think it is truly appalling that medical centres do not open on a Sat to do IUI. FFS! My private clinic opens all hours to do treatment, but the NHS hospital neaby wouldn't-it's just luck whether you ovulate in the week or not. There is no compassion for how you must be feeling now-such a wasted opportunity. But onwards and upwards and let's hope that they catch the eggy next cycle! Big :hugs: to you hun!

Skyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee! How lovely to have you back-I have missed your cute little posts!! Wish me all the luck in the world hun, and please keep an eye on my progress in case I do something ridiculous. I know that you are a complete EXPERT on this!!! Big hugs and :kiss::kiss::kiss: to you and Shirin! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dashka-how are things with you?? Glad you managed the baby shower-not easy, is it hun, but one of these fine days, it'll be YOUR baby shower! xx

Purple-sorry that your father didn't feel up to the theatre. Better for him to stay at home and rest. I bet you missed him though. Glad you took your mother! And, yes, I agree with whoever congratulated you on 6 weeks! Marvellous! Keep it going hun! xxxx

Butterfly-lovely to see you back, although in the nicest possible way. They do say that month after mc is V fertile, so fingers crossed! And, btw, you're not an old lady just yet!! Silly billy!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Ipenn-how are you hun?

HA-big :hugs: and lots of M&Ms to you hun, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Missy-thinking of you! :kiss::kiss::kiss:

Lady H-hope you get that smiley face soon! FX for you! xxx

I'm still stimming obviously. Had THE worst headache yesterday, and I know that I'm coming down with a cold. :nope: Had to do my injections in the car park at the cinema last night (went to see 'Dangerous Method.' Please, girls, take it from me, don't bother! Keira K was a joke. The girl can't act for everton mints). OH is doing them tonight. Have already warned him. Just made flapjacks with all sorts of goodness in them-seeds, nuts, dried fruits, etc. And also just decanted type of African veg stew I will take to work with me this week-full of beans, chick peas, spinach, etc. Downside, it's quite, ahem, windy in these parts!!! :blush: Roll on Wednesday for scan 2 and acupuncture straight after.

Hope you're all having a good weekend, Axxxxxxxxxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Just missed your post Lil, but wanted to say hi! Glad to hear you're feeling better! Where do your father's family come from?? Would love to find out more! I can see the castle that I sent a link to, from our house-we just take it for granted now, crazy isn't it? Big :hugs: to you hun, Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just missed your post Lil, but wanted to say hi! Glad to hear you're feeling better! Where do your father's family come from?? Would love to find out more! I can see the castle that I sent a link to, from our house-we just take it for granted now, crazy isn't it? Big :hugs: to you hun, Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Aw, thanks Dwrgi. I don't know where in Wales they came from - I guess I considered myself lucky to know it was primarily "Wales". I will ask & see if he knows tho. :winkwink: (majority of us here are part so many things its hard to keep track of)

Keeping my FX for you Dwrgi!!!!!!!!!! You've been thru so much :hugs::hugs::hugs: Enjoy the rest of your wknd too!

P.S. - don't take this the wrong way, but I'm really glad I don't work next to you! (African stew) :blush::rofl:
Question for any of my progesterone-challenged friends: When you started taking the cream did you get a fever? what about estrogen? I'm taking both since Fri. & I have a fever today but don't feel sick (now that I'm not sick I have a fever?)

Its gotta be the hormones...(?) Thanks :thumbup:
Butterfly - :hugs: I was able to try again right away. FX for you!! Doctor said I could, but they are all different :wacko: and if you go to a few you find out real fast that a second opinion becomes a third, fourth etc. Trust your body! It might also depend on how far along you were in your pregnancy when you mc. I hope you get a green light soon! :hugs:

Dashka - I know about the "dirty dozen" and try to buy all organic but sometimes there is not an option depending on what's available. Good Luck on O soon!! I am glad the baby shower is over. It's nice to be able to get them 'over' with. I hope you are cooking a fine egg in your ovary for fertilization! :baby:

LadyH - I stay away from the line tests from now on. They annoy me and are just not as reliable. Digital might be more $$ but at least the answer is clear. I also test 2-3 times a day depending upon what my fertility monitor says. I hope you are cooking a fabulous egg too which is ready for fertilization! :baby:

Ipen - Where are you? Are you OK? Pop in and say "hi" if you can. :hugs: I hope you are OK.

HA - I am still thinking about you and sending my loving, healing, supportive vibes your way~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :hugs:

Purple - I am still hoping your dad pulls through with a clean bill of health (like my dad did a few months ago). I am sure he would have rather of seen you all go to the show than not because he did not go. I am glad you all enjoyed yourselves. I hope the baby is doing AWESOME and loving your uterus. ;) :happydance:

Dwrgi - Lol! Yes, the donor made it. I hope it was a good omen too, but I don't really believe that sorta stuff. Life is so unpredictable and mysterious. I do know that I feel very relaxed if I get a BFN or if I get a BFP. I am not sure but I just feel like if it doesn't happen this month it will in the future. I am not sure. I think the acupuncture did something because I feel so great, calm, content and peaceful. Oh, your food sounds amazing!!! Can I come over? Yummy!! Good Luck with your scan! I hope you don't have to poke yourself too much more. I hope you're making some fine eggs too!! Enjoy your acupuncture too. :thumbup:

If I missed anyone...Sorry. I am so grateful for you all! :friends: Have a great day! I am going to do some cleaning and then read a book with a steamy cup of the red rasberry leaf tea. :book: :)
Question for any of my progesterone-challenged friends: When you started taking the cream did you get a fever? what about estrogen? I'm taking both since Fri. & I have a fever today but don't feel sick (now that I'm not sick I have a fever?)

Its gotta be the hormones...(?) Thanks :thumbup:

I only got a fever the same month of my BFP. I know that your immune system goes down for implantation (progesterone helps lower it too) which makes you more vulnerable to getting a virus etc. Let's hope it's a good thing. FX'd for you!! :dust:

My temp does go up with progesterone but not a fever.
lil - I haven't taken progesterone but it makes sense that your temp would go up as they do after Ov, if you are sensitive to that rise you may be aware of a feverish feeling!
Yeah, I was thinking same thing - if prog makes temp go up after ov, then maybe taking "extra" is giving me a bit of fever. I run very cold so I never usually go above 98.6 (lucky to get that), but I'm at 100 this afternoon.

Oh well, they said that I may experience some unusual things... I just get a little scared when messing w/hormones & thinking perhaps I should wait for 2nd opinion (in another month or so)? But then, I think if I wait for 2nd opinion & I timed things correctly this month, not taking it could ruin any chance I may have? Aye, carumba... :dohh:
Lil- I think a low grade fever is a good sign, the progesterone is working. Good luck! We're in tww sucks now together. :hugs:
Yeah, I was thinking same thing - if prog makes temp go up after ov, then maybe taking "extra" is giving me a bit of fever. I run very cold so I never usually go above 98.6 (lucky to get that), but I'm at 100 this afternoon.

Oh well, they said that I may experience some unusual things... I just get a little scared when messing w/hormones & thinking perhaps I should wait for 2nd opinion (in another month or so)? But then, I think if I wait for 2nd opinion & I timed things correctly this month, not taking it could ruin any chance I may have? Aye, carumba... :dohh:

Lil-:hugs: your immune system does drop. Do you have a cold or just low grade fever?
His ladies. Thanks so much for asking after me. All is well here. I am Indiana, but the north so no storm damage for me.

My new work computer is not yet here so I can only look at the forum on my kindle fire. It is doable, but takes a bit more effort.

Trying to decide whether to use OPKs this month or forget it all together. For now I am enjoying wine and the new car I bought yesterday (not at the same time).

Good luck to all with your treatments everyone. I hope to get my computer tomorrow and catch up better.
Ok Ladies, now you can officially call me nuts :fool: as I told you my clinic is closed sat-sun and I got smiley face on saturday, also on sunday morning&evening. Had ovulation pains sat+sunday. I always thought (still do ) that ovulation happens/egg is released when pain stops, not sure though. Anyhow, after googleing for whole weekend and finding reserches on timing of IUI I decided that we'll do IUI monday, and I just had it done 2 hours ago :happydance:
Everything looked good, we had 9,5milj :spermy: my lining was 12mm and ovulation had happened. My gyn said that egg is fertilizable for 36hours, so now just hoping and praying that egg is still alive [-o<and those spermies find it!!!
And it didn't hurt at all!!!! Like she said nature is so wise that when we ovulate cervix is straigtens and is little bit open for spermies, like mine was now and didnt feel the cathetre AT ALL :thumbup: like in my hsg she couldnt get it in and hurt like crap..
I'm exited, not too optimistic but glad I went. Next cycle (if it comes) we'll go injectables with iui.
Sorry for this TOTALLY selfish post :blush:
Thanks for all of your support :hugs::hugs::hugs: I hope march brings us miracles :cloud9:

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