TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

OK I am beginning to wonder what my acupuncturist did and gave to me. I feel like I am high or very happy and have been for over 30 hours. Strange. Wow!
Hi girls. :hugs: Thank you for your continuing support. I can't remember what I've updated where, but my beta on Monday had fallen (from Saturday's) so mc #4 is confirmed. DH and I have been cocooning for several days - lots of tears, lots of movies, lots of m&m's.... We have a follow-up consult with our dr on March 19, so we're working on our list of questions for him. We're trying to hold off on making any decisions about what to do next until after our consult, but my gut tells me that we'll be doing another round of IVF toward the end of April.

I'm slowly making my way back into the land of the living. I'm still lurking here (I never really left here :winkwink:) and soon enough I'll be back more regularly.

I love you ladies - I can't imagine getting through this without you all. :hugs:
frolicky - that sounds fab!!

Butterfly, I am glad you are back safe, I hope the cramping settles for you soon :hugs: :hugs:

HA - lurk away! it sounds like you have exactly the right prescription, M&Ms, movies and DH - perfect. we all love you too, so take time to heal and we are here when you need us!
HA-so lovely to hear from you and so glad that you have coocooned yourself in and had some time to just be by yourselves. That sounds like the perfect tonic to what you've been through. I think the positives are that you got pregnant through IVF, on the first go too. I would be hugely buoyed by that. Now just got to find out how to make little bean stick. And I think it's always good to have a Plan B-April. You go girl! I am thinking of you and sending you truck loads of virtual M&Ms!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Purps-what have you got planned this weekend?? Hope you have a nice time. xxx

Butterfly-so pleased that you are back in the UK and it will be fab for you to be back in your house. Been thinking about you loads. Just wish those cramps would turn into AF so you can find some sort of closure. Thinking of you, and big hugs! xxxx

Carole-how are you, sweetie? Hope you're feeling a little bit better. It sounds as if they are 'on to' the problem, so it's finding a way of making the next few days fly past. I'm sure that all will be okay. Hang in there, love, Axxxx

Frolicky, Dashka, Asry, hi girls!! Hope you all have a good weekend planned. Asry-did they give you a date for IUI???

Squid-yay on the job front, and clear tubes.

Ruby got out this morning-she slipped through my fingers and was gone. Two problems-she is on heat, and has stopped bleeding so is well 'up for it'; second, as she is a husky, she just wanted to run and run and run. OH caught up with her before I did (he is super fit, I am super unfit) in a field chasing horses around and around. OH had the owner shouting obscenities at him, but what would he rather, that we just left the dog in there? Stupid f&&king ignorant man. I waded through brambles and barbed wire fence to get to them, tore my clothes and eventually managed to help OH corner Ruby so we could catch her. I had no breath left, and was highly stressed, and I'm thinking, 'I'm supposed to be calm and relaxed!' My advice to anybody-do not buy a husky unless you have ten foot high enclosures to keep them in, as their drive to run and chase is just too strong.

Apart from that, OH made us both a lovely picnic last night and we went and had it on a cliff looking out over the sea. It was lovely-there were even surfers in the water. Mad!!!

Hope you all have a good weekend girls!

Dwrgi - your picnic sounds wonderful! and omg - what a naughty devil Ruby!!! our little dogs have gotten loose before and it's blinking awful!! at least she didn't meet any boy dogs on her adventure.....that would have been puppytastic!!

DrS - congratulations on your new job, well done you!! :dance: and well done for getting through that hsg!

big :hugs: for never , 15 weeks !!!!

Asry - any news today hun?? Im thinking of you xx

Carole - think of you and Zara :hugs:

big loves to all you other fab ladies :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:I hope everyone has something nice planned for the weekend!

afm - nothing new to report, Ive booked for the doctor (now I feel scared!!) - going tuesday (Never told me to do it!) and we are taking mum and dad to the theatre tomorrow to see AvenueQ, as long as dad is feeling up to it. He had his first chemo on Monday and has been feeling quite sicky the last 2 days, so we'll have to see. and Im off work today as a holiday so Im going to get the house cleared up - because as DH says "It;s looking angry!" :haha:
OK I am beginning to wonder what my acupuncturist did and gave to me. I feel like I am high or very happy and have been for over 30 hours. Strange. Wow!

My acupuncturist told me that the point above your knee produces effects similar to having an overdose of heparin. Maybe that's what did it!!! Go with the flow hun! It won't last long! :hugs:
Dwrgi - your picnic sounds wonderful! and omg - what a naughty devil Ruby!!! our little dogs have gotten loose before and it's blinking awful!! at least she didn't meet any boy dogs on her adventure.....that would have been puppytastic!!

DrS - congratulations on your new job, well done you!! :dance: and well done for getting through that hsg!

big :hugs: for never , 15 weeks !!!!

Asry - any news today hun?? Im thinking of you xx

Carole - think of you and Zara :hugs:

big loves to all you other fab ladies :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:I hope everyone has something nice planned for the weekend!

afm - nothing new to report, Ive booked for the doctor (now I feel scared!!) - going tuesday (Never told me to do it!) and we are taking mum and dad to the theatre tomorrow to see AvenueQ, as long as dad is feeling up to it. He had his first chemo on Monday and has been feeling quite sicky the last 2 days, so we'll have to see. and Im off work today as a holiday so Im going to get the house cleared up - because as DH says "It;s looking angry!" :haha:

I like DH's expression! Shall use it myself!

Theatre sounds fab, and will be a tonic for your dad to have something to look forward to. Hope you all have a great time.

Glad you've booked to see the GP-good to get this far and it will seem more and more real! They can start getting you booked in for things too. Good luck!

Poor Gwydion would have been beside himself if she'd made a dog friend on her travels, as he wouldn't leave her alone yesterday, and OH caught him at it about five times!!! Thing is, they don't dawdle and sniff and make friends, they RUN! And there is no stopping them or catching them.

I also really want to have husky pups, not husky cross sheepdog, or anything else. Just want something to look forward to. Little madam.

However, enough doggy tales!

Enjoy your day off, and don't work too hard, lots of R&R, young lady!
Purp - glad you're off to the doc's - well done Never for making you!!

Dwrgi - crikey - thought it was bad enough trying to catch a superspeedy hamster when she gets loose but at least she's confined to our flat!

Frolicky - enjoy - I could do with some of that!!
Asr - sorry this cycle seems to be up the wall - hope you get some answers very soon.

Carole - good advice from Purple - I know it's hard to stay calm but try hard for Zara. Keep us updated on what they say on Sunday - we'll all be keeping you in our thoughts & prayers xxx
Thanks Twinkle.

HA - I have to sign off quick, but wanted to let you know it's so good to read your posts again!!!!!! I am so delighted you are trying again!! I think about you everyday and am just hoping so much for you and DH. I wish I could make you a good meal but I guess m&ms have to do. ;) :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Dwrgi - Thanks. Acupuncture is truly like heroine, but legal. (Not that I know what heroine is like ;) )
Hi ladies. Sorry I’ve been sick w/some allergy/sinus/headache/nausea crap lately so it finally knocked me down this week – off last 2 days sick. But, I’ve been trying to keep up anyway:

HA – lots & lots of hugs & prayers. I posted more in your journal xoxox

Carole – Oh my, darlin, how scary! I agree – you need to tell DH. He is there to share your burdens in life. Out of the 2 of you, you are the one that needs the least stress possibly on your mind, body & spirit. You have to deal w/all of the physical stress of preg already – put as much else as you can on him. He will be able to bear it & you will both become ever so much closer… GL & prayers to you! Keep us posted –

Butterfly – I’m sorry it finally came. It’s a blessing & a curse when it finally arrives. But, while you are travelling?! OMG – my heart goes out to you – praying for a quick, safe one…

Asry – You vent anytime you need to. I know, after waiting all this time, you have to wait another month? Take this time to get “even healthier” for your future baby (& perhaps enjoy that last glass of wine, choc, coffee, etc you can’t have when preg)

Dwrgi – You’ve conquered the Bacne – yay! Gosh your picnic sounds like something out of a storybook! No wonder you want a baby w/thsi guy! If it doesn’t ruin the moment, I would love to see a pic of these cliffs, ocean, etc in Wales next time you picnic there! I love to see/hear about far away places… Keeping my FX for you for upcoming apt…

Dashka – I had recently come across “Maca” & was very interested & had copied it to my TTC Notes & was going to ask you about it, so was funny when I saw your post (may have been on the other thread?). Thinking – this will be my “new thing to try for next month” (I know, I’m already planning to fail – pathetic): Maca is a nourishing food for the endocrine system, aiding both the pituitary, adrenal, and thyroid glands (all involved in hormonal balance.) Maca has the ability to affect key hormones in both women and men without containing hormones itself. In women maca has been shown in studies to help regulate estrogen and increase progesterone (if that is what the body needs). In men It has been shown to regulate estrogen and increase libido and sperm health.

Keeping FX for you for this cycle!

Frolicky – gosh I wish I got that high off of acup! I do get a “small high” from acup, but I do feel like I’m in la-la land after reiki, so probably the same thing you get from acup! We all respond differently – keep it up – it’s soooo good for you! (And you can do it during preg – yay!).

DrS – you can always rant on us anytime you want – we are here for the good times & the bad. But so glad to hear about your appt results & your new job – yay!!!!!

Purple- soooo glad you made that Dr. appt. – you must tell us the moment that you hear any news, please! I didn’t want to ask you too much about your preg b/c I think if it was me, I’d probably just want to “chill” & not overly talk about it too much or get too excited. But, that’s only bc when I seem to get excited about something or talk about it a lot, it always seems like I jinx it. So, just so you know, I think of you daily & have FX for you every day, but don’t want to really say anything until you feel comfortable talking about it…

Missy – PLEASE let us know you are ok. Just send 1 post that says 2 letters “Hi” & we will know you are ok. We are worried about you!!!

Twinks – love the tea up the nose visual! LOL

Hi to ipen, Lady H, Nikki, Pennyb, never & anyone else I missed!

I’ll update me when I feel better, but I did add my Chart to my signature the other day– only fair after stalking others’ charts (haha). Stupid sickness. Nauseated for 12 days now & I never, ever get nausea. I just thank God I wasn't nauseated at end of a cycle or I would have gotten excited over nothing ;)

Lil-sorry to hear you're not feeling very well. Hope you feel better soon. There was a poster (who has since had a baby) who used to swear by using grapefruit extract for a cold (she was Turkish, and this was an old remedy that was commonly used).

This is where we went, it's about five miles from where we live:

It's amazing in that there was once a mansion on the clifftop and it was taken down in the 50s. The walled garden remains there, and is the most amazing plae. We generally go there for our picnics as it is sheltered from the wind and is always warm. It's really lovely!

And if you want a bit of history, I live very near to this:

Take care of yourself and thanks for taking the time to post to us all,
Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
lilsluz - aww - get well soon honey!!

Dwrgi - that looks absolutely beautiful!! I am soooo jealous that you live near to the seaside. I am from Essex originally and moved here the midlands to be with DH. I lived right across from the beach in Essex, and its THE thing I miss now Im living here.
I'm jelaous too - I'd love to live by the sea. We can get to Crosby in about an hour but it's not got the wild, waves crashing on the beach kind of thing I'd like!
i grew up in philly so we used to go to new jersey to go to the shore. i love that now that i live in ca i am near the ocean again (i lived in pittsburgh for a few years which is way inland). i rarely bother to drive all the way out to the ocean but i see the bay everday which is just gorgeous.
drsquid - I'll stop moaning now as in the UK we're never more than 70 miles from the sea I think. In the USA the 'pole of inaccessibility' is in North Dakota & is 1024 miles away from the sea! Couldn't imagine that!!!
twinkle- me either.. and lakes etc dont cut it. now if the water was actually WARM... =) i used to fly down to miami every winter for a week or so (pittsburgh was an airline hub so it was super cheap). needed my ocean.
Hi Ladies!

Dwrgi - I usually get the "probes" with the acupuncture too... I feel a bit like Frankinstein but when I go before ov she puts on my belly/ovaries and when I go after she put on my feet.... It's a little uncomfortable for the first minute or two but gets better (she leaves on for at least half hour)... Great that you are getting that done too! So glad you got Ruby your dog - who knows what would have happened....And so nice of your OH to plan that picnic for you ...sounds so romantic!

Frolicky - yes we are doing a lot of the same things... I started taking Maca and high dose CoQ10 and wheatgrass powder along with the other hundred things I'm taking. I've also been eating gluten free for a while and feel much better when I do. It's suppose to help incase you have the 'immune' problem thingy... But it's the acupuncture, yoga and motivational stuff I'm listening too that is really making a difference I think (and maybe Chinese herbs for my spleen)... I feel like I have the power again over my fertility and that is so important. So glad you are enjoying acupuncture!! It really does help you relax and shifts energy! My new saying these days is "attitude of gratitude = energy shift" :)

Dr. S - so glad your HSG went well.... and tubes are clear! and congrats on the new job! Well done...

Purple - so great that you are taking your parents out.... Good luck at the Doctor's next week - Have all my fingers and toes crossed that all is ok.... :)

Lilsluz - you are so funny girl! sorry to hear that you are sick... Get better soon! Yes Maca is a wonderful thing because it's a whole food (not a supplement) which means anyone can have it and because it 'balances' hormones rather than giving you too much of one thing... I use the 'gelatinized' kind because it is more concentrated /absorbable I think...but it is more expensive. I put 1 tsp in my smoothie. It's not the best taste but I try to mask it with other stuff. Think it's really helped with energy this month too... Good luck girl!! fx for you!

Missy - yes please tell us you're okay?? we are getting worried...

Carole - strong positive strength vibes coming your way to you and Zara....

HA - so glad to see you on here again....and lurk around any time.... Glad you are taking time with DH to cacoon...

Butterfly - sorry about the cramping... Hope you are feeling better soon ..xoxo

Never, Twinks, Heavenly (where are you?) and anyone else I missed - hope you are doing well! Big hugs to everyone!

Have a great weekend ladies....
Lil-sorry to hear you're not feeling very well. Hope you feel better soon. There was a poster (who has since had a baby) who used to swear by using grapefruit extract for a cold (she was Turkish, and this was an old remedy that was commonly used).

This is where we went, it's about five miles from where we live:

It's amazing in that there was once a mansion on the clifftop and it was taken down in the 50s. The walled garden remains there, and is the most amazing plae. We generally go there for our picnics as it is sheltered from the wind and is always warm. It's really lovely!

And if you want a bit of history, I live very near to this:

Take care of yourself and thanks for taking the time to post to us all,
Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Dwrgi - yes grapefruit seed extract is very very very strong.... I would only recommend it if you know for sure that you are not pregnant (so before ovulation only) Same goes for oil of oregano... both work wonderfully for colds/flu/viruses but not safe for preg....

WOW that place looks lovely!!!! you live close to those places!!! I am so envious.... So romantic!!! xoxoxo thanks for sharing!!:flower::winkwink:
oh wow you ladies are all close to some ocean!! lucky you! I live in Toronto, Canada - we have giant lakes but no ocean unless we drive for days :(

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