TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Madeline-you sound as if you're afflicted by the classic TWW symptoms! I hope that those are all positive signs!!!!

I seem to remember that you're in Australia-is this right? Anyway, good luck to you, and I hope you got your timing right!

I think you're at the same stage as Butterfly, 6DPO..... you can go loopy together with us all to support you! :flower::flower::flower::flower:
Here it is, Man! My God, we girls can talk! It took me ages to find it!!! Aim for 65-70g minimum! And I buy some air freshners!!!! :haha::haha:

•Hamburger patty, 4 oz – 28 grams protein
•Steak, 6 oz – 42 grams
•Most cuts of beef – 7 grams of protein per ounce

•Chicken breast, 3.5 oz - 30 grams protein
•Chicken thigh – 10 grams (for average size)
•Drumstick – 11 grams
•Wing – 6 grams
•Chicken meat, cooked, 4 oz – 35 grams

•Most fish fillets or steaks are about 22 grams of protein for 3 ½ oz (100 grams) of cooked fish, or 6 grams per ounce
•Tuna, 6 oz can - 40 grams of protein

•Pork chop, average - 22 grams protein
•Pork loin or tenderloin, 4 oz – 29 grams
•Ham, 3 oz serving – 19 grams
•Ground pork, 1 oz raw – 5 grams; 3 oz cooked – 22 grams
•Bacon, 1 slice – 3 grams
•Canadian-style bacon (back bacon), slice – 5 – 6 grams

Eggs and Dairy
•Egg, large - 6 grams protein
•Milk, 1 cup - 8 grams
•Cottage cheese, ½ cup - 15 grams
•Yogurt, 1 cup – usually 8-12 grams, check label
•Soft cheeses (Mozzarella, Brie, Camembert) – 6 grams per oz
•Medium cheeses (Cheddar, Swiss) – 7 or 8 grams per oz
•Hard cheeses (Parmesan) – 10 grams per oz

Beans (including soy)
•Tofu, ½ cup 20 grams protein
•Tofu, 1 oz, 2.3 grams
•Soy milk, 1 cup - 6 -10 grams
•Most beans (black, pinto, lentils, etc) about 7-10 grams protein per half cup of cooked beans
•Soy beans, ½ cup cooked – 14 grams protein
•Split peas, ½ cup cooked – 8 grams

Nuts and Seeds
•Peanut butter, 2 Tablespoons - 8 grams protein
•Almonds, ¼ cup – 8 grams
•Peanuts, ¼ cup – 9 grams
•Cashews, ¼ cup – 5 grams
•Pecans, ¼ cup – 2.5 grams
•Sunflower seeds, ¼ cup – 6 grams
•Pumpkin seeds, ¼ cup – 8 grams
•Flax seeds – ¼ cup – 8 grams
Girls! I have updated the list. Please let me know if you are not happy with any of it, or want to change your description. There are a few listings with question marks-please let me know the details, mostly scan, and OTD dates (and baby due date for Zara and Oopsie!). If I have missed anybody, don't take it personally, just let me know and I shall add you to the list! Thanks girls, Hope you're all having a great weekend (Come on Wales to win the Grand Slam!!!!!!).

Asryellah: 35, OH 29, ttc 09/2010, unexplained. IUI March. OTD?

Butterfly: 44, TTC with ex BF.

Carole: natural BFP after two failed IVF. Zara due: ?

Dashka: natural TTC after failed Clomid and IUI.

Dr. Squid: IUI with donor sperm. OTD?

Dwrgi: ICSI 2, OTD March 30th.

FM: ?

Frolicky: ?

HA: IVF Feb.

iPenn44: 37, DH 37, TTC 1.5 years, DH sperm issues, using IUI with donor sperm. OTD?

Lady H: natural TTC.

LilSluz: natural TTC after 2 MC's and Clomid.

Madeline: ?

Manuiti: IVF Mar/April

MissyT: natural TTC after failed IVF

Never: expecting Oopsie on ???

PennyB: 38, DH 46, natural TTC, had 2 MC and 1 MMC

Purple: BFP! 10 weeks PG. Scan date?

Twinkle: seeing FS, waiting for test results, losing weight for ICSI.
Hi Ladies...
sorry I haven't been on here in a couple of days - I've still been so sick - not sleeping well at night - I went back to work yesterday and that was a mistake. My throat is sooo raw feels like blades when I swallow and the coughing has gotten so much worse. I went to a walk-in clinic last night and they don't think I have strep throat - thank goodness -just a viral thing and because I mentioned we are TTC she wouldn't give me antibiotics.... which I'm ok with anyway as I don't like taking those. The coughing is so bad that it hurts my stomach,head and now my ears.... OUCH... Had to cancel our plans with friends tonight.... argh. Still painful to swallow/talk. Dr. also told me not to take cough syrup... (but I've been taking a homeopathic one -hope that is okay :haha:)

Okay so how is everyone else doing?

Manu - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (SORRY 1 DAY LATE!).....hope you had a great one!!!:cake: Glad to hear you are finding a place close to where the procedure is happening and that you have your parents to take care of doggie. Hang in there it will be here before you know it...! xo

Dwrgi - glad to hear that you are resting girl!!! Catch up on all the movies you've been wanting to watch!:winkwink:

Lils - so glad your presentation went well!!!! and in so much pain too!!! wow that is impressive! now just relax and put your feet up this weekend! Hope your tests went well....

Frolicky - it is still early for sure!! don't count yourself out yet... That dream is awesome... I never have dreams like that. Mind you I never remember many of my dreams (except when they are really bad ones) :shrug: Fingers crossed for you!!!

Purple - hope you are okay??? Big hugs

Asry - yes Finland looks beautiful!! I also didn't get to see you photo either with all the site being down so much... rats... Sauna sounds lovely. Sorry to hear about the BFN - but it is still early right? How many DPO are you now?

Big hugs and hello to Ipen, Missy, Dr.S, Never, Twinks, Carole, Madeline, Lady H, Butterfly, HA and anyone I missed sorry !!

AFM - the only good thing about being sick is it makes you not even think about the TWW much... Just realized I'm 11/12 DPO today... I may test tomorrow we'll see....I just need to feel better and sleep normally again... Haven't had a proper sleep in 4 days.

Have a wonderful weekend ladies!
Dashka - I got a cold last time and it was a good sign because you want your immune system to go down to permit implantation to occur. I hope it's a good sign. xoxo :hugs: I hope you feel better though too!

Dwrgi - Thanks for taking the time to do all of that! Looks good.

I tested at 2:00 a.m. (that is when I had to go to the bathroom) and :bfn: I really want to stop the progesterone. I am not on any meds or doing injections, and my levels are fine, Dr. is just giving it to me for extra help I guess. However, the stuff costs $460/month and only prolongs AF. I have never liked medications etc. I know it's worth it if I get a :bfp: but I would really like to trust that my body can do it alone. All my tests came back normal. Thanks for listening.
Hi dwrgi and maria and everyone:)

dwrgi yes I am in Australia, u have a good memory:) Wat is TWW? it sounds like its a good thing right? oh thats so cool that Butterfly is at a similar stage:) re the list my partner is totally normal, we have been trying naturally for 5 mths, apparently I am normal except I have had really low vitamin D levels which apparently either prevents implantation or causes miscarriage can't remember which. I am however on supplements for this. i hope this is enough info?

Butterfly, how r u? I can't wait to hear how you are going. have u experienced any symptoms or anything out of the ordinary. I hope you are not totally in impatience crazy world like I am. But if you are then Welcome:) I hope your stay will be of short duration and you exit via the pregnancy door lol:)

Maria 12DPO I can hardly bear the anticipation you are so close to finding out:) I am so sorry to hear about your flu though it sounds so awful I hope you get some rest and feel better soon. Have you had any other symptoms related to pregnancy d u think? I have my fingers crossed:)

hope everyone else is well too:)

Madeline xx
Hi Madeline - Good Luck!!! It's hard not to symptom spot, especially in the beginnning of starting the Assisted Conception stuff. :dust: :dust: :hugs:
Finally got my new work computer, but still trying to work out all of the IT bugs so I had not access to B and B for almost a week :cry:

I missed you all and now I am going to catch up on what you have all been up to :coffee:
Looks like a lot of ladies in the TWW. Good luck to you all! I don't know what I am in. I did pee on one stick this month, but then I forgot to take the sticks when I traveled this week so I don't know about ovulation. We have just been :sex: for fun whenever I am home.

This week I stayed in Chicago, Wisconsin, Nebraska, then back to Chicago--Now I am home. Yay. I should be home all week next week.

We are counting our pennies trying to prepare to adopt. Most of the agencies will not work with you if you are TTC and if you become pregnant, you have to let them know and they put you on hold until you have a miscarriage or a baby. I think that is really dumb because I would like to have both natural and adopted children.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend. :happydance:
Sorry girls, normal service will be resumed at 16.45 but wanted to say:

You can win the Grand Slam!
dashka, hope you feel better soon, that sounds painful :hugs::hugs:

ipenn, glad you are back, we missed you, fingers crossed on the adoption. Also think it is silly that you can't adopt at the same time as ttc :growlmad::hugs::hugs:

Madeline. Yes, I might be on 6dpo assuming I ovulated, but i am not convinced. I think my cycle is just getting back on track from the m/c so I am just going to assume that this one is a no go. I might test anyway as I have lots of cheap ICs in the cupboard but today I think will finally be the day I can say the hcg is back at just about 0 (just waiting for the test to dry)

:hi: everyone else :hugs::hugs:
Dwirgi - my part of the list seems fine, what does OTD mean? On the drugs?:sick:

Dashka- sorry you've been feeling sick, but hopefully its a sign....and yeah my pic was one where I was holding my cute puppy (and you didn't get to see my face :thumbup:) I just didn't want to keep it there cos I'm paranoid :fool: I'm at dpo12 now, weren't you just behind me? :thumbup:

Hope you all are having a great weekend :hugs:!!
I've been doing sports for so many hours today that I'll keep my hand in the chockolate jar for the rest of the evening and keep my ass on the couch :haha:
Sorry girls, normal service will be resumed at 16.45 but wanted to say:

You can win the Grand Slam!
I dont know why B&B posted that message twice! But we won!

OTD: Official Test Date.

Happy (belated) birthday, Manuiti, and welcome back, ipen! On the adoption/ttc issue, it's aggravating as hell but I can understand why they do it... they're probably afraid prospective adopters would walk away if they suddenly had a bio baby... that possibility might even scare off prospective birth mothers - I'm sure they don't want the parent's they've chosen to walk away any more than adoptive parents want birth mothers to walk away....

I know I'm a few days late but I wanted to chime in on the sauna topic... my first OB told me saunas are OK but hot tubs aren't, because you sweat in a sauna so your body is better able to regulate its temperature. The important thing is you don't want your core body temp getting above 100-something F (101? 103? I can't remember) - it can harm a growing fetus. Some people choose to avoid hot baths as well because of that advice. Me, I never stay in the bath long enough to get that hot - I get uncomfortably warm and get out of the tub long before I reach that point.

Dwrgi, I guess you can update my status on the list to say "TTC 3 years, IVF after 4 mcs" or something to that effect. I hope you're enjoying your couch time! And yay Wales!! (What is it we're cheering for, anyway?)

I'm enjoying a gorgeous day, sitting on the porch, working on my list of questions for the dr - our consult is on Monday. Spring is here way too early (I'm afraid it means a really long, hot summer is ahead). I need to clean up my garden but I can't get motivated to do it because it's too early! But this weather really is gorgeous. DH and I had a date last night, saw a Noel Coward play (always fun), and tonight we're having dinner with good good friends, so right now life is good. That changes every day, and it may change considerably after we talk to our dr on Monday, but until then life is good.

Hope you're all having a good weekend, too. :kiss: Happy St Patrick's Day!
HA-this is what we're celebrating!

I found a list of questions on the web to use at the post cycle consult. I still have my list if you want me to post them tomorrow? But, our situation was different to yours as we didn't even get to ET so don't suppose they'll be much help.....?

The picture you have created of you on the porch sounds absolutely idyllic! I hope you carry on enjoying it for as long as you can, and then have a great night with friends tonight, you so deserve it!! :flower::flower::flower:
I *hope all of you were doing well. I'm enjoying my vacation. Super sunburned and the belizeans appear to be super fertile people so hopefully it rubs off. I'm eating enough to look pregnant when I get home. I can't hope to catch up and the Internet is quite slow on my phone. Fingers crossed for everyone*

OTD- dont have one. If I don't get my period on vacation I'll test when I get home.*
DrS - Enjoy your vacation!! Sounds heavenly! :dust: :dust: Get a fertility doll. They usually have them everywhere. ;) My doctor has one in her office.
Good sunday morning ladies :coffee:

HA your evening sounds so lovely, and so happy life is good :hugs::hugs:
Hope you had fun with your friends!! :happydance:

DrS- your vacation seems lovely, great that you popped in :shipw:

AFM, :bfn::devil: this morning. Welp, I guess just have to start getting ready for next IUI cycle and injections :wacko:
Dwirgi, OTD would be 21.3. as my gyn said (dpo16) but last night I took last prog.supp. so af will prob be here by then.

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