TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Ars- Sorry!!! :hugs:. I got a BFN too. On to iui #4. I went off progesterone yesterday and have beta tomorrow. You are doing injectibles? Those give better results. Yeah! I am reading "Bringing Up Baby" and the author got pregnant right away. My body holds on to progesterone so I don't have a clue when AF will arrive. In-laws come Friday or Saturday and here for about 9-10 days.

Will write later...on my phone.
Ok, I know I shouldn't do this but I did look at my test again and now there is a very thin line. I dont know when it showed its been like 4 hours since I tested. Now I dunno if I should continue taking progesterone :shrug: is there something going on or not? I've had thin lines come to tests before and af came anyhow. Like to CB +- tests..
I don't know if you have First Signal cassette tests? Wonder if theyre crap? Should be pretty sensitive though.
Hello girls, and so sorry Frolicky and Asry on your BFNs. I think it would be marvellous if the initial result was wrong, Asry, but check the small print. Doesn't it say that any result obtained after 10 minutes should be discounted?? Is it called an 'evaporated' line?? Not sure, and don't want to quash your hopes. I really hope that I am wrong.

Dr. S-hope all that fecundity augurs well for you!

Frolicky-perhaps having your ILs to stay will take your mind off TTC, although I know it will make it a bit awkward to 'get down and dirty'.

There was a poster on here who got pregnant on her second IUI-LavaLux. She'd been told she had premature ovarian ageing, and was sure it would never happen to her. However, she got pregnant with twins and Lily and Liam were born just after Xmas, So, don't give up. There is a Welsh expression, and it goes something like, 'If at first you don't succeed' but it ends in 'Dyfal Donc' (pronounce it as 'D uh (as in urgh!) val' Donck, so Dyfal Donc girls! Onto the next round, although I know you will be feeling down.

Take it easy and be kind to yourselves, loads of chocolate and R&R and TLC!!! And that's an order!

Latest list, so far!!!

Asryellah: 35, OH 29, ttc 09/2010, unexplained. IUI March. OTD?

Butterfly: 44, TTC with ex BF.

Carole: natural BFP after two failed IVF. Zara due: ?

Dashka: natural TTC after failed Clomid and IUI.

Dr. Squid: IUI with donor sperm. OTD?

Dwrgi: ICSI 2, OTD March 30th.

FM: ?


HA: TTC 3 years, IVF after 4 mcs

iPenn44: 37, DH 37, TTC 1.5 years, DH sperm issues, using IUI with donor sperm. OTD?

Lady H: natural TTC.

LilSluz: natural TTC after 2 MC's and Clomid.

Madeline: ?

Manuiti: IVF Mar/April

MissyT: natural TTC after failed IVF

Never: expecting Oopsie on ???

PennyB: 38, DH 46, natural TTC, had 2 MC and 1 MMC

Purple: BFP! 10 weeks PG. Scan date?

Twinkle: seeing FS, waiting for test results, losing weight for ICSI.
Good morning ladies,

Asry and Frolicky - I'm so sorry to hear about your BFN's....... argh! but you're not out of the game yet....That is frustrating that you don't know when AF will come. I take natural progesterone cream so it doesn't delay too much when AF has to arrive but probably not as strong as the suppositories doctor's usually give. What is the dosage of one of those anyway? Does anyone know? My cream dispenses 20mg of prog. each time and I use it twice/day.

AFM -:witch: arrived this morning! One day early... she didn't even let me get my FRER test in this morning.... argh... well I guess I saved some $. Only a 24 day cycle this time and 12 day LP.
I am sure it was the horrific coughing I've been having the last few days that brought it on early. My stomach muscles are actually killing me because of the constant coughing. Think I may go get something stronger now that I know I'm not preggers.... argh. This really screws up timing cause we planned the next cycle to be off together for a few days so MIL won't be here when I ov...but now it's going to be earlier and don't know if we can change it. Double Argh... So enough about me...

Dr S - your vacation sounds lovely - wow Belize.... always wanted to go there.

Dwrgi - hope you are still chillaxin'..... and yay WALES!

HA - sounds lovely the picture you've created and yay for date night.... We don't have those anymore...but we may go see a movie together once in 5-6 months.

Ipenn - Good luck with adoption research and TTC ofcourse... As you know I have an AD who we love more than anything. Don't know what kind of basket case I would be after 10 years of TTC if we didn't have her. Yes I understand why they don't let you adopt if you are TTC - just like what HA said... Our adoption practitioner (social worker) had home visits with us to make sure we were past our "grieving" stage of not being able to have biological kids... At the time adoption was very exciting for me as it was finally an end to negative outcomes all the time and time for a new beginning with something positive at the end... We were also told that if you had a biological child they needed to have at least 18 months between them... As they want to ensure that the adopted child gets more attention and all the attention they need in the first little while... it is understandable after all they have been through. So that is probably another reason why they want to know if you are TTC even if you say you want both.
I wish you luck and peace in your journey if you decide that is what is right for you..... :hugs:

Hello to everyone else and hope you have a great day.... :flower:
Thanks Dwrgi & Dashka!

Dwrgi - How are you doing? What is your OTD?

Dashka - Sorry about the :witch: but glad you saved $$ and can start moving forward. Limbo Land is a bit annoying.

Butterfly - How are you doing?

HA - Sounds like you are enjoying life and good luck tomorrow!! I want this reallly bad for you! Maybe even more than for myself. FX'd the appointment goes well and doctor has good answers. :hugs:

Purple - Waz up Lady? How are you feeling?

Ipen - I guess I can understand why they don't want you to continue ttc, but I have seen adoptions fall through too many times and take 2+ years, so at the same time it seems a bit unreasonable. Adoption can be just as difficult as doing what we are doing unfortunately. :hugs: :hugs: It's probably the most easy to adopt through the foster system.

DrS - Have fun!! Such a wonderful thing to go on vacation during the TWW!!

Arsy - :hugs: :hugs: Do you go into the doctor for a blood test? If so when?

Hi to everyone else: Twinkle, Man, Never, Missy, LilSluz, LadyH & PennyB! I hope you all are enjoying your weekends! It's gorgeous here and as my DH said, it was one degree cooler in Chicago than in Florida this morning! Wow!!!! Enjoy the spring!!

AFM - I am started a yoga teacher training course to take my mind of the ttc stuff. It's something I love and is great for dealing with the endurance needed to continue doing this month and month (year after year). It gives me peace and is the only thing I can go to for peace of mind and it's my sanctuary. Staying calm in the storm is a learned skill which must be practiced to master (practiced a lot). I have a blood test tomorrow and acupuncture but feel like the blood test is a waste of money. Oh, well. On to IUI #4!!

Have a great day everyone!! xoxo
Oh crap Dashka :hugs:, I was so sure one of us on TWW is going to get a + now. But on to the next cycle, hope it will be the one right? :thumbup:
The suppositories I use are 200mg capsules x2 a day, so lot more than you get from that cream. And once I've had af coming through them anyhow, usually it takes 2 days after last capsule for her to show up :growlmad:.

Yeah Dwirgi - I am totally aware that you are not supposed to look at the test after the 5/10min time. But couln't help myself :haha: anyhow, I did some googleing and that is a test where it almost always shows a line (thin line with colour, no need to squint) same s*it than in Clearblue plus/minus tests. Oh well, I'm putting my hope into the injectibles :)

I hope you all had a nice weekend, and sorry for being all self centered again!!!:argh:
The prescription progesterone suppositories I'm on, Prometrium, are 200mg each, and I take two/day. Some drs prescribe 4/day (2 twice/day). Dr told me to test at 14dpo and stop the progesterone then if it's a bfn - AF usually starts about 36 hrs after the last suppository.

I'm so sorry about the BFNs, ladies. :hugs: Asry, don't sweat the injectables - they're really no big deal. I honestly can't even feel the needle go in most of the time.

Dwrgi, I love all the Welsh words you're teaching us. It's got to be one of the strangest languages on Earth! Do you people have something against vowels?? And then you've got the Finns with their extreme love of vowels - seems like every word has a double A or double I in it! You and Asry need to hook up and swap some letters! :haha: One of the characters in the play DH and I saw Friday night was named Myfanwy (sp?) and I was so thrilled to finally learn how to pronounce it - a friend of a friend is named Myfanwy and I've always been too scared to call her by name! :rofl:

We had a great time with our friends last night. Dinner at a fabulous fondue restaurant, a few too many martinis :drunk: (one of the perks of being on a break!).... It was great. And it made me realize I've had two good days in a row - first time that's happened since the mc. :thumbup:

Off to the nursery to buy some new plants for the garden now... have a lovely day! :kiss:
Thank you so much everyone for the birthday wishes!!! :flower:

Dwrgi - You are so awesome!!! Thanks so much for finding the protein food list!!! :hugs: Oh and huge congrats on Wales winning the Grand Slam!!!

Madeline - I hope your symptoms are because you're going to get a bfp. But I can also vouch that even when DH is away (so definitely no chance that I was pregnant, even for a day or two), I have experienced every symptom under the sun, even full on nausea. Because of that I'd suggest not bothering with symptom spotting. Just don't want you driving yourself loopy that's all.

Dashka - I hope you feel better soon, that sounds awful. x Though I'm glad you've been distracted from your 2WW.

Froliky - Sorry about yoru bfn. :hugs: Here's hoping this next cycle will be the one!

ipen - Wow you've been doing a lot of travelling. And all the best for your adoption dream. :thumbup:

Asry - Good for you having a relaxing evening! Though sorry to hear about the bfn this morning. :hugs:

HA - Wales have won the 6 Nations Rubgy tournament which is a round robin tournament between Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales, France & Italy. Sounds like you had a nice day and yay for date night, sounds like it was fab! It's great when you sit there and think life is good. :happydance:
Do you people have something against vowels?? And then you've got the Finns with their extreme love of vowels - seems like every word has a double A or double I in it! You and Asry need to hook up and swap some letters! :haha:
Oh that made me laugh!!!!

Happy belated St. Paddy's Day everyone and hope you have a lovely Sunday!!! :flower:
Dwrgi, I love all the Welsh words you're teaching us. It's got to be one of the strangest languages on Earth! Do you people have something against vowels?? And then you've got the Finns with their extreme love of vowels - seems like every word has a double A or double I in it! You and Asry need to hook up and swap some letters! :haha: One of the characters in the play DH and I saw Friday night was named Myfanwy (sp?) and I was so thrilled to finally learn how to pronounce it - a friend of a friend is named Myfanwy and I've always been too scared to call her by name! :rofl:

:laugh2::rofl: just gotta love you HA :hugs: thanks for that!!!

And Myfanwy is a name that is familiar to me from one of the carichters in Little Britain, I totally loooove the show it is hilarious :haha: just love British humor :thumbup:

oh, and lovely Froliky :) I'm not going for blood tests just waiting for af to show up..
:witch: arrived! CD1 (well arrived at 2 p.m.) whatever...

Cheers to moving on!! I am celebrating with a glass of vin!! Shalom!

HA - I agree with the girls above. The vowels etc. too funny! I am so glad you had two good days!!! :happydance:

I will write more later. Just wanted to post my update quick. Sounds like we are all making the best of life lately. :hugs:
I have the witch staying at my house at the moment :( I'm treating her to a glass of wine & some chocolate at the mo!

To be honest, as I was 200 miles away from DH during the fertile window I wasn't surprised when she arrived!

Hope everyone has had/is having a nice weekend & that the UK ladies have survived Mother's Day xxx
I have the witch staying at my house at the moment :( I'm treating her to a glass of wine & some chocolate at the mo!

To be honest, as I was 200 miles away from DH during the fertile window I wasn't surprised when she arrived!

Cheers!! Right there with you!! :wine:
Boo the hagbag witch to all who are afflicted with her today. She is most unwelcome!

Love to you all, A xxx
Hi all!!!

I am a new member (just joined yesterday) and TTC #1. I am 35
and DH is 30. We have been TTC since 2010 with no success.
We went for check ups and unfortunately DH was diagnosed
with low sperm count & mobility. It is not low enough to be classified
as infertile but still...he also smokes and is slightly overweight. He does shiftwork and does not eat & sleep properly. I feel that this is all working
against us! Every month when AF arrives it really upsets me and i know it upsets
DH too. We started acupuncture a couple of months ago as an alternative
to IVF & fertility drugs. I just don't know what to do anymore because i REALLY want a child but feel like DH doesn't share the feeling. He continues to smoke and eat badly even though he's been advised to stop smoking and eat healthier.
I would love to hear from anyone who is in a similar situation or has any words
of wisdom.:flower:
twinkle - Sorry af got you. :hugs:

bellamie - :wave: & welcome! Hope your stay with us is a short one. :flower:
Hey Bellamie. I also have a younger DH who was a pain to start with & wouldn't cut down on his drinking.

I sat him down & talked him through how I felt about it & what I might have to go through if we end up having to have IVF - he's now a pussy cat who takes all his supplements & has taken up running to lose some weight, so it might be worth being brutely honest with him.
Hi Ladies - sorry to be mssing in action all over the weekend, I was not feeling very well to be honest and spent a lot of time in bed, in between doing some stuff for my parents.

I have caught up though and firstly - I am so sorry the witch arrived, and it seems she has visited a lot of ladies this weekend - bah!!! and :hugs:

Dwrgi - how are you feeling hun?? Ohh and well done to Wales over the weekend!

HA - I am so glad youve had a couple of good days - may they continue for you hun! you did make me laugh with the vowels/no vowels :haha:

welcome Bellamie - the ladies here are fab and there are a few ladies here that have had to "persuade " their DH's to take care of themselves!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend (apart from AF where she visited) and that this week will be a good one :hugs:

afm - well as I said I felt poorly over the weekend, shivery and headachey and crap, ok when I first got up so I was able to walk to dogs etc and then do some bits with my parents and visit MIL etc then in the afternoon I just went to bed, just felt yucky!! but today much better so must've been a 48 hour bug *fingers crossed*
other than that Dwrgi - for your list I am only 8 weeks, and no scan date etc yet - seeing midwife on Friday though :D
Morning everybody! Here's to a new week, and new cycles for many! I hope you all had a good weekend, although I'm sorry for the arrival of AF for a number of lovely ladies.... Booo hisssss the baddy.... :growlmad::growlmad:

Purple-I'm so glad that you're feeling a little bit better. It sounds like a very sensible thing to go back to bed and let it take its course. Hope you feel better today! :flower: Will change the list details pronto. :kiss::kiss:

Butterfly-I bet you were busy watching the Oz Grand Prix over the weekend! Good result for the Brits! Doesn't Jenson look handsome these days (well, more than he ever did as he was always quite dishy!)? Hope you had a good one! xxx :flower::flower:

Bellamie-welcome to this lovely band of women. You will get a lot of support here. As Purple said, there are a few of us who have battled with our OHs over sacrifices to make for infertility. Twinkle's advice is good-he has got to realise exactly how serious this situation is, and how expensive the alternative option is! My partner had variable SA results, with poor motility and low count being a typical feature. He started taking Wellman Conception tablets (a multi vit), and I also insisted on Vit C (1000mg) and zinc too, as these will help with motility. My OH REFUSED to take selenium and vit E as he said that his 'cocktail' of drugs gave him the runs, so I used to mix the tablet into his cereal :haha::haha::haha::haha:. I wouldn't specifically advise this type of behaviour but in the SA from last week, my OH's results were 56% motility and 25million sprm per mililitre (think that's right), so HUGE improvement, and proved that the vits work. Good luck hun, Axx

Frolicky-hope you enjoyed the glass of wine, you deserve it!!! new cycle, new start and another month to get yourself ready for motherhood. It will happen hun, stick with it! xxxx

HA and Asry, I have an auntie (a wicked auntie) called Dyddanwy, which rhymes with Myfanwy!!! Myfanwy is quite an old fashioned name, but I'm sure it will come back into fashion one of these fine days!

Dashka, hope you feel better today. You poor thing, that sounds like a nasty bug. Take it easy and rest up hun, A xxx Boo to hag bag!

HA-hope the appointment goes well today and you get some answers and ideas for your next cycle. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Lil-what are you up to? Hope you're feeling completely better after your bug. You do make me well jell with those amazing year round temps. Might emigrate to Florida myself. xxxx

Ipenn-in this country, you cannot apply for adoption within 6 months of a failed assisted conception treatment. It is all bollo& and makes me so angry, as it will take months, even years, to see through a whole adoption process, particularly in this country. Good luck with your application. Don't know how you manage all those locations, hats off to you! xxx

Man-when do you start the drugs?? Thinking of you, Axxxxx


Dr. S-when do you test? x

AFM-on Saturday night I developed a pain in my left side (ovary region) which got worse as the night wore on. Still sore yesterday and again today. It is uncomfortable to move around so I am in my favourite place (sure I don't need to tell you where that is!). My consultant thinks it's the ovary returning to normal, or a side effect of the progesterone. I think it's the first one, as it was in that area. Four days post ET and now I am starting to get scared, which, apparently, is the norm. Days 1-3 you're excited and happy, and then the doubts and worries start to creep in.

The Lovely Lyndon rang on Saturday and said that the fourth embryo didn't make it to blast (can't remember if I have told you this already), and before I'd even started to worry about what this could mean, he said that this didn't necessarily mean that the three transferred embies would start to degenerate as well. He said they were "beautiful" embryos and he had high hopes that they would continue to divide. I sooooo hope so, it is just such a dreadful alternative, that I DON'T WANT TO GO THERE! So, Mother Nature, please play ball, and let Twm, Sion and Cati thrive..... :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:

Hope you all have a great day!
Asryellah: 35, OH 29, ttc 09/2010, unexplained. IUI.

Butterfly: 44, TTC with ex BF.

Carole: natural BFP after two failed IVF. Zara due: ?

Dashka: natural TTC after failed Clomid and IUI.

Dr. Squid: IUI with donor sperm. OTD?

Dwrgi: ICSI 2, OTD March 30th.

FM: ?


HA: TTC 3 years, IVF after 4 mcs

iPenn44: 37, DH 37, TTC 1.5 years, DH sperm issues, using IUI with donor sperm. OTD?

Lady H: natural TTC.

LilSluz: natural TTC after 2 MC's and Clomid.

Madeline: ?

Manuiti: IVF Mar/April. Start date?

MissyT: natural TTC after failed IVF

Never: expecting Oopsie on ???

PennyB: 38, DH 46, natural TTC, had 2 MC and 1 MMC

Purple: BFP! 8 weeks PG.

Twinkle: seeing FS, waiting for test results, losing weight for ICS

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