TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hey Dwrgi it is completely natural to feel the pains that you are feeling right not, although not nice. Your body has taken such a bashing with all those drugs and then EC, if you think of how they collect those eggs it is bound to take its toll on your ovaries. OUCH. Also on the blasty front please listen to Lovely Lyndon as he is right my first IVF which resulted in BFP was very similar, I had 2 blasty's put back and the 2 slower developing ones we were hoping to freeze but they said they didn't get to the quality they like to see for successful freeze thaw candidates. For a blasty to be frozen it has to be top quality to make it successful as apparently they have a tougher time on the thaw phase.

Just keep visualising those blastys getting nice and warm and comfy in your gorgeous plump womb, think about the cycle and the approximate date that they will embed and keep thinking that they doing exactly that. Eat all the blood nourishing foods you can find listed in your Emma Cannon book and keep believing this is your time :hugs:
Dwrgi - Good Luck!! Carol has good advice!! I hope they all do well and thrive! :hugs:

Bellamie - Purple is right. There are a few women who had to get their DH to listen to them. It's not just about TTC either, it's about taking care of your health which is priceless and many take it for granted when they are young. My DH had Hogkins Lymphoma when he was 19 and he does not take his health for granted at all. My ex died of emphysema at a very young age because he was self destructive and did not take good care of his health. Tell him to shape up or ship out!

Twinkle - Sounds like we'll be o near the same time! Cheers to moving forward and April!! :hugs:

Purple & Dashka - I hope you both feel better! :hugs:

Arsy - I am moving forward with you too!! :hugs: I hope April is more successful for all of us!!

Hi LilSluz, DrS, Carol, Never, Madeline, Man, Ipen and anyone else I missed.

AFM - I am on CD1 and will most likely have a scan next week and then IUI #4 and all the other stuff with all the inlaws here. I am guessing IUI #4 will be around March 31st.

Good Luck Everyone!!
Good luck with your next cycle Frolicky, just keep remembering you managed to get pregnant before and you will again but this time it will be your sticky bean:hugs: So many friends told me that they managed to get pregnant pretty soon after a mc, my natural miracle happened 7 months after mine but many have been before that just look at Purple now:hugs:

I may now always post ladies but I am always lurking and willing you all on to sticky BFP's. Big :hugs: to you all.
That's lovely advice Carole :hugs:

Ladies - I am the same - willing you all on rooting for those bpfs!! Im so hopeful for you all xxxx

Dwrgi - I am sorry that embie number 4 didn't make it, but wasn't he a bit behind and smaller than the 3 you have?? I hope at least one (or two!!) are sniggling in for you. In the very beginning I had quite a lot of discomfort around my side and wondered if I might be feeling implantation???? (although I didn't have any bleeding) Im not even sure that's possible but I did have it so who knows.....I hope what you are feeling is the embies starting to snuggle.

ladies - big huge squishy :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
to you all xx
Thanks Carol. I appreciate it.

I just found out doctor is on vacation all next week....not sure what the future holds for April now......Not comfortable with her newly hired nurse practitioner doing it. She has never done it before. Oh, well.
Frolicky - what exactly would the nurse be doing?? is it the scan??
I am using my contacts to find someone else. Nurse called and said they were both on vacation next week and we had to skip this month. Hopefully we'll find someone else so we don't have to skip this month. It's hard. I know the nurse has to remain detached but sometimes they seem cold. They all need vacation too.
I hope you can find an alternative then! It would be hard to skip a month when you are all geared up for it!
:wave: Happy Monday everyone!!! :flower:

Purple - glad you're feeling better now & I hope your appt with the midwife goes well.

Dwrgi - thanks hun. Today was my last day of BCP, so will now be waiting for af to show and on day 2 I start my drugs. :happydance: I'll let you know when she shows. Hehe - first time in a year and a half that I'm actually looking forward to her arrival! DH thinks I'm weird, but I'm actually looking forward to stabbing myself for the first time. I probably won't feel the same way after a few days, but for now, I am.

Sounds like those pains are your poor ovaries healing themselves after being attacked. It's amazing what our bodies put up with isn't it?! Sorry the 4th embie didn't make it to freezing. Don't think negative thoughts though, your other 3 are in the environment that they're meant to be in and not in a petri dish so they'll be doing much better. :hugs:

Froliky - Grrrrr to the Dr being on holiday right when you need them. And the Doc seriously left someone who's never done it before in charge? Shocking! :growlmad:
Oh boy. this is what i get for not logging on over the weekend! (altho I did a little lurking). I'll take a few at a time:

Asry – About the heat I went through a "similar" things when I was preg in Jan 2011. It was only 2 mos. after 2 of my back surgeries & I was told all I could take was flexeril :saywhat: and I could NOT even use a heating pad - on my back :hissy::hissy::hissy:. I think that there is way too much misinformation & "old wives tales" out there & I suffered for it (you only have to refrain from heating pads on your abdomen, I've since learned). And I have also since learned that there were other totally safe medicines I could have taken) although I still would have taken sparingly, but to suffer needlessly? Makes me wonder if that in itself put too much stress on me… It seems like a balancing act sometimes.

But, CNN Health had this article (I have a jacuzzi & LOVE hot bubble baths so interested myself) - hopefully it helps: the concern about activities that involve heat, such as hot tubs, is that your core body temperature can become elevated. The March of Dimes recommends avoiding a core (inner) body temperature of about 102.2 degrees F (39 degrees C), as this elevation may lead to birth defects or decreased oxygen and nutrition to the baby. ACOG states that women might "reasonably be advised to remain in saunas for no more than 15 minutes and in hot tubs for no more than 10 minutes" to avoid increasing one's core temperature. Also, it may help to avoid submerging one's head, arms, shoulders and upper chest in a hot tub.

P.S. – BOOOOOOOO on the :witch:!!!!! Good luck on the injectables this month, tho - keep us updated!
Manuiti – hope you had an awesome 38th :cake:!!! So, you like self-mutilation huh? j/k :haha: Glad you are looking forward to sticking yourself! It’s like a whole new adventure, right? GL to you!

Dashka – BOOO-HISSS on the :witch:. That sneaky lady hit a bunch of you this weekend so I’m mad at her right now! But, I HOPE you are starting to maybe feel better today???? You poor thing, you’ve been thru the ringer & I know it totally sux when you are sick & can’t take anything bc you “don’t know”. But, the thing I don’t understand is – there ARE safe antib’s out there? But is viral, antib’s not going to help anyway… Awww, feel better xoxox :flower:

Purple – Happy 8 weeks! Sorry you got sick too, but I’m really glad was only a 48-hour thing. Please post after your appt. this Friday (will you be getting an u/s for hb?) :winkwink: keep up the great work with the chillaxing :thumbup:

Frolicky – yucky, horrible :witch: got you too?! What happened this weekend?! Maybe we are taking the wrong approach by calling her names. Maybe we need to start being nice to her so she’ll spare us one of these days ;) So, what exactly does this nurse need to do, now? NO experience whatsoever? :nope: Geez, I hope it is something really “easy” – FX for you!:flower:

Twinks – I think all of your cycles are aligning!? So sorry the :witch: got you too! :flower:

Dwrgi – Thank you for doing the list! Yes, FL has its wonderful temps & is a tropical paradise. But, you do have to take the bad w/the good (hurricanes are basically why we had to rip off the back of my house & redo it – just moved back in 1.5 mos ago). Sorry about the 4th embie, but let’s cheer on those other 3 – hoping your pain is due to them starting to tunnel into that uterus!!!! C’mon Twm, Sion and Cati! H yeah – congrats on the win for Wales! Take it easy, darlin’… Perhaps Miracle March was for you all along??? Cmon :BFP:!!!!!!

HA – I gotta kick out of your statements about the languages too! :rofl: I’m glad you had some good days in a row :drunk: & I hope you continue to do well :hugs:. Let us know how the Dr appt went! :thumbup:

Bellamie – ahhhh, I can’t give you any advice bc mine still smokes like a chimney & eats like crap. :growlmad: Maybe his man-tests & an appt w/the Fert Dr. will do him some good (I hope). But if his :sperm: are good, I don’t think that will sway him to quit… I think it would take the arrival of a new, precious baby (w/that natural baby-fresh scent) for him to quit (I wouldn’t let him touch it w/those ash-tray hands). I’ve tried w/him but he’s so stubborn & he’s really addicted bad & he turns into :devil: when I mention trying to quit. That & he hates vegetables so you can just imagine what else he eats… :grr: GL to you, tho! :flower:

Ipen – I never knew that about adoption until you brought it up & I got to hear the comments from all of the other ladies! Wow, that really bites :growlmad:! Do you like the new job? I see you are traveling a lot again - wow!

Madeline – yeah, its’ hard to tell which symptoms are due to what (the rise in progesterone can produce some many of those symptoms, too). I’ve learned to try not to read into it too much only bc it’s never worked out for me. But, I hope that those symptoms are a sign for you! I think we’ve all been there so many times, that we don’t even bother w/them anymore & we tend to just hold out for that second line BFP (if/when it will ever arrive – one day!) :thumbup:

:hi: to Butterfly, Never, LadyH, DrS & all you other lovely ladies! I hope you have a wonderful day :hugs:

AFM – I haven’t been “into this” lately. Haven’t even temped in 3 days.:shock: DH goes for all his man-tests Wed. but I’m afraid that by the time we get everything back (together), it will be too late for this cycle to do whatever it is we have to do. :growlmad: I’m pissed at him for a lot of things & delaying his tests are just one of those items… (too busy for tests, but plenty of time for golf :saywhat::brat::grr::trouble::gun:) :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: And unfortunately, witholding :sex: just isn't an option for us ladies!!! (that really sucks) :haha: :rofl:

But, on a positive note, I think my cyst must have ruptured during AF. She is about gone today & I don’t have much of that sharp pain anymore, so I’m officially back from the land of the dead - yay! :happydance:
Froliky - oh I do hope you'll find someone to do your IUI, I do feel your pain!! I'm sure you have some other clinics you could go to? It is crap though to go to someone else and explain all to them.
I'm worried now if AF doesn't show her ugly face soon then my o-time might be in easter and thats a 4 day holiday here and no place is open:wacko:!! So I really wish I'll start tomorrow/wednesday. :mamafy:

LilS- welcome back girlfriend :hugs:!! And glad you're feeling better :thumbup:, hopefully that cyct is disappeared for good :grr: and you can get it on when the time is right :winkwink:

Dwirgi - I hope what you felt was implantation, like Purple was saying :thumbup::thumbup:
Purps - Happy 8 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hugs::happydance:

Bellamie - welcome :flower: I hope you can talk some sense into your OH, or get him read some articles about fertility and eating habits etc. I had to talk to my OH for almost 1/2 year (!!!:tease:) before he finally did his SA!! He smokes a bit also (as did I before ttc), but his sample was good anyhow. He does eat healthy and exersices a lot etc. so I haven't really been bitching about smoking. But if there'll be a little one some day, then he needs to stop it too.

Hi :hi:and :hugs: to everyone else!!!!
Just wanted to say hi ladies :hi: - I don;t know how you all have the mental organisational skills to remember where everyone is at :haha::dohh: so I am going to revert to ^^^WSS :haha::haha:

Dwrgi, sorry about number 4 but the other 3 are good ones and sounds like they are digging in deep :hugs: yes, I tried to watch the GP but lack of sleep combined with a trip to my sister's meant that I only watched the 2nd half this morning :dohh: and yes, give me JB any day lol :blush:

So, FF took out my X hairs and I don't blame it, so am back in the waiting game to wonder when AF will turn up :coffee:
Hi Ladies,

Frolicky- sorry AF showed up - but I like your style - bring on IUI #4.... Hope you can find someone to do it next time - that really sucks that they are all on vacation at the same clinic. Really excited about your yoga teacher training course - that is awesome - I've always wanted to do that - Good thing you are doing now before the baby arrives!!

Twinks - sorry AF arrived too - but good thing you weren't too dissapointed this time around.... xoxo

Bellamie - welcome! Some supplements that my DH takes for sperm count/motility are:
Good multi for ACTIVE men, Vitamin C, Zinc, L-Carnitine, CoQ10.... it would be even better if they can take Omega 3 Fish oil too.... The problem with my DH is he only takes supplements in the morning with his cereal - so he has to take all at once... Not the best plan (for absorption) but he would never remember otherwise. If he can't do L-Carnitine and CoQ10 then pick one one month and alternate the next.... Make sure you get a good quality CoQ10 (Ubiquinol not just Ubinquinone) as Ubiquinol form is much better absorbed -although it is very expensive. Good luck!!!

HA - may the good days keep rolling on .....xoxo

Purple - glad you are feeling a bit better today - being sick sucks - Big hugs

Dwrgi - Carole has great advice! Just keep imagining great things happening inside your beautiful womb.... Hopefully you are feeling those embies getting comfy xoxo

Manu - Excited for you to start your treatment too!

Lils - you are so funny girl - your description of your DH makes me laugh... but I feel bad that you have to go through that! I hope his tests come back fine but for his own health that he makes some changes.... I'm sure he will when baby arrives. Must be frustrating for you for sure. Hang in there ! Glad you think that the cyst is gone!

Butterfly - I don't have the mental skills either to remember details - so I have to jot down notes as I'm catching up on everyone's posts.... It's the only way for me! Hee hee
hope you're well!

AFM - I'm CD2 today and still quite sick (along with AF cramps)... My cough is still keeping me up at night... 6 days of sleeping no more than 3-4 hrs /night is getting to me. The sore throat is just uncomfortable now (instead of shards of glass) and I think I have some sinus thing going on although I've never had a sinus problem before... I am going to my own doctor tonight (had the app't to get results from tests anyway) so will see what she says....

Hi to everyone else I missed ! hope you have a great day!
Froliky - oh I do hope you'll find someone to do your IUI, I do feel your pain!! I'm sure you have some other clinics you could go to? It is crap though to go to someone else and explain all to them.
I'm worried now if AF doesn't show her ugly face soon then my o-time might be in easter and thats a 4 day holiday here and no place is open:wacko:!! So I really wish I'll start tomorrow/wednesday. :mamafy:

LilS- welcome back girlfriend :hugs:!! And glad you're feeling better :thumbup:, hopefully that cyct is disappeared for good :grr: and you can get it on when the time is right :winkwink:

Dwirgi - I hope what you felt was implantation, like Purple was saying :thumbup::thumbup:
Purps - Happy 8 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hugs::happydance:

Bellamie - welcome :flower: I hope you can talk some sense into your OH, or get him read some articles about fertility and eating habits etc. I had to talk to my OH for almost 1/2 year (!!!:tease:) before he finally did his SA!! He smokes a bit also (as did I before ttc), but his sample was good anyhow. He does eat healthy and exersices a lot etc. so I haven't really been bitching about smoking. But if there'll be a little one some day, then he needs to stop it too.

Hi :hi:and :hugs: to everyone else!!!!

Hi Asry ! sorry forgot to say - if you want AF to come now - do some vigorous exercise (unless your body is used to that) -It works for me or some people say to BD.... that brings it on sometimes... good luck!!! xoxo:hugs:
Hi all hope you are all well, I am trying to stay up to date with this thread but am also trying to chill (channeling Purple and her cool 'tude) so am not posting heaps. Sending love to you all xxxxxxxx
Froliky - oh I do hope you'll find someone to do your IUI, I do feel your pain!! I'm sure you have some other clinics you could go to? It is crap though to go to someone else and explain all to them.
I'm worried now if AF doesn't show her ugly face soon then my o-time might be in easter and thats a 4 day holiday here and no place is open:wacko:!! So I really wish I'll start tomorrow/wednesday. :mamafy:

LilS- welcome back girlfriend :hugs:!! And glad you're feeling better :thumbup:, hopefully that cyct is disappeared for good :grr: and you can get it on when the time is right :winkwink:

Dwirgi - I hope what you felt was implantation, like Purple was saying :thumbup::thumbup:
Purps - Happy 8 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hugs::happydance:

Bellamie - welcome :flower: I hope you can talk some sense into your OH, or get him read some articles about fertility and eating habits etc. I had to talk to my OH for almost 1/2 year (!!!:tease:) before he finally did his SA!! He smokes a bit also (as did I before ttc), but his sample was good anyhow. He does eat healthy and exersices a lot etc. so I haven't really been bitching about smoking. But if there'll be a little one some day, then he needs to stop it too.

Hi :hi:and :hugs: to everyone else!!!!

Hi Asry ! sorry forgot to say - if you want AF to come now - do some vigorous exercise (unless your body is used to that) -It works for me or some people say to BD.... that brings it on sometimes... good luck!!! xoxo:hugs:

Asry, I can personally vouch for the BDing bringing it on for me anyway?
Um, OK, how do I say this....:blush: Oh F it, just go deep &/or "wolf-wolf" style :rofl: (Sorry, wasn't sure how to get that one across w/o being to too crude...) :haha::haha::haha:

I guess this is one of the only times I wish :witch: comes for you!!!! :flower:

Dashka - keep us posted on how you are doing, you poor thing! It's one thing when it only lasts 2-3 days but after that - how exhausting! (I know) Benadryl is safe (Class B) & will help knock you out so you can get some :sleep: (& good for drying up those sinuses).

Either that or a good stiff shot of brandy.:wine: (since AF arrived anyway) That would probably kill anything & everything lurking in your throat :shrug: :hugs::hugs:
'wolf-wolf style' - I love it!!! :haha::haha::haha:

Waaaaay back on this thread we had a 'Whatever Wagon' and we all jumped on it when the stress of trying & waiting & freaking out got too much - I think we should dust it off & bring it out again, cause I could sure do with some 'whatev's' - anyone else want a hand up?? :hugs:
Whatev!! :thumbup:

Hi girls, and thanks for all your encouragement. We had our post-cycle consult with dr today, and long story short, he was thrilled with our last cycle (first IVF) and thinks it was perfect (right up until the mc, that is). He's encouraging us to try another IVF, and making very little changes to the protocol. He's adding PIO shots (progesterone in oil) in addition to the suppositories... not looking forward to that, but he, DH and I all thought it was best in the interests of making sure we've covered all our bases. Basically today went exactly as I had expected it to go, and that's a good thing. :thumbup: My biggest fear for today was that I'd go in there expecting dr to say he was really pleased with how everything had gone only to have him say that he thinks trying again would be futile... so I'm pleased. Really encouraged by his optimism, in fact.

He wants us to wait one more cycle to start, instead of starting with my next AF (which should arrive the first week of April). Because my body was pregnant up until March 5, he wants to make sure my pituitary is completely rested before I start stimming again, so our next IVF will be around the end of April/early May.

Even with dr's optimism and encouraging feedback, and even though I'm encouraged by how the last cycle went, the thought of another IVF is overwhelming....
LilSluz - Wolf Wolf! :rofl: And to telling Man she likes self mutilation :rofl: You are killing me woman! Thanks.

HA - I am so glad it went well!! :) It sounds like you and I might be going around the same time. If I don't do an IUI this month..which it sounds like I won't, we will be doing it the end of April. I am going to enjoy not having to think about it for a while and just live life!

Dasha - Thanks. Yeah, the yoga training is a great distraction and I love my school and teachers even though they challenge me etc. ;) Sorry about not feeling well. I am right behind you CD1. Get some good :sleep: tonight. :hugs:

Arsy - :hugs: I hope everything works for you so you don't have to wait again! Shit holidays and vacations really take a hit to our TTC stuff. :gun: to Holidays and Vacations unless they are OURS!! ;)

LadyH - Have you had a scan? Good Luck!! FX'd!

Butterfly - What are cross hairs? I know...:dohh: but, I am just a bit clueless sometimes. I hope you are moving forward soon. :hugs:

Twinkle - I like the WW! I felt like that today. The joys of surrendering to things out of our control which basically suck!

AFM - CD1 (officially). I doubt I will be doing an IUI this month so most likely onto the end of April for me unless some miracle happens in the next few days. I am not counting on it. Not to mention, I o on the weekend and so, it's tough to get a doctor willing to do it. I guess I will enjoy it, drink some :wine: and enjoy the blessing of not having the ttc to worry about while the in-laws are here.

xoxo Ann

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