TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

LilSluz, please, please, please put me on your reiki list! That is so awsome! And thank you so much!

Dashka, I've missed you too! And I hope you get better soon. Are you taking any natural remedies? Any teas?


Froliky, I'm still doing the natural approach and getting my body as healthy and balanced as it can be (as well as my mind). I went to a fertility workshop a couple of weeks ago and it was very powerful. For those of you who read Inconceivable by Julia Indichova, that was the workshop I went to.

dwrgi, you are cracking me up with the BJ banter. LOL. DH loves them but sometimes he comes home from work all sweaty and oily and I refuse to give them to him unless he's showered. LOL.

HA, I have sleep-gasms quite often. I saw on Dr. Oz that means you should have more sex in your life. LOL. I haven't told DH this yet.

AFM, I'm on CD10 and starting to get some good CM. My CM has definately improved since I started this whole foods diet and cut out sugar, caffiene and alcohol (trying to think of some alternatives to alcohol since I love wine so much). Even DH has commented that I'm more "wet" than I was months ago.
Asry, I meant to give you a hug but I hit submit too soon, so here you go :hugs:. And one more for jumping the gun :hugs:. And another one for being gone for so long :hugs:.
Missy - I just ordered "The Fertile Female: How the Power of Longing for a Child Can Save Your Life and Change the World" by Julia Indichova. Thanks. Great website. I really appreciate it.
Hi ladies .... thanks so much for all your get well wishes... Lils your reiki thing must have worked last night because I actually got 5 hrs of consecutive sleep! That is huge! The cough is much better too.. I have been taking antibiotics since Monday (saw my Doctor), started inhaler yesterday for heaviness in the lungs and last night I also took 1/2 teaspoon of cough syrup with Codeine in it -(prescription one that makes you drowsy) Truth be told I 'borrowed' that cough syrup from my parents as they had the same thing a few weeks ago. Don't know if I'll take it again tonight as I still feel a little 'whoosy' from it but I AM at work today.... I know crazy ... but I took 2 days last week and 1.5 days this week and it's a busy time. It's also hard being sick at home with AD there during the day. Feeling a lot better today though (and also still doing my natural stuff). It was hard for me to take all the meds but I am very glad I did as it was a scary feeling to have the feeling of someone sitting on your chest when you breathe. Someone in my department at work recently had pneumonia so was scary. I think it's also cause I waited til AF came to start meds (just in case you know) and that's why it got worse. Okay enough about me!

Dwrgi and the rest of the gals - you kill me with your BJ jokes!

Lils - thank you for 'keeping' me on your reiki list!!! I haven't had a chance to watch that video -but am looking forward to it! xoxo

Missy - so glad you're back... Glad you got to go to Julia Indichova's workshop - I wish she came to Canada!

Frolicky - thanks for telling me about that book - I read 'Inconceivable' and loved it.... I didn't know that Julia had another one... Will try to get.
Hope all your company/ IUI plans go well in the next week!

Asry - OMG -AF still not arrived??? wow.... I hope she comes soon for your sake (unless there is another reason why she's not here???XOXO):baby:

Lady H - when are you going to test??? GOOD LUCK!! xo

Purple - hope you are doing well!! xo

Never - glad you had a good surprise party and that you got to tell everyone!

Hello to everyone else and hope you are all well!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Gotta get back to work!
Dashka – :hugs: I hope your drugs have kicked in by now & are at least starting to work! Sent you a little extra reiki last night… xoxo

Purple – I LOVE the cold shower icon! You should be dubbed the “icon Queen”! To be honest, I just realized I must have accidentally added you to the list (over a month ago). So, really glad you said it was OK :hugs: (I kept forgetting to ask on this thread). Hope your nausea is doing better!!!

Frolicky – aw, so glad you did find a Dr. AND that you have a way of breaking it to the fam & don’t have to be covert anymore. Yes, it is a beautiful day. Let me know when Asry’s flight arrives & I’ll meet you guys for some pina coladas on the beach! ;) GL w/the ILs! OH – congrats on the yoga teacher training! That sounds abs awesome!

Twinks – lovin the group hug! Sorry she kicked in full-force. I think we all talked bad about her behind her back too much & she found out so she’s got a vendetta to settle. “Hi :witch: you look so nice today…love the new wart on your nose, it’s very… becoming.” Hey, I think we’ll try anything at this point :haha:

Dwrgi – (I’m trying to catch up from other day) – I’m so glad you liked the video & talking to TSC isn’t crazy. What a lot fo us seem to be doing ties in – positive thinking, taking to embies, reiki, guided imagery, meditation, yoga… Gets you thinking about physiological changes at the cellular level in our bodies once exposed to positive stimuli?! Why not, there are measured physiological changes in response to love, hate, sexual stimuli (which I am learning ALL ABOUT today! :rofl: ) & etc…

Is there something in the water today with all of you? Can I catch it (please)? :rofl: “Dr., I may be low in oestrogen, can I take some?” If I were you, I’d probably never want to wake up! OH is crazy to refuse that offer! And wait – is the orgasm thing just for IVF/ICSI? Oh yes – you are on the reiki list! I’ll do a recap list before I go next time to make sure I got everyone :winkwink:

HA – “sleep-gasm” :haha::haha::haha: love it! Hope you are doing well…

Ipen – yup, time for a computer or ipad (is kindle fire like an ipad?). Glad you’re just hanging back & enjoying things at the mo.

Asry – oh MAN, I was soooo hoping she’d be here by now – meant to ask you, but you beat me to it.  Wait – are you testing “just in case”? (forgive me if you said that already – I do remember one test, but then you said test strip was crap, so?) I’m sure you have or you prob wouldn’t have stopped prog :dih: If def not pregs maybe ov will hold off til after Easter now? FX!!! I HATE long cycles – had a 43-day one after HSG. :hugs::hugs::hugs:. Yeah, you definitely need a pina colada… Can you be here in like 10 mins? Perfect beach time now… (added to list also! :hugs:)

Missyt – you are added too! If you end up finding a good wine substitute, let a sister in on your secret! That’s going to be the hardest for me “when” I get preg. Not that I drink very often, but when I want one, I want one – period (It’s a requirement on Friday nights), so I know how you feel. I’d probably have to throw my self full-force into reiki on a daily basis (which I should be doing now, anyway – along with about 100 other things…). Keep the good vibes going – I’m so glad you have found something that makes you very happy!

Nikki – gosh 13.5 weeks – how exciting!!!!! Yeah, I think it was about that time to “blurt the news out” anyway… I wouldn’t even have lasted that long & it was perfect opportunity :thumbup:

LadyH – that’s some willpower, lady! If you can hold off until 14DPO, you can pretty much do anything!

Hi to Butterfly, DrS, Never, Manuiti, Madeline, Bellamie & anyone else I forgot :hugs:!

AFM – I’m slacking off this cycle big-time. I have only temped 3x since CD1 (on CD9) & haven’t recorded any symptoms, meds, etc. Maybe its time to take a break or just call it a WTF cycle… (never thought I’d say that, but…). All our tests are done so have to go in next week to get results – FX. :thumbup: Too late in cycle to do anything anyway – oh well! Maybe my mind/body needs to “rest up before the big game”? We’ll see, but I’m totally relaxed about it & totally fine with a “whatever cycle” right now. Remind me I said this around CD19… :haha::haha::haha:

Big LUVS & positive energy to all today! xoxoxoxoxox
Froliky, that is awsome you ordered The Fertile Female. If you have any questions let me know because she went more in depth in the workshop on some topics. She has examples of the imagery in that book and I've been doing them twice a day.

Dashka, I'm glad you are feeling better. I had a stomach bug a week ago but luckily it was only bad for a few hours. I really think my good diet kept the worst at bay because my parents had it and had it a lot worse than me. A couple coworkers had it too and had it a lot worse than I did. I think you'd really enjoy Julia's second book. She outlines a lot of the things she did to get pg in that book where as Inconceivable is more about her story. There was a couple from Toronto in my workshop and I was thinking about you. They said it took them 7 hours. It took me 7 hours as well. I still cant' believe what a fiesty woman she is at 62. She has so much energy and is so passionate about what she does. Its amazing she's been helping women for 20 years!
Hi ladies .... thanks so much for all your get well wishes... Lils your reiki thing must have worked last night because I actually got 5 hrs of consecutive sleep! That is huge! The cough is much better too.. I have been taking antibiotics since Monday (saw my Doctor), started inhaler yesterday for heaviness in the lungs and last night I also took 1/2 teaspoon of cough syrup with Codeine in it -(prescription one that makes you drowsy) Truth be told I 'borrowed' that cough syrup from my parents as they had the same thing a few weeks ago. Don't know if I'll take it again tonight as I still feel a little 'whoosy' from it but I AM at work today.... I know crazy ... but I took 2 days last week and 1.5 days this week and it's a busy time. It's also hard being sick at home with AD there during the day. Feeling a lot better today though (and also still doing my natural stuff). It was hard for me to take all the meds but I am very glad I did as it was a scary feeling to have the feeling of someone sitting on your chest when you breathe. Someone in my department at work recently had pneumonia so was scary. I think it's also cause I waited til AF came to start meds (just in case you know) and that's why it got worse. Okay enough about me!

Dwrgi and the rest of the gals - you kill me with your BJ jokes!

Lils - thank you for 'keeping' me on your reiki list!!! I haven't had a chance to watch that video -but am looking forward to it! xoxo

Missy - so glad you're back... Glad you got to go to Julia Indichova's workshop - I wish she came to Canada!

Frolicky - thanks for telling me about that book - I read 'Inconceivable' and loved it.... I didn't know that Julia had another one... Will try to get.
Hope all your company/ IUI plans go well in the next week!

Asry - OMG -AF still not arrived??? wow.... I hope she comes soon for your sake (unless there is another reason why she's not here???XOXO):baby:

Lady H - when are you going to test??? GOOD LUCK!! xo

Purple - hope you are doing well!! xo

Never - glad you had a good surprise party and that you got to tell everyone!

Hello to everyone else and hope you are all well!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Gotta get back to work!

Oops! It took me so long to write that last post that I missed yours!

Sooooo glad you are feeling better!!!! :flower::flower::flower: But still rest up as much as possible. 5 hours is much better than 1 (jeez!), but you still need more. I know its gotta be tough for you to take traditional meds, but its even tougher if you get pneumonia & are hospitalized for it (& the fact that it can be deadly - remember the little girl from Poltergeist - Carol Anne? I'm sure you know...). It sounds like its starting to get better, tho - thank God. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Btw - i used to get bronchitis a lot & I would only do cough medicine w/codeine in bc it worked so well. I tried countless OTC & Rx cough medicines during my smoking/bronch years & that was the only type that actually, truly worked. can't you get that OTC in Canada, anyway?

Glad the reiki worked!!! :friends: :flow:
Missyt – you are added too! If you end up finding a good wine substitute, let a sister in on your secret! That’s going to be the hardest for me “when” I get preg. Not that I drink very often, but when I want one, I want one – period (It’s a requirement on Friday nights), so I know how you feel. I’d probably have to throw my self full-force into reiki on a daily basis (which I should be doing now, anyway – along with about 100 other things…). Keep the good vibes going – I’m so glad you have found something that makes you very happy!

I really think I may have had a problem. Every Friday on the way home I'd pick up a bottle of wine and sometimes drink the whole thing in one night. I would also have a few during the week. I really think this was my subtitute for relaxing and dealing with stress. At Christmas I told myself no more. I had to get this under control and it wouldn't be good if I fell pregnant. Geez, I sound like an alcoholic but alcoholism does run in my family so I thought it'd be a good thing to get under control anyway. My problem was I had a hard time stopping at one. Well I had my Christmas binge when I was visiting family and I didn't touch alcohol again until Valentines where I had one glass of wine at dinner. I haven't had a drop since and was considering having one on my birthday next month. Funny thing is, I don't miss it. However, we are looking at putting a patio and fire pit in our backyard and dreamt about having a drink while hanging out there in the summer. I experimented last night and made a non-alcoholic peach bellini. I put it in a fancy wine glass and I think the trick worked. I put 1/4 cup peach nectar, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice them filled the glass with sparkling apple cider. I really think the trick was the glass I was drinking it out of. Here is another good website to check out for ideas:
Good call Missy, I have been drinking soda and lime or grape juice in a wine glass and it feels ok. Will have to try your Bellini.
As for drinking, I don't drink a lot but I enjoy a glass of wine with dinner. I have done cranberry (100% organic, non-sweetend) and some fresh grapefruit juice (100% and organic) in a glass and that's good too. It's all natural and the cranberry juice has antioxidants and the grapefruit juice is great for the lining. Cheers!! Of course, my nights I seem to always have a steamy cup of hot tea (usually the red rasberry leaf one). Going to get one now.
lilS - thanks for putting me on your reiki list and it was only after dashka said that it must have worked for her that I thought about it and wonered if it had also worked for me. All of this week I had felt listless and bored and really fed up and then today I had a lovely day, saw a friend for lunch and then another friend for a dog walk and feel much better!:thumbup:

dashka - glad you are feeling a bit better although tbh it sounds like you couldn't have got much worse:nope:

lol at all the BJ talk - I have a bad gag reflex so am really not that keen:blush:

Froliky - well my next IUI :winkwink: if you want to call it that (aka booty call :sex: lol) should be next weekend, maybe sunday or the monday if my cycles are back to what they were last time, but I am not sure if they will be :shrug:

Lady H - have everything crossed, will go check on your journal shortly:coffee:

Asry, I really hope AF arrives soon (unless there is any chance she may not arrive?!)

Missy - I really love :wine: too but I have hardly had a drop for ages and do really miss it. I don't have any in the house at the moment but I do occasionally have a small dubonnay and lemonade lol! Like the sound of the peach bellini but not sure it would cut it without sitting outside somewhere in nice weather!

HA, Dwrgi, Never, Nikki, Madeline, DrS, Purple, Carole and everyone else I have missed :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Well, I really LIKE to drink.:drunk: Fortunately, I drank a fair amount in December (hey, it WAS the holidays, and I really didn't think it was our month), so I wasn't craving a drink. And what they don't tell you is that you're so off your game in the 1st tri, drinking is sort of at the bottom of of your interest list. But I did go to a wine tasting in Feb., and I will say that when they got to the ice wine, my mouth watered a little. LOL. Now that I'm feeling a little better, I will need to research some non-alcoholic cocktail recipes.
Someone asked if the no-orgasm-in-the-tww thing is just for IVF or for everyone... I think it's just for IVF, and here's why:
- in my 2 yrs of appts with a specialist prior to starting IVF, not once did he ever say to refrain - not when trying on our own, and not during IUIs.
- roughly half of all pregnancies are unplanned, which means their mothers did not even know they were in the tww at the time, and I guarantee a significant portion of them continued to enjoy sex before finding out they were pregnant
- I had my sleep-gasm in my IVF tww and still got pregnant anyway.

Who knows. :shrug: I think it's in the IVF instructions because at that point drs want total control over the physical process, as much as is possible. But I seriously doubt it's necessary during regular ttc.
Must say, I haven't missed alcohol since I last had it (Feb 25th-I'm not counting, honest!). And I normally LOVE a drink or three (cider is my thing-subconsciously I'm a CHAV, obviously!). I'm OD ing at the moment on water (still trying to maintain 2 litres a day, although it's hard, plus I spend all my time in the bathroom), but I really like sparkling water and lime. I'm inspired by the cocktails you've been mentioning though..... As I'm not going to have either type of............. 'Orgasm' any time soon! Ha ha!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Just had a wibble wobble-few things have gone wrong today: tenant is still causing trouble, Al cut through the cable to the garage and my frozen food has all defrosted, what if I'm not PG, blah blah blah.... The waiting is just hell on earth. Talked to T, S and C as I walked Ruby just now, and I so hope they're snuggling in, but I have become so used to failing in this TTC lark, that it's hard to remain optimistic.

But, positives: I took DHEA, CoQ10, Omega 3 and a tonne of other stuff FOR MONTHS to improve egg quality; I've had acupuncture for a year to improve blood flow to uterus etc., I yielded 8 eggs; four actually fertilized (almost 5); emrbyologist said they were "beautiful" embryos and he had every faith they were developing and dividing in the uterus..... I just have to remind myself of these things..... I have to remember to 'Expect a Miracle'! Please help me to remember this little dictum, as I'm losing my strength at this very moment in time. (I blame OH for knocking me back this morning. Bloody cheek!! :nope:).

Sorry for me me me post. Love to you all, Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Keep going Dwrgi you are doing so well , sorry u had a crappy day xxxx. I am a Chav too as cider is my pint of choice ( yes I drink pints)!!
Keep going Dwrgi you are doing so well , sorry u had a crappy day xxxx. I am a Chav too as cider is my pint of choice ( yes I drink pints)!!

Oh, thanks hun! And I meant to say that I hope there's a VERY GOOD reason why your temps are remaining high!!! FX! :hugs:
Ooh I really love a good red. :wine: Malbec is my faaaavvvorite. <sigh> DH and I split a bottle of it the other night on our anniversary!

Interestingly, my RE gave me new instructions during our consult on Monday... he's always said a glass here or there (like once a week or so, which is about twice as often as I normally drink anyway) is not going to hurt a thing and go right ahead. But on Monday he said a study was just presented in January showing that even an occasional drink during stims has a negative effect on retrieval... so now he told me to abstain completely during stims, but right up until I start them and even after retrieval, the once/week drink is fine. Translated into ttc au naturel, that would mean that drinking in the first half of your cycle is actually worse than drinking in the tww. Again, who knew?? :shrug:

And as far as the topic of drinking during pregnancy in general goes, I fall in the camp (as do the 2 OBs I've seen and my RE) that one drink/week is not going to do any harm, for much the same reasons as above... if drinking even one drop of alcohol during pregnancy was absolutely unsafe, there would never be any healthy babies born in France... yet those Frenchies seem to be popping them out as much as any other country.

There absolutely are very well established detrimental effects that alcohol has on a pregnancy, and medical types, in order to cover their own a$$es, have to assume that the average Jane cannot be trusted to know what "in moderation" means, so to be on the safe side, the standard advice is not to drink anything at all.

It's definitely one of those things where each person and each dr has to decide what they're comfortable with.
Dwrgi - Don't let the negative thoughts take hold. Don't believe them. :hugs: I know it's easier said than done, but you can do it. Just keep picturing your baby and a healthy womb etc. :baby: vibes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take every will power you have to believe you are going to be a mom!
HA - I have tried to abstain and have done the 1-2 drinks a week too. I got pregnant on the time I abstained during my tww though but you're right. Plenty of women get pregnant and have had alcohol during the TWW and lots of European women drink through their entire pregnancies. I guess for me at this point, and spending so much darn money and time, I just don't want to do it this time. I am abstaining from here till my test date.

By the way.. I just found out today is "National Goof Off Day" .... No wonder I am having a slow day.

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