TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Must say, I haven't missed alcohol since I last had it (Feb 25th-I'm not counting, honest!). And I normally LOVE a drink or three (cider is my thing-subconsciously I'm a CHAV, obviously!). I'm OD ing at the moment on water (still trying to maintain 2 litres a day, although it's hard, plus I spend all my time in the bathroom), but I really like sparkling water and lime. I'm inspired by the cocktails you've been mentioning though..... As I'm not going to have either type of............. 'Orgasm' any time soon! Ha ha!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Just had a wibble wobble-few things have gone wrong today: tenant is still causing trouble, Al cut through the cable to the garage and my frozen food has all defrosted, what if I'm not PG, blah blah blah.... The waiting is just hell on earth. Talked to T, S and C as I walked Ruby just now, and I so hope they're snuggling in, but I have become so used to failing in this TTC lark, that it's hard to remain optimistic.

But, positives: I took DHEA, CoQ10, Omega 3 and a tonne of other stuff FOR MONTHS to improve egg quality; I've had acupuncture for a year to improve blood flow to uterus etc., I yielded 8 eggs; four actually fertilized (almost 5); emrbyologist said they were "beautiful" embryos and he had every faith they were developing and dividing in the uterus..... I just have to remind myself of these things..... I have to remember to 'Expect a Miracle'! Please help me to remember this little dictum, as I'm losing my strength at this very moment in time. (I blame OH for knocking me back this morning. Bloody cheek!! :nope:).

Sorry for me me me post. Love to you all, Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Sorry it's been a hard day. They're to be expected in the twwfh (no, that's not Welsh, it's my new acronym for tww from hell. :haha:) Try to take comfort in the fact that you have done absolutely everything within your power to make this happen. You have done everything you could. Failure does become familiar and it gets hard to remember that anything is possible... and anything is possible.


PS - what's a chav?? Sorry, stupid American here! :haha:
Thanks Happy for this! I just need a bit of an emotional bolster tonight! Just overwhelmed by it all; I'm sure you know how I feel! xxxxx

CHAV-I always thought the acronym meant Council House and Violent, but it basically means somebody who has no class or etiquette. Bit vulgar, bit loud, bit brash. Wears all the naff labels, listens to naff music, drinks naff drinks, etc. etc. There are LOADS in Bridgend, the town nearest us!!!
dwrgi, just keep talking to your little ones and take a deep breath. This may sound silly but maybe they are checking on you to see how you handle stress. LOL. Just picture yourself being a calm, patient mama for your 3 LOs.
Hi all! I'm brand new to the site, 37, TTC #1 for 6 months. Just had an HSG done today, things looked good. Hubby's sperm count is a little low. Happy to find some likeminded people on here...having a hard time with being happy for friends who seem to be getting pregnant immediately -- it's tough not being able to talk about this stuff with people who have gone through it! Good luck to everyone, looking forward to chatting. xx
Welcome septbride-I think you will enjoy being with us on this thread! Yes, it is hard when other people fall PG as easy as falling off a bike, and you need huge reserves of strength and humour to get you through.

Glad that hsg went well! Have you got your DH on prenatal vits for men? If you're in the UK, he could try Wellman Conception (there must be an equivalent where you are, if you're not in the UK), and also extra vit c (1000mg), zinc, vitamin e and selenium. All good for sperm. My OH's stats have greatly improved since he started using vits.

Good luck to you, and I hope your stay is short and sweet (for all the right reasons!!).

Thanks Happy for this! I just need a bit of an emotional bolster tonight! Just overwhelmed by it all; I'm sure you know how I feel! xxxxx

CHAV-I always thought the acronym meant Council House and Violent, but it basically means somebody who has no class or etiquette. Bit vulgar, bit loud, bit brash. Wears all the naff labels, listens to naff music, drinks naff drinks, etc. etc. There are LOADS in Bridgend, the town nearest us!!!

OK, Dwrgi, here's something that I hope you're going to get a kick out of (& LadyH, HA & prob every UK person). I actually looked up "Chav" before I got HA's & your posts bc I was wondering the same thing. Here's what Wikipedia says & it provides a lovely picture of one at the end, too :rofl: (we don't know what "naff" is, either, so...):

What is a Chav?

Several stereotypical traits are associated with chavs; smoking, drinking and taking drugs in gangs on street corners and outside shops, petty thievery and violence, vandalism and graffiti, an exaggerated "tough" gangster-like voice and lingo and foul, aggressive language (with common expressions such as "Am I bovvered" or "Warru on about"), council house/flat accommodation, unemployment and state benefits scrounging (and despite this still appearing to have money for show), teenage girls being sexually promiscuous and smoking whilst pregnant, driving a highly modified and chromed up Vauxhall Nova (in particular), Vauxhall Cavalier, Ford Sierra, Ford Escort or Austin Metro, usually souped up with alloys, stickers, oversized spoiler, side panels, exhaust pipe and engine, painted white or in some flamboyant colour, enhanced speakers blasting hip-hop, R&B, garage, drum and bass or rave/jungle music, and chewing whilst being spoken to....

WOW - Dwrgi & LadyH lead VERY INTERESTING lives! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I can't stop laughing! Just the way they describe it :rofl:! Here's a pic:

(I guess in America its like a "gangsta" or the "w" word)
OK, on a serious note: Dwrgi - hang in there, girl! Miracle March is for SOMEBODY & most of us are out so - ???? we are ALL pulling for you - you can do this!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

septbride - welcome! Hope your stay is short with us :winkwink:. Yeah, most of us have absolutely no one that understands either. All my friends either have kids or aren't interested. Not one even trying. But, we have a tight-knit little family here & everyone helps each other out, so you have come to the right place!
A, yes it is difficult to always be positive but you are doing great and I bet T, S& C are too. Hang on in there hon and keep visualising those 2 lines :hugs:

Welcome septbride :flower:
Thanks Happy for this! I just need a bit of an emotional bolster tonight! Just overwhelmed by it all; I'm sure you know how I feel! xxxxx

CHAV-I always thought the acronym meant Council House and Violent, but it basically means somebody who has no class or etiquette. Bit vulgar, bit loud, bit brash. Wears all the naff labels, listens to naff music, drinks naff drinks, etc. etc. There are LOADS in Bridgend, the town nearest us!!!

OK, Dwrgi, here's something that I hope you're going to get a kick out of (& LadyH, HA & prob every UK person). I actually looked up "Chav" before I got HA's & your posts bc I was wondering the same thing. Here's what Wikipedia says & it provides a lovely picture of one at the end, too :rofl: (we don't know what "naff" is, either, so...):

What is a Chav?

Several stereotypical traits are associated with chavs; smoking, drinking and taking drugs in gangs on street corners and outside shops, petty thievery and violence, vandalism and graffiti, an exaggerated "tough" gangster-like voice and lingo and foul, aggressive language (with common expressions such as "Am I bovvered" or "Warru on about"), council house/flat accommodation, unemployment and state benefits scrounging (and despite this still appearing to have money for show), teenage girls being sexually promiscuous and smoking whilst pregnant, driving a highly modified and chromed up Vauxhall Nova (in particular), Vauxhall Cavalier, Ford Sierra, Ford Escort or Austin Metro, usually souped up with alloys, stickers, oversized spoiler, side panels, exhaust pipe and engine, painted white or in some flamboyant colour, enhanced speakers blasting hip-hop, R&B, garage, drum and bass or rave/jungle music, and chewing whilst being spoken to....

WOW - Dwrgi & LadyH lead VERY INTERESTING lives! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I can't stop laughing! Just the way they describe it :rofl:! Here's a pic:

(I guess in America its like a "gangsta" or the "w" word)

God, where did they get that picture of me from? It was my androgynous phase! :haha::haha::haha::haha:
You ladies are too funny! :rofl:

Welcome Sbride!! The ladies here are fabulous!! I hope your stay is short too!
Just checking in to say hi. Im trying to catch up but it is hard on the phone. Had a day in Tikal guatemala with no Internet... Now I'm back in the islands. Snorkeled all day on a sailboat. If iui 3 works baby will have been snorkeling twice and to Mayan ruins and a caves etc. day 13. No real symptoms. My back hurt today but I was lying on a boat. I think I'm still sticking to waiting to get home. I land at sfo at around 1 *am sunday morning. No idea how I'm getting home. If no af by then (day 16) I'll test when I get home. Either way, I recommend this travel thing for the tww. It is going way too fast.*
Butterfly - I am glad that the reiki worked for you! :hugs::hugs::hugs: I concentrated REALLY hard last night, said prayers, talked to God, sent positive energy - you name it. I like helping people so if there is anything little thing I can do - even if its a wish, a prayer, hope, a kind word or reiki, I'm happiest when I feel like I am helping others in some (albeit little) way so just ask anytime :thumbup:

OK, um totally selfish post coming up, but I have to ask bc its eating at me lately. I have the opportunity to fly to Glastonbury & receive the next 3 levels of reiki "attunements" at STONEHENGE in June (how cool would that be?). I have only taken 1 vacation in last 5 yrs bc of back surgeries (used all vacation, sick & leave w/o pay) & DH has been traveling at least 3x/yr every yr, so? I know its expensive, but adding up all his trips is about 5x the amount it would cost me to take a trip to Glastonbury & do something I TRULY love & would help me tremendously...? Am I wrong for doing/wanting this? If not, UK ladies - where does one fly into & how many planes, trains & automobiles will it take to get to Glastonbury (just if you know). I tried to google, but I'm not getting straight answers...

Thanks ladies :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Wow girls you've been busy writing down pages yesterday!! :thumbup:
And wow LilS if you are going to Stonehenge!! You should do that really, you havent had a proper vacation in years!!
Man how I'd love to come and have few Pina Coladas with you and Froliky by the sea :shipw: I loved Florida, and when we were in FtLauderdale (y.1996)we went shopping into this FAB shopping mall Sawgrass Mill? Swamp smth??!I need to do lottery tomorrow....:plane:

Dashka, good to hear you are doing better and got a little sleep :sleep:
Lady H- when will you :test:?:thumbup:
DrS- oh my, your vacation seems wonderful, enjoy!!!:flower:
Butterfly - GL with your bootycall :sex::spermy::crib:
Oh and welcome Septbride!! This is a wonderful thread!!

YA'LL have a FAB FRIDAY !!!! :)

No, AF is still no show!!!! :nope: dunno whatta hell is going on?! A cyct? My temps are still high. And i've been excersising yesterday also, had 2 Oooooo'zms :haha: (no man involved though, I think I do need some poking down there now cos nothings happening with just minor cramps from that) I do feel like shes close though. I quit progesterone saturday, almost a week ago. I've used them before but only 1x200mg now it was 2x200/day, before I got AF 2 days after the last pill. Some of you aske if I tested, well hell yeah!!! Every day, exept for today. I've gotten 3 faint lines into different test brands AFTER the time limit, yesterday nothing showed up even later so NOT pregnant. I hate this!!!!!!!! She prob comes tomorrow, I've been having that pain now for 2 days :devil:[/
Wow girls you've been busy writing down pages yesterday!! :thumbup:
And wow LilS if you are going to Stonehenge!! You should do that really, you havent had a proper vacation in years!!
Man how I'd love to come and have few Pina Coladas with you and Froliky by the sea :shipw: I loved Florida, and when we were in FtLauderdale (y.1996)we went shopping into this FAB shopping mall Sawgrass Mill? Swamp smth??!I need to do lottery tomorrow....:plane:

Dashka, good to hear you are doing better and got a little sleep :sleep:
Lady H- when will you :test:?:thumbup:
DrS- oh my, your vacation seems wonderful, enjoy!!!:flower:
Butterfly - GL with your bootycall :sex::spermy::crib:
Oh and welcome Septbride!! This is a wonderful thread!!

YA'LL have a FAB FRIDAY !!!! :)

No, AF is still no show!!!! :nope: dunno whatta hell is going on?! A cyct? My temps are still high. And i've been excersising yesterday also, had 2 Oooooo'zms :haha: (no man involved though, I think I do need some poking down there now cos nothings happening with just minor cramps from that) I do feel like shes close though. I quit progesterone saturday, almost a week ago. I've used them before but only 1x200mg now it was 2x200/day, before I got AF 2 days after the last pill. Some of you aske if I tested, well hell yeah!!! Every day, exept for today. I've gotten 3 faint lines into different test brands AFTER the time limit, yesterday nothing showed up even later so NOT pregnant. I hate this!!!!!!!! She prob comes tomorrow, I've been having that pain now for 2 days :devil:[/

Asry-I soooooo hope that you are preggers and the hcg levels are just being slow in being detected! Three faint lines after the limit-are these evaporated lines? Is there any way that you can go and have your blood test done so that a beta test can confirm one way or another whether you are or are not pregnant? Waiting is a killer! Thing is, early pregnancy symptoms can closely resemble AF symptoms. It's all very strange. My mate, Jo, who used to post on here, got preggers after her first IUI in Jan. She tested negative on test date, but a week later, still no AF, tested again, and wham bam, thank you mam, she was 'up the duff'! I am so keeping my fingers crossed that this is the same for you! Good luck! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
OK, um totally selfish post coming up, but I have to ask bc its eating at me lately. I have the opportunity to fly to Glastonbury & receive the next 3 levels of reiki "attunements" at STONEHENGE in June (how cool would that be?). I have only taken 1 vacation in last 5 yrs bc of back surgeries (used all vacation, sick & leave w/o pay) & DH has been traveling at least 3x/yr every yr, so? I know its expensive, but adding up all his trips is about 5x the amount it would cost me to take a trip to Glastonbury & do something I TRULY love & would help me tremendously...? Am I wrong for doing/wanting this? If not, UK ladies - where does one fly into & how many planes, trains & automobiles will it take to get to Glastonbury (just if you know). I tried to google, but I'm not getting straight answers...

Thanks ladies :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Lils, I don't think you're being selfish at all. After everything that you have been through, you deserve a treat and a break away. Also, Stonehenge is the most amazing place, I have always wanted to go, but never been. I don't think you are allowed near the stones any longer, but you view them nearby, and it must be quite an experience.

The closest airport is Bristol, but I don't know if you'd get DIRECT flights from the US to Bristol airport. It's mainly a regional airport and serves holiday trips to Europe, I believe. My guess is that you'd need a flight to Heathrow (don't go for Gatwick as it is much further away, although still regarded as a 'London' airport), and then a rail or bus connection to Bristol, and then a bus to Glastonbury. I've found this for you:

If you need to know anything else, let me know! Incidentally, Bath is LOVELY! It's fairly close to Glastonbury. I'd be inclined to include a couple of nights here too: Roman Baths, an amazing spa (the Thermae Spa-out of this world), Jane Austen Centre, and amazing shops and restaurants.

And it's not far from Cardiff, so I could come and meet you too!

Good luck with the planning. Give us a shout if you need more info.

Ok Dwirgi, now you made me want to come to Bath also :thumbup: I really need to do that lottery if so I win, then get to go to all these lovely places.

And yes those lines have been very faint, one you had to put it against lamp that you could see the other line (what? whos obsessing? not me..:haha:) one you could see without squinting and one was CB +- where you almost always get + line. But I guess you call them evoparating, here we call them "ghost lines" as they're so faint. But it is also said all over, never look to a test after 15mins cos they usually make a line when urine dries up.
If nothing happens this weekend, then I'll go for bloodtest. But feeling is getting stronger, she is n e a r.....Wish they had some Harry Potter icons here so I could use the one where his Z-mark hurt when youknowwho was close or up to something bad.

(I'm tired..)
Ok Dwirgi, now you made me want to come to Bath also :thumbup: I really need to do that lottery if so I win, then get to go to all these lovely places.

And yes those lines have been very faint, one you had to put it against lamp that you could see the other line (what? whos obsessing? not me..:haha:) one you could see without squinting and one was CB +- where you almost always get + line. But I guess you call them evoparating, here we call them "ghost lines" as they're so faint. But it is also said all over, never look to a test after 15mins cos they usually make a line when urine dries up.
If nothing happens this weekend, then I'll go for bloodtest. But feeling is getting stronger, she is n e a r.....Wish they had some Harry Potter icons here so I could use the one where his Z-mark hurt when youknowwho was close or up to something bad.

(I'm tired..)

Oh Asry, I think this whole business makes us stronger women. We are so used to waiting, getting our thoughts around whatever eventuality will occur, wondering, hoping, and always the waiting! I think we have to be the strongest women on earth, as it's like no other experience I've ever encountered.

I soooooo hope that if you're NOT preggers, that AF shows us pronto, to put you out of your misery. If you ARE preggers, then :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Whichever, big :hugs: coming your way!


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