TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hi All and Happy Sunday. I am getting all caught up. Looks like everyone is in a holding pattern. I hope Spring brings a lot of winter babies for us. I have my days all mixed up. I am reviewing my calender for tomorrow and see that I have booked 3 things for tomorrow at 9am (4 if you count that AF should arrive tomorrow). I guess I better let 2 of those folks know I am going to miss their meeting.

You girls are making me long for vacation. I do get to go to Nebraska this week--but that certainly does not count!

I feel so tired today. Went to bed at 11 and get up at 8:30. Should be plenty of sleep, but I think I am going for a nap.
Ipen-I think you deserve a nap with your schedule! You need to rest as much as you can, and let it go. Have you started your new job, btw? Hope you're enjoying it! Good luck with the OV! FX!:thumbup:

Lady H-I am so very sorry that hag bag arrived. Grrr, I loathe her. Lots of treats today-you so deserve it! Now onto a new cycle, and it could be THE cycle! Hang on in there! :hugs::hugs:

Dashka-so pleased that you are feeling better! I remember reading that being ill is not necessarily a bad thing for conception, as your immune system is low, and so your body will not fight the embryo that is trying to implant! Go get those swimmers, young woman! xxxxx

Asry-any sign of You Know Who? I hope she has arrived if she is due, but really I hope she has not arrived and that it means you are "up the duff"! :haha::haha::haha: FX for you too! xxx

Purple-what are you up to?? Hope you're having a lovely weekend?? xx

Butterfly-:kiss::kiss::kiss: Has She gone yet? Hope she has and you can get ready for :sex:! Did you watch the Malaysian GP? Big :hugs: to you!

Missy-I think you're coming up to ovulation too! Huge tonnes of good luck to you, in catching those swimmers! :hugs::hugs:

HA-how are you? Hope you've had a lovely weekend. :hugs: to you! xxx

Twinkle-when do you OV? Am keeping everything crossed! xxxx

Frolicky and Lil-big :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:

Carole-hope you're having a restful weekend. Not long now, for just you and DH!!! So exciting!

Feell a bit better today-I never thought the TWW would be so bad. I DO feel exhausted by early evening, and I DO get a headache. I noticed last night my nipples (TMI) were itchy :)blush:) but that could be the oestrgen tablets. Five days to go before testing! Incidentally, what is the very earliest date that I can test from??? Not that I was going to, just making enquiries of a general sort!

Lots of love to you all,
DrS- sorry for :witch: but hopefully third is the charm for you and next IUI is the one :hugs::hugs:
Lady H- BFN is so depressing, I know. I hope you treat yourself to something nice :flower: buy yourself a beautiful spring bouqet of flowers they'll make you happy for many days when you take a look at them.
Ipen - good to hear from you :hugs:
Dwirgi - :hugs:happy you are feeling better today. I have the feeling you are preggers girl. I looked at my macig ball...:smug:

Nasty b**ch arrived today, or should I say YAY :muaha:. Dunno, started spotting yesterday and very light still today, but I guess I could call this cd1. How weird cycle I got :wacko::wacko: never ever experienced this 42 days, and what comes to temps I got my highest today 37,16c :dohh:
I really hope and pray that injections will grow folly(ies) quickly and we could do IUI on cd12 which is the last possible day before 4day easter holidays..
Nasty b**ch arrived today, or should I say YAY :muaha:. Dunno, started spotting yesterday and very light still today, but I guess I could call this cd1. How weird cycle I got :wacko::wacko: never ever experienced this 42 days, and what comes to temps I got my highest today 37,16c :dohh:
I really hope and pray that injections will grow folly(ies) quickly and we could do IUI on cd12 which is the last possible day before 4day easter holidays..

Oh I am SO sorry that they nasty b***h arrived today, she is such a tease. And what a weird cycle, too, but it just goes to show what the drugs do to our system. I am sending you a BIG hug, and hope that the injections will get those follies to grow, grow, grow in time for your IUI before the Easter hols. Lots of protein then, and perhaps acupuncture too, night help with this! Lots of luck hun, and thanks for the words of encouragement! xxxxx
Dr. S-sorry I forgot to mention you in despatches. Sorry that AF has shown. Onwards and upwards, and third time lucky as Asry says. x
unfortunately 3rd time lucky has already failed so i am now heading into the limited to no hope territory of iui..
Hi Ladies, wow Ive had loads to read to catch up, sorry for being missing in action over the weekend, there always seems loads to do at home with parents etc etc and I don't always get a minute to come on :(

anyway - I am all caught up now....

Twinkle - I LOVE you new avatar - you always find the best ones, Ive just done a tiny choke after seeing this lastest one!! :haha:

Asry - so sorry - or should that be so happy- that the :witch: finally arrived, I hope IUI now fits in with Easter etc for you!

Frolicky - I completely understand having a break away, so enjoy yours but know we are all thinking about you and sending love your way xxx good luck! :hugs:

Lils - stonehenge would be an amazing trip!! have you looked into prices yet?? would be nice to treat yourself :)

Dashka - so happy you are finally feelin a bit better, that sounded like a monster infection, poor you! :hugs:

Dwrgi - I love the jokes! I would guess 14 d-aftertransfer would be the very ealiest you could test hypothetically, and don't worry about symptoms, I had nothing at all until bang on 6 weeks! :hugs: Im still keeping all crossed for you :hugs: :hugs: I think you handling all this amazingly!!

Missy - you sound so completely renewed and full of energy since your workshop :hugs: Im so glad it's had such a good effect on you!

Butterfly - :hugs: hun. how are you doing??

welcome :flower: Septbride :) hope your stay here is short and sweet!

LadyH - Bah to bfn!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: although Ive just checked your chart and no af yet is that right?? keeping everything crossed xx

Manuiti - how fab that you are going to keep dh in the loop by filming your injections etc :) I hope the meds treat you well!! good luck! :hugs:

DrS - I am so sorry that this time didn't work :hugs: damn AF!! do something nice for yourself for the new few days xxx

and big squichy :hugs: to HA, Nikki, Carole, Never, Northstar, Ipen, Madelaine, and anyone I am missing.

Hope everyone has a lovely Monday xxx

afm - as Isaid, I was quite busy but did have a bit on energy and spare time yesterday so I did a little gardening - planted up some pots for out little patio outside the back door and it looks so pretty now - somewhere nice to sit in the sunchine :) the dogs sat out in the sun too, they honesty looked as if they were sunbathing :haha:
Morning girls! How are you all?? Another beautiful day here in the UK-hope you all have a fab week, and have nice plans for the weekend!

Well, I know it's early but I have tested twice already. Sat and today. I KNOW it's too early, but I have no symptoms, etc. Both times negative of course! Am hoping for the best and preparing for the worst, and I have warned my OH to do the same. Feel so useless and hopeless and too bloody well past it!

Anyway, OTD is Friday so should still be counting myself preggers until proven otherwise, but it's hard!

Love to you all, and let's get some :bfp::bfp: girls!

A - you are not uesless and you are not past it!! you are on (I would guess) the most stressfull journey of your life and everything is out of your control. hang in there and so something nice for yourself today, because you deserve it, because all you have been through!
huge big Loves and :hugs:
A - you are not uesless and you are not past it!! you are on (I would guess) the most stressfull journey of your life and everything is out of your control. hang in there and so something nice for yourself today, because you deserve it, because all you have been through!
huge big Loves and :hugs:

Thank you Purple-I missed your first post as I think we were typing at the same time! So glad that you had a good weekend, and that patio does sound lovely. We can't plant a THING as Gwydion and Ruby have a scorched earth policy-just destroy everything in sight. They uprooted a mature honeysuckle last summer, and left it in the middle of the lawn! I have replanted it and it has survived, but I notice THEY have been shredding leaves off it already!

I had no idea I was so needy until I went through this experience-I just need so much positive affirmations. I had AF type pains just now. Hope that is a GOOD sign, not a bad.....! Yes, I'm far too early testing, but the waiting is KILLING ME!!!! :nope::nope::nope:

Hope you're having a fab day!
I don't think you are needy at all hun! this is an awful wait, you have been poked and prodded and everyman (and his nurse) have been between your legs, and you have been and are now on drugs that would (and do) make grown women cry!! I am hoping and hoping and hoping for you and those three little 'uns. be kind to yourself xxxx

bless your two and their "gardening efforts" I buy nice tall pots now, because Brody has a lovely habit of climbing into shorter ones and making a little bed on newly planted things ! :haha:
Hi ladies! I have lot of catching up to do so I'll try my best for now.

Manuiti, I noticed your siggy, did you have FSH retested? Did they screw up the first time? Sorry if I missed this as I took a short break.

Asry, I was hoping this was it for you. I'm sorry AF came. I remember you saying you had short cycles. I was so sending positive vibes your way.

Purple, I just love gardening. Its been a warm winter here and I got a jump start on my potted plants. I hope you are feeling well.

dwrgi, I think it may be a bit early to test. I think I tested 2 days before. Don't give up. I have a proposition for you. I read 2 books that you suggested so you have to read one I suggest. Please read Julia Indichova's Inconceivable. I read that after my horrible IVF experience where the stupid RE made me feel like a failure. After I read that book I regained hope in myself and just gained a lot more confidence.

Hello to dashka, butterfly, froliky, twinkle, lilsluz, HA, ipen, LadyH and anyone else I missed!

AFM, I had a smiley face on my digi OPK yesterday so DH and I BDd. I'll have to sneak it in again sometime today but I have an art class tonight so it may be after that. I have a teleconference tomorrow that Julia I. is running and I'm excited about that. She gave us some homework so I've been doing that.
Hi Everyone – Happy Monday! (that takes serious positive thinking just to write that as I hate Mondays… :haha: ) Just caught up w/everyone, so:

Asry – Well. “IF” she was going to come you wanted her to come by Monday, so I’m happy that :witch: came! (that was a big “IF”). Sending :hugs: to cure the :devil:. Its gotta be the drugs that delayed your cycle. I just hope it all works out for Easter as I know you’ve been so worried about that (I think worrying about timing is actually worse than the 2WW, personally!!!). I’m “working” on the plans, but MAN its expensive… (thanks for asking). I’m so glad you are looking forward to a new cycle, tho – way to be positive, girl! :thumbup: :hugs:

Frolicky – Hope you are having a fun time w/the ILs! Good luck on Wed. u/s!!! :thumbup:

Purple – Oh,sounds like you had a great weekend gardening in some pretty wonderful weather! This is a bit strange of weather for UK, too, right? Everyone is getting a taste of Spring so early this year – so nice! :flower:

Dashka – Thank God you are feeling better! :happydance: I, too, hope that sickness delays that ov!!! Are you trying to cinnamon & honey this month to delay the eggy? Oh yeah – since my :loopy: experience w/guiafenesin, I’ve been meaning to tell everyone that you can get it all by itself in Mucinex & no :wacko: feeling like the Robitussin, if you want to try it. yeah, everyone on this side of the pond is definitely getting a super-early Spring huh? FX & :dust:

Dwrgi – Oh Dwrgi, I feel like I have so much to say to you! Do you know how many times I’ve heard women end up getting BFPs on cycles where they either weren’t trying, had given up OR had no symptoms & were thoroughly convinced it didn’t happen? Oh, darlin’, you do whatever you can/have to, to keep yourself busy this week – only 4 more days to go until testing – just hold out until Friday & do everything you can to remain positive – read your book, talk to TS&C, sit for at least 10 mins a day in nature or listening to the kind of music that “reaches the soul” or throw yourself into your teaching – whatever works for you. What do you teach anyway? And if you still lose hope? We ALL are carrying it around for you, so it’s STILL there no matter what!!!! :hugs::kiss::friends: :dust:

Ipen – I agree - work trips to Nebraska don’t count unless you are a HUGE corn lover! :haha: So what are your plans for the next month – trying or still on break? Good luck at the 3 9am simultaneous mtgs! (you need a vacation) :thumbup:

Butterfly – Hope the :witch: has “left the building” & you can get on w/booty call soon! :winkwink:

Twinks – thank you for recommending the Tor! I didn’t realize what that was (I just thought you spelled tour wrong :haha: ) until I read some more about the trip & they mentioned hiking to it? Gotta do more research though – there’s sooooo much to learn & plan for! Where you at in your cycle? FX!!!

LadyH – so sorry about BFN!!!! :grr::grr: But, it ain’t over til she actually arrives so holding out HOPE! :flower:

Missy - YAY for smiley ov! Catch that eggy!!! :dust:

Manuiti – I am very happy to add you to the list too! That’s very nice you are filiming injections so you can “do them together” in a sense. Hope they went well & didn't hurt too much! FX...

DrS – Booo-hiss to AF!!!!!! What #IUI is this? Are you thinking of moving on to IVF? You sounded so down – please don’t give up yet, darlin’ :hugs:

Carole - thank you for the positive posts as they help me out by reading them, too!

Hi to HA, Nikki, Never and anyone else I am missing!!!

AFM – “working” on the plans for the trip to Stonehenge & Bath, but it’s going to take a good while, I think. I have to get “approved” to do the next level of reiki 1st anyway, so have to send in a bunch of forms, etc. But at least I did “start” some research on everything, going to use points I’ve saved up for 10 years (190,000) from credit card & etc. Also found out the attunement is right in the middle of the circle (special permit, I guess), so I won’t get “jipped” on that part :winkwink: DH can’t go & is worried about me traveling alone, but I’ll figure it out (just don’t let me drive a car & I’ll be ok – I’d scare the pants off every UK’r on the road - & myself - driving on the wrong side! :haha::haha: ) I’ll have to stick to buses & trains…

I just realized this morning I am CD13 (yikes) so should ov this wknd? (late ov’r – CD19-ish). May just relax :coffee: through this cycle I dunno? I should find out by the end of the week whats wrong w/us so we can move fwd w/TTC a little more educated. Hopefully it’s just something little, but we’ll see. FX…

Have a great week everyone!!! LOVE you guys!!!! xoxoxoxoxox
Lil - haha - sorry I should have explained Tor better! Your trip sounds amazing - getting to go into the middle of Stonehenge is something hadly anyone gets to do!

Your post was fab - I'm always in awe of people who remember to comment on everyone - I read but I'm rubbish at keeping up with comments to everyone - I think I need to start commenting whenever I think of something rather than trying to do one big post!
Missy - I know what you mean about sneaking in DTD - I'm so busy this week it's going to be very much wham bam thank you mam!

Fingers crossed for you that you catch the egg this time!
Dwrgi - big hugs as always xxx

Just googled PMA smiley to see if I could find one for you & discovered that PMA is also an extra strength version of ecstasy - also known as chicken yellow. You learn something new every day!!
Manuiti - I think we all need a break away from BnB everynow & again - it's sometimes like seeing our own craziness multiplied 100 times over. We'll be here for you when you need us though x

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