TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Dwrgi - all too familiar reason for no sleep on this thread - DH snoring! I'm going to have to invest in earplugs... :haha: :hugs:

Twinks - Thanks for turning me on to a brand new cuss word! (had to look up bollocks to see what it meant so I can use it properly! :haha: )
Sorry for my outburst - it is a good word when it's all run together like that - I worked in a summer camp with a Hungarian girl when I was 20 and she asked us to teach her some bad words & then ran them altogether - most satisfying!

My DH hasn't snored for a while - although he did wake me up yesterday by shouting 'What!?' in his sleep at 5.30am!!
LOL Twinks :haha::haha:

A, I wonder if you are having such bad pains as effectively you had embryos in there and likely they would have done some implanting so in a way maybe it is a kind of miscarriage - I might be talking bollocks :haha: but that is just what occurred to me as to why it was so painful :shrug: anyway, sending extra hugs your way and thinking yes, take at least a month or two off to regroup :hug: xxxxxxx

AFM, I got some EWCM today so hopefully have timed the BD sessions right for tomorrow morning and Sunday night to leave me in with a chance this month :thumbup:
Amanda, don't blame yourself. This is not your fault. And stay away from google. Everyone is different. IVF is a game of chance. Its not even a 50/50 shot. I think most of us would be happy with a 50/50 shot but the odds are nowhere that high. You aren't too old either. I so hope you get Julia's book like right now. According to her 40 is young. You are a young, beautiful, vibrant woman. Don't forget that. I really think that we put too much faith in the doctors, procedures and what society and google tells us. You need to gain faith in yourself. I know it probably doesn't seem possible right now. Stop defining yourself as a number. You aren't a number or an egg or a test result, you are Amanda, one of the funniest, wittiest girls I know. I hate that you are hurting. I remember being in that spot and it sucks! Big time! Like the other girls said, go splurge on yourself or do whatever you want to give you a little satisfaction. I can picture you opening the windo and yelling out, "F*ck you!!!!!". Do it and then post and tell us about and then we can all have a good laugh. I so wish I could give you a hug. I can honestly say that nothing has felt worse to me than a failed IVF so I can understand your pain. You need time to grieve and then you can pick yourself up again. Natural conception is always an option and don't you think differently. I love you, girl. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I bought the book and love it! Yesterday after iui I sat on the bed and tears streamed down my face with joy knowing my dreams will come true. Amazing book!! Thank you!
Hi Ladies,

Dwrgi - you are an AMAZING woman.... never forget that.... you give everyone tons of support everyday and you deserve every bit of support (AND MORE) ... Your DH is very lucky to have you... Glad to hear you are a little better today...and glad you have a few days off at least... You are in my thoughts and prayers.... xoxo

Lils - hope you get some sleep girl!

Butterfly - good luck to you!

Frolicky - yes it's a great book isn't it!

Went for a quick walk at lunch - very crisp out today but refreshing...walked by a restaurant that had Coldplay playing (love love love Coldplay) and just gave me good hibbee-gibbeees.... I am feeling pretty good today and looking forward to being off work on Monday.

Love you all and have a wonderful weekend my friends.... xoxo
LOL Twinks :haha::haha:

A, I wonder if you are having such bad pains as effectively you had embryos in there and likely they would have done some implanting so in a way maybe it is a kind of miscarriage - I might be talking bollocks :haha: but that is just what occurred to me as to why it was so painful :shrug: anyway, sending extra hugs your way and thinking yes, take at least a month or two off to regroup :hug: xxxxxxx

AFM, I got some EWCM today so hopefully have timed the BD sessions right for tomorrow morning and Sunday night to leave me in with a chance this month :thumbup:

I don't know what it is, but it's blooming painful....

Hey, I am wishing you tons of luck for the BDing!!!!! You make sure you catch that egg, woman!!! (And try to enjoy it, too! :happydance::happydance:).

Twinkle, I like fu&ketyfu$$fu$$f$ck! Seems to allow you to get a lot of aggression out as you have to spit the f and k out!! Also read a trick in a book somewhere-pretend you have lost a dog, and go and 'look' for it in an open park. You basically scream the dog's name, and nobody will think any the worse of you! Well, unless your dog is called Randy or Frisky!!!


Dashka-so glad that you are feeling good! You have been through a tough time with your virus, so now it's time to enjoy life!!!! Have a great weekend! :hugs:

Lil-oh dear, snoring. Hmmm. Well, I can't say anything, as I snore like a trooper. In actual fact, me and OH have different bedrooms, which is highly recommended. I never sleep properly if he is around, as he is like a jumping jack and he says that sleeping with me is like sleeping with a sailor from Bootle. Charming!!! Hope you feel a bit better tonight!

Love to you all, girls!!
ultrasound done. 3 follicles on each side in the greater than 10mm range. no dominant follicle. a few small ones. got e2 drawn and the doc will call me tonight. i go back monday for another us. i also remembered to ask about working out and as i suspected he said be careful with lots of jumping up and down but other than that, no big deal, the risk is super low.

oh and the lining is trilaminar and good thickness (hopefully it doesnt get too thick).
WTG DrS!! Looks great!! :thumbup: :thumbup:

DH and I have both worn earplugs to bed since the very early days of our marriage because he snores and I talk. We're quite a pair! In fact, one Christmas about 5 years ago, we were staying with my sister and her family, sharing a room with our niece (who was 5 at the time). We slept in her bed and she slept in a pallet on the floor. She'd been very excited about sharing a room with her favorite auntie and uncle. Well, on Christmas Eve night, she went in to her parents' room sobbing at 3am - she was terribly upset because she was convinced Santa wasn't going to come, because he only comes after you go to sleep, and uncle was snoring so much that she couldn't sleep!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: Poor thing - she was so upset that she didn't even notice Santa had already been there when she walked through the living room to get to her parents' room!!! :rofl: DH felt TERRIBLE. He still refers to it as the year he ruined Christmas. :haha: He takes his responsibility as fun uncle very seriously.

As for cussing, I'm quite fond of the f*cketyf*ckf*ckf*ck myself. :thumbup:

Amanda honey, I'm glad you're able to view things so philosophically today. :hugs: Just don't be surprised if you have days where you feel more upset... there's a certain peace that comes with having a plan and feeling acceptance, and even with that there are days when rage and sadness will strike. I'm so sorry for A - it's so hard to watch our men crumble like that. :hugs: Take good care of each other. :hugs::hugs::hugs: xoxoxo
Hello gorgeous girls :kiss:

Dwrgi - big hugs, you are so strong lady you put me to shame. Big loves :hugs:

HA - you just reminded me of the Christmas my Aunt slept in my room. Every exhale she went huuuuuunnnnnhhhhhhh and I stayed awake ALL night! :wacko:

DrS fx sounds good :thumbup:

Frolicky - I need to dream more, PMA needs to happen over here.

Dashka I am off Monday too....woohoo!

Twinkle, lilS, Tigerlily, Missy, agapel, Asry, Purple, Carole, BF, Ipen, Manuti, NikkiL and anyone I missed have a wonderful weekend.

Afm a heavy AF but feeling positive for next cycle. Using a clear blue fertility monitor this month and already chuffed with better sleep,without temping. Having a few drinks this weekend bollocks to it I say! :happydance:
dwrgi, I had a huge bleed right after my IVF. It was the heaviest period I ever had in my life with thick clots. I remember one day (actually it was Thanksgiving) I didn't even get out of bed. I was constantly changing my tampon. It was almost every hour. I almost went to the ER. Wow, that was TMI but I just wanted you to know something similar happened to me.

Frolicky, I'm so glad you read Julia's book! If I could I'd scream from the rooftops for every woman with fertility challenges to read that book. Now I suggest you buy her second book, The Fertile Female and check out her website. There are a lot of good articles on there.

Dash, I'm glad you are feeling better. I sometimes think a refreshing walk outside can do wonders for us. Good for you, girlie!

LadyH, I'm glad to hear you are feeling positive for next cycle. I've gotten in the mindset that each time I get AF its a new month to get my body in top functioning order for my baby.

AFM, they started my patio today. They should be done early next week. I'm excited because it will be done before my brother and his 3 kids come to visit the 2nd week of April. My nieces and nephew love to toast marshmellows and we are getting a firepit put in too with a sitting wall. Wow, I almost forgot I'm in the 2WW.
Ooooooo firepit like like like. Good luck for your tww xxxx
Hello gorgeous girls :kiss:

Dwrgi - big hugs, you are so strong lady you put me to shame. Big loves :hugs:

HA - you just reminded me of the Christmas my Aunt slept in my room. Every exhale she went huuuuuunnnnnhhhhhhh and I stayed awake ALL night! :wacko:

DrS fx sounds good :thumbup:

Frolicky - I need to dream more, PMA needs to happen over here.

Dashka I am off Monday too....woohoo!

Twinkle, lilS, Tigerlily, Missy, agapel, Asry, Purple, Carole, BF, Ipen, Manuti, NikkiL and anyone I missed have a wonderful weekend.

Afm a heavy AF but feeling positive for next cycle. Using a clear blue fertility monitor this month and already chuffed with better sleep,without temping. Having a few drinks this weekend bollocks to it I say! :happydance:

I say bollox to it too, as we can watch our life slip away from us because of this TTC malarkey! Let your hair down and enjoy! Good luck with the Clear Blue monitor. Temping used to do my head in. Have a great weekend, Axxx
HA-I can't believe that I am being like this, but I just feel so relieved to KNOW, one way or the other. The TWW after IVF is a killer. I also think that I knew it was over one week ago, and it wasn't being negative, but just female intuition. I think it absolutely bollocking sucks, and I know that I'll have days when I want to stand in the traffic and scream, but for now, I am enjoying not having to worry about taking my DHEA, or checking the calendar, or making sure I've got enough CoCK vitamins :)haha:) , or getting my OH to squeeze my bacne (thanks, DHEA, for that), or taking my injections, or worrying about the follicles growing, or worrying about the eggs fertilizing, and just any excuse to worry really, that it feels good to be not trying anything, but just breathing. Phew. That was a LONG sentence. Hope you're feeling okay? Hope you have a great weekend, Axxxx

Missy-your patio sounds amazing, you won't spend any of your summer indoors with a firepit and a sitting area! I am well jell!!! And, good that you have not noticed you're into your TWW-the more laid back we are about things, the better, I am sure of it! Have a great weekend too, Axxxx

Love to you all, and nightie night!!

Hi ladies – YAY for the weekend!

Twinks – I love bollocks! Lol – let me use that one differently since it means testes (do over) “Bollocks to it all!” Ok, time for a :wine:…

Dwrgi – I love fu&ketyfu$$fu$$f$ck!!! I get tired just doing the natural TTC stuff, so I can’t even imagine how exhausted you are from all of the additional stuff you had to do. I can see how you would be relieved just to get a break from it all! Btw, I was hoping now that I know bollocks, what’s a good Welsh cussword? I’d say I’m having fun “being immature” tonight but that would suggest that I had maturity in the first place :haha: Big, big, big :hugs: to you.

Frolicky – you had IUI yesterday!!!??? I knew you had a scan Wed (which I meant to ask about), but had no idea you went ahead w/IUI already?! Ooooo, :happydance: FX :dust:!!! And happy you are inspired again :thumbup:

DrS – glad it sounds like things are going good & you are gearing up for another round :thumbup:

Butterfly – good luck w/BD!!! You fly to London for booty call right? :dust:

Dashka – so glad you are feeling good again & everything in the universe seems “just right” & you are thankful just for a beautiful day! Ahhhhhh… You lucky girl to have Monday off (what holiday?).

HA – How funny – I do the same thing! Except I shout stuff & let out blood-curdling screams apparently. It scares the living sh** out of DH & he’s fallen to the floor a few times & I’ve woken myself up just from “all the noise”. It even scared the daylights out of my neighbor once when windows were open :haha:. DH shakes me & then tells me the next day that I said “thank you honey, you saved my life…”. :rofl: Aw, your niece is probably mortified to this day & will probably never, ever sleep w/DH in the same room again – awwww! :nope::haha:

LadyH – good ‘tude you have there! Go have fun :drunk: this weekend. Btw, “Bucks” was REALLY hard to find on the map! :haha::haha: It took me a “good while” to figure out it stood for Buckinghamshire! Don’t worry I’m not stalking you (yet) :saywhat: I was looking up all of the UK ladies’ cities just to help me “get the lay of the land”.

Missy – that patio/firepit sounds awesome. Enjoy your family! Btw, what is the OVUM approach?

Asry – grow lil follies grow! Hope the stims are OK – you seem to be taking it like a champ. Hope you have a great time :drunk: this weekend & that DH takes you to a real party :winkwink:

Purps – hope you are doing great & get to garden this weekend. Spring is for growing things & I think we all want to get on that bandwagon! :winkwink:

:hi: to ipen, Tigerlilly, Nikki & everyone else on this thread! Lots of :dust: to those in TWW & lots of :hugs: to everyone else!

AFM - Still waiting (& waiting, & waiting…) just to ov. Promising tho been getting tons EWCM (haven't had it like this since my last preg Jan 2011 – thank you gf juice & mucinex!) so I'm close. Just temping, OPKs & BDing when we "want to" :huh:. We're sorta taking it easy this cycle but if/when I get a smiley? The relaxed approach will probably go out the window... "Crazy woman on a mission" will be taking over & I'll be promptly jumping his bones no matter what time of day or where he is! (But then I'll meditate after, of course...tee-hee)

Oh & got accepted into Reiki class AND, get this – my flight “magically” went down by $800! Seriously? So, I jumped on it & I’m booked up for a 10-day trip to UK now. The rest is TBC…Can’t believe I did that. Other than Amsterdam (don’t ask, I was 26 & went with a local rock station :haha: ), I’ve never been to Europe! Very excited… :happydance: :happy dance::happy dance:
Yay LilS for your trip :happydance::happydance: travelling and seeing new places is such FUN!! :yipee: were you going in summertime? I'm happy for you :thumbup::thumbup:

And Twinks I wonder if your DH and I are related somehow :haha: as I am a BIG fan of shoutin WHAT?!! in my sleep. Also just talking nonsense and blinking lights and sitting in my bed looking at something :haha: But good to know I'm not the only one (HA&LilS:winkwink:) at start in our relationship OH was all hugging me etc for me to wake up, but now he just turns his back on me and goes "fuck..not again.." that's when I usually wake up and say " I wasn't sleeping :blush:.." yeah WHAT?!!!:haha:

I'm hoping we'd go out tonight, but yesterday OH was all not wanting to get hangover for sunday we'll see. Would be fun though, but I'm not so keen I'd be asking anyone else. Oh and stimms are going better now, this morning I remembered to keep the needle in for 5secs so that all the meds went in. I wonder if that fsh is making me horny? I've been all over the place for 2 days now :blush::haha:

Dwirgi, you go on and do what you feel like. I'm sure now you don't even want to think about the next step, but when it feels like then go for it. For now just do whatever you feel like :hugs:
Missy - that firepit sounds so lovely!! Toasting marshmallows..sounds :icecream: yummy! And isn't it great that you had just forgotten being in tww!!! :thumbup:
DrS- yay 3 little follys!! Way to go :thumbup::thumbup:
Froliky - have your guests left "the building yet"? How was iui? :hugs:

Hope everyone has a great weekend with bootycalls :)winkwink: Go Butterfly!!) or whatever you are up to :happydance::happydance:
LilS stalk away! Look for a little place called Chesham, we are in the Chiltern Hills which is beautiful but we have the Metropolitan line train here that takes me into London in 45 mins, though I tend to go in on the back of one of my DH's motorbikes.
Lils-I am soooooo pleades that you got your trip booked! Wow-$800 drop, that is incredible. It is meant to be, girl!!!! Hope OV comes soon so you can get on with making babies!!!! Good luck!!

BTW, a Welsh cus phrase is 'Cer i grafu' which literally means 'go to scratch' but you use it as go to hell. You pronounce it:

cer (as in 'car' but with a short e) ee grahvee! :haha:

Lady H-that sounds lovely, especially the motorbike bit! xx

Asry-good luck with the injections. I hope this is it for you, this time! xxx

Butterfly-good luck with the :sex::sex::sex::sex::sex:

Love to you all, and have a great weekend!!
Hi Girls,
I'm new here, and not yet in the TTC group, but will be as soon as things sort themselves out.

I'm 36 (tomorrow) and miscarried (yesterday). I am TTC #1, and have been trying since September 2011. We had a first BFP at the end of October, but it just wasn't to be and I had an ectopic pregnancy and my right tube removed in November. I had an early miscarriage in February (4 weeks...kicking myself for testing so early, because otherwise I wouldn't have known) and in March I had a further BFP...only for it to miscarry at 6+1.

So, while I seem to fall pregnant...I can't STAY pregnant. I'd also like to have 2 children, so...time is ticking away.

I think we'll start trying again at the end of April, once I've had my next AF. I'm experiences haven't been so great up to this point. I'm praying for a successful 4th attempt and would like to be one of the lucky ones that has no symptoms, no unknown bleeding, no pain and gets a beautiful child at the end of it all!

anyway, that's me. Hello.
Missy - That's the one I am reading "Fertile Female". :)you.

Sorry ladies, quick post because I only have my phone. I miss you all. I went to yoga this morning and two pregnant women were there. I congratulated the one I knew and asked that she send me some of that fertility luck and she said "I will. It happens when you least expect it." Yikes. So, I am trying to figure out how to not let that hurt too much. I will always know when to possibly expect it because I am not using my DH's sperm. I am realizing from this, the less I say the better. I do not want ignorant seeds planted. Xoxo .
Hoping for all of us!! Dreaming for all of us!! Believing for all of us!!

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