TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hey ladies just dropping by to see how you all are. Hope you all had fab weekends, pad yours sounded perfect to me. Rugby, beer and men with nice legs :haha:

I have taken a day off work today as my lower back is killing me, now nearly 4pm and still in my pj's and thinking about hitting the shower. Hoping I feel better tomorrow as it is Labor Day holiday so should do something with DH really.

Are any of you planning anything special for your day off ?
Hey Ladies,

Haven't been on this weekend so i'm a bit behind but hope everyone is well and keeping their spirits up...

Lilsluz - thanks for the EWCM advice - will take that on board

Frolicky - I'm fine, thanks a million for asking....just waiting for AF to show up - due on Friday. having little twinges which could be implantation but everytime I think that the witch ends up getting me!! Need to stay positive but this is my 4th round of Clomid now so my hope is fading....thinking if it ws going to happen it would of by now. Had a scan last week and they said it has made my womb lining a bit think so if no BFP this month will have to start taking Oestrogen - anyone else doing this?

:dust: to us all!

Happy Monday, girls!
DP and I had a wonderful, relaxing weekend in Pigeon Forge with DP...I planned the trip for her birthday and we had a great time. Got to our cabin Friday evening and had dinner in, then Saturday went for a wonderful breakfast and spent the first half of the day exploring the various stores/attractions on the strip. That place has to be the dream of a person with ADD. Seriously. SOOO much to do!

Dashka - You're right, I hadn't updated my chart. I was away for the weekend with little internet access so hadn't had time to update yet. The temping this weekend wasn't the best... waking up to an amazing view of the mountains kinda steered my thoughts away from the thermometer by my bedside :D so I'm not putting a whole lot of faith into what this weekend's readings were. I updated temps this morning and tried excluding Saturday but then FF couldn't read my chart so I put it back in... I dunno. My chart is a mess! LOL!

I'm all confused about this now and have this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that I o'd before the trigger shot would have caused O and we missed our window. I keep telling myself that there is always a chance until af comes, but I just have this nagging thought in the back of my head that the last two months have been in vain. Only time will tell, I suppose. AF is due on the 6th or 7th, so only a week to go to know for sure.

I had a dream last night that a friend was dragging me to the baby shower of someone she knew, and I can remember thinking how rude it was of her to force me to go to something that would make me sad! Very odd dream for me as my dreams usually make me LOL in my sleep :D At least, that's what DP tells me! HAHA!
HI ladies!

Carole - sorry to hear you're back is hurting so much.... hope you can take it easy today... you are so close now!! All ready for Zara? :):happydance:

HTJ - glad you had a nice weekend.... Fx that you caught the eggy with the IUI...:flower::hugs:

CoastDreams - Fx for you too that AF stays away:hugs:

The weather is quite gloomy here today.... :wacko:and I feel so cold at my desk I've got a giant scarf wrapped around me.... The weather is supposed to get to the 20's by end of week (Celcius) Can't wait -it's been so cold here the last 2 weeks.

I screwed up my temping again this morning...took it at 5:30 after waking a few times and just turned it off without looking at it ...then when I actually got up (after waking a few more times) I pressed it (but forgot to hold it down to show last temp and ofcourse it erased it...) by that point I was already sitting up in bed and was awake for a little. :wacko:

Question - is a temp valid if you wake up a lot (but don't get out of bed??) is it the waking that affects it -or is it the getting up that affects it?:shrug:

I'll get the hang of this eventually - and I have to stop drinking before bed so that I don't have the urge to pee as much at 5am!:haha:

have a great day everyone!
Hi Girls,
well, I guess I am officially TTC now that I got my first AF (yeah!) since the last MC. I have a couple of questions and was hoping that some people could offer some advice.

Quick history:
ectopic pregnancy in November. Took folic acid. 1st time TTC. Thought I was 5 weeks along, but reckon I was more like 8-9 as it was about 30cm big, when my tube burst.
Miscarriage in February. Wasn't taking anything. I had mentally linked the folic acid with the pain I had with the ectopic, which is stupid, but hey, there you go. This was our 2nd time TTC. I MC'd very early at 4 weeks.
Miscarried again in MArch. Again, wasn't taking anything pre-positive test, but started to take Folic acid once baby was located within the uterus. Miscarried at 6 weeks. This was our 3rd time TTC.

So, while we don't seem to have a problem with egg meeting sperm, we do have a problem staying pregnant. When I miscarried the last time I was told I would be put onto a list to see the recurrent miscarriage clinic at St. Thomas's Hospital in London - and the appointment has actually just come thru. (if I cancel it, there isn't another appointment available until July! so, I must have been on some standby list for cancellations...)

We also went to see our doctor who was going to write to a different clinic (st. heliers in surrey - does anyone know this place?) to see if they would take us on, but my doctors view was that the ectopic doesn't count and therefore I do not qualify.

I also tried to get our doctor to take some blood tests, but he wouldn't. HE said it'd only tell us half the story. (and then ruined the statement by following it up with, 'the clinic may not see you unless I do blood tests, but that is up to them, not me...)

Our doctor also recommended that we keep trying and that, provided I am ready, beginning right away would be best. He recommended vitamins, and so I've been taking my pre-conception vitamins daily...and an extra folic acid, and I put my OH on male-baby-making vitamins.

I don't drink heavily (although, I did miscarry right before my birthday, so I did have an excessive night) and I have maybe a coffee a day...rotating between decaf and full caffeine. I eat sensibly, lots of veg and fruit. I have had a wicked sweet tooth since my MC. I can't seem to stay away from things with matter how hard I try.

So, questions -
does anyone know what they do at the recurrent miscarriage clinic? Is it just blood tests? Will actively trying to conceive whilst going there complicate things?

It doesn't stipulate what is going to happen at the first appointment. I have been given a questionnaire and need to fill it out, but it doesn't say whether this is a 'talking' appointment, or a 'looking' appointment...or even if my OH has to come. I can call to find out, but does anyone know?

Has anyone been to the clinic at St. Thomas's? My doctor told me that different clinics take the testing to different levels - even though it is all the NHS.

I've also heart that St. Mary's is the best for this sort of thing...but I wouldn't know how to get an appointment. Any ideas?

Sorry, this is so long winded. I just keep hoping that nature will take care of herself and that the 4th time will be lucky... I also want to do everything to assist nature where I can, but that does seem like an overwhelming endless possibility task at the moment.

Ok, thanks.
Hey ladies just dropping by to see how you all are. Hope you all had fab weekends, pad yours sounded perfect to me. Rugby, beer and men with nice legs :haha:

I have taken a day off work today as my lower back is killing me, now nearly 4pm and still in my pj's and thinking about hitting the shower. Hoping I feel better tomorrow as it is Labor Day holiday so should do something with DH really.

Are any of you planning anything special for your day off ?

How are you Carole, apart from the back ache? I see you're still online-hope it feels better! Not long to go now! I reckon tomorrow should see your hubby playing at being your man servant!! His Labour Day as yours is fast approaching!!!!

Lots of love hun! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi Girls,
well, I guess I am officially TTC now that I got my first AF (yeah!) since the last MC. I have a couple of questions and was hoping that some people could offer some advice.

Quick history:
ectopic pregnancy in November. Took folic acid. 1st time TTC. Thought I was 5 weeks along, but reckon I was more like 8-9 as it was about 30cm big, when my tube burst.
Miscarriage in February. Wasn't taking anything. I had mentally linked the folic acid with the pain I had with the ectopic, which is stupid, but hey, there you go. This was our 2nd time TTC. I MC'd very early at 4 weeks.
Miscarried again in MArch. Again, wasn't taking anything pre-positive test, but started to take Folic acid once baby was located within the uterus. Miscarried at 6 weeks. This was our 3rd time TTC.

So, while we don't seem to have a problem with egg meeting sperm, we do have a problem staying pregnant. When I miscarried the last time I was told I would be put onto a list to see the recurrent miscarriage clinic at St. Thomas's Hospital in London - and the appointment has actually just come thru. (if I cancel it, there isn't another appointment available until July! so, I must have been on some standby list for cancellations...)

We also went to see our doctor who was going to write to a different clinic (st. heliers in surrey - does anyone know this place?) to see if they would take us on, but my doctors view was that the ectopic doesn't count and therefore I do not qualify.

I also tried to get our doctor to take some blood tests, but he wouldn't. HE said it'd only tell us half the story. (and then ruined the statement by following it up with, 'the clinic may not see you unless I do blood tests, but that is up to them, not me...)

Our doctor also recommended that we keep trying and that, provided I am ready, beginning right away would be best. He recommended vitamins, and so I've been taking my pre-conception vitamins daily...and an extra folic acid, and I put my OH on male-baby-making vitamins.

I don't drink heavily (although, I did miscarry right before my birthday, so I did have an excessive night) and I have maybe a coffee a day...rotating between decaf and full caffeine. I eat sensibly, lots of veg and fruit. I have had a wicked sweet tooth since my MC. I can't seem to stay away from things with matter how hard I try.

So, questions -
does anyone know what they do at the recurrent miscarriage clinic? Is it just blood tests? Will actively trying to conceive whilst going there complicate things?

It doesn't stipulate what is going to happen at the first appointment. I have been given a questionnaire and need to fill it out, but it doesn't say whether this is a 'talking' appointment, or a 'looking' appointment...or even if my OH has to come. I can call to find out, but does anyone know?

Has anyone been to the clinic at St. Thomas's? My doctor told me that different clinics take the testing to different levels - even though it is all the NHS.

I've also heart that St. Mary's is the best for this sort of thing...but I wouldn't know how to get an appointment. Any ideas?

Sorry, this is so long winded. I just keep hoping that nature will take care of herself and that the 4th time will be lucky... I also want to do everything to assist nature where I can, but that does seem like an overwhelming endless possibility task at the moment.

Ok, thanks.

Oh you have been through the wringer, ecoops, and I hope that somebody can come along and help you better than I can. I can't believe the size of the foetus when it ruptured in your tubes-my God, you are lucky to be alive, you poor thing. Anyway, I hope you have your forever baby before long!

From my limited knowledge of this (my problem is GETTING pregnant), Level 1 immune tests may well be worth looking at, and shame on your doctor for refusing to do them. I asked for them, and mine said that they normally offer them to those who have frequent miscarriages. The tests are:

  • Coagulation screen
  • Thrombophilia screen (Protein C, Protein S, AntiThrombin III, Leiden Factor V)
  • Thyroid function test
  • Lupus Anticoagulant
  • Anticardiolipin Antibodies

Lil and HA have MTHFR issues and have been prescribed a 5mg dose of folic acid to counter this. I have also been told that taking a baby (junior) aspirin a day can also help with ensuring that a baby sticks.

Like I said, this is very limited. I know nothing at all about the hospitals that you mention. Hope you get some help soon, and good luck with your next step!

Big :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Welcome Ecoops and so sorry for all your pain with losses. I am afraid that I cannot give any info on the medical side of things with the hospital but there are ladies on here that have sadly been through the same so will be able to help. Hoping that your next BFP is a real sticky bean :hugs: Taking baby asprin and progesterone as soon as pregnant can help bean stick.

Daksha thanks for your kind words, I am starting to feel a little better after having hot water bottles on my back all day long and resting. I am so ready for Zara's arrival now, everything is in place so I just need labour to start which the Dr said could be at anytime now as she is in position and ready.

Hey Dwrgi thanks for the wishes and love the idea of DH of being my man servant but sadly I don't think I have much chance of that happening :haha: I think I will have another lazy day and try and get some energy stored for the rest of the week at work. Think I will go to the hospital on Sunday and get signed off for the remainder of my pregnancy as we are entitled to 15 days sick pay a year here as have to admit it is becoming a struggle.

Hope you all have a fun day tomorrow with family and friends:hugs:
Went for us today. Maybe a 12mm follie not real clear. Told him my plan for the 11th of June and discovered that apparently I can't do both. So I've decided to bag this cycle and go to ivf. They are gonna call me back today or tomorrow with the plan in terms of meds etc. kinda
Bummed that it is still a month and a half from now but... It is my best (and fastest) bet. Once I start the new job in July I don't know what my schedule is going to look like and the doc is going to the amazon for the last 3 weeks of July. Upside is that at least I'll be taking lots of meds so I'll feel like I'm doing something.
Dashka – I was kidding about killing you :haha: (promise I won't!) - not quite that glamorous i'm afraid, but I do work w/classified info. I can PM you about it as I don’t want it on a public forum :winkwink: (I can PM anybody else if curious, too - just don't want public). I’m SO glad the relaxation mp3s are helping! I just got my email so I just have to go into it & do it tonight maybe. About the temps, don’t worry if you actually sit up, etc. Honestly, I get out of bed, go to the guest room (my woman cave) & take my temp while I am making my morning coffee/decaf/tea (but I am still a zombie at this point). You only need to be really strict if your temps don’t vary by much (tenths of points). I know I’m a rule breaker, but an alarm at 6am is not going over well by me or DH… So if you sat up or were awake just a bit, take your temp & just use that one. If you get up & work out, then no don’t use it. Your temps are rising quite nicely :hugs::flower:

Carole – argh, back pain I know it all too well. Much better for you to fake an illness & yes a heating pad (low) or hot water bottle & lots of remote control are in order for you girl! Take it easy, you worked so hard for this… :hugs:

Dwrgi – oh poo on nasty :witch: with a capital B! :devil: blast her! I was hoping… I hope you can enjoy a nice :wine: or :beer: or perhaps chocolate to ease the :af: blues :nope:. I’m so sorry - extra :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: for you!

Butterfly – I hope you are doing well, honey. What day do you normally ov (I know its really regular & you are getting there…?) :thumbup::flower:

Pad – Thanks for the ArmyNavy explanation! We were supposed to go to an Air-n-Sea show (navy, airforce) party this past weekend but it rained all weekend. I really wanted to see the bimbers & stealth fighters…. So, I almost joined you in a toast the military, but since I couldn’t toast the military, I had plenty of :wine::wine::wine: Friday night w/friends. My veins & heart feel healthy & clear now – you?

Ecoops - :hi: & welcome to TTC#1, 35+! I am so sorry for your losses & yes, you are soooo lucky you are still here with us after that tube burst! :nope: So, I’m assuming you can only ovulate out of the other side? I was recently diagnosed with 2 copies of MTHFr gene mutation (yeah, I know what it sounds like) & so I have to take 12x the dose of folic acid (5mg – has to be a prescription), but its really better to take “folate” as it is more readily absorbable. So I take Metagenics’ Folapro – 5 of them + my prenatal gives me folic acid. Also I take extra B6 & B12 & baby aspirin – all for the rest of my life. So, it probably wouldn’t hurt while you are waiting for your future apt to up your doses because apparently, you just pee out what you don’t use (you can’t overdose). Sorry I don’t know anything about NHS & those centers, but hopefully this little tidbit can help you! And I agree w/Dwrgi – that’s BS your Dr wouldn’t order those blood tests, the ones she listed can be done anywhere/no harm in it!? Espec w/RMC it is PROTOCOL to order those tests! :grr: GL & keep us posted! :flower:

HTJ – glad you had a great weekend! If they perform a procedure after ov, can you get it done complimentary? I know nothing about them other than what I’ve learned from these fine ladies, but I’m just thinking out loud & will ask the stupid question: why wouldn’t they test or do a scan first to see if you already ov’d before an IUI (the scanner is right there for crying out loud)???

Hi to everyone else! I’m being lazy because I gotta go, but I’m thinking about you all & sending :hugs: & :dust:!!!

Oh AFM – got the saline-uterus test today & it hurt worse than HSG. I hollered for 20 mins almost straight. Apparently, things are tilted & everything is "very small" once you get in the front door . I said then can I tell DH he is a REALLY lucky man? Dr laughed but got all embarrassed (is that even possible?! lol) But now they want to do outpatient procedure hysteroscopy, so they’re getting me in on WED - argh! Have to take whole day off work (my boss is a doll) & go under anesthesia so he can put a camera up there & look around some more. I guess it’s the “mother of all tests” & he is very thorough. I wasn’t going to do it bc I am fed up w/tests & getting angry :grr: & depressed :nope: with all of this, but then I know a little bird will chirp & peck at the back of my mind if I don’t get preg (what if?). Argh this sucks. BD is supposed to hurt for a week – just in time for ov! great. Anyone else had this or am I the designated guinea pig?

But good news is if I don’t get preg on my own within this cycle, he is going to give me ovulation induction drugs but not Clomid. I didn’t know this existed but it’s some pill? that makes a few eggs mature & drop so I have better chances rather than just dealing with 1/month my odds increase dramatically? Does this sound right? I’m a big dummy in this area, so laugh if you must – I can take it. I know, I need to find out what it is (there was just so much to digest from today & I was trying to do my pre-op tests)… (Again, anyone know wth I'm talking about?) K, really gotta go :hugs:
DrS - (cross-posted) wow, sounds like you have a major plan!!! YAY!!! You must be so excited :happydance: :hugs:
Lil- perhaps femara (letrazole). It doesn't have as many of the problems as clomid (ie thinning lining and major mood swings). You wil have to sign a waiver because there is a risk of birth defects if taken WHILE pregnant (but it has a short half life and is well out of you by ovulation let alone pregnancy).

Bah I suppose I have a plan but some how this feels like I'm giving up. I know it is faster and that is why I'm doing it but.. It just feels like a failure to me (and I'm going to be destroyed if it doesn't work)
Feeling like a failure is pretty prominent on this thread! But we aren't failures - we are only failures if we really, really want it & give up before we really try. You just chose to go the way w/the higher success rate, it that is absolutely rational. Everybody is different - some people really feel in their hearts that IUI is going to work for them, while others have a bugging feeling that its going to have to be IVF+, so listen to what you feel is right for you & you should never be let down. I know you are very scientific, but I also know you guys use those gut instincts sometimes... :hugs:

If you are going to go thru IVF, are you going to get all the tests & such required beforehand? (seems like everyone's diff) What tests have you done so far?

Thanks I will look up Femara now!
Which tests? I had an hsg and ages ago I had an fsh drawn. I think I need to get progesterone drawn to make sure I ovulated though I'm not sure why. Other than that who knows. They are Supposed to call tomorrow to tell me the "plan"
Well I'm not an expert in IVF or IUI, but I think each clinic is different & if you are really worried about it not working 1st round, my first thoughts were to make sure all the parts are in proper order, hormones are good, and those Level 1 tests (as they can affect implantation & survival of fetus) - see Dwrgi's list just prev page. Some people don't have access to those tests, some do, some want to know everything before going in, some kind-of go w/the flow, so I was just wondering what tests you have had already.

(I'm just the type that wants to know absolutely everything so I can sit back, see what it is I have to "deal with", make a plan & go with it. But I can't stand not knowing...) I'm sure they will tell you tomorrow about whatever tests they would like to do in your plan, but now you know some of what is out there & available to test... GL :flower:
hi guys

i am back... got some bad blood test results today my numbers have dropped so this one won't work out and I am back to TTC. I hope you are all doing well and I can hang around to see some good news from you all - so I am sprinkling some fairy dust:)

Madeline xx
Madeline-very sorry to hear your news, you must be very disappointed. It is such a lottery, and I guess more things are thrown at us to test us, than to make us happy, IYKWIM. But, you have shown that you can get pregnant, which is brilliant, so don't give up! :flower::flower:

Dr S-I wouldn't count myself as a failure if IUI didn't work and you are moving to IVF. That sounds like a winning situation to me-you have tried the IUI, and know are going to up your chances dramatically. You have the money, so go for it, and FX you get lucky first time round! Way to go girl! :thumbup:

Butterfly-how are you hun? Staying dry???!!! Big :hugs::hugs:

007 Lil-you're a one!! Am very glad that you are getting on with these tests, and I like your attitude to TTC, to find out what's what and make a plan! Your posts really cheer me up!! I can imagine that's the type of remark that I'd make to a doctor, and then end up spending the rest of the day regretting making it, in case it was inappropriate!! Sod it, I say, your hubby is INDEED a lucky man!!! No idea about the drug your doc mentions-Dr S may well be right. I know of a few who have had success with Femara-GL girl!!! :hugs:

Dashka-hoep the temping is going well. Suppose it's counter productive if it makes you stress! You'll get the hang of it, I'm sure! Hope the weather has improved with you there! It is raining cats and dogs with us, and poor Al has to take Gwydion Gwyn out running in it! Bless him! Big :hugs: to you! :hugs:

Coast-were you asking about Clomid? I tried it for three months without success. Did you say you're on your 4th month? My memory is like a sieve! GL with it hun, Axxxx

Jack-hope you caught ovulation! :thumbup:

Carole-hope you feel a bit better. Can't believe they only give the mother 3 weeks paid leave in the ME! OMG, I'd be throwing a massive sickie. Big :hugs::hugs::hugs: to you!

Pad-has the hangover cleared, my lovely?????!!! :happydance:

Asry and Frolicky-how are you both? :hugs:

Purps-hope you're having a lovely holiday so far! Big :hugs::hugs:

Hello Newbies!

Big :hugs: to our MIA girls-Missy, HA, Twinks, Never, OMM, Luv, etc. Miss you all!

AFM-third day of temping. Will try and create a chart so I don't feel left out. Currently I'm recording the temps on an app on my phone, and eating mainly oats!!!! :)haha::haha: British reference to a comedy show-not funny really).

For the girls meeting up in June, what are we going to do? Are we just moseying around Bath-lunch, cream cakes and tea (brown and hot stuff-liquid!!!) or are we doing something more adventurous like a spa???????? I guess we need to get cracking and book so we can all make sure we get in somewhere! Let me/Lil know so we can go ahead and look at our options!

Oh, almost forgot, rang docs yesterday and all but the antiocardiolipin results have come back, and all clear. Grrr. I know that my consultant would be glad that there are no probs, but a problem can be fixed is my thinking. I read somewhere that if the Level 1 tests are clear, the Level 2s are likely to be clear too. Grrrrr. :grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::sulk::sulk::sulk::sulk::sulk:

Love to you all!
OK, I have to try and remember...:coffee:

dashka, I don't really stress too much at what time I take my temp these days until I am right around O, hopefully a pattern will come through anyway :flower::hugs:

lilS, lol at the doc getting embarrassed :blush: but poor you for having to do all these tests :nope:. Hopefully all will be clear and there will be no problems. Yep, I am coming up to O. It used to be day 11/12 before the m/c and it looks like this month might go back to that. But now I am wondering if that gives the egg enough time to mature...:dohh:

Madeline, so sorry to hear that the numbers have gone down but like dwrgi said, at least you know that the sperm can meet the egg :flower:

pad, how you doing you drunkard? :wine: :hugs::kiss:

dwrgi, I got soaked to the bone last night cycling back from my friends house :rain:. Good that the tests were clear for you but I know what you mean, bummer that they can't just find something to fix.:growlmad::hugs::hugs:

DrS, good luck with the ivf but try to guard your heart against the posibility that it may not work - I don't want to be a downer but I don't want to see you totally destroyed if it does not :flower:

purps, hope you are having a great holiday :boat:

Carole, no more work please, take it easy and wait for Zara to turn up :flower:

Coastdreams, FX for this month :flower:

HTJ, sounds like you had a lovely weekend:happydance:

ecoops, so sorry for your losses and sorry I can't really help with the test stuff :hugs::hugs:

Hi to everyone else, seems like a lot of ladies to remember now :wacko::hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM, yep, expecting to O this week some time and should hopefully be able to get to London OK at the right time. Got tickets to one of the GB Olympic football matches :football: :happydance: (dwrgi, I know, I thought that is so close to you, but I'm going to be with my sis and 2 nephews and we have booked a hotel in Cardiff for the night so might be difficult to meet up :cry:). Went to the optician yesterday and have to get referred to the hospital for glaucoma testing but I'm sure it is just a precaution.
Oh and in terms of the Bath thing, I found this - not that I can really afford it but I haven't spent money on myself for ages!! Take a look at the special offer thing...

ETA or if you look at opening times and prices we could just do a cross bath session (although I don't know what that is :haha:) but I like the look of that rooftop pool :thumbup:
Oh and in terms of the Bath thing, I found this - not that I can really afford it but I haven't spent money on myself for ages!! Take a look at the special offer thing...

ETA or if you look at opening times and prices we could just do a cross bath session (although I don't know what that is :haha:) but I like the look of that rooftop pool :thumbup:

The rooftop pool sounds amazing-I've always fancied it! And very easy to sit and chat in a rooftop pool, I've always found!!! Although, you'll all have to forgive my lardy milk bottle eggs.....! Will have a proper look when I get home-stupid network restrictions won't let me open the link in work-:grr::grr::grr::grr::grr:

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