TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Aww really?... I was thinking that it was looking a lil freaky Butterfly... though I will bow to your superior FF wisdom chick! x

Dashka - my job isn't that interesting really! I run my own business, book keeping for lots of other companies and sole traders. One of my clients passed away in Nov and he was a brick baron (supplies bricklayers to major developers). His dad and girlf have kept the company going with lots of extra help from me. I have to go to site every 2 weeks to sort out how far they have progressed building the houses so that i can bill the client. I work from home the majority of the time which will hopefully work well once i have a bambino!

Pad - I also have autoimmune thryoid disease (antibody critters!), think my antibody level was 600 in Feb and i think normal range is about 37 or might be 67. Do you do anything to help autoimmune? Like gluten free diet? I try to follow gluten free but its so so hard, i take selenium too. have you been diagnosed with anything else, i have seen you often on the recurrent miscarriage thread, i think you were fairly active on that thread when i joined and then took some time out for a bit, ive only just seen you around lately again. Not familiar with your story. xx

Hope everyone else has had a good day, you will have to bare with me whilst i get familiarised with all of you. I cant remember what any of you are called, lol
Hey Hopeful... yep, I am on thyroxine levels of which vary from 150mg to 25mg lol.

In terms of what I do regarding the autoimmune thingy... well I am on 25mg prednisolone from OV... it is a steroid that suppresses the immune system.

Short potted history... cos I have removed the clues from my siggy in an effort to boost PMA! Since 2006 - 6 babies (1 set of twins), HBs seen, all die at the 11-12 weeks point.

I have a rare translocation in my X chromosome, which they have recently discovered is lethal to male babies. Last 2 were tested and were boys, with my translocated X. My Consultant believes that all my babies have been boys with the translocated X. Have tried and failed at ED last Oct. PGD too expensive as my translocation is too rare and would need a whole new protocol....

So Hubby and me are having one last au natural try and are hoping that this one is a girl and survives... hence the Padbrat is thinking pink....

Have just turned 40... *sigh
Lil-how are you? Hope you're okay? You will notice that my chart is now up to stalk. I don't think there is anything exciting to see-am doing it very ambivalently!! We need to get booking with treatments etc. for Bath so EVERYBODY who is thinking of joining us, please tell us what you want to do! Love to you Lil, Axxxx :hugs:

AFM-am going to a nutrition for fertility lecture tonight at my clinic. I want to support them as they have been so brill, plus I can cop an eyeful of the Divine Lyndon too, so I'm there, front row, with a low cut top on!!! (Ha ha-the last bit was a joke, I have no boobs to speak of!). Notice how I don't think I'll learn anything from the session? Hmm, my mind is telling me that my fight is done! Weird, that!

Love to you all,
Axxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Dwrgi - I think we cross-posted earlier, so I didn't see your post until now.

Oh honey - I can hear the ambivalence in your posts & sense that you're not feeling it right now. Maybe you can take the next couple of months easy & not make any decisions just yet? You so deserve a mental & physical break after all you've been through :hugs::hugs::hugs:. And maybe you will catch that crazy thing that happens when people "take it easy"? :winkwink:

You can half-ass the charting, too - it can really be as stressful or as relaxed as you want it to be :thumbup:. No worries! And you never know, maybe you may learn something from that seminar (whilst keeping the other eye on Lovely Lyndon, of course :winkwink:). :flower:

Big LUVS & huge :hug: & lots of :kiss::kiss::kiss:'s & :flow::flow::flow:'s!!!

P.S. - for Bath, do we want to "try" to go for 1hr lunch, 2hr spa & 2hr Roman Baths? I think that's the big Q, but I'd be willing to try to do that? I think Butterfly wants to try that too? It looks like it's fairly open to whatever timing you want except that lunch is between 12-2:30 (the spas & museums are whenever we want). If we do at 12, then we can do Museum & top it off w/spa or vice-versa??? It just has to be booked at least 3 days ahead of time so we can either wait to see what others want to do or book it & anybody else who wants to join can just go book theirs when they decide?
Just got back from hospital. In a little pain, but not too horrible as they gave me something. They found a septum dividing Mrs. Ute into two parts, so they cut it all out & cleaned her all up all nice! :thumbup:

It can mess w/implantation, but its not a huge messer-upper like that MTHFR. I'm just glad they went in there, checked it out & fixed whatever so she's good to go now! whew -one more thing off the list! I'm going to go exercise my thumb on the remote control now bc I need some rest - major headache :dohh:, nausea :sick: & not feeling my best. :blush:

Hope you guys are doing well & I'll catch you later :hugs::hugs::hugs:

(Oh yeah, they said no :sex: for 1-2 weeks. :saywhat: I "should" ov on Sun-Mon, so the nice thing about advice is that you can take it or leave it. If I'm not bleeding anymore & it doesn't hurt, I'm going for it. Dr told me "2-3 days" on Monday, so I'm liking him better rt now!)
Hey Hopeful... yep, I am on thyroxine levels of which vary from 150mg to 25mg lol.

In terms of what I do regarding the autoimmune thingy... well I am on 25mg prednisolone from OV... it is a steroid that suppresses the immune system.

Short potted history... cos I have removed the clues from my siggy in an effort to boost PMA! Since 2006 - 6 babies (1 set of twins), HBs seen, all die at the 11-12 weeks point.

I have a rare translocation in my X chromosome, which they have recently discovered is lethal to male babies. Last 2 were tested and were boys, with my translocated X. My Consultant believes that all my babies have been boys with the translocated X. Have tried and failed at ED last Oct. PGD too expensive as my translocation is too rare and would need a whole new protocol....

So Hubby and me are having one last au natural try and are hoping that this one is a girl and survives... hence the Padbrat is thinking pink....

Have just turned 40... *sigh

Oh thats interesting about the pred, i haven't ever heard of anyone being prescribed steroids for auto immune thyroid disease. I asked my rm consultant what could be done relating to auto immune thyroid disease and she said you cant treat it

I am now on 175mg of thyroxine, i started at 25mg and my doc increased it by 25mg with each blood test until i seen my endocrinologist and he increased it by 75mg over 5 weeks! Docs were doing it far to slow

Good luck and i'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I cant imagine having to go through this ordeal for 6 years, i find it really hard thats its been 2 years for me

Hi ladies....

Sorry for MIA. I have been so lazy with not much energy. In any case scan was OK. I go back in 1.5 weeks for another. If that one is good, the pregnancy will be good. So, I am still in limbo really. I will catch up with you all soon. I am going to try and exercise today as I am feeling a bit better.

Dwrgi - :hugs: :hugs:

Good Luck to all of you in the TWW!!! I am lurking and hoping!!!!!!!

H&H vibes to Arsy & Man!!

Madeline - :hug: :hugs: So sorry!! Glad we can be here to support you!!

Carol - Glad you are resting finally!! You and Zara need it!!!!!!!!!!

Hope - Welcome!!

Pad - Feel better soon!! :hugs:

HA & Titi - Good Luck and hope all is going well with preparations for you both!!

Missy - You are MIA? I hope you are enjoying a nice break.

Purps - Enjoying Norway!! :boat: Yeah!!

Arsy - :hugs: Hang in there!!

I am doing this by memory...

Dashka, Butterfly, Jack - :bfp: vibes~~~~~~~ :hugs:

DrS - I don't know what to say about your situation. I think about it and wonder sometimes..because the sperm was bad and then all the sudden when you're ready to have different sperm they think you should move to IVF? Did I miss something? Seems a bit odd. I know the IVF doctor I was working with in the beginning wanted to go to IVF straight away as we would get pregnant faster he said than doing IUI. My guess, is he makes more money and does not have to work around my ovulation schedule. Good Luck!!

I know I am missing ladies! Twinks, Never, LadyH, all the new ladies..., and more!! :hugs:

Have a great rest of the week!!
froliky- i planned for doing an injectible cycle with new sperm, but i made cysts so no meds this month, was gonna do a natural cycle but it was pretty unclear whether a follicle was growing. i coulda skipped just this month except im going home on the 22nd next month (which would be the stim week etc). so id have to skip 2 months and then the doc is going away for 3 weeks in july. im the one who said screw it, lets just do ivf. i can shift my cycle to do retrieval the week of june 11 when ive already put in to be off work. if i coulda done another injection round that would have been my first choice. and i sorta feel like i should have tried a round with new sperm but the emotional stress is getting to high. plus the injection cycle cost me over 3000. seems like i get more bang for my buck this way, particularly if i make any frosties cause then any stress about my eggs getting old is kinda gone
Good morning ladies!

Lils - oh you poor thing...:hugs: sounds painful -but I'm glad the procedure/mini-surgery went well! you are all 'cleaned up' now and ready to go!:thumbup: You are one determined girl - hope that the BDing happens on schedule (and is not painful :wacko:) :hugs::hugs:

HTJ - Hope you are feeling better - hope not too much bruising from your fall...:flower: Your chart is looking pretty awesome girl.... so today is 12DPO - are you going to :test:??????:haha:

Dwrgi - OOOOO Nutrition class eh??? right up my alley.... hope you enjoyed it and the 'eye candy' of Dr. L made it extra interesting for you....:haha: you crack me up with the 'low cut' top comment...:rofl:

Asry - hope you are feeling better hun...:hugs: The maternity leave in Canada is also very good ....Several years ago they changed it to 1 Year mat leave - You apply for Employment Insurance and you get about $1600/month Max (depending on your salary - but that is the max they give)... Some employers will top it off too - Mine topped up the first 2 months or something. When I was off for AD's adoption I wasn't given the full year (they don't see adoption the same way -stupid heads you still have to bond/take care of them) but still got about 9 months and I tacked on a lot of vacation time cause the first 2.5 months we were in my AD's birth country trying to go through the adoption process and court etc.. but that's another story. We also pay TONS of taxes (up the wazoo) here too - hence our free healthcare (for most things anyway). We are pretty lucky here too.

Pad - hope the stomach bug is leaving soon!:hugs: Pink baby dust to you!! Have you tried surrounding yourself with all things PINK? (also listening to "Pink"'s music - I don't know may be stretching it) :shrug: Drinking PINK grapefruit juice before ovulation etc..????:winkwink: Your chart is looking good - do you think that is an ovulation dip happening now? Have any EWCM going on?
I am turning 40 next week too - sigh... but Happy Belated b-day to you!:hugs:

Hope 39 - wow interesting job! Nice that you work from home most of the time:thumbup: I need to get me one of those :haha: Interesting you brought up the 'gluten free' diet.... I have also been following the gluten free diet for the past few months (although have fallen off the wagon a few times for events/special occassions) but I'd say I do it 85% of the time. I don't know yet if I have immune issues - but my sister had both the MTHFR and the elevated NK cells... although she's got health problems like asthma and such and I don't. I'm going for some allergy testing on Friday (see AFM below)
Good luck girl!!:hugs:

Frolicky - so glad your scan went ok:happydance:.... Fx for next one!!:hugs::hugs: and hope you are feeling better soon:flower:

Manu !!! good luck on your scan tomorrow!!:hugs:

Hi to everyone else I missed!!! good luck to all :hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM - my temp went down today but still above cover line... I have a feeling 'she' is coming in a few days... even though I'm only 9DPO. Weird that my coverline temp is sooo high 36.80.... I knew I always had a higher temp than most but maybe that is my problem? I even tried to change the temp back to what those 2 days I had before (before I adjusted for the time) and the coverline temp was the same so I changed it back to the adjusted). I'm also still feeling the odd cramping now and then but very minor. I think it may be the progesterone cream that is giving me all these symptoms anyway.

I am going tomorrow for the electro-dermal screening to test for food sensitivities, environmental allergies and hormone levels etc.... I will take 1 hr. and 15 min they said...It sounds really wacky -but it's 85% accurate and non-invasive and even safe if you're pregnant. Going to take a half day off as it's downtown. I know some of the foods that are going to show up for sure are gluten, dairy, chocolate etc.. I am trying to be pro-active in case I do have the elevated NK cell thing - the less my body has to react to the better. I am curious about the hormone levels and environmental allergies too...

Oh shoot - I'm going to be late for work - have to jump in the shower!!
have a great day all!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Wahey! Good news that your scan went well Fro! Happy 7 weeks chick!

Lil's you rest up chick. I was told that I have a sepulated uterus too... but cheap ass NHS won't remove it.... to be honest, it doesn't seem to stop me getting preggers so I guess it is OK.

Hey ya Dash! You know what ... I hate the colour pink.... I am the least pink person you could meet! .... however, have seen Pink in concert in Hamburg and she was great! LOL

I don't think it is an OV dip yet.... I am on CD 11 and when I last did the CB thing I usually peaked on day 18-19.... so later than the norm. However, I have M/C'd twice and become 40 since then so who knows now....

This cycle is a no go anyhow... Hubby has buggered off to Cyprus for 2 weeks... this cycle is only a test one anyway to see if I can confirm OV dates etc for next month.

You know you can be tested for NK cells... it is just a blood test.
HTJ - Hope you are feeling better - hope not too much bruising from your fall...:flower: Your chart is looking pretty awesome girl.... so today is 12DPO - are you going to :test:??????:haha:

AFM - my temp went down today but still above cover line... I have a feeling 'she' is coming in a few days... even though I'm only 9DPO. Weird that my coverline temp is sooo high 36.80.... I knew I always had a higher temp than most but maybe that is my problem? I even tried to change the temp back to what those 2 days I had before (before I adjusted for the time) and the coverline temp was the same so I changed it back to the adjusted). I'm also still feeling the odd cramping now and then but very minor. I think it may be the progesterone cream that is giving me all these symptoms anyway.

I am going tomorrow for the electro-dermal screening to test for food sensitivities, environmental allergies and hormone levels etc.... I will take 1 hr. and 15 min they said...It sounds really wacky -but it's 85% accurate and non-invasive and even safe if you're pregnant. Going to take a half day off as it's downtown. I know some of the foods that are going to show up for sure are gluten, dairy, chocolate etc.. I am trying to be pro-active in case I do have the elevated NK cell thing - the less my body has to react to the better. I am curious about the hormone levels and environmental allergies too...

Oh shoot - I'm going to be late for work - have to jump in the shower!!
have a great day all!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thanks so much for asking! So sweet of you! I have had about 50% improvement from yesterday, so that's GOOD! I am actually on the verge of being able to function normally! :happydance: Bruising was minimal, just a skinned up arm and knee. I'm a clutz. Born and raised. :haha: It might be a challenge to keep me upright when I pregnant! DP says she swears I tripped over my umbilical cord and fell all the way down the birth canal! HAHA! :blush:

Re: my chart - Do you really think so? I honestly have no idea what it SHOULD be doing right now if I AM pregnant... and my temps are really all over the place. I have no symptoms of ANYTHING and I'm goin' crazy!

Re: :test: I really WANT to, but don't want to get that BFN in error, so I am going to TRY to be patient and test no earlier than Sunday, which is either 14 or 15dpo, depending if you go by the trigger shot or FF. Will keep you all posted :D :shrug:

AFY: Don't count yourself out just yet... that's what people keep telling me, and they're right! It isn't over until AF actually shows! And good luck with the testing tomorrow! Are you having it done just for general information or does some of that stuff have an effect on fertility?

Lil - Hope you are resting and taking it easy today! Don't overdo!

Frolicky - Still keeping our fxed for you and sending good vibes your way!

Pad - So sorry for the stomach bug! BOO! May it vacate sooner than later!

Much love and lots of pink and blue BABY DUST to each and every lady on here! Wish I had more time, but I'm sneaking this in at work :D

Have a GREAT Thursday everyone! SMOOCHIES!
HTJ - I know what you mean and understand why you don't want to test early and get a BFN... so wait until Sunday..... FX for you! I am going to be testing either Sunday or Monday (either 12/13 DPO) haven't decided yet - we'll see I think my AF is due Tuesday (if we are going with 24 day cycle)

Yeah I'm getting the testing done for general health but mostly for fertility in that there is a possiblility I may have the elevated NK cell thing (my sister had it) so if so, want to remove what I can so my body is fighting off (making more Natural Killer cells than it has to IYKWIM)... I've been trying to eat gluten free as much as I can. I did this testing (foods only) about 6-7 years ago and they give you a whole print out of which foods to avoid, which are okay and which are borderline. It's pretty cool - they test over 300 foods.

Good luck girlie!!!!
Wahey! Good news that your scan went well Fro! Happy 7 weeks chick!

Lil's you rest up chick. I was told that I have a sepulated uterus too... but cheap ass NHS won't remove it.... to be honest, it doesn't seem to stop me getting preggers so I guess it is OK.

Hey ya Dash! You know what ... I hate the colour pink.... I am the least pink person you could meet! .... however, have seen Pink in concert in Hamburg and she was great! LOL

I don't think it is an OV dip yet.... I am on CD 11 and when I last did the CB thing I usually peaked on day 18-19.... so later than the norm. However, I have M/C'd twice and become 40 since then so who knows now....

This cycle is a no go anyhow... Hubby has buggered off to Cyprus for 2 weeks... this cycle is only a test one anyway to see if I can confirm OV dates etc for next month.

You know you can be tested for NK cells... it is just a blood test.

Hey Pad - sorry I forgot this was just a test run...and DH is away :dohh:

Funny you don't like pink.... hmmmmmm maybe there is a particular shade you can grow to like?... :haha::winkwink: you know to attract more feminine energy - you know as in girlie :baby: I have good feelings about you and with your new PMA that little girlie girl is waiting to meet her mama :hugs:

Thanks re: the NK cell blood test - Yeah I know but I heard from my sister that we can't get in Canada and it's part of this testing you send to Dr.Beer's center in US that costs $3000.... so when/if I go to a clinic this summer I'm going to inquire again if there are other options here. Hoping I'll get a BFP before then! but been waiting so long - 10 years! I only just found out last year that my sister had the elevated NK cells.
Hit... believe me... it cannot vacate my body anymore quicker or more violently than it is..... urghhhh... but am feeling much better today!! YAY

I will take all the pink baby dust I can... funnily enough 2 ppl have told me they are pregnant today... 1 with twin girls and the other with a single girl.... world are you trying to tell me something??? I hope so!! LOL

Dash I had no idea that the tests would be that expensive for you... you should ask your doc to prescribe 25mg of prednisolone..... this is a steroid that depresses your immune system and you should take from OV and cease if get a BFN. It has worked for 2 of my friends with NK cells who have had multiple losses and are now in 2nd and 3rd tri. I am on it too from next month from OV until a BFN... if a BFP I am on it until 20 weeks.

It does have some side effects... for me it increases my appetite.... but hey, it will be worth it if I get my baby girl.
So, funny story... yesterday morning, I hit snooze on my alarm clock and took my temp per usual... let me preface this by saying I temp ORALLY. I turned over and went back to sleep for a bit and woke about 20 minutes later and started going through my morning routine getting ready for work. :coffee:

I hear DP stirring and the dogs all rustling around, fighting for bed space. When I walk back into the room, what do I see? My 11 month old, 60lb rottweiler-shar pei sitting on the foot of the bed, perfectly illuminated by the rising sun coming in the window... She was perched there looking at me innocently with my pink, digital thermometer sticking perfectly out of her mouth as if she was taking her OWN temperature! :baby: I hollered "KONA!" and she pounces, then darts out of the room with the thermometer still hanging out of her mouth like a cheap cigarette and decides that playing "Catch me if you can" with my thermometer was a GRAND new game! :haha:

I managed to tackle her and get the thermometer back... and promptly gave it a good scrubbing and rubdown with some alcohol wipes :blush::haha:
Pad thanks for the info.. I guess I have to find out first if I have the NK
Problem But I'll definitely remember that! I do think the Universe is trying to tell u something with all the pink baby dust surrounding you! Xo

HTJ .... OMG what a hilarious story about your dog!! Xo
Pad thanks for the info.. I guess I have to find out first if I have the NK
Problem But I'll definitely remember that! I do think the Universe is trying to tell u something with all the pink baby dust surrounding you! Xo

HTJ .... OMG what a hilarious story about your dog!! Xo
HTJ - oh sweetie...SOO sorry...:hugs::hugs: It's not over til the witch arrives -I hope you are one of those who just take a while to show up... Hope she stays away :flower:
hi i've been reading this thread for a while-am up to pg 750.have been trying to conceive no 1 for 6 months now, tho it feels longer as it took 11months for af to show after deciding to come off the contraceptive injection.both myself and bf are 36 and i've been using opks.wd like to thank u all for giving me the info and strength to take myself off to the gps this afternoon to find out what the next steps are.hope this msg works!any hints for what to say or ask today wd be grt.thanks and baby dust x

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