TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Lils, oh you poor thing. Of course you are going to be upset and of course you are going to have to put yourself first and sod black tie events where you have to be composed and dignified. And boo hiss DH for making you feel otherwise. He just doesn't get that spending time chilling with your pal and letting it all out is what you need, not traipsing around some souless event being polite and smearing a fake smile on your face! Grr-:grr::grr::grr::grr: But, he's a bloke, and they're from Mars. You have been through a terrible time, not just this month but the last too, and you had your losses over the past year or so. It all combines to make you feel like you're feeling-I know exactly how you feel. It's not about being given a few days and you'll be fine, it's about something much bigger than that. And no matter how old your babies were, they were still the potential to be your children. Of course, you're going to be upset. So, I say, f**k the lot of them. You do whatever you need to do to get over this, and if that means crying every day for seven weeks, so be it. You have to grieve and you have to let it out. If you do, it will out at some point, so you have to give in to it now. I am sending massive :hugs::hugs: and :kiss::kiss: to you! What I think is so incredible about you (one of the things!), is that you are so positive and DYNAMIC. Yes, you've had problems but you have done everything in your power to overcome them. You have chased up information and used that so that you can be a mother. You haven't sat there and moaned about your lot, but just got on with finding solutions. You are bound to have days when you feel like you describe, but they will pass.

I think Butterfly's suggestion about looking at the recurrent miscarriage thread is a really good one. But we are also here to help you, so just let it all out! Thinking of you and sending massive hugs, Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello girls! Hope you are all okay after a lovely weekend? Beautiful weather here in the UK, don't think it will last though (Lils-pack your jumpers!).

Purple-hia lovely! How are you? Hope you had a good weekend! Isn't this weather marvellous?? Yes, I am sunburnt, typical, and had a lovely weekend just lying in the garden being assaulted by two huskeys every now and again! Had a massive row with OH on Friday night so no dinner out for us. Grrr. We've made up, but I was furious with him. He can't help being a mummy's boy who's always been encouraged to think only of himself, :nope:!

Butterfly-good luck with the high jinks tomorrow! Let that egg is good and ready and that they're ready to party!!! Keeping everything crossed for you, Axxxxx :thumbup:

Dashka-that low seat sounds marvellous. Do you mean like a steamer chair?? Last year, I saw a circular rattan style plastic chair with a cushion on it, and half covered, that you can rotate! I fell in love with it, but at £1000 I coudn't afford it! But, I love the sound of your garden! How amazing that AD has that bond with the boy that comes from the same village-it is uncanny! Thinking of you and GL for this cycle! :hugs:

Pads-you crack me up! I love your devil may care attitude! I hope that you get lucky, and I'm sure that your DH will love being 'jumped' several times and very soon!!! :thumbup:

Carole-OMG, you amazing person and huge congratulations to you! 11ibs! Flippin' 'eck, that is incredible, and 60cms long!!! I can't believe it. No wonder you were in such agony. I bet she is a delight though, and I've used Rottpaw's link to have a look at Zara's pic. She is gorgeous, I bet you are just thrilled! Take care, and thinking of you, Axxxxx :hugs::hugs:

Dr S-how are things with you?

Frolicky-can't believe you're 10 weeks gone! Where does the time go? :hugs:

Asry-big :flower::flower: to you. Axxx

Lady H-will you be joining us in Bath? Hope you're okay? xxx

Neesaw-glad you caught up. GL with this cycle! :hugs:

Honeybee-I think it will take a while to get used to temping, but I think the best advice is to do it first thing, then it becomes part of your routine. GL, hope you get lucky soon! xx

Greek P-chart looks great! FX it's your lucky month! xxx

Chicken-I wouldn't worry about temps being low. I guess you need a few moths to establish a pattern of what is normal for you. Who's to say you haven't been lucky? PMA, please! :hugs:

Chilli-I too have sunburnt knees!!! :haha: Hope you have a short stay on here and get lucky soon! xxx

HTJ-how are you? Hope you're okay, Axx

Skipper-good luck to you too! :hugs:

It's always helpful for peope to post their info into their siggie, so that we all know what your circumstances are: age, how long TTC, fertility history, etc. but this is up to you. It takes a while to get used to the site, so have a play around with it, and see what you want to include, or not!!!

Bearlake-come back to us, my sweet! :hugs:

Twinkle, HA, Missy, Tiger, Titi, Madeline, and everybody else who is MIA-hello, hope you're all okay??

AFM, I KNOW my chart looks good, but I think that it's Mother Nature playing cruel tricks on me. I have taken the progesterone that I have left over from the ICSI to help things along, and am taking aspirin too. But I tested today, at 12DPO and only one solitary line appeared. I do think that the 7dpo dip looks like a classic implantation dip, and I looked through the charts that I used to keep last year (in old fashioned paper format), and none had that, so did something implant and fade away???? IDK-I think that Mother Nature is like the gods in King Lear-'as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods, they kill us for their sport'. :wacko::wacko:

Love to you all,
I wish I had found this forum when I was trying. I'm 37 and expecting our first in November. It took us 9 months of trying and two chemicals before getting here. I'm still nervous about things that could possibly go wrong but I know how lucky we are.

I also had a lot of comments about how my biological clock is ticking, even from people I barely know. I don't know what they were trying to achieve other than irritate me. If I tell them we were trying then every other woman tries to give me some useless advice. I mean don't you think I've already read more about infertility after all I've been through?

The most useless advice among all is "relax". I hate when they tell you that, I even get it from two doctors after my second chemical pregnancy. I went through 3, 4 doctors before finding someone willing to take me seriously. It turns out that I have a mild hypothyrodism that should be corrected. Not something "just relax" could have fixed. I can also say that I conceived under extremely stressful situation, my husband was not happy with my way of tracking ovulation every 3 hours and putting a lot of pressure on him, we were having a lot of arguments at the time.
I wish I had found this forum when I was trying. I'm 37 and expecting our first in November. It took us 9 months of trying and two chemicals before getting here. I'm still nervous about things that could possibly go wrong but I know how lucky we are.

I also had a lot of comments about how my biological clock is ticking, even from people I barely know. I don't know what they were trying to achieve other than irritate me. If I tell them we were trying then every other woman tries to give me some useless advice. I mean don't you think I've already read more about infertility after all I've been through?

The most useless advice among all is "relax". I hate when they tell you that, I even get it from two doctors after my second chemical pregnancy. I went through 3, 4 doctors before finding someone willing to take me seriously. It turns out that I have a mild hypothyrodism that should be corrected. Not something "just relax" could have fixed. I can also say that I conceived under extremely stressful situation, my husband was not happy with my way of tracking ovulation every 3 hours and putting a lot of pressure on him, we were having a lot of arguments at the time.

Welcome Nebulosa, and glad that you have found us!

I think we share your frustration with the 'Just Relax' brigade. As Frankie Goes to Hollywood were banned for the same phrase in the 80s, so it should be banned now!

I also appreciate your words about stress with your partner-TTC causes huge problems with relationships, but I have been told that if you can get through infertility together, you can get through anything!

Good luck to you and hope that you get lucky quickly, especially now that your hypothyroidism problem has been detected!
Hi Girls!! I'm still here! Promise!! It has just been a crazy weekend so my internet time has been virtually nonexistent.

Had to run out to the barn this morning to bring the horses in. When it is this dang hot and sunny the biting flies are just TERRIBLE and really drive the horses insane. My mare is thin skinned so the flies love her and she just gets eaten alive... literally. They'll chew holes in her :( Sooo... brought them all into the shade of their stalls and turned their fans on. DP loaded them up with fly spray. We mucked stalls, filled water, fed and threw hay. We then had to work on the plug for a water trough ... that didn't go so well :D Stupid thing is stuck like glue. I got overheated in the process without realizing I'm taking some time in bed with two fans on, a big bottle of ice cold water, and no clothes :haha: :blush:

Re: TWW... just 7dpo today. No signs/symptoms at all, but it's still early. Temps still look good so fingers are still crossed! hoping my little bout with overheating won't cause a problem. FXed!

Will try to catch up with all of you this evening once guests leave and I can settle in and read up on what everyone has been doing.

Sending Xs and Os!!

Oh Lils honey, my heart just aches for you right now, you shouldn't have to be going through this. Think of yourself right now and if others don't like it then though s*** You are always there for us, take sometime for yourself and if being with your GF is what helps then you do it girl. Big hugs to you.
I will try and post my chart for you to have a look at and I will look forward to your words of wisdom, but there is no hurry, whenever you are up to it, besides there is only a couple of days on it so far so not much to see but you call have charts so I want on too :hugs:

Dashka - I want to see your garden too :thumbup:

Dwrgi - I've just been looking at implantation temp drops and found this interesting and slightly positive I think. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you. :hugs:

Hi to everyone else :hugs:
Awww Lils huni. There is nothing any of us can say or do that will make this all go away for you... believe me we would have if we could. All we can do is be here for you. Listen to you and give you our opinons when you want them. Having been where you are, as in m/c and then fell again straight away and lost that one too it is absolutely crushing. It unbelievably soul destroying...

We are here for you. xxx

Dwrgi chick... I have to laugh about all this TTCing cos if I didn't it would destroy me. Having said that Hubster was well and truly jumped this afternoon and I reckon a quickie before lights out may do the trick.... then a sex desert until Thursday. May also jump him CD 16 and 19 just in case! LOL

Who needs sex diaries when you have Pad's nookie schedule to read about!! Mwahahhaaa

Hit... gotta say.... your chart is looking remarkably good. Dwrgi are you sure your chart is a no go?.... It does look rather yummy... as in yummy mummy.....try a test in 2 days time I say.

Hey Purps! Dash nice chair! How is FL looking atm??? Nice and sunny I hope for when I get there!! hehehe
Hello Ladies!

Really crazy busy weekend and back at work today…. Happy Memorial Day to my US Friends! Wow it seems it’s pretty HOT everywhere! We are breaking records for May…. Today they say (with humidex factor – here it feels like 39C !!) Yikes…. We are expecting a wicked storm tonight but still supposed to be hot tomorrow and then really cooling down (to like 20 C)

Lils – how are you today hun??:hugs: Been thinking about you so much…. I think it’s double crushing this time for you because you haven’t had enough time to grieve from last month’s m/c….:cry:You cry as much as you need to and when you want to vent – we are all here for you. I am glad to hear you are focusing on your trip…:thumbup: I know it’s going to be soooo wonderful for you…. Wow you leave next week ! Sending lots of love your way..:kiss::hug:

Dwrgi – I know exactly what you mean about Mother Nature playing really wicked tricks on us….:muaha: Have been getting symptoms last few days (as you know the type that are attributable to AF or preg)…. Today got a lot of nausea for a while – but I think it’s because I didn’t eat enough… It’s terrible how she likes to play with us… It’s going to be hard working with my preggers co-worker – today (because she announced Friday) is wearing more of a preggers shirt and looks huge! I still haven't given up on you BTW - test again in 2 days ok?? :thumbup: :hugs:Re: the “steamer” chair - I totally had to just Google that – cause I didn’t know what that meant?? Yes it’s the same thing I think (but not wood) – we call it a ‘lounger’ - you ‘lounge’ around on it I guess?? We picked one up yesterday – it’s a Martha Stewart brand one and is metal with heavy-duty weatherproof sling fabric and now we have to find a nice cushion to put on it – and then maybe I’ll take a photo and post …(happy with the fountain thing we set up yesterday on the deck too – I can’t wait to lie out there with a cold drink):coolio:

Nebulosa – Welcome ! RELAX???? MY A#@!!!! Those people annoy me to death…. :grr::grr:They are so ignorant and don’t know what else to say because they have never been there. It is true that stress is a big factor – BUT it always kills me why so many women can get preggers when they are under a LOT of stress!? Everyone’s different I guess. Wishing you a short journey…. Good luck!:hugs:

HTJ – wow girl – that is impressive with the horses !! Poor things… Can you remind me what you do again? I know you have 2 jobs (one at a computer right? And the other working in stables??) And DP works with you? So interesting….:winkwink: Great looking chart by the way!:thumbup:

Pad – good luck this week girl – go get-em!! :thumbup:Guess you are packing now for your trip too?? OMG – I just read your post and wanted to LOL!! :rofl:Guess today is the go-get-em day! You are hilarious girl. xo

Butterfly – hope you have a great Tuesday – ‘rendezvous’…..:winkwink: Hope you catch the beautiful egg awaiting!:hugs:

Welcome Honeybee!! – hope your journey is short and sweet too!:thumbup:

Hi Purple, Chicken, Nessaw - hope you are doing well…:hugs::hugs:

Grkprn – your chart is looking good too! GL!:thumbup:

Asry & Frolicky – hope you ladies are keeping well! xo:hugs:

Hello to everyone out there and hope everyone is doing okay….

sorry my chart doesn't seem to be working right now.... I added the image back in of the chart and now it doesn't find the page..... hmmm need to work on it
Pad-I hope all that jumping yields good results for you! FX you will catch that eggy! You should defo publish your sex diaries!!!! :haha: :hugs:

Chicken-how kind of you to look that information up, that is so thoughtful! I think that my dip is similar to my pre ov dips, so just blinking Mother Nature being a cow bag! Hope you're okay, Axxxx

Dashka-we use the term lounger too. Martha Stewart has a really good brand name, doesn't she? Oo, I'd treat myself too, it sounds really fab! It amazes me how your weather sounds so like ours. Our weather is supposed to get colder again on Wednesday. Hope the nausea clears up (or is a sign of good things to come), and hang on in there with the pregnant colleagues. It will be your turm and then you can lord it over them! Big :hugs:

HTJ-gosh, you've been really busy! Hope you feel a bit better after your rest, sounds like you deserve it. Take it easy hun, Axxx

Butterfly-GL for tomorrow! Catch that egg, girl, and that's an order! :hugs:

Hi Lady H-are you coming to Bath with us? Hope so, it will be great to meet you, Axxx

Honeybee-from my info, implantation bleeds tend to be more spotty than a full bleed, and the blood can range in colour, but tends to be more brown, than red (please correct me if I'm wrong, anybody). Imagine the blood creared by the embryo digging into the uterus, so it's not going to be overly plentiful. Hope this helps? Axx

Lils, hun, thinking of you and sending massive hugs, Axxx:flower::flower::flower:

Love to everybody!

AFM-started getting AF type pains tonight. Reckon the hag bag will arrive tomorrow or Wednesday-:grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr:

OH made me a lovely picnic tonight and we went and enjoyed it on Southerndown Beach. Argument well and truly forgotten-I think it was a guilt picnic myself, but who cares about the reason??!! It was gorgeous. Wish this weather was going to last longer. Here is a pic of the beach, posted by Amanda, Rep with the Welsh Tourist Board:
Thanks dwrgi, much appreciated.

Must admit I now feel slightly disappointed that this is another AF only 2 weeks after my last one :(

Has anyone else experienced this?
Hi Honeybee - yes I had the same thing when I first came off cerazette, but it settled down and I started to get regular cycles very soon :hugs:

Dwrgi - that beach looks beautiful!!! and bless your dh - guilt picnic or not - that was a fab idea !!
HTJ - horses sounds like a LOT of work!! take it easy now :)

Butterfly - good luck- catch that eggy :hugs:

Dashka - pics then when you are all done with the lounger etc ...please?? :flower:

lils - huge :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: sweetie, take it easy and do whatever you feel like!

chicken - it looks like you have mastered temping :) once you have a full month of temps and info you can see a good picture of what's going on ...its really interesting!!

Pad - you minx you! :haha: I bet dh isn't complaining though :winkwink:

ladyH - i have my fingers and toes crossed for you! :hugs:

huge :hugs: and :kiss: to everyone else, asry, manu, frols, twinks, HA, missy (hope your ok) greek porn (sorry - the name is fixed in my head) nessaw, Carole, chelli, and anyone I am missing xxxx

afm - up earlier than normal today - dh decided that work was too hot yesterday so he went in early to get some stuff done before it gets so he can't breath, so me and the dogs have had an extra long walk in the cool this morning - it was so quiet and peaceful! although we did walk past the cemetry and saw a bunch of squirrels in the trees there that were the size of cats!! Lord only knows what they have been eating :shock:
afm - up earlier than normal today - dh decided that work was too hot yesterday so he went in early to get some stuff done before it gets so he can't breath, so me and the dogs have had an extra long walk in the cool this morning - it was so quiet and peaceful! although we did walk past the cemetry and saw a bunch of squirrels in the trees there that were the size of cats!! Lord only knows what they have been eating :shock:

Hi Purps-morning to you! Good to have a walk first thing-helps you clear your head, and enjoy the outdoors, doesn't it? My huskeys LOVE squirrels, so would, no doubt, have tried to eat them!

Hi everybody! Does anybody know how to access your 'wall' area of B&B? I know I have a wall message but I can't access it, to read it. I had to leave it when I was first notified, as I didn't have the time to read it.

I don't find some of this site easy to navigate at all, :cry::cry:.

Butterfly-catch that eggy girl!!! And enjoy catching it too!!!!! :haha::haha:

Love to you all, and especially big love and :hugs::hugs: to Lil! How are you feeling today hun? Thinking of you, mowah mwoah! Only 12 days till we meet!!

Hi Purps-morning to you! Good to have a walk first thing-helps you clear your head, and enjoy the outdoors, doesn't it? My huskeys LOVE squirrels, so would, no doubt, have tried to eat them!

Hi everybody! Does anybody know how to access your 'wall' area of B&B? I know I have a wall message but I can't access it, to read it. I had to leave it when I was first notified, as I didn't have the time to read it.


I think my pair were scared of the squirrels :haha:

oh and to get to your wall thingy, click on your name (where you avatar is) and then click on view public profile .... that should take you there :)

Oh Dwrgi that picnic sounds amazing!!! He really knows how to make it up to you!
I'm sorry you feel like AF is coming.... I hope she stays away!! How long is your LP usually? Xoxo

Purple- beautiful morning walk.. Hope your doing ok in the heat... I can't believe how hot it is too's 6:30 am here and I need to go out and water all the garden because I'm tired of waiting for this rain storm they keep promising that never comes!

Will post more later but just wanted to say good morning to you all ladies!! Sorry typing this on my IPod touch



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