TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hi Girls! I'm playing "catch up" here, so please bear with a longer-than-usual post :) and please forgive anyone I missed... this is the only thread I'm on that I have to take notes because there are so many wonderful ladies to remember!!

Purps - The walk sounds lovely, but the the critters in the graveyard sound terrifying! LOL! I have a bird feeder on my deck and the squirrels will often come feed on the leftovers that the birds drop... but one of my dogs (I have 3) is a 1 year old 65lb Shar-pei-Rotweiler mutt and just this weekend she discovered the squirrels. Now she sits and stares obsessively out the door and barks, growls and snarls like someone is trying to break in whenever she sees one of those little gray buggers! It's enough to drive me insane! LOL... but she has fun. Sometimes I'll open the door and let her feel like she saved us all from the big, bad critter! :dohh: She'll come trotting back in the house like a superhero! :haha:

Pad - Woot Woot! Get 'im! You better be sure to get something to eat inbetween... gotta keep your strength up for the next session! Catch that eggy, girl!! :happydance:

Chicken - Keep up the temping! That'll help out LOADS!

Lils - I'm so sorry that people just don't understand :( :hugs: Sometimes people just don't know how to react, but DH's reaction was very unfair and uncalled for. I'm sorry you had to deal with that on top of mc. :hugs: :hugs: and Please, NEVER be sorry for "me" posts... that is what we are here for! :hugs::hugs::hugs: Keeping you in my thoughts! xooxooxo

Dash - What do I do for work? I am a training coordinator at the energy company in our area (primarily admin workin supporting 8 electrical lineworker trainers) and my 2nd job is just a seasonal position where I grade essay questions for the standardized tests that the US gives to grade school and high school students. That job will end for the season on June 18th. I may be called back for a few weeks in the fall, but otherwise I'll be done with that until next spring. I only WISH I worked in a barn :D (though my dad always thought that I was born in one... "Shut the door! Were you born in a barn??") :haha: The horses are our own personal money-pit. :) So they are a labor of love... and they are my therapy! DP does not work with me...thankfully :haha: I think 24hours/day of "togetherness" would eventually drive me to criminal acts :haha::blush:

Butterfly - I'm with Dwrgi... catch that eggy girl!! :hugs:

Greek porn - How ya doing, girlie?

Dwrgi - the beach and make-up picnic sound wonderful! What a beautiful beach that is, too! The rock formations are facinating! Praying hard for no :witch: for you... hopefully the charting gods aren't playing cruel jokes on us both! :hugs::hugs:

Honeybee - Unfortunately I don't have much to offer re: irreg periods, aside from what the other ladies have already said... just be as patient as you can be, and things should level out for you within a few cycles. Will keep you in my thoughts! :hugs:

Carole - Zara is absolutely beautiful... and big! Bless you for all you went through with her, and for sticking with your plan as long as possible! You are Wonder Woman!! :hugs:

Neesaw - The river in the back for the dogs to swim in sounds wonderful! Of my 3, only one will go near water... so wouldn't do me much good here! :shrug:

Welcome Nebulosa, Skipper, Grace, Chellibelle and anyone new that I missed.

Love and smoochies to those I didn't mention - it wasn't on purpose! I promise! :( Sowwy! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM - I'm feeling a little disheartened today for the first time since IUI. I'm 8dpo today and my face has started to break out ala af and I had a migraine last night that was enough to have me in tears for hours...:cry::cry::cry: which is also another big sign of impending af for me.

I'm not due for the witch until around June 7 and my temps are still way up there, so I'm not giving up hope... not by a long shot. Just feeling a little bit down is all. I have rods/screws in my back and that has been giving me trouble the last few days, so I'm a bit cranky about that, too, so the breakout and migraine aren't helping my mental state :dohh: I gotta turn this around ... maybe I'll go dance in the middle of the office since I'm the only one here today :D :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Hi ladies -- after a busy and fun holiday weekend, comes a busy week at work! So here I am writing this at work :wacko:

honeybee - I'm sorry that I can't be of much help with the irregular cycles. I've been lucky that my cycles have been pretty regular (27-33 days), except for when I came off of BC about 6 years ago. It took about 3-4 months to get regular again...will be thinking of you!:flower:

HTJ - your temps look great! I'm a day behind you and still feeling pretty "ok"...same typical AF symptoms for me, sore bbs and a borderline migraine on Sunday (but that may have been due to the humid weather we've been having!).

Well, I must get back to work :growlmad:

I hope everyone is doing well!! Sending :hugs:!!
Can someone post or pm me the Bath meet details? I'd like to go but need to work out travel. Ta!
HTJ - You are so luck, I would love to have horses. But you look after yourself, getting over heated is not good for you:nope: I will be thinking of you during your TWW, hang in there :hugs:

padbrat - you make me blush :blush::haha:

Dwrgi - You are very welcome my lovely, I hope it gave you some reasurance if not answers. :hugs: A picnic on the beach is very romantic, my DH would never think of doing anything like that. It looks beautiful, I would love to live by the sea. We plan to move to the East coast when we retire.

Honeybee - Hugs to you, it will sort its self out give it a little time :hugs:

purplelou - Thank you. I thought charting was going to be a real hassle but I have found it really easy so far. I hope it helps me to work out what is going on. Early morning doggy walks, I miss that so much, you are so luck to have them. :hugs:

Lils - How are you doing honey? Sending you hugs :hugs:

Hi to all i haven't mentioned still sending you hugs and hoping you are all well :hugs:
Came across this guys site by chance, very funny and good to read the male perspective!

That site is brill, Lady H, thanks for posting!

Here is a copy of the post that Lil sent re. Bath.


When: Sunday, June 10th 2012

Where: Springs Cafe & Restaurant at the Thermae Bath Spa at 11:30am for an initial meet-up with coffee/tea & cake (you will have to buy the 2-hour spa session to get into Springs Cafe, but it is added to your 2hrs)

After that we will enjoy the spas for 2 hours, followed by a big lunch at either The Pump Room or Firehouse Rotisserie restaurant (TBD) and if there is time, we'll do some sight-seeing.

Most of us are just going to buy the Thermae 2-hour Spa package upon arrival:[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

Who: Dwrgi, Butterfly & Lils so far

Hope to meet you guys there
Thanks Dwrgi, would like to,drive but need to know where it is as can be a panic pants about parking etc!

Spa package link not working? They only seem to do a three hour one?
Thanks Dwrgi, would like to,drive but need to know where it is as can be a panic pants about parking etc!

Spa package link not working? They only seem to do a three hour one?

I'm going to drive myself, and park in the park and ride car park off the M4 junction. I've done this before, and although the roads to this car park take you into deepest darkest Avon, you eventually get to a huge car park with a bus that picks up every 20 minutes to take you into Bath. Bath is a nightmare for parking, so this is ideal.

The Spa do 2 and 3 hour packages. We thought we'd go for the two hour slot. Spa and run!!

I hope you decide to join us, will be great to meet you,

The Bath meet sounds lovely, I would have loved to have come and meet all you ladies in real life. But I'm off to a Birthday party that weekend. Have a lovely time all. XXX
Never mind, chicken, next time!!! Birthday party sounds quite cool!


Purps-thanks for help with finding visitor messages! xxx

HTJ-horses sound lovely! I mark external exam scripts too-this year's batch have just arrived and I'm just finishing off my own school marking before getting stuck in, not exactly with gusto, though!!

Love to you all,

P.S. This is a top secret message for Secret Agent Butterfly, who is currently working out in the field, and has gone MIA!! She is on a mission of deadly importance. Please report to base once objective has been achieved. This post will self destruct in thirty seconds!!! :haha::haha:
You poor girls having loads of marking to do. MY DH is also hidden away behind numerous final year dissertations as we speak. I hate this time of year he is always so grumpy.
BOOOOMMMM! Dwrgi your post self destructed!! Hahhahaa
Picnic sounds divine chick! Hey guess what we are heading to your side of the countryish.... got our move in date of the 25th July and we are moving to Gloucester!

Butterfly.... where are you???? Am hoping this MIA lark means you are getting a whole load of BDing in!! LOL

Chicken sorry for making you blush!! Awwww....

Hit, Dash,Purps, Lils and all my nookie cheerleaders we are now in the sex desert part of the week... despite Hubby's protests I have banned nookie until Thursday when I will double whammy him AM and PM then head to our mates for a HUGE curry followed by getting on the plane the next day for FL! YAY what else could a man want??

Hit I am sorry you think AF is coming... and Dash too.... though what you both describe could be hormonal fluctuations due to pregnancy you know.... just saying... lol

Lils how are you my lovely?

Dash what is the weather like in FL??? Stand by I am coming!!!!

LadyH that site cracked me up... but so true too...
Hi Ladies. I have hardly been on the computer at all lately. I just don't feel like looking at the screen. I also had yoga teacher training all weekend which completely wiped me out.

Carol - CONGRATULATIONS!!! Zara is gorgeous! Wow, I can't believe how big she is. Sorry you did not get to do it naturally, but so glad you are both well, healthy, safe and can now bond. :hugs:

LadyH - Hoping for :baby: I hope you are staying relatively sane during TWW. :hugs:

LilSluz - I am so sorry about your lack of support system. It's not fair. You have been through so much. :hugs: :hugs: If there is anything I can do, please let me know. Give yourself time to heal and do anything to nurture yourself. I am glad you have a gf who could help. I wish you had more though. :hugs: :cry:

Rottpaw - Thanks for updating us. I have been wondering for a while.

Chicken - You in TWW or coming up on O?

Skipper - Welcome & Good Luck!

Nessaw - Sorry about not feeling well a while ago but glad you are feeling better now. :hugs:

Purple - How is dad? I am glad he gets a break. I hope you are feeling good. Oh, I go on a walk/run and always see a lot of squirrels too. However, the ones I see are not the size of cats. Holy Smokes!! I also see these blue crabs along this canal and some of them are quite big and I even had a dream they were right near my house and there were huge holes and the crabs were enormous. Lol!!

Grkprn - :hugs: Sending :baby:~~~~ vibes!!!

HA - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Grace - Welcome!!

Dashka - Glad you have friends with a son from the same orphanage. That is really neat for the kids I would think especially as they get older. I hope the garden is turning out fabuolous so you can enjoy that nice cold drink and chill in your own utopia. :hugs:

Butterfly - :spermy: catch that eggy!!! Now!!! Enjoy the :sex: Have fun!!! May the best sperm win! :)

Honeybee - I had implanation spotting. Mine started out red and then was brown spotting for a few days. I did not have any cramping with it. It sounds like the rest of the girls might be right regarding the bc you were on and your cycle coming back to normal.

Pad - Glad you got some sun. Actually Florida has been a little rainy in the afternoons lately. The mornings have been absolutely beautiful! The smells of all the blooming flowers, the's been heaven!! Enjoy :sex: Only the XX Sperm are permitted to get inside remember!!

Nebulosa - You are about a month ahead of me. People are very ignorant about fertility and the issues and the lack of tactfulness is well, very sad. I :hugs: Congrats though. Have you had any check-ups to reassure you everything is progressing ok?

Dwrgi - I hope your chart is looking good for a miracle! :hugs: I am glad you had a fabulous picnic. Is the sand hard? It looks rocky? I bet the breeze is wonderful!

HTJP - Dance, Dance, and Dance like nobody is watching! :hugs: I hope the emotions are a sign of positive hormonal changes. :hugs:

DrS - I hope you are doing OK. Good Luck on the upcoming cycle!!

Bearlake - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Madeline - I hope you are doing OK too.

Arsy - Hi there lady! Enjoying :cloud9: still? How you doing?

Coastdreams - How are you doing?

Hi to all the rest of you lovely ladies. I know I will miss someone if I put names.

AFM - I am running regularly now in the mornings and absolutely love it! The spring here has been quite mild with lots of rain but enough sun to get out and enjoy some outdoor activity here and there. :hugs: to you all!!

To you ladies in UK and Lil - Enjoy the spa & get together. Give Lil lots of hugs for me!
Hey ladies...been off the comp for awhile. Was in the TWW and tried to keep from obsessing but it didn't really help. AF showed up Monday morning and on to cycle 3 since surgery. First cycle (2) that I have ovulated.

Trying to decide if I am going to take Clomid on Friday - dosage increased again to 150mg. On a positive note the Metformin did regulate my cycle this time. The first two cycles were medically induced but this one was happy to come on its on despite my protest.

As I stated I was trying not to obsess over TWW signs but I have to admit I did. Now I know why people say don't do that because I was convinced I was indeed pregnant. I do have to say AF did save me some money. I didn't have to pay for a HPT and Drs appointment which I had today.

Oh well on to the next one. Wishing you all you beautiful ladies everything and more you are praying for.
sorry ive been mia. been enjoying being with the folks and seeing lots of friends. unfortunately i got to see lots of childhood friends today as a childhood friday passed away unexpectedly. i was glad i was home for the memorial. back to california tomorrow then us thurs and start stims on fri assuming all is good.
Hello girls! Good morning to you all!

Fro-lovely to hear from you and so good to hear that all is well with you! I don't think that the image of Southerndown Beach on wikipedia is particularly flattering. It's actually golden sand, and then you have huge shelves of rock towards the cliffs, which is where we had our picnic. It's really lovely there. Thanks for asking! :flower:

Agape-sorry that AF showed. She is a cow bag. I think that keeping away from B&B makes the TWW drag even more, as you have nobody who understands to 'vent' to! Let's hope that the next cycle is better for you, Axx

Glad that Secret Agent Butterfly has returned to base with mission accomplished! Lots of chilling out over the next few days now!! :flower:

Pad-brilliant that you have got the date for the move! July 25th will be here before you know it! Perhaps we can have an Extraordinary Meeting in the summer???!! Good luck with catching that pink egg! :hugs:

HTJ-hope you're feeling a little bit better today. Try to rest as much as you can, and take care of that back! :flower:

Chicken-how are you today, lovely?? Hope you're okay! xx

Neesaw-how are you? :hugs:

Purps-did you have a walk with your dogs again this morning? Lovely to get out in the fresh air. Hope you're okay? :hugs:

Dashka-how are you today? Have things improved in the office since the Boss came back? Did you get your lounger? I have a little bit of money that I have saved from tutoring and am thinking of how to spend it. Not on clothes but on something that will last... ho hum! Big :hugs: to you! xx


Lil-big :hugs::hugs::hugs: to you, really looking forward to meeting you! Remember to pack loads of layers, as the Brit weather can be so changeable. Will pm you back later, Axxxx

DR S-how sad that a childhood friend died, but glad you got to go to memorial. Good to have a few days off thinking about TTC. GL with stimms on Friday! :flower:


Honeybee-what's happening with you now? Has the bleeding subsided??? Hope you're okay. xx

Lady H-hello!!!! :hugs:

Coastdreams-you are MIA too!!! xx

(I'm glad Frolicky's post was so detailed as I can remember absolutely everybody then!).

AFM-still no AF and temps still high but still a :bfn: this morning. I think the cow bag witch (b)itch will arrive tomorrow, considering my LP is generally 14 days, and I Oed on CD19. Guess I feel a bit down about it all, as I'd come to the stage where I felt fairly sanguine about everything, after all the disappointments I've had. Now, after seeing dips and high temps, I thought this could be my miracle, and got my hopes up again, and am back where I was months ago. It's a very cruel game, and I hate my body that I can't produce good eggs, (or there are immunological factors. IDK, I read somewhere that if your Level 1 tests come back fine, it's unlikely that Level
2s will highlight anything either). :nope:

I'm going to reveal something that may upset some of you, but I fell pregnant naturally ten years ago, when I lived with my ex-partner and I'd taken a break from BCP. I was off the pill for two months and it was a complete accident. I was about to retrain and go back to college, and also I realised that I wanted to leave my ex. I felt I had no choice but to have an abortion, and I did, and it was awful, so upsetting, although it was VERY VERY early on, but still. I remember my ex saying that he was sad as he felt it was his 'last chance' to be a dad' and I secretly and selfishly thought that wouldn't be the case for me, as I could still conceive into my 40s, right??? I knew I was doing the right thing then, but from what I have been through over the last four years, I do wonder if I did the right thing now. I feel like I'm being punished for what I did, and I feel like I'm being punished for staying with somebody that I didn't love for as long as I did, and so wasting all those fertile years:dohh::dohh:. Life is too short to wait and you don't often get second chances, do you? This is how I feel now. Just really really sad. It's all bumbollo* really.

I hope I haven't upset anybody with the A word.

Anyway, love to you all,
Ive got a bit of a wonky eye this morning so Ill keep this short, huge :hugs: to everyone and :kiss:'s, hope you are all having a lovely day xxx

Dwrgi - Big big big :hugs: you are NOT being punished, nor should you be!! at that time, the time wasn't right, you were not happy with your partner and it was not right for you to have a baby. it happens to many people, everyone has things in their past that they regret/wish they could change, but hindsight of course is a wonderful thing. what's done is done. don't dwell on it and especially dont punish yourself. what ever is happening now could the result of any number of things.
also - if you didn't break up with that ex, you would never have met Al !
I wish I could take that sadness away for you

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
A, I agree with purps, you have to do what is right for you at the time and it wouldn't have been right to bring a child into the world at that stage in your life :hugs: I guess the one thing that shows is that you can fall pregnant naturally - so why the hell aren't you :grr::grr::grr: :hugs::hugs: I am hoping the old hag bag stays away and although you think you are OK with things I think it is jsut that time when you think she is going to turn up that it hits you again :dohh::hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss:

Right, I will try and remember as many as I can - I find it difficult to do long posts when I am on my phone so I will take the opportunity now I am on my laptop :thumbup:

Pad, yay at grabbing DH and the shagfest :happydance: bet you are excited about your holiday and hopefully your move will be smooth, now let me go check out your rollercoaster... :hugs::hugs::hugs:

LilS, big :hug:

Dashka big :hug: too

To our preggos Asry, Purple, Froliky - hope you are all blooming (did I miss someone?!) :flower::cloud9:

To those MIA Bearlake, Coastdreams, Madeline, and a few others :wacko: :hugs::hugs:

HTJ, your chart is looking good when I saw it last :thumbup:

OK, that is my brain done so to Lady H, Never, Carole, Missy, HA, Twinkle, Tiger, chicken, nessaw, agape, DrS, greek, honeybee, nebulosa, Cellibelle, OMM and any stalkers :hugs::hugs::hugs: and :dust:

Hope that covers it :haha:

Oh yes, and AFM I got my BD in last night but now I have a horrible feeling it was too early :dohh::haha:
Hi all, thanks for the comments. My bleed is calming now so it does seem like it was another AF. I can only hope it calms down now before only getting to BD a few times a month and AF every fortnight doesn't give me much of a chance. I am now temping correctly and hopefully in a month or so I will have a better idea of my cycle.

DWrgi - you are not being punished. I often thought the same because I was I the same situation 11 years ago and made the same decision. To make things worse, my partner then died the week it would have been due. I was in turmoil but I have to believe I made the right decision and I hope and pray that I still get the chance to be a parent before its too late. I keep wondering what if, especially now I am nearly 39 and still unmarried and childless waiting for my dream and watching all my friends and family around me getting what I want!!

Chin up, don't be so hard on yourself xxx

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