TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Ella - Welcome to you!!! You have come to the right place. We hope your stay with us is short & sweet :flower:

HTJ - You can rant on us anytime you want, honey. :flower: This business is shite & we've all been the victim of ignorant comments - even by people who have been in our situations - WTH!? :growlmad:. Maybe she is just insensitive or maybe she is anti-SS couple? Who knows what's really going thru her (thick) head, we can all only guess at that one! But sending huge :hugs::hugs::hugs: darlin' :flower:

Miriam - Wow, you have been thru so much! Thank you for sharing your story. Argh, that's a tough one with getting NK cells tested after an infection? Where do you live anyway? I think you can buy intralipids & have them shipped to you (have heard $50-$60 for the whole lot from a NYC pharmacy), but you'd have to be trained on how to do the injection yourself (or DH or friend, etc). I think you have gotten the farthest with Immunes testing out of all/most of us, so you may be teaching us a thing or two & I think we all would welcome that! not sure about IUI w/o meds, bu I would also think you could do w/o meds?! I was thinking that the other day - Dr said IUI was very inexpensive, its the meds that are $$$, so I thought - how are they making their money then? Major meds mark-up is all I can figure...? :nope: As far as medicated cycles, I am hoping to be put on heparin or lovenox after I get back from UK, but I may need something else if RMC Dr. thinks so -?

Chicken - LOL! Thanks for sharing funny story :thumbup: (I know, not really funny, but it is, right?)

GreekPorn - Glad you are feeling better! Hopefully that thing did burst so it won't be hanging around anymore (mine hung out for months causing shooting pains :nope: ) :flow:

OK, so speaking of Immunes, got most of mine back & they are all clear! :happydance: Part of me wants to celebrate but part of me questions it because, for example - the NK Cells, is the "normal range" set for things like cancer/other & if so, what is the optimal range for fertility? Also, apparently there are different NK cells in your ute, so I may request the Endo biopsy just in case? The other upside in all of this is that I will have another Dr appt by the time I get back from UK & I can not only get his RMC advice, but also he will go thru the tests with a fine-tooth comb so I'll know then (& feel better) if everything's OK (except for the MTHFR/thrombophilia). I am still awaiting that last test I had to retake tho, as Dr has to go thru it & approve it, then call me today.

You know, my Dr (who I have just recently found out has no experience w/RMC) had said that septums in a ute aren't typically the cause of mc & I think Pad's Dr said that too. But I have accidentally caught many instances that list a septum as a cause of mc, so I googled & a reputable article says "the most drastic study" quotes healthy term babies after septum removal to be from 4.4% to 87.5%! I got pregnant w/my last one literally only 1 week post-surgery, so maybe I just had the perfect storm going on (1 week post-surg & post-April mc)? If Dr would have told me to wait to heal, OK I would have bitched about it, but I would have waited in the end. :growlmad: I specifically asked & he said OK even tho nurses said no. Aye carumba :dohh: It could be 10 diff things, who knows... Maybe next Dr will shed some light & throw everything at me anyway... I'm so impatient - I need to take a chill pill :shrug::flower: (thank God for this trip bc I'd be bouncing off the walls like a Mexican jumping bean!)

Have a great day ladies! :flower:
Good morning ladies… hope everyone is doing well…:flower:

Grkprn – glad you caught that mistake --- what is wrong with these people and their errors???!!! Hope the cyst is gone! I also started B-complex last month (has about 75mg of B5, B6 – and different quantities of others) – and my luteal phase was much longer! (I don’t know if it was a coincidence – but I’m going to keep up with it…it also helped my energy level too)… Just be sure to take with food –as it can make you nauseous if you don’t – and if you also take a multi-vitamin – be sure the total is not too high – it could also make you nauseous. Good luck!

HTJ – oh hunny – I know how you feel …:hugs: I still have to deal with ignorant comments all the time and I have an adopted daughter.:wacko: People will say the most ignorant things sometimes like “Oh she looks just like her Daddy” (that one I get all the time – and although they think it’s a positive thing – it makes me sad inside because it reminds me that I couldn’t have a biological child that looks like me – I know that sounds terrible and I love her sooo much – it’s just a reminder of my inadequacy) She is her own person and it doesn’t matter that she doesn’t look like us – she looks like herself!:thumbup: People think it makes us feel better by saying shit like that. Lils – said it perfectly…. She is probably speaking from her experience and what she went through… I actually would take it less offensively from someone who’s been there – than from someone who hasn’t gone through it. She however should still NOT say stuff like that :grr::grr:and should understand that everyone is different and the longing that even someone who has adopted (like myself) still has for a biological child. Adoption is a wonderful thing but it makes me mad when people think adoption is so easy!....:grr: it is just as hard as TTC…cause you never really know if all your efforts/$ are going to bring you to your goal until it happens. If it helps any – talk back to those people and make them feel bad for asking – that’s what I do!.... sometimes it means you have to give more info than you want to give – but it just depends on the situation and how private you want to be. After 10 years I still find those insensitive comments difficult…. I hope you’ll have a thicker skin than me!:hugs::hugs:

Mirium – wow you have had a rough time… :hugs:That is hard to know about the NK cells – you are right perhaps it was too close to the m/c & D&E? Did the doctor say it didn’t matter? Oh that is so frustrating! Good luck hun:hugs:

Ella E – welcome! And hope your stay is short and sweet …:hugs::flower:

Lils – OMG that is Amazing that the rest of the immune tests are ok!! So awesome! That means it will be much easier for you to kick this MTHFR thing in the butt!:grr::grr::gun::gun: I have a good feeling about this next doctor you are seeing... sounds like you have a great plan for your return.. But enjoy your much needed vacay hun and leave all your worries behind!!:winkwink::hugs: You sound really excited about your trip (or you had some major caffeine today:haha::haha: I would be excited too!!! We are going to miss you while you're away!!! I want to hear how the reunion goes!:hugs:

Chicken - thanks for sharing your funny story..... I won't tell!:haha:

AFM - nothing to report except I got a voicemail from one of the Specialists that my MD put in!!! you are thinking -that was fast right??!! But this is the one that she put in in January (which I didn't realize I agreed to) but anyway the MD must have followed up when I went to see her last week cause they call me now! I tried to call but the receptionist was on lunch -so going to try back in 20 min. to make the appointment. I am really nervous though - this one is downtown and so I know I won't be able to do any cycle monitoring there -but maybe some tests? I just hope those tests can be transferred to the next doc - it is hard to do that here .... I don't want to have to repeat them all. :dohh:

Gotta run - see you ladies! have a great day....
dash- yay for moving ahead

adoption- makes me crazy. im single and when i said i wanted a kid. that was the first thing out of everyones mouth... because im not supposed to want to carry a child? i dont want my whole life dug through and turned upside down. i dont want to not know what happened to a child outside of my control for the 9 months of gestation (control freak here) and however long they were in care before adoption. plus as so many others have said, it isnt as if it is the easier route and is actually quite a bitmore expensive. i have no interest in being a martyr.

afm- so doc said i could wait til thurs for the us... i of course then panicked that i was messing things up by waiting.. emailed him and asked him if i was messing anything up by doing that etc.. i think i kinda insulted him. he wrote back that my e2 was in good range, that he didnt see any dominant follicles on the sono and that he wouldnt do anything that would jeopardize my care. so umm. yay =) today hopefully i get my car back from the shop. gotta run out at work to do the car exchange (and flirt with the adorable but way too young car rental guy... nice full on irish accent) and then flirt with the car repair guy (gorgeous tall, dimpled chinese guy). almost makes up for having to spend all kinds of money on car repair. im still all icky crampy from yesterday but some is gas (oops too many cherries).

hope everyone is well
Dashka - Excited about trip, on caffeine (only 1 cup/day now) & feel like I just got let out of prison so I'm bouncing off the walls, yes! :haha: That's soooo awesome you got that call! I'm pretty sure in Canada you have a right to a copy of all of the info in your file like here, right? I am in process of getting my entire file copied for next appt. myself... So :happydance: for you! I'm so glad that RE put in for an appt back in Jan - that is such a pleasant surprise huh? Yeah, testing takes a while so even if you just get the testing from this one, that's one MAJOR step closer! :thumbup:

DrS - GL on Thurs! :flower:

Yeah, you wouldn't believe the email I got today after I told my cousin about the latest mc. She has mc twice & took 5 years TTC to get her baby... Wait for it.... "Have you considered Adoption?"! No lie... She's a sweetie so I kindly told her I was not quite at that point yet, and relayed all of the great info Dashka kindly told me/us about how its not as easy as people say it is, but that just goes to show... Another woman in the same circumstances as us at one point, pushing the Adoption card... Not that there's anything wrong w/adoption, its a beautiful thing - truly! Its just become a standard response to us... even for people in the know!? :nope:
Good morning ladies :) hope everyone has had a good weekend and beginning of the week. I feel quite confused today because in the UK we've had a lovely long weekend with 2 extra days off because of the bank (public) holidays....this is because of the Queens diamond Jubilee :)
so it's wednesday...but it feels like a monday :wacko:

anyway -
ella and mirium - welcome ladies :hugs: and :flower: hope your stay here is short and sweet!

Lils - pack for all eventualities!! it's warm one minute then wet and windy then next!!

HTJ - Im sorry that lady at work felt it was ok to say what she did to you! its just rude !! :hugs:

Dashka - great news you have an appointment :D so see what they say and how comfy you feel with the doctor and his team. Ill keep my fingers crossed xx

Chicken - did I read that the witch got you?? I am so sorry lovely xxx oh and I read about your eye!!! :shock: I hope it is something that can be managed and Im sure the glasses will just look fab!!

bumble ( :haha:) big :hugs:

Dwrgi - :hi: are you off from school this week?? hope you are doing something lovely!! :hugs:

Butterfly - i just posted on your journal - so big :hugs: here too xxx

Pad - I hope you are having a lovely time in Florida!! (and I hope Tinkerbell is still in one piece :winkwink: )

Frols, manu, Asry :hugs: :hugs: hope you ladies are well!

and huge giant :hugs: to everyone Ive not mentioned, including LadyH, Twinks, Carole (can't wait to see pics of Zara) HA, Missy (hope your ok lovely) FM, Never, Bear, Nessaw, OMM (in case you might be lurking) and everyone Im missing (poor old addled brain!! can't keep up anymore)

same old same old here! nothing much to report but I'm only back at work today and already I can't wait for the weekend! :haha:
Ella_E - Welcome, I hope your stay here is short. I love your avatar, really beautiful is you and your DH.

Thank you!!! Yes it's a photo of me and my DH (maybe 3 years ago). That's one of the only times I let my nails grow long (I'm a nail biter, lol. Have been since I was a kid. Gotta knock that bad habit :winkwink:
Hi - I'm 39, DH 38. TTC 18 months. No luck so far and waiting for test results. Trying every herbal remedy going, Preseed, fish oil etc. Despairing.
welcome ella and mighty .x

the sun is out and i'm enjoying half term.hope everyone is doing dust all round xxx
Might99 - wlecome to the thread :flower: I hope your stay here is short and sweet, the ladies here are so knowledgable so when you get your test results they'll be able to discuss them with you, good luck!!

I meant to say Earlier -
DrS - Good luck Thursday, Im keeping fingers crossed for you :hugs:

Lils - I said I was a "Div" - means Idiot, I think its probable a local term from where I grew up (from school days :haha:) cos I don't hear anyone round where I live now say it.
Hi - I'm 39, DH 38. TTC 18 months. No luck so far and waiting for test results. Trying every herbal remedy going, Preseed, fish oil etc. Despairing.

Welcome Mighty :flower: GL on tests & let us know what happens. :thumbup: I've also been TTC 18 mos. & 39 (DH 42). It's tough business so we ladies have to help each other out. You've come to the right place. :flow:
Welcome Mighty99 and Ella! This is THE place to come -- everyone here is wonderful :thumbup:. As you get into your mid to late 30's (I'm 38...soon to be 39 in a couple of months :cry: and my DH is 38), it's so nice to be able to share your feelings with women that are in the same position that you are. Good luck with your testing, mighty!
Hey Ladies so sorry haven't been around lately but I have been inundated with visitors on a daily basis since Zara arrived. Its normal here in the Middle East for like most of your work to come and visit plus anyone who has ever met you before once you deliver. Man it is such hard work smiling and being polite when all you want is some peace and quiet hehe.

Welcome to all the new ladies on here, you are in the right place. Pls don't worry too much about you age, I know that is easier said than done as I used to freak out, I have just turned 39 and after nearly 3 years of TTC I now have a healthy beautiful girl. Miracles do happen and not just to others so expect the unexpected.

To all my girls on here I have some reading to do to catch up on all your news and where you are all at but I will be back n here on a daily basis supporting your journey into he fat club and beyond.

Big hugs and love to you all x x x
aww congratulations again Carole - there are loads of messages for you a few pages back, I hope you and Zara are doing well :) - we got to see her picture (Rottpaw kindly posted us a link) and she is just beautiful!!! xxx

big loves
Hi girls...

Pardon me for a moment while I get some emotion out... I was doing much, much better emotionally for the past few days, even though I could tell the nasty witch was on her way (as Miranda Lambert sings "I could feel the rumble like a cold, black wind."). Well, she (the witch...not Miranda Lambert :haha:) arrived full force about 30 minutes ago. I was fine. No problems. No negative emotions. I was prepared, so did what I had to do and went back to my desk. I sent DP a text to let her know.

Picked up the phone and called the fertility doc's office to alert them of day 1. THAT is when the proverbial floodgates opened. :cry: The admin (she is just a DOLL ... love her to death) even got choked up... she put me through to the nurses but I got their voicemail. I'll be suprised if they can even understand what I'm saying through the sobs! :dohh:

Put my sunglasses on (yeah, like THAT'S not obvious) and went back to my desk to compose myself. Had just gotten back under control when DP responded to my text with "Think of all the cute spring outfits... and a lil girl with a cute spring dress would be great to bring home from the hospital! A March baby would be great…Just in time for St Pat’s day! Or how about a grandson for your dad on st.pats day and a new lil edition for the Lima Parade!

:cry::cry::cry: ~ because I can't believe how sweet that was of her to say... and because I know that we can't afford to try this cycle... such a strange mix of emotions to have all at once :shrug: :cry::cry::cry:

Just talked with the nurse - she said the doc wants us to try for a total of at least 6 cycles with IUI before we look at anything more "invasive" and "expensive", which I can understand. But I have to admit, this is the first time I have had the thoughts of "Why can couples who are simply careless get pregnant when they don't even want to, but yet those of us who want it more than anything have to suffer with repeated failures?" Look at all that jealousy and doubt rearing its ugly head... that does me absolutely no good whatsoever. :growlmad:

*sigh* Thanks for listening ladies. Don't know why I'm taking it so dang hard this month... blah.

Loves all around. :kiss:
HTJ - aww :cry: big big big :hugs:
It doesn't make sense at all why people who don't want to just get pregnant by looking at their DHs, or why people who want a baby sooooo much should have to go through this heartache, its just not fair!!

big loves xxx

you DP sounds fab!
(Aw, Crichey, HTJ. The moderators hi-jacked my last post to you! :growlmad:)

I am so sorry this is such a difficult journey :cry: :flower: :hugs:. You have a lot invested in this financially, so it is a tough pill to swallow. I wish I could take away your pain :nope:. I just wanted to let you know that in any given cycle, even when the stars are aligned in your favor, you really only have a 20% or so chance w/IUI & 15% natural. So, sometimes it's a matter of playing Russian Roulette - IUI higher success rates are only achieved with "multiple cycles" & they are very explicit about that fact (hence the "try 6 cycles" from your nurse). Here is an article on it (I chose a diff one this time)

I just wanted to forward that you to let you know that it is not anything "you did or didn't do", and that IUI does have higher success than TTC naturally, but it takes some time. And if you think about it, last cycle they didn't even catch your ov, so you have sorta only done one good one so far right? I know it still sucks, but I'm hoping that gives you a little comfort...

Sending big giant Florida sunshine :hugs::hugs::hugs: your way :flow:
heck i did 4 only to find out that i likely didnt do any with a chance of success (bad sperm)
Carol - I hope your schedule calms down soon so you can enjoy that lil precious bundle of joy all to yourself!!! Well, I guess DH can have a "a little" too... :flower:
HTJP - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: So sorry hon. I am hoping for you and your DP and that the sliver lining is nearby. :hugs: I know the rollercoaster freaking sucks big time and it does not seem fair at all.

Neesaw - I hope the tests all come back with good results. I know it's hard when someone else gets pregnant on first try. It's so annoying. My little sister is like that. Sigh. :hugs:

Mirium - Sorry hon. :hugs: You have been through a lot too. :hugs: I did all my cycles unmedicated. My insurance did not cover any of the IUIs though. However, it did cover my us/scans most of the time.

Lil - Enjoy your trip. You deserve it so bad!! Your comment about putting your hand to your head and fainting and the feeling like a Mexican jumping bean (wth? where do you come up with this stuff? :haha:) was great!! I am glad too that the immune tests were good and am hoping the new doctor is awesome. Who is it? I am curious.

Dashka - Sorry about :witch: I am glad you have that appointment now though and am hoping the tests transfer and things go smoothly.

Grkprn - I hope the cyst burst and you are doing better. :hugs: Sorry about the nurse. Doctors do not know everything and neither do their nurses, that is for sure!!

Honeybee - :hugs:

Chicken - So sorry about your friend who lost her DH. As if she needs people judging her situation when they are not in her shoes. Sometimes empathy is so challenging for people. BTW - I hope DH's testicle is better. Lol. (oopsy)

Ella_E- Welcome and I hope you get your :bfp: real soon!!

LadyH - How are you?

Butterfly - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

DrS - Yeah..Good Luck tomorrow!!! Enjoy the boys and those cherries!! I freaking love bing cherry season!!! I bought two bags already this week. However, one bag was $10! Say what??

Purple - Yeah!!! You are coming along so well!! :hugs:

Dwrgi - Hi there lady!! I hope you are well.

Carol - Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope the visitors calm down soon so you can enjoy Zara and get some :sleep: :cloud9: :hugs: I am so happy for you and so happy you are both healthy and safe.

Mighty99 - Welcome!! This is a great thread. How are you tracking your ovulation?

Hi to the rest of you beautiful ladies!!!!! :hugs: :hugs:

AFM - I just found out today that out of the 7 scans/ultrasounds I received, my doctor only submitted one to the insurance and only charged me a copay for 5 of them ($45/each) and the rest were free! I asked her nurse practitioner about it in yoga this morning and she said "We all want what is best for you guys." I was so overcome with appreciation and gratitude I could not believe it!! We sent her a spa gift certificate today. It's really nice when people have so much compassion and are willing to give like that. Wow!! That is seriously one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me.

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