TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hiya lovely ladies,

hope the egg baking and baby making is going well for everyone...

Happy birthday Lady H! A big one!!

Feeling exhausted. Work... hmmmpphhhhh! Role on retirement!

We have been out for dinner and coffee... this coenzyme Q10 means that I just can't sleep!! All good though.....

Thinking of you all.

Dr H:hugs::hugs:
Happy Birthday to our birthday girls!!!!

Hope you both have wonderful days today!
Hi girls, just quickie, but does anybody here have experience of using wheatgrass? I know that Missy used it, and Butterfly too, I think? Powder, or tablet form??

Thanking you very kindly!!! :thumbup:
I haven't but Missy used the fresh homegrown kind I believe in smoothies. Im not sure I could manage that!! tablet sounds more palatable!!
I meant to post this yesterday :dohh:

Its about Mrs Brown , the first "Test tube mummy" who died yesterday...what a pioneering woman!!
Hi all....hope it's okay that I join. I am 36 and met the man of my dreams and have been ttc #1 for 7 months with no luck. My previous relationship I was in for 10 years we weren't trying but we were also not preventing and I never got pregnant. My Gyn sent me to a FS and I have began the testing process....My 21 day progesterone was 7.7...I just had the antral follicle count and it was 9...I also did my day 3 fsh yesterday. My Dr is doing the clomid challenge test on me so once Saturday comes I will start clomid day 5-9...then day 10 fsh. I am also scheduled for the hsg test on Tuesday. I am a little nervous, but also anxious to get all the results. I just worry that because of my age that I may have passed my prime opportunity to have children. Has anyone had all these test etc? I guess I am just getting down and out and desperate....
Thank you girls for the Birthday wishes means a lot that you remembered.

Hi ladies!
Jules – welcome to the best thread on BnB! :flower:Everyone here has gone through so much and they are all really supportive. Hope you stay is short and sweet… Yes TESTS!! :dohh:I have been doing them off and on for years …but going back to RE next month to start more intense testing. Good luck!:thumbup:

FlyF – WTF???:saywhat: Can’t believe that couple at the doc’s office may be parents one day… OUCH! Disgusting isn’t it? Don’t worry too much about the AMH… :hugs:

Dr.S – GL in court….:thumbup:wow that must be nerve-wrecking.. Great news about having 4 frozen embies -awesome!:happydance: I do hope that you won’t need them though (except for other future siblings perhaps?):haha:

Dwrgi- -Congrats on finishing the marking!! :happydance:And what an amazing DH you have re: picnic…. Awww…:thumbup: Good luck on starting the meds tomorrow hun….:hugs: Re: wheatgrass…. I do believe the best way would be fresh (if you have the right kind of juicer – but that is expensive and messy).. You can buy the frozen ice-cube type at the health food store too (fresh juice that is frozen into cubes). I have not bought those. I have taken the wheatgrass powder now and then (but not consistently – cause I never remembered:dohh:) –and I keep the powder container in my freezer to keep fresh. The other reason I stopped is because I am a little confused with the whole immune thing – as I am afraid I might have immune issues (and I know wheatgrass and greens powders increase your immune system – and that might NOT be what I want.).. I still do take chlorophyll drops in my water (during the luteal phase) as I read that it can help move NK cells from blood to the tissues…. Anyway I hope I haven’t confused you more…. I would say if you know for sure that you don’t have immune issues – then go for the wheatgrass as it can be very beneficial for IVF.. Good luck hun!!

Lady H – HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY HUN!!!:flower::flower:

Chicken – HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!!!:flower::flower:

Dr. H – I take CoQ10 too (and so does my DH) – Good luck on booking the vacation!:thumbup:

Mirium – hope you caught the eggy!:winkwink:

Honeybee – I’m so sorry that :witch: arrived – that nasty wart-faced hog of @itch!:hugs:

Nessaw – GL with the app’ts you have coming up! Yay for getting them going!:thumbup:

Lils – are you ok woman??? I assume you are still in your reiki heaven :haha: (or just jamm-packed swamped trying to catch up on work?):hugs::kiss:

Hello and hugs:hugs::hugs: to Purple, Manu, Froliky, Asry, HA, Butterfly, HTJ, Ella E, Carole, Bearlake and everyone I missed!!! Big loves and hugs to all!:hugs:

AFM – I’m 8DPO today… It’s sooo HOOOOTTT :coolio::coolio:here! Has been over 40 Celcius with the humidex factor for the last 3-4 days…. we are supposed to get relief tomorrow. Thank Goodness for A/C!!
I actually got a phone call from another RE for an appointment (this is another of the 3 requests that my MD put in)… So the next RE is Sept. 20th… I’ll see if I like the first guy on July 23rd (who has a great reputation) and it’s going well – then I’ll cancel the September one - … I’m still waiting for the one that my sister used (and I wanted cause he is into the immune stuff) –but I know he’ll take a lot longer…. I’m actually researching a lot of meds/and such now…. So my mind is opening to assisted stuff – I would like to do IUI with Injectibles – but have a feeling they will push me to IVF. I think the Fertile Mind hypnosis tracks I’ve been listening to have had a role in me accepting the meds thing… Also I have learned how different injectibles are to Clomid and so I really hope they work on me. Think we’ll have to tell MIL when she returns in September. It will be quite awkward …. But it’s the only way I can get up at 5:00am and leave to go for cycle monitoring (if she’ll be helping with AD 3 days/wk) – however AD does start school 2 day/week – so if I need to go those days not sure what I’ll do. Oh I worry so damn much!!!:dohh::dohh:

have a great day ladies!!! You are awesome!!! :kiss::kiss::kiss:xoxoxo
:wave: Jules and welcome!

It's great that you're having all those tests done. If you've got any questions about them just ask away, I think between those of us here, we've pretty much had every test under the sun!

But I hope your stay here is a short one & that you'll be moving onto the pregnancy boards asap! :flower:

Dashka - sounds like you've got a fair bit of organising to do. Hope you find an RE that you click nicely with. :thumbup:
Doc put me on BCP 3 days ago for my HSG and I was told I need to stay on them until I get a polyp removed in a couple weeks (delayed removal for OR scheduling). Forgive my ignorance, but how is this going to affect my cycle when I stop the BCP after polyp removal? I have ALWAYS had a 27-28 day cycle for the last26 years. I have never been on BCP, and am kinda weirded out, like I am messing up something by taking these. Guess I am out for TTC for June and July-which makes me sick. Doc thinks with my numbers I need to go direct to IVF, but I kind of want to see what will happen post-polyp removal. Meanwhile, My eggs and I are getting older.

Also, how important is your diet really? With my crazy job, I sometimes have a poptart and a coffee for breakfast, and an easy mac cup and a coke for lunch. Subway for dinner is a bonus. No, I'm not joking. I'm always exhausted at the end of the day...

Thanks for the advice! How do you guys keep up with who everyone is on this blog!? ;)
After my bfn last week on my first injection cycle, I went in for u/s and bw on cd3 with hope that I would be able to start with injections again this cycle. Unfortunately, I was so overstimulated that my ovaries still haven't "calmed down" yet. They are still double the size of what they are supposed to be so I have to take a break this cycle from all the drugs. But I actually like the breaks in between, because all those doc visits with everything timed is kind of stressful. I'm looking forward to a "normal" month of trying :happydance:
This thread is so active - I love it :hugs: Good luck and :dust:
Doc put me on BCP 3 days ago for my HSG and I was told I need to stay on them until I get a polyp removed in a couple weeks (delayed removal for OR scheduling). Forgive my ignorance, but how is this going to affect my cycle when I stop the BCP after polyp removal? I have ALWAYS had a 27-28 day cycle for the last26 years. I have never been on BCP, and am kinda weirded out, like I am messing up something by taking these. Guess I am out for TTC for June and July-which makes me sick. Doc thinks with my numbers I need to go direct to IVF, but I kind of want to see what will happen post-polyp removal. Meanwhile, My eggs and I are getting older.

Also, how important is your diet really? With my crazy job, I sometimes have a poptart and a coffee for breakfast, and an easy mac cup and a coke for lunch. Subway for dinner is a bonus. No, I'm not joking. I'm always exhausted at the end of the day...

Thanks for the advice! How do you guys keep up with who everyone is on this blog!? ;)

Don't worry about the BC - it's not likely to be a problem. Just stop taking it as soon as you are advised to of course. It's not like you will be on it for long. Alot of people have been on it for years. Actually, some people get pregnant while on birth control so it's not that bad.

Your diet is very important. You need to eat very healthy. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet. If you can afford it - buy organic fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products. If you are interested and search online, you should find a list of the fruits and vegetables that you should buy organic and those that you do not have to buy organic if you choose not to. At least 80% of what you eat should be healthy. It's easier said than done but you should strive for that.

Maybe, if you read the prior posts/go through the thread when you have time - you'll get familiar with the ladies names. All the best!!
Florida - I was put on bcp before I started my IVF cycle. My RE said that while the ovaries are waiting, the best eggs/follicles get pushed up to the front of the queue. That may be why so many people seem to fall pregnant just after coming off the pill??? Anyway, it's probably a good thing, so try not to worry about it.

Owl - I know what you mean, sometimes it feels like you're spending more times at the Drs than anywhere else. Enjoy your break.

Hope everyone is doing ok. Lots of love, :hugs::hugs::hugs: & :dust:
owl- i had to take a break too cuase of cysts after an injection cycle and that month off was actually fabulous =)

food- i think even if you are rushed you can still make healthy choices. subway isnt inherently bad. you can get healthy sandwichs there. i eat trader joes salads nearlly every night. that is quick easy and healthy.
Hi ladies,

Have a good evening all!

I have a question. My BBT (thermometer) states that it measures to .20 degrees. I have read some conflicting info online as to what it should measure to. Most reports seem to say to .10 degrees. I am not a math girl... :) so I asked my hubby. He said .20 is more accurate than .10 but I think that's the problem (not even sure it's a problem) because my readings show as, for example 97.27 instead of 97.3. Some article seemed to state that the '97.27' type readings is too much info and could be confusing so I guess my hubby is right about the accuracy. Can I just round the numbers? I might be making much ado about nothing. Any info on that?
BBT thermometers are meant to measure to two decimal places hun because the temperature shift is actually quite little but with two decimal places, you can see when it happens much more clearly. So basically, there is no problem, you've got the right thermometer and keep recording those 2 decimal places and don't do any rounding.

Hope that made sense. :shrug:
BBT thermometers are meant to measure to two decimal places hun because the temperature shift is actually quite little but with two decimal places, you can see when it happens much more clearly. So basically, there is no problem, you've got the right thermometer and keep recording those 2 decimal places and don't do any rounding.

Hope that made sense. :shrug:

That makes absolute sense manuiti. Thank you.:hugs:
Hi Jules and welcome to the thread :) the ladies here are fab!! I hope all your tests go smoothly and easily and you get your BFP soon!

Flyflorida - I have a slightly different view form some ladies about the eating thing. Obviously its best for your health if you eat the right things, but dont beat yourself up if you indulge in what you fancy now and again. I ate what I felt like and I freely admit it - I really hope I don't offend anyone by saying that. I don't think there is any research that proves that eating a less than perfect diet is actually what stops you getting pregnant. I think if you are ttc for a while it's really hard going without denying yourself some treats :hugs:
Owl!! I am so sorry chick, I knew I'd miss someone yesterday and I did - you! sorry about the overstimulation - I hope you are not too uncomfy and that your poor ovaries settle down quickly!
Morning everyody!

Manuiti, I think I forgot to mention you yesterday! So sorry. Hope you're feeling a bit cheerier, hun! Big :hugs: to you!!

Fly F-it is difficult to keep up with everybody, but it's really lovely when you read your name on somebody else's post, as it shows they have thought of you. It's impossible to be thorough every time, but you'll get the hang of it, as you get to know everybody!

With regard to the diet thing, I sort of agree with Purps, but I also think, from my own experience and research, that healthy eating at this time is crucial, especially if you have any underlying issues. Personally, I have always eaten what I wanted to eat, and because of that, I have never really craved any foods. My weight has always been quite steady, but I have made a huge effort to focus on proteins and healthy fats in the last six months, as these are what are essential to healthy eating as far as conception is concerned. I still have chocolate and chips and alcohol, but once a week. I don't want to berate myself in years to come about what I should/shouldn't have done. I went to a lecture given by a nutritionist at my clinic a month or so ago. I'll try and post those notes on the thread!

Mirium-GL with sorting out BBT question. Mine works to one decimal
point. :thumbup:

Owl-sorry that your ovaries haven't settled down, but a break is a good idea, mentally. Enjoy it! :hugs:

Dr S-hope you're resting up so that Inky and Squirt can get settled in! :thumbup:

Dashka-thank you so much for your advice re. wheatgrass. As I don't know if I have any immune issues, I might just leave it for now then. After my last cycle, I gave up my 1000mg Vit C daily habit, also the Bee Pollen, as I read somewhere that these may boost your immune system. Do you think I did right? Such a minefield, really!

Btw, you've got appointments coming out of your ears. It sounds like the doctor you really want, your sister's doctor, may be a while getting back to you! How typical would that be!! Worth persevering with though, and phoning them to see if they have any cancellations?? GL hun!! I am also dead jell of your weather. It is completely pants in the UK-just like winter!

Butterfly-how are you hun?? Hope you've got a nice weekend planned?? Big :hugs::hugs: to you! xx

Purps, Asry, Frol, Never-hello!!! Hope you're all okay?? xxxxxxxxx

Pad-you up to any mischief this weekend? Has AF arrived? You have gone VERY strangely quiet!! :hugs:

Chicken and Lady H, hope you had lovely birthdays! xxx


GrkPrincess-hello to you too!

Dr H-have you had any ideas about holiday choices yet? Lots of fun thinking about though, surely? :thumbup:

Lil-where are you hun? You are now officially MIA!! :wacko:

Welcome Jules! Hope you're stay is short and sweet! :hugs:

I found out yesterday that my usual drugs supplier :)haha::haha:) can't get any pregnyl (trigger shot), and my clinic has confirmed that there has been no pregnyl in the UK for the past 6-9 months!!!!! OMG!!! Panics! I DO NOT want to use ovitrel, as I am sure this caused me to ovulate early last year. Amanda, my consultant (same name), is going to try and track some down for me... FX she manages it! I don't want any jinxing!

Love to everybody-have a great weekend, and I'm sure that I've left somebody out. If so, big :hugs:.

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