TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Ohhh we could wear purple, drink wine and eat chocolate cupcakes.....I'm in! What date is national purple day?

I think it can be a movable date... Whenever you need it happen....and maybe. Often too :haha:

I was going to suggest every frickin' day! :rofl: :winkwink:


C xx

P.S. Ooh, details: TTC since Jan 2011. Me: 37, DH: 30 with Azoospermia. TESE April 2012, IVF/ICSI #1 July/Aug 2012... not at all hopeful! Thanks, Dwrgi, you're a superstar!!
Hi ladies,

Hello and :hugs: to everyone - dwrgi, dashka, manu, lady h, lil sluz, htj, drh, chicken, honeybee, purple, butterfly, ella_e, nessaw, jules, flyflorida, froliky, asry, owl35, twinks, nessaw, drS, grkprn and anyone I missed.

It's onto another cycle because I got a :bfn: today. I wasn't expecting success this cycle though - didn't feel it was timed properly. I feel drained though - might be due to PMS. Lawd... :) - this is not easy. What bothers me most is the feeling that I have to keep slaving on. It's getting hard to accept. Somehow, seeing or hearing about pregnant people is not fun but that's easier on me... :) than the 'not knowing' if I'll ever have luck. I am tired of that damn... :) limbo. I admire the ladies that's being trying for years. You guys don't even vent. Something about me though is - I don't cry... :) . I get my :bfn: and I feel sad and move on and don't cry. Anyway, that being said - I am planning to focus on my mental well being and I will try to be ready for whatever comes my way and learn to be happy no matter what. Enough of pyschology class for today.

Ladies - have a great day!!

Sorry about the BFN, Mirium. It doesn't get any easier. I think we've all had our dark days, and I am certainly no exception. Wanting to give up, angry with the world, despair, blah blah. But you get up the next morning, and fight another day. I always have this feeling that things will work out in the end, however we get there. :shrug:

The constant theme on here has been that if you have a BFN, it gives you another month to get healthier, to become more prepared, to try something different, etc. I think the days leading up to AF are the worst, as I remember reading somebody say once, that they LOVED the TWW as it was the closest to pregnant they got. I so get that feeling, and once you get those all too familiar twinges that just tell you that the evil hag is on her way, it is truly the worst feeling ever.

Spoil yourself today, eat tons of chocolate (sod the limiting caffeine rule, just for today), have some glasses of wine, and tomorrow start planning for the new cycle's O Day!!

Hugs to you hun, Axxxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

That is real words of wisdom Dwrgi!! Thank you!!
Please post your details, as you would like them to appear, so that I can add to this list (e.g. your age, your DH's age, how long TTC, any AC, etc.)! If you're not here, please blame my amnesia, and don't take it personally, but just post your deets so they can be added. xxx


Asryellah-me 35, OH 30 TTC 09/2010, unexplained, 2nd IUI BFP 04/2012 using Puregon and Pregnyl shot (other "alternative meds": Solgar Prenatal nutrients, fishoil, Royal Jelly + reflexology)

Bearlake-come back! We're here for you!

Butterfly-Me 44, ttc with ex (42) since April 2011, 1 mc at 8 weeks, feb 2012


Chickenchaser-Me 36, DH 43. TTC since May 2012.

Dr H-37, oh 37. TTC since May 2012, planning for IVF in Sept due to low amh. Stepmum to two great kids

Dr. S-me 39 single, trying theoretically since Dec '11 (but missed ov in Dec then 4 rounds of iui with dud sperm). IVF 1 June 2012.

Dashka-40, DH: 42 -TTC since 2002- unexplained-2 failed IUIs with Clomid in 2004 -1 beautiful Adopted daughter 3yrs. Currently trying TTC naturally.... App't for RE in July 2012 to investigate immune issues or perhaps taking meds


Dwrgi-me 40, OH 47. TTC since 2007. 2 x ICSI. ICSI 3 (IMSI)-July 2012.



Frolicky-DH - azoospermatazoa, Me - OK, I think. Chemical mc in Aug. 2011, MC in Feb. 2012, using Known Donor. TTC since July 2011 but took 3.5 years or so to figure out logistics first, so the road of TTC felt more like a 4 year ordeal.

GrkPrn-Me, 38; DH, 38. TTC for 9 months, NTNP for 5 years. 1st round of Clomid 5/2012-

HA-38 w/ no problems, DH is 38 with 1% morphology, ttc #1 since Jan. 2009, 4 mcs, 5 failed IUIs with injectables, 2 failed IVFs, FET in July.

Honeybee-I'm 39 on 4th July, OH is 41. TTC since march but don't get to see oh enough to have much success so waiting on a little miracle.

Hitthejackpot-Me 36, DP 45, TTC since March 2012, 4 IUI attempts, 3 BFNs so far

JulesWantsOne-Me: 36, Hsg (left blocked tube and small uterine polyp). All blood work and test otherwise very good for my age. DH: 31 (scheduled S/A next week fx'd) no health probs etc.

Lady H- Me 40 DH 54 ttc naturally since May 2011, no BFP's so far....

LilSluz-Me: 39, DH: 42, TTC since Jan 2011, 4 mc's, Compound Hetero MTHFR, inherited Thrombophilia, AMH .84 (waiting for new tests..)


Manuiti-Me 37 (low responder), DH 35 (perfect), TTC for 23 months, 1 IVF (ICSI) - 1st ever BFP, both eggs stuck, both MMC (6 & 11 wks). Stepmum to 2 krazy kids (6 & 8yrs).

Mirium-38, dh - 43. TTC since 2010, 1 mmc/loss, removed fibroids, another mmc/loss. Trying to conceive again for 10 months since.

Miss Fosdyke-Me 45, DH 46. Suddenly decided last week to TTC after 26 years together.

MissyT- (are you there? Come back!)

Nessaw-me and boyf 36, ttc since nov 11 cd21 tests show no ov ultrasound showed ov but thin uterine lining waiting to see gp.

Neversaynever-Me 36..DH 41 three first tri losses currently pregnant EDD 25/8/12


Owl35-Me 35, DH 37, TTC since August 2010, early miscarriage Dec. 2010 - no more luck ever since, unexplained infertility.

Padbrat-Me 40, Hubby 39. TTC since 2005. Translocation in X chromosome. 6 baby boys (1 set of twins) .... all MMC at 11-12 weeks (X deletion is lethal to males). 1 failed ED 2011.


Purple Lou-me 40, dh 35, ttc for 12 months, 2 mcs August, Sept 2011, now PAL - due 26/10/12 -using cbfm, C0q10, prenatals/folic acid and conceive plus

Tigerlily-TTC since Jan 2011. Me: 37, DH: 30 with Azoospermia. TESE April 2012, IVF/ICSI #1 July/Aug 2012...

Twinks-I'm 37, DH is 31. Trying for almost 3 years. DH has lazy swimmers & I've got a blocked right tube & I'm really fat! (Love you Twinks!).

Viccat-Me 37, OH 38, TTC since Feb '12. No BFNs, BFPs or medical intervention thus far.
Honey - Happy Birthday!!!

Mirium - :hugs::hugs::hugs:

This brings up another question though…. I have been struggling with how to react to BFPs…. I have been toning down my congrats (although still just as excited as the last BFPs)… but I realize that if I congratulate them with big giant smilies and smilies running across the page – am I making everyone feel bad too?? If so, sorry..:hugs: Would people prefer that I send a PM?? Or maybe just say – CONGRATS!! (see PM?) Trying to be sensitive to everyone.

I don’t know…. Just thinking out loud….:dohh:

All the preggers ladies - love you so much and don't want you to go! You are hope and inspiration for me!:hugs::kiss::kiss::kiss:

Yeah, good question. Do we leave it? Do we 'spoiler' it? Do we start a TTC #1 35+ Graduates thread in the Pregnancy forum? The latter might be a nice idea anyway, as people do 'graduate' on, but we would still have all our lovely ladies together and easy to find??? But I agree I don't want our lovely preggers ladies to go from this thread as you do bring so much hope and inspiration. And I'm sorry I was on such a downer yesterday. :blush::hugs:

And thank you for the hugs Butterfuly & Dashka and :hugs::hugs::hugs: right back at ya.

Just to let all our lovely preggos know there is a TTC no1 35+ group here Some of the ladies have already had their babies but I'm sure new members would ALWAYS be welcome!!
Hello everyone!! I have a quick question....I was put on clomid this month for the clomid challenge test. I took it days 5-9 100mg, well I ovulate on my own (we think) and my cycle is usually clock work 26-28 day...and I usually ovulate on cd 12,13, or 14. Well, after taking the clomid this month I FINALLY got a positive opk yesterday which was day was VERY postive all day yesterday (I tested 3 times) and it was also VERY positve this am...I guess I have 2 silly questions :wacko: : Has anyone had clomid screw their ovulation day up, and has anyone had a positive opk for more than a day? Usually when I test with my opk, once I get the strong positive I stop testing, but because I did the clomid this month I was extra curious. How long does the LH surge last? Needless to say we :sex: last night and we will get to it tonight as well.

Hope everyone had a great 4th and hope everyone is doing well :)
Hi guys,

How are you all...

Hope you are having a great sunny chocolate filled day whereever you are.

i hope the US ladies had a great holiday. Its freezing here in Aussie - coldest winter in years.

Mirium- sorry its a negative.
twinks thanks for the heaps up about the grad class
manu hope the RE is full of good news...
jules - good luck with the clomid - sorry I can't help you - I haven't had much to do with that in my doctoring practice.

We have just been to the photographers! She's cheap and cheerful and almost in our budget so think that is what we will be doing. Haven't told her yet trying to get up the duff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
drh- yay for cheap and cheerful. boo for cold weather =)

purple- i like the idea of a purple chocolate celebration day i am wearing a purple shirt today so...

afm- i got nothing. just crazy crazy tired. ate too much yesterday which was most uncomfortable. stomach is not happy today. got progesterone rechecked today (it was still high monday so they told me to stop supplementing and get rechecked today to see if i can stay without supplement, fingers crossed,).
Hey all...

This moving lark takes far too much time from here... pah!

Well... haven't we all had interesting chats... my thoughts... in case you care hahhaa...

National Purps Day.... absolutely! When is your Birthday Purps? It should be that day! LOL

Welcome back Dash! Missed seeing your lil blue dolphin!

Dwrgi you reminded me of my crazy Welsh mate Kate who used to cutch me when I felt down.. awww...

Manu... agree sometimes it is a little ouchie being happy for others when you feel so pants!

Welcome to your new home Butterfly! Hope the back holds out.

Hit sorry it didn't work...

Hey ya Twinks. Nice to see ya x

Happy Birthday Honey x

CD 9 .... have resorted to CBFM as well as temping. Don't know why as Hubby leaves this weekend and I don't see him until the 25th. FF still very confused about me...

Saw my house in Glocs today... Gah! Don't wanna leave the house I am in!!

Had a job interview too.... Gah don't wanna leave my current job either!!

Urghhh PANTS!
Hi ladies!

It is sooooooooo damn hot here!!! :coolio::coolio:It has been in the mid 30's C all week and will be for a few more!! :wacko:Yesterday was 36 C and that is without the humidex factor... (with humidity they said it felt like 44 C !!) On Monday/Tues it's supposed to go down to where we are supposed to be for this time of year 28/29 C.

Pad - hiya girl!!!:winkwink: Oh that sucks about the house and job interview... wish both were BETTER than what you have now (and not vice versa)....:kiss::hugs::hugs:

Dr. H – yay for photographer!:thumbup: Of all the money we spent for our wedding… the photographer was the best spent $... Sorry to hear it’s so cold there right now… Wish I could give you some of our heat!

Dr. S – FX you can stop the progesterone for good…..:thumbup: When would you have your first scan again? Was it the 13th?:hugs:

Jules – yes it’s okay to have positive OPK for 2 days:thumbup:… Sometimes I have it for one day and sometimes over 2 days… Just keep BD’ing! Since I have started charting FF tells me that I ovulate same day as my +OPK (I always thought I did the day after)… Think they go by EWCM… Are you keeping an eye on your CM? The last day of your EWCM is your PEAK day. Once it stops – then you most likely have ovulated. Also – yes I can see how Clomid would delay ov…. Maybe it’s making the eggs more mature first??? Just a guess…but it is normal for ovulation day to move around too.

Mirium – so sorry hun for the BFN….:hugs::hugs:

Hello and big hugs to everyone!!!:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:
oh and forgot to say ..... i think the idea National Purple Day on Purp's b-day is a great idea!:flower::winkwink:
dashka- 18th. unless i freak out and do it sooner but.. im trying to hold out knowing that there isnt much to see when you scan early
DrS... you should know... you are a Dr.... though with my babies I could see tiny babyish blob and HB at 5+4.

I know Dash.... I also think it is because I don't want to leave where I am now. I have a great house and job... bloody Army!
Seems quiet on here today??? everyone ok??:shrug::shrug::winkwink::winkwink:

SOOOOO hot here - hottest day so far..... it will feel like 45 C with humidex factor. (36 C without):wacko::wacko:

have a great weekend ladies:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:
All good Dash, Uk is having the wettest summer on record I think so if you could pop a wee bit of sunshine over we'd be mighty grateful!
Dash-I have a public service announcement! Please refrain from reminding us Brits of the rare phenomenon that is 'summer'!!! I can't remember what summer is, or feels like!!! :nope::nope: It is cold here and hasn't stopped raining, and we're meant to have a month of rain in two days over the weekend!!! It is a nightmare!! So, I am dead jealous of you!!! :winkwink::winkwink::winkwink::winkwink: Hope you have a lovely weekend hun, Axxxxx

Pad-that is a real pain about having to move, especially if you are happy where you are. But, I know that you will fit in wherever you go, so new start, new adventures??? Hope you're doing something outrageous this weekend, involving lots of wine and high jinks!! :hugs::hugs:

Lady H-how are you hun?? :hugs:

Honeybee-did you tell us what your surprise was?? I might have missed that. xxx

Love to everybody!! Hope you all have a great weekend!

I have just come home from a staff 'do' in Cardiff, dodging the rain. Didn't want to drink and spoil the weekend, and it's not the same to be there surrounded by drunks, stone cold sober!! So, I am typing this on my bed with my two huskababes by my side, and watching Graham Norton. He's so funny! My OH is also on a staff do, so I am all on my ownsome, apart from The Farting Two! And what bliss a bit of me time is! :hugs::hugs:
hello all.hope everyone is doing ok.sorry have been lurking a bit as nowt to report.however!saw gp today who was most perplexed by me not ovulated in 2 cd21 tests but the following month ovulating shown by ultrasound!

so have to go for another cd21 blood test to see who's right it appears-feels a bit like a dance off btwn bloods and u/s.

however dy 21 is today so have to wait til next month.good news is she's got the ball rolling and referred me to the infertility clinic-why do they have yo call it that?they shd change it to hope clinic or dreams clinic or something less final.anyway thats where we're at.sorry its a bit me me me.

am sadly proud os i made it thro an appt without crying at some point.simple things eh!?!

have a wonderful weekend folks.

much love vx
hello all.hope everyone is doing ok.sorry have been lurking a bit as nowt to report.however!saw gp today who was most perplexed by me not ovulated in 2 cd21 tests but the following month ovulating shown by ultrasound!

so have to go for another cd21 blood test to see who's right it appears-feels a bit like a dance off btwn bloods and u/s.

however dy 21 is today so have to wait til next month.good news is she's got the ball rolling and referred me to the infertility clinic-why do they have yo call it that?they shd change it to hope clinic or dreams clinic or something less final.anyway thats where we're at.sorry its a bit me me me.

am sadly proud os i made it thro an appt without crying at some point.simple things eh!?!

have a wonderful weekend folks.

much love vx

Nessaw-I'm just glad that your GP has got the ball rolling now! Nothing worse than being in limbo!

Like the idea of the rename-The Dream Factory, although that sounds a bit idealistic..??? Wish Upon a Star? May need to vom at that one... The Make It Happen Rooms?? I'm not very good at this, so am going to sign off! Lots of love, Axxx

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