TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Ok I'm a bit dizzy now from trying to catch up.... but going to do my best....

Dwrgi - hun BIG cwtches to you!!!:hugs::hugs: First of all I'm glad that the u/s went well!!:thumbup: I am rooting for you hun!! and seems like you have all the meds covered.... But WTF with that tenant??????:saywhat::grr::grr::grr:
So glad you are getting a solicitor to take care of it... maybe that will give her the scare she needs and can let you focus on what it important this month....:hugs::kiss:

Lils - Yayyyyy!!! YOU'RE BACK! :happydance: Sounds like you really did your homework and glad you are settled on your doctor and meds.... I am amazed how you get everyone in your post after being away so long (I am having a hard time after only missing 5 days!) I am so crossing my fingers that all the bad stuff has left your life and only good things will come to you now :hugs::hugs: you are so right about being good to your spirit/soul....(because we are still loving priceless individuals apart from anything TTC and we need to nurture ourselves)...:hugs::kiss:

Honeybee - glad you and OH are going to spend more time together -hopefully that will help!:hugs:

Dr. H - Asia sounds wonderful!! you lucky duck! Just enjoy your TTC -free trip -have fun and nurture your soul before your IVF in Sept.:hugs::kiss:

Ksluice - GL on your stims next week! Hope the Lupron gets better :hugs:

HA - have to check your journal but I hope the Sunshine band is settling in nicely!!:hugs:

Lady H - Hope you're feeling better :hugs:

Pad - yay!! hope you caught that PINK eggy girl!! what luck with the timing!! All limbs crossed for you.... and hope the moving is going well.... Hope you don't have to strain yourself too much with lifting! (please be careful ):hugs::kiss:

Twinks - glad you had a good time in Wales.... and sorry to hear about AF...:hugs:

Maddy - GL in your TWW!:thumbup:

Dr S - hope the bleeding has stopped?? I'm sure it will be ok.... did you get it checked out?:hugs:

Manu - hope you are ok hun???:hugs:

Butterfly - renos and adoption! How exciting! I remember when we went to our first adoption info night.... it was all exciting but strange and it's totally normal to be a little scared.... so sending you big :hugs::hugs: Hopefully they will have parents who have adopted / adoptees share their stories (as they did at ours) Are you going with public / private adoption?:hugs:

Purple - ya I did see Grover in the parade - posted a pic on FB - all the characters are walking around everywhere you looked all day long! in 40 degree Celcius weather... they must have cooling fans in those costumes...(but they did have to go inside every 20 min or so) I hope your Dad is ok with the low chemo this month :hugs::hugs::hugs: He is so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter!:kiss:

Chicken - Mexico!!! Oh I love Mexico.... Re: not being brave enough for IVF .... I thought the same for years (mostly because of watching what my sister went through for years)... but have just recently accepted the fact that I may have to resort to that...if we can afford one try... Don't know if it was turning 40 this year or just learning more about it on here and maybe realizing that just because it took that long for my sister doesn't mean it has to take that long for me.... I also don't want to regret it in 10 years. You have to do what feels right for you at the present moment...:hugs::kiss:

Asry - love your spoiler!:hugs::kiss:

Froliky and Madeline - hope you are well??!!:hugs:

HTJ - so nice to hear from you! Glad you are ok - and looking for a new RE sounds like a good plan :thumbup: I was wondering the same about your trigger and IuIs....:hugs:

Nessaw - are you done school now??? :hugs:Does school finish much later in UK?? Young kids here are done end of June and start back early Sept. (high school kids end mid-June usually)

Mirium - yay! FX that your IUI went well this time!!:thumbup::thumbup::hugs:

Viccat - hope you caught the eggy!!:thumbup:

Tigerlily - GL on your IVF!!!:thumbup::hugs::hugs:

FOR THOSE OF YOU ASKING ABOUT MISSY - I did email her for the first time about a month ago and she is doing fine - just found that she didn't want to focus on the negative and think about TTC all the time.... she is happy running again and doing stuff she put off before...

AFM - I am off today (unpacking and laundry from trip) and DH goes back to work next week - but I am off for another week with AD... RE app't is on Monday (hopefully DH can join if they let him off early).... I am getting nervous thinking about it... The word 'injections' alone I am getting fearful of - but I think I will feel better after I do it a few times. It's not the needle itself that I'm afraid of -but afraid of doing it incorrectly or injecting wrong amount etc.. I know I still have to get loads of tests done first so again I'm worrying before I need to! :wacko:

Hello to everyone I missed!!! hugs and loves to all!!:kiss::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:
Pad-I so HOPE you caught that pink eggy!! Huge fingers crossed for you lovely!! I'm glad that somebody on here can decipher your chart-I'm useless at them!! Big :hugs:

Mirium-I like the what will be attitude. It sounds like you did enough and I soooooo know what you mean about the mechanical nature of TTC sex. It's not good!! I remember a debate about whether to get up straight away after IUI last year. Lava was going for IUI and had been advised to stay put for at least 15 minutes after the insemination, and preferably wait up to 30 minutes. There was a huge debate at the time. Anyway, she stuck to her guns and did get preggo that cycle. Of course, we are all told different things-you have to go with your gut and not worry too much about this that and the other. You'll get there-you have shown that you CAN get pregnant, and that your embryos CAN implant, so stick with it. Big :hugs: and GL! xxx

Asry-so glad that all is going well! Lovely to hear from you! xxxxx

Hello to everybody!!

I am literally about to have a meltdown-I have never been so stressed in my entire life. You will remember that during the last ICSI cycle, my tenant caused worry as she hadn't been paying rent. This situation had just come to light then. Anyway, after months of being told bare-faced lies by her, I eventually gave her two months to evict the property, two months expiring on July 24th. Not only has she not been paying rent, but she's also got a dog (who is adorable, but has scratched the kicthen door, and ruined the Lounge carpet), and has redecorated the front room without permission!!! Anyway, I discovered yesterday that she has no intention of leaving on Tuesday-she is going to sit it out for me to get a court order to regain possession, which can take 4-6 weeks. Honest to God, I thought I was going to collapse yesterday-I can't believe the nerve of this woman, and the timing, once again, when I'm having treatment. She has no social conscience whatsoever. I don't hate many people, but I could do time for her. :nope::nope::nope:

Of course, my OH is useless at dealing with tradesmen or any issue like this, so I can't pass all of this over to him to deal with, and it's my house anyway. I'm going to see if the agent can take over and deal with it, as I swear to God, I'm just going to have a nervous breakdown if I have to cope with going to Court, on top of everything else. I just feel like a limp rag. I actually feel like that character in the Munch painting, The Scream. So, here we go:

Sorry for the Me me post and the non-TTC related rant (although there is a link obviously)!

Love to you all,
Axxx :hugs::hugs:


I feel you. :hugs: :hugs: Try not to worry about the stupid tenant... :). She's going to have to leave anyway. When she delays, she's stressing herself out to but then again some of these people just don't care. I am in the US and I have a rogue relative who does the same thing. She feels so entitled to everything. Me and my sister get so mad at her. She's going through the same thing with her landlord now and decided to go behind my sister's back and ask my sister's husband if she can move into their basement. Me and my sis was like 'really'!! After you tell us what you do, you really expect to be let into one of our homes. That made me identify with your post. Don't worry, alot of times these people's bad habits will be their undoing/be their downfall.
So many updates here, I just love reading.
Butterfly we're doing some minor renos too, so I'm signing up for your blog. It's taken DH two weeks to paint undercoat on two small walls and sand the skirting boards...suspect I'm going to have to step in soon and take over!
Viccat such a cute puppy. We have a wild cat that DH would love to replace but I'm not budging on that one.
LilSluz..well maybe not the WHOLE thread but several hundred's amazing what you can achieve on a quiet night-shift when you are high on caffein ;)

The TWW is going very slowly for me and I'm only first cycle TTC. I'm going to have to get a life to distract me from the board...
Twinks - :rofl::rofl::rofl: Love it!

Purps – hope you are having a great day & loved the pic, btw (just been tough for me to get on journals lately!) :hugs:

Dash - so glad you are back! Great job catching up :winkwink: I hope you got Cookie's autograph now that he's a pop start & music video has gone never know! :haha: Oh - just noticed new post. I do subscribe to the theory that our body will physiologically respond to extended extremes; that there is a connection between mind-body-spirit :shrug: but those are just my thoughts... You will do fine w/the injections, I have lots of confidence in you! Hey, 14 day LP again so far!? :thumbup: :winkwink:

Hi ladies,
Lil Sluz - Your posts are so engaging! The lap I was referring to is a laparoscopy - whereby incisions are made in the abdomen to check for and try to correct problems that could impede conception. I wouldn't mind a lap band to curtail eating though because sometimes I cram myself with too much food... :) but I try to walk to lose weight. The intralipids - was it ordered by your RE's office and is your RE doing the infusion?? My RE does not do it and I am still interested in it.

Mirium - Thanks :blush: Lap -:dohh: I have never heard of that before - that's very interesting! What kinds of things do they look for??? The intralipids were prescribed by my RE, but since we were both new to it he said that I would just have to find a home health agency/infusion service that would do it. I googled & found several in the area (faxed Rx to them) so they just sent a nurse to my home & she did the infusion here! Was about 2 hours - we watched a movie together :haha:. So weird... Btw, it only takes one good :spermy: to make it to that egg! Do you do baby aspirin? Definitely recommend that just in case...

I could actually smash her face in, which is completely not like me, but I am so mad with her. (Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything mad! I might kidnap her dog though-:haha::haha::haha:)

Dwrgi OMG :rofl:, you had me cracking up, as usual Dwrgi! Always love your posts! But, not loving the situation :trouble: We have dealt with that countless times ourselves so we just have an attorney file the paperwork as soon as they are 2-4 weeks past due & that's that. We've heard every excuse on the book. Used to get me so p*ssed, but now I figure karma is a b*tch that's gonna come around hard & fast! Let them deal with it...breathe in...breathe out...breathe in... Sending cwtches & wait, here we go:

Asry - :hi: sweetie! Loving the spoiler! (& that's pretty much where you should be) When you going on 4 weeks' vacay? See above for relaxation/meditation link -I did not even think about YouTube as a great source for getting the music that you were interested in!? Lots there to choose from! :winkwink::flower:

(Yup, goin all techie on you guys, now :haha: ) Ok, for those that did/do prog supps, I have an 8% solution but instructions (in the box) say one every other day – that sound right? Rx instructions basically just said look at box instructions, so…? TGIF ladies!!!
Oh no dwrgi, I was going to ask if your tenant had actually paid up :grr::grr: The cheek of the woman but she will have it all come back and bite her in the face - what happens when she needs a reference from her last landlord in the place she goes next?? Maybe you can post husky sh!t through her door (oh no, it's your house :dohh:) Or maybe you can just change the locks and chuck all her stuff out (yeah I know not such a good idea but would feel good anyway). In any case, yes, leave to the solicitor and let them take the stress and try not to think too much about it (I know, not easy). Do you know who she works for and can you dob her in to her employer? I'm sure they would not be impressed. Maybe just set up some loud music outside the house every night until she can't take it any longer :grr::grr:

Big :hug: hon and yes, listen to the relaxation tunes :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hello ladies,
I feel so bad that I can never reply and acknowledge everybody's situation because I just can't keep up :shrug: By the time I've read everything and caught up with everybody, I already forgot all the things I wanted to say :dohh: I love it that some of you are so nice and have a personalized comment for each of us. I feel so special when I read my name in here and just wanted to thank you for that! You ladies are truly the best! :hugs: I hope you are all doing well.

AFM, I had cd10 testing yesterday. 3 follies at 16, 18 and 22, lining at 8.5 and E2 at 1400. Nurse called and told me to trigger last night. So I had my very first iui done this morning :happydance: and I have another one tomorrow morning.

I hope everybody will have a wonderful weekend! :icecream: Lots of love! :hugs:
Oh honey, you sound so sad and I wish I could reach and give you a big ole hug now!
When you say give up, do you mean ttc or give up with you oh?
I know you are living apart right now, is there anyway you can be together? I'm sorry if I am talking rubbish, obviously I don't know your circumstances

I am thinking about you and you know we are all here to listen if you want to talk

Big loves xxxx
Hi Ladies, I'm still trying to catch up on all the updates from my hoiday, it movs so fast here but there are a few quick comments I want to make

Asryellah - Loving the spoiler :hugs:

Dwrgi - :brat: I feel your pain :hugs:

dashka - What a fab holiday :hugs: And thanks for your thought it may be that if we are ever in the position to consider IVF we may change our minds I guess only time will tell.

Lils - Big hugs for you as usual, You were going to tell me more about your crystals. Would love to chat about them sometime. DH got me the most beautiful moonstone pendent for my birthday this year and he had no idea about it's significants before he picked it out. Odd some people may say, but not me. He wants to be a daddy. :winkwink:

Lady H - :hugs:

Maddy - I'm also in TWW, I know how you feel :brat:

owl - Don't worry about keeping up, I find it difficult to. I open 2 tabs, one where I feed everyones post and the other with my reply, and I just swap between as I want to right something. But I still miss things out, but these ladies never mind. They know we are all thinking about each other and sending positive vibes:hugs:

Love and hugs to you all. :hugs:
hello all. am going to try and remember everything so sorry if i miss u out-am still thinking of you.

asry-lovely spoiler.x

dashka-hol sounds fab.

dwrgi-nightmare tenant.try not to let it get to you-easier said than done i know.happy school hols.

owl-i know what u mean.sometimes i write notes down!

honey-sorry you're going through a confusing and my boyf went out together the first time 16 yrs ago at uni then got back together through facebook 3yrs ago.took a big step moving in together 2 yrs ago.hope it works out
got cut off a bit just then!

welcome back lils.

best of luck to all the ladies ttc with or without intervention this month.fingers crossed for you all.

afm finished today.cupboard is bare and boxed up in school hall for my new classroom.counting myself out this month as on cd10 today and have to refrain from dtd from sun onwards due to boyfs sperm analysis.keep forgetting to do opk as got out of the habit last months.generally waiting for all tests and info to come together and appt for infertility/dream clinic.

have a fab weekend and thanks for all ur support.vx
dwrgi= check this guy

dashka= im good,. just had brown stuff for 1 day. all has been good since. doc wasnt worried about my cervix (which was my big concern). she is the one who did the leep and said she is always conservative and that it was plenty long.
Sorry guys working full time and packing solo is kinda taking it out of me... so will try my best to keep up...

Dwrgi we had a tenant who trashed our house, refused to move and stopped paying rent... you know how we solved it? Hubby is good friends with the Army Heavy Weight Boxing Champion and he and a few of his boxing mates went round and nicely asked the guy to leave... funnily enough he went that day.... but of course you should go the legal route! LOL

Hey Dash welcome back from hols!

Honey so sorry you are at a cross roads in life... no one can tell you what to do.. only you know. It is hard though and we can listen (hugs)

Good luck you IUI'ers!

Pleased to hear everything is OK Drs
Lils... oooo FF guru, why do I have a massive dip in my chart... question.. yesterday I woke at 6.40 at took temp, got 35.9 didn't move out of bed and went back to sleep and then retook at 7am (which is the time I normally take temp) and it was 36.4.... how can it vary so much in 20 mins??? So I put the 35.9 temp in and got this big drop in temp... unfortunately Hubby woke me up at 6.00am this morning so couldn't temp.... what do you reckon? Am I out?

Hey everyone else!
Hello ladies,
I feel so bad that I can never reply and acknowledge everybody's situation because I just can't keep up :shrug: By the time I've read everything and caught up with everybody, I already forgot all the things I wanted to say :dohh: I love it that some of you are so nice and have a personalized comment for each of us. I feel so special when I read my name in here and just wanted to thank you for that! You ladies are truly the best! :hugs: I hope you are all doing well.

AFM, I had cd10 testing yesterday. 3 follies at 16, 18 and 22, lining at 8.5 and E2 at 1400. Nurse called and told me to trigger last night. So I had my very first iui done this morning :happydance: and I have another one tomorrow morning.

I hope everybody will have a wonderful weekend! :icecream: Lots of love! :hugs:

Good luck Owl-hope it does the trick! FX!!! Lots of R&R, good food, lots of sleep, and hopefully catch a cold (will lower the immune system!)! NO stressing!! :hugs::hugs:
Super super quickie!

Love to everybody, btw.

Honey-am so sorry that you are feeling like this. How do you think your OH would react if you actually got PG? If he is unsure, then you can't rely on him, and you HAVE to be able to rely on him for co-parenting, etc. You might have to make the decision that you're prepared to go it alone and invest all your energies into finding somebody that WANTS to be with you, and has no doubts at all. Commitment phobes are not good for the soul. Perhaps he needs a gentle reminder that you can't put your life on hold for him like this? I so feel for you. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Pad-what the heck is happening with your temps? Hope somebody can answer you. As for tenant, would be VERY tempting to involve the heavies, but I'd get the book thrown at me in the courts. :nope::nope:

Dr S-I shall look at that link later. Thanks! Glad everything's cleared up, :hugs:

Ness-it's a complete pain not being able to DTD cos of tests and analysis, there is no doubt about that. But will be worth it in the end!

Gotta run, gotta go out! Bugger, time's flown, Axxxx
Happy weekend ladies - :wave:,

I have not figured out how to incorporate multiple quotes from prior posts into my post yet so here I go... :)

Asry - you're probably right that it was just lubrication/added fluid leaking in prior IUI's. I hope so... :) Thanks. I laid down for 15 mins after the IUI.

Dashka - your vacation was the way to go... :)

Honeybee - I hope that things fall into place with your OH. As Dwrgi said, it all depends on what you can cope with and also, how urgent it is for you to have a commitment. All you can do is choose what you know and decide is best for you - taking everything into consideration. Such is life...:hugs: :hugs:.

Lil Sluz - Yes, the laparoscopy is an attempt to - I'll quote WebMD - 'Find conditions that can make it hard for a woman to become pregnant. These conditions include cysts, adhesions, fibroids, and infection. Laparoscopy may be done after initial infertility tests do not show the cause for the infertility.' It is also done to check for and treat endometriosis. It is usually outpatient surgery - although done under local or general anesthesia - whereby you can go home the same day. Most people go back to feeling normal about 2-3 days after it's done. Of course, there are cases where nothing is found and infertility is still 'unexplained' or they possibly find something adverse like tubal damage being so bad that they still end up advising IVF. There has been instances where an HSG show open tubes but there is still damage to the tubes. Seems like that could happen after a bad infection. Also, it seems like some people have 'silent' infections that could cause damage too but no need to worry - that's probably rare. Some people get pregnant after doing the laparoscopy. I don't know what percentage though.

I have been doing baby aspirin and the steroid - dexamethasone for months girlie. Some months I even did lovenox/blood thinner injections during the I've tried almost everything... :). That's why I thought - the logical next steps are the lap, then IVF (if I can afford). Hopefully, I am pleasantly surprised with a BFP before it gets to that.

You 'kicked ass' and went out there and found the best treatment you could. That's awesome. I will look into finding an agency in my area that does intralipids. Regarding the progesterone, right now I am doing 200mg orally morning and evening starting 3dpo. The RE I had seen in NY had recommended waiting for a BFP first and then doing suppositories/vaginally - 200mg in morning & 400mg at night so different REs has different prescriptions. I was of the impression that it's use should be consistent though so that you don't have a significant drop of the levels in your body since there's concern that - that could cause miscarriage so I don't like the idea of every other day but your RE would know better of course. Take care and all the best for this cycle!!

Have a great weekend ladies!!

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